CLfANING SUPPLY VENOOE INFORMATION FOAtl FOR MULTI REGION COOP Bid prrod [laY 3r , 2014 GROUP l Item No. nrarh Jm I 2o15 GROUP l DRODUCT DESCRIPT10N APPROVED BRAND OR EQUAL lTEM NUMBER 31D UNIT 三STIMATED 」SAGE NUMBER OF BID UNIT UNITS PER PRiCE TOTAL COST UNIT OR EACH 00ST CASE(CAPSUALS OR GALLONS) PRODUC丁 USAGE PER 10 GALLONS OF ヽ A′ △T「 ロ 1 DlSHMACHINE DETERGENT,SOLID 3/9 LB EL SOLID POWER/ ENCAPSULATED,KLEEN 10371,6100185, 57238409 ASE 〕 11817.5721280 DASE 14514,12716, 432229 3ASE 13987,13961, 8643100 CASE 10934,5721280 DASE 17301 DASE 11262,12963, 4977476 3ASE 20C 4977476 ASE 〕 50( 11023.17708, 4603095 DASE 134 12021,18700,Af 375 3ASE 50C 350C 4 No6a DUTY,Diversey SUMA DiberPak P6.or equal 2 DISHMACHINL RINSL ADυ ‖ IVL FOR SOFT TO MEDIUM HARD lC.Al 3 "ATFRTEMP 4′ LOVV WAREVVASHING DETERGENT 5 GALLON EL」 ET DRY/SUPER DRY, RINSE AID,Diversey Suma Clear A10 or eoual EL HEAVY DUTY ECO― KLENE/ KFE 100,LOW TEMP MACHINE DETERGENT,Diversey SUMA $ $ │ 2094 Low energy deter9ont,or equal 4 _OW TEMP VVAREVVASH:NG 3HLORINE SANITlZER 5 GALLON EL ECO‐ SAN/SAN1 3000, SOLUT10N CL,Diversey SUMA S SAnlli7er Or Oollol DiSHMACHINE RINSE ADDITIVE FOR HARD WATER 5 GALLON EL RINSE DRY/R!NSALL EXTRA,HIGH SOLIDS RINSE S 1500 AID,Diversey Suma Cloar A10, or eallal MANUAL VVAREWASHING DETERCENT FOR EL SOLITAIRE/BLUE STAR, POTS/PAN/UTENSILS,SOLID 4/5 lR 7 ⅥANUAL WAREWASHlNC EL PANTASTIC′ BIG BLUE, DETERGENT FOR POT&PAN,Diversey Chemicals 3AL Detergent Wlth Boost 2 5 Lttre,or 30TS/PAN/UTENSILS,LIQUID 411 4 $ 4 $ $ EXCELL,o了 Oqual Suma Supreme Pot and Pan EL PANTASTIC/BIG BLUE, POT&PAN,Diversey Chemicals S Suma Supremo Pot and Pan Detergent Wnh BoOst 2 5 Lltre,or natinl aUAT SANITIZER FOR MANUAL ⅣAREWASHINGノ THIRD SINK 5 0ALLON EL STER BAC BLUE/K‐ QUAT NO RINSE,SOLUT10N QA, Diversey Chemicals Final Step Sanitizer 2 5日 rUS.or equal WAY/KSR,SCALE IME SCALE REMOVER 4/1 し LIME― GALLON KLEEN,AFL 375し me Off non A‐ foamind Delmer,or equal TOTAL PAGE COST $ 4 ヽ/ $ l$ ― NUMBER Oト RACKS PER BID UNIT Multi Regional Child Nutrition Co-Op Clsaning Supplies Specilications and Proposal Form RFP#2013-03 ILM Nυ Page 2 ol 6 MBLH 3:D UN‖ GROuP 2 A E M G ︲ GROUP 2 P2 EXTENS10N Due 4:30 PM VVednesday,」 une 25,2014 ヽUMBLH Oト 」NITS PER うlυ 〕 OST 3ASE(CAPSUALS 11 」ASE 10 14191.4508768 3ASE 25 14175,3063390 DASE 35 10625,3062493 3ASE 201 じASE 42‐ EL OASIS 256/VVlNDOW へMMONIA READY,GLASS KLEEN CONC, 5 3361936 D∼ ersey Chemicals Glance N/A OASIS 144/K-OUST 12 3UATERNARY AMMONIA 2 5 3ALLON NhBIA S SOLUT,ON QA,Diversey Chemicals Final Step 512 13 Ior mopping dining rm tloors w/o lnished surface 2 5 GALLON AUTO FL00R NETURAL MULTl PURPOSE CLEANER,Diversey Chemicals Stnde Cnrus sc RTD 14 suitable for mopping kitchen to remove &heavy so1 2 5 GALLON OASIS l15 XP/K― DET, BREAK,Diversey Chemicals Knchen Dogreaser RTD 5L GREASE CUTTER/K‐ 15 ,'leaning greass accumulation lrom (itch€n equipment 4/1 GAL sve IK, 17111,1951 S DE‐ GREASE,Diversey Chemicals Klchen Do9reaser 16 safe lor homs MA」 SOLID SUPER STAR/TLB, 16013 〕 ASE 12 Manufacture Lab€|, WOW Stainless Steel Cloaner and Protmtor 1602 sorav boftle 11001 〕 ASE 20 」ASヒ 52 5 ASL 」 25 5 3 washers 17 18 ANTIBACTERIAL CLEAN AND 30AP 16/450 ML SM00TH/G10,Kimbedy Ctark 93036 SF Attiseptic hand Soap baby powder whne 500mL or SM00TH/TELESIS,PKL Dwl 30AP 4/1 GAL 14886,DWl‐ I Tpear:y VVhlte Luxury hand soap n6EnI rurc Sanmzel, Kilts w,9% ot a mponanl organisms 15 seconds or lo$. 66 v/o Eler, cl@r no lrag€nce, 80OmL Bag-in- QSC or equal 22 edds a prolective coesting to relard 44140 りASL 5288.11004 3ASE ″DlV/01 6149,lMP 7902 じASE ″DIV/0! 6RPHSM, GRPRMD, じASL S Cleaner and Protector, or 6qual " Latex Glove chemrcal resistanl,5 mil po$der kee, 100 p€r box, any size Triple SSS, lmperal 7902 Trigger spraysr blue/white I 7/8 General Puroose. or eoual Triple SSS, HOSPECO, or equal GRPRLG, GRPRXし ,GL‐ L105FS GL L105FM,Gし L105FL,GL― 1/ V n990r SprayOr,n:gh output sprayOr,s● enung.9_7/8・ 10 GALLONS OF VVATER #DIV/0 OF RACKS PER BID JNIT ЭR GALLONSヽ 7VINDOW CLEANER WiTH NO ヽUMBER JNIT OR EACH UN‖ PHIじ L I/ulti Regional Child Nutrition Co-Op Cleaning Supplies Specifications and Proposal Form RFP″ htex Flock-Lined Beusable Gloves, Yellow, 1 I T“ ple 2013‐ GVEPSM, SSS,HOSPECO,or equal E刈 ENS10N 03 Due 4:30 PM Wednesday,」 Page 3 or 6 une 25,2014 ″DIV/01 $ DASE GVEPMD, mil, panorened grip lor sale handleing, lor use where chemi€l solvents are present, POWDER FREE, any pack acceptable Mよ GVEPLG, GVEPXL,GL‐ Ll16LS,GL‐ Ll16LM,GL‐ Ll16LL,GL Ll1 6LX 4xl Gal $ Liquid Enayme,Diversey Chemical Drain Maintanence FoLAE‐ 4xl‐ Case, 4xl GaVCase $ -ow Temp Warewash Chlorine 27 -ive Action Drain Enzyme │ Chlorine Sanitizer A705‐ 4xl― Pa‖ 4485501,K687 GTSl(SUMA)4/1G SO,Natural Power Live Action Orain Emyme Solid Biological Grease Trap & Drain 30 Liquid Enayrne, Diversey Chemical SUMA Drain GTS'1 1 8.9U5G. Natural Pow6r Biozyme, lnviro-Zide lhlorine Test Strips Chlorine Test Papers, B百 ‖ os ‖ o Pads Ouai Test Strips 0-200 Pads Quat Test Papers,0‐ 400 ppm lx4 5# S #DIV/01 4xl GaVCase 4x8″ /Case S #DIV/0! SB,S-679 NOR 1 Kurly Kate Stainless Stsel Scrub Pads B百 1620Sl‐ MCS 1776‐ 4x8- Patriot iolid Dish Detergent $ 57292100 Hand Pal \nti-bacterial Lotion Hand Soap $ 5 Gal FoLAE-5-Pa‖ 3M‐ 240 1 Box 1 PU R-300 1 44lCase 1 S #29405 120/Case 1 $ $ QT 10 10/cs Highest Ouality Manual Detergent ror Dish6s, Pot & Pans Ouat Based Sanitizer lor Triple Bin MiniMax Manual Pot&Pan 4954821-USC 2x3,1∞ ml 1 $ $ Deteroent UA Sankizer 064872‐ USC 2xl,500m1/2 1 $ $ T1025,4599616 Contalners 12 Canisters x 160 wipes, 1 $ 1 $ Sink 38 70%6“ x7・ Sanltizing Wipes lso‐ Tech Al● oho:Surface Wipes, DⅣ ersey Chemicals Ox,ver TB 1920 Wipes(US)12x160 ct BioActive One Step Floor Cleaner lor RationalClsaner Tablets lor Combi Ovens Rational Rinse Tablets for Combi MixMate Mini FIoo「 bac 5050808-USC Raiional Cleaner Tablots 5600210 Rational Rinse Tablets 5600211 50 1 Eco Lab :L TORO′ Diversey Chemical 三 asy pak a‖ purpose cleaner 90 5oz02 809,90651 4‐ l qal 100 pouches per case 1 ヽ 、 ′ D[0 610060乏 DP‐ ︱︱︱I Ⅳソ′ Purple pouch. A heavy duty floor cleaner, mop soap and degreaser. Safe for waxed floors, dries quickly, and leaves no film. Very pleasant, unusual aroma. One pouch makes 5 gallons for regular mopping by hand or with floor machines. Packed 100/case (vield = 500 1 tablets/buCket nVArLS Soecialtv Oven Cleaner HEAVY DUTY FLOOR CLEANER, 。輸 0 ︲ 39 wioes/case 2x3,100 mi $ N,lulti 44 Regional Child Nutrition Co-Op Cleaning Supplies Specilications and Proposal Form RFP # DISINFECTANT, Green Pouch, SMALL POUCH. EPA CCTtifiEd disinfectant with MRSA and Hepatitis B & C rating. Neutral pH makes it safe for use on waxed floors. Nice scent. One small pouch makes 1 quart for trigger spraying onto selected smaller surface areas. Small pouches packed 160/case (Yield = 160 quarts). Case size for small pouches is 8" square; weight is about 2 lb. One large NEUTRO QUAT, EASy PAK Page 4 ol 6 2013-03 PP-826, 90650 EXTENSION Due 4:30 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2o14 1 60/cas€ $ 1 Detergent Disinfectant b 減 pouch makes 2 gallons for mopping or sponge/rag laDolication. Large pouches DISINFECTANT, Green Pouch, LARGE POUCH. EPA Certified disinfectant with MRSA and Hepatitis B & C rating. Neutral pH makes it safe for use on waxed floors. Nice scent. One small pouch makes 1 quart for trigger spraying onto selected smaller surface areas. One large $ 1 PP-826, 90650 200/case PP-830,90651 80/case 1 KRYSTAL KLEAR PP-822 80/caso 1 RAZZLE DAZZLE )P-834 260/case \EUTRO QUAT, Easy Pack Detergent Disinfectant pouch makes 2 gallons for l.opping or sponge/rag lapplication. Large pouches l^^-"^^.nnt---^ t,,i6rA - Ani qLL PURPOSE CLEANER, OTANgE OVER & OUT, Diversey rouch. All purpose cleaner with d Chemical Easy Pak all purpose cleaner imonene. Great citrus scent. 3leaning power of Natural Orange. One pouch makes one luart. Packed 8o/case (yield = GLASS CLEANER, Blue pouch. A glass cleaner with an agreeable aroma. No ammonia, making it safe to use on plexiglass. One pouch makes one quart. Packed 8o/case (vield = 80 ot.). 48 LAUNDRY DETERGENT, CIEAT pouch. New packaging enables you to use only what is required. one pouch cleans a small machine load. Use two pouches for a medium load, three pouches for a large load. Packed BOWL CLEANER, Neon pink pouch. Bowl cleaner. Tile and grout cleaner. Mild acid strength with a fantastic scent One pouch makes one quart. Packed 8o/case (yield = 80 qt.) $ $ $ 1 \, TOYAL FLUSH, Diversey EasY PP-836, 90652 lak Bowl Cleaner 80/case 1 'Y Page 5 ol 6 Multi Regional Child Nuvition Co-Op Cleaning supplies specifications and Proposal Form RFP o 「 ERM― N― ATOR K-626 rr ffl:Ita'""r)r ne 2s, zo14 1 24lquarts/case A γ ALL PURPOSE BIODEGRADABLE DEGREASER, Ready-To-Use. r,ao 恥ら 50 'o"ol3 Super concentrated cleaner and emulsifier, Non-corrosive, nonflammable, non-toxic, biodegradable and economical. Safe to use water-based product. TOTAL Muti negional Chid Nut1lon Co Op C13an ng Supples Specr catiOrs and ProposJ Fo`m RFP″ いぃ― 2013 03 EXTCNS10N Due 4:OO PM Wednesday Oし ne 25.2014 工 t. 6又 性Q 私 ヽ Siqnalure ol Companv Official List for allol tho above itoms vou have qivon information lor. Cヽぃ 、製 =^c, L\il{c,.- [a'.- o-\r ?c^l".b 61la'-r'"A Shetts fTe-t ・ル │し tA.selcs "ノ CS 欲つ ↓Ц rhe Fast Law to open Drains Granular Drain Opener & Maintainer FREE-WAY contains unique citrus scented granules that clean and maintain drains. This thermo-chemical drain line opener and maintainer destroys the main causes of slow moving and blocked drains (hair, soap scum, & slim); therefore it eliminates many other forms of debris from also becoming tangled, matted and trapped. Simple and safe to use in pipes 2" of less. USDA Authorized for use in Federally lnspected Meat & Poultry Facilities Safe for use in Septic Tanks USE O'V . Sin ks .Bathtubs lShowers I Urinals aWater Fountains aFloor Drains rX-ray Sinks υSE′ Ar USE FOR .Schools aHair Clogs aGrease rSoap Scum aUric Salts aHospitals aNursing Homes aApartments .Athletic Clubs aVet Clinics aRestaurants .Hotels/Motels .Cold water Slime DIRECTIONS FOR USE Use rubber glores, prolective clothing and eye Protection when using this product' Remove any-excess water. Hold container at arm's length and add one capful of FREE-WAY' Slowly tricklL water into drain. Let stand for 60-90 seconds. Repeat until drain is free-flowing. Then flush well with water. ,Vever positio n head over drain opening' DO NOT USE HOT WATER OR OTHER CHEMICALS WITH THIS PRODUCT NOTE: Make sure to flush with plenty of cool water. Follow proper proportioning; Adding more than is recommended may aause FREE-WAY to remain un-activated and harden DO NOT POUR INTO STANDING WATER. lf you must pour into standing water, mix FREE-WAY in a cup with cool water, wait for it to heat up, then pour it into standing water while flushing with coolwater. Continue to flush with coolwater' Contains Sodium Hydroxide, pH 13-14, Orange Pearls with citrus Scent READ ALL LABEL PRECAUTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT cHE■1,ERV 3205 Maverick Drive● Kilgore,TX 75662 903‐ 988‐ 2215 or 800‐ 252‐ 1669 オ IⅨ ERV GHE Product摯 303 Technica;Data Report ELIMINATOR CITRUS HOSPEAL D:S:NFECTANT DEODORANT TOTAL RELEASE DESCRIP■ 0‖ A hosptal grade disinfmntand d∞ dorant訥日t klls T8 obberCu!O Bacill:),E.Co:i,He“ pes sim:ex■ peS l and a Salmone‖ a Cho!eraesulas,StaphylocOccusi and more.ina山 鱈sH:V IAIDS vlrus)on pre_deaned en4rorlmental surraces′ 。bl■ S previously soi:ed with bloody′ body luids,cOntains a blend of ‐ pOwerbl ・ phenonc germlcldes.cOntrois mildet Deodorizes areas where fou:―― V odors are present. APPL:CAT10NS San聞 zes and dgnrects telephones,toliet sea"Ou」 nabi gnk、 showers,「 詢 se canSTand ttce equゎ ment.Foruse h medcal`dentJ, and healh care raci:ilies:hciud;ng nurs:ng homes,and vebttnary ciinlcs.Reco― ended for pFiSiOns,pOlices and ire deparments, hotel′ motels,仙 neral service and crematoruims,dalry farmsO physicans,sports and recreational clubs,beaw shops and food process‐ 3ng plants. FEATURES a BE‖ EF:TS ・ Germiddal‐ K‖ s Staph,E.Coli,and Tubercu;osls ・ Ⅵ嗣 dal against HⅣ ‐l lAIDS vms),Herpes Simplex l and 2 and more. O Powedul‐ cOrnbhes gerrn k‖ :ing ingredients ・ Destroys mldew and mugy Odors attheir sclurce. SPEC:FICAT10‖ S FORM:Alcohol Base Aerosol Foam FLASH PO,N■ 6r F Conc. FLAME E】 TENS10N:12' ODOR:Ci● ■3 SOLuBluTYIN WATER 100X COLOR:Clear DETERGENCI None SPEC,日 C GRAVI託 0.田 %VOLAnLE BY VOLuME 9銘 TOXlCIT■ 1000 ppm OSHA TLV Wヒ :‖ NG AB:uTtt None STORACE SttABluT■ l vear+ COLD STAB:uT■ PH:7.25 Conc. 綱慇鵬 :IIIIIIIIIII:朧 Emd........… ……● ● 53.00m ・ ・ ・ ・‐ ・ ・……… ・………… ・ ・ ・● ・ ・ ・ ・… ・ ・ ‖Em:POGRm:EIFS__.… ……… …………・46755% 100.00嗜 107AL".¨ PROPEllFNT Hydrocabon EVAPORAT30N RATE・ Sbw B10DEGRADAB11∫ nた No oO F PHOSPHATES:None LABEL:‖ FDR‖ Al10‖ EuMINATOR C:I"US HOSP:TAL D:SNFECrART DEODORANT TOTAL RELEASE RRST AID 脚 uSES ¨ 認躍 檄 撒 翻 柵 dヒ an● .l,画 慟■M出 綸bⅢ o caanm"‐ OH“ _ r。 榊 辮 嘲 網曲 納 r m faDEtrhh rd h.d[ r{rtE, rudr on Dd odrr rhLlic ?$rlFrE f. dt{eric dB dr6, ‖A2ARDSTO n■ 嗜ARIS AN0 00MES■ C AMMALS 蹄 酬 R戯 閣 誡 蹴 麒 僣■● 瘍 ― “ 鮨 30市 面 PRmmONARVSTATEHNIS "歯 “ ""L Ⅲ‐ ・ Ⅲ村詢¨日輌 漱 eb ttmpteL:,‐ ●-3 岬 納 凛 I6*hrcb$il.r . t&otorrfuealcbfior, . nir rfir innodrtdv !.if firry olslr b lt20 rtrrLa . G{r FlcIl6ord edar &.la ru lC.amna.dtlcr lh:re . llo8 rvr Oqr ed ,iE .b*f, .ttd grdy wili h lt20 dflfii . Aaori .ona.C lc.a. f f6glt $.4 th ial lllbtta, dra mduir*f rvr . Ca aDdac oldqrra &.Lr ftr adt*r. f fflo[a , C{ Fis co.trC, r dcta lmtl.ld, lc mnEt rllio. . ,l1[| lctrd| d, a fi.r v,|li I rbh to Mloui . llo ria LdtE'ulri$l uhr bld t! & !. tt llr ,&n cdC DaraGr o.6dc. . 0a rc C[. rrtting bl mrlhlo nrEai{!. fmolr H.rl ilr D.odrd illriE c bbd llh yN trt i calig. Doirr coilrd cal, t drctt, ( e,iE lq baa0rd. oa FOnttt AS A瓶 俎 RaEASE AR DEODORに R 酬〔ι ttT TREATS W 70■ 000 COBIC FEET ― ROS: … b 覇 DIRECllWS FOn uSE nGieAflS lc srl: ErU fterE/h&rt PACXAGING l‖ FOnMAT10‖ 12‐ 3o2CanS per case 6 oz net weight llMIS R● tい :Heah-1,日 ―た P● B● H Pnt輌 b口 週IIv― ■艤 面リー1. Abo,lol (61-17.5[ t .r. lSurCe0-tl. W nt'sle Ihh Dodrct co.iriE r chricclsl C.fhi$ rc Ersa c*ra. htd fmr-l!-5l lnffi! to ds Su. ot OO ン Ч ′ イ Enzyme Force Enzyme Spray-A-Jell . Enzymatic actiontights odors effectively . Long-lasting jell keeps the odor-digesting en4ymes on problem area . Eas! to use Try our new Enzymatic Spray-A-Jell that contains thousands ofbiocultures that consumes the source of odors. Because the enzymes are in the longJasting Spray-A-Jell, the enzymes stay on the problem area longer making them more effective. It comes packed with two tigger sprayers per case. This product is composed of organic materials that are all biodegradable. toilets, urinals, floor drains, trash cans, dumpsters' kennels, diaper pails or an1'where problem odors may occur' IJse in: Distributed by: 3205 PIaverick Drive Kllgore,TX 75662 903‐ 988-2215 or 800‐ 252… 1``9 CH ね SI鎌 BACTERIA ALiVE Enzyme-producing Bacteria With lnstant odor Control Bacteria Alive is a blend of non-pathogenic, enzyme producing bacteria and special odor counteractants. lt is intended as a general use deodorizer and organic waste digester. lt is very effective at destroying odors and digesting organic waste such as urine, rood wastes, and proteins, other organic material. Our Bacteria Digestant Deodorants are living bacterial suspensions, which attack solids such as grease, fats, grease nature's product organic waste and digest This the source. by eliminating carbohydrates, and sugars instantly destroying malodors way. Guaranteed salmonella free, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES DIRECTIONS APPEARANCEI Whne Emulsion GENEML USE: Liquid Live can be used as a carpet cleaning and deodorizing additive, also ODORI Fresh be used in .estrooms and as a drain and grease trap treatment. SINK DMINS: 4 oz. twice weekly. vary amount and frequency according to usage and size pH(Conc):6to 8 ot drain, FLASH PO:NI N/A wATER― BASED LIQU:D) GREASE THAPS: lnital treatment- pour l SPECIFIC GRAV!TY 1 023 SPORE COUNT 200 B‖ CFU(Co10ny Forming Untsl per ga‖ On : can qt into opening closest to trap, prior lo its longest non-use period. For maintenance purposes, use 4 oz dally. (Large traps may require additional amounts). URIC ACID ODOB NEUTRIALIZER: Vigorously attacks and destroys uric acid and other malodors. PACKAGING GENEML DEODOBIZING: Great for deodorizing kennels, cigarette urns, bed pans, and Bacter a A‖ ve is ava‖ able in 12x32 similar places where foul odors are present. Recreational Vehicles & Marine Holding Tanks: Add 3 oz. per gallon of liquid in holding tank. Porta-Toilets & Outhouses...Add 1 qt to solids to deodorize and aid in digestion. LAGOONS: 1qt. for each 1O,OOO gallon capacity, This can vary depending on feading equipment used and condition of lagoon. ounce cases SAFE STOMGE & HANDLING Caution: This product is intended for lndustrial and lnstitutional use, Although this is a mild cleaning agent, lt can cause irritation to eyes and skin. Avoid contact by wearing protective devises such as salety glasses and rubber gloves. lf contact to eyes or skin, llush with water for 1o-15 minutes. l{ irritation persists, seek medical attention. Always read the Material safety Data sheet lor additional precautions berore using this product. For lndustrial and lnstitutional use only. Keep from Freezing. 1‐ 800-252‐ 1669 3205 Maverick Drive・ Kilgore,TX 75662 件 ЮOも 3205 ⅣIaverick Drive● Kilgore,Texas 75662 Phone:903‐ 988… 2215 or 800-252‐ 1669 Email:chemservの earthlinに net wIVWoChem¨ servonlineocom CHEⅣ SERV STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER AND POLISⅡ l― Tech Data Sheet Oil Based Cleaner/POlish A supcrb oil― based formula that cleans,shines and restores o五 ginal luster to esh fragrance and a all metal surfaces.Wipes off easily.Leaves bChind a■ Hng ttd re― s酬 h3Effect市 e on ,,copper,mild Steel and chrome. :器 鉗 蹴慧:凛 11鰍 鵠 聖乱翼 Contains 100% Food Grade Ingredients d“ dyoio mdd ttr臨 ∝ ・ 瞭 鮒T標器器3オ辮 d° ltO provide a high shine. DANGER Extremely nammable,harmful or fatal if SWallowed +101q O PRODuCES STABLE FOAM ON VERT:CAL SuRFACES O EXCCLLENT CLEANER FOR RESTROOM AN0 0THER SuRFACES O BROAD RANGE DiSINFECTANT GERM・XⅡ O HOSP!TALS FOAMING LEMON SCENT O KITCHENS . ● BATHR00MS a Specitic Gravity: 1.000 a pH: 11.7 a Active lngredients: n-Alkyl(60% C14, 30'/.C16. 5'l. C12, soloc 1B) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides: 0.196 dimethyl etlrylbenzyl ammonium chlorides:0.1% a Propellant: Hydrocarbon a Spray Characteristics: Medlum, coarao circular spray, cllnglng loam This product is designed specifically for general cleaning and disinfecting in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and hotels. lt is formulated to disintect inanimate hard surfaces such as walls, sink tops, tables, chairs, telephones, bathrooms, showerstalls, bathtubs, hampers, cabinets and bed springs. ln addition, this product deodorizes those areas which generally are hard to keep fresh smelling, such as garbage storage areas, empty garbage bins and cans, basements, restrooms and other areas which are prone to odors caused by microorganisms. BACTEBICIDAL ACTIVITY- When used as directed, this product exhibits effective disinfectanl activity against the a Fragrancer Lemon a CLEA}IER . DISI]IFECTANT . DEODORIZER . *VIRUCIDE . FUNGICIDE lagainst pathogenic lungil . MILDEWSTAT (on hard, inanimate surfacesl organisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis,Pseudomonas aeruginosa and HIV-1 (associated with AIDS) and meets AOAC Germicidal Spray Products Test requirements Ior hospital Nel Weight: 19 oz. disinfectants. a Keep Out of Reach of Children. a Causes eye and skin irritation. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Harmlul il swallowed. Avoid contamination of lood. Wash thoroughly with soap and water atter handling. a Beler to M.S.D.S. and product label for additional safety information and directions lor use. DIRECTIONS DISINFECTION, DEODORIZATION AND CLEANING . Shake can belore using. Hold container six to eight inches ,rom surface to be treated. Spray area until it is covered with a white loam. Allow foam to penetrate and remain wet lor '10 minutes. No scrubbing is necessary.Wipe otl with a clean cloth, mop or sponge. The product wili not leave grit or soap scum. For heavily soiled areas, remove gross Iilth or heavy soil belore treatment. MILDEWSTAT - To control mold and mildew on precleaned hard non-porous surfaces, spray surfaces to be treated, making sure to wet completely. Let air dIy. Repeat application at weekly inlervals or when mildew groMh reappears. 0〇一一N00N工0]﹂一いい一∞ R EACTIVITV PERSONAL PROTEO■ ON ERV 3205 Maver ck Drive o K‖ gOre,Tx 75662 (800)252‐ 1669 J‖ D⊂ 熟 )ヽ =多 BIODEGRADABLE ORANGE SuPER SOLVENT This concentrated, economical degreaser offers the NATURAL solution to many tough industrial cleaning and degreasing problems. The naturalsolvents used in this formula cut grease and oils FAST, yet without harmful caustic ingredients. lts emulsifying properties hold soils in suspension and allow oils to separate for recovery or disposal. Additionally, the fresh orange/citrus fragrance gives long-lasting odor counteraction. Versatile and effective, this product replaces and outperforms a variety of products, yet is non-butyl, non-caustic, nonacid, petroleum free and biodegradable. rOoncentrated. r Non-Caustic .. r Versatile I Petroleum Free I Fresh Scent 3205 Mavettck Dr. Ki19ore,Texas 75662 ..Economical ......lmproved UserSafety .Ease of Use .....Biodegradable .Pleasant to Use MANUAL DEGREASING: Dilute from 4 oz.per ga‖ on up to strength of this product, depending on soi! conditions. Apply to solled areas and agitate with mop,brush or cloth. fu‖ Rinse thoroughly if practica!. 800‐ 252… 1669 AUTOSCRUBBERS:Di!ute 2 to 8 o2.Ofthis product per gaト lon of scrub so!ution. Apply and pickup one pass ttxtremely heavy so‖ s may require use of a two pass scrubbing method. COLOR: Clear Orange ODOR: Citrus VISCOS!Tγ 25 cps : pH: 10 SPECiFIC GRAV:丁 Y: FOAM:NG: DETERGENCY: SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 1.006 Moderate Excellent Complete KEEP OU丁 OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUT10N:COMBUSTIBLE:Keep awayfrom heat and open lame. DO NOT take interna‖ y. Avoid contact wlth eyes ln case of contact,immediately f!ush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. :f irritation persists, seek medical attention. lf swa‖ owed,consult physician immediately. 110418‐ 0643 [二 ] ♯ だい BLUE BONNET Product Properties Fresh Scent COLOR: Clear Blue ODOR: Floral PH: 8.0 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.00 DiJnfectant… Deodorant Cleaner F(Setanash) FLASH POINT: 210° DETERGEN⊂Y Exce‖ ent SOLUB:LITY!N WATER: cOmplete AC丁 :VEINGREDl[N■ Quaternary ammonium chionde EPA REG:STERED NOTE:NOT ALL DiS:NFECrANT AND SANIT:ZER PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLEIN ALL STATES. 11器 橘 鐸 #露 認 出 ∫乱 蹴 濯 繰 uct`recornmended f● :柑 淵 :肥 n"wmメ :織 ■ 鷺鵠 潔 “ ve no。 r use on conduc● 瞳は 酬 ng “ stent wth tslabe“ on of Federal Law to use this productin a mannerincon● 篇欄 癬漱 譜 欄 榊 湯 鵡 :苗 i輛 鷺 鸞I i櫛 澱il熟静軍 繋 櫛端 胤 輩苗 悧 R∬ 鍬 譜 ¨ dd∝ s面 に中 に翻 翻 轟 鼎 淵 器 認 霊 f憔 eⅢ Oわ 腱COat ttSpd‐ “ I難 蠍 靱 gh2ed pOrcelain,91azed ceramic sealed stone and plastic Directions for Use t ls a viola“ 躍 nd“ ‖mぃ tmO調 n掟 ‖∝ k%σ mに 祠 stainless stee:′ [鼎 席 描 よ 胤篤 躍 l籠 I幣 :』 観 :寵 :1忍 111lⅧ 1撫 忠 iil∬ From Collcontrate:Add 5 o2 tOtheto‖ et bowiand mix Brush tho子 Oughiソ a‖ ow to stand for10 minutes and nush ng ol 螂 藷鰍 憾 │:I1lil:]][IHlI灘 landlぃ に Repe計 お了d“ n縫 On and “ 盤搬‖掛1螢 11靭 鸞∬ 鷲繊基 椰二 ‖ 妥 ∬鮒i難脚範 櫛 継椰:雌熙籠 榊 鱗 1鰈辮 撫鸞 淵 FIIIII ‖ 漑脚 離 春 糊‖譜柵儒 蹴滞 篇悧盪慧 熙曽 榊豊i節謝1高∬柵捌薄 ;ι 1里 龍 ∵出 磋:よ MNG 酪 皇 1肥 hせ1需 認 AND DECONTAMINAmON AGNNST H■ 1 0N SuRFACCSЮ BJECTSSaLED W「 H BL00D′ BODY FLu‐ :棚 bn d 試 :為 騰熱輩鮒:出 :beぉ に セ 性朧剤:お』 『lS鷺震 器詳 冊:縦 副躍 l鶏 悧 ;喘 」 雨 nu"usea Ю 鴇E Leave ttrtte wo術 1雨'調 m解 脳‖ ]朧 J ]:獣 震 甜 :蹴 温:l鉗 :鑑 蠣驚謁 悦滉 D:SPOSAL OFINFECr:Ous MATER:AL:B100d.body nuids′ [:器 apロ i話 n“ e com∝ t」 cleaning mat( i」 regulaJons forinfecJous waste disposaL 舗 3205 Maverick Dn K‖ 9ore′ Texas 75662 to‖ free:800252-1669 il欄 島瀞 IIttil‖醇 熙 鸞 il請 嶽 』 i露 粍蹴智爛 晰闇 l晰吼器 :晰 群器 :棚 器結 '■ FIRST AID :F:N EVES:H01d eye open and面 nse JoW:yandgentlywithwaterfor15‐ nmm獄 菊 割 r∬ 権1∬ ミ 為 r器 :謂 思 :Ne、 ke :F SWALLOWED:Ca‖ a polson control center or dOCtorimmediately fortrei ::il器 :‖ :∬憲 習 悧 or cOma輛 naed dohn9 Rn史 ::認 服 亀誦 :織 20 minutes Remove contactlenses,r present,afterthenrst5 minutes,then 乳 :i駆 鵞 識 ∬ 鳳 繁 :撚 ::店I鵠 :詰 raЫ e.swJbW Dond h‐ 島翼暮 漁 器 ∫鷺 il瑞 器 際 :篤 :LIQmerordocor∝ going for treatment 130910‐ 0255 i nerenroPRoDUcrLABELANDmsos i IL--=-----:----ron ADDtTtoNAL INFoRMATIoN -----J ! Summarv of Anti-Microbial Test Results C:-e- Se', 3.-e ::r--re: s a L-] srrler-:a"- Vir.c ae, -..',g the'-l c\i ag tra!3s ; a :--" :. j''! :.f tlr: A^ t-r a -:la - Claim: Disinfectant Test Method: time: minutes soil: Pre-cleaned Contact 10 c-.1e, Deccc: ze'::-a - a3irer _:.r-3.1 :re :r - s ar.J ?. ?., ,a./! :':l-e::-:: asL t.,. Organic iv',:,ta] Water Cot Deionized official Method ofthe AOAC,14 Edilon‐ Use D‖ ulon Method ATCC# Di:ution Replicates Results Enterobacter aerogenes 13408 781 ppm 10,10 0/10,0/10 Escherichia coli 11229 781 ppm 10,10 0/10,0/10 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 15442 30,30,30 0/30,0/30,0/30 Salmonella enterica 10708 781 ppm (5 ozJoal) 781 ppm 30,30,30 0/30,0ノ 30,0/30 781 ppm 10,10 0/10,0/10 60,60,60 0/60,0/60,0ノ 60, Organlsm Shigella sonnei stapnylocOccus aureus 6538 781 ppm staphy:oco∝ us aureus(MRSA ―Methici‖ in Resistantヽ streptococcuS pyogenes 33591 781 ppm 9342 781 ppm 0/10,0/10 10,10 0/10,0/10 Conclusion:--rerr Sr.r'.i: ?, r: l-,-:r,: etfectively kills the above listed bacteria as specified in the test performance Standards. l-":: rr !e', e B -]i: B-.- i:: meets EPA requirements for hard surface disinfectant claims for hospital and medical environments when diluted to 781 ppm active concentration in deionized water on pre-cleaned surfaces. 10 minutes Pre-cleaned ―TSD‐ ATCC# Organism USe‐ Di:ution Concentration Asperoillus nioer 6275 781ppm(5 oz/gaり Hard Water 6‐ 201M‖ dewstat on Hard Replicates Results 10,10 0/10,0/10 Condition Deionized ConclusionrCt-e'r Ser.,e [3 ir: 3r-:e: is effective against Aspergillus niger as specilied in the EPA test performance slanoaros oescnDeo aDove.C ,. - Se ,e ?. -:: B.r.r-r.l can be considered etfective as a mildewstat for non-porous inanimate haro sunaces wnen dttuteo ro 781 ppm active concentration in deionized water on pre-cleaned surfaces. 10 minutes ATCC# Organlsm Candida albicans Pre-cleaned use-ulluflon Hard water Repllcates Results Concentration Cond:tion Deionized 10,10 0/10,0/10 781ppm(5o2/qan .t.' a-: _---:,.. .t'=, eir:Ca COnCIUS|On:.1'e'-.5:r 't3-r:lr-,-e:='-e::l l-a:?j-,i:.afF,:irr.r:e -.1'eristandards, Seive ts: '.tcan be considered effective as a fungicide for non-porous inanimate hard surfaces when dilutect to 7E1 ppm active concentration in deionized water on pre-cleaned surfaces. Page I of 3 EM・ S Summary of Anti-MicrobialTest Results - Continued Contact time: Virucide Deionized Pre-cleaned Varies Method: Organlsm Sourco of Host System; Virus or Cytopathic Effect ATCC# Dilution Contact l Mlnute HIV‐ 1(AIDS HI MT2 ce‖ s;lytic 781 ppm VinJs) Electronucleoni cs lnc. cytopathic effect (5o2/9al) HSV‐ ll(CL-5) Human Epithelioma #2 cells; lytic cytopathic eftect (5 oZ/gal) Herpes Simplexl Type 2 LV-ilB. lnlluenza A/Braz‖ 11″ 8 NWazil (HlNl) E‐ 10-day chick embryo: Death ol embryo 7:CDC conclusion: All lots ol rl^er--Se: .e 3, : 781 ppm 781 ppm Replicates Time Results log io Reductlon >45 l o Minute >45 1 0 Minute (5o2/gal) i:r r-: ffectivelv inactivated the above listed viruses as specified in the test performance standarcls. .-l-e- S:'.':3:-:3:--:tmeets EPA requirements for hard surface ppm active concentration in viruciaal claims lor hospital and medical environments when diluted to 781 deionized water on pre-cleaned surfaces. Summary of Anti-Microbial Efficacy' Etiology Pttho● e‖ cMに roorga‖ sm lDesc‖ メbn Aspergillus niger Candida albicans rooms. Environmental contaminant may @g also cause "Aspergillosis." hism; exists both as fungi and Yeast' CauieisNn rashes. Cdmmon caus€ lor diaper rash. Can infect both oral and vaginal cavities. Causes itching and discomrort. Enterobacter aerogenes Escherichia coli Herpes Simplex TYpe 2 HIV‐ 1(AIDS ucocutaneous lesions' nis6ciateO wim most orolacial herpes the etiologic ageni of Acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa n, resulting in diarrhea baqgte'E outbteaks. Associated with urinary tract inlections and Virus) lnfluenza A/Brazil inlection' Associated wilh bacteremia, respiratory, wound and urinary tract infectlons' lr*, mmunodeficiency Virus' Known to be in viral flu Causes flu epidemics in nearly 2 ol every 3 years. -@imaiorcauseolhospitalacquired(noSocomial) meningitis, pneumonia (especially infectionsl Causes wound inlections burn), inlections. Required for Hospital Disinteclants Salmonella choleraesuis @acute Shigella sonnei @ anal/oral.route and Septicemia. of inlection; indirectly (including-food, hands, flies) spread by contaminated food and inanimate objects resullino in bacillarv dvsentery. Page 2 of 3 gastroenteritis Required for Hospital Disinfectants and eye of hospital acqulred (nosocomlal) Gram positive bacteria identilied as a major cause ol in{eclions. Colonizes tood and secretes enterotoxins which cause lood poisoning atter ingestion. Causes wound infections, seplicemia, endocarditis, meningitis, osteomylitis bacteria causing hemolysis, urinary tract infections and Microbiolocv, D Kingsbury and G Wagner Hanval Publishing 199 Page 3 of 3
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