: 08532-220360 : [email protected] : 08532-220157 (Office) : 08532-220440 (Extn.) 263 UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHUR Office of the Registrar P.B. No. 329, Raichur - 584 104 Karnataka, India. No. R/UASR/PG (Adm)/1603 /2014-15 Date: 28-07-2014 FIRST LIST: Ph.D. NOTIFICATION Sub: List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. Degree Programmes for the year 2014-15 offered by UAS, Raichur – reg. Ref: 1. R/UASR/PG-Adm/Advt./ 115 /2014-15, Dated : 21.05.2014 2. List of candidates recommended by the Selection Committee 3. Approval of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, UAS Raichur. The candidates indicated in the enclosed Annexure are provisionally selected for admission to various Doctoral Degree Programmes offered at the Constituent Colleges of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur during the academic year 2014-15 (First List). The selection made for various Groups and Categories are governed by Academic, Hostel and other regulations of the UAS, Raichur. The selection is liable to be cancelled, if any document or information is found false / not true. The selected candidates are hereby directed to report to the Registrar, UAS Raichur on or before 4-8-2014 by producing the necessary documents in original, failing which the admission would stand, cancelled. They are directed to make payment of necessary fees (All categories other than SC/ST Rs. 22000/-, Cat-I Rs. 8750/- and SC/ST: Rs. 6850/-) through DD drawn in favour of “The Comptroller, UAS, Raichur”. The internet fee per semester is Rs.500/- which shall be paid to the Library, UAS, Raichur. They are further required to register themselves for respective Programmes with the Dean (PGS), UAS Raichur before 5.00 pm on the same day. Separate hostels are available for boys and girls which will be allotted on first-cum-first served basis. The hostel fees include Admission fee of Rs.200/- and Mess deposit Rs.15,000/- for GM and other Categories, Rs.12,000/- for SC/ST and Cat-I candidates. Incase, the income of SC/ST candidates exceeds Rs.2.50 lakh per annum, they are required to pay full fees. The classes of I Semester for the Academic Year 2014-15 commences on 4-8-2014. The seats of candidates, who do not register on or before 4-8-2014, would stand cancelled and the vacant seats would be allotted during the second counseling-cum admission to be held on 8-8-2014. Encl: Annexure. By Order Sd/Registrar To: The Notice Board The Director of Education, UAS, Raichur. Dean (PGS), UAS Raichur / Dean (Agri.), College of Agriculture, Raichur/ B’gudi and Gulbarga/ Dean (Ag. Engg.), College of Agricultural Engineering, Raichur. CC to: The Secretary to Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, UAS, Raichur. $11(;85( 81,9(56,7<2)$*5,&8/785$/6&,(1&(65$,&+85 $'0,66,216723K''(*5((352*5$00(6 6(/(&7('&$1','$7(6),567/,67 6O 1R $SSO 1R 1DPHRIWKH &DQGLGDWH 1DPHRIWKH 'HSDUWPHQW 6H[ +.&DWHJRU\ 1RQ+. VHOHFWHG $FWXDO &DWHJRU\ RIWKH FDQGLGDWH 0DUNV 6HFXUHG 5HPDUNV '2&725$/$*5,&8/785( 'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUDO(FRQRPLFV 6DWLVK.XPDU0 0 $JULO(FRQRPLFV +. *0 ,,,$ 5DYLQGUD&KDYDQ 0 $JULO(FRQRPLFV 1RQ+. *0 6& 5DPHVK*% 0 $JULO(FRQRPLFV 1RQ+. ,,,% ,,,% 5DJKDYHQGUD'9 0 $JULO(FRQRPLFV 67 ,&$5165) 'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUDO(QWRPRORJ\ 6RXP\D6KHWWDU 6ZHWKD6XUSXU -\RWKL 6KLYDNXPDU.7 ) ) ) 0 $JULO(QWRPRORJ\ $JULO(QWRPRORJ\ $JULO(QWRPRORJ\ $JULO(QWRPRORJ\ +. +. +. 1RQ+. *0 &DW, ,,,% *0 ,,$ &DW, ,,,% ,,,$ 3UDPRG6DVYLKDOOL 0 $JULO(QWRPRORJ\ 67 ,&$5165) 'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUDO([WHQVLRQ(GXFDWLRQ 3UDYHHQ 0 $JULO([WQ(GQ +. *0 6& 0RKDQNXPDUD9 0 $JULO([WQ(GQ 1RQ+. 6& 6& 1DYHHQNXPDU3 0 $JULO([WQ(GQ 67 0DOODUHGG\ 0DOOLNDUMXQ 0 0 $JURQRP\ *0 ,,,% 6KXEKD*9 ) $JURQRP\ $JURQRP\ +. +. 1RQ+. ,,$ *0 ,,$ ,,,$ ,&$5165) 'HSDUWPHQWRI$JURQRP\ 7DVPL\D.RZVHU ) $JURQRP\ 1RQ+. ,,% ,,% &RQYHUWHGIURP +.WR1RQ+. 0RKDQ&KDYDQ 0 $JURQRP\ 6& ,QVHUYLFH 'HSDUWPHQWRI*HQHWLFV3ODQW%UHHGLQJ <DVKRGD 0XWWDSSD+RVDPDQL $VKZLQL.DUDGL ) 0 ) *3% *3% *3% +. 1RQ+. 1RQ+. *0 6& ,,$ ,,$ 6& ,,$ %DVDYDUDM6DQJDSSD*RODVDQJL 0 *3% *0 ,QVHUYLFH 'HSDUWPHQWRI3ODQW3DWKRORJ\ 'HHSD 3UDYHHQ.XPDU<DGKDKDOOL ) 0 3ODQW3DWKRORJ\ 3ODQW3DWKRORJ\ +. 1RQ+. *0 *0 67 ,,$ 3XQLWK.XPDU&+ 0 3ODQW3DWKRORJ\ 1RQ+. ,,,$ ,,,$ &RQYHUWHGIURP +.WR1RQ+. 'HSDUWPHQWRI6HHG6FLHQFH7HFKQRORJ\ 6XGHHS.XPDU( 0 667 +. *0 6& 9HQNDWHVK% 0 667 +. ,,$ ,,$ 'HSDUWPHQWRI6RLO6FLHQFH$JULFXOWXUDO&KHPLVWU\ 5DJKDYHQGUD 0 66$& +. *0 ,,,% .XPDUDQDLN 0 66$& +. 6& 6& &RQWG« ««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