Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Strategy/Measure Green building and REN building application development promotion in Chengdu City: Chengdu Sector/field affected Green Building/ low carbon/ renewable energy (REN) Type of project General project description Planning, fiscal support, technology innovation, public awareness and information policies Since 11th Five Year Plan period (2005-2010), Chengdu has taken great efforts in the field of improving energy saving in buildings, and green 1 building as well as REN building application are core elements in this respect. There have been strong policy guidance/push and support 2 provided by central government and Sichuan provincial government such as Sichuan Green Building Evaluation Standards (2012), Sichuan 12 FYP on Building Renewable Energy Application (2012), and Sichuan Green 3 Building Action Implementation Plan (2013) . Since being nominated as one of the first national REN building application pilot cities in China in 2010 and its Shuangliu county becoming national REN building application pilot county, Chengdu has accelerated its work in promoting green building and REN building application. Besides getting fiscal support from the central government, Chengdu has been making efforts from municipal level. Chengdu introduced a series of supportive policies and action plans, including: Chengdu Municipal Building Energy Efficiency Management Regulations (2005- ongoing) Chengdu Ecological Residential District Evaluation Index System (2005- ongoing) Chengdu Building Energy Efficiency 11 FYP (2005-2010) Chengdu Building Energy Efficiency 65% Demonstration Projects’ Design Code (2005- ongoing) Chengdu Building Renewable Energy Application Demonstration City Implementation Plan (2010) Chengdu Building Renewable Energy Application Resource Assessment (2011) Chengdu Building Renewable Energy Application 12 FYP Special Plan (2011-2015) Chengdu Building Energy Efficiency 12 FYP (2011-2015) Chengdu 12 FYP on Energy Saving of Public Institutions (2011- 1 Green building is the buildings that maximize conservation of resources (energy, land, water, materials, including use of LED green lighting products) over the life circles, through technological progress and scientific management, to protect the environment, reduce pollutions, provide people with healthy, suitable and efficient use of space and architecture in harmony with nature. 2 National policies and supports include: Green Building Evaluation Standards (2006), Management Measures for Green Building Evaluation Labelling (Trial) (2007), Detailed Technical Guide for Green Building Evaluation (Trial) (2007), Detailed Implementation Guide for Innovative Green Buildings Awards (2010) and Assessment Standards for Innovative Green Buildings (2010), Guide for Green Industry Building Evaluation (2010) and Evaluation Standards for Green Construction of Building Projects (2010), and one industry standard, namely Design Codes for Green Design of Civil Buildings (2010), Detailed Technical Guide for Green Hospital Buildings, and began to update the Green Building Evaluation Standards (2011), Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Application of Renewable Energy in Buildings (2011), Notice on Accelerating the Application and Scale- up of Solar Water Heating Systems (2011), and Notice on the Organization of the Annual Program of Integrated PV Buildings Demonstration Projects in 2012 (2012), Green Building Evaluation Standards (revised version, 2013). 3 1/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Strategy/Measure Green building and REN building application development promotion in Chengdu 2015) A series of guidelines on ground heat pump system promotion (2012- ongoing): operation and management specification, system quality testing specification, system performance and engineering assessment standard, etc. Implementation of demonstration projects 4 o Chengdu Building Energy Saving Center 5 Approach/ Methodology Related target 4 5 6 7 8 9 o Green Residential Buildings : Three star buildings: Landsea Green Blocks Building#1-4,6-8 朗诗绿色街区 1-4、6-8 号楼, Vanke Wulongshan Park, Building H Lot A Section 1-32 万科 五龙山公园 H 地块 A 段 1-32 号楼 Two star buildings: Blu-ray · Residence 1881 蓝光·公馆 1881, Olympic Village in Chengdu 成都国奥村, Chengdu Sino-Energy-Saving · New Times Square 成都中节能·新时代广场, Green Brocade Tianfu 绿地锦天府 One star buildings: Vantone · Redwall International 万通·红墙国际, Vantone · Taurus New Metropolis 万通·金牛新都会 Demonstration counties and towns: Shuangliu county, Pujiang county’s 6 Shouan town and Xinjin county’s Xingyi town Ecological Residential Districts pilots: Riverside Impression―河滨印象‖, Jinling Peninsula―金陵半岛‖, Royal Garden―御都花园‖, Colorful Flowers ―七彩 7 花都‖, and Long Jin Hui Yuan ―龙锦慧苑‖ Building Energy Saving pilots: Jin Xi Min Yuan 锦西民苑, Chun Yang Garden 纯阳花园 (50000 m2), Cui Yong Tian Di 翠拥天地 (1600 m2), Guo Yi 8 Ao Xiang―国—澳乡‖ (600 m2), etc Provide policy and fiscal support (subsidies) from national, provincial and municipal government Improve government supervision and labelling system: building life cycle energy assessment and supervision; strict implementation of relevant policies and regulations; strengthen the building energy examination, review and monitoring; implementing labelling system of building energy-saving materials, equipment and facilities; enhance on-site management and supervision, comprehensively implementing the building energy efficiency labelling system. Further advance policy framework and specify technical standards 9 Technology collaboration and international cooperation Provide relevant information and public education By the end of 2015, to reach REN building application area of 5 million m2 (409 km2 by 2009) Comprehensively promote green buildings in the Tianfu New 2/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Strategy/Measure Green building and REN building application development promotion in Chengdu District planning and construction Expected impact Period affected/timeline Target group Initiator/responsible institution Service Provider Much more green buildings and REN application projects developed in Chengdu More capacity of the whole industry chain of green building and REN application in Building More positive and active attitudes among real estate companies and public toward green buildings and REN application In buildings Initial phase: 2006 - 2010 Accelerating phase: 2011 - 2015 Building design institutes Real estate companies Building construction companies Building materials suppliers Consumer associations House buyers/owners Banks The Municipal Government of Chengdu Chengdu Urban and Rural Construction Commission Chengdu Promoting the Application of Renewable Energy In Buildings Leading Group Chengdu Renewable Energy Demonstration Project Management Office Chengdu Urban and Rural Construction Commission 10 Chengdu Building Energy Saving Center Sichuan Provincial level: Sichuan Provincial Construction Technology Development Center Sichuan Provincial Academy of Building Research Sichuan Green Building Label Working Committee Sichuan Real Estate Association Sichuan Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture Other parties involved Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau Identified drivers National programs and policies on green building and REN application in buildings Subsidy provided by central, provincial and municipal governments Related technology and capacity are improving Chengdu’s renewable application conditions (particularly geothermal sources) High cost and financing constrictions Lack of incentive for real estate companies Higher requirements for design, planning and construction of buildings Awareness among real estate/building developers and the public quite low Lack of skilled green building construction workers Energy service companies still in early stage and lack of capacity Identified barriers 10 3/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Strategy/Measure Preparation/necessary data Cost of measure Green building and REN building application development promotion in Chengdu Building stock data and the restructuring requirements Urban plan and building site plans Building renewable source and application plans Building energy consumption data (life circle) Government financial budget For green buildings, real estate companies can get financial supports from the government National government subsidy: for a two star level building a project developer can receive 45 RMB/m2, and 80 RMB/m2 for the 3 star level 11 building (MOHURD and MoF, 2012) Over 2006 and 2007, 7 demonstration projects received national subsidy 12 of 43.2 million yuan Sichuan Province Building Energy Efficiency Special Funds Management 13 Provisions: no details on supporting level available For renewable energy building application A benchmark subsidy of 50 million RMB per city (with the possibility to raise to maximum level of 80 million RMB) is provided to national RE application demonstration cities by channelling it through provincial government, over three years with 60% of the predicted budget in the first year and the rest according to real progress. The total amount is expected to be spent in two categories: real projects (>=90%) and 14 capacity building (MoF and MOHURD, 2009) Incentives have been given to developers of demonstration projects of RE 15 application in buildings (MoF and MOHURD, 2006) , developers of projects of solar PV application in buildings as well as producers of solar 16 PV products (MoF, 2009) . Since 2006, the central government has set up a special fund for RE application in buildings with specific core support areas (MoF and MOHURD, 2006). During 11th FYP period, Chengdu has utilized 15.43 million yuan national subsidies for building RE application projects, and achieved around 1 million m2 of areas. Municipal support (2013): Chengdu Renewable Energy Application in Buildings Demonstration Projects provisions specify the criteria and procedure for applying to be demonstration projects as well as the 17 financial support: Financial source: central government special funds and local movement’s matching funds Way and level of subsidies: grants, awards and subsidies loans. Grants are provided based on area size, in principle no more than 50 Yuan/ m 2. For R&D investment, during 11th FYP period, Chengdu government invested over 30 million yuan in a series of R&D projects. 11 13 14 15 19_24660.html 16 17; 12 4/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Strategy/Measure Financing Investor Internet links (if available) Contact institution Green building and REN building application development promotion in Chengdu Central, provincial and municipal government Real estate companies Banks House buyers (some cost pass on to the prices for end users) Chengdu became one of the first national REN building application pilot cities in China, 2010: Sichuan Province has made great progress in REN building application, 2011: Promote green building development in Chengdu via REN building application work, 2011: Chengdu promote building energy efficiency in a solid manner, 2011: Chengdu green building sales grows as policy support getting Improved, 2012: What are the challenges in promoting green buildings, 2013: China strongly promotes green buildings, and Chengdu market in a touch situation, 2013: Chengdu Urban and Rural Construction Commission WEB: Tel: ++86 28 86632515 5/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Assessment matrix Effective direction (target group) Effective direction Public Households / private investors 5 (technical) Energy 2 efficiency Renewable 2 energy Low 2 carbon Changing 2 activity Other 4 (living quality) Degree of efficiency (scores 1-6: the Industry Administration Other stakeholders 1 1 - 5 1 1 - 5 1 1 - 3 1 1 - 4 - - - higher the number the stronger the measure) SWOT Analysis Strengths Internal factors 18 Weakness 19 ctors nalfa Exter 18 More motivation of real estate companies and demonstration projects’ developers Improve the institutional capacity of authorities and market players Policy framework, standards and fiscal policies get more detailed and advanced Integral approach - takes other aspects e. g. water into account Cost is still too high and incentive not enough Researchers estimate the added cost of green buildings is: 96.4, 276 and 470 yuan/m2 for one to three stars, accounting for the overall cost of building 3%-4%、6%-7%、8%-9% and government subsidies Opportunities are not enough to fill the gap. Lack of attractiveness for real estate and end users Very few players interested in the field End user buy-in quite low: some survey showed 50% would favor 19 normal building to green building due to price differences ; overall, the benefits of green buildings are seen as ―long-term‖ and ―invisible‖ Administration approach in form of government-led subsidy and lack of market-based incentive e.g. engage private banks to provide innovative financial products/serves Lack of quality check and life-circle monitoring of the demonstration and subsidized projects Strong push and support from national government Existing experience in Sichuan and Chengdu Co-benefits of green buildings with regards to environment quality, 6/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion SWOT Analysis Threats Improvements health and living quality etc. Existing and clear policies and technical standards Awareness raising of low carbon life and green building Tianfu New District is under large-scale development (planning and design) Variation of implementation of the policies among different regions Uncertainty of supporting policy and subsidy schemes Low energy price Provide longer term reliable supporting policy at all levels More targeted awareness raising to show the feasibility and benefits of green buildings, using modern technologies such as IT; effective trainings to designers, constructers and operators Business and financing model innovation for real estate and end customers (via involve banks) Life circle monitoring of the performance 7/8 Chengdu – Green building and REN building application development promotion Imprint Authors: Sigrid Lindner, Lina Li, Astrid Müller (Ecofys) Contributors: Zhang Chu (Germanwatch/E3G), Dirk Rommeney (Germanwatch), Shin Wei Ng (E3G), Sabrina Schulz (E3G) Editing: Dirk Rommeney (Germanwatch) Contact: [email protected] Publisher: Germanwatch Dr. Werner Schuster Haus Kaiserstr. 201 53113 Bonn Germany E3G, Third Generation Environmentalism Neue Promenade 6 10178 Berlin Germany P: +49 (0) 228 60492-0 F: +49 (0) 228 60492-19 E: [email protected] I: P: +49 (0) 30 2887 3405 E: [email protected] I: Date: June 2014 Funded by 8/8
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