Gainesville Orchid Society Annual Show Show Schedule 2014 Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. GAINESVILLE ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW “ORCHIDS IN THE GARDEN” OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2014 Page 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. This show will be governed by the A.O.S. Handbook on Judging and Exhibition 11th Edition. Other rules deemed necessary may be made by the Show Committee. 2. Judges have the right to award or withhold any scheduled award and to subdivide classes where necessary. 3. Decisions of the judges and rulings of the Show Committee are final. 4. Exhibitors may start setting up at 9:30 a.m. on Friday October 18. Entries must be completed by 4 p.m. and Exhibits finished by 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY or THE EXHIBIT WILL NOT BE JUDGED. 5. All vehicles must be unloaded promptly and removed to the assigned parking area. 6. It is requested that exhibitors follow the show theme in some manner. 7. SPACE NUMBERS will be prominently displayed in each exhibit space prior to set up time. THEY MUST REMAIN UNTIL AFTER JUDGING. 8. Exhibit identification signs will be placed by Gainesville Orchid Society after judging is finished. 9. No artificial flowers, foliage or grass. NO WATER may be used in any exhibit. 10. A limited number of background plants will be furnished only for society exhibits. Please bring greenery necessary for your exhibit. 11. All orchids must be correctly and clearly labeled. 12. Classification and Registration persons will be provided to assist exhibitors to be sure plants are properly classified and entered, however the final responsibility lies with the exhibitor. 13. Hybrid plants must show names of both parents on entry forms and previous awards of plants must be listed. 14. An exhibitor may not enter more than 3 plants in a class. Plants may only be listed in one class except: Florida native orchid species (double entry), or seedlings blooming for the first time (double entry). Seedling classes DO NOT include first bloom meristems. 15. All parts of entry forms must be filled in LEGIBLY and completely by exhibitor. 16. All exhibited plants in bloom will be considered for A.O.S. judging unless indicated otherwise TO THE SHOW COMMITTEE IN WRITING. 17. ALL PERSONS entering plants in the show agree to accept any American Orchid Society awards granted and to PAY THE ASSOCIATED AWARDS FEES TO A.O.S. Gainesville Orchid Society agrees to pay any photography fees incurred with the award except personal requests. 18. Gainesville Orchid Society will not be responsible for damage or theft of plants, but the Society will take reasonable precautions to ensure their safety. 19. Judges must sign all RIBBONS, ENTRY SHEETS AND TROPHY SHEETS before turning them over to the chairman (Clerks please note). 20. All trophies are open to all exhibitors in this show. 21. Only Orchid plants, supplies, and products may be sold by vendors. SHOW HOURS: Set-‐up: Friday, Oct. 24, 9:30 a.m. -‐ 5 p.m. Judging: Public: Takedown: Saturday, Oct. 25, 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m. -‐ 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, 9 a.m. -‐ 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, 5 p.m. -‐ 7 p.m. GAINESVILLE ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW “ORCHIDS IN THE GARDEN” OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2014 Page 3 EXHIBITS 1. Orchid plants in flower, arranged for effect, more than 50 square feet. 2. Orchid plants in flower, arranged for effect, less than 50 square feet. 3. Non-‐plant exhibits, no space limitations. (Examples might include: Educational exhibits, orchid-‐ related materials arranged for effect, etc.) 4. Orchid plants in flower, arranged for effect, in a table-‐top exhibit. (For individuals only.) OPEN COMPETITION Cattleya Alliance 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Epidendrum and Encyclia species. Epidendrum and Encyclia hybrids and intergenerics. Brassavola species (including Rhyncholaelia), hybrids and intergenerics other than above, but excluding Cattleyas. Broughtonia species, hybrids and intergenerics other than above. Laelia and Sophronitis species, hybrids and intergenerics other than above, but excluding Cattleyas. Cattleya species. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers 5 inches or less. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 5 inches. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, White. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-‐alba. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow-‐Orange, flowers 5 inches or less Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow-‐Orange, flowers larger than 5 inches. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Red/Red Shades. Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Other Colors. Cattleya allied genera hybrids and intergenerics other than above. Cattleya allied genera species other than above. Miniature Cattleya and allied genera species and hybrids and intergenerics. (Total height of plant 10 inches or less excluding inflorescence.) Cypripedium Alliance 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 34.1. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Paphiopedilum species, normally one flower. Paphiopedilum species, normally two or more flowers blooming. Paphiopedilum species, sequential blooming. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, White. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, Green/Yellow. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, Bronze/Mahogany. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, Red/Pink. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, Vinicolors. Paphiopedilum hybrids, single flower, other than above. Paphiopedilum hybrids, normally two or more flowers, White. Paphiopedilum hybrids, normally two or more flowers, Green/Yellow. Paphiopedilum hybrids, normally two or more flowers, Bronze/Mahogany. Paphiopedilum hybrids, normally two or more flowers, Red/Pink. Paphiopedilum hybrids, normally two or more flowers, Other Colors, including Vinicolors. GAINESVILLE ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW “ORCHIDS IN THE GARDEN” OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2014 Page 4 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Paphiopedilum hybrids, sequential blooming, White. Paphiopedilum hybrids, sequential blooming, Green/Yellow. Paphiopedilum hybrids, sequential blooming, Bronze/Mahogany. Paphiopedilum hybrids, sequential blooming, Red/Pink. Paphiopedilum hybrids, sequential blooming, Other Colors, including Vinicolors. Phragmipedium species. Phragmipedium besseae hybrids. Phragmipedium kovachii hybrids. Phragmipedium other hybrids. Vanda and Phalaenopsis Alliance 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Phalaenopsis and Doritis species. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, White, no markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, White with colored lip, no markings Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, White with markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, White with Harlequin Markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Multiflora, White, with or without markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Pink, no markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Pink with markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Multiflora, Pink, with or without markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Yellow, no markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Yellow with markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Yellow with Harlequin Markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Multiflora, Yellow, with or without markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Other colors, no markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Other colors with markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Multiflora, Other colors, with or without markings. Phalaenopsis hybrids and Doritaenopsis, Blushes. Note -‐ Multiflora refers to 2.5 inches maximum natural spread flowers and multi-‐branched inflorescence(s) expected when mature. Aerangis species, hybrids and intergenerics. Angraecum species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Ascocentrum species and hybrids. Ascocenda, Orange/Yellow/Green/White. Ascocenda, Red/Red-‐Purple. Ascocenda, other colors than above. Ascocentrum intergenerics, other than above. Rhynchostylis species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Renanthera and Aerides species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Vanda species. Vanda hybrids, Orange/Yellow/Green/White. Vanda hybrids, Brown/Red/Pink. Vanda hybrids, Purple/Blue/Lavender. Vanda intergenerics, other than above. Vanda allied hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. GAINESVILLE ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW “ORCHIDS IN THE GARDEN” OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2014 Page 5 Oncidium Alliance 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Brassia species, hybrids and intergenerics. Miltonia/Miltoniopsis species and hybrids. Miltonia/Miltoniopsis intergenerics, other than above. Oncidium species. Oncidium hybrids. Tolumnia (equitant Oncidium) species and hybrids. Oncidium intergenerics, other than above. Odontoglossum species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Oncidium allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Cymbidium Alliance 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Cymbidium species Cymbidium hybrids, flower 3 inches or less. Cymbidium hybrids, flower larger than 3 inches. Cymbidium hybrids, Miniature. Cymbidium allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Dendrobium 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. Dendrobium species, Nobile type. Dendrobium species, Phalaenopsis and Antelope types. Dendrobium species, Other types. Dendrobium hybrids, Nobile type. Dendrobium hybrids, Phalaenopsis and Antelope type. Dendrobium hybrids, Other types. Dendrobium allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Miscellaneous Genera 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. Masdevallia and Dracula species. Masdevallia and Dracula hybrids and intergenerics. Pleurothallis species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Pleurothallis allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Lycaste species, hybrids and intergenerics. Maxillaria species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Zygopetalum and allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics, other than above. Catasetum, Cycnoches, Mormodes and allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics. Bulbophyllum and allied genera species, hybrids and intergenerics. Orchid species not covered elsewhere. Orchid hybrids and intergenerics not covered elsewhere. Miniature species, hybrids and intergenerics, all Classes. NOTE: Miniature is defined as naturally occurring diminutive plants in flower, not exceeding 6 inches in growth, excluding inflorescence. 114. Seedling flowering for the first time, Classes 10 through 100. 115. Florida native orchid species. GAINESVILLE ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW “ORCHIDS IN THE GARDEN” OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2014 Page 6 Special Awards and Trophies *All plants are eligible for trophies* A. American Orchid Society Show Trophy for the most outstanding exhibit may be awarded at the discretion of the A.O.S. judges. B. Award for the most outstanding Society Exhibit (Classes 1-‐3) C. Award for the most outstanding Individual Exhibit (Classes 1-‐4) D. Award for the most outstanding Grower Exhibit E. The James L. Cooper Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding Phalaenopsis Alliance (Classes 49-‐65) F. The Marion Sheehan Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding Species plant G. Trophy for the most outstanding Orchid Plant in the Show H. The Henry Wallbrunn Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding Specimen I. The Ruby Raines Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding Cattleya Alliance Plant (Classes 10-‐26) J. The Bruce Ruiz Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding Dendrobium Plant (Classes 95-‐101) K. Trophy for the most outstanding Cymbidium Alliance Plant (Classes 90-‐94) L. Trophy for the most outstanding Oncidium Plant (Classes 81-‐89) M. Trophy for the most outstanding Cypripedium Alliance Plant (Classes 27-‐48) N. Trophy for the most outstanding Vandaceous Alliance Plant (Classes 66-‐80) O. Trophy for the most outstanding Miniature Plant (Class 113) P. Trophy for the most outstanding First Bloom Seedling (Class 114) Q. Trophy for most outstanding Miscellaneous Genera (Classes 102-‐112) R. Trophy for most outstanding Florida Native Species (Class 115)
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