Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 1 of 31 F ltf9by TM.-D.c. &K FG c # ê # May 8,2014 UNITJDSTATESDISTRICTCOURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA NTEMI.X M.kl@le oqt :.0. :F etl..MG II eLEAh tl.$. ol:T. tT. IM-8OO8IC R-HU R LEY/HO PK INS CASE NO . 18 USG 1 1341 18 USC 1 1343 18 USC 1 1349 18USC 1 1956 (a)(1)(A)(i) 18USC j 1956 (a)(1)(B)(i) 18 USC 1 1957 18 USC 1 2 18 USC j981(a)(1)(C) UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA, E3llhirltiff, V. JOSEPH SIGNOR E, PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK II, LAURA GM NDE-SIGNORE,and CRAIG ALLEN HIPP, Defendants. / INDICTMENT The Grand Jury chargesthat: G ENERAL ALLEGATIONS Atalltim es relevantto this lndictm ent: JCS Enterprises, Inc. (hereaqer 'iJCS'' ) was a Delaware corporation registered as a foreign com oration in the State of Florida on orabout June 23,2011. JOSEPH SIGNO RE served as the PresidentofJCS.On oraboutJune 29.2011,JCS Enterprises,lnc.changed its name to JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.JOG Enterprises, Inc.(hereafteruJOLA'')wasa Florida corporation formed on oraboutFebruary25,2013. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 2 of 31 JOSEPH SIG NO RE and G URA G RANDE-SIGNORE served as the o/ cers ofJO tA . 2. T.B.T.I.,Inc.(hereafter''TBTl'')wasa Florida corporationformed onAugust13, 2001 by defendantPAUL LEW IS SC HUMACK,lI.TBTIserved as a sales agentforJCS beginning as early as Novem ber,2011. PSCS Holdings LLC ,was a Florida corporation form ed on or about August 5,2013,by PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11a m anager and residentagentofthe corporation. 3. JCS and its sales team atTBTIm arketed and sold virtualconcierge m achines (VCMs)to investors throughoutthe United States,utilizing various salesmen in Florida and around the country. A VCM is a stand-alone m achine w ith a m onitordisplay that allows the userto,am ong otherthings,view advedisements,purchase products and print retailcoupons. VCM S are viable forany business thatwanted to Ietits custom ers order products withouthaving to interactw ith a cashier. 5. LAURA G RANDE-SIG NO RE served as the Executive Vice PresidentofJCS. She Signed checks to investors and vendors,and signed investorcontracts on behalfof JCS. 6.CRAIG A LLEN HIPP served as the PresidentofM anufacturing and Operations for JCS. He was in charge of m anufacturing, and also signed investor contracts on behalfofJCS. TD Bank, BB&T,Bank of America (hereafter d'BOA''),and SunTrust Bank (hereafter''SunTrust'')are FDIC insured financialinstitutionsasdefined by Title 18,United States Code,Section 20. 2 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 3 of 31 Count1 (Conspiracyto CommitMailFraud & W ire Fraud,18 U.S.C.Sec.1349) 8. Beginning atIeastas early as June 2011,the exactdate being unknow n to the grand jury,through on oraboutApril7,2014,in Palm Beach County,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants, JOSEPH SIGNO RE , PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK II, LAURA GRANDE-SIG NO RE,and CRAIG ALLEN HIPP, did willfully,thatis,with the intentto furtherthe objectofthe conspiracy,and knowingly com bine,conspire,confederate,agree and reach a tacitunderstanding with each other, and with persons,known and unknown to the grand jury,to commitoffenses againstthe United States,thatis:(a)mailfraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1341, .and (b)wire fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1343. O BJECT O F THE CONSPIRACY 9. Itwasthe objectofthe conspiracyforthe defendantsand theirco-conspirators to obtain m oney from investors underfalse and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises by purpoding to sellm anufactured VCMS,and to place the VCMS in m arketable Iocations which would earn revenues from advedising and other com m ercialactivities installed on m anufactured VCM S,w hich would be returned to investors on a m onthly basis. MA NNER AND M EANS OF THE CO NSPIRACY 10. The m annerand means by which the defendants soughtto accom plish the objectofthe conspiracy included the following: 3 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 4 of 31 11. From at Ieast as early as June 2011, defendant JOSEPH SIGNO RE m arketed VCM S as investments from the olices ofJCS in Jupiter, FL. DefendantPAUL LEW IS SCHUM ACK,11reached an agreem entwith JOSEPH SIG NO RE in approxim ately Novem ber 2011 to also m arketVCMS,and SCHUMACK operated from his residences Iocated in Highland Beach,a/k/a Boca Raton,and Delray Beach,FL. 12. The defendants sold the VCM S as investm ents to approxim ately 1,500 investors nationwide by representing thatthe investors would own the VCM ,thatitwould be placed in a prime Iocation and would generate advedising revenues on a m onthly basis. 13. To induce the investors to pay the costofthe VCM ,which ranged between $3,000.00 and $4,500.00,the defendants made one ormore ofthe following false and fraudulentrepresentations: a. Investorswould purchase an actualVCM unit,typically for$3,500.00,which would be placed into service som ewhere in the United States to be used by the public and have enough built-in advedising and otherrevenue to suppod the paym ents to investors. Defendants called this the ''passive program .'' b. The defendants claim ed thatthey had Iocations athotels,restaurants, hospitals and otherpublic places atwhich to place the m anufactured VCMS upon which advedising and othercom m ercialactivities were placed. c. The defendants represented thatthey had com panies paying revenues for the placementofadvedising and otherrevenue generating com m ercial activities on the VCM S. 4 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 5 of 31 d. Inviduallyeverysale,investorswere promised a guaranteed $300 payment perm onth for36 consecutive m onths,purpodedly as the investors'share of the incom ing advedising and com m ercialrevenue stream on the VCM . e. lnvestorsw ere told theirunits had been builtand then provided the investors w ith a fake serialnum berforeach ofthe units they purchased. f. Defendants prom ised to provide m aintenance and insurance forthe VCM units atno costto the investors. g. Investors were som etim es told thatthey could purchase a VCM and place it whereverthey chose and receive aIIadvertising and otherrevenue their m achine produced. This w as referred to by the defendants as the ''aggressive program ,''butvery few ,i fany,investors chose to take actual delivery ofthe VCM and place itinto use them selves. 14. To convince the investors thatthe VCMS were being builtand placed at public Iocations,defendantJOSEPH SIGNORE rented a Iuxury office and warehouse space in Jupi ter,FL in which to display VCM S being builtand the operations ofthe com pany forinspection by the investors. 15. To concealthe schem e to defraud and avoid the investors Iearning thatno m ore than 500 VCM S were placed in Iocations and thatrevenues from advertising and othersourceswere insufficientto paythe monthlyagreed uponearningsof$300 foreach VCM ,the defendants caused Ponzipayments to be m ade by using new investormoney received forthe sale ofVCMSto payexisting priorinvestorsthe $300 permonth guaranteed paymentperVCM unit. These Ponzipayments were sentoutto investors by 5 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 6 of 31 use ofthe U.S.M ails. Convinced thatthe VCM S were a good investm ent, m any ofthe investors contracted to purchase m ultiple units,with one investorbuying hundreds of units. 16. On occasion,investors requested to know the exactlocation ofthe VCM unit sold to them . Defendants responded by suggesting thatthey would have to sw itch from the 'lpassive program''(which provided a guaranteed stream of$300 monthlypayments) to the ''aggressive program ,''and would need to take actualdelivery ofthe unit. Doing this would involve the investorgenerating its own sources ofrevenue,m aintenance and insurance,and foregoing the guaranteed payments. Although the defendants represented to investors thatthousands ofVCM units were already manufactured,shipped and placed atbusiness Iocations to collect advedising and othercom m ercialrevenues,in truth and in factIess than approxim ately 1,000 VCM Swere m anufactured and no m ore than 500 VCM S shipped and placed in Iocations to earn advedising and othercom m ercialactivities revenues. 18. Using these m aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises,and others,the defendants,through JCS and TBTI,sold approxim ately 26,000 VCM S to approxim ately 1,500 investors in Florida and throughoutthe United States, bringing in over$70,000,000.00 in revenue. AIlin violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1349. Counts 2 -15 (MaiIFraud,18 U.S.C.Secs.1341and 2) 19. Paragraphs 1 through 7 ofthe GeneralAllegations section ofthis Indictm ent are realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setfodh herein. 6 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 7 of 31 20. Beginning atIeastas early as June 2011,the exactdate being unknown to the grand jury,through on oraboutApril7,2014,in Palm Beach County,inthe Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, JOSEPH SIG NO R E, PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK II, LAURA G RANDE-SIG NO RE,and CRAIG ALLEN HIPP, did knowingly,and with intentto defraud,devise and intend to devise, and participate in a schem e and arti fice to defraud and for obtaining money and propedy by m eans of m ateriall y false and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises,knowing thatsuch pretenses,representations and prom ises were false and fraudulentwhen m ade. O BJECT O F THE SCHEM E AND A RTIFICE 21. ltwasthe objectofthe scheme and artifice to defraud forthe defendantsto obtain m oney from investors underfalse and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises by purporting to sellm anufactured VCM S,and to place the VCMS in m arketable Iocations which would earn revenues from advedising and othercom m ercialactivities installed on m anufactured VCM S,which would be returned to investors on a m onthly basis. M ANNER AND M EA NS O F THE SC HEM E A ND ARTIFICE 22. The G rand Jury re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference paragraphs 10 through 18 ofthe M annerand Means Section in CountO ne ofthe Indictm ent. USE OF THE MAILS IN THE EXECUTION O F THE SCHEM E 23. O n oraboutthe dates setfodh below as to each count,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and elsewhere,and forthe purpose ofexecuting the aforesaid scheme 7 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 8 of 31 and artifice to defraud and forobtaining m oney and property by m eans ofm aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises, the defendants charged in each respective countdid knowingly cause to be delivered m ailm atterby the United States PostalService and by private orcom m ercialinterstate carrier, by causing payments for hurportedVCM purchasestobesentbacktotheofficesofthedefendants,andforPonzi paym ents to be sentto investors,as described below : CO UNT DATE 2 October25,2012 DEFENDANTS JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 JO SEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11 JO SEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 JO SEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUM ACK 11 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUM AC K 11 3 January 31,2013 4 February 27,2013 5 May 23,2013 6 June 25,2013 7 June 27,2013 8 July 3,2013 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 9 July 24,2013 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 10 Septem ber27,2013 JO SEPH SIGNO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 8 M AIL M ATTER FederalExpress packetfrom ''M B''in Virginia to TBTI, Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom ''M B''in Virginia to TBTI, Delra Beach,FL FederalExpress packetfrom 'M B''in Virginia to TBTI, Delra Beach,FL FederalExpress packetfrom ''JB''in Louisiana to TBTI, Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom ''M B''in Virginia to TBTI, Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom 'tJB' 'in Louisiana to TBTI, ''PaulSchum ack,''Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom ''JB''in Louisiana to TBTI, 'dpaulSchum ack,''Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom ''JB''in Louisiana to TBTI, 'dpaulSchumack,''Boca Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom '' A B''New Jersey to TBTI, Boca Raton,FL Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 9 of 31 CO UNT 11 12 DATE DEFENDANTS October29,2013 November15,2013 M AIL M ATTER JOSEPH SIG NO RE FederalExpress packetfrom PAUL LEW IS ''MB' 'inVirginia to SCHUMACK 11 Boca Raton,FL JOSEPH SIGNORE Ponzipaymentfor$7:500 PAULLEWIS11 SCHUMACK ,Tû'T' L FXW/- jj jo t#, qU ...S.Mailto'AB'' ï'j Ky rM'- ''X e y by defendant SCHUMACK,from Boca . 13 Decem ber27,2013 JO SEPH SIGNORE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 Raton,FL FederalExpress packetfrom $$M B''in Virginia to TBTI, Boca Raton,FL 14 February 15,2014 JOSEPH SIGNORE LAURA Ponzipaymentsfor$1,800 and $3,000 sentvia U.S.Mail G RANDE-SIG NO RE to 'M L' 'in BossierCity,LA from JCS Enterprises,Inc.,in Ju iter,FL PonziPaymentfor$15,000 sentvia U.S.Mailto ''SX''in PortSt.Lucie,FL from JCS Enterprises,Inc.,in Jupiter, FL 15 March28,2014 JOSEPH SIGNORE LAURA G RANDE-SIG NORE CRAIG HIPP . AIIin violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 2. Counl 16 -24 (W ire Fraud,18 U.S.C.Secs.1343 and 2) 24. Paragraphs 1through 7 ofthe GeneralAllegations section ofthis Indictment are realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setforth herein. 25. Beginning atIeastas early as June 2011,the exactdate being unknown to the grand jury,through on oraboutApril7,2014,in Palm Beach County,inthe Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, JOSEPH SIG NO RE , PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK II, LAURA GRANDE-SIG NO RE,and C RAIG ALLEN HIPP, # 9 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 10 of 31 did knowingly,with intent to defraud,devise and intend to devise, and padicipate in a schem e and adi fice to defraud and for obtaining m oney and property by m eans of materiallyfalse and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises, knowing thatsuch pretenses,representations and prom ises were fajse and fraudulentwhen m ade. O BJECT O F THE SCHEM E AND ARTIFICE 26. ltwasthe objectofthe scheme and adifice to defraud forthe defendantsto obtain m oney from investors underfalse and fraudulentpretenses, representations and prom ises by purpoding to sellm anufactured VCM S,and to place the VCMS in m arketable Iocations which would earn revenues from advertising and othercom m ercialactivities installed on m anufactured VCM S,which would be returned to investors on a m onthly basis. M ANNER AND M EANS OF THE SCHEM E AND ARTIFICE 27. The G rand Jury re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference paragraphs 10 through 18 ofthe M annerand Means section in CountO ne ofthe Indictm ent USE O F THE INTERSTATE W IRES IN EXECUTIO N O F THE SCHEM E 28. O n oraboutthe dates setforth below as to each count,in the Southern District ofFlorida,and elsewhere,and forthe purpose ofexecuting the aforesaid schem e and artifice to defraud and forobtaining money and propedy by m eans ofm aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations and prom ises,the defendants charged in each respective countdid know ingly cause to be transm itted by m eans ofw ire com m unications in interstate com m erce cedain writings orsignals as described below : 10 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 11 of 31 co UNT 16 17 18 DATE April22,2013 DEFENDANTS INTERSTATE W IRE cou u uNlcAn oN JOSEPH SIG NO RE Internetcom m unication from CRAIG HIPP craigo icsenterprise.netin July 25,2013 JOSEPH SIGNO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11 Jupiter,FL to investor''CS' 'in Florida Internetcom m unication from infoa in Jupiter,FL to investor'IRH''in Vir inia September21, JOSEPH SIGNORE $28,000 wire from 'SPD''from 2013 LAURA G RANDE-SIGNORE 19 Septem ber30, 2013 20 Septem ber30, 2013 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11 JO SEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUM ACK 11 Frem ontBank in California to JCS Enterprises,Inc.'s BB&T accountending in 5654 in Ju iter,FL Internetcomm unication from defendantSCHUMACK to investor'' A B''in Florida Telefax com m unication from investor 'AA''in Indiana to ''PaulSchumack''in Palm Beach Count ,FL 21 October28,2013 JOSEPH SIGNORE $51,000 wire from ''PT''in, PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11 O hio to TBTI'S BOA account ending in 2038 in Deerfield Beach,FL Telefax com m unication from investor' $AA''in Indiana to ''PaulSchumack''in Palm Beach Count ,FL Telefax com m unication from investor'$AA''in Indiana to 'PaulSchum ack''in Palm Beach Count ,FL 22 Novem ber23, 2013 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUM ACK 11 23 Decem ber26, 2013 JOSEPH SIG NO RE PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK 11 24 January 7,2014 JOSEPH SIGNORE $14,000 wire from $'GS'''s lRA LAURA SIG NO RE Services California to JCS Enterprises,Inc.'s accountending in 1921 at SeacoastBank,in Palm Beach Count ,FL AIlin violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1343 and 2. 11 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 12 of 31 M O NEY LAUNDERING Count25 (Conspiracy to CommitMoney Laundering,18 U.S.C.,Section 1956(h)) 29. Paragraphs 1 through 7 ofthe GeneralAllegations section and paragraphs 10 through 17 ofthe M annerand Means section in CountO ne this Indictm entare realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setfodh herein. 30. Beginning atIeastas early as June 2011,the exactdate being unknown to the grandjury,through on oraboutApril7,2014,in Palm Beach County,inthe Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, JosEpH SIG NO R E, pAuuLEwls scHuuAck ILand LAURA GRANDE-SIGNOéE did knowingly and w illfully com bine,conspire,confederate and agree with each otherand with othersknown and unknown to the grand juryto com mitoffensesagainstthe United States,thatis,money Iaundering,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1956 and 1957,as follows: (a) To conductand attemptto conducta financialtransaction affecting interstate and foreign com merce,w hich financialtransaction involved the proceeds of specified unlawfulactivity,thatis,m ailfraud and wire fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 1343,and with the intentto prom ote the carrying on of specified unlawfulactivity,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1956(a)(1)(A)(i); (b) To conductand attemptto conducta financialtransactionaffecting interstate and foreign com merce,w hich financialtransaction involved the proceeds of 12 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 13 of 31 specified unlaM ulactivity,thatis,m ailfraud and wire fraud, in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 1343,knowing thatthe transaction was designed in w hole orin partto concealand disguise the nature,location,source,ow nership and controlofthe proceeds ofthe specified unlawfulactivity,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code, Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i)' ,and (c) To knowinglyengage and attemptto engage in monetarytransactionsin criminally derived propedy of a value greater than $10,000,which property had been derived from specified unlaw fulactivity,thatis,m ailfraud and w ire fraud in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 1343,in violation ofTitle 18, United States Code,Section 1957. AIIin violationofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section 1956(h). Count26 (Promotion Money Laundering,18 U.S.C.Secs.1956(a)(1)(A)(i),and (2)) 31. Paragraphs 1 through 7 ofthe GeneralAllegations section ofthe Indictm ent and paragraphs 10 through 18 ofthe Mannerand M eans section in CountO ne ofthis Indictmentare reallegeàandincorporatedbyreferenceasthoughfullysetfodhherein. 32. O n oraboutSeptem ber30,2013,in Palm Beach County,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and elsewhere,the defendant, JO SEPH SIG NO RE, did knowingly,with the intentto prom ote the carrying on ofspecified unlawfulactivity, conductand attem ptto conducta financialtransaction affecting interstate and foreign commerce,thatis paying ''CK''$49,170.00 drawn on JCS Enterprisesaccount5654 check 2872 atBB&T,w hich involved the proceeds ofa specified unlawfulactivity,thatis,m ail 13 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 14 of 31 fraud and w ire fraud in violation ofTi tle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 1343 . AIIin violationofTitlel8,United States Code,Sections 1956(a)(1)(A)(i)and 2. Counl 27 -30 (ConcealmentMoney Laundering,18 U.S.C.Secs.1956(a)(1)(B)(i)) 33. Paragraphs 1 through 7 ofthe GeneralAllegations section ofthe Indictm ent and paragraphs 10 through 18 ofthe M annerand M eans section ofCountOne ofthis lndictm entare realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setforth herein. 34. O n oraboutthe dates setforth below asto each count,in Palm Beach County, in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and elsewhere,the defendants,as identified below , did knowingly conductand attem ptto conducta financialtransaction affecting interstate and foreign com m erce,which involved the proceeds ofa specified unlaw fulactivity,thatis, mail fraud and wire fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1341 and 1343, know ing thatthe transaction was designed in whole and in partto concealand disguise the nature,Iocation,source,ownership and controlofthe proceeds ofspecified unlawful activity and knowing thatthe propedy involved in the financialtransaction represented the proceeds ofsom e form ofunlawfulactivity: CO UNT 27 DATE DEFENDANT TRANSACTION September16, 2013 JOSEPH SIGNORE PAUL LEW IS TBTIIncaccount(TD Bank 4901)rcheck47407 for SCHUMACK 11 $57,525.00 deposited toJOLA Enterprisesaccount(SunTrust 3628) 14 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 15 of 31 COUNT 28 DATE DEFENDANT TRANSACTIO N September30, 2013 JOSEPH SIGNORE $110,119.27wire from JOLA LAURA Enterprisesaccount(SunTrust GRANDE-SIGNORE 3628)totitle company account atBank United forpurchase of rellpropedylocated at14161 64.bDrive Nodh, Palm Beach Gardens,FL 29 September30, 2013 JOSEPH SIGNORE $225,000 wire from 'dt-aura LAURA Signore''account(SunTrust GRANDE-SIGNORE 2100)to Bank United for purchase ofrealprqgerty Iocated at14161 64.nDrive North,Palm Beach G ardens, FL 30 October28,2013 PAUL LEW IS $1,500u000.00 transferfrom SCHUMACK 11 SCHUMACK'S personal account(BOA 6721)to PSCS Holdings LLC (BOA 6687) AIIin violationofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections 1956(a)(1)(B)(i)and (2). Counts 31 -34 (IllegalMoney Spending,18 U.S.C.,Section 1957) 35. Paragraphs 1 through 7 ofthe G eneralAllegations ofthe lndictm entsection and paragraphs 10 through 18 ofthe Mannerand M eans section ofCountOne ofthis Indictm entare realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setfodh herein. 36. O n or about the dates set forth as to each count below , in Palm Beach County in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and elsew here,the defendantindicated in each countbelow did knowingly engage and attem ptto engage in a m onetary transaction by, through,orto a financialinstitution,affecting interstate and foreign com m erce,in crim inally derived propedy of a value greater than $10,000,as described below,such propedy having been derived from specified unlawfulacti vity,to wit:mailfraud (Title 18,United 15 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 16 of 31 States Code,Section 1341)* ,and wire fraud (Ti tle 18,United States Code,Section 1343). CO UNT 31 DATE DEFENDANT TRANSACTIO N May20,2013 JOSEPH $114,040.12 wire from JCS SIGNORE account(TD Bank 8571)to South Florida Title forthe purchpse ofrealproperty located at77tnTrailNorth, Palm Beach 32 Septem ber19, PAUL LEW IS 2013 SCHUMACK 11 Gardens,FL Insurp. m ju s TBTIInc account(TD Bank 4901)check47408 for$25,000 . deposited to PSCS Holdings LLC account(BOA 6687) 33 September30, JOSEPH $200,000 wirefrom JCS 2013 SIGNORE Enterprises (BB&T 5654)totitle com pany accountatBank United forpurchase ofrealyroperty Iocated at14161 64tnDrive Nodh,Palm Beach G ardens,FL 34 October2,2013 JOSEPH $114,613.31 internetpayment SIG NO RE from JCS Enterprises account (BB&T 5654)toAmerican Express accountending 66003 in the nam e ofJCS Enterprises AIIin violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Sections 1957 and 2. FO RFEITURE 37. Upon conviction ofany ofthe violations setforth in Counts 1 through 24 of this lndictm ent,the defendants JOSEPH SIGNORE, LAURA GRANDE-SIG NO RE , and PAUL LEW IS SCHUMACK, II, shall forfeit to the United States alI propedy, real or . ' personal,which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to a violation of the afore-stated offenses,including,butnotIim i ted to the following: 16 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 17 of 31 a. A money judgment in the amount of at Ieast $70,000,000,which represents the proceeds traceable to the violations. b. the sum thatconstitutes the gross proceeds the Defendants derived from the offenses,which sum isalleged to be atIeastapproximately $70,000,000 in United States currency. c. alIprincipal,deposits,interest,di vidends and otheram ounts credited to TD Bank account num berending 4901 in the name ofT B.T.I.,Inc.,signatories Pauland Christine SCHUM ACK . d. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to BB&T Bank account num ber ending 5654 in the nam e JCS Enterprises, Inc., Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories' , e. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to SunTrustBank accountnum bers ending 1272 and 1000142942100 in the nam e ofLaura SIG NO RE. f. allprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Regions Bank accountnum berending 0589 in the nam e ofJOLA Enterprises, Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE,signatories. g. aIIprincipal,deposits,interesl,dividends and otheramounts credited to Regions Bank accountnum berending 0546 in the nam e ofJO LA Enterprises, Inc.,Joseph SIGNORE signatory. h. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Regions Bank account num ber ending 4372 in the name of Joseph Signore, Joseph SIG NO RE,signatory. i. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,di vidends and otheram ounts credited to Regions Bank safe box (accountending 0150),Joseph and Laura SIGNORE, signatories. j. Scottrade accountnumberending 3916 in the name ofMY GEE BO, Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIGNO RE are the signatories. k. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheramounts credited to Scottrade account num berending 6374 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises,lnc., Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories. 17 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 18 of 31 aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 1921 in the name of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories. m . aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheramounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 2061 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories. n. aIIprincipal,deposi ts,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 2141 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.''M 'Account.,Joseph SIGNORE signatory . o. alIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Bank ofAm erica accountending 2038 in the nam e of T.B.T.I., Inc.,Pauland Christine SCHUMACK signatories. p. AlIthatIotorparcelofland,togetherw ith its buildings,appurtenances, im provem ents,fixtures,attachm ents and easements,Iocated at 14161 64* Drive N., Palm Beach G ardens, Palm Beach County, Florida, 33418, and m ore particularly described as: A parcelofIand in Section 22,Tow nship 41 South,Range 42 East, in Palm Beach County, Florida, and m ore particularly described as follows: The East244 feetofa certain partofthe Nodh 235 feetofthe South 770 feet of said Section 22,with the East Iine of said certain part being at right angles to the South Iine of said Section,and so Iocated thatthe Northerly projection of said EastIine intercepts the North Iine ofthe South 1250 feetofsaid section at a point 2720 feet East of the intersection of said North Iine with W est section Iine; and with aII indicated dim ensions being measured along Iines parallelto the W est and South lines ofSection 22. Subjectto and togetherwith easem ents of record,including a road easem ent for ingress and egress overthe South 30 feetand East30 feetthereof. ParcelID:00-42-41-00-000-8140 q. AIIthatlotorparcelofIand,togetherwith i ts buildings, apgurtenances,improvements,fixtures,attachmentsand easements,Iocated at 77'bTrailNodh,Palm Beach G ardens, FL 33418,as m ore padicularly described as follows: 18 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 19 of 31 Propedy Appraisers Parcel Identification (FoIio) Number: 00-42-41-16-00-000-7080 Parcel Y-279 A parcel of Iand in Section 16,Township 41 South,Range 42 East, in Palm Beach County,Florida,m ore padicularly described as follows: The South 248 feetofthe Nodh 561 feetofthe W est230 feet ofthe East1620 feetofthe SouthwestQuaderofsaid Section 16. r. Allthatlotorparcelofland,togetherw i th its buildings, appudenances, im provem ents, fixtures, attachm ents and easem ents, Iocated at 7725 NW 39 Avenue,Coconut Creek,Broward County, Florida ,33073,and m ore padicularly described as: A portion ofSection 32,Tow nship 47 South, Range 42 East, Broward County,Florida,m ore fully described as follows: The North 144.40 feetofthe South 516.35 feet(as measured atrightangles)ofthe East 1/2 ofTract29,Block 83,PALM BEACH FARM S CO M PANY PLAT No.3,as recorded in Plat Book 2,Page 53,ofthe Public Records ofPalm Beach County, Florida,said Iands situate,Iying and being in Broward County, Florida. 38. Ifany ofthe property described above,as a resultofany actor om ission ofthe defendants: a. cannotbe Iocated upon the exercise ofdue diligence' , b. has been transferred orsold to,ordeposited with,a third party; has been placed beyond thejurisdictionofthe court' , d. has been substantially dim inished in value' ,or e. has been com m ingled w ith other propedy which cannot be divided withoutdifficul ty; Itis the intentofthe United States ofAm erica,pursuantto Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p),to seekforfeiture ofany otherpropertyofthe defendants uptothevalue of the above forfeitable property. 19 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 20 of 31 AIIpursuantto Title 28 United States Code,Section 2461, Title 18,United States Code,Section 981(a)(1)(C)and Title 21,United States Code,Section853. 39. Upon conviction ofany ofthe violations setforth in Counts 25 through 34 of this Indictm ent,the defendants JO SEPH SIG NO RE, LAURA G RANDE-SIG NO RE, and PAUL LEW IS SCHUMAC K 11 shallfo/eit to the Uni ted States any property, real or personal,involved in such offense,orany propedy traceable to such property, including, butnotIim ited to,the following: a. A money judgment in the amount of at Ieast $70,000,000,which represents the proceeds traceable to the violations. b. the sum thatconstitutes the gross proceeds the Defendants derived from the offenses,whichsum isalleged to be atIeastapproximately$70,000,000 in United States currency. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to TD Bank accountnum berending 4901 in the nam e ofT.B.T.I.,Inc.,signatories Pauland Christine SCHUMACK d. aIlprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to BB&T Bank account num berending 5654 in the nam e JCS Enterprises, Inc., Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories' , e. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to SunTrustBank accountnum bers ending 1272 and 1000142942100 in the name ofLaura SIG NORE. f. alIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Regions Bank accountnum ber ending 0589 in the nam e ofJO LA Enterprises, lnc.,Joseph and Laura SIGNORE,signatories. g. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Regions Bank accountnum berending 0546 in the nam e of JOLA Enterprises, Inc.,Joseph SIGNORE signatory. 20 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 21 of 31 h. alIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheramounts credited to Regions Bank account num ber ending 4372 in the nam e of Joseph Signore, Joseph SIGNORE,signatory. i. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheramounts credited to Regions Bank safe box (accountending 0150),Joseph and Laura SIGNORE, signatories. j. Scottrade accountnumberending 3916 in the name ofMY GEE BO, Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories. k. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Scottrade account num ber ending 6374 in the name ofJCS Enterprises, Inc., Joseph and Laura SIGNO RE signatories. 1. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 1921 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE are the signatories. m . alIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 2061 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.,Joseph and Laura SIG NO RE signatories. n. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Seacoast National Bank account num ber ending 2141 in the nam e of JCS Enterprises Services,Inc.$'M''Account.,Joseph SIG NORE signatory. o. aIIprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends and otheram ounts credited to Bank ofAmerica account ending 2038 in the nam e of T.B.T.I., Inc.,Pauland Christine SCHUMACK signatories. p. AIIthatlotorparcelofIand,togetherw ith its buildings,appurtenances, im provem ents,fixtures,attachm ents and easem ents,located at 14161 64th Drive N., Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach County, Florida, 33418, and m ore particularly described as: A parcelofIand in Section 22,Township 41 South,Range 42 East, in Palm Beach County, Florida, and m ore particularly described as follows: The East244 feetofa cedain partofthe North 235 feetofthe South 770 feet of sai d Section 22,with the East Iine ofsaid cedain part being at right angles to the South Iine of said 21 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 22 of 31 2 Section,and so Iocated thatthe Nodherly projection ofsaid EastIine intercepts the North line ofthe South 1250 feetofsaid section at a point 2720 feet East of the intersection of said North Iine with W est section line; and w i th aII indicated dimensions being m easured along Iines parallelto the W est and South Iines ofSection 22. Subjectto and togetherwith easem ents of record, including a road easem ent for ingress and egress overthe South 30 feetand East30 feetthereof. ParcellD:00-42-41-00-000-8140 q. AIIthatlotorparcelofIand,togetherwith its buildings, apgudenances,improvements,fixtures,attachmentsandeasements,locatedat 77kbTrailNodh,Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, as m ore particularly described as follows: Propedy Appraisers Parcel Identi fication (FoIio) Number: 00-42-41-16-00-000-7080 Parcel Y-279 A parcel of Iand in Section 16,Township 41 South,Range 42 East,in Palm Beach County,Florida,m ore padicularly described as follows: The South 248 feetofthe North 561 feetofthe W est230 feet ofthe East1620 feetofthe SouthwestQuaderofsaid Section 16. AIIthatlotorparcelofIand,togetherw ith its buildings,appurtenances, im provem ents, fixtures, attachm ents and easem ents, Iocated at 7725 NW 39 Avenue,Coconut Creek,Broward County,Florida ,33073,and m ore particularly described as: A portion ofSection 32,Township 47 South,Range 42 East, Broward County,Florida,m ore fully described as follows: The North 144.40 feetofthe South 516.35 feet(as measured atrightangles)ofthe East 1/2 ofTract29,Block 83,PALM BEACH FARM S COM PANY PLAT No.3,as recorded in Plat Book 2,Page 53,ofthe Public Records ofPalm Beach County, Florida,said Iands situate,Iying and being in Broward County, Florida. Pursuantto Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 982(a)(1). 40. Ifthe propedy described above as being subjectto forfeiture,as a resultof any actorom ission ofthe defendants, 22 Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 23 of 31 a. cannotbe located upon the exercise ofdue diligence' , b. has been transferred orsold to,ordeposited w ith, a third party; has been placed beyond the jurisdiction ofthe court; d. has been substantially dim inished in value;or e. has been com m ingled with other propedy which cannot be divided withoutdi fficulty; It is the intent of the United States, pursuantto Title 21, United States Code,Section 853(p),as incorporated by Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(b)(1),to seek forfeiture of any otherproperty ofthe defendants up to the value ofthe above forfeitable propedy. A TRUE MILL FO REPERSO N W IFREDO A.FER ER UNITED STATES AU O RN Y àTEPHEN CARLTON ASSISTANT UNITED STATES AU O RNEY LLEN L.CO HEN ASSISTANT UNITED STATES AU O RNEY 23 UN ITED STATES DISTRICT C O URT Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 DI Entered 05/08/2014 Page 24 of 31 SO UTH ERN STR ICTon O FFLSD FLO RIDocket DA UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA CASE NO. VS. CERTIFIC ATE O F TRIA L ATTO RN EY * JO SEPH SIG NO RE,etal Defendants. / CourtDivision:(stltctone) M iam i FTL Superseding Case Inform ation: New Defendantts) K ey W est W PB X FTP YES NumberofNew Defendants Totalnumberofcounts NO Idohereby certifythat: ' Ihavecarefully considered theallegationsoftheindictment,thenumberofdefendants,thenumberofprobable wim essesandthe legalcomplexitiesoftheIndictment/lnformationattachedhereto. Iam awarethattheinformation suppliedonthisstatementwillberelieduponbytheJudgesofthisCourtinsettil!g theircalendarsandschedulingcriminaltrialsunderthemandateoftheSpeedyTrialAct.Title28U.S.C.Sectipn 3I61. ! l ï Interpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguagtand/ordialect Thiscasewilltake 15 No i ! ' daysforthepartiesto try. Pleasecheck appropriatecategoryandtypeofoffenselisted below : (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) I II III IV V 0 to 5days 6 to l0 days llto 20 days 21to 60 days 61daysandover 6. Hasthiscasebeenpreviously filed inthisDistrictCourt?(YesorNo) lfyes: Judge: Petty M inor M isdem . Felony X CaseN o. (Attachcopyofdispositiveorder Hasacomplaintbeen filed inthismatter? (YesorNo) Ifyes: No M agistrateCaseNo. Related M iscsllaneousnumbers: Defendantts)lnfederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatecustodyasof Rule20 from the ! 1 Yes 14-m'-08154 Sinoreand Schumack na 04-16-2014lsignorel n/a lsthisapotentialdeathpenaltycase?(YesorNo) Yes : j I I : Is lc o X No Doesthiscase originate from a matterpending inthe Northern Region ofthe U.S.Attorney'sO ffice priorto October 14,2003? Yes X No i 8. D I oesthiscaseoriginatefrom amatterpending in theCentralRegionoftheU.S.Attorney'sOfficeprioryo Septem ber I,2007? Yes X No S EP N CA ON A SSISTA N T UN ITED STA TES ATTO RN EY A dm in N o.A 5500011 *penalty Sheetts)attached ; Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 25 of 31 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO UTH ERN D ISTR IC T O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SHEET Defendant'sNam e:JOSEPH SIG NORE C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracv to comm itm ail/wire fraud 18 USC 1 1349 * M ax-penalty:20 vears'im prisonment' .$250,000 fine ortwice the valueofthe grossgainby the defendantorlossbythevictimswhicheverisgreater;notm orethan 3 vears'supervised release. Counts# 2-15: M ailFraud 18 USC 5 1341 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'imprisonm ent;$250.000 fineortwicethevalueofthegrossgain by the defendantorlossby thevictim .whicheverisareater:notm orethan 3 years'supervised release. Counts # 16-24: W ire Fraud 18USC : 1343 *M ax.Penalty:20 vears'im prisonm ents '$250.000 Fine ortwice the value ofthe grossgain by the defendantorlossbv the victim swhicheveris Mreater:notm ore than 3 years'supervised release. WRefers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 26 of 31 PEN ALTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e:JO SEPH SIG NO RE C ase N o: Count# 25: Conspiracy to comm itmoney laundering 18 USC ; 1956413) *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'imprisonm ent' ,$500.000 fineortw icethevalue oftheproperty involved in thetransactiom whicheverisRreater:notm orethan 3 vears'supervised release. - Counts# 26: Prom otion m oney launderina 18USC 5 1956(a)(1)(A)(i) *M ax.Penalty: 20 vears'im prisonments '$500.000 fine ortwice the value ofthe propertv involved in thetransactionswhicheverisareater' snotmore than 3years'supervised release. Counts # 27-29: Concealm entm onev laundering 18 USC 5 1956(ab(1)(Bà(ib *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'im prisonment' .$500.000 fine ortwice the value ofthe propertv involved inthetransaction.whicheverisgreater:notm orethan 3 years'supervised release. Counts# 31,33 & 34: Illegalm oney spending 18 USC % 1957 *M ax.Penalty: asto each countofconviction:10 vears'imprisonm ent:$250.000 fineortwice the am ountofthe crim inallv derived property involved in the transaction.whicheveriscreater. ' notm ore than 3 years'supervised release. *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures that m ay be applicable. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 27 of 31 U N IT ED STA TES D ISTR ICT CO UR T SO UTH ERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e:PAUL LEW IS SCH UM ACK 11 C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracy to eomm itm ail/wire fraud 18 USC 5 1349 * M ax-penalty:20 years'im prisonment:$250.000 fine ortwice the valueofthe grossgain by the j defendantorlossbvthevictim.whicheverisgreatere 'notmorethan3vears'supervisedreleaseand I restitution. i ! ; Counts# 2-13: M ailFraud 18 USC 5 1341 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'imprisonm ents '$250,000 fineortwicethevalueofthegrossgain by the i defendantorlossby thevictim . w hicheverisgreater;notm ore than 3 years'supervisedreleaseand y ! restitution. : Counts# 17,19-23: 18USC 5 1343 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'im prisonment' .$250.000 Fineortwice the value ofthe grossgain by the defendantorlossby thevictim .whicheverisgreaters 'notmorethan 3years'supervised releaseand restitution. *Refers only to possible term of incarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures that m ay be applicable. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 28 of 31 PEN ALTY SHEET Defendant'sNam e:PAUL LEW IS SCH UM ACK 11 C ase N o: Count# 25: Conspiracv to comm itm onev launderinz 18U5C-179564h) *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'imprisonm ent;$500,000 fineortwicethevalueofthepropertv involved in thetransactionswhicheverisgreater' .notm orethan 3 years'supervised release. Counts # 27 & 30: Concealm entm oney laundering 18USC 5 1956(a)(l)(B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'im prisonment' s$500.000 fine ortwicethe valueofthe property involved in thetransactiom whicheverisareaters 'notmorethan 3years'supervised release. Count# 32: lllegalm oney spending 18 USC ; 1957 *M ax.Penalty: asto each countofconviction:10 years'imprisonments '$250,000 fineortwice the am ountofthecrim inally derived propeo involved in thetransaction.whicheverisareater. ' notm ore than 3 years'supervised release. *R efersonly to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution. specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 29 of 31 U N ITED STAT ES DISTR IC T C O U R T SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PEN A LTY SHEET Defendant'sName:LA UM G RANDE-SIG NO RE Case N o: Count#:1 Conspiracv to comm itm ail/wirefraud 18U SC Q 1349 # M ax.penalty:20 years'im prisonment' s$250.000 fineortwice thevalue ofthe arossaain by the defendantorlossby thevictim .whicheverisareater' .notm orethan 3 years'supervised releaseand restitution. Counts# 14-15: M ailFraud i ! 18 USC 5 1341 i i *M ax.Penalty:20years'imprisonment' .$250.000fineortwicethevalueofthegrossgainbythe i defendantorlossbvthevictim.whicheveriscreaterp 'notmorethan3vears'supervisedreleaseand j restitution. Counts# 18 & 24: 18USC 5 1343 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'im prisonment' .$250.000 Fineortwice thevalue ofthe grosscain by the defendantorlossby the victim .w hicheveris greater;notm ore than 3 years'supervised release and restitution. WRefers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. I Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 30 of 31 PEN ALTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e:LAUM GR ANDE-SIG NO RE C ase N o: Count# 25: Conspiracy to comm itm oney laundering 18 USC 9 1956th) *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'imprisonm ent' .$500.000 tineortwicethevalueofthepropertv involved in thetransaction.whicheverisgreater;notm ore than 3 years'supervised release. Count# 28 & 29: Concealm entm oney laundering 18 USC : l956(a)(1)(B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: 20 years'im prisomnent' .$500.000 tine ortwice the value ofthe propertv involved in thetransaction.whicheveriscreater:notm orethan 3 years'supervised release. *R efers only to possible term of incarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. Case 9:14-cr-80081-DTKH Document 45 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/08/2014 Page 31 of 31 UN ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT CO UR T SO UT H ER N D ISTRIC T O F FLO RID A PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e:CR AIG H IPP C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracy to com m itm ail/wirefraud l8 USC : 1349 * M ax.penalty:20years'imprisonment;$250.000 tineortwicethevalueofthearossgain by the defendantorlossby thevictimswhicheverisgreater:notm orethan 3 vears'supervised releaseand i restitution. I 1 ' j i Count# 15: M ailFraud 18 USC 5 1341 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'imprisonm ent;$250,000 fineortwicethevalueofthegrossgain bythe defendantorlossby thevictim swhicheverisareater;notmorethan 3years'supervised release and restitution. Count# 16: W ire Fraud 18 USC 5 1343 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'imprisonm ent' s$250,000 fineortwicethevalueofthegrosscain bvthe defendantorlossbv thevictim swhicheverisgreaters'notmore than 3years'supervised releaseand restitution. Wltefersonly to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines.restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. :
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