Buckingham County Planning Commission Agenda Monday, April28, 2014 County Administration Building 7:00P.M. 1. Call to Order by Planning Commission Chairman Establishment of Quorum Invocation Pledge of Allegiance 2. Adoption of Agenda 3 .. Approval ofMinutes A. March 24,2014 regular meeting* 4. Public Comment 5. Old Business A. Update - Comprehensive Plan 6. New Business A. Introduction - SUP for Equine Facility* 7. Reports I Correspondence A. Building Permits* B. Land Use Education Legal Seminar - May 29th 8. Zoning Administrator's Report 9. Commission Matters I Concerns 10. Adjournment Buckingham County Planning Commission Regular Meeting March 24_, 2014 At a regular meeting of the Buckingham County Planning Commission held on Monday, March 24, 2014 at 7:00p.m. in the Peter Francisco Auditorium, located within the Buckingham County Administration Complex, the following members were present: Alice T. Gormus, Vice·Chairperson; James D. Crews, Sr.; Sammy Smith; Chet Maxey; Danny Allen and Patrick Bowe. John E. Bickford, Chairman, arrived late. Royce Charlton, Ill was absent. Also present were Rebecca S. Cobb, Zoning Administrator and E.M. Wright, Jr., County Attorney. Re: tall to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Vice-Chairperson Gormus called the meeting to order and Commissioner Allen gave the invocation. Supervisor Maxey led the Pledge of Allegiance and it was said by all who were in attendance. Re: Quorum Present Vic~Chairperson Gormus certified there was a quorum-six of eight members were present. The meeting could continue. Re: Adoption of Agenda Gormus: Alright, do we have anything to add to the agenda? Cobb: No, mam. Gormus: Alright, have the adoption of the agenda. Someone would be so kind? Commissioner Allen moved, Commissioner Smith seconded and was unanimouslv carried bv the Commission to approve the agenda as presented. Re: Approval of Minutes Gormus: Alright you have before you minutes for February 24th regular meeting. Commissioner Smith moved, Commissioner Allen seconded and was unanimously carried by the Commission to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2014 meeting as presented. Chairman John E. Bickford arrived late. Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24,2014 Page38 Chairman John E. Bickford arrived late. Re: Public Comment Gormus: Open floor for public comment. Being no public comment we'll close that section. Re: Old Business: U.pdates-MHP in & Comprehensive Plan Gormus: Ms. Cobb Cobb: Yes, so there are two updates for you tonight. The first is the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. We sent that to the Board of Supervisors and they have scheduled a public hearing for that. So that public hearing for that ordinance is set for April's meeting. I think that is April 14th. And then the Comprehensive Plan. Last we met the Planning Commission asked the Board of Supervisors to still seek some help for the Comprehensive Plan and the ordinances, the subdivision and zoning ordinance. And that was taken that request was taken to the Board of Supervisors. The Board decided to at this time to just seek help for the Comprehensive Plan and address the Ordinances at a later date. But what they have asked is that the CRC, we are members with the CRC, Commonwealth Regional Council, and they have asked them to give a quote, a price on some specific items within the Comprehensive Plan. So those things we're to look at doing an executive summary to bring it into compliance with State Code. Also to look at, the implementation plan and kind of help us come up with a hierarchy and schedule for implementing those items. And then also to have some community outreach with this as well. So those were the main things that were highlighted. I do expect the CRC will come back to us. I have asked that they come back the beginning of April. So hopefully at the next Board meeting as well, that information will be back and the Board can look at that those items and see if the price is something they feel like that they can do. But so what I have provided you with in the meantime on that I've put a couple of pages there at your seats tonight. And this is basically the outline of the Comprehensive Plan. So you'll see in bold are the section headings which are: Introduction; Demographics; Community Resources; Specialty Policy Areas; Land Use Plan; Goals, Objectives, Implementation and then Implementation Plan. And so and then under those are the specific. items within the Comprehensive Plan. Under those items and so you'll see I have left space there that says Change do we want to change this and then No or Yes and you can just write in there what you think for those items. I have put some of those answers in there for you so some of your homework is already done. Where like it says location, Size of the County, I don't think Buckingham County has moved in its location or it's we haven't expanded our boundaries so we don't have to change that. So that's already got a no there. Population I did say yes. We've had a census and we know our Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24,2014 Page 39 population has changed and our projected growth changes. So that is something we will need to update. Then you'll see under transportation I put no and that's because that's not too much that we can do there. We can certainly say whether or not we want to upgrade certain roads or look at certain roads because they are in growth areas and that sort of thing. But there's a lot of stuff in the transportation that is up to VDOT. So this gets handed to VDOT and they tell us what we need to put in there and what we need to consider. And so you'll see to the side there that's what I've put in the notes. So as you're going through this and you're putting your no's and yeses, if you've got a yes you'll see you can mark what you think needs to happen for that section. Whether you think we need to delete all or portions of it, whether we need to add things to it, reorganize it or other. And then I do have a spot there for you to put notes just as to kind of help me know what you mean by delete, add or other and that sort of thing. So you can make notes there. And then the Community Facilities & Services you'll see that I put yes. For example, when I was looking through that section I noticed it does mention our shell building in the Industrial Park which Is not a shell building anymore. It is a school. So that is something that we need to update. So you'll also notice under Specialty Policy Areas I have listed the individual Village Center and Corridor Areas there for individual and so most of you have those in your District one or two of those. And so I'll really be looking to you all for your thoughts on those, particularly Village Center as far as what you think about those maps and the wording there under that. On the second page you'll also notice at the bottom I did include maps as a separate section. haven't listed all of the maps here but I just listed some of the main ones and kind of categorized them as well. So you'll see that the map for Population Density I have put a yes there and because that could change again with our census. And I just thought that was a very useful map that we do have in there and shows us where we have our more populated areas and our more sparsely populated areas. I'm also thinking that something we may want to add is some additional maps in that section to show the now that we have our GIS and our parcel data we can highlight and show the areas that have the large parcels. So we can ask it to show us all of the parcels that are 50 acres and up or 100 acres and up. And that will really should give us an idea of our rural areas that we want to protect. And then we can do the reverse as well and include a map that shows the smaller parcels. So where there are you know you can set where you know you want to have that mark. Whether it be 5 acres and less or 10 acres and less and that will show you more of our neighborhoods and our areas that maybe we could make sure we have incorporated in as growth centers and that sort of thing. Yes? Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24,2014 Page40 Smith: If you were to enter Plum Creek, the timber company, would it show what they now own? Cobb: At this moment, no because the system that I have is a little bit behind so it's not going to have it transferred into their name. So but yes for all intent and purposes we can say MeadWestvaco and everything that is MeadWestvaco would show up. Smith: Oh, OK Cobb: So yes we could do a forestry map. We could do things like that. So those are things I'm thinking that maybe we want to consider adding there. There are what I'm calling service maps. There's maps that show our water our public water system. Maps that show our public sewer, hydrants things like that. Those we could update with new aerials possibly to show that area a little bit better because things have changed. We do have better aerials now. Again the Growth Areas that's the Village Centers and things like that that we delineate. Last time we had a difficult time actually doing those boundaries last time because we didn't have a GIS so we had to go by railroad tracks and creeks and things like that and we couldn't do actual property boundaries. So that's something we can consider this time whether we want to do actual property boundaries with that. So that may mean that the lines change a little bit but it could be that it's a growth center that we think we need to decrease in size anyway or increase in size anyway. So these are all things for you to go through and kind a of mark because what I'm thinking is if the Board of Supervisors decides to go with CRC then we already have this done. We are one step there. This is exactly what they are going to come and want to start hearing from you all anyway about what you want to do. So and if the Board decides we're not going to go with CRC then this is the very thing I'm going to bring in and see what you want to do. So either way this is the beginning of working on the Comprehensive Plan. So just we will have our work session that we've cancelled, our work sessions so far this year. But so we will have our April work session and this is what we will work on. We' ll go through each of these items and I'll let each of you speak to what you feel like we need to do with each section on that. So ... Bickford: I don't see a place for this but I guess you can write in over in the notes. Do you want, as additional, us to prioritize what we think we need to look at first at a list? It really doesn't make, if you don't think you need to change something then it probably doesn't need to be prioritized. That's low on the totem pole. But I'm just thinking for maybe time efficiency if we wanted to change something and we think it's probably the priority should we note it as priority one, priority two, three, four? Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24, 2014 Page 41 Cobb: Well, I don't know that if we're going to go into this and we're going to be changing XYZ things anyway I don't know that we need to put them in order of priority. I think the priority will become one we would probably have public meetings first and will need to hear because some of that may change what we think is priority when we hear from the public what they want. And then two some of it is just going to be easier to work on than other parts. So I don't know that we need to prioritize at this point which things we'll work on first. Bickford: OK Cobb: I mean I certainly want to hear from you all what. That's another _priority thought Is. I certainly want to hear from you all what you feel is most important not that we would do that item first. But you know what item is the one that you would have the most heartburn over if we didn't change or if we do change? That Is certainly important. The items that you feel the strongest about like we do need to know that. Bickford: OK Gormus: You want these, us to do this by next work session? Cobb: Yes, by the next work session so we can discuss it and compare everyone's notes and see where everyone stands. Gormus: Alright. Do the other Commissioners have any comments? Then I guess that moves us on to the Building Permits. Re: Building Permits Gormus: Ms. Cobb. Cobb: And Building Permits, for the month of February we had 24 building permits with a total of $2,329.13. And you can see that we had a total new dwellings of 2 and 7 residential total. So that's it for my building report. Gormus: Alright, thank you. Re: Commission Matters/Concerns Gormus: Do any other commissioners have any concerns or matters to bring before the Board'? Ok, being none do I have a motion to adjourn? Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24, 2014 Page42 Commissioner Allen moved, Commissioner Maxey seconded and was unanimously carried by the Commission to adioum fbe-meetinq. There being no further business, Vice-Chairman Gormus declared the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Rebecca S. Cobb Zoning Administrator John E. Bickford Chairman Buckingham County Planning Commission March 24,2014 Page43 Buckingham County Planning Commission April28, 2014 Administration Building 7:00PM Introduction of Case 14-SUP222 OWNER: H. Elaine Powelll045 S. James Madison Hwy Farmville, VA 23901 APPLICANT: Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center, LLC c/o Amaris Wilbanks 1045 S. James Madison Hwy Farmville, VA 23901 PROPERTY INFORMATION- Tax Map Section 207, Lot 22 containing approximately 88 acres, on S. James Madison Hwy (Rt. 15), in the Francisco Magisterial District. ZONING DISTRICT- Agricultural District (A-I) REQUEST -Special Use Permit- Ms. Wilbanks of Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center is asking the Planning Commission to recommend a Public Hearing date to hear the request for a Special Use Permit for the purpose of hosting Equine shows. BACKGROUND/ZONING INFORMATION: The property is located in the southern portion of the County. The property is zoned Agriculture (A-1) and the Comprehensive plan list the area as agricultural and forestall. The property has a grandfathered use of horse boarding but discontinued horse show/events several years ago and therefore is not grandfathered for these events. The Agriculture District (A-1) does require that commercial equine facilities/activities seek a Special Use Permit. What are the wishes of the Planning Commission? Set a hearing date and time? May 27th (Tuesday)? Ticket #:00000790001 RECEIPT T A X Date 4/.17/2014 Regis t.eJ-: TC4/TC1 T!-ans. #: 14129 Dept # SPUSE Acct# BUCKINGHAM COUNTY Chr isty L Christian P 0 BOX 106 VA 23921 BUCKINGHAM Previous Balance SPECIAL USE PERMIT - ZONING BLUE WILLOW FARM ~QUESTRIAN CENTER $ 200.00 Pl-incipal Being Paid Penalty Int.el-est $ $ $ 200.00 .00 .00 Amount Paid $ 200.00 *Balance Due $ · .00 Pd by BLUE WILLOW FARM EQUESTRIAN CENTER Check 200.00 # BENCHMRK 506 BALANCE DUE INCLUDES . PENALTY/INTEREST THRU THE MONTH 4/201"4 T A X F\:ECEIPT Ticket #:00039180001 · @@ BUCKINGHAN COUNTY Christy L Christian P 0 BOX 106 BUCKINGHAM Dat.e 4 / 22/2014 Register: KS2/KAS1 Tl-ans. #: 86572 Dept. # MGEN Acct# VA 23921 p,-evious Balance MISC GENERAL FUND SPECIAL USE PERMIT PO.STAGE BLUE WILLOW FARM EQUESTRIAN CENTER 1045 S JAMES MADISON HWY FARMVILLE VA 23901 $ 73.20 Principal Being Paid Penal tv Inte,-est $ $ $ 73 . 20 Amount. Paid $ 73.20 *Ba lance DLie $ .oo Pd by BLUE WILLOW FARM EQUESTRIAN CENTER Check BALANCE DUE INCLUDES PENALTY / INTEREST THRU THE MONTH .oo .oc> 73.20 # BENCHMARK 509 4/20 14 (case Number Assigned by Zoning Administrator) DATE OF APPLICATION: ____.~..._,./) ....... ~Y--L-4-f..,_l'--- Hu.ve \-\q-sg. Sh::.t o Ct\ Special use Permit Request: Bl110. W;'tb..u fmn Gql.!f2ilnm ~~(_ Purpose of Special Use Permit: 1() ·le@t 1 e. bc~s;kap 0 r*-"\Af>e'S ~ t9b:vtt dN> tf!=OC. ~ow\hvcw Zoning District: Tax Map Section ,0., Ctr't) Parcel Number of Acres: Lot ~~ Subdivision--------- 5 Street Address: OY S. Directions from the County Administration Building to t CCJ)Y2(' J fu'(g. o. Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Blue W\\\o o Fmn IO'io S.X1ros Daytime PhOiie'!" . Email: 'l.\ght c® \CS ~ . J1\:dism 100 a Cell Phone: Head Go to< ..=cat ~ fO-t ~ ,;:1es J ~ en &,. tu8 \\+ Cedcc ,LLC.. - t3rn<:x;s Fax: 9'3 '1- 5 "17- a J Q_O - £\o.!ne \1-w\\ . S; :Sanos \Mod-, sen Daytime Phone: <1o afP"'>X. ~l, ~cO bc&koan &q @8tro..\\.(Dy) H. 'VIt J3>'P'\ roposed Site: ~~,;He. \/A a~\ SF\ro E. Name of Property Owner: Mailing Address: _q_,L_.:,=-~'5::::;,___ B't-39a- ~ \ Vlt a?ID\ Sst.t- 891 - YSc'O.S ~ fuonv\lp Cell Phone: Email:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature of Owner: - - . . . , . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - Signature of Applicant: Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ . . .Jo. C1" '-~-" 'A. . -·l!~t..,..L"----+-,G,-i-/l:. . . . l.o_. e. /\~,- - - Please indicate to whom correspondence should be sent: _Owner of Property _Contractor Purchaser /lessee _Authorized Agent _Engineer Buckingham County Speciai Use Permit Application Page3 G ...:i't \'omt..~ ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER'S LIST rt-7 (Required) L:_;/ The applicant shall provide a list of all adjoining landowners, including subject property and all property immediately across the street/road from the subject property. Any body of water does not constitute a boundary line for this purpose, therefore a body of water and the property adjoining the subject property but separated by a body of water is still considered an adjoining landowner. County boundary lines and those adjoining property owners in the next County are considered adjoining property owners if the land adjoins the subject's property. Adjoining landowners can be verified through the Buckingham County Clerk of Courts or the Clerk's Office in the adjoining County, or by personal contact. The list shall include the name, address, town/city, zip code, road route number, tax map section number, parcel number, lot number, and subdivision. The list shall be typewritten or printed legibly. Failure to list all adjoining landowners could delay the process. ,.........----- l.Name: :fc.teuQ. ~\\rfSm S,-dhe~ Mailing Address: 8 0. 7q / /7i:mJ,i\k yj\ d3q 0 \3())<, J Physical Address: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ax Map Section: 2.Name: ~Glb Parcel:_·....~/~-- ~ MailingAddress: ± \ceoin Lot: -~f~.--_Subdivision: - - - - - - - - - f'~\osov-- LiYS s,mcqif&\ Rd ~u111.. V'A 'J..390J -15ott Physical A d d r e s s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vfaxMapSection: ~07 Parcel: Lot: _ _ _ Subdivision= ---~----- d;O\ Speocor =h- yY\gredr\'b ftu o)\ Mailing Address: lQL( \ s, ~Qi mc.d IS"cn ft,.t,t j 3.Name: ~4\1£. VA a~1 0 \ Physical Address: ---=S::;,Jo,.~~,.....----------------------J(ax Map Section: 4.Name: d.c::t7 . Parcel: eDNt\-Sm,Jh MailingAddress: P.O. \351 l o t : - - - Subdivision: - - - - - - - - - fi">S Tox 3 JD7 Parcel: :;{ 3 ~\1~ 8.6\~>m TX s' "}CfbO s VvJacl iSQ\ Physical Address: J'ax Map Section: \30X aaA t.Jb 7 GD'l 'i '~ f'Crtn ulLL ~ :JSP\ Lot: Subdivision: - - - - - - - - - Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application Page4 6. Name: ~:·pcm- $, Mailing Address: ml W p. D ' Be x. An\~ I5S\9. n 7tQ6 1Lf Physical Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .;(ax Map Section: dO"] 7. Name: .Parcel: ~S Lot: _ __ Subdivision: - - - - - - - - ~ :}:.oJ9LVL MailingAddress: ~~ 5f 3S() ffi1.ro. S UV' Physical Address: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ..;fax Map Section: 9-oSo Parcel: _ _ _ _ Lot: __.._d"_._:l_subdivislon: - - - - - - -- --- Physical Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Xax Map Section: ~OJ Parcel: 33 Lot: - -- Subdivision: ----------- 9.Name: _____________________________________ Mailing Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Physical Address: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Tax Map Section: _ _ _ _ Parcel: _ __ _ Lot: _ _ _ Subdivision: - - - -- - - -- lO.Name: ________ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Mailing Address: - - -- - - - - - -- Physical Address:--- - -Tax Map Section: _ _ - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ _ Parcel: _ __ _ Lot: _ _ _ Subdivision:--- -- -- - - ll.Name: ________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Physical Ad_dress: _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ Tax Map Section: _ _ _ _ Parcel: ______ Lot: _ _ _ Subdivision: - -- - -- Buckingham County Special Use Permi t Application - - PageS ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AFFIDAVIT STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM __,3-th"'--'-.:........:....--- day of Apo l Arno as 0 . ( D \ \Dm\a' ,year This _ aoJ~ hereby make oath that (printed name of owner/contract purchaser/authorized agent) the list of adjoining landowners is a true and accurate list as submitted with my application. Signed: (to be signed in front of notary public) (._~~~ ( owner I contract purchaser I authorized agent- please circle one } NOTARY: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ~ &~j<l.AM . STATE OF flu.~'o..- Subscribed and sworn to me on the of the year d 0 I1 ~ ;;1... dayof ~ //Jr/ 2off My Commission expires on Notary Public Signature: ------':.c;ljt..»o-~~-~--:..l;..;:..._~:::..::..::= =-= ·~;;:..' Stamp: .. ® .;. .;:;. .___~ GAIL GIVENS Chi~ I::,.! ,;,i·.; Notary Pur::Jc Commonwealth of Vir; inia Reg. #7327il<2 · MyCommissiOn Exp~. Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application '• · , ~: . :?0 ~ • Page6 INTEREST DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM, VIRGINIA On this '3-\h. day of ---lApof--Lt' ........... ' ......\ --------'' of the year 00 \'-\ a.....·=-0.-iS:::..------"""0"""--·_("""'.;.)........,......}...._\'gn"""" ... =:......~..a..;;~-S'------- (printed name of owner) I __._A-m...:..:....;.. · ...... hereby make oath that no member of the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors nor the Buckingham County Planning Commission has interest in such property either individually, or by ownership of stock in a corporation owning such land, or by partnership, or as a holder of ten percent (10%) or mbre of the outstanding shares of stock in or as a director or officer of any corporation owning such land, directly or indirectly by such members of his/her immediate household, except as follows: Slg~;:::::otaryptiblic) NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTYOF ~~A4-1M Of (j It/ Notary Public Signature: Stamp: STATEOF a£ Subscribed and sworn to me on this of the year ( I \/bl.~~ ~ day of_-.:~=rr:::;;.....::;=------J . My commis_s ion expires ---~7_/_J'_t-'-(--'-;if..____ _-:......;J:\~...:.cx.Jlc."'~-:w.cM~.~C:. .Q......_.A""''"''J...:-.....N.""""'->o..M..c.LJ'~----- GAIL GIVENS CHRISTIAN j Notary Public t Commonwealth of Virginia Reg. #7327842 ) ____ ..;,._ _ _ Exps. July 31. 201 ·l My Commission : __:_;;,.;...;;.~- 1 Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application Page7 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT AND RECORD CHECK FOR PENDING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Case Number I File Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Visual Inspection Findings (describe what is on the property now): One II s=b \\ \:an i A.) 'rllio.hcl; ra-rn 1 o..ro~ qp;\cc, 3 ov...--Icb: c b--rns u)/ <1D \~S ~ rzr£-, Q~ Lf s-b/1 trm c1,)\-tb -\:oc'C4-rdGco. iJ- !nllimrn I IJFpa> )\~ ~0-as OCrfS c£: f.~Sh.Nl ~WI elL~'- ~ d. 40 x \SO cu.,\c:9ccP WI ~ ocl. un.\er County Records Check (describe the history of this property): Has ·o.\wajs 6reo a1d ~:Gw;\8 neJ,!:) ~ \abtQ._, ~sz):\-crs. H-as beeo o..cySl~ &r ~ , Ho s. beul\ u..LbZ& bu ~ ~.p\\ Jbm~\j s,\w ffZ9 Q\r &V5JS rpo~& as a.. -:\lccJirn~ hcl()e .&nn J'o c.t...bJCb'\\-W I Were any historical sites or gravesites found on site, or be suspected by a reasonable person to be on the site? Yes No / no set.\~ ~~\A~u.J..\\ 'oQ_ If yes, please explain and show on the site plan the location of such and explain any historical · significance: \..eiCJ\. Will this proposal have any impact on the historical site or gravesite? Yes _ _ If yes, please explain any impact: Owner/Applicant Signature: Printed Name: C~D) /\~L fdmaas 0 LJitbmiCs Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application Title: Oate: No~ . ~. :J~f6/J,1_1-/_,_/_4.t. . . __ __ f1ILO?r/cpw'xcc£ LLC. PageS APPLICATION FOR A TRAFFIC IMPACT DETERMINATION Please fill out the following information before presenting to VOOT: case Number I File Name: - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bh·.l£! Wi\\ow Wrl\ ·fqiA.e~acn Ge.n-\ec L\ L Location:)~( s,,:::cmas= br\ad\W -~.&j fucm'v'·\la VJr af{d Applicant: s Proposed Use: H~ <SJxu2 - For VDOT use only: v' $-rtf ~o.--a,\ -mfti&J~rr l>se '&erm\± tff)fl A Traffic Impact A*is is required. The consuiZ;reparing the study M 4'1~m ~t ~ meet with the Virginia Department of Transportation to discuss the scope and requirements of the study before the study can begin. ___ A Traffic Impact Analysis is not required. The traffic generated by the proposed zoning change I development does not exceed normal thresholds. _ _ The Traffic Impact Analysis has been waived by the Zoning I Planning Department for the following reasons: meet VDOT requirements for the proposed use? If no, please explain the necessary steps to bring into co orements for the proposed use: Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application ~ Page9 SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY AFFIDAVIT STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM On this _ _ _ _ day of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' in the year of ------J ___________________ the owner of _ _ _ _ _ _~{printed name of landowner) (Tax Map Number) Hereby make, constitute, and appoint - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - (printed name} my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, and in my name, place, and stead give unto him/her said full power and authority to do and perform all acts and make all representation necessary, without limitation whatsoever, to make application for said zoning. The right, powers, and authority of said attorney-in-fact herein granted shall commence and be in full force and effect on the day of the month _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ in the year of and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until actual notice by certified mail with return receipt requested is received by the Zoning I Planning Office of Buckingham County stating that the terms of this power have been revoked or modified. Signature of Landowner (to be signed in front of Notary Public}: NOTARY PUBLIC County of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Subscribed and sworn before me on the _ _ _ _ _ day of - - - - - - - - in the year _ _ _ _ _ _ _. My commission expires - - - - - - - - - - - · Signature of Notary Public: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stamp: Buckingham County Special Use Permit Application Page 10 Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center 1045 South James Madison HW'{. Farmville, Virginia 23901 Request for Special Use Permit Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center,lLC, located on Hwy 15 and Rt. 683 is requesting a special use permit to conduct one equine event per month at their facility. Blue Willow is excited about resuming our very popular equine events. Blue Willow Farm has been in operation since 1989, and was known for having the most organized and well attended equine shows in Central Virginia. Since being re-organized, Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center offers horseback riding lessons, horse boarding, equine dental work, hay production, grain sales, and if all goes well, equine events. The events, along with the other' profit centers, will play an integral part in the future success of Blue Willow. Purpose The purpose of the events is to bring publicity to the newly re-organized Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center and to introduce visitors to Buckingham County. It is also expected to generate much needed revenues for Blue Willow. The Facility Blue Willow Farm is located on Hwy. 15 and Rt. 683. Meticulously maintained, the event area will be 15 acres of open land which is harvested for hay bi-annually. The events area also has a secondary entrance which is located between Hwy.lS and Rt. 683. Due to State of Virginia regulations, VOOT installed this entrance to ensure the longevity of the entrance and the safety of the show's attendees. After many horse shows in the 1990's, the entrance proved to be more than adequate to handle the several hundred vehicles and trailers that attended those events. It is expected that the new events will attract the same amount of traffic. Parking in the fields will be controlled by an interior perimeter fence and there will be a $2 fee. Participants will compete in a new arena, which is constructed of white vinyl in the shape of an oval, and has four metal gates that may be used as entrances or exits. There are two barns located near the show area as well. One barn is for storage and hay, while the other barn is being converted to a show office and concession stand. All concession stands will operate according to State and County laws and regulations. The fadlity also has a permanent rest room for guest as well as a source of water and electricity if needed. Portable toilets may be used if deemed necessary to accommodate an overflow of attendees. We also plan to add lighting around the arena area in the future. While there are no expected concerns related to fire and rescue, the facility is located between two firehouses in the event of any unintentional emergencies. The central location also lends itself to an outstanding area for all cell service. As an additional precaution, there will always be a certified CPR individual at each event. Because security issues at events are very rare, we are confident that we will be capable of managing most situations; however, in the event of illegal activity or threatening behavior we will promptly notify local law enforcement agencies. The Event During the summer, events will run from8 a.m. to 8 p.·m.; but the hours will be shortened during the winter. When new lights are installed, however, expanded hours may be necessary. Entrants into the competition will be required to pay an entrants fee and winners of the competition will be awarded either a ribbon, trophy, or cash. These fees and awards are sometimes regulated by the appropriate sanctioning boards. During the competition, a public address system will be used to help manage the proceedings in the arena, and a sign at the farm will be used to advertise the events. All entrant horses will have to provide a valid negative Coggins test, as well as be visibly healthy and sound. Entrant riders will be required to sign release forms and to wear helmets as required by the governing association during competition. ·- . -Cancessions will be available at the shows and w~ll be pr<?vided by certified servers only. Trash cans will be positioned around the facility, all recyclables will be sorted, and all trash will be held in an on-sight storage bin. The facility-in-general and the on premises rest rooms will be monitored regularly for cleanliness as well. All pets will be required to be leashed or confined to the owner's truck or trailer. At the conclusion of the event, the premises will be cleaned and neighboring properties will be check for trash as well. We do expect between 50-100 trucks and trailers, give or take some; as well as an additional 50 vehicles that may be watching the event. Conclusion Receiving this special use permit is a big step in re-establishing Blue Willow Farm as a viable business for Buckingham County. These events will bring visitors to both the facility and the county. The overall impact should be all positive, and there ·should be no demands on county resources. Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center has a strong desire to operate a clean, organized farm, in a healthy environment. We believe that our philosophy is in concert with Buckingham County's vision, and our equine events will operate under this belief. Sincerely, Amaris Wilbanks Blue Willow Farm Equestrian Center 17 Building Permits were issued in the amount of S 1842.20 Permit No. District for the month of March 2014. Purpose Name Cost of Construction Cost of Permit $80,000.00 $1,000;00 $1,400.00 $2,780.00 $75,000.00 $61.00 $25.50 $25.50 $25.50 $331.30 Replace Manufactured Home-SW with SW $6,000.00 $238.95 Woodrow & lucille Residential Addition $5,500.00 $61.00 Barbour Alison Dewitt Jeff Motley Electrical lnground Pool Bob Nick Services Electrical Lionheart Resort Commercial Remodel Electrical Mobile Home $1,200.00 $20,000;00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $500.00 $50,000.00 $25.50 $·162.02 $25.50 $270.26 $25.50 $315.96 $750.00 $25.50 16072 16073 16074 16075 16076 Slate River Curdsville At&T Bob Nick Services Commercial Addition Slate River George N. Christian Francisco Slate River Rohr Mechanical Robert Gibson Electrical Electrical New Dwelling - Stick 16077 Maysville calvin Bachrach 16078 Maysville 16079 16080 16081 16082 16083 16084 Francisco Curdsville Marshall Electrical Built Curdsville Maysville ZackAiten Randy Smith Slate River Doublewide 16085 Marshall Ellington Energy Services 16086 Maysville Megan & Jeremy Wooten Garage-Detached $6,500.00 $57.12 16087 16088 Slate River James River Jason Hughes Alfred Ragland Ill Garage-Detached carport-Detached $15,000.00 $3,500.00 $85.40 $80.69 Mechanical $1,842.20 **Cost of permit is calculated based on square footage of structure"* March ~~P!Ovements 2014 by Land District (Magisterial) Singlewide 1-- Doublewlde Maysville* Slate River Doublewide Singlewide Totals Total permits Issued Total #of Residential Total# of New Dwellings Total Dwellings by Land District Curdsville Francisco James River Marshall Maysville Slate River Modular 1 1 17 4 2 0 0 0 ------~ 0 0 2 ·-· ------· Modular - Stick Built Residential Add's Slate River Maysville Stick Built Residential Add's 1 Residant Remodel AgBid Non Ag Sheds Commercial Curdsville 1 Resident Remodel - Ag Bid - Non Ag Sheds Commercial - 1
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