Lower Moreland High School MID‐TERM EXAM SCHEDULE DATES CHANGED DUE TO WEATHER Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday January 24, 27, 28 and 29, 2014 FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 7:45 ‐ 9:45 10:00 ‐ 12:00 12:45 ‐ 2:45 MONDAY, JANUARY 27 7:45 ‐ 9:45 10:00 ‐ 12:00 12:45 ‐ 2:45 English, American Studies, World Studies Social Studies Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles Science Mathematics Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 7:45 ‐ 9:45 10:00 ‐ 12:00 12:45 ‐ 2:45 World Language AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AP Chemistry, Anatomy Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles 7:45 – 9:45 10:00 – 12:00 AP Statistics, Intro to Law, AP Human Geography AP Music, Make‐Ups, Doubles WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Instructions 1. Please review this schedule and inform students of the date, time, and location of specific examinations. Notify Mr. Mayson if there are any conflicts, which require correction. 2. Teachers who are giving the test have the responsibility for getting it to the proctor, along with instructions, prior to the time of the testing. 3. Teachers who are absent on a day when they are scheduled for proctoring an examination should attempt to switch times with a colleague when possible. 4. Part‐time teachers who do not have a specific assignment on a given day are to be available for coverage and general supervision 5. In the event school is canceled due to inclement weather the entire examination schedule will move to the next day and remain in the same sequence. In the event of a two‐hour late opening, examination‐starting times will move back two hours and remain in the same sequence. In this event, the third session of that day will be rescheduled. Procedures for Examinations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Conflicts in the examination schedule must be worked out between the student and the teacher involved. Where several students are involved in taking double courses (e.g. two science courses) make‐ups should be coordinated among departments to avoid infringement on scheduled times and further conflicts with other make‐ups. Examinations are scheduled to last a minimum of one and one‐half hours and a maximum of two hours. Students are to remain in the room for the minimum amount of time, and proctors are to stay until the last student is finished. It is the proctor's responsibility to return all test materials to the appropriate instructor. Students are to have no books or study aids in their possession during the examinations. Proctors will take attendance from a class roster provided with the tests by the examining teacher. Students are required to be in school only on the days and times that they have examinations but they must be on time. When not taking an examination, students are to be in one of the following supervised locations: cafeteria and library. A breakfast menu and snacks will be provided in the cafeteria for students until 10:30 a.m. Transportation will be provided on a regular basis in the morning on all exam days. All routes posted on the bulletin board outside the main office and on the high school web page. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Friday, January 24 Monday, January 27 Tuesday, January 28 Wednesday, January 29 10:00 am ‐ 6 routes 10:00 am ‐ 6 routes 10:00 am – 2 routes 12:15 pm ‐ 2 routes 12:15 pm ‐ 6 routes 12:15 pm ‐ 2 routes 12:15 pm ‐ 2 routes 3:15 pm ‐ 2 routes 3:15 pm – 2 routes 3:15 pm – 2 routes Upon completing their examinations, students are to leave the building quickly and quietly or report to a designated study area. Hall proctors and those on general assistance are to keep the hallways quiet and clear and to provide assistance to proctors as needed. Report problems to Mr. Mayson or call the main office, ext. 2501 or 2502. Students are reminded to bring two #2 lead pencils to each examination unless otherwise directed by the examining teacher. Mid‐terms and final examinations count for a total of 1/5 of the final grade for year‐long courses. During these days, regular working hours are to be observed. Lunch for faculty will be on your own. Anyone going out to lunch must return by 1:00 p.m. EXAMS:mid‐term Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule Friday, January 24 7:45 ‐ 9:45 English, American Studies, World Studies TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR Reilly English 11 1 109 Bailis English 11 5 110 Baron English 11 8 111 Bowe Moxey English 12 1 210 Bram AP English Language 2 211* Conrad English 12 A4 212 Cendrowski English 12 7 214 Elfstrom English 12 8 215 Engleman Lippo English 11 1 112 Evans English 11 3 113 Gaw English 11 8 115 Giampietro D’Angelo English 12 2 220 Ginnetti English 12 6D 221 Greenblatt Boagni AP English Literature 1 211* Conrad English 12 A4 216 Gulish English 12 6D 217 Harding McGlonn‐Nelson English 11 6D 101 Kline Rosser/Beck American Studies 7/8 225 Kozak Reilly/Morris American Studies 3/A4 Audit (L A‐N) Martino Mont/Pezza American Studies 1/2 Audit (C A‐L) Molt American Studies 5C/6D Audit (C N‐W) Murphy Lippo/Solomon American Studies 5C/6D 222 McNemar Church/Oechslin World Studies 2/3 223 Montaigne Church/Haldeman World Studies 5C/6D 218 Park Boagni/Oechslin World Studies 7/8 Audit (L P‐Y) Pearson McGlonn‐Nelson/ World Studies 1/2 Audit (R A‐P) Quinn‐Maxwell Burton‐Haldeman World Studies 3/A4 Audit (R P‐Y) Powidzki Brown American Studies 5c/6D 119 Brown Kavanagh World Studies 2/3 117 Kavanagh McCaffrey Life Skills 118 McCaffrey LeGendre‐Wingen English 2 119 LeGendre‐Wingen Larkin English 1 119 Larkin Untimed Testing 120 Resource Support Assistance/Relief: Shuster (starting at 8:15), Saunders Cafeteria: Mr. Smith General Supervision: Mayson Library: Yerkees AUDITORIUM SEATING: L – C – R as you face the stage Lower Moreland High School Mid‐term Examination Schedule Friday, January 24 10:00‐12:00 TEACHER SUBJECT Beck AP Economics AP Economics Burton‐Haldeman AP Government Haldeman AP US History AP US History Morris AP European History Political Science AP European History Pezza AP US History Montaigne Psych/Sociology Government/Economics Psych/Sociology Economics Economics Leeser Economics/Govt Untimed Testing McCaffrey Life Skills 10:00 am – 3:00 pm **McGarry ESL Students Assistance/Relief: Powidzki General Supervision: Mayson Cafeteria: Mr. Smith Library: Yerkees Friday, January 24 Teacher 12:45 ‐ 2:45 Social Studies PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR 2 A4 210 211 Saunders Taddonio 8 212 Tamaccio 2 7 214 215 Quinn‐Maxwell Pearson 2 B5 8 218* 216 218* Harding Giampietro Harding 4B 217 Molt 1 3 B5 6D 7 220~ 221 220~ 220~ 222 Martino Gulish Martino Martino Park 3 120 Leeser 117/119 Resource Support 118 McCaffrey 102 McGarry Subject Period Conflicts, Make‐ups, Doubles Make‐Ups, Conflicts, Doubles Exam Room Proctor 101 Lee Lower Moreland High School Mid‐term Examination Schedule Monday, January 25 7:45‐9:45 TEACHER SUBJECT Science PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR Tamaccio Physics 1 101 Bailis 2 109 Beck 9th Chemistry/Physics Physics C6 110 Boagni Taddonio Biology 2 111* Becker Biology 3 112 Evans Biology 8 111* Becker Saunders Biology 1 225+ Bowe 9th Chemistry/Physics 3 218~ Church 9th Chemistry/Physics 6D 218~ Church Biology 8 225+ Bowe McNemar Chemistry 2 201 D’Angelo Chemistry A4 202 Elfstrom Chemistry 8 205 Haldeman Hausman Physics 2 206 Lincow Physics 3 209 Lippo AP Physics A4 210 Martino Physics 7 226 Molt Greenblatt 9th Chemistry/Physics 1 211 Mont Chemistry 2 212 Moxey Chemistry 3 214° Morris 9th Chemistry/Physics 5C 215 Oechslin Chemistry 8 214° Morris Gaw Biology 3 Audit (R) Park Biology 6D Audit (L) Reilly Engleman 9th Chemistry/Physics 1 216’ Pezza 9th Chemistry/Physics 3 216’ Pezza 9th Chemistry/Physics 5C 217 Rosser 7 220 Quinn‐Maxwell 9th Chemistry/Physics 9th Chemistry/Physics 8 221 Stroup Bram Biology 1 113 Sweigart Biology 8 115 Montaigne Baron Chemistry 1 222 McGlonn‐Nelson Physics A4 223• Harding Chemistry C6 224 Burton‐Haldeman Physics 7 223• Harding Physics 8 100 Gulish Lesser Biology 2/8 120 Leeser LeGendre‐Wingen Physics A4 119 LeGendre‐Wingen Untimed Testing 117 Resource Support Auditorium seating L‐C‐R as you face the stage Assistance/Relief: Shuster, General Supervision: Mayson Cafeteria: Mr. Smith Library: Yerkees Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule Monday, January 27 10:00‐12:00 TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD Mathematics EXAM RM PROCTOR Powidzki Geometry 1 101* Bailis Geometry 2 109 Baron Geometry A4 101* Bailis Geometry 6D 110 Kline Geometry 8 111 Kozak Murphy Algebra II 1 224+ Pearson Algebra II 2 226 Giampietro Probability & Statistics 3 225~ Beck Algebra II A4 224+ Pearson Algebra II 6D 225~ Beck Ginnetti Calculus 2 112 Lincow AP Calculus 3 113° Boagni Calculus B5 113° Boagni Algebra II 7 115 Bram Evans Algebra I 1 211• D’Angelo Geometry 3 212 Church Analysis A4 214 Engleman Algebra I 6D 211• D’Angelo Analysis 8 215 Gaw Conrad Functions & Statistics 1 206 Saunders Calculus 2 209 Harding AP Calculus – AB 3 Audit (L) Elfstrom Calculus B5 210 Lippo Calculus 7 Audit (R) Mont Cendrowski Analysis 1 216 Morris Geometry A4 217 Oechslin Geometry 6D 220 Reilly Analysis 7 218’ Rosser Geometry 8 218’ Rosser Bowe Algebra II 1 221 Pezza Algebra III 2 100ⁿ Park Algebra II 4B 223 Moxey Algebra III 5C 100ⁿ Park Algebra II 8 222 Solomon Becker Precalculus 3 201 McNemar Precalculus 6D 202 Taddonio Probability & Statistics 7 205 Tamaccio Larkin Algebra 2/A4 119 Larkin Ithier Geometry 8 120 Ithier Ithier Refresher Math 4 120 Ithier Untimed Testing 117 Resource Support Assistance/Relief: Gulish, Martino General Super: Mayson Cafeteria Super: Mr. Smith Library: Yerkees Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule 10:00 am – 3:00 pm **McGarry ESL Students 102 McGarry Monday, January 27 12:45‐2:45 Conflicts, Make‐ups, Doubles TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles 101 Mrs. Smith Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule Tuesday, January 28 TEACHER Stiles Shuster Pearson Lincow Kozak Kline Segalow Bailis 7:45 – 9:45 World Language SUBJECT German IV German V/VI German III PERIOD 6D 7 8 EXAM RM 101ª 101ª 101ª PROCTOR Baron Baron Baron Spanish V Spanish VI Spanish V Spanish I Spanish III Spanish V Spanish I 2 3 A4 109 110 111 Hausman Cendrowski Conrad 3 A4 6D 7 112ˇ 113 115 112ˇ Evans Elfstrom Giampietro Evans AP Spanish Literature Spanish V Spanish IV Spanish IV AP Spanish Language 1 2 4B 6D 7 210ⁿ 209 218ʹ 218ʹ 210ⁿ Ginnetti Greenblatt Martino Martino Ginnetti Spanish III Spanish II Spanish III Spanish II Spanish III 1 2 5C 6D 8 211 212 214 215 216 Molt Murphy Powidzki Quinn‐Maxwell Becker Spanish IV Spanish IV Spanish IV Spanish III Spanish III 2 3 5C 6D 7 217 222 221 220∙ 220∙ Burton‐Haldeman Haldeman McGlonn‐Nelson Sweigart Sweigart French II 3 225+ Taddonio French I French V French IV AP French French III 1 2 3 7 8 224~ 223^ 224~ 223^ 225+ Tamaccio Solomon Tamaccio Solomon Taddonio Assistance/Relief: Boagni, Bowe General Supervision: Mayson Cafeteria: Mr. Smith Library: Yerkees Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule Tuesday, January 28 10:00 ‐12:00 AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Anatomy, AP Environmental TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR Saunders AP Environmental/H A4 215 Martino McNemar AP Chemistry C6 216 Molt Bram AP Biology B5 217 Park AP Biology 6D 220 Quinn‐Maxwell Gaw Anatomy 1 221 D’Angelo Anatomy 7 222 Giampietro Untimed Testing 120 Resource Support 10:00 am – 3:00 pm **McGarry ESL Students 102 McGarry Assistance/Relief: Cendrowski General Supervision: Mayson Cafeteria: Mr. Smith Library: Yerkees Tuesday, January 28 12:45‐2:45 Conflicts, Make‐ups, Doubles TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles 101 Stiles Lower Moreland High School Mid‐Term Examination Schedule Wednesday, January 29 7:45 – 9:45 AP Statistics, Intro to Law, AP Human Geography TEACHER Ginnetti Haldeman Oechslin SUBJECT PERIOD EXAM RM PROCTOR AP Statistics 8 211 Elfstrom Intro to Law 1 212 Gulish AP Human Geography 4B 214 Harding 119 Resource Support Untimed Testing General Supervision: Mayson Library: Yerkees Wednesday, January 29 10:00 – 12:00 AP Music, Conflicts, Make‐Up, Doubles TEACHER SUBJECT PERIOD Stroup AP Music 3 Conflicts, Make‐Ups, Doubles 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (tentative) **McGarry ESL Students EXAM RM PROCTOR Band Room Stroup 101 Lawlor 102 McGarry
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