BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th August 2012 Official Programme £3 Dorneywood Road, Burnham, Bucks SL1 8EH Burnham Beeches Horse Trials would like to thank all those who have given up their time to help with this event. Without volunteer help these events would not be able to run. History of Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre What a difficult year this has been for everyone, poor horses fit and raring to go, only to have the event cancelled at the last moment, due to the weather. What a terrible part the weather plays in our equestrian sport, only two years ago we had to cancel due to the drought! Snowball Farm was first shown on the ordinance survey map in 1853 owned by George Snowball, in 1949 it was bought by Sheila Western-Kaye’s father who built up a show herd of pedigree Ayrshire cows. In 1975 the family sold the herd and started the Equestrian Centre, it’s now into the fourth generation. When Natalie took over the Centre two years ago the most daunting part of the business was the maintenance, Brother Richard came in to help her (for a few months) needless to say he is still here helping her, he has so far done a great job but still has a lot to do, they are a great team and keep each other under control. Natalie’s daughter Diani has now taken on a more active role taking a lot of pressure off her Mother with the event horses. We are delighted that in these hard economic times we can say that the business is holding its own, but we are having to have more events and work harder to meet the ever increasing bills. All at Snowball Farm wish you a very happy, safe and successful day. 5 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Sponsors NATALIE & SHEILA WESTERN-KAYE Would like to thank the following for their generous support Without whom it would not be possible to run this event. Tao Restaurant, Beaconsfield Saffery Champness, Accountants Walker & Campbell Hitchambury Homes Lycetts, Insurance Brokers Sherriff Mountford Estate Agents H P Yung fine Bakery LPM Pro MJG Surfacing Diane Du Parq Scott Dunn Veterinary SES Ambulance Services All Round Engineering Kate Skinner Enigma Marketing Services Irish Horse Imports BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 6 Officials 7 Organisers Sheila & Natalie Western-Kaye Nikki Thornton B.E. Steward Gaie Scouller B.E. Technical Adviser Andrew Fell B.E. Scorer Ann Allen Assistant Scorers Sandra & Tom Miller Jean Shipp Jenny Passmore Secretary Nikki Thornton Assistant Secretaries Michelle Busby - Gail Ditchfield Clare Pennings Score Boards Carol Ponter - Georgina Rushworth Health & Safety Derek Gooden Medical Officer Michael Whitlock Paramedics Ambulances S.E.S Ambulance Services Veterinary Surgeon Simon Knapp LVO MRCVS Carmel Welsh BSc BVM&S MRCVS Parking & Road Crossing Derek Whall - Andrew Davies 17th Booker Platoon Bucks Army Cadet Force Horse Ambulance Mark Chambers Farrier Jason MacBeth Communications Ace Communications 01354 741093 Marquee Hire Alresford Marquees 01420 587444 Toilets MT Loos 01494 783240 Rosettes Rosettes for Winners 07947 443198 Officials & Sponsor Catering Signature Catering 07980 709075 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Dressage Chief Steward JUDGES Dressage Writers Stewards Score Collection Annice Ashton Sandra Barr Alison Duck Monica Durrant Linda Fievez Roseanne Fitzgerald Sally Price Jenny Welham Lucy Bowers Judith Parkinson Alyson Prior Gill Redman Paul Ashton Tracy Ford Angela Nicholl Tone Sarjanen Sonja Smith Katie Hickman Lorrain Olson Sandra Barr Jo Black Barbara Ethlers Liz Mackie Neil McHugh Mal Phillips Janet Surr Lesley Moore Kathy Perry Margaret Pitman Diani Western-Kaye Karen Holt Nikki Mills Marilyn Sayle Marlene Hayley Rowe Show Jumping Chief Steward Course Designer Judges Arena Party Collecting Ring Surface Maintenance Karen Phelan Keith Watkins Barry Clifford Tricia Goddard Army Cadet Force Emily Ponter Gemma Carpenter Louisa Belgrave Emily Olsen Julian Perry Sue Harris Leanne Williams Zoe Bird Elsabine Bollier BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 8 Cross Country Chief Steward Margaret Churchill Course Designer Simon Grundy Course Builders & Richard Western-Kaye Fence Repair William Western-Kaye Controllers & Mark Burge Commentators Mark Winchester Tim Farmer Rob Hulbert Control Team Helen Cranfield Cath & Susie Hinson Start Team Bill Allen Nel and Tim Neal Libby Barker Susie Hinson Collecting Ring Anthea & Bill Donald Score Collecting Colin Patient (trail riders fellowship) Fence Judges Mr & Mrs Wise Jim Chadborne Jean Kenedy Kate Cook Chris & Sue Trim Tony & Jan Humpries Mike & Jan Skeets Sue Keen John Stocking Siabham Alan & Linda Woods Bob & Mary Chippendale Sharlet West Jeanette Hoadley Val Allwright Alan & Angela Wilson Karen Brown Brita colman Madie Davis Michele Western-Kaye & Phil Pat Freeman Sophia Prince Sally Ellis Mrs Hamilton & Daughter Jack & Bob Hurst Ian Milne Harold & Jacque Thomson Penny & Jeff Jan Heather Scott & Mother Diane DuParcq Chris & Karen Williams Julia Chinnery Julie Rainer XC Scorers Cath Hinson Bea Bartholomew Emily Olsen Helen Whitehead Cross Country catering Margaret Churchill 9 Luke Rushworth Jean Russell BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Pat Boyle The Competition Dressage Tests Dressage Test BE92 BE90 & 4yr Old BE100, Open BE100 & 5yr Old Dressage Test BE102 Novice & Open Novice Dressage Test N110 Show Jumping Penalties Knocking down an obstacle 4 penalties 1st Disobedience 4 penalties 2nd Disobedience in whole test 8 penalties 3rd Disobedience in whole test Elimination First fall of competitor 8 penalties Second fall of competitor Elimination First fall of horse Elimination Error of course Elimination Every commenced second over time allowed 1 penalty Cross Country Penalties First refusal, run-out, circle of horse at obstacle 20 penalties Second refusal, run-out, circle of horse at obstacle 40 penalties Third refusal, run-out, circle of horse at obstacle Elimination Third Cumulative refusal Novice & above Elimination Fourth cumulative refusal BE100 & below Elimination First fall of rider at obstacle (i.e. penalised) 65 penalties Second penalised fall of rider on the course Elimination Fall of horse at obstacle (i.e. penalised) Elimination Error of course not rectified Elimination For every second in excess of the optimum time 0.4 penalty For every second in excess of 15 seconds under the optimum time (Novice & ON) 0.4 penalty BE90/BE100 every second faster than 520 m/min Exceeding the Time Limit 1 penalty Elimination BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 10 2012 Timetable Welcome to Burnham Beeches Horse Trials DR SJ XCNO’S SATURDAY 4yr Old Section A 0800 0845 1015 1 - 50 BE90 Section B 0800 0847 1017 51-100 BE90 Section C 0800 0849 1019 101-150 BE90 Section D 0800 0851 1021 151-200 BE100 Section E 1100 1420 1520 201-250 BE100 Section F 1100 1422 1522 251-300 5yr Old Section G 1100 1424 1524 301-350 Novice Section H 0800 0845 1015 351-400 Novice Section I 0800 0847 1017 401-450 Novice Section J 0800 0849 1019 451-500 Open Novice Section K 0800 0851 1021 501-550 BE100 Section L 1100 1420 1520 551-600 BE100 Section M 1100 1422 1522 601-650 BE100 Open Section M 1100 1424 1524 651-700 SUNDAY All times are provisional PRIZES All Sections Scale II prize money Rosettes to 10th Place GARCKE CHALLENGE CUP Highest placed Owner/Rider Sec A This event is affiliated to and run under the rules of British Eventing The making of an entry constitutes acceptance of these rules 11 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Health & Safety The Organiser of this Event has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must themselves take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and must comply with any instructions given by the Organiser, Officials and Stewards. General The Organiser of Burnham Beeches Horse Trials has the overall responsibility for Health, safety & welfare. They have appointed a Health & Safety Adviser, also named in this programme, to advise on all matters related to Health, safety & welfare and to ensure that all requirements of legalisation are met. Officials The Committee, Officials & Judges have the responsibility of implementation of the Safety Policy throughout the event and must ensure that Health & Safety consideration are always given priority. Spectators All reasonable and practicable steps are taken to ensure your health and safety whilst attending this event. You are requested to please take notice of the following •Take note of the site map in this programme •Take particular note of any fencing, stringing, whistle blasts from officials, public address announcement and signage displays. Contractors working at this event are requested to observe best working practices, comply with all legislation relevant to their business and take all reasonable and practicable steps to safeguard their employees and all those attending this event. Exhibitors are responsible for the safety of their own stands and the risks they may pose to other persons within the allocated space or immediate surrounding area. This is subject to monitoring by the Health & Safety Officer. Emergencies The emergency services at this event include doctors, paramedics, ambulance, vet and fence repair personnel. They have access to all parts of the site and can be contacted through Stewards, Judges and Officials. Emergencies not connected to the competition (e.g catering tent) will be dealt with by the emergency services on site. Telephone to call outside services is located in the Secretary’s tent and cross country control. Disclaimer of Liability except for the negligence of the Organiser and their agents or others for whom in law they are responsible, the Organiser does not accept responsibility in respect of any accident, illness or disease caused to or suffered by any horse, owner, rider ,spectator, sponsor and others present at the site of this event and their property. Rights of the Organiser The Organiser has the power to;• Cancel or divide any class or transfer competitors between sections of a class • Alter the advertised times • Refuse any entry BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 12 Trade Stands Horses In Sport 01379 650056 Hill & Valley Coffee Ltd 07815 108263 Lancombes 07771 908732 Ultimate Images 0845 8383199 Best Feed Supplements 08456 014824 Aloe Vera – Caz Duncan 0118 9475117 The Original Crepe Co 01508 495445 Peter & Ivy’s Ices 01442 833031 C.H. BROWN & SON Master Saddlers 3 Qualified Saddle Fitters ~ 2 Master Saddlers Fully equipped Workshop/Showroom • Repairs and adjustments carried out Major Brand Stockists including: ALBION • AMERIGO • BARNSBY • BATES • CROWN INT. • EXSELLE FAIRFAX • FARRINGTONS • HARRY DABBS• IDEAL • JEFFERIES KENT & MASTERS • THOROWGOOD • WINTEC The Old Covered Market, Oxford Tel/Fax: 01865 244700 • Mobile: 07770 277781 www.saddledoctors.co.uk BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM tRAINING & EDucAtION PROVIDING thE SKILLS tO SuccEED. • Regional Training & Education Programme from British Eventing NOW LIVE • Available to all – Riders, Coaches, Officials and Volunteers – Members and Non-Members • Search for and book high quality training in your local area NOW ONLINE www.britisheventing.com/training BE90 Dressage Test 92 (2009) Interval between horses – 6 mins To be ridden in a snaffle bridle Arena 20m x 40m Max. Marks 1 A Enter at working trot proceed down centre line without halting C Track right 10 2 B Circle right 20 Metres diameter 10 3 Between F&A Transition to walk 3-7 Steps. Then proceed Working Trot 10 4 KXM Change the rein in Working Trot 10 5 Between M&C Working canter left 10 6 C Circle Left 20 Metres diameter 10 7 CHEK Working Canter Left K Working Tot 10 8 B Circle Left 20 Metres Diameter 10 9 Between M&C Transition to Walk 3-7 Steps. Then proceed Working Trot 10 10 HXF Change the rein in Working Trot 10 11 Between F&A Working Canter Right 10 12 A Circle Right 20 Metres Diameter 10 13 AKEH Working Canter right H Working Trot C Medium Walk 10 14 MXK Free Walk on a Long Rein 10 15 K Medium Walk A Down Centre Line (Mark for Med Walk C-M & K-X) 10 16 X Halt. Immobility. Salute Leave arena at walk on a long rein at an appropriate place 10 Collective Marks 17 Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 18Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back) 10 19 Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of the movements; acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand) 10 20 Position and seat of the rider, correct use of the aids and effectiveness of the aids 10 TOTAL 200 N.B. In BE90 TESTS, trot work may be executed either “sitting” or “rising” at the discretion of the rider. 15 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM BE90 Jumps 1 1 LPM Pro Quarter Arc 2 Kate’s Sloping Rails 3 SES Carrot Trough LPM Pro Ms Kate Skinner S.E.S Ambulance Services 17 Lichfield Rd, Northwood, Middx 01923 829479 4 Sherriff’s House 5 Allround’s Oxer 6 Scott Dunn Hay Rack Sherriff Mountford Estate Agents 78 High Street, Burnham 01628 603225 Allround Engineering Ltd 498/499 Ipswich Rd, Slough Scott Dunn Veterinary Practice Billingbear, Wokingham, RG40 5RW 01344 426066 7 Enigma Barrels 8 Post & Rail 9 Wall Enigma Marketing Services The New Boathouse Mill Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 0AA BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 16 BE90 Jumps 2 10 Diane’s Steps Up 11 Campbell’s Castle 12 The Irish Sport Bank Mrs D E DuParq Walker & Campbell Optometrist 47 High Street, Burnham Irish Horse Imports 01189 745296 07778 414739 13 Tao Water 14 Lycetts Stile Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre 01628 666222 www.snowballfarm.co.uk Lycetts Financial Services Milburn House, Dean St Newcastle upon Tyne Saffery Champness Chartered Accountants, Fox House 26 Temple End High Wycombe, Bucks 16 MJG Surfacing Sample Board 17 Snowball Farm Banner 18 Hitchambury Tyres MJG Surfacing 56 Washington Drive, Slough 01628 667894 Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre 01628 666222 www.snowballfarm.co.uk Hitchambury Homes 7 Baring Rd, Beaconsfield, Bucks 01494 685555 19 D’s Dominoes 17 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 15 Saffery Champness Hay Wain enigma ad BE10 Dressage Test 102 (2010) Interval between horses – 6 mins To be ridden in a snaffle bridle 1 A C 2 MXF FAK 3 KXM 4 Between M&C 5 C 6 CHEK K 7 AF FK 8 KA 9 A FXM MCH 10 HXF 11 Between F&A 12 AKEH 13 C C 14 CMB B 15 E EKA A 16 G Enter at Working Trot Proceed down Centre Line Without Halting Track Right 10m Loop Working Trot Working Trot Change the Rein with a Transition to Walk (3-5 steps) before X Proceed Working Trot Arena 20m x 40m Max. Marks 10 10 10 Working Canter Left Circle left 20m diameter. Give and Retake the Inside Reinover X (3-5 Strides) Working Canter Left Working Trot Medium Walk ½ 20 Circle Diameter Free Walk on a Long Rein Medium Walk (Mark for Medium Walk A-F & K-A) Working Trot 10 Metre Loop Working Trot Working Trot Change the Rein with a Transition to Walk (3-5 Steps) Before X Proceed Working Trot 10 10 Working Canter Right Working Canter Right Circle Right 20m diameter. Give and Retake the Inside Rein over X (3-5 Strides) Working Trot Working Trot Turn Right Turn Left Working Trot Down centre line Halt. Immobility. Salute Leave arena at walk on a long rein at an appropriate place 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Collective Marks 17 Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 18 Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back, and engagement of the hind quarters) 10 19Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of the movements; acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand) 10 20 Position and seat of the rider, correct use of the aids and effectiveness of the aids 10 TOTAL 200 N.B. In BE100 TESTS, trot work may be executed either “sitting” or “rising” at the discretion of the rider. 21 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM • Serving traditional ales and classic, English home-cooked food • Common Lane, Littleworth Common Burnham Beeches, Burnham SL1 8PP Tel: 01753 645672 www.theblackwoodarms.net BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 22 BE100 Jumps 1 23 1 LPM Pro Quarter Arc 2 Enigma Chair 3 Allround’s Dome LPM Pro Enigma Marketing Services Mill Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 0AA Allround Engineering Ltd 498/499 Ipswich Rd, Slough 4 Timber Wagon 5 Kate’s Tyres 6 Diane’s Hedge Ms Kate Skinner Mrs D E DuParq 7 Sherriff’s Barrels 8 Scott Dunn Steps Up 9 Campbell’s Castle Sherriff Mountford Estate Agents 78 High St, Burnham, Bucks 01628 603225 Scott Dunn Veterinary Practice Billingbear, Wokingham, RG40 5RW 01344 426066 Walker & Campbell Optometrist 47 High St, Burnham Bucks BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM BE100 Jumps 2 10 The Irish Sport Bank 11 Tao Water 12 Lycetts Insurance Drop Irish Horse Imports 01189 745296 07779 414739 Tao Restaurant 5 London End, Beaconsfield, Bucks Lycetts Financial Services Milburn House, Dean St Newcastle upon Tyne 13 Saffery Champness Steeplechase 14 MJG Surfacing Sample Board 15 Snowball Farm Banner Saffery Champness Chartered Accountants, Fox House 26 Temple End, High Wycombe MJG Burnham Surfacing 56 Washington Drive, Slough 01628 667 894 Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre 01628 666222 www.snowballfarm.co.uk 16 Jung’s Bakery Pheasant Feeder 17 Trakhener 18 S.E.S Barrels S.E.S Ambulance Services 17 Lichfield Rd, Northwood, Middx 01923 829479 H P Jung Bakery The Broadway Beaconsfield, HP9 2DP 19 Hay Wain 20 Hitchambury’s Home Hitchambury Homes, 7 Baring Rd Beaconsfield, Bucks 01494 685555 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 24 Grovefield House Calendar of Events 2012 July - October July September October Tuesday, 10th July Saturday, 1st Monday, 3rd September Tuesday, 9th October BSL Dinner Club Pacific Islands theme (Plus BSL Mini Olympics). To book e-mail [email protected] Tuesday, 10th July Business Biscotti [email protected] Wednesday, 18th July Athena Ladies Monthly Networking Lunch To book e-mail [email protected] August Saturday, 28th Sunday, 12th August Olympics Rowing on Dorney Lakes until Sunday, 5th August. Canoeing: Monday, 6th August - Saturday,11th August Para Olympics Tuesday, 11th September BSL Dinner Club Spanish theme. To book e-mail [email protected] BSL Dinner Club Moroccan theme. To book e-mail [email protected] Tuesday, 9th October Business Biscotti [email protected] Tuesday, 11th September Thursday, 11th October Business Biscotti [email protected] Thames Hospice Charity Contact Katherine Beck on [email protected] Friday, 14th September The Well at Lent Rise Charity Ball Contact Kellie Young kellieyoungcommunications @gmail.com Sunday, 14th October Wedding Showcase from 113pm. Contact Stacey on weddings. [email protected] Wednesday, 19th September Wednesday, 17th October Athena Ladies Monthly Networking Lunch To book e-mail [email protected] Athena Ladies Monthly Networking Lunch To book e-mail [email protected] The Grovefield House, Taplow Common Road, Burnham, Slough, Nr Windsor, Buckinghamshire, SL1 8LR email: [email protected] | call: 01628 603131 Novice Dressage Test 114 (2009) Interval between horses – 6 mins Arena 20m x 40m To be ridden in a snaffle bridle Max. Marks 1. A Enter at Working Trot and Proceed down centre line without halting C Track right 2. B Half circle right 10m to X X Half circle left 10m to E 3. KAF Working trot 4. FXH Change rein and progressively show some lengthened strides Working trot 5. C Serpentine 3 loops each loop to go to the side of the arena finishing at A 6. KXM Change rein and progressively show some lengthened strides M Working trot 7. C Medium walk HB Change rein at free walk on a long rein B Medium walk 8. F Working trot and Before AWorking canter right 9. A Circle right 20m diameter 10. KEH Progressively show some lengthened strides HM Working canter 11. MXK Change rein X Working trot K Working canter left 12. A Circle left 20m diameter 13. FBM Progressively show some lengthened strides MH Working canter 14. HXF Change rein X Working trot 15. FA Working trot A Down centre line 16. X Halt, Salute 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 x 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Collective Marks 17 Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 18 Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back and engagement of the hind quarters) 10 19 Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of the movements; acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand) 10 20 Position and seat of the rider, correct use of the aids and effectiveness of the aids 10 TOTAL 210 N.B. In NOVICE TESTS, trot work may be executed either “sitting” or “rising” at the discretion of the rider. BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 26 Novice Jumps 1 1 Diane’s Bale & Rail 2 LPM Pro Chair 3 Picnic Table Mrs D E DuParq Tao Restaurant 5 London End, Beaconsfield, Bucks Lycetts Financial Services Milburn House, Dean St Newcastle upon Tyne 4 Timber Wagon 5 Jung’s Bakery Log Cabin 6 Enigma Corner Saffery Champness Chartered Accountants, Fox House 26 Temple End, High Wycombe MJG Burnham Surfacing 56 Washington Drive, Slough 01628 667 894 Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre 01628 666222 www.snowballfarm.co.uk 7 The Birch 8 Hay Wain to Brush 9 Campbell’s Castle Walker & Campbell Optometrist 47 High St, Burnham Bucks 10 The Irish Flyer 27 11 Tao Water 12 Lycetts Drop Brush Hitchambury Homes, 7 Baring Rd Beaconsfield, Bucks 01494 685555 Hitchambury Homes, 7 Baring Rd Beaconsfield, Bucks 01494 685555 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Novice Jumps 2 14 Saffery Champness Corner 15 MJG Surfacing Sample Board Saffery Champness Chartered Accountants, Fox House 26 Temple End, High Wycombe MJG Surfacing 56 Washington Drive, Slough 01628 667 894 16 Snowball Farm Banner 17 Scott Dunn’s Pheasant Feeder 18 Kate’s Skinny Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre 01628 666222 www.snowballfarm.co.uk Scott Dunn Veterinary Practice Billingbear, Wokingham, RG40 5RW 01344 426066 Ms Kate Skinner 19 Sherriff’s Arrowhead 20 Lycetts Hanging Log 21 S.E.S Barrels 13 Allround’s Wall Allround Engineering Ltd 498/499 Ipswich Rd, Slough H P Jung Bakery The Broadway Beaconsfield, HP9 2DP S.E.S Ambulance Services 17 Lichfield Rd, Northwood, Middx 01923 829479 22 Hitchambury’s Home BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM 28 The Trail Riders Fellowship We are part of the team, helping this to be a successful event. Again the cross country scores are being collected by members of the Trail Riders Fellowship ( TRF ). Nationally the TRF has been assisting various horse trials since 1980, marking, or score collecting and are pleased to be asked a further year. Trail riders are much like horse riders preferring to “hack out” and enjoy the unsurfaced old roads known as byways, and ‘green lanes’. We believe that with tolerance and responsibility there is room for all users to enjoy. Our ‘ Code of Conduct’ requires us to slow or stop whenever we meet or pass horses out on these byways. Recent new Laws now mean less than 2% of these tracks are open to any recreational vehicle (this includes carriages), nevertheless the TRF will continue working hard to preserve and protect these valuable routes from ploughing out, overgrowth, overuse and obstruction. The donation presented by the organisers for our help here today will help to fund research and conservation, to keep these ancient roads open for all to share. There are more than 43 TRF groups in England many working with such event organisers – maybe they can help you? For more information please visit our website (www.trf.org.uk) or stop us as we go by. 29 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Saffery Champness Cross Country Schooling 20th August 2012 £25.00 per Horse 10.00 am till 4.00 pm 01628 666222 / 07765 394111 Show Dates 2012 / 2013 2012 September MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY MONDAY 3rd 5th 8th 9th 17th 24th BSJA Senior Show Jumping Clear Round Show Jumping One-Day Event/XC/Combined Training XC Schooling & Clinics Affiliated Dressage BSJA Senior Show Jumping October SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 13th 14th 15th Hunter Trials XC Schooling & Clinics Affiliated Dressage November SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 4th 12th 18th Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage December SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 2nd 10th 16th Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage January SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 6th 14th 20th Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage February SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 3rd 11th 17th Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage March SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 3rd 11th 17th Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage April SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 7th 22nd 21st Unaffiliated Show Jumping Affiliated Dressage Unaffiliated Dressage 2013 More dates to follow please visit our web site for updates For more information about out Shows and Clinics, Riding School and other events at Snowball Farm Equestrian Centre please visit our www.snowballfarm.co.uk Join our mailing list and get regular show information and schedules by email. Register with the Show Secretary or send your details to [email protected] DORNEYWOOD ROAD – BURNHAM – BUCKS – SL1 8EH www.snowballfarm.co.uk TEL (01628) 666222 • FAX (01628) 661324 • EMAIL [email protected] 31 BURNHAM BEECHES HORSE TRIALS AT SNOWBALL FARM Clinics with Natalie Western-Kaye The day after each of our show jumping and cross country competitions Nataile Western-Kaye is available for group, or private clinics. If you would like more information on dates and prices, please contact the office on 01628 666222 or visit our website www.snowballfarm.co.uk You may book as an individual for a private clinic, or organise your own group. We recommend 4 riders being the maximum number for group clinics. If you are happy to ride in a group but do not want to organise your own, we will put you with other riders of similar ability, wanting to jump a similar height. www.snowballfarm.co.uk
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