PHYS 507
Homework III
(a) Check that the matrix σx is unitary.
(b) In the 1st homework, you have shown that there is a hermitian operator B such
σx = eiB .
Find a possible solution for B. (Hint: Spectral decomposition.)
(c) Coupled with the fact that e2πi = 1, there are many possible solutions for B. Find
another matrix B 0 such that B 0 6= B and eiB = eiB = σx .
˜ 0 ) = hp0 |ψi.
2. Remember that we define the momentum space wavefunction by ψ(p
˜ 0 ).
(a) Find the following in terms of ψ(p
hp0 |ˆ
p|ψi =?
hp |ˆ
x|ψi =?
These expressions will tell you how the momentum and position operators look
like for the case of momentum-space wavefunction.
(b) Use the expressions of the momentum and position operators that you have found
in part (a) to show that
x, pˆ] = i~ .
(c) Find
hp0 |Tˆ(a)|ψi
˜ 0 ).
and express it in terms of ψ(p
(c0 ) Let |φi = Tˆ(a) |ψi be the state obtained by translating the state |ψi by a distance
˜ 0 ) and ψ(p
˜ 0 )? Argue that the both states have
a. What is the relation between φ(p
identical momentum distribution. (In other words, momentum distribution does
not change under translation.)
3. Consider the state |ψi given by
ψ(x0 ) = N e−α|x |
where N and α are real positive constants.
(a) Find N so that |ψi is normalized.
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PHYS 507 - HW 3
(b) Compute hxi, hpi, ∆x and ∆p by using the position space wavefunction. Check
the uncertainty relation.
Note: In computing ∆p, there are two alternative procedures for finding hp2 i.
Z +∞
ψ ∗ (x0 )ψ 00 (x0 )dx0 ,
p = −~
Z +∞
|ψ 0 (x0 )| dx0 .
p = ~2
Do these two expressions give the same value? (Normally they should produce the
same value. If they don’t, then that means that something that you are doing is
wrong. Perhaps, there is something important that you are missing.)
˜ 0 ) = hp0 |ψi.
(c) Now, obtain the momentum space wavefunction ψ(p
(d) Plot the probability distribution function for momentum. Show that hp4 i = ∞.
(Could you see this from the position-space wavefunction alone?)
Z ∞
xn e−λx dx = n+1 .
(a) Show that if position-space wavefunction ψ(x0 ) is real-valued (i.e., ψ ∗ (x0) = ψ(x
2 ),
˜ 0 then positive and negative momentum values are equally probable, i.e., ψ(p
) =
ψ(−p0 ) .
(b) Show that, if the position-space wavefunction is real, then average momentum is
zero, hpi = 0.
(c) Suppose that the position-space wavefunction is of the form ψ(x0 ) = f (x0 )eikx
where k is a real constant and f (x0 ) is a real-valued function. Show
2 that the mo2
mentum distribution is symmetric around ~k, (i.e., ψ(~k + q) = ψ(~k − q) )
and the average momentum is hpi = ~k.
(d) Inversion is a symmetry operation that changes x to −x and p to −p. A function
f is even under inversion if f (−x0 ) = f (x0 ); and it is odd under inversion if
f (−x0 ) = −f (x0 ). Show that, if the position-space wavefunction has an even
or odd inversion symmetry, i.e., if psi(−x0 ) = ±ψ(x0 ), then the corresponding
momentum-space wavefunction has also the same symmetry.
5. Consider the Gaussian wavefunction
(x0 − a)2
√ exp −
+ ikx
ψ(x ) =
4σ 2
(2π)1/4 σ
Find the momentum-space wavefunction and show that the momentum is also distributed like a Gaussian.