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Subject: News from The Aphasia Center of Innovative Treatment, Inc
From: "The Aphasia Center of Innovative Treatment, Inc" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, May 30, 2014 2:32 pm
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Aphasia News
From the Aphasia Recovery
Connection - June is National
Aphasia Awareness Month
Ma y 3 0 , 2 0 1 4
"Finally, when finding words is hard,
finding help is easy . . . with
BCAT." Contact us to find out how
recovering from aphasia.
In this edition
A RC - Ju n e is Na t ion a l A ph a sia A w a r en ess Mon t h
NA A - Ju n e is Na t ion a l A ph a sia A w a r en ess Mon t h
A ph a sia Ca m p, A u g 2 2 - 2 4
Ou t of t h e Da r k n ess - New Book
W a lk a n d T a lk , Nor t h w est er n Un iv er sit y , Ju n e 2 8
T obii A cqu ir es A A C Lea der Dy n a V ox Sy st em s
A lt er n a t iv e T h er a pies: T h e Use of Dr u g T h er a py in St r ok ein du ced A ph a sia
Believ e - Pa t ien ce - Nev er Giv e u p
From the National Aphasia Assn June is National Aphasia Awareness
Aphasia affects talking, understanding,
reading and writing, and can occur in
people of any age.
V IDEO: Bill Con n or s discu sses Dr u g T h er a py
A New Pa r a dig m
FEA T URE: W h a t is A ph a sia Sig h t Rea der ?
Upcom in g Cou r ses fr om a ph a sia t oolbox
As this y ear's national aphasia awareness
poster indicates, improv ement can continue
for many y ears; hard work and daily practice
help in aphasia recov ery . The slogan is: "It's
Nev er Too Late...to Communicate!"
This y ear's theme and poster was dev eloped
and designed with the help of T he Big Sky
Aphasia Program in Missoula, MT,
Group of Aphasia Awareness Month.
> June is National Aphasia Awareness Month! See the photo and poster
from ARC and NAA.
Aphasia Camp Northwest 2014, Aug
22 - 24
The Aphasia Camp Northwest (formerly Stroke
Camp NW), founded in 1 999, is held annually in
late summer. This is a joint program, with
Univ ersity
Univ ersity ,
prov ides
communication strategies for persons liv ing
with aphasia, and outdoor and indoor
recreational opportunities appropriate for
surv iv ors.
If y ou hav e additional questions about the
camp or would like registration information,
contact [email protected] or call
(503) 57 7 -1 282.
T his is Sharon Rennhack, the
editor for the aphasiatoolbox
The se are some of the Highlights in this month's e dition:
> We are starting a new feature this month discussing Alternative
Aphasia T herapies; this month I review some of the research on drug
therapy. Bill Connors presents his video discussing his viewpoints on the
use of pharmacology in aphasia therapy and treatment.
> Don Weinstein makes a case for a new aphasia organization.
Sharon Rennhack
Chief Editor
VIDEO: Master Clinician Bill Connors
discusses Drug Therapy
Editor's Note:
In this v ideo, Master Clinician Bill Connors discusses
the use of pharmacology in aphasia therapy and
Registration forms can be sent to:
The Aphasia Network
PO Box 1 3406
Portland OR 97 21 3
Out of the Darkness - New Book
Editor's Note:
This book
- Out of the Darkness: An
Inspirational Story of Survival in the Face of
Stroke and Locked-In Syndrome, by Allison
O'Reilly , talks about a woman who went from
being an activ e woman engaged in her family ,
the challenges of daily life, and a career as
director of marketing for a Fortune 1 00
company to a life struggle to regain her
In this book, Allison shares her personal story
of ex periencing a brain stem stroke that left her
in a locked-in sy ndrome.
Bill Connors discusses pharmacology.
If y ou hav e questions about this v ideo or if y ou want to
receiv e the detailed report - "Pharm acology in
Aphasia Treatm ent & Recovery", please contact
us or call us at 7 24-494-2534.
A new paradigm
Editor's Note:
Donald F. Weinstein, author of "My Stroke: 450 Day s
From Sev ere Aphasia To Speaking, Reading and Writing
" (2009), and former member of the Ex ecutiv e Board at
the National Aphasia Association, recently published
an article entitled "A new paradigm to rally round
people with aphasia".
T his is an ex cerpt:
I hav e a dream . . . aphasiacs must own their
organizations, an organization of aphasiacs,
controlled by aphasiacs, for aphasiacs, headed by
a person with aphasia with an abiding respect for
the need of transparency , with some kind of a
annual shareholder meeting, so that the people
who giv e money can hold the board, director and
staff responsible for the organization's programs.;.
these groups will be supported by families
emotional and phy sical therapists; they will get
help from grassroots marches, protests, boy cotts
and civ il disobedience; and if needed they can buy
other talents . . .
The aphasia mov ement is a mov ement for people
with aphasia; remember the poster woman or man
is a person with aphasia. Please giv e me some
feedback especially if y ou want to form a new
aphasia organization with aphasia management.
Walk and Talk, Northwestern
University, June 28
Please read Don's full article.
What do y ou think of Don's comments? Send y our
comments to information@aphasiatoolbox .com and
reference the "Weinstein Article".
What is Aphasia Sight
Editor's Note:
Aphasia Sight Reader is the official treatment and
practice software of aphasiatoolbox ; it incorporates
our philosophy of Brain Compatible Aphasia
BCAT blends aphasia research and current best clinical
ev idence
theory , technology and SLP clinical ex pertise while
emphasizing the v alues, needs and goals of the PWA
(Connors, 201 0). BCAT offers the theory and the tools
that the competent SLP can blend with her/his clinical
ex pertise, skill set and background knowledge to assist
in truly ex ploiting neuroplasticty in the treatment of
aphasia and related disorders.
BCAT now consists ov er 1 5 different treatment
modules that focus on particular aphasic sy mptoms
and problems utilizing 7 5 treatment/practice
protocols. Each protocol is supported by hundreds of
ex ercises on a dedicated website with accompany ing
T he treatm ent m odules are listed below.
> Aphasiaphonics
A treatment module that has been designed to
reconnect speech sound encoding and
> Conjugation
A treatment module that helps clients reconnect their
ability to speak in self generated sentences.
> Discourse Building
A treatment module designed to help PWA organize
thoughts and to order their own sentences.
> Key boarding and Flash Spelling
A treatment module designed to help the PWA
propositionally spell and use digital interfaces.
Tobii Acquires AAC Leader DynaVox
Tobii Technology , the global leader in ey e
tracking, recently announced that it has
reached an agreement to acquire 1 00 percent
of the membership interest in Dy naV ox
Sy stems LLC, a leading prov ider of speechgenerating dev ices and sy mbol-adapted special
education software.
The future merger will solidify Tobii's Assistiv e
Technology div ision as the international leader
augmentativ e
alternativ e
communication and accessibility markets.
The Use of Drug Therapy in Stroke Induced Aphasia
In their recov ery process, most people with
aphasia undergo speech and language therapy .
communication ex periences using AAC. Sadly ,
recov ery of language skills is usually a slow,
tedious and most-often-times frustrating
If only there was a pill to take!?
In this article and the related drug profiles, we
rev iew some of the ev idence from clinical
trials concerning aphasia treatment and
therapy .
Certain drugs hav e been trialed, including
dopaminergic, cholinergic, and stimulant
drugs, with out clear benefit shown in large
trials. Some small-scale clinical trials of
treatments for aphasia hav e also been
reported. These trials suggest benefit,
comparing reasonably well with ev idencebased therapies for neurologic diseases
inv olv ing drugs.
Some of the studies are testing how drugs can
be used in combination with speech therapy to
improv e recov ery of v arious language
functions. And, some researchers hav e been
> Morphing
Reconnecting the ability for normal communication
skills requring mastery of morphological elements of
> Num eracy
A treatment module designed to reconnect the ability
to use numbers in real life.
> Pronouns
The module helps the client improv e their ability to
use references which are critical in narration and
> Pure Alex ia
This module helps the client to read.
> Sem antic Cognition
A module designed to improv e fluent word recall for
> Verbing
A treatment module that focuses on v erbs and the
propositional use of v erbs.
Please rev iew our Powerpoint presentation
Aphasiattoolbox and Aphasia Sight Reader.
Aphasia Sight Reader is included in our subscription
package. For information on subscriptions, or to
schedule a tour of Aphasiatoolbox and Aphasia Sight
Reader, contact us.
Upcoming Courses from Aphasiatoolbox
Master Clinician Bill Connors is offering the following
onsite presentations in 201 4, on
Aphasia-Apraxia Therapy: Exploiting
June 6-7 , 2014, Lafay ette, LA
The Louisiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Annual Conv ention
June 21, 2014, San Antonio, T X
V isit www.motiv ationsceu.com for more information
looking at how treatment of other cognitiv e
deficits inv olv ing attention and memory can
improv e communication abilities.
Some of the drugs being tested include:
Memantine and the amphetamines. Click on
the name of the drug for additional
> Piracetam
> Bromocriptine
> Donepezil
> Amphetamines - Dex troamphetamine and
Methy lphenidate
> Memantine
1 . Pharmacology and Aphasia
[Hardcov er], Marcelo L. Berthier (Editor),
Guadalupe Dav ila (Editor)
To be published: 1 0 Nov ember 201 4 | ISBN-1 0:
1 1 387 99882 | ISBN-1 3: 97 8-1 1 387 99882
This book prov ides clinicians and researchers
with the current state-of-the-art on the
pharmacological treatment of aphasia. This
book was originally published as a special issue
of Aphasiology .
2. Engelter S. T, European Journal of Phy sical
Rehabilitation Medicine, 201 3 49:261 - 7 ,
Safety in Pharmalogical Enhancement in Stroke
(1 3 th Edition) Sept 2 01 3 ,
Believe - Patience
and to register.
These 1 -day seminar will present innov ativ e treatment
protocols and technology -based tools that enhance
clinical skills, assist in the integration of ev idence and
patient v alues into aphasia rehabilitation, and sav e
clinician preparation time.
Techniques and tools that optimize ex ploitation of
neuroplasticity to max imize aphasia recov ery will be
featured. Participants will observ e demonstrations of
and be inv olv ed in aphasia and aprax ia treatment
including liv e telepractice sessions and v ideo
recordings that utilize the comprehensiv e Brain
Compatible Aphasia Treatment Program. The session
will be highly interactiv e and will address the
sy nergies between the treatment of adult and
childhood speech and language disorders.
For inform ation on these courses, click here to
contact us or phone 7 24-494-2534.
Believe - Patience - Never give up.
T h e A ph a sia Cen t er of In n ov a t iv e T r ea t m en t , In c | | bill@a ph a sia t oolbox .com | h t t p://w w w .a ph a sia t oolbox .com
8 0 0 V in ia l St r eet , B4 0 8
Pit t sbu r g h , PA 1 5 2 1 2
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