2014/15 Quality Improvement Plan April 1, 2014 University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 1 Overview At University Health Network (UHN) our vision is to achieve global impact and our mission is to provide exemplary patient care, research, and education. Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is directly aligned to the goals we set out in our Strategic Directions 2016: Global Impact. Specifically, the following goals and objectives within our Caring domain guided the selection of our priority measures: Become a world leader in documenting and improving patient outcomes Transform "patient-centered care" to "patients as partners in care" Measure and improve the value of care Lead health system integration This year we included all seven HQO priority measures designated by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) on our QIP. We will aim to ‘improve’ performance on three of the measures, and we will aim to ‘maintain’ our performance on the remaining four. In addition, as part of our commitment to ongoing quality improvement, we have selected four additional UHN key priority measures. UHN Priority HQO Priority Measure Baseline Target ED wait times 24.1 24.1 Maintain current performance ALC rate 9.3% 9.3% Maintain current performance 30-day readmission 16.2% 17.0% Maintain current performance within corridor Med reconciliation NA 70% Patient experience 89.6% 90.1% Aim to increase by 0.5% C. difficile 0.47 0.42 Aim for last year’s target Total margin 2.0% 0% Maintain current performance Surgery to rehab LOS 32.4 31.0 Aim for best practice benchmark Surgical cancellations 4.6% 4.5% Aim to decrease by 0.1% Central line infection 1.04 0.9 Discharge summary completion 84.7% 85.0% University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 Target Justification Aim for Accreditation Canada’s standard Aim for TAHSN hospital average Maintain current performance 2 For all of the measures on our QIP we have developed a comprehensive set of change ideas. The change ideas for each of the measures where we will aim to ‘improve’ performance are summarized below. Patient-centered care is a fundamental value on which we form our journey to excellent patient engagement, satisfaction, and outcomes. This year, UHN will launch a 2-year roadmap to transform to “Partners in Care” and have set a target to increase our patient satisfaction rate by 0.5%. One major component of this roadmap will be to engage patients and care givers as advisors in our activities and initiatives. To enhance patient safety, we are aiming to reduce our C. difficile rate by 0.05. Change ideas include switching to a sporicidal cleaning agent that defends against C. difficile and implementing C. difficile guidelines. Moreover, we will begin to develop the process to track and measure urinary tract infections as these infections have been shown to have an impact on C.difficile rates. At UHN, reconciling medications at admission is indeed part of our practice; however, we have not been actively tracking this practice. We are aiming to have medication reconciliation occur upon admission at least 70% of the time in our first year measuring this outcome. This year we will focus on developing sustainable tracking mechanisms for both paper-based and electronic data capture. Reducing avoidable surgical cancelations remains an area of focus for 2014/15. While we have made progress in previous years, we continue to aim to decrease avoidable surgical cancelations by 0.1%. Various change ideas include, opening a general internal medicine unit to increase flex capacity, expanding the number of flex days available, redesigning our current OR booking system and evaluating implementations from last year's rapid improvement events to ensure improvements are sustained and changes are made, where necessary. We continue to aim to reduce our central line infection rate this year. Our change ideas include furthering education initiatives for staff, improving response time for bed side peripherally inserted central catheters at TGH, implementing vascular access assessments in daily huddles, trialing CHG baths in MSNICU, and implementing a vascular access committee. To continue our efforts on improving system integration between acute and primary care, we continue to focus on our performance for discharge summary completion. Change ideas include sending incompletion letters within 72 hours and enabling web-based online editing for our Most Responsible Physicians. To improve transitions in care between acute and rehab, we aim to reduce the length of stay from surgery to rehab for fractured hip and rapid assessment treatment patients at Toronto Western from 32.4 days to 31 days. A thorough set of change ideas has been collated between Toronto Western and Toronto Rehab that will be pursued over the year to help us achieve this target. University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 3 Integration & Continuity of Care Through evaluation of 2013/14 data to inform our current plan, we reviewed patient and employee surveys, patient complaints and staff reports of critical incident information. The common themes emerging from our analysis include integration of care throughout a patient's journey. That is why discharge planning remains a focus in our QIP. We continue to build partnerships with other organizations such as Bridgepoint Health, St. Hilda's and continue to connect patients with appropriate services such as CCAC, Telehomecare, Virtual Ward, ICCP, and SCOPE. Moreover, our leadership role in the Mid-West Health Link has informed our QIP and we continue to identify areas for opportunity improvement to improve coordination and information sharing. Challenges, Risks & Mitigation Strategies There are a few external and internal challenges and risks to achieving our QIP goals. Externally, there are significant and recurring program pressures and patient demand that require funding to balance these pressures. To maintain patient volumes, we continue to request volume funding from the MOHLTC and TCLHIN. We also continue to review tertiary factors and HBAM adjustments to ensure funding appropriately matches high patient acuity in acute, rehab, and CCC. In addition, we are in the process of implementing new Advanced Clinical Documentation (ACD) and therefore more focus will be on gathering requirements to begin preparation for implementation. As a result, tracking improvements and implementing IT solutions within the current IT infrastructure will be difficult as the new ACD will be the main priority. To mitigate the risks and challenges presented to us, regular review of our QIP by our Executive Team and Senior Management Team are scheduled to occur throughout the year. Engagement of Clinical Staff & Broader Leadership In developing this QIP, clinical staffs were engaged to develop improvement strategies and come up with change ideas. Assigned Measure Leads met with their various teams and staff to identify appropriate change ideas and measures for 2014/15. Moreover, we engaged our Operations Committee and Collaborative Academic Practice Committee to ensure that various targets were aligned and synergies were leveraged, where possible. Senior Management and the Board provided their oversight and approval for the engagement process. University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 4 Accountability Management Executive compensation will be linked to the achievement of the following five 'improve' measures: patient experience, C.difficile, medication reconciliation, central line infection and surgery to rehab length of stay. The following portions of variable compensation will be linked: President and Chief Executive Officer 25% Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 20% Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development 20% Vice President, Health Professions and Chief Nurse Executive 20% Vice President, Quality and Medical Affairs 20% Vice President and Chief Information Officer 20% Senior Clinical Vice Presidents 20% Physiatrist in Chief 20% Physician in Chief 20% Surgeon in Chief 20% The five targets will be equally weighted. The following incentives will be available for each target: Target achieved 100% Improvement over previous year (target not achieved) 80% Same as previous year (minimum threshold achieved) 50% University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 5 Accountability Sign-off I have reviewed and approved our organization’s Quality Improvement Plan and attest that our organization fulfills the requirements of the Excellent Care for All Act. Mr. John Mulvihill Dr. Dhun Noria Dr. Robert Bell Board Chair Quality Committee Chair Chief Executive Officer University Health Network 190 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, M5G 2C4 6 2014/15 Quality Improvement Plan Improvement Targets and Initiatives Aim Quality dimension Access Measure Objective Definition Reduce wait times in the ED ED Wait times: 90th percentile ED length of stay for Admitted patients. Change Current performance Target 24.1 24.1 Target justification Priority Change Ideas level Q3 YTD is 24.1 Maintain 1)Conduct improvement and we will aim initiatives to improve discharge planning and to maintain this performance implement quality based procedures (QBPs) 2)Improve ED consultation and decisionmaking for patient disposition 3)Resolve technology issues with pre-triage assessment using iPads for escalating patients 4)Open an additional GIM unit at TWH; Develop a plan for additional unit at TGH 5)Place emphasis on internal flow strategies 6)Continue partnership with Bridgepoint Health and expand flow of patients to Toronto Rehab Increase access to surgery Avoidable Surgical Cancellations: The number of avoidable OR cancellations within 48 hours (on the scheduled day of surgery or the day prior) out of all scheduled OR cases. 4.6 4.5 Aim to decrease Improve 1)Open a GIM unit at by 0.1% TWH & TGH to increase flex capacity and mitigate cancellations because of no beds 2)Expand number of flex days to 4 rooms per week to increase flex capacity at TGH 3)Redesign OR booking system (ORSOS codes) to minimize case overload cancellations; 2 year project; goal in 2014/15 is to define project team and scope Improve organizational financial health Total Margin (consolidated): % by which total corporate (consolidated) revenues exceed or fall short of total corporate (consolidated) expense, excluding the impact of facility amortization, in a given year. 1.94 0 Integrated Reduce unnecessary time spent in acute care Percentage ALC days: Total number of acute inpatient days designated as ALC, divided by the total number of acute inpatient days. 9.3 9.3 Goal Number of improvement events 5 Hours between registration and physician assessment Hours from ED consult to decision to admit/disposition Percent of project complete 2.9 Percent of project complete to open unit on 4B Fell Percent of project complete to develop a plan to open new unit on 12 Eaton South Monthly monitoring and reporting of Pay for Results dashboard Decrease % of ALC days (acute) 7 100% 100% 100% Ongoing 9.3% Percent of cancellations due to no bed decreased 30% Percent of project complete (50% - add 2 rooms in June ) 100% Percent of project phase complete 100% 4)Decrease the number of Percent of cancellations cancellations for more decreased urgent, priority 1A, and priority 1A transplants 50% 5)Evaluate implementation from process improvement event in TWH Ortho to streamline information patients receive that enables patient to arrive on time Effectiveness Process measures Number of implementations evaluated 2 Aim for Maintain theoretical best Q3 YTD is 9.3% Maintain 1)Pilot new CCAC role and we will aim embedded within TWH to maintain this GIM for early performance identification of ALC patients Completion of pilot May 2014 2014/15 Quality Improvement Plan Improvement Targets and Initiatives Aim Quality dimension Measure Objective Definition Change Current performance Target Target justification Priority Change Ideas level 2)Develop revised discharge planning approach for complex patients Process measures Implementation of new approach 3)Focus on partnership Number of incremental with Bridgepoint Health to patients transferred by expedite transfer for March 2015 rehab, LTC, and CCC patients 4)Develop strategies to refer patients from GIM to the Transitional Care Program at St. Hilda’s 5)Apply lean process improvement methodologies across the continuum of care (acuteto-rehab ) for specific populations Monitor number of patients transferred Reduce unnecessary hospital readmission Readmission to any facility within 30 days for selected CMGs for any cause: The rate of nonelective readmissions to any facility within 30 days of discharge following an admission for select CMGs. 16.2 17 May 2014 195 Ongoing Completion of plan for June 2014 GIM to include number of opportunities for improvement 6)Develop a strategy to Completion of strategy increase utilization at UC and Bickle Sites, focusing on LTLD and CCC patients 7)Renew focus on ALC performance at the unit level Q3 YTD is 16.2 Maintain 1)Enhance recovery after and we will aim surgery (ERAS) pathway to maintain this for colorectal surgery performance patients Goal Implementation of unitlevel targets March 2015 June 2014 Percent of colorectal ERAS patients re-admitted within 30 days 0% 2)Provide follow-up support to general surgery patients with use of nurse navigators Percent of general surgery patients who receive a follow-up from a nurse navigator post-discharge 70% 3)Regular follow-up phone calls post-discharge to post-surgical patients in Thoracics, Urology, ENT, Gyane oncology Number per week in Thoracics Number per month in Urology, ENT, Gynae Oncology 10 40-50 4)Resident and NP run Number of clinics per 1 per clinics to provide access to week in Thoracics and ENT service any ambulatory follow-up for discharged patients 5)Identify opportunity for Number of improvement improvements in ED/GIM events 6)Pilot Transitional Care Percent complete role in GIM TWH with focus to: A. Establish process to identify and develop care plans for complex patients B. Confirm all patients have PCP and link those who do not to a PCP C. Standardize workflow for complex patients to have a follow-up 7-days post GIM discharge D. Establish a standardized process to discharge planning to connect appropriate patients with services Improve Surgery to rehab length of stay (LOS) for Fractured integration Hip & Rapid Assessment Treatment (FHRAT) between patients acute care and 32.4 31 Aim for best practice benchmark Improve 1)Implement clinical Percent patients on 9A pathway for fractured hip are on a clinical pathway patients on 9 A Fell 5 100% 100% 2014/15 Quality Improvement Plan Improvement Targets and Initiatives Aim Quality dimension Measure Objective Definition Change Current performance Target acute care and rehab Improve integration with primary care Patientcentred Improve patient satisfaction Target justification Priority Change Ideas level 2)Conduct daily huddles to identify potential opportunities for improvements and model of care enhancements at TWH & TR Discharge Summary Completion: Percent of discharge summaries completed within 7 days of inpatient discharge From NRC Picker: "Would you recommend this hospital (inpatient care) to your friends and family?" (add together % of those who responded "Definitely Yes" or "Yes, definitely"). 84.7 89.6 85 90.1 Process measures A. Acute: Monitor LOS against target- 5 days (and monitor outliers) B. Rehab: Functional Independence Measure (FIM) efficiency target Goal A. 5 B. 1.15 3)Develop process to Percent of rehab maintain and/or increase appropriate patients number of rehab patients referred referred from TWH to TR 100% 4)Develop a consistent Percent of RM&R referrals approach to ensure RM&R sent by day five increased referrals are completed and sent properly 80% 5)Increased RM&R submission authority to more staff Percent of staff with RM&R submission authority 20% Percent of patients ‘ready for surgery’ within 48 hours 90% Percent of incompletion letters sent within 3 days 90% 6)Develop standard approach to ensure patients move from ER to OR within 48 hours of admission Maintain current Maintain 1)Send incompletion performance letters within 72 hours (3 days) providing physicians with 4 days to complete and meet the 7 day requirement 2)Enable web-based All MRPs have access to online editing Clinician CLiP Portal (CLiP) to allow Most Responsible Physicians (MRPs) to signoff on discharge summaries online March 2015 3)Start pilot on front-end voice recognition to increase speed of transcription of notes, discharge summary etc. 4)Track, validate, and develop change ideas for 2015/16 for TR inclusion on QIP discharge summary completion Percent of pilot project complete 100% Percent project complete to include TR 100% Percent of lean process improvement initiatives 100% Engagement at all sites Report back to UHN Operations group on progress 4 3)Once each Hospital has identified their top three Goals & Objectives; recruit patient & caregiver advisors to act as committee members for these initiatives Number of patients/caregivers recruited (2 pts / caregivers x 3 goals x 4 hospitals) 24 4)Engage patients & caregivers in the ACD project Patient engagement process to be developed Aim for 0.5% Improve 1)Capture patient increase voice/experience to (Toronto Rehab inform clinical process included in improvement initiatives overall UHN 2)Engage patients & results) caregivers as advisors to each site’s Goals & Objectives Days 5)Implement the Four A’s Percent of areas Customer Service Model implemented across UHN March 2015 50% 2014/15 Quality Improvement Plan Improvement Targets and Initiatives Aim Quality dimension Safety Measure Objective Increase proportion of patients receiving medication reconciliation upon admission Reduce hospital acquired infection rates Definition Medication reconciliation at admission: The total number of patients with medications reconciled as a proportion of the total number of patients admitted to the hospital. CDI rate per 1,000 patient days: Number of patients newly diagnosed with hospital-acquired CDI, divided by the number of patient days in that month, multiplied by 1,000 - Average for Jan-Dec. 2013, consistent with publicly reportable patient safety data. Change Current performance NA 0.47 Target 70 0.42 Target justification Priority Change Ideas level Process measures Goal 6)Embed Four A’s into Percent of project new employee orientation complete 50% 7)Implement report at the Percent of areas bedside across UHN implemented 50% Aim for Improve 1)Increase awareness All team, forum and through organization wide leadership meetings Accreditation Canada standard communication reached Aim for last year's target 2)Develop a sustainable Audit and review data tracking mechanism for manual tracking and reporting at TR and PMH (paper-based hospitals); streamline process to obtain accurate admissions data at TGH & TWH to identify compliance Quarterly 3)Revitalize / update local practice models for clinical areas not meeting target Ongoing Provide reminders for areas with low compliance on best practices Improve 1)Switch to a sporicidal Percent of units assessed cleaning agent that to utilize new cleaning defends against C. difficile agent 100% 2)Educate housekeeping Percent of housekeeping staff on updated cleaning staff best practices 100% 3)Implement C. difficile antimicrobial treatment guidelines 100% Percent of project complete 4)Track inpatient catheter Ability to track and use (both time in and out) measure UTI for 2015/16 QIP Rate of central line blood stream infections per 1,000 central line days: total number of newly diagnosed CLI cases in the ICU after at least 48 hours of being placed on a central line, divided by the number of central line days in that reporting period, multiplied by 1,000 - consistent with publicly reportable patient safety data. 1.04 0.9 June 2014 Aim for TAHSN Improve 1)Review/remind staff of hospital average line maintenance impact including sterile access has on CLI rates A. Percent of patients where needed have swabcaps in place B. Percent ICU nurses educated on line i t 2)Include vascular access Daily assessment on assessment, date/site and vascular access for every in daily patient patient huddle/rounds March 2015 A. 80% B. 100% Dec-14 3)Increase response time for bedside PICCs in Critical Care and MOT step-down at TGH Response time of 48 hours insertions and interventions related to beside insertion from time of referral 4)Trial CHG baths at TWH Track compliance on 100% for all patients in MSNICU usage of CHG wipes, unless contraindicated product evaluations and (skin irritation, allergy or correlating infection rates rash/open wound) with usage 5)Implementation of Vascular Access Committee to discuss new policies, and standardize best practice in carecollaborate with 3M to improve dressing alternatives & alternate securement devices Percent of project complete for trial evaluation and audit dressing duration 100%
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