011- ARMOOR AC PROCEEDINGS OF THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR & DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER : NIZAMABAD. PRESENT:- SRI PRADYUMNA P.S., I.A.S., Procs No.H5/397/2014 Sub:Ref:- Dt: 03-03-2014 General Elections 2014 – Constitution of various teams for Election expenditure monitoring committee – Revised orders - issued. 1.Dist Election officer & Dist Collr, Nzb Procs No. H5/37/2014, dt:- 22.02.2014 2. Returning Officers of (9) AC proposals &&& ORDERS:In the reference 1st cited, orders were issued constituting various teams for Election Expenditure Monitoring teams at Assembly constituency level. The Returning officers in the reference 2nd cited, has reported that certain officers are either on leave on medical grounds, Maternity leave or local constituency mandal and requested for revising the posting orders earlier suggested alternates. Further, earlier the MPDO’s were proposed as Sectoral officers, but now they are exempted from Sectoral officers duties and posted as Incharge officers for Model Code of Conduct. Further, the Returning officers have requested for exemption of Dy. Tahsildars of AC headquarter mandals as they are preoccupied with other election allied works, apart from that they are DDOs and have to look after the Accounts/Budget. Therefore, the Dy. Tahsildars of AC headquarter mandals have been exempted, in their place AEE (PR)/(IB) & RWS etc are proposed. Since, the State Election Commission has issued notification for 4th Ordinary Local Body Elections, the officer drafted under Model Code of Conduct earlier has now posted as Returning officer/ Asst. Returning officer for Municipal Corporation, Nizamabad or Asst. Election officer/Addl. Election officer of Municipal Council, Armoor/Bodhan/Kamareddy. Thus, in supersession of the orders issued in the reference 1st cited, the following officers are drafted for the following teams as shown below. 1. Sl. No. No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 2 011-Armoor 1 1 2. Sl. No. 1 1 ASSISTANT EXPENDITURE OBSERVERS (AEO) Name of the Officer & Designation 3 G Saibaba, ATO, Nizamabad Area of operation 4 Entire Armoor constituency Mobile No. 5 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE TEAMS (VST) No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 2 011-Armoor Name of the Officer & Designation 3 Sri T Kiran Kumar, GPA, Nizamabad. Videographer (to be appointed by the Tahsildar concerned) Name of the Police Personal 4 P. Laxman ARPC- 112 Mob No. 7386582657 Area of operation 5 Entire Armoor constituency Mobile No. 6 9493389382 8790288688 3. Sl. No. 1 1 No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 2 011-Armoor 4. Sl. No. Name of the Officer & Designation & Mobile No. 3 Sri G.V. Venkateshwar Rao, Dy.Executive Engineer(RWS), Armoor. Cell No: 9848950222 011-Armoor 5. Team No & name 1 1 2 MCC-1, Armoor (U) 2 MCC-2, Armoor (U) MCC-3, Armoor MCC-4, Makloor 4 5 MCC-5, Nandipet 6. 4 Entire Armoor constituency Name of the Clerks with mobile No. 5 Sri M.Brahmanandham, Sr.Asst. O/o MPP, Armoor (9441203958) Sri A. Surith Kumar, Jr.Asst. O/o MPP, Armoor Name of the Officer & Designation & Mobile No. Area of operation Name of the Clerks with mobile No. 3 4 5 Sri B. Poshanna, Asst. Registrar, O/o Dist.Co-op. Office, Nzb. Cell No. 9440384090 Entire Armoor constituency S. Dinesh Babu, Jr.Asst. O/o Dist. Co-op. Office, Nzb. Cell No. 9849938960 MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT (MCC) TEAM Sl. No. 3 Area of operation ACCOUNTING TEAM (AT) No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 2 1 1 VIDEO VIEWING TEAM (VVT) Name of the Executive Magistrate heading the MCC 3 Commissioner Municipal Council, Armoor Name of the Videographer & Mobile No. to be appointed by the Tahsildar concerned 5 4 B.Nagaraju, AR PC 914, Cell No. 9010001065 Sri.Umamaheshwar Rao, Dy. Executive Engineer, IB Sub Division Armoor O/o IB Division Nizamabad. Cell No. 9701367495 MPDO, Armoor MPDO, Makloor Cell No. 9848990108 MPDO, Nandipet Cell No. 9989050838 Name of the Police Officer assisting the Executive Magistrate T.Muthanna, AR PC 1798, Cell No. 7732034317 K.Sreekanth, AR PC 911, Cell No. 9492894047 A.Naresh, AR PC 913, Cell No. 9550470301 T.Gangadhar, AR HC 1605, Cell No. 9441631095 FLYING SQUADS (FS) Sl.No. No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency Name and number of the FS Name of the Sr. Executive Magistrate Heading the FS 1 2 3 4 Name of the Sr. Police Officer assisting the executive magistrate 5 Name of the Armed Police in the FS 6 Name of the Videographer with Mobile No. ( to be appointed by the concerned Tahsildar 7 Name of the Mandal in which the FS shall operate majorly 3 1. FS- 1, Armoor Rural 2 FS- 2, Makloor 011-Armoor 3 FS- 3, Nandipet FS-4, Armoor (U) 7. Sl.No. 1 1. Sri M.A. Rahaman, Dy. EE, Div. II, GVC-I, SRSP, Pochampad. S.Latha Dy.Tahsildar, Tahsil Office, Makloor (Cell 9010131621) Suvarna Dy.Tahsildar, Tahsil Office, Nandipet (Cell 9985416069) Narsaiah, HC 1120, Cell No.9849365962 Armoor rural B.Pochaiah, ASI, Cell No.9948038877 Shaik Ismail, HC 1048, Cell No.9912408454. Athma Rao, HC, 1164, 7386762213 Armoor Urban Makloor Nandipet STATIC SURVEILLANCE TEAM (SST) No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 2 Name and number of the SST 3 SST- 1, Armoor (U) 011-Armoor 2. Sri BR Subhash Chander, Dy. Tahsildar (Enft) varni 9948422882 SST - 2, Armoor Name of the Sr. Executive Magistrate Heading the SST 4 M Kiran Asst Executive Enginner, Dr. BRAPC, Nizamabad. b) Sri Mohan, Jr. Asst, Tahsil office, Armoor. (Cell No. 7569944522 a) Sri.B.Narsingh Banavath, Asst. Executive Engineer, Irrigation, Armoor (Cell No. 9701367501 b) Sri M.Ravindhar Revenue Inspector, Tahsil Office, Armoor (Cell No. 9949017560) a) Name of the Sr. Police Officer assisting the executive magistrate 5 Name of the Armed Police in the SST 6 B.Laxman, HC 1119, Cell No.9989927877 Janardhan Rao, PC 1401, Cell No.9849507387 Name of the Videographer with Mobile No. ( to be appointed by the concerned Tahsildar 7 Videographer Name of the Mandal in which the SST shall operate majorly 3 Armoor Rural Videographer Makloor Sl.No. No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency 1 3. 2 4. Name and number of the SST 3 SST - 3, Makloor SST-4 Nandipet 8. Sl. No . Name of the Sr. Executive Magistrate Heading the SST 4 Sri.Gadde Gangaram, Asst. Engineer, Irrigation Makloor (Cell No. 9701369516 b) Sri Y.S.Praveen Kumar Revenue Inspector, Tahsil Office, Makloor (Cell No. a) Sri.Pittala Ananthaiah Asst. Engineer, Irrigation Nandipet (Cell No. 9701367508 b) Sri M.Srinivas Reddy Revenue Inspector, Tahsil Office, Nandipet (Cell No. Name of the Sr. Police Officer assisting the executive magistrate 5 a) Name of the Armed Police in the SST 6 Satyanarayana, PC 1340, Cell No.8500002366 Name of the Videographer with Mobile No. ( to be appointed by the concerned Tahsildar 7 Videographer Name of the Mandal in which the SST shall operate majorly 3 Nandipet M. Prasad, PC, 653, 9550755661 Armoor(U) SECTORAL OFFICERS Name of the Mandal ID no of the sectora l officer Name and Designation of Sectoral Officer 1 1 2 Armoor 3 Route No. 1 4 Sri.M Kishan, AE (PR) Makloor. Cell No. 9701368705 2 Armoor Urban Route No. 2 Sri V.Gopi, MAO, Armoor Cell No. 8886613130 Name of the sector mobile police with designat ion 5 Area of operation (polling station & village wise) PS No. 6 45 50 46 47 52 53 54 48 49 51 55 56 61 57 58 62 63 64 PS Name 7 MPDO Accounts Room MPDO President Room MEO's Office, Meeting Hall Dy.E.E.(PR) Office Room ZPSS (B) North ZPSS (B) East ZPSS (B) West G.J.C (Girls) East G.J.C (Girls) West MPPS, West Govt. S.W.S.C Boys Hostel Govt. S.W.S.C Boys Hostel Govt. S.W.B.C Boys Hostel Municipal Office, Armoor Municipal Office, Armoor ZPHS, Rammandir ZPHS, Rammandir ZPHS, Rammandir 59 60 3 Armoor Urban Route No. 3 Sri Raj Gangaram, MEO, Armoor Cell No. 9440899033 70 71 72 73 74 75 65 66 69 67 68 76 77 78 4 Armoor Route No. 4 Sri.Ghousuddin EO (PRD), Armoor Cell No. 900079790 79 21 25 26 23 24 20 27 28 29 22 19 5 Armoor Route No. 5 Sudhakar, Dy EE Housing, Armoor Cell No. 7799722938 17 18 10 11 12 9 15 16 13 6 Armoor Route No. 6 Sri C.Chandar, AE (RWS), Armoor Cell No. 9663235795 14 1 37 31 MPPS, Navanathapuram, Rammandir MPPS, Navanathapuram, Rammandir MPPS, Rammandir, Jendagalli, MPPS, Rammandir, Jendagalli, PACCS, North side PACCS, South Side PACCS, South Side PACCS, South Side MPPS Girls MPPS Girls MPPS Girls ZPSS Girls 3rd Room ZPSS Girls 1st Room MPPS , Rajaramnagar West side MPPS , Rajaramnagar West side MPPS , Rajaramnagar West side MPPS Rajaramnagar ZPHS T/M New Building, Perkit ZPHS North Side 10th class, Perkit ZPHS North Side 9th class, Perkit MPPS, Perkit MPPS South wing, Perkit Grama Sachivalayam, Perkit MPPS (Old Building), Kotarmoor MPPS 3rd class room, Kotarmoor MPPS New building, Kotarmoor PACCS, Perkit MPPS, Chepoor Colony, Chepoor ZPSS North wing, Chepoor ZPSS 7th class, Chepoor MPPS 4th class, Pipri ZPSS 10th class, Pipri ZPSS 8th class, Pipri Grama Sachivalayam Meeting Hall, Pipri ZPSS 8th class, Fathepoor ZPSS 10th class, Fathepoor ZPHS, New Building, Surbiryal, Surbiryal ZPHS, New Building, Surbiryal MPPS, Komanpally Grama sachivalayam, Mamidipally MPPS East Side, Mamidipally 30 7 8 9 Armoor Armoor Armoor Route No. 7 Route No. 8 Route No. 9 Smt. Peeru, Admn. Officer, O/o JDA, Nizamabad Cell No. 8886612731 Sri.S.Kondaiah, Asst. Engineer O/o Dy. EE (R&B) Armoor Cell No. 9440818931 Y Subhash AE Housing, Armoor. Cell No. 7799722372 Nandipet 10 Armoor Makloor Route No. 10 Sri S.Chandrashekar Sharma, EO(PRD), Makloor Cell No. 9959297019 32 33 35 34 36 38 39 40 6 7 8 5 2 3 4 80 81 82 88 86 87 90 89 162 163 164 165 166 85 83 84 91 92 93 94 95 103 101 102 41 42 43 44 186 187 182 183 MPPS New building, Mamidipally ZPSS 6th class, Mamidipally ZPSS 9th class, Mamidipally ZPSS 8th class, Mamidipally ZPHS 7th class, Mamidipally ZPHS, Mamidipally MPPS Near Water tank ZPSS, 8th class, Govindpet ZPSS staff room, Govindpet ZPHS 8th class, Manthani ZPHS 9th class, Manthani Grama Sachivalayam, Manthani MPPS East side, Amdapoor MPPS North side, Maggidi MPPS South side, Maggidi MPPS 4th class, Khanapoor Grama sachivalayam, Meeting Hall, Issapally MPPS 5th class, Issapally MPUPS 1st class, Gaggupally Grama Sachivalayam, Aloor MPPS 3rd class, Aloor MPPS 1st class, Aloor ZPHS 10th class, Aloor PACCS, Aloor ZPHS 10th class T/M, Kalladi ZPHS 10th class E/M, Kalladi ZPHS 8th class, Kalladi ZPHS 3rd Room, Dikampally ZPHS 8th class, Dikampally Grama Sachivalayam, Rampoor MPPS 1st class, Mirdapally MPPS 4th class, Mirdapally ZPSS 7th class, Degaon ZPSS 10th class, Degaon ZPSS 10th class, Macharla ZPSS 9th class, Macharla Grama Sachivalayam Meeting Hall, Macharla MPUPS, Siddapoor MPPS, Vannel K MPPS, Vannel K Grama Sachivalayam, Ankapoor ZPSS 9th class, Ankapoor ZPSS 5th class, Ankapoor ZPHS, Ankapoor ZPHS 6th class, Ramchandrapally ZPHS 10th class, Ramchandrapally MPPS, Gutpa ZPHS, Staff Room, Gutpa 11 Makloor Route No. 11 Sri. S. Gangadhar, AE, PRI SD, Special, Nizamabad. 12 Makloor Route No. 12 Sri.A.Hari Krishna,MAO, Makloor Cell No. 928967187 13 Makloor Route No. 13 Smt.Kantha Bai, MEO,Makloor Cell No. 9490073851 14 Nandipet Route No. 14 Sri. K. Venubhasker Rao, AE, PIU Divn. Office, Nizamabad. 184 185 192 193 181 174 172 173 175 176 178 177 169 179 180 171 170 159 158 155 156 157 188 189 190 191 194 195 197 196 198 199 200 201 202 149 148 150 151 153 152 Makloor 154 167 168 161 160 ZPHS New 9th class, Gutpa ZPHS 7th class, Gutpa ZPHS 10th class, Mamidipally ZPHS 9th class, Mamidipally MPPS 4th class, Chinnapoor PACCS, Makloor MPPS 1st class, Makloor MPPS 3rd class, Makloor ZPHS 7th class E/M, Makloor ZPHS 10th class, Makloor MPPS Store Room, Madapoor Grama Panchayath, Madapoor MPPS, Gangaramanda Grama Panchayath, Borgam K ZPHS 10th class, Borgam K MPPS Mullangi B MPPS Bonkampally MPUPS Valbapoor MPUPS Chikli MPPS Gunjili ZPHS 10th class Kothapally ZPHS Kothapally ZPHS 10th class, Manikbandar ZPHS 9th class, Manikbandar ZPHS 8th class, Manikbandar ZPHS 8th class East side, Manikbandar ZPHS 9th class, Amrad ZPHS staff room, Amrad ZPHS 7th class, Amrad Grama Panchayath, Amrad ZPHS 8th class T/M, Amrad MPPS, Vadiyatpally ZPHS 6th class, Madanpally ZPHS 8th class, Madanpally ZPHS 7th class, Madanpally Grama Panchayath, Velmal MPPS, Velmal ZPSS 8th class, Velmal ZPSS 8th class, Velmal MPPS New building, Koulapoor MPPS old building, Andhranagar ZPHS North side, Andhranagar ZPHS 7th class, Gottumukula ZPHS 9th class, Gottumukula MPPS, Mamdapoor MPPS, Dharmora 15 Nandipet Route No. 15 P.Gangamallu, MAO,Nandipet Cell No. 8886613133 142 145 146 138 139 140 141 144 16 17 Nandipet Nandipet Route No. 16 Route No. 17 Sri.P.Srinivas Reddy, MEO,Nandipet Cell No. 9949966300 Sri.K.Sanjay Dy.EE.SW, APEWIDC, Nizamabad Cell No. 9704701442 147 143 99 119 104 100 105 106 107 108 109 111 110 96 97 98 117 118 114 116 115 18 Nandipet Route No. 18 Md.Raheemuddin, AEPR, Nandipet Cell No. 9701368703 113 112 132 128 130 131 129 135 136 137 133 134 Govt.Politechnic College, Nandipet Govt.Politechnic College, Nandipet Govt.Politechnic College, Nandipet ZPSS 7th class, Nandipet ZPSS 9th class, Nandipet MPPS, Nandipet MPPS, Nandipet MPPS 3rd class U/M, Nandipet MPPS U/M, Nandipet Grama Panchayath, Nandipet MPPS, Shapoor MPPS, Komatpally ZPHS, Thondakur MPPS, Dattapur ZPHS, Marampally Grama Panchayath, Marampally MPUPS, Gangasamunder ZPHS West, Noothpally ZPHS East, Noothpally MPPS, G.G. Nadkuda ZPHS, Gadepally MPPS (West Side), Kudavandpoor MPPS 3rd class room, Kudavandpoor MPPS Middle Room, Kudavandpoor MPPS south wing, Nikalpoor MPPS North, Nikalpoor ZPHS East, Donkeshwar ZPHS East side, Donkeshwar Grama Panchayath, Donkeshwar MPUPS, Annram Grama Panchayath, Sirpoor MPUPS, Chimrajpally MPPS, Lakkampally ZPHS, Talveda MPUPS (North side), Talveda Grama Panchayathv MPPS, Mallaram ZPHS Back side, Allapoor ZPSS south side, Allapoor MPUPS, Kamtam ZPHS, Kamtam 19 Nandipet Route No. 19 Sri.K.Gangaram AE (RWS) SD,Armoor Cell No. 8886332065 127 125 126 122 123 124 120 121 Reserve MPPS Bazarkottur ZPHS 7th class room Ch Kondur ZPHS 9th class room Ch Kondur MPPS 4th class room, Mayapoor Grama Panchayath, Ummeda MPPS 5th class room, Ummeda ZPHS North side, Badguna MPPS 5th class room, Badguna Sri C Prabhaker, AE PR Armoor Cell No. Sri V Praveen Kumar, AEE, The instructions issued under reference 1st cited is applied for all the officers now posted. All the teams drafted shall come into action with immediate effect and shall report before the concerned Returning Officers. The Returning Officers are directed to send report as officer reported to duty. The above teams drafted shall work for both the Municipal Elections/ General Elections, 2014 as an when it will come into force. Sd/DISTRICT COLLECTOR & DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER NIZAMABAD To All the concerned (Through the Returning Officer concerned) The Superintendent of Police, Nizamabad district //Attested// Administrative Officer, Collectorate, Nizamabad.
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