GREATER PEARLIE GROVE M.B. CHURCH July, August, September 2014 Pearlie Grove News “A Faithful Leader: Honoring 19 Years of Service” by Sis. Leslie Holloway “So then faith cometh by True Grace and Mass Choirs ren- tleground. One in which we hearing, and hearing by the word dered beautiful selections includ- need our “real-life” weapons and of God.” Romans 10:17. On May ing a special song led by Sister armor… The Word of God. The 18, 2014, the Greater Pearlie Gail Hicks, Reverend Arthur story of David and Goliath was Grove family celebrated Pastor Bridges, and Brother Frank Rho- referenced to remind us of David Mason and family’s 19 years of des. in Saul’s armor. The problem service. The day’s events in- Reverend Jerry Mannery was it didn’t fit. Rev. Mannery cluded special selections, trib- spoke on the topic explained that God’s armor, utes, presentations, and a beau- “Battleground, Not a Play- however, is “one size fits all”. tiful reception to honor the Ma- ground” (Ephesians 6:10-18). son family. During this sermon, the congre- The Greater Pearlie Grove gation was reminded of child- The day’s activities were to honor and show appreciation for the Mason family, but they family was led in a Litany of Af- hood games with imaginary firmations followed by a special weapons. Well now, unlike those It was a call to action to study, presentation by the AV Ministry. previous times, we are on a bat- The video, entitled “A Faithful spoke to everyone in attendance. pray, and follow the instructions in Ephesians 6:13, “Therefore Leader”, detailed the history of put on the full armor of God, Greater Pearlie Grove and Pas- so that when the day of evil tor Mason. In it, various mem- comes, you may be able to bers expressed their love for our stand your ground, and after pastor and his style of leader- you have done everything, to ship. The congregation was also stand.” entertained with pictures and stories of days gone by. The Pearlie Grove News Page 2 Bro. Frank Rhodes - “A Man of Many Roles” by Sis. LaVonne McGee Frank I need…… Frank will you……….? Frank did you……?. Frank can I……..? Have you used these words? Maybe you have noticed how well the church building and surroundings are maintained. Maybe you recognized him among a sea of volunteers during the nationally televised “Extreme Home Makeover” in January of 2007 when it came to Brandon, Mississippi. Maybe you have heard that soulful anointed voice during church services. If you answered YES to any of these you know of Bro. Frank Rhodes. Frank Rhodes was born in Jackson, Mississippi. He graduated from Sumner Hill High School in Clinton, Mississippi in 1970. After graduation he enlisted in the army and was honorably discharged after serving three (3) years. During his military duties as a phone operator Frank was stationed in Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort Lewis, Washington; and Germany. After returning home from his time in the military, Frank established a Drywall Construction Business and operated it for twelve years. Frank has been a member of Greater Pearlie Grove Missionary Baptist Church for 11 years. Presently, Frank serves as Facilities Manager, Trustee, choir member and soloist, and worker at The Grove on each Wednesday night. Frank has been married to Deborah MixonRhodes for fifteen years and together they have one daughter (Tamara) who resides in Fort Worth, Texas. Now that you know a little more about Frank remember to say “Thank You, Frank”. Business Savvy: Poppie’s Creations by Sis. Jackie Wells Honesty is a Christian value, as well as a human value, that is held as very important throughout the Bible. Any deception to gain an advantage or harm another is prohibited by the Ten Commandants as evidenced in Exodus 20:16, “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.” (NIV). Poppie’s Creations, an imprinted apparel and promotional products business, owned by Brother Robert Sulton follows the Christian value of honesty in all aspects of his business. Poppie’s Creations is honest about their quality and prices. The company maintains the goal of providing quality products and standing by the quality of their work. Brother Sulton does not speak negatively of his competitors but tries to educate his customers on the differences in service and quality between Poppie’s Creations and competitors. was completed by outsourcing the work but with his poem on the back and artwork related to the poem on the front of the t-shirt. The business grew slowly as he developed t-shirts with his personally-written poems on them and eventually he was asked to provide t-shirts for family reunions, class reunions and other events. The business has expanded to include apparel other than t-shirts, promotional items, and embroidery. A lot of the embroidered apparel worn by GPG ministries was made by Poppie’s Creations. Yearly business expansion is happening as the company finds ways to diversify and offer new products and services. With Brother Sulton’s wife, Regenia, assisting him, they are developing new ideas to offer products for businesses such as churches and Greek organizations. Though Poppie’s Creations is currently a homebased business, a business office is maintained at Poppie’s Creations was started 10 years ago as an the Jackson Enterprise Center (931 Hwy 80 West, avenue for Brother Sulton to show his creative Suite 201, Jackson, MS 39204). The web address skills of writing poetry. He envisioned others is seeing his poetry and putting his poems on t-shirts was the avenue for that to happen. His first t-shirt Pearlie Grove News Page 3 Youth Ministry’s School Supply Giveaway by Sis. Tameka Bradley The Youth Ministry is 2026 or secre- currently accepting new [email protected] or used school uniforms, Wednesday, July 23, 2014 until Wednesday, July from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 23, 2014 to be passed out p.m. (Bagging Supplies) during our annual Supply Saturday, July 26, 2014 Giveaway on July 26, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 2014. All uniforms should be help the ministry purchase washed and free from holes school supplies. Donations can be turned in to the church secor tears. Uniforms can be left either with the church retary, paid online in the p.m. (Giveaway during 30 minute increments) To pick up supplies and uniforms a School Supply Give- away card must be presented (1 secretary between the hours “Other” section or placed in the for each child). The maximum of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. or offering basket any Sunday in a cards allowed per person are 3. tithing envelope with special in the donation boxes loCards can be picked up from cated in the Multi-purpose instructions to be donated to the church secretary or at the the school supply drive. Room. Nursery beginning July 1, If you would like to volunteer The Youth Ministry is also 2014. to help during the School Supaccepting monetary donations for anyone seeking to ply Giveaway on the days below, please contact Tamika Bradley at [email protected] or leave your information with the church secretary at 601-354- Pearlie Grove News Page 4 Vacation Bible School: Taking an Amazing Road Trip in 2014! by Sis. Wanda Clark The week of June 9-13 was one of excitement and fun. On Monday night, the congregation of Greater Pearlie Grove Vacation Bible opened VBS with prayers, songs, and introSchool 2014!! pledges, ductions. Each night the classes were dismissed to go and fellowship and learn of God’s word. Afterwards, different classes were responsible for a lesson summary. On Monday night, the lesson was summarized by Buckle - Up ages 3-4 (led Entertaining VBS with a Road by Alice Lipsey, Helima Trip! Stringer, and Crystal Kelly) and Traveling Grace ages 5-6 (led by Charmain Mainor, Tawania Van Buren, and April Clincy) through a humorous, short reading and skit. On Tuesday night, Spiritual Tank Songs of Praise during VBS! ages 7-8 (led by Wanda Clark and Leslie Holloway) and Road Map ages 9-10 (led by Tiffani McKnight and Esther Spiritual Tank class summarizing the lesson during VBS! Sutton) did a wonderful job of summarizing the lesson through a skit and reenactment. Wednesday’s lesson was summed up beautifully through a skit by Pack Your Bag ages 11-12 (led by Cheryl Brown, Dona Brown, and Janice Spann) and Amazing Journey ages 13-14 (led by Zimbabwe Mays, Lomonica Phillips, and Shannon Day) classes. Our teen group Changing Lanes ages 15-17 (led by Arthur Bridges and Teronte Day) also demonstrated their learning through a colorful skit that left the congregation laughing and entertained during the Thursday night session. On Friday, night, the congregation was entertained by a skit conducted by Charity Thomas, Xorica Adams, Alisha Gibson, and Jermaine Cunning. The group performed a humorous, yet powerful message Class participation was high during VBS! on traveling and reminiscing on God’s goodness. The congregation enjoyed the humor as well as the message that was given. After the skit, everyone was dismissed to their classes to participate in fun activities such as arts and crafts and games. The children’s classes created arts and crafts while the adults participated in games that kept them engaged and boisterous. The kitchen ministry prepared a delectable feast for the congregation to partake of after all of the fun and games had ended. The 2014 VBS was one to remember. Fun, laughter, food, and most of all learning more about God’s word were the highlights of the week!! We hope to see you there in 2015! Sis. Christie Cunning VBS Director Pearlie Grove News Page 5 2014 Men’s Conference: “Life Stuff” by Bro. Olmec Martin The common perception of the man in in the future. Reverend Chambers discussed addic‐ today’s society is that he should not discuss his tion within the lives of Christian men. Reverend problems or personal feelings. Collectively men Chambers explained his past personal struggles of are taught to bottle their emotions, problems drug usage, and his journey to Christ. Reverend and feelings that have been known to eventually Chamber’s subject matter gave hope to other Chris‐ affect the health and mind. On April 26, 2014 the tians who were dealing with addictions. Deacon Mi‐ Greater Pearlie Grove Church family hosted their chael Parks talked about pornography and used his first men’s conference internally and entitled it experiences to show men how Christians struggle “Life Stuff”. The men’s conference aimed to ex‐ with pornography. Deacon Parks conferred the dan‐ pel the notion that men should not talk about gers, guilt, and shame that came with an addiction to their life struggles. There was not a main pornography. Deacon Andrew Monicure discussed speaker, therefore creating an environment of the importance of the man following Christ. He open discussion where men could listen and worked and took care of his family just as his father, but he didn’t believe that Christ had to be a main speak about their tribulations. ”Life’s Stuff” set the discussion up in the barbershop scene priority in his life. As leaders of the household, it is a scene that is all too familiar to men. Rever‐ important that men first follow God. Deacon Moni‐ end Spann, Reverend Chambers, Deacon An‐ cure shared that he felt that one of the reasons he drew Monicure and Deacon Michael Parks was brought to God was to share the gospel with his were characters in the barbershop, in which father before he died. Sometimes struggles have more to do with they discussed some of the struggles that our personal lives. Sometimes the deliverance from Christian men are faced with on a daily basis. Brother Brown brought forth the first those struggles can inspire others to come to God. topic discussing his struggles with diabetes The men’s conference went into open discussion, having been diagnosed at the age of eight and it was a blessing to see men expressing their years old. Brother Brown’s discussion themed struggles and problems with money, women, drugs, the importance of men and their health. In any and health. Life Stuff was a great environment in condition men should pray, have faith and put which men could come and share their struggles forth the effort necessary to improve health at during the Christian journey. a young age to maybe prevent complications Little Known Black History Fact: Ms. Maya Angelou, Poet and Author by Bro. Olmec Martin May 28, 2014 will always be a memorial in honor of Maya Angelou became the victim of sexual abuse from age of seventeen. one of the greatest authors and poets in history. her mother’s boyfriend. After his release from prison, Maya Angelou Marguerite Annie Johnson was born in St. Louis, Mis- Maya Angelou’s offender was murdered. Writers sug- worked in nightclubs, as a cooker, and even a madam souri on April 4, 1928 to Bailey Johnson and Vivian gest that Maya Angelou thought that it was her voice for the San Diego Brothel. She has published seven Baxter. During her childhood, her older brother gave that killed him so she became silent. She became mute autobiographies, several books of poetry, three books her the nickname “Mya”, which led to her more popular for five years and learned to observe the world and of essays, and a list of plays. She has also acted in name that she has today “Maya Angelou”. After their listen. It was during her silence that she became fasci- several movies. Maya Angelou’s career has spanned divorce, Maya Angelou’s father sent her to Stamps, nated with literature and poetry. Arkansas to stay with her grandmother. The Great When she was fourteen she moved to Oakland, Califor- degrees. Although deceased, Maya Angelou continues Depression brought her family financial prosperity nia, where she attended California Labor School. She to live through the work that she has contributed to selling some of the main necessities of the community. was the first African American female streetcar con- literature. She was survived by her son Guy Johnson Eventually, the mother came back to get her children. ductor. She gave birth to her son Guy Johnson, at the who is an author just as his mother. over fifty years leaving her with over fifty honorary Pearlie Grove News Page 6 Miss Kaiya Bell This Jim Hill high school honor graduate is the daughter of Michael and Nkeba Bell. While at Jim Hill, she was a dancer for Jim Hill Superior Rated Tigerettes. At church, you could faithfully find Kiaya in the Sounds of Unity choir, Christians Under Construction, and MIME Ministry. She plans to obtain a bachelor’s, mas- ters, and doctoral degree in Elementary Education. She also wants to open her own dance studio and remain active in her church. Favorite Scripture Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Mr. Courtland Brown Courtland is the son of Albert and Donna Brown. It is all about academics for Courtland and it has paid off because he is Valedictorian for the 2014 senior class of Murrah High School. He also participated in the Golf Team, Base Pair Program and the Technology Student Association. Here at GPG, he was a member of the Honor Guard Ministry. Cortland plans to attend Tuskegee University to major in Electrical Engineering. His Motto—“If you chase after two rabbits, you will not catch either one.” Miss Danielle Gaines Danielle is the daughter of Otis and Louise Gaines. She was named Miss Jim Hill High School 2013-2014. Danielle was a member of the National Honor Society, ranked as #4 in the Top Ten in her class of 240 students, captain of Jim Hill High School Drill team which apparently worked in her favor because she is a member of the Sonic Boom of the South as a Prancing J-Sette. Danielle is an Inter- national Baccalaureate graduate which means she has earned hours towards her degree at Jackson State University prior to starting college. At church, you could find her in the MIME ministry and Sounds of Unity Choir. Her favorite quote is by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “The dark abyss of hatred can be set off by the light of love.” Pearlie Grove News Page 7 Miss Kierstun Lipsey Kierstun is the daughter of Levorn and Alice Lipsey. This National Honor Society Scholar has graduated from Murrah High School with a 4.2 GPA as she was dually enrolled with 6 hours of college credits. As a very gifted cellist, she is a member of Belhaven Symphony. She was also a member of the youth advisory council (Gear Up), Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and the Tennis team while at Murrah. Of course you can find Kierstun in the Sounds of Unity choir and Christian Under Construction at GPG. She plans to attend Mississippi College to pursue a bachelor’s degree in chemistry to either enter pharmacy school or medical school. Her favorite scripture Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Favorite quote ”Successful people don’t have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward” and her favorite motto: Everyday is a second chance. Miss Kelsi May Kelsi is the daughter of Kevin and Ursula May who has a servant heart evident by her receiving the Service Hour Honor with over 200 service hours. Kelsi was a member of St. Joseph Catholic School choir, basketball, and retreat teams. Of course with all the service hours, where would you expect to find Kelsi, in the nursery as a volunteer. She plans to attend Jackson State University and pursue a degree in Communicative Disorders. Later she will earn her master’s degree in preparation of starting her own private practice in speech therapy. Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established. Mr. Colin Morgan Person Colin but we all know him as “Morgan,” is the son of proud parents Howard and Helen Young. This top ten scholar of Forest Hill High School has received over $40,000.00 in scholarship monies which I am sure he will use on his journey to become a physical therapist. While at Forest Hill, Morgan was a member of the National Honor Society, Student Government Association and received the JROTC Scholastic Excellence Award. He plans to attend Hinds Community College and finish his undergraduate work at University Medical Center. His favorite quote is Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind.” Pearlie Grove News Page 8 Mr. Darian Priest Mr. Darian Priest, aka “Dee” is the son of Chris and Connie Bryant. This graduate of Clinton High school played football, was a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and was voted Most Wittiest. At church you could find Dee in CUC and Mimes of Emo- tions. He has already been sworn into the United States Marines. His motto is “failure is not an option, it’s a choice.” Mr. Thomas Edward Spann II Thomas is the son of Thomas and Vanessa R. Spann, Sr. At St. Joseph Catholic School, this 3.4 honor graduate played basketball and was a member of the Latin Club and Choir. Thomas will be attending Tennessee State University in Nashville, to major in Bio- Chemistry in preparation to become of an Anesthesiologist. His favorite scripture is Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Ms. Brittany Anderson Brittany is the daughter of Rebecca Anderson. She has received an associate degree in Nursing from Hinds Community College and plans to become a Nurse Practitioner, so it doesn’t stop here for Brittany. While at Hinds, she had the privilege of working in the counseling office, served as a math tutor and teacher’s aide. At GPG, you can find Brittany in the youth ministry, Jesus Using Sisters Ministry, singles ministry, nursing ministry and employment and scholarship ministry. Her favorite scripture is I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, Phil 4:13. Pearlie Grove News Page 9 Mr. JaMychael Bridges JaMychael Bridges is the son of Arthur and Angela Bridges who has completed his Associate Degree at Hinds Community College in Graphic Design. While there, he was the video editor for HCC football. JaMychael is currently attending Jackson State University and his future plans are to work for ESPN. Here at the church, this humble servant can be found working in the AV ministry. Ms. Samantha Ashmore Samantha Ashmore is the daughter of Samuel and Mary Ashmore. This Summa Cum Laude Jackson State University graduate has been busy. She was top 10 in the W.E.B. DuBois Honors College, a member of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF), Concert Chorale and Psi Chi International Honor Society for Psychology Majors. At GPG, you will find “Sam” in the Mass Choir and the Singles Ministry. Sam has a plan A and B and that is to attend Reformed Theological Seminary for Christian Counseling and Marriage and Family or to attend Mississippi State university for Rehabilitation Counseling. Her favorite scripture is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 Mrs. Tiffany McKnight Tiffani McKnight is mother of fiveRashaan, Christian, Asia, Julian Jr. and Joshua, wife to Julian McKnight Sr., and devoted daughter of Michael and Ada Gater. She has completed her Bachelors of Social Work and is a Licensed Social Worker working towards her Private Practice. While at Jackson State University, Tiffani became a member of the National Association of Social Workers and is still an active member today. At GPG, Tiffani teaches CUC, and serves on the adoration committee, Youth Ministry in the nursery and of course you have seen her working with True Grace Children’s choir. Tiffani wants to remind all to never place a period where God has placed a comma. Her favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now abideth faith, hope and love— but the greatest of these is love”. Pearlie Grove News Page 10 Ms. Elizabeth Wright Elizabeth D. Wright is the daughter of Ricky and Genetha Daniels, wife of Louis C. Wright III and mother of Landon Louis Wright. “Lizzy” has received her Bachelor’s of Science in Criminal Justice with plans to obtain a Masters of Arts in Teaching. She is involved in Jesus Using Sisters and the Marriages Made Better Ministry. Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 31:30-31 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. Mrs. Louise Gaines In addition to being the mother of Danielle and wife of Otis, they have 2 other children, Otis John II and Caleb. Leading the way for the high achievers, Louise has obtained her Masters of Business Administration from Belhaven University. You will find her faithfully serving in the Mass choir and Sounds of Unity Choir committee. Louise is a regular attendee of CUC. She has a strong desire, before retirement, to work for the federal gov- ernment and she will have a lot to offer with 29 years as a Vice President in Manager Account Control Department for Trustmark Bank. The scripture to live by for Louise is Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Mr. Christopher Huggins Christopher Huggins , the son of Curtis and Bettie Huggins has received a Masters of Science in Sports Management from Jackson State University. He was involved in JSU HYPER Club and American Alliance of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Dance (AAHPERD). He’s looking forward to being more active with It’s a Man Thing Ministry and possibly joining the AV ministry. This hard working gentleman plans to work with the Texas Ranger Baseball team in their marketing program. Words to live by The past is in the past and I will not live in nothing other than the present. My future is determined by the existence of my dreams and not my nightmares, I am a living example of who I am and what I will become. His favorite scripture is Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”. Pearlie Grove News Page 11 Ms. Brittany Ross Brittany Ross, Jackson State honor graduate (Phi Alpha), is the daughter of proud parents Robert Ross and Doris Brooks. Her most recent degree from JSU is a Masters of Social Work and she was a member of the Social Work Student Association. Her servant heart led her to serving in the Nursery with the youth, CUC and Jesus using Sister Ministries at GPG. Her aspira- tions include obtaining licensure, earning a PhD and her ideal career/calling is to work with Foster Care and Adoption to include placing children with behavior issues. Brittany wants you to know that she was born an IMPERFECTIONIST, meaning she makes mistakes, is not always worthy but she knows she is unconditionally loved by God. Knowledge is Power by Sis. Shermeka Haynes Often times when students embark on their secondary educational journey, they find themselves away from their families, friends and church home. Greater Pearlie Grove M.B. Church provides the spiritual connection and fellowship students miss and need when they are away from home. Our featured Ministry- The College Ministryhelps bridge the gap for them. The College Ministry helps college student members get and stay connected with the local church and community. It provides a sense of belonging and promotes ministry and community development while the students grow spiritually. It is designed for college enrolled members and students under Watch Care at Greater Pearlie Grove M. B. Church. Participants must be regular attendees of church services. They must also attend Christians Under Construction and/or Bible study on a consistent basis. The goals and objectives of participants in the College Ministry include completing service projects in the community and joint service projects with any other of our church ministries. Participants assist with the tutoring ministry as needed and keep the church abreast of educational activities at perspective colleges. The College Ministry also strives to encourage other college students and military members who attend school or in service outside of the Jackson area. It is under the watch of Pastor Stephen Mason and its advisors consist of Angenette Dixon, Alisha Gibson and Tiwari McLain. Total Health Sunday by Sis. Wanda Clark The Nursing Ministry will sponsor its annual "Total Health Sunday" event on August 17, 2014 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. This ministry has invited several local medical providers to provide physical and mental screenings and/or information for the Greater Pearlie Grove congregation. The Health Ministry members will also be available to monitor blood pressures, weights, and glucose levels and provide fitness information. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Nkeba Bell. Pearlie Grove News Page 12 THE ASSOCIATE MINISTERS’ CORNER by Rev. Arthur Bridges Every Christian and non-Christian desires to know what their purpose is in life. There are dozens of self-help books and videos claiming to help us to discover our purposes. But, I submit to you that we must go to the source to find out what God has purposed for each of us. Think for a moment about the life of Joseph. Genesis 37 reveals that God had great plans for Joseph; and He chose to give Joseph a glimpse through a series of dreams. Not understood by Joseph and his family at the time, His plans far exceeded any expectation that Joseph, his father and/or brothers could have ever imagined. Yet, what is most striking about Joseph’s narrative is that his focus was never on attaining the greatness that God had destined for him. Rather, Joseph focused on being faithful to God in “EVERY” situation. Consequently, God honored his obedience and faithfulness by moving him into a place of greatness that not only provided security for Joseph’s immediate family but impacted the entire nation of Israel. In order to discover our purpose, we must begin with the belief that God indeed has purpose for each of us. Jeremiah 29:1 reassures us that His plans will give us a future and hope. God gave Joseph the gift of interpreting dreams. This gift would take him to places of great pain and triumph; but from slavery to the king’s palace, Joseph would develop a faith and dependence on God that perhaps he would not have received any other way; and he was ultimately used to save the lives of thousands of people including his family. God has given each of us a special gift, talent or desire. He has given these gifts and talents not just for our own benefit; but to be used for His glory. A recent soldier discovered God’s purpose for his life while on the battlefield in Afghanistan. While fighting for his life; he discovered that if he made it back home that he wanted to build a support network for returning veterans to help them transition back into their civilian lives. The soldier only discovered his purpose when he was faithful to respond to God’s leading in serving his country. This was a God-inspired desire that led him to a literal battlefield. The soldier also discovered that God protected and preserved him so that he could come back, stand on the spiritual battlefield and realize the vision. He found his purpose. The Deacons’ Corner: “Servant” Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I was asked to submit an article for the quarterly newsletter, I thought to myself, “What should I say on behalf of the Deacon Ministry? Since I am neither a writer nor a spokesman, I must admit that I was a bit perplexed about what I would say. One of my brothers said to me, “Just let the Holy Spirit lead you.” That spoke to my heart. The one word that resonated in my spirit was “Servant.” Our church motto is Learn, Grow, and Serve. Although Learn and Grow are important characteristics of a Christian, the term Serve is the most vital characteristic of our Christian walk. Webster defines Servant as: one who is employed to care for someone or his property. As Christians, we should actively aspire to develop and practice all of these characteristics; however, since Christ came to serve us, we should have a zeal to serve Him by serving others. You don’t have to be the Pastor, Deacon, or a Ministry Leader to serve. God has called every Christian to perform a task that only he or she can do: all to His glory. We are all called to serve. We must ask ourselves, “Am I doing all that God would have me do to serve my brothers and sisters?” Stop and think for a moment about all of the things that God has done in your life (I’ll wait) ….. Now, when you truly consider his goodness, how can you not serve such an Awesome God by serving others? It is our prayer that if you are not currently serving , we hope that you will decide this day, to begin your journey of offering complete and total service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you are already actively serving, we encourage you to continue to earnestly serve Christ by faithfully serving others. Remember, it is only one job in the church and that is the job of being a Servant. May God continue to bless and keep you. In His Service, The Deacon Ministry Janice Williams Kenneth Williams Brandon Showers Chris Huggins Deneen Showers Dwight Engalnd Tony Hooten Dai’jah Sruckey Etta Mitchell Kennedi England Patrick Showers Tori Anderson Veronica England Dermin M. Harris Devin Harris Sonya Harris Quinten Ferguson Willie Stuckey Shakitha Harris Jesus Using Sisters: Daughters of the King Gala! Pearlie Grove News Page 16 Happy Anniversary to July, August, and September Couples! Michael & LaWanda Parks July 2nd (9 years) Stevie & Nekita Adams July 8th (8 years) Willie & Pat Hughes July 24th Guy & Mary Ann Dobson July 3rd (32 years) Stacy & Nekesha Dunbar July 9th (9 years) Frank & Deborah Rhodes July 31st (15 years) Alonzo & Servia Fortenberry July 4th (5 years) Jonas & Bridgette James Jermaine & Christie Cunning July 16th (20 years) August 6th Sam & Tawana Smith August 13th Larry & Patricia McCook July 6th (29 years) Pearlie Grove News Page 17 Happy Anniversary to July, August, and September Couples! Michael & Leslia Davis Darrell & Yolanda Kyles September 5th (16 years) September 7th (12 years) Calvin & Yvonne Cunning August 14th (38 years) Christopher & Felica Wells Van & Carolyn Jefferson September 14th (6 years) September 5th (27 years) Christopher & Darmisha Johnson August 16th (11 years) Marvin & Tashauna Bolls September 15th (8 years) Stephen & Vickie Mason September 5th (28 years) Leon & Gwen Bryant August 24th Our Mission GREATER PEARLIE GROVE Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the 1640 West County Line Road Jackson, MS 39213 name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- Phone: 601-354-2026 Fax: 601-969-6027 E-mail: [email protected] manded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen It is the desire of this local church to fulfill the job description that has been given to us in Matthew 28:19-20. We’re on the Web “Where Our Mission is to Learn, Grow and Serve” Learn. Grow. July Birthdays Cedric Dale - 5th Pat Hughes - 10th Darmisha Johnson - 2nd Calvin Cunning - 9th Jacob Jordan - 13th LaWanda Parks - 2nd Jalin Thompson - 10th Camron Christian Wells - 14th JoAnn Mack - 7th Andrew Davis - 11th Mary Ann Dobson - 16th Darrell Kyles - 8th Alisha Gibson - 14th Amanda Thomas - 16th Vickie Hicks - 10th Yvonne Cunning - 15th Rita Singleton - 17th Leonard Taylor - 11th Irwin Davenport - 18th William Humes, Sr. - 12th Bridgette James - 15th Xorica Adams - 21st Rhoena Rhodes - 12th C’Aira Paige - 16th Takeshia Fields - 22nd Eronisha Banks - 18th Kayla Singleton - 22nd Oliver Weatherspoon - 19th Juan Brown - 23rd Van Jefferson - 23rd Shondria Williams - 23rd Ed Wiggins - 28th Toinette Jackson - 25th Charlease Jordan - 27th Rev. Stephen Mason - 14th Angenette Dixon - 19th Frank Rhodes - 19th William Humes, Jr. - 20th Shermeka Haynes - 25th Pat Cloy - 30th Margaret Mason - 4th Ethan Wiggins - 27th Alexandria Thomas - 30th Serena Washington - 5th Leslia Davis - 29th JoAnn Mack - 7th Christopher Wells, Jr - 29th Jayda Johnson - 8th August Birthdays Gwen Bryant - 2nd September Birthdays
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