Center of Applied Chemistry Institute of Technical Chemistry Innovation cluster Refinement of plant resources Callinstr. 5, 30167 Hannover, Germany Fusion protein and solubility enhancing strategies for heterologous expression of novel plant sesquiterpene synthases S. Hartwig , T. Frister , T. Scheper , S. Beutel 1 1 Introduction 1 Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany Cloning of protein expression plasmids The plant Vetiveria zizanoides grows natively in Madagascar and is reknown for its pleasant vetiver oil, consisting mainly of khusimol and a-/b-vetivone. Although no terpene cyclase catalyzing the formation of these two components is known to date, a cDNA sequence coding for their precursor (+)-zizaene (GenBank HI931360) was identified earlier [2], but no further data describing the enzyme was published up to date. The sequence was carefully codon optimized, synthesized as two indepent double-stranded DNA strings, and cloned into expression vectors using a modified Gibson-assembly [3] approach. Constructs were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3) competent cells to utilize the T7Promoter and cspA-Promoter (cold shock protein A) driven protein expression. Fig. 3 Root systems of two cultivars of V. zizanoides, grown and harvested in Madagascar. 1 );D?VLWH ]L]DHQHV\QWKDVHFR (FR 5, &OD , %OS , %DP +, ;KR , 3VS ;, & 1 SRO\+,6 );D?VLWH ]L]DHQHV\QWKDVHFR ODF?, 6IR , 1DU , .DV , S(7EKLV);D=,=$FR ESV $FF, %VW, 7WK , 7?SURPRWHU 6QD %, $OZ 1, (DJ , $PS?UHVLVWDQFH %VP , (FR 2, 0OX , %VW (,, 3VS 20, $SD , %VV +,, +SD , )VS $, %JO , 1UX , (DJ , 3VK $, Fig. 4 Plasmid map and schematic representation of the pET vector construct utilizing T7 promoter for protein expression. %JO , 3SX 0, 1FR , 6W\, )VS $, 6DS , 6802?IXVLRQ 3VL , (FR N, 6DF, $FF, .SQ , $EV, 3VS ;, ;KR , %DP +, (FR 5, +LQ G,,, $FF, 6DO , %VS 0, ;ED , 1FR , S(76802KLV6802FY=,=$FR ESV 6QD %, (DJ , Enzymatic production of (+)-zizaene Fig. 2 Chemical structure of the sesquiterpene (+)-zizaene Expression and purification of the recombinant synthase Expression experiments using the His-tagged construct (pET16b) yielded no detectable soluble protein production, even during low temperature cultivations. In contrast, both the cspA-Promoter driven induction as well as fusion to a ubiquitin-modifier moeity resulted in strong and efficient soluble expression of the plant enzyme in E. coli. The relatively low cultivation temperatures (15 °C) needed for cspA induction slow down the protein translation machinery in the organism, so that proper folding is possible. The SUMO domain is highly soluble in E. coli and was shown previously to enable and enhance the solubility of fusion partners attached to the N-terminus [4]. Purification was performed on a sepharose column decorated with Ni2+ (GE Healthcare HiTrap™ IMAC FF 5 ml), using a two elution step method. Both enzymes were successfully purified as shown by SDS-PAGE analysis and western blots of the corresponding fractions. Fig. 8 Western Blot using His-epitope antibody, (A) elution fraction of purified pColdI::Ziz(co) raw extract. (B) elution fraction of purified pETSUMO::Ziz(co) raw extract. Fig. 7 SDS-PAGE showing purification steps of zizaene synthase by use of Ni2+ based IMAC method. Using (A) pColdI-construct (theor. MW = 66 kDa). (B) pETSUMO-construct (theor. MW = 77.4 kDa). RE = raw extract, FT = flow through frac., WF = wash fractions, EF = elution fractions, UF = after dialysis/ultrafiltration using a MWCO of 10,000 Da 7?WHUPLQDWRU .DQ?UHVLVWDQFH 'UD ,,, 3VL , $OZ 1, $VL 6, 3YX , $YD , 6PD , ;PD , Fig. 6 Plasmid map and schematic representation of the SUMO fusion construct used in this study. E. coli BL21(DE3) pColdI::Ziza(co) 50 µM FPP 1 h @ 30 °C intensity [mV] Bioconversions of the substrate farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) were carried out in ml-scale batch reactions using purified zizaene synthase enzyme (elution fractions). The liquid phase consisting of buffer, enzyme, and substrate were overlaid by isooctane to yield a two-phase system. Optimal reaction conditions were pH 7.0, 1h @ 30 °C. After a short extraction process, the upper organic phase was analyzed by GC-FID and compared to standard sesquiterpene compounds. Both recombinant enzymes were active and produced (+)-zizaene from FPP. +LQ G,,, 7WK , %VW , $FF , 6DS , 3FL , 6FD , Fig. 5 Plasmid map and schematic representation of the construct utilizing the cspA promoter for cold shock induction. %VU *, %VD , =,=BFR?&'6 3VK $, S&ROG,KLV);D=,=$FR ESV 3FL , ODF?RSHUDWRU ODF?, =L]BFR?&'6 & $IO ,, (FR 5, 0IH , $OZ1, ]L]DHQHV\QWKDVHFR +,6?WDJ %VU *, $PS?UHVLVWDQFH &9 1UX , 7(( ODF?, 6802 0OX , 3VS 20, $SD , )DFWRU;D?VLWH 3VS 20, $SD , 6SK , SRO\+,6 7?SURPRWHU 0OX , $IO ,,, 6FD , =,=FR?&'6 +LV?WDJ 1 +LV?WDJ (FR 1, $DW,, =UD , %VD , $KG , )DFWRU;D?VLWH & FVS$?SURPRWHU 7?WHUPLQDWRU 1 Plant essential oils consist mainly of terpenoids, which are used extensively by the fragrance industry in everyday personal care products and costly perfumes. The extraction process of the relevant plant source material is often laborious, unreliable and cost demanding. Biotechnology enables new approaches to interesting terpene compounds. We over-expressed a plant enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of (+)-zizaene, an interesting and valuable precursor to a-vetivone, in a recombinant E. coli host. As the class of plant sesquiterpene synthases are considered hard-to -express in a soluble form, different solubility enhancing strategies were evaluated in this study. The recombinant enzyme catalyzed the production of (+)-zizaene from farnesyl pyrophosphate. Fig. 1 Putative structure of recombinant zizaene synthase, modelled by use of the I-TASSER algorithm [1] SRO\+,6 1 E. coli BL21(DE3) pETSUMO::Ziza(co) 50 µM FPP 1 h @ 30 °C Discussion and Outlook This study shows, how important the choice of strain and fusion tag strategy is when expressing eukaryotic genes in a prokaryotic host. Fusing a modified ubiquitin moeity to the sesquiterpene synthase significantly increased the yield of soluble enzyme while retaining its activity. In addition, use of a cspA controlled induction at very low temperatures was able to increase expression levels. An IMAC-based Ni2+ chromatography step, exploiting a N-terminal His-Tag epitope, produced high amounts of purified (> 90 %) enzyme. In GCFID analysis of batch bioactivity assays, (+)-zizaene could be identified as the only product resulting from cyclization of FPP. Further studies will be undertaken to characterize kinetic parameters of the novel synthase. zizaene Literature E. coli BL21(DE3) no insert control 50 µM FPP 1 h @ 30 °C retention time [min] Fig. 9 GC-FID chromatograms showing bioactivity assays of the two different zizaene synthase constructs. QR Code for direct PDF download: [1] Roy et al., Nat. Protoc. (2010), 725-738 [2] Schalk et al., Patent US2012/0021475A1 [3] Gibson et al., Nat. Methods (2009), 343-345 [4] Marblestone et al., Protein Sci. (2006), 182-189 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Prof. Berger and Dr. Krings (Institute of Food Chemistry, University Hannover) for assistance with terpene analytics. This work was funded by the European Union as part of the EFRE (European Regional Development Fund) project „Refinement of plant resources“ (ZW 8-80130940).
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