DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL PALI ROAD, JODHPUR Near Kudi Haud, NH-65, Pali Road, Jodhpur | +91 8696969849 website : Syllabus 2014-15 Class - Prep Subject - English Syllabus Month March and April July Oral : Written : Activity : Oral Written Activity : : : Phonetic sounds Words with vowel sounds Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds Oral : Written Activity : : Phonetic sounds Revision of 'Aa-Dd' words Cursive exercises of 'Aa-Dd' letters Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds 'Aa-Dd' Colouring Activities based on letters 'Ee-Jj' Oral : Written Activity : : August September Revision of Phonetic sounds Revision of Capital and small letters Conversation Reading words with vowel sounds Aa-Zz Naming pictures Words with vowel sounds Puzzle Game Games to recognize vowels (Finger Puppets) Phonetic sounds Revision of Ee-Jj' words Cursive exercises of 'Ee-Jj' letters Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds 'Ee-Jj' Colouring Activities based on letters 'Ee-Jj' -1- Syllabus Month October November Oral : Written Activity : : Oral : Written Activity : : Oral : Written : Activity : Oral : Written : Oral : Written : December January February and March Phonetic sounds Revision of 'Kk-Oo' words Cursive exercises of 'Kk-Oo' letters Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds 'Kk-Oo' Colouring Activities based on letters 'Kk-Oo' Phonetic sounds Revision of 'Pp-Tt' words Cursive exercises of 'Pp-Tt' letters Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds 'Pp-Tt' Colouring Activities based on letters Pp-Tt' Phonetic sounds Opposites, Vowels, Sight words (Reading) Revision of 'Uu-Zz' words Cursive exercises of 'Uu - Zz' letters Opposites, Vowels Completing story Drill of rhyming words Activities to revise vowels Picture reading sheets based on phonetic sounds 'Uu - Zz' Colouring Activities based on letters 'Uu - Zz' Vowels Identify the pictures Rhyming words Vowels Name the pictures Rhyming words Big brother and Small brother in cursive (revision) Concept of A , An One-Many This-That,In-On,He-She Names of fruits and week, days Revision of work done throughout the year Concept of A, An One-Many Formation of simple sentences using This / That Formation of simple sentences using He / She Understanding preposition in / on Formation of simple sentences using in / on Revision of work done -2- fnYyh ifCyd Ldwy] ikyh jksM+] tks/kiqj okf"kZd ikB~;Øe %& 2014&2015 fo"k; % fgUnh d{kk % çsi eghuk ikB~;Øe ekpZ@vçSy ekSf[kd % v ls Å rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % v ls Å rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % v ls Å rd Lojksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk tqykbZ ekSf[kd % _ ls v% rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % _ ls v% rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % _ ls v% rd Lojksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk v ls v% rd fp=ksa ls lgh Lojksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ vxLr ekSf[kd % d ls M+ rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % d ls M+ rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % d ls M+ rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk d ls M+ rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ flrEcj ekSf[kd % d ls ´ rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % p ls ´ rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % p ls ´ rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk p ls ´ rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ vDVwcj ekSf[kd % d ls .k rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % V ls .k rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % V ls .k rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk V ls .k rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ uoEcj ekSf[kd % d ls u rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % r ls u rd] V ls u rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % r ls u rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk r ls u rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ fnlEcj ekSf[kd % d ls e rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr % i ls e rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % i ls e rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk i ls e rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ -3- eghuk ikB~;Øe tuojh ekSf[kd % d ls o rd v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k fyf[kr% ; ls o rd] i ls o rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl xfrfof/k % ; ls o rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk ; ls o rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ Qjojh@ekpZ ekSf[kd % d ls K rd vkSj J v{kjksa ls lEcfU/kr 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k v ls v% rd] d ls K rd nksgjkuA nks] rhu rFkk pkj v{kjksa okys 'kCnksa dk mPpkj.k vH;kl fyf[kr% 'k ls K rd rFkk J rd ds v{kjksa dk ys[kukH;kl v ls v% rd] d ls J rd ds v{kjksa dk nksgjku] fjDr LFkku fp= dks ns[kdj nks rFkk rhu v{kjksa ds vekf=d 'kCnys[ku] ljy okD; jpukA xfrfof/k % 'k ls K rd rFkk J rd O;atuksa ls vkjEHk gksus okys 'kCnksa ds fp= cukuk 'k ls K rd rFkk J rd fp=ksa ls lgh O;atuksa dh igpku rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ -4- DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL PALI ROAD, JODHPUR Near Kudi Haud, NH-65, Pali Road, Jodhpur | +91 8696969849 website : Syllabus 2014-15 Class - Prep Subject - Mathematics Units Month Oral March and April Written July Oral Written Oral August Written Oral Written September Oral Written October Activity : Recognition of numbers - 1 to 50 Shapes : Count and write Number writing- 1 to 50 Number value - 1 to 5 : Recognition of numbers - 51 to 60 : Count and write Number writing-51 to 60 ? Use of Flash cards and floor chart to make students recognize different numbers. ? Making different objects with the cut out in different shapes. ? Use of Flash card, floor chart and number meter for the recognition to understand Number value, Thumb printing and Pictorial expressions will be used. ? Use of Number cards for Oral drill. ? Tambola designed for small children will be played to improve their Recognition. Counting of beads will help in : Recognition of numbers - ? number value. 61 to 70,71 to 80 ,81 to 90 Outdoor activity to count pebbles : Number writing-61 to 70, ? and making heap of pebbles as per 71 to 80, 81 to 90 the number assigned. Missing numbers-21to 67 ? Activities related to shapes. : Recognition of numbers 51 to 90, 65 to 90 Revision of Shapes : Number writing - 51 to 90, 65 to 90 Missing numbers - 65 to 90 ? Making number slips and : Recognition of numbers 91 to 100 , 51 to 100 : Number writing - 91 to 100 , 51 to 100 Before, In between, After Backward counting -1 to 10 Number names - 1 to10 ? Snake and Ladder Activity. ? Pasting bind is to understand ? Number value. ? Activities related to shapes. -5- recognizing the same . ? Playing Tambola by cutting number at the Number call. ? Activities related to shapes. Units Month : Recognition of numbers 1 to 50, 51 to 100 : Number writing - 1 to 50, 51 to 100 ? Using number Calender for Written : Patterns >,< or = Number names - 1 to 10 ? Use of floor chart to give the Oral : Recognition of numbers 100 to 110 Revision of shapes : Number writing - 100 to 110 Addition (Single digit) ? Use of Snake and Ladder to revise Oral November Written December January February and March Activity Written Oral Written : Recognition of numbers 110 to 150 : Number writing - 110 to 150 Subtraction (Single digit) -6- Recognition. Concept of greater than and lesser than. numbers 1 to 100 and giving them. Concept of numbers bigger than 100. ? Learning Concept of addition and subtraction through Number line. ? Activities related to shapes. ? Making Clay balls and making garlands out them. ? To understand Number and Number value. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL PALI ROAD, JODHPUR Near Kudi Haud, NH-65, Pali Road, Jodhpur | +91 8696969849 website : Syllabus 2014-15 Class - Prep Subject - EVS Month April and May July Activity Units ? Keep your surroundings clean ? Myself ? My Family ? Best out of waste ? Hand, foot & thumb printing Activities ? Making of family tree ? Mother's Day Celebration ? Making of Book marks ? Our Home ? Types of Houses ? Healthy meals and Junk food ? Making of Book marks ? Make a house ? Collect pictures of healthy and junk food and paste them separately in the Scrapbook. ? Activities Related to healthy and junk food. ? Plants - Our food producers ? Animals ? Nature walk ? Collect and paste the pictures of animal products August ? Think and stick activities ? Rakhee making ? Knowing more about animals through different activities. September ? Stages of Germination ? Parts of a Plant ? Nature walk ? Best out of waste activity related to plants ? Water Animals ? Birds and Insects ? Home of Animals ? Smart class clips to show various water ? Animals, birds, insects and homes of animals. October ? Colouring and Craft activities related to animals and their homes November ? Safety Rules ? Sources of Water ? We Need Water For ? Practically demonstrating them how to follow traffic rules in the class. ? Collect pictures of the sources of water and paste them in the Scrap book. -7- Month December and January February and March Activity Units ? Festivals and Celebrations ? Decorating Christmas tree . ? Colouring our National flag ? Christmas and New year Celebration ? Revision of whole course ? Holi Celebration and activities to revise all the concepts done through out the year. -8- DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL PALI ROAD, JODHPUR Near Kudi Haud, NH-65, Pali Road, Jodhpur | +91 8696969849 website : Syllabus 2014-15 Class - Prep Poems/dfork,¡ Month fgUnh English ? çkFkZuk ? Hkkyw vk;k ? pkj dcwrj ? tqxuw HkkbZ ? Chubby Little Snowman March and April ? Once I Saw a Little Bird ? ukuh dk ?kj ? esjh vPNh ek¡ ? Clap Your Hands July ? My School ? o"kkZ ykvks cknyth ? dkSu ? The Big Eyed Owl August ? Monday's Child Poem ? Ducks on The Water September ? ?kM+h ? v[+kckj ? My Teacher ? fnokyh ? jke cM+s ohj Fks ? Animal Sounds October ? Ladybug Ladybug ? ekSlh vkbZ ? fcYyh vkSj pwgk ? The Circus November ? Right Big Fingers ? lCt+h okyk ? Mkfd;k vk;k ? MkWDVj ? I Saw a Rabbit December ? Merry Christmas ? fxurh&xhr ? ,d ls nl ? Down all the Bus Stop January ? Wee Willie Winkle ? Lojekyk ? esjh xqfM+;k ? xqfM+;k dk C;kg ? tkikuh xqfM+;k ? Three Froggies February ? Two Little Dicky Birds -9-
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