Theme: Representation in film Film: Schwarzfahrer Length of course: four weeks Specific learning objectives Literacy Reading For meaning: Authorial perspective Compare texts Readers and texts Understanding the author’s craft: Interpretations of text Author’s standpoint Rhetorical device Study of literary texts: Analyse scenes Different cultural contexts Writing: Plan, draft and present: Exploratory writing Formal essay Imagine, explore, entertain: Narrative techniques Creativity in non-literary texts ‘Infotainment’ Poetic form and meaning Inform, explain, describe: Explain connections Descriptive detail Persuade, argue, advise: Influence audience Analyse, review and comment: Balanced analysis Cite textual evidence ■ Messages and Values: ■ Use keywords to discuss and evaluate ideological messages in mainstream FVT texts ■ Describe and account for different levels of realism in FVT texts Explain relationships between aesthetic style and social and political meaning ■ Film Language ■ Explain how FVT styles and narrative forms can relate to authors, production context, social and cultural context ■ Use film language to construct moving image narratives Identify and describe the contributions of different skills in a FVT text Moving image Explore the concept of representation and how this may influence audiences through film texts Develop competency and fluency in their formal essay writing when writing to analyse, review and comment Be able to identify and explore the cultural and political issues that inform and help create meaning in texts Use key technical terms to explore and analyse specific scenes (in preparation for SAT’s study techniques Aims: Students will ■ ■ ■ ■ Speaking and Listening Speaking: Compare points of view Analyse bias Identify underlying issues Listening: Group discussion and interaction: Considered viewpoint Group organisation Drama: Compare interpretations Convey character and atmosphere Critical evaluation Producers and Audiences: ■ Describe and explain how authors, genres and stars are meaning-bearing systems and how they can be used to market FVT ■ Identify and describe some of the ways in which FVT institutions relate to social, cultural and political contexts ■ Describe the economic organisation of FVT institutions and the relationship between producers, distributors, exhibitors and audiences 1 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts Sequence Discuss and define representation Write ‘Urban Life’ poem Explore mise en scène Week 1: ■ ■ ■ Week 2: Essay Task: How does the film create the impression of a busy, urban life in the early scenes of the station? Discuss the issues involved in the film; racism, immigration, unemployment, youth, old age ■ ■ Week 3: Using dialogue from the film write the old lady’s monologue Write the black youth’s monologue ■ ■ Week 4: Extended essay task: Compare the representation of the youth and the elderly in Schwarzfahrer ■ Extension: Using current tabloid and broadsheet newspapers compare the representation of immigrants in the British press ■ 2 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts Speaking and listening Week 1 Writing Homework/extension Moving image Plenary Reading Development Discuss the different readings of the film. Do all films have meanings that are constructed? What groups did the students observe in the film? Word/sentence Introduction How does the way certain groups in society are represented by film influence audiences? Show Schwarzfahrer and ask students to discuss their readings of the film. Discuss the organisation of these words into an ‘establishing vocabulary’. Organise the word bank into sections that describe settings, characters etc Poetic form and meaning Descriptive detail Resources What does representation mean? Ask students in pairs to define the meaning of the concept and write this onto card for future reference. (See notes on representation) Revisit the film – watch until the moped rider boards the tram. As the students watch ask them to write down adjectives and descriptive phrases to describe what they see. Terminology for analysis Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Other: card Return to the definition cards, ask the students to reconsider their original ideas. What groups are apparent in the film: black/white /old/young others? Readers and texts Interpretation of texts Analysis of scenes Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Other: definition cards from the previous lesson Student task: write a poem, using the word bank, titled: ‘Urban Life’. Explain how FVT styles and narrative forms can relate to authors, production context, social and cultural context Use keywords to discuss and evaluate ideological messages in mainstream FVT texts Identify and describe some of the ways in which FVT institutions relate to social, cultural and political contexts Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Recap on the word bank exercise from the previous lesson and ask for examples of effective vocabulary. Read examples of successful work and discuss how meaning can be transferred from film to poem. Discuss: Do students only use visual clues or do they gain meaning from sound? Are students merely describing what they see or do their words imply meaning and value judgements based on what they have seen? Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Ensure the difference between editing and camera angles is understood. Discuss the areas of interest the students have found. Compare points of view Identify underlying issues Considered viewpoint Convey character and atmosphere 1 2 3 4 Discuss the creation of mise en scène. Ask the students to focus on the establishing shot and the arrival of the passengers at the station. Discuss the use of camera angles, sound and editing. Watch the film to the same point again. Ask the students to note down how the overall effect is established and what other camera techniques are used up until the tram is boarded. Using the information that has been researched during the lesson, prepare an information grid that gives examples of specific camera angles and editing. Discuss how the director creates the impression of a busy station and the isolated way that people go about their daily lives. 3 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts Week 2 Speaking and listening Moving image ■ Discuss the findings of the class as a whole. Do the issues of racism and immigration arise? Did anyone perceive the different representation of youth and old age? How were these representations created? Complete the essay and write into best for homework. Homework/extension Writing Plenary Reading Development Word/sentence Introduction ■ Poetic form and meaning Descriptive detail Resources Essay task: How does the film create the impression of busy, urban life in these scenes? Discuss essay structure and relevant material. Read sections of some of the drafted work, explaining what is successful about the chosen essays. Encourage students to discuss ways to improve their work. Terminology for analysis Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Show Schwarzfahrer again asking the students to focus on the arrival at the station scenes. Recap on formal use of connectives and terminology for analysis. Students begin drafting the main sections of their essays, focusing on the ‘Point, Evidence, and Explanation’ model of analytical writing. Explain how FVT styles and narrative forms can relate to authors, production context, social and cultural context Use keywords to discuss and evaluate ideological messages in mainstream FVT texts Identify and describe some of the ways in which FVT institutions relate to social, cultural and political contexts Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Recap on the essay task in progress and the need for formal writing structures. Show the film again to give students the opportunity for final note-taking. Continue with drafting the essays, again ensuring that formal structures are followed. Discuss the final stages of the drafted essays, reading examples of successful work so that students can see how to redraft particular areas of their work. Compare points of view Identify underlying issues Considered viewpoint Convey character and atmosphere Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Reiterate the positive examples from the previous lesson and revisit the film to refresh the students’ memory. Discuss: ■ Introduction ■ Camera angles Editing Representation of urban life Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Readers and texts Interpretation of texts Analysis of scenes 5 6 7 8 Show the film from where the Black man boards the tram. Ask the students to discuss in groups what they consider the two main issues in the film to be. Allow 10–15 minutes for a group discussion that culminates in minipresentations of ideas and findings with examples from the film to support their views. Students to take notes. 4 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts Week 3 Development Plenary Speaking and listening Identify underlying issues Compare interpretations Convey character and atmosphere Introduction Discuss how the audience is manipulated in the film. Why do we feel unsympathetic towards the old woman? What resonances of cultural, political issues are there? Recap on representation: does the film fairly represent older people? Writing Narrative techniques Descriptive detail Influence audience Resources Watch the section from where the black youth boards the tram until the end, again. As they watch ask the students to write down what the old lady says. Hand out copies of the woman’s monologue Look at the statements the woman makes. What do these tell us about her? Ask the students to annotate each statement, indicating what they believe it means. To what extent does what she says represent her age group? Does anyone agree with her? Why does the director intercut shots of the other passengers? Read extracts from the monologues, again compare representations of his character – are they similar? Write out the monologues on A3 paper and connect some of the sentences to shots of the man in the film: how do we read his facial expressions? Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Redraft monologues and write into best for homework Homework/extension Moving image Explain how FVT styles and narrative forms can relate to authors, production context, social and cultural context Use film language to construct moving image narratives Identify and describe the contributions of different skills in a FVT text Use keywords to discuss and evaluate ideological messages in mainstream FVT texts Describe and account for different levels of realism in FVT texts Explain relationships between aesthetic style and social and political meaning Identify and describe some of the ways in which FVT institutions relate to social, cultural and political contexts Describe the economic organisation of FVT institutions and the relationship between producers, distributors, exhibitors and audiences Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Other: handout of woman’s monologue Review the same section of the film, this time focusing on the character of the young Black man. What adjectives would describe his behaviour? Ask students to write his monologue, focusing closely on how they think the filmmaker would want him to feel and ensuring their reading of his character matches his representation on screen. This could be based on his responses to the woman’s statements Two or three pairs perform their monologues. Discuss whether this changes how audiences might view the characters Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Review both monologues. Divide students into pairs Student challenge: to prepare a performance of the monologues, as if both were speaking to themselves side-by-side, to create an interesting juxtaposition of their thoughts Word/sentence Reading Integrated Authorial speech perspective reference and Compare quotation texts Interpretatio n of texts Rhetorical device 9 10 11 12 Having analysed her speech discuss what else the students have learned about the old woman from looking at the film in detail. Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Other: A3 paper ■ ■ Focus on the old woman. Look at: ■ Facial expressions ■ Close-ups Reaction of others Editing Watch the film from beginning to end looking for ■ the representation of the elderly the representation of youth ■ 5 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts Week 4 Word/ sentence Plenary Speaking and listening Identify underlying issues Convey character and atmosphere Development Writing Narrative techniques Creativity in nonliterary texts Influence audience Introduction Reading Interpretation of texts Author’s standpoint Rhetorical device Resources Discuss what we have learned about the representation of youth in the film. How does it compare to the way the elderly are shown? Allow 10–20 minutes initial preparation then discuss progress/difficulties with the students. Ensure that they are aware of the necessity of using key terminology in their analysis. Read examples of successful analysis and discuss the techniques students have used to achieve this. Homework/extension Moving image Explain how FVT styles and narrative forms can relate to authors, production context, social and cultural context Use film language to construct moving image narratives Identify and describe the contributions of different skills in a FVT text Use keywords to discuss and evaluate ideological messages in mainstream FVT texts Describe and account for different levels of realism in FVT texts Explain relationships between aesthetic style and social and political meaning Identify and describe some of the ways in which FVT institutions relate to social, cultural and political contexts Describe the economic organisation of FVT institutions and the relationship between producers, distributors, exhibitors and audiences Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Watch the film again, focusing on the way that all young people are shown Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR Look carefully at the reactions of the other passengers. What are we asked to think about them? Focus on the closeups of characters’ eyes and eye contact. Discuss an essay plan with the students: ■ Introduction ■ Setting/location ■ Youth ■ Elderly ■ Mise en scène Students will continue to work on their formal essays, using both formal writing structures and key terminology. Discuss what the students have discovered in relation to the following statement: It takes good men to do nothing for evil to prosper. Why are the passengers silent at the end of the film? Focus on: ■ Facial expressions ■ Camera angles ■ Reaction of others ■ Editing ■ Sound. Punctuation for clarity and effect 13 14 Recap on the information and deductions regarding youth and the elderly. What issues were raised? 15 Essay task: Compare the representation of youth and the elderly in Schwarzfahrer. Remind students of the need for extended, subordinated clauses and appropriate punctuation to enhance meaning. Film: Schwarzfahrer Equipment: TV & VCR 16 Essay drafting and review of last lesson’s progress. Are there any misconceptions? Discuss any difficulties and view the film again. Compare the representation of immigrants in the British press using a tabloid and a broadsheet newspaper. 6 c bfi Education O Year 9 Scheme of Work – Schwarzfahrer Screening Shorts
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