ic-914.1 sosnw • • am:swam-4 (3stfig-v) irlig sr- 3T-4W, 4 *Pm * 9127, 3fismasit, airir-a-47 — Q. 380015. 61x 7 ihI c4 77Z~Tr : File Nos : V2(52)/38 & 39/Ahd-I/2014-15 v> P\L\ Stay Appl.No. 23 & 24/2014-15 3alt &raft 4si1 Order-In-Appeal Nos. AHM - EXCUS - 001 - APP - 054 - 055 - 2014 - 15 ft-4rw Date : 22.09.2014 41 3114 4 drtrYff Date of Issue iii-31 6-63)1V all cm (314i-V) brdT 4re/7 Passed by Shri. Anil Kumar, Commissioner (Appeal-V) Assist./Deputy Commissioner, Th'If44 uuti STI, Div. I.,A1 bad - I sid it 311-48T 178/AC DIV.I/Reb./2013 - 14: 28.03.2014 & 179/ AC Div.I/Reb./2013 - 14 28.03.2014 71 Ii i Arising out of Order-in-Original Nos.178/AC Div.l/Reb./2013 - 14 dated 28.03.2014 & 179/ AC Div.I/Reb./2013 - 14 dated 28.03.2014 issued by Asstt. Commr., Gen_ Excise,Div.1,Ahmedabad-I. affiltWgt ITT 9'7fq Itui Name & Address of the Appellant / Respondent ASHIMA DYECOT LTD. Ahmedabad uTlao# c ar#-#1# 31117 ti afiftF 8-8TC 'IC 817917 311`411tr 3117 7111-7418T7T 31TCI8-Cl 8747I ch cq8I . 14-/dr t I 31742T 71ft 7:177Flt Ala Any person a aggrieved by this Order-In-Appeal may file an appeal or revision application, as the one may be against such order, to the appropriate authority in the following way : 4 -g-ntraTot 3rka-9' 1-N"1 Revision application to Government of India : ZTRT (1) --1 111 "trI 3TIErdIOTI, 1994 tE9-7 4118-1 31717ff . ug-tft get Vim aturff 4 10-47 tit Tht tt 877 4 1 14 NITIA 17T7I8I 71707k ftaI k1814, 181•I ra#Fr. . 1100o1 a1 4'1w-4t Trt# #NI?_#r if1)## tr# ###, #1#q ,H1.1. A revision application lies to the Under Secretary, to the Govt. of India, Revision Application Unit (i) Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, 4 l" Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001 under Section 35EE of the CEA 1944 in respect of the following case, governed by first proviso to sub-section (1) of Section-35 ibid : 'fief MR firer (ii) 1 1115797 7177-13 14037717 am: 4 ‘,#f #-# #lit 0877814 78 1 77t 717Y&4R 7I7 3Ki 9,17251 .1 7IT rth-81t 7 Hr+1 A 918) 71Ic4 . Ott ifSfet #17IfiR tf #10-tINI 7178 8ISI 17S-71f OW 114 Net m`t g1th-7# tuff # ftt #LT&TFR In case of any loss of goods where the loss occur in transit from a factory to a warehouse or to (ii) another factory or from one warehouse to another during the course of processing of the goods in a warehouse or in storage whether in a factory or in a warehouse. 97d- th qre () - (b) (# ) cR u-ortff 7N- Tri ntzr 7)- 1 -4116-0' 11117 11R Tin t 13tz Tfp,0 71 urn M ara7 f raP MIDI A 3-c[EnTr 71-7 t 7IT cits-r In case of rebate of duty of excise on goods exported to any country or territory outside India of on excisable material used in the manufacture of the goods which are exported to any country or territory outside India. S x3Mn cni R4r M aIrgIV (*it 71T 4779 ferof-a four 9z1I 11c1 ti (c) In case of goods exported outside India export to Nepal or Bhutan, without payment of duty. atrdiia aR ti1I itft1 tITRI 109 TT Tra-Fr tff'sz Mimi 8M TN. t 3)17 lrl art )," -MMI1MM 31-17M, 38811F M- 8T8T MOM t MmitT 9 18 TIT OK 4 fr4-- 3a4=4zpi (4.2) 1998 Tic •ri (d) Credit of any duty allowed to be utilized towards payment of excise duty on final products under the provisions of this Act or the Rules made there under and such order is passed by the Commissioner (Appeals) on or after, the date appointed under Sec.109 of the Finance (No.2) Act, 1998. MM1811 ‘30-11 ,1 811-1 (3110) fl 91ac11, 2001 M tMtfrf 9 M 31M4M - Mt 14P1 4T t-c-8 M a1 Mi'd-88 31110-1 M sly arra-s-r fftd. 1Th4-4 4Itr M 41-d7 rt-M-311[8181 tmt alltM MIMMT 8)--M1 M1M818 M eMai mI1H8 -rf8713 11 HP ULM t. mr TCM11818/t 31-Mtk tI171 35-3 4 qvilta met )1Trdt4 M Rtv MT8T taTR-6 TIIMIM 11r4 ft1 1 mft-c The above application shall be made in duplicate in Form No. EA-8 as specified under Rule, 9 of Central Excise (Appeals) Rules, 2001 within 3 months from the date on which the order sought to be appealed against is communicated and shall be accompanied by two copies each of the 010 and Order-In-Appeal. It should also be accompanied by a copy of TR-6 Challan evidencing payment of prescribed fee as prescribed under Section 35-EE of CEA, 1944, under Major Head of Account. (2) PlftN9- ttitc•i RUM M9 m1q at17 r t1. 81 , -1 888-181 \MU MIME M--17-M Mr ‘Itia cht1 vwq 1;4, ara ,xgrg-r dl MEP) 200/- thtti bra a1 1000/- m`l cbte The revision application shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs.200/- where the amount involved is Rupees One Lac or less and Rs.1,000/- where the amount involved is more than Rupees One Lac. 12r4r q4 MMTM18- 31-nt1 eri uR 2141-RAppeal to Custom, Excise, & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal. (1) *la ‘3011q-1 MWMI 311`81eMZPM 1944 MRT 35- 41- /35-1 M Under Section 35B/ 35E of CEA, 1944 an appeal lies to :(co) 7tfioNur 1MMMT a t3 ti4 1 ift tiFf 3. MR. rn. 881 MMTIMM -811 104- "r qd ela rw aft") emi (a) the special bench of Custom, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal of West Block No.2, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-1 in all matters relating to classification valuation and. NO a466f4a- tirte,- 2 (1) 44-r 31-M8M8 Si 31-dT8T 34n M 4ru0 4 4-1 1-4)rr Jett) kra' MlIcht 31118-"11 mfftf111MMTM R11 2) 1 uft81Mti E1-T1 nitf, 31881888881-M M 3M-20, Mt thM1M SIIMI 88f cbtqt3 11 M, MAT* -18t 31 -81T81W11 8-380016. (b) (2) To the west regional bench of Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) at 0-20, New Metal Hospital Compound, Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad : 380 016. in case of appeals other than as mentioned in para-2(I) (a) above. *-4M1 ■M1-118-1 8tech (37 C) IMMITIMA, 2001 th ei UM 6 M 3-1-8MM 819 -8- 3.M-3 Thtti-RM31-tFAM MIRTMOMMM a,R 8-1 3rtT M f afcfra. f C Trg 31[8111[ a R art srltafr T1'6-a era s 4 Hot aim 4 Ifin 387 c1 1 1HIT 9Vr Trfm z-).4e 5 WittITrr ‘itiM mw t M -88t tn 1lq 1000/- utcrti M1M-41 &MI1MetMry18s 1 111 4 1, Th"I ITEM 887 81 1 1Itli TT1MT MMIM 5 MIMI TIT 50 M1MF M'f Mgt 5000/- 4hitt7 t[Mmtt 8W11 M181 3MIT8 81 111 1 1, arrG1raj MPT 3f7t c1 4 1M1f •111F It(11 8T M4t1 so Mrty mf1 aaTT1 MIFMI t 8 1611 -Mm9q 10000/- thti 0 1 thtti )-rfr tII _qr M .),v 4 T4-0E) zb'1 ut141 1 1trd aTt 781-1M a-wr arrmfT Rat 4t13wa t t 8t-M 9I8M Tfr4)dPco e1 , a 4r4 4m alr The appeal to the Appellate Tribunal shall be filed in quadruplicate in form EA-3 as prescribed under Rule 6 of Central Excise(Appeal) Rules, 2001 and shall be accompanied against (one which at least should be accompanied by a fee of Rs.1,000/-, Rs.5,000/- and Rs.10,000/- where amount of duty / penalty / demand / refund is upto 5 Lac, 5 Lac to 50 Lac and above 50 Lac respectively in the form of crossed bank draft in favour of Asstt. Registar of a branch of any nominate public sector bank of the place where the bench of any nominate public sector bank of the place where the bench of the Tribunal is situated. rrft s-tt 311237 E 14 6,6 3ift* r arr XEITEZT Fldf E a tiell4 clef 31 66 lt-tE 1dr trett sat tut 111 rttfr ter cbti t-tt ete T‘T C3 atta ?Tr 4 XERThE6 lm a4 Ed ft- Tr trti t (3) 16533 firma EIT4061 o tztrita - 3t hr In case of the order covers a number of order-in-Original, fee for each 0.1.0. should be paid in the aforesaid manner not withstanding the fact that the one appeal to the Appellant Tribunal or the one application to the Central Govt. As the case may be, is filled to avoid scriptoria work if excising Rs. 1 lacs fee of Rs.100/- for each. (4) wryId4 x a1ted-681 1970 Ettl- E7E-t6fa- Th‘l 31-tft- -1 d5 31edd fttfiRt itt &TIN 3E61 311-336- 651 3-1813 ETIEMEE * 3lidaT E nl CF 33-4c 1 E4 r,6.50 h‘t 4T -614164 t6-a,2 E61 Ent 631E-6 I One copy of application or O.I.O. as the case may be, and the order of the adjournment authority shall a court fee stamp of Rs.6.50 paise as prescribed under scheduled-I item of the court fee Act, 1975 as amended. 3E6 Ttalltd *41-4 3311E9 -6j- (5) -ftEllEur me-1 8 Prison a9 att tr nut aln Ee14y6 airEA331 EST (416fEth) lThE3761, 1982E ftftt ti Attention in invited to the rules covering these and other related matter contended in the Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1982. (6) RIFF -sjElIthe 31111—A1a •- fli 1- 4) (f4-Rtz), srth artro'r trizO briar A* (Demand) 64 33 (Penalty) chi to% tr,4 ' 54:rr shier 30E454 t lgjsii , 31*W-enEt "EIT 10 '3/3 SVl 1994) ((Section 35 F of the Central Excise Act, 1944, Section 83 & Section 86 of the Finance Act, rdEff, 61T$1731717 4, i G4 *Fiat (Duty Demanded) - 4 3FET3 4013W 311-4" trai (1) (Section)th (ii) u (Hi) itatetftzfigefl'Dmi, 6 taratkrurst. t WOW 2Tfi1; i1 ?ra-6 Ala c .*fgz tt rift # awr Nitta' itr 7;ir toir arrflif cifim fitt *f24t# trA fatrr Trzrr For an appeal to be filed before the CESTAT, 10% of the Duty & Penalty confirmed by the Appellate Commissioner would have to be pre-deposited, provided that the predeposit amount shall not exceed Rs.10 Crores. It may be noted that the pre-deposit is a mandatory condition for filing appeal before CESTAT. (Section 35 C (2A) and 35 F of the Central Excise Act, 1944, Section 83 & Section 86 of the Finance Act, 1994) Under Central Excise and Service Tax, "Duty demanded" shall include: (i) amount determined under Section 11 D; (ii) amount of erroneous Cenvat Credit taken; (iii) amount payable under Rule 6 of the Cenvat Credit Rules. 3rr TI-41-1 6ET NAT t ukl areF wrfel*Tur t Twat- 016T ery artrar sty irt zug Fa -ariteg1 a1 Fia t Wu- am tra to scare - trr ath we 4.1of kug %mita fl as t tri% aprata tg tr ar tver ti In view of above, an appeal against this order shall lie before the Tribunal on payment of 10% of the duty demanded where duty or duty and penalty are in dispute, or penalty, where penalty alone is in dispute." Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 4 ORDER-IN-APPEAL The present appeals dated 09.06.2014 alongwith the stay applications have been filed by M/s Ashima Dyecot Ltd., Texcellence Complex, Khokhara-Mehmadabad, Ahmedabad (herein after referred to as the appellant') against 010 Nos. as detailed in the Table below (hereinafter referred to as the ''impugned orders") passed by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Div.1 Ahmedabad-((hereinafter referred to as the "adjudicating authority").The appellant are engaged in the manufacturing of Cotton Fabrics & Man Made Fabrics falling under Chapter No. 52 & 55 of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. Sr No 010 Nos. & Date Demand confirmed 1178/AC/Div.I/Reb/13-14 28.03.1435,66,936/i :179/AC/Div.I/Reb/13-14 28.03.14175,97,052/- 2. The appellant has exported Cotton bleached and Finished Fabrics of Ch. 52 so manufactured in their registered factory premises on payment of Central Excise duty at the rate specified in the Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 an filed Rebate claims in terms of Rule18 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002 read with Notification No. 19/2004- CE (NT) dtd. 06-09-2004. The appellant had been issued following Show Cause Notices mentioned at SI. No. 1 to 17 for recovery of erroneous sanctioned rebate claims total amounting to Rs. 75, 97,052/- under Section 11A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and Show Cause Notices at SI. No. 18 & 19 as to why rebate claims of Rs.1, 31, 095/- should not be rejected under Section 11B (1) of Central Excise Act, 1944. Vide various 010s as mentioned against each SCNs, it has been ordered to recover total amount of erroneous rebate of Rs. 75, 97, 052/- in respect of SCN at SI. No. 1 to 17 and rebate claims of Rs. 1, 31, 095/- has been rejected in respect of SCN at SI. No. 18 & 19. Sr No Show Cause Notice No Da I F/00-151/Reb/2009 29 03 11 2 V/10-152/Re4V20.0 9 29 03 11 3 ‘210-153/Reb12009 29 03 11 4 1 VI10-154)Reb/2009 29 03 11 5 42 10-1551Reb12009 ' VI10-1571ReN2009 I 8 3 4,95,4284 4.98 838/- 1 4,24.054- ! 4,70.5774 112/AGM& 11-12 28 11 1 113IACARebn 1-12 107/A2/RW11-12 114/ACIRe5/11-12 494,8431- 115/AC/Reb/11-12 \in o-ienew2aos 29 03 11 4 '93' 9961' 116/ACiReh/11-12 28 11 11 VII 0-164/Reb.200. 4,95.0738 II MC.)1264,11-12 4.225554 118/AC/Reb/11-12 29 03 11 V20-168Re412009 2903.11 11 4.98,838)- 424,0541- 4.70.577/- 28 11 11 4 43 ' 9961 28 11 11 4.22.5651- 28 11 4.95.5734 290 . 11 4420-1594Reb12009 4,95,428/- 2811.11 290.11 11 13 11 ITAC/Reb/11-12 28 11 11 4.83 122,2 28.1111 290311 12 109/Ac/Rebi11-12 28.11 11 4.90,371.1- V110-165,94412009 .e mend confirms 2811.11 29031/ V210 159:Feb/2009 1-1- 010 Na 8. Date 110/ACIReb211-12 213.11.11 29 03 11 _ 9 4 93,847I• 29 03 11 4/110-156)Re122209 6 r , 7 mount (Rs 11412.GRebi1 1-12 495,6734 281111 2,99,581)- 120.410Ret2 -12 28.11 11 2.99 5814 Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-l/201 4-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 5 4 V/10.01117e192010 2 76.1924 12133C/Reb11-12 3 1666985 122/AC/Red II-12 4,31.3184 123/AC/Re6/1112 70 n11 29 03 11 5 3/110-121Re0/2010 6 V/10-14/Re6e2010 2011.11 29 03 11 V/10-15 to 17 & 4,31.318/- 201111 11 29 03 11 464,8761- 103/ACARebll 1-12 4.64,876/- 2011.11 11 33IRed2010 29 03 11 IS 19 WI0-09/Re8d 1-12 140/AC/Reel 1.12 030011 11 16-12-11 V/10-10.Rebil 1-12 44,836/- 141/AC4Re9/11-12 44,036/- 16.12-11 16.12 11 TOTAL 3. 86.2598 77, 28. 1471. Against the above mentioned 010s passed by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-I, Ahmedabad, the appellant had preferred appeals before the Commissioner (Appeals- V), Central Excise, Ahmedabad. The said appeals filed by the appellant were rejected vide CIA No. 23 to 41/ 2012 (Ahd-1) CE/MM/Commr (A)/ Ahd dtd. 26-03-2012 by Commissioner(Appeal-V) by upholding the 010s confirming demand of erroneous sanctioned rebate claims of Rs. 75, 97, 052/- and also upholding two 010s whereby rebate claims of Rs. 1, 31, 095/- had been rejected. 4. Being aggrieved with above mentioned CIA, the appellant filed Revision Application under Section 35 EE of Central Excise Act, 1944 before the Joint Secretary to the Government of India who has issued an Order No. 331-349/2013-Cx dtd. 02-04-2013 remanding these cases back to original authority to decide the issue afresh keeping in mind observations made by R.A. and by considering case laws cited by the appellant in the matter. 5. Revision Authority has observed in his above order dtd. 02-04-2013 as under: (a) The lower authority viz. Assistant Commissioner observed while demanding erroneous sanctioned rebate claims that the assessee having not availed cenvat credit, were compulsorily required to avail complete exemption of duty under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-7-2004 and hence the export of goods after payment of duty under Notification No. 29/2004-CE dated 09-07-2004 was not correct. In this regard, it has been observed by Government that Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 grants partial exemption to goods manufactured and duty is chargeable @ 4% or 8% and Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-072004 grants full exemption from payment of duty subject to condition that no cenvat credit is taken on the inputs consumed in the manufacture of final products. The assessee could avail both the aforesaid Notifications simultaneously as clarified by CBEC vide Circular No. 795/28/2004-CX dtd. 28-07-2004 subject to maintenance of records separately for goods in respect of which benefit of Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 and benefit of Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 is availed. Further, CBEC issued a Circular No. 845/3/2006-CX dtd. 01-02-2007 for simultaneous availment of both the Notification and clarified that non-availment of credit on inputs is a precondition for full exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 means if manufacturers avail input cenvat credit, they would be ineligible for full exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004. However, CBEC further allowed availment of proportionate credit on the inputs utilized in the manufacture of goods cleared on payment of duty under Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004. Accordingly, matter is very crystal clear that option is with the manufacturer to avail or not to C\a t-i Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-1/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 6 avail cenvat credit on the inputs as the availment of cenvat credit is a beneficial scheme and there s nothing in the Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 for the manufacturer to compulsorily avail cenvat credit on the inputs. There is bar only on for availment of cenvat credit under Notification No. 30/2004-CE. dtd. 09-07-2004. Thus, it has been observed by Government that Assistant Commissioner's conclusion was not correct in holding that the assessee having not availed cenvat credit will have to opt for exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 and cannot pay duty under Notification No. 29/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004. Further, it has been observed that assessee has cited GOI Revision Orders in the case of Nahar Ind. Enterprises Ltd. 2012 (283) ELT 444 (G01) and Auro Spirming Mills 2012 (276) ELT 134 (G01) which were not considered by Assistant Commissioner while deciding said SCNs at all. (b) The lower authority viz. Assistant Commissioner observed while demanding erroneous sanctioned rebate claims that the assessee procured raw materials duty free under Advance Licence Scheme, DEEC Scheme and exported goods were manufactured from such duty free inputs. Onaccount of absence of duty paid nature of raw materials, assessee was not entitled to cenvat credit. Further, lower authority observed that assessee started to avail full exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 from 16-01-2006 and therefore credit available in their account as on 16-01-2006 would lapse in terms of Rule 11 (3) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004. Thus, it was concluded by lower authority that lapsed amount of credit had been utilized for discharge of duty under Notification No. 29/2004CE dtd. 09-07-2004 on exported. goods with a view to encash already lapsed cenvat credit on account of availment of full exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07- 2004. Lower authority also observed. that assessee could not pay duty from their Deemed Cenvat Credit Account once they opted for full exemption as Deemed Cenvat Credit Scheme was withdrawn from 01-04-2003. In this regard, it was observed by the Government in this Revision Order that said assessee submitted that they reversed an unutilized balance of Deemed credit of Rs. 28, 43, 967/- on 01-.04-2003 and thereafter credit was eamed by procurement of various raw materials on duty paying documents which was lying unutilized. Further, it has been observed that lower authority has not given clear finding on the aspect whether Cenvat credit lying in balance was availed on the basis of proper duty paying documents that is required to be verified from relevant records to arrive at proper & just conclusion. Government has also observed in said Order that assessee availed cenvat credit during 01-09-2004 to 16-01-2006 on raw materials and cleared their goods on payment of duty for home consumption and cleared their goods under bond for export that resulted into accumulation of cenvat credit due to fact that accrued credit was not claimed for refund under Rule 5 of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004. The assessee opted for full exemption with effect from 17-01-2006 under Notification No. 30/2004-CE dtd. 09-07-2004 and reversed proportionate credit on goods lying in balance. Even after reversal of proportionate amount on goods lying in factory on 16-01-2006, assessee was having balance in their Cenvat account. These factual details were not controverted by lower authority. Regarding lapse of unutilized balance of cenvat credit in terms of Rule 11(3) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, assessee has relied upon judgements of Hon'ble Karnataka High Court's Order dtd. 1104-2001 on CEA No. 109 of 2009 in case of CCE, Bangalore-II Vs. Gokaldas Intimate Wear reported in 2011 9270) ELT 351 (Kar.), CESTAT order in case of CCE Bangalore-II Vs. Mother Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014 - 15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014 15 - 7 Diary 2009 (245) ELT 413 (T- Bang) and CCE Chandigarh Vs. Saboo Alloys Pvt. Ltd. 2008 (228) ELT 422 (T-Delhi) and contended that Rule 11 (3) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 inserted w.e.f. 01-03-2007 vide Notification No. 10/07-CE (NT) dtd. 01-03-2007 and therefore its provision cannot be made applicable to impugned cenvat credit balance as on 1601-2006. It has been clearly held in above judgments that said Rule 11 (3) came into effect from 01-03-2007 and effect of the same is prospective. In this regard, Government has observed that above judgments were not considered by lower authority while passing orders that require to be considered before coming to any conclusion. 6. I find that in another case, the appellant were issued three Show Cause Notices by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-I, Ahmedabad-I as to why rebate claims should not be rejected under Section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 on the grounds (i) that the credit utilized for the payment of duty on export goods was not available to the manufacturer under Rule.11 of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 and (ii) that no justification of their claims on the basis of deemed credit under Notification No. 6/2006-CE (NT) dtd 01-032002. Show Cause Notice F.NO. & Date mount of Sr. No. rebate 3,82,502/- 1 V/10-134/Reb/09 dtd. 10-03-2010 2 V/10-144 to 146/Reb/09 dtd. 16-03 74,11,568/- 3 r-do-- 4,81,975/- ;-do-- 4,86,755/- 1V/10-123-130/Reb/09 dtd. 5-02-20104,98,291/4,99,489/- i k-do-- '4,81,159/- --do-- 3,25,197/- TOTAL 35, 66, 936/- The above SCNs were decided by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-1, Ahmedabad-I vide below mentioned eight Order-In-Originals sanctioning the rebate claims to the appellant. Order-in-Original No. & Date Sr. No. Amount rebate 1 05/AC/Reb/10 dtd. 06-04-2010 2 13/AC/Reb/1 0 dtd. 30-04-2010 568/- 3 14/AC/Reb/1 0 dtd. 30-04-2010 ,81,975/- 3,82,502/- 15/AC/Reb/10 dtd. 30-04-2010 r1,86,755/- 99/AC/Reb/09 dtd. 24-03-2010 4,98,291/- 6 100/AC/Reb/09 dtd. 24-03-2010 ,99,489/- 7 101/AC/Reb/09 dtd. 24-03-2010 81,159/- 102/AC/Reb/09 dtd. 30-03-2010 3,25.197/- TOTAL 35, 66, 936/- 7. Being aggrieved with these orders of adjudicating authority, revenue(department) filed appeal with Commissioner (Appeal-IV), Ahmedabad. Commissioner(Appeal) Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-1/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 Department's appeal & set aside Orders of adjudicating authority vide 01A No. 296 to 303/ 2010 (Ahd-1) CE/ MM/Ahd dtd. 27-08-2010. The appellant filed the Revision application against Commissioner (Appeal), Ahmedabad's above order dtd. 27-08-2010 before the Joint Secretary (Revision Application), Department of Revenue, New Delhi on 13-10-2010 under Section 35EE of the Central Excise Act, 1944 8. Revision Authority has decided the matter vide their Order No. 3-10/2012-Cx dtd. 06-01-2012 and has remanded the case matter back to original adjudicating authority, for being a basic fact finding jurisdictional authority, to verify and confirm the claims of applicant and then to decide the case matter as per law after affording reasonable opportunity of hearing as per the principles of natural justice.While remanding the matter back, R.A. has observed as follows: That the said Orders-in-Original were reviewed by the jurisdictional Commissioner and relevant appeals were filed by the department alleging that the appellant had cleared goods for export after debiting duty from the balance lying in their account accrued due to deemed credit which was availed by the appellant under Notification No. 6/2002- CE (NT) dated 01-03-2002 and which since rescinded w.e.f. 31-03-2003 and the appellant was not entitled to such remnants of deemed credit balances.Commissioner (Appeal) reconsidered the whole case matter and held all the observations and conclusions of the impugned 010 as illegal on all counts and the same were set aside in total without verification of basic records in order to ascertain whether any duty as was discharged was made out of available balances of 'deemed credit or 'actual cenvat credit account. That after actual verification of relevant records/registers, the original adjudicating authority has mentioned in his discussions & finding portion of impugned 010 that the doubt of availment of any 'deemed credit got dispelled. With the above observations R.A. has remanded the matter back to original adjudicating authority for verification of basic records/ documents and claim of the appellant that they have never had or utilized any deemed credit in clearance of impugned exported goods and then to decide the case matter as per law after affording reasonable opportunity of hearing as per principal of natural justice. 9. The Joint Secretary to the Government of India vide Order Nos.3-10/2-012-CX dtd. 6.1.2012 and 331-349/2013-Cx dtd. 02-04-2013 has remanded these cases back to original authority to decide the issue afresh keeping in mind observations made by R.A. and by considering case laws cited by the appellant in the matter. The adjudicating authority vide the impugned orders as detailed in the Table above has decided the matter afresh . Being aggrieved by the impugned orders, present appeals dated 09.06.2014 and 09.06.2014 has been filed by the appellant on the following grounds : 9.1 That the adjudicating authority has failed and has clearly erred in failing to follow authority as well as the Tribunal and various to consider various submissions made the direct judgment of the revisional High courts in their favour and thus the impugned order may be set aside. 9.2 That they had exported similargoods on payment of duty under not4f. bon Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 9 No.29/2004. Cash rebate against the said export was allowed to them vide order dated 23.6.2008 passed by the Commissioner (appeals). The aforesaid order is also not challenged before ; higher judicial forum and hence the same has become final. That the department cannot reopen the issue if the order of the Commissioner (appeals) is accepted by the department. Hence, the order holding contrary view is bad in law and requires to be quashed and set aside. 9.3 That once the credit is availed and in line of statute book, the same is indefeasible. It is a settled law that if credit is availed, it is for the department to take proceeding under the Central Excise Act and under the CENVAT Rules in order to render credit erroneous. Unless such proceedings are availed, credit obtained cannot be defeated. In the present case, not only is the credit availed, but the same has been utilized. At no stage, are any proceedings taken under the provisions of the Central Excise Act or CENVAT Rules to the effect that credit is wrongly availed or utilized. Unless such proceedings are taken, right to utilize such credit becomes indefeasible. They were therefore, clearly entitled to avail such credit. Now, what cannot be done directly cannot also be done indirectly. Once proceedings are not taken by the department to outrage credit, such credit cannot be defeated indirectly by not allowing rebate claim. 9.4 That it is not for the rebate granting authority to go into validity of the credit at all. Once credit exists on the statute books and it is availed, it is not open to the rebate granting authority to decide whether credit was correctly availed or not. That the entire exercise is ex-facie without jurisdiction. Even if the rebate granting authority is correct that CENVAT credit lapsed, it was for the department to issue show cause notice for lapsing of credit and raising demand on the goods cleared on payment of duty on utilization of credit. It cannot be for the rebate granting authority to consider all these aspects at the stage of granting rebate. That the aforesaid aspects which go to the root of the matter have not been considered by the adjudicating authority. 9.5 That the issue stands settled by the judgment of the revisional authority itself in the case of Nehar Industries reported at 2012 (283) ELT 444 and Auro Spinning Mills 2012 (276) ELT 134. 9.6 That the adjudicating authority could not have failed to follow all these judgments which are directly on the point. The grounds for distinguishing the same in the impugned order are ex-facie erroneous and are merely a fasad. The issue in the cases of Nehar Industries and Auro Spinning Mills was precisely the very issue which arises in the present case and hence, it cannot be said that the said judgments do not cover the present case. 9.7 That Gujarat High court in the case of Arvind Mills has taken a similar view in special civil application No. 10887 of 2012. That all relevant aspects have been considered even on facts as per para 7 of the impugned order. That there is no question of deemed credit being utilized as was originally the case of the510150Rireq. Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 10 It is also found that credit which was availed for the period 10.9.2004 to 16.1.2006 and that the same was availed on the basis of proper duty paying documents. The adjudicating authority ought to have appreciated that the credit in question is earned credit. It is an admitted fact that as stated in the very same para, proportionate credit on inputs lying in the goods in stock or inputs in stock as on 17.1.2006 has already been reversed. In other words, the credit which is now lying is credit which is actually earned by them and could not be utilized because substantial amount of goods was being exported. 9.8 That credit lying unutilized in their account is an accrued right as held by the Hon'ble Supreme court in the case of Eicher Motors Limited v. Union of India, reported at 1999 (106) ELT 3 and 1999 (112) ELT 353 reported in Dai !chi Karkaria Limited that right cannot be taken away by any subsequent legislation. The full contention that the credit should lapse under rule 11 is misconceived and also against the settled principles of law laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme court in the aforesaid two cases. Rule 11 does not say that the credit lying unutilized shall be lapsed if the manufacturer clears any goods under exemption. It is submitted that as per rule 11, the credit shall lapse only if a manufacturer avails benefit of value based exemption notification or the goods are absolutely exempted. Hence, it is incorrect to hold that the credit lying unutilized in the appellant's account shall lapse on account of opting for benefit of exemption notification No. 30/2004 and thus the order is bad on this count also and requires to be set aside. 9.9 That the decision of the Tribunal in the case of M/s Raymond limited reported at 2011 (273) ELT 582 in which, under similar circumstances, cash refund was allowed by the Tribunal. That if cash refund in case of unutilized CENVAT credit is permissible, then under no circumstance, it can be held that the credit lying unutilzed shall lapse. That once they have paid for such duty on inputs which are already utilized, credit in this regard becomes indefeasible and an accrued right. There is no question of such credit right being defeated even as per the provision of rule 11 as is sought to be done. The basis of rejection of rebate claim is that the utilization of cenvat of excise duty was wrong. The Cenvat should have lapsed under rule 11 as the appellant had opted for non-availment of Cenvat as prescribed under notification No. 30/2004 and accordingly the rebate is held as inadmissible. That for sanction rebate claim, the department has to verify the roof of exports like ARE - 1, shipping bill EP copy, Bill of lading and bank realization certificate. The adjudicating authority at the time of sanction rebate claim as verified the aforesaid aspect. Once proofs of exports are submitted and the claim of rebate is allowed, the authority cannot recover the same on the ground of payment of duty from wrong account. While deciding the present case, the lower authority has totally ignored the aforesaid provision of rules. The claim of rebate is sanctioned under rule 18 of Central Excise Rules. That once the export of goods is established, the rebate cannot be denied on the ground that availment of credit was wrong. Credit availment and utilization arat governed by Cenvat Credit Rules. In the present case, when there is no dispUte1 regarding exports of goods, the rebate of the exported goods cannot be rejected relying on Cenvat Credit Rules which does not apply to the facts of the present case. Hence, the 317 2±31..f. Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/AhcH/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 11 order is bad in law and requires to be quashed and set aside. 9.10 That the adjudicating authority has held that the duty payment was made from wrong account and hence the rebate is erroneously sanctioned. It is the view of the adjudicating authority that cenvat credit lying unutilized shall lapse on opting for full exemption of duty under notification No.30/2004. For the purpose, the adjudicating authority relies on cenvat credit rule 11 (3). The aforesaid rule is not applicable in the facts and circumstances of the case. That for arriving at conclusion that the unutilized cenvat credit shall lapse, the adjudicating authority has relied on sub rule 3 (ii) of rule 11. That the said sub rule 3 (ii) is applicable only if the goods are exempted absolutely. However, in the present case, the goods are not exempted in absolute terms. That any exemption subject to a condition cannot be held as absolute exemption. It is to be considered as a conditional exemption. Thus the cenvat lying unutilized shall not lapse as provided under rule 11 (3). This aspect stands clarified by the departmental circular also which prescribes that a manufacturer has an option to simultaneously avail benefit of both the notifications. That if a manufacturer avails benefit of both the notifications simultaneously, then, definitely, in those cases, some credit will always remain unutilized or in balance in cenvat credit account of the manufacturer. Thus, the view canvassed by the adjudicating authority is contra to the view of the department which is laid down by the circular. As a matter of fact, this proposition of law that they can avail of both the notifications is accepted now in the present order in original itself. If this is so, then clearly, the embargo under rule 11 (3) cannot apply. 9.11 The finding in the impugned order that they were only availing notification No. 30 of 2004 is thus erroneous. They had made a reference vide letter dated 2.1.2014 to the Assistant Commissioner bringing it to notice that even for domestic clearance, duty was paid under notification No.29/2004 in March 2006 as well as August 2007. Thus, primary finding that they were only availing full exemption for domestic clearance under notification No.30/2004 is ex-facie erroneous. 9.12 That a plethora of judgments were brought to the notice of the adjudicating authority as per para 7 of the order wherein a consistent view is taken that provisions of rule 11 (3) are prospective and not retrospective and cannot apply to an assessee who has already earned credit in the past. All these judgments have been wrongly distinguished by the adjudicating authority. These judgments take a clear view that once credit is earned for the period prior to 1.3.2007 i.e. the date on which rule 11 (3) came on the statute book, such credit cannot be denied and that would amount to giving retrospective effect to rule 11 (3). These judgments which were binding to the adjudicating authority have not been followed and distinguished the same by arguments and reasoning which can under no circumstances be justified. That the question of applicability of rule11 (3) can only arise if exemption notification in question granting exemption is absolute. Now, for two reasons, this is not the case. In the first place, notification No. 30/2004 itself does not grant absolute exemption but a conditional exemption which is that, exemption can only apply if credit is not avail Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-1/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 12 Hence, the said notification is itself not absolute exemption. Therefore, even linguistically speaking, rule 11 (3) cannot apply. Further more, in the scope of things, an assessee can simultaneously avail notification No. 30/2004 and notification No. 29/2004 together. In such a case, if a view is taken that if the assessee avails notification No.30/2004, the entire credit would lapse which would lead to absurdity that he will lose his past credit though he wants to still avail of partial exemption in future after 1.3.2007 under notification No.29/2004. Thus, to hold that provision of rule 11 (3) leads to lapsing of credit is dearly absurd and ill-founded in the context of scheme of notifications Nos. 30 and 29 of 2004. Such an interpretation would have strange result of wiping off old credit even though the assessee wants to clear his goods under notification No.29/2004. The said notification nowhere states that if credit is availed in the past i.e. prior to 9.7.2004 when it entered into statute book, such credit could not have lapsed after the notification came into force. Thus, if an assessee functions only under notification No. 29/2004 whether prior or posterior to 1.3.2007 i.e. the date on which rule 11 (3) came into force, he will be entitled to utilize his own credit available prior to 2004 as well as prior to 2007. Absurdity of the department's argument would be that if such assessee simultaneously avails of notification No.30/2004 after 1.3.2007, then, past credit prior to 1/32007 will lapse.That there cannot be more discriminatory and absurd result on interpretation of the statute.ln the facts and circumstances of the case and any law as applicable thereto, credit can under no circumstances lapse. The impugned order is, therefore, ex-facie not sustainable and is required to be set aside. 10. Personal Hearing in the matter was fixed on 28.07.2014. Reiterated the submission. All the Cenvat credit on inputs were reversed-para 6.1 of the 010. That they have not availed cenvat credit even on the clearances made under Noti.No.29/2004(para-6.1 of the 010).The Cenvat credit was still available and they have utilised it for the exports. Cited Nahar Industries GOI 2012(283) ELT 444 and requested to allow the appeal. 11 have gone through the records of the case, appeal filed by the appellant and I find that the moot issue to be decided in this case is as to whether the appellant are eligible for rebate or otherwise. 12. I find that the adjudicating authority has erred in the findings that the appellant having not availed cenvat credit, were compulsorily required to avail complete exemption of duty under Notification No.30/2004-CE and hence, the export of goods under Notification No.29/2004CE was not correct. I find that the Notification No. 29/2004-C.E., dated 9-7-2004, grants partial exemption to goods manufactured and duty is chargeable @ 4% or 8%, and Notification No. 30/2004-C.E., dated 9-7-2004 grants full exemption from payment of central excise duty, subject to the condition that no cenvat credit is taken on the inputs consumed in the manufacture of final product. The appellant could avail both the aforesaid Notifications simultaneously in terms of clarification, issued by the C.B.E.C. vide. 4Circular No. 7 95/28/2004-CX., dated 28 - 7 2004. The basic condition for availing exemption under Notification No. 30/2004-C.E, dated 9-7-2004 was that the appellant is not allowed Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 13 to take Cenvat Credit on the inputs utilized for manufacturing/processing of the finished goods. Whereas for availing benefit under Notification No. 29/2004-C.E., dated 9-7- 2004, there was no such condition of availing or not availing of the Cenvat Credit on the inputs utilized for manufacturing/processing of the finished goods. 13. I find that as per Board Circular No. 795/28/2004-CX dated 28-7-2004, the manufacturer can avail both the Notifications No. 29/2004-C.E., and 30/2004-C.E., both dated 9-7- 2004 simultaneously provided the manufacturer maintains separate set of accounts for goods in respect of which benefit of Notification No. 29/2004-C.E., dated 9-7-2004 is availed and similarly, for goods in respect of which benefit of Notification No. 30/2004-C.E dated 9-72004 is availed. The C.B.E.C. further issued a Circular No., 845/3/2006- CX., dated 1-2-2007 to clarify the provision of simultaneous availment of Notification Nos. 29/2004-C.E., and 30/2004-C.E., both dated 9-7-2004 wherein it has been clearly mentioned that nonavailment of credit on inputs is a pre-condition for availing exemption under this Notification No.30/2004-C.E. dated 9-7-2004 and if manufacturers avail input cenvat credit, they would be ineligible for exemption under this Notification No.30/2004-C.E., dated 9-72004.However, Board further allowed the availment of proportionate credit on the inputs utilized in the manufacture of goods cleared on payment of duty under Notification No. 29/2004-C.E., dated 9-7-2004 should be taken at the end of the month only. I find that the full duty exemption provided under Noti.No.30/2004-CE dt. 9.7.2004 is a conditional one. It is not an absolute one so the restriction as regards non-payment of duty on excisable goods as laid down in Section 5A(1A) of the CEA, 1944 is not applicable. 14. I find that during the relevant period, the appellant cleared the goods for export after paying the concessional rate of excise duty 4% or 8% in terms of Notification No. 29/2004-C.E., dated 9-7-2004 and filed rebate claims under Rule 18 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002. The appellant were not availing the cenvat credit on the inputs used in the manufacture of the exported goods and thus were entitled to avail both the Notification 29/2004-CE and 30/2004-C.E., simultaneously provided they followed the provisions of above said CBEC Circulars. 15. I find that the adjudicating authority has erred in the findings that the appellant were not claiming the cenvat credit on the inputs used in the manufacture of the exported goods, as they were working under exemption Notification No 30/2004-C E., dated 9.7.2004 which does not have any relevance as the option is with the manufacturer to avail or not to avail cenvat credit on the inputs as the availment of cenvat credit is a beneficial scheme and there is nothing in the Notification No. 29/2004-C.E, dated 9-7-2004 for the manufacturer to compulsorily avail cenvat credit on the inputs. There is bar only on for availment of Cenvat input credit under Notification No 30/2004-C E, dated 9-7-2004. Thus the adjudicating authority has erred in holding that the appellant having not availed cenvat credit will have to opt for exemption under Notification No.30/2004-CE and cannot pay duty under Notification No.29/2004-CE. 16. I find that the adjudicating authority has erred in the finding( -the Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-1/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 14 appellant who have procured the raw materials duty free under advance licence scheme, DEEC scheme and final export goods were manufactured from such duty free inputs and on account of absence of duty paid nature of the raw materials, the appellant was not entitled to cenvat credit as the appellant in their reply to show cause notice issued by the department for recovery of already sanctioned rebate claims have submitted that they were maintaining separate account for deemed credit and actual credit; that on 31.3.2003 they had an unutilized amount Rs.28,43,967/- in their deemed credit, which was totally reversed by them by debit entry; that after 1.4.2003 the credit was admissible to manufacturer only on the basis of duty paying documents and hence, the credit lying unutilized was on account of various raw - materials procured on payment of duty and that their records were audited upto December 2006 and no observation regarding availment of wrong credit was ever made by central excise authority. I find that adjudicating authority did not controvert the factual details that the appellant had a balance of Cenvat credit as on 17-012006 after reversal proportionate credit on goods lying in balance on account of opting full exemption under Notification No. 30/2004 with effect from 17-01-2006. The relevant records was verified and it has been revealed that appellant had debited entire balance of deemed credit amounting to Rs. 28, 43, 967/- and Deemed credit balance was NIL as on 01-11-2003. This fact is also verifiable from ER-1 return of month November'2003 & December'2003. Thus it is obvious that there would not be any deemed credit balance after rescinding of Notification No. 6/2002-CE (NT') dtd. 1-3-2002 & reversal of balance thereof and therefore duty was not discharged from deemed credit. Further, it has been revealed from RG 23A Part-II Register that they were taking Cenvat credit on inputs from 10-09-2004 to 16-01-2006 on the basis of proper duty paying documents as informed by Range Officer vide letters F.No. AR1/Ashima/Arrear/010-21 -28/2011 -12 dtd. 23-12-2013 & 06-01-2014. 17. In order to verify the facts letter dated 31.07.2014 was issued to the jurisdictional Deputy Commissioner for sending the verification report regarding Cenvat Credit lying in balance was availed on the basis of proper duty paying documents and as to whether the appellant has reversed/paid total Rs.1,01,52,096/- equivalent to cenvat credit taken in respect of inputs received for use in manufacture of the final products and was lying in stock, in process and contained in the final product lying in stock as on 17.1.2006 and in respect of balance amount of cenvat credit alongwith the balance amount of cenvat credit lying after reversal b y the appellant. 18 Verification report dated 09.092014 was send by Deputy Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-I A'badi-1 wherein it was reported that the appellant have opted for full exemption under noti.No.30/2004-CE and have reversed/paid total Rs. 1,01,52,096/equivalent to cenvat credit in respect of inputs received for use in manufacture of the said final products and was lying in stock in process and contained in the final product lying in stock as on 17.1.2006. The appellant have stopped availing cenvat credit on inputs after 16.1.2006 as per Noti.No.30/2004-CE. The balance amount of cenvat credit lying after reversal of Rs. 1.01,52,096/- works out to Rs. 1,58,81,693/- 19 I view of the above verification report of the jurisdictional Deputy Commissioner, 1 Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd4/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 15 find that the appellant have availed cenvat credit during10.9.2004 to 16.1.2006 on raw materials and cleared their goods on payment of duty to domestic market and under bond for exports the duty stands accumulated in their cenvat account due to the fact that the appellant had made exports under Bond and the said credit was lying unutilized as the appellant did not opt of refund of such accumulated credit under Rule 5 of cenvat credit rules, 2004. The appellant w.e.f. 17.1.2006 opted for clearance under Notification No.30/2004, at this time also they reversed proportionate credit on goods lying in balance. Even after debiting proportionate amount in raw materials lying in factory on 16.1.2006, they were having balance in their cenvat account which works out to Rs. 1,58,81,693/- 20. I find that the adjudicating authority has erred in the findings that as per provisions of Rule 11 of the Cenvat Credit Rules 2004, the unutilized credit lying in balances lapses on the date on which the manufacturer commences clearance by availment of duty exemption under Notification No.30/2004-CE. The appellant opted for full exemption under Notification No.30/2004-CE on 16.1.2006 and hence, by virtue of cenvat credit Rules 2004, Rule 11, sub-rule(3) the cenvat credit lying in the balance, lapsed on 16.1.2006 and hence, they cannot utilize the same for the purpose of payment of duty for export under rebate. 21. The provision contained in Rule 11(3) of the Cenvat Credit Rules 2004 reads as under: 'Rule 11 (3) A manufacturer or producer of a final product shall be required to pay an amount equivalent to the CENVAT dredit if any, taken by him in respect of inputs received for use in the manufacture of the said final product and is lying in stock orb process or is contained in the final product lying in stock, in- 22. re whole of the duty of excise tenable m the sad final he opts for exemption product manufactured or produced by him under a notification issued under section 54 of the Act; or (ii) the said final product has been exempted absolutely under section 5A of the Act, and after deducting the said amount fiun the balance of CENVAT credit Many, n/ing in his aed the balance 'any, still remaking &banal-re and shalI not be albwed to be utilized for payment of duty on any other final product whether cleared for home consumption or for export, or for payment of service tax on any output service, whether provided in India or exported". I find that the appellant has availed exemption from whole of duty of excise during the relevant period and therefore it has been contended by the adjudicating authority that Cenvat Credit lying in balance would lapse in terms of Rule 11(3). I find that the adjudicating authority has erred in the findings that the appellant was only availing Noti.No.30/2004 as the appellant vide letter dated 2.1.2014 has informed the jurisdictional Asstt. Commissioner that even for domestic clearance duty was paid under Noti.No.29/2004-CE in March-2006 as well as August-2007. Further the appellant has relied upon judgement of Honible Karnataka High Court order dated 11.4.2011 on CEA No.109 of 2009 in the case of CCE, Bangalore-II Vs. Gokaldas Intimate Wear reported in 2011 (270)ELT 351(Kar), CESTAT order in case of CCE Banglore-II Vs. Mother diary 2009 (245) ELT — 413 (T-Bang) and CCE Chandigarh Vs. Saboo Alloys Pvt. Ltd. 2008 (228) ELT 422 (T-Delhi) and contended that rule 11(3) of Cenvat Credit Rule 2004 inserted w.e.f. 01,03.2007 vide Notification No. 10/07-CE(NT) dated 01.03.2007 and therefore its provision cannot be made applicable to impugned Cenvat Credit balance as on 16.01.2006. Further Hon'ble Karnataka High Court in case of M/s Gokaldas Intimate Wear 2011(270) ELT 351 (KAR) has observed as under: Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 16 It was pointed out to us that in the year2008 (sic)sub-rule (3) was inserted by a Notification No. 10/2007 with effect from 1-3-2007, which reads as under "(3) A manufacturer or producer of a final product shaft S required to pay an amount equivalent to the CENVAT credit, if any, taken by him in respect of inputs received for use in The manufacture cite said final productandisOhin stock orh process or is contained in the final product lying in stock it; (I) he opts for exemption him whole of the duty of excise leviable on the said final product manufactured orproduced by him underanotificafion issued under section 54 of the Act; or 00 the said final product has been exempted absolutely under section 5A of the Act, and afterdeductingfilosad amount fium the balance of CENVATcredil (any Nog in his aedt the balance f any sfillremainfrig shahalis and shall not be allowed to be utilized for payment of duty on any other final product whether cleared for home consumption or for export, or for payment of service tax on any output service, whether provided in India or exported" 23. Thus in view of the above it is dear from the aforesaid Rule that till 1-3-2007, the appellant was entitled to benefit, of the cenvat credit in respect of inputs contained in the work in progress and semi finished products. The said amendment is prospective in nature. It comes into effect from only 1-3-2007 and in the instant case, the period is anterior to 1-3-2007 which has no application Further in above judgements, it has been clearly held that the said Rule 11(3) came into effect only from 1.3.2007 and effect of the same is prospective. Honble CESTAT in the case of CCE Banglore-II Vs. Mother Dairy 2009(245) ELT 413 (T-Bang) has observed as under:"8. On a very careful consideration of the issue, we find that this Bench had already taken a view in some of the decisions that once input credit is taken legally, then the same cannot be denied after the issue of exemption notification on the final products. We do not want to differ from such a view at this stage. If the ratio of this decision is applied, they would not be any necessity to withhold or deduct the amount due to the respondents. In other words there was no need for reversal of input credit lying in stock and also in the finished goods. Further, our attention was brought to amendment made In Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 wherein sub-rule 11(34) has been introduced. The effect of this amendment is that when a product on which input Cenvat Credit taken is exempted by way of a Notification, then the input credit lying in stock and contained in the finished goods should be necessarily reversed It was argued that this provision came into effect from 1.3.2007 The period in the present case is prior to 1.3.2007. On this, ground also, the action of the Original Authority cannot be sustained Therefore, there was no merit in the revenue's appeal The same is dismissed." 24. The appellant have relied upon the following case laws : i) Order of Hon'ble CESTAT in the case CCE Chandigarh Vs. Saboo Alloys Pvt, Ltd. 2008 (228) ELT 422 (T-Del) ii) Revision authority's judgement in the case of Nahar Industries reported at 2012(283)ELT 444 and in case of Auro Spinning Mills reported at 2012(276)ELT 134 iii) Hon'ble Supreme Court's judgement in the case of Eicher Motors Ltd. Vs Union of India reported at 1999(106) ELT 3 and 1999(112) ELT 353 reported in the case of Dailchi Karkaria Ltd. 25. I find that the appellant have also relied upon the 01A No.89/2008(Ahd- Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd1/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /201415 27 UCE/ID/Commr(A) dt. 29.5.2008 wherein Commissioner(A) has ordered that there is no bar in refunding the duty paid through the actual credit or deemed credit account on the goods exported by cash or cheque which is applicable to the facts of the present case. 26 I rely upon the judgement reported at 2014 (300) E.L.T. 481 (Guj.) in the case of ARVIND LTD.Versus UNION OF INDIA(Special Civil Application No. 10887 of 2012 with S.C.A. No. 10891 of 2012, decided on 19-6-2013) where it has been held that : Export rebate - Claim of - Denied, on ground that payment of duty was at the will of the assessee - Export rebate impermissible when assessee was exempt from payment of whole duty but when he paid duty at the time of export permissible - Final products manufactured by petitioner exempted from payment of duty by Notification No. 29/2004-C.E. as amended by Notification No. 58/2008-C.E. - However, petitioner wrongly availed benefit of concessional rate of duty under Notification No. 59/2008-C.E. which exempted cotton textile products in excess of 4% ad valorem - Thereafter, claims for rebate made - Revenue authorities rejected the claims on ground that payment of duty on final products exported was at will of the assessee - Such orders set aside, as petitioner was not liable to pay duty in light of absolute exemption granted under Notification No. 29/2004-C.E. as amended by Notification No. 58/2004-C.E. r/w Section 5A(1A) of Central Excise Act, 1944 - When the petitioner was given exemption from payment of whole of the duty, and if it paid duty at the time of exporting the goods, there was no reason why it should be denied the rebate claimed which the petitioner was otherwise entitled to - Export rebate claim allowed - Sections 5A(1A) and 11B of Central Excise Act, 1944 - Rule 18 of Central Excise Rules, 2002. Mares 9, 10, 111 I find that the said case law is squarely applicable to the facts of the present case and the appellant are entitled for the rebate claim under Rule 18 of the CER, 2002. 27. I also rely upon the case law reported at 2011 (272) E.L.T. 476 (G.O.I.) before the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Revisionary Authority Shri D.P. Singh, Joint Secretary IN RE : INTER GLOBE SERVICES Order Nos. 1774-1775/2010-CX, dated 20-12-2010 in F. Nos. 195/192 & 257/2008-RA wherein it has been held that : Rebate - Exports, final •roduct whether exempted - Denial of rebate on the ground that applicant working under Notification No. 30/2004-C.E. which grant full exemption if Cenvat credit is not availed on inputs - Cenvat credit taken on chemicals used in manufacturing/processing of processed fabrics and duty rightly paid under Notification No. 29/2004-C.E. - Applicant was availing both these Notifications simultaneously under Board's Circular No. 795/28/2004-CX, dated 28-7-2004 - For availing Notification No. 29/2004-C.E. no condition of non-availment of credit was imposed - However, to be separate accounts for both these Notifications are to be maintained - Board also allowed that availment of proportionate credit on inputs used in manufacture of goods cleared on payment of duty under Notification No. 29/2004-C.E. - Rebate admissible to applicant provided he has complied with Board's Circular ibid - Impugned orders set aside and matter remanded to Original authority to decide the cases afresh - Rule 18 of Central Excise Rule, 2002. Mares 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] I find that the said case law is squarely applicable to the facts of the present case and the appellant are entitled for the rebate claim under Rule 18 of the CER, 2002. Appeal Nos. V.2(52)/38,39/Ahd-I/2014-15 & Stay Appl.Nos. 23,24 /2014-15 18 28. In view of above discussion and findings, I pass the following Order: ORDER I set aside the impugned orders and allow the appeals filed by the appellant. (ANIL KUMAR) COMMISSIONER (APPEALS-V), CENTRAL EXCISE, AHMEDABAD. ATTES Dated, /9/2014 (M.P.Vyas) Superintendent (Appeals-V) Central Excise, Ahmedabad By Regd. Post A.D. To M/s Ashima Dyecot Ltd , Texcellence Complex, K ho kha ra -Mehm a da bad, Ahmedabad Copy to: 1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise, Ahmedabad. 2. The Commissioner of Central Excise, Ahmedabad-I, 3. The Deputy/Asstt. Commr. Of Central Excise, Div-I, Ahmedabad-I LiPBe Asstt. Commr.(System), Central Excise, H.Q.,Ahmedabad-I for uploading the order on web site. 5. PA to Commissioner (Appeals-1i) 6. 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