E2 - Course Pages of Physics Department

Introduction to Particle Physics I
Exercise Sheet 2 - Wed 29.1.
University of Helsinki - Spring 2014
Lectures: Prof. Risto Orava, Exercises: Mikael Mieskolainen
Return the exercises by Tuesday 18.00 to the box in the Physicum 2nd floor.
Task 1 [Natural Units (c = ~ = 1)]
In Natural Units one can express most quantities in terms of [GeV]n , where n is some integer.
1. Why would anyone use Natural Units?
2. Express time (s), length (m), cross section (m2 ), mass (kg) and momentum (kg·m/s) in
terms of energy (GeV), i.e. find out both n and the numerical conversion factor.
3. Express gravitational constant G = 6.67 · 10−11 N·m2 ·kg−2 in units of energy (GeV).
4. Express temperature (K) in units of energy (GeV), when Boltzmann constant is set to
kB = 1.
5. Express the classic radius of proton (∼ 1 fm = 1 fermi) in units of energy (GeV).
6. Finally, what does the unit electronvolt (eV) mean?
Task 2 [Conservation of energy and momentum - Kinematics]
1. Under what fundamental symmetries (invariance under transformations) one gets the
conservation of energy and momentum?
2. Show that the scattering (annihilation) process of e+ e− → γ, where γ is one physical
photon, is not allowed, but the final state γγ is allowed. Hint: Go to the center of mass
Lorentz frame of the electron-positron pair and use explicitly 4-momentum (energymomentum) conservation.
Task 3 [Lorentz scalars and the Mandelstam variables]
1. Write down the definitions of the Mandelstam variables s, t and u for a 2 → 2 scattering
p1 + p2 → p3 + p4
and draw the corresponding Feynman diagrams for s-, t- and u-channels. Express in
words the physical meaning of each Mandelstam variable.
2. The Mandelstam variables s, t and u are Lorentz scalars, i.e. they have the same value
in every Lorentz frame and are thus invariant under Lorentz transformations. Show
that in a case of 2 → 2 scattering process they obey
m2i ,
where corresponding particle masses are denoted with mi .
3. Initial and final state particles of the Mandelstam variables obey here the on-shell
p2i = m2i .
Derive E 2 = |~
p|2 + m2 from the on-shell condition by calculating the scalar product of
4-vectors p pµ = p2 open. Why is m2 known as the invariant mass and how is that a
useful quantity?