19th September 2014 - Balaklava High School

Balaklava High School
PO Box 41 Gwy Tce BALAKLAVA SA 5461
Phone 08 88620600 Fax 08 88620650
Email: [email protected]
19th September 2014
With the end of term only a week away I want to acknowledge the
school’s excellent staff who have gone the extra mile to organise the
broad range of enrichment activities that have characterised the term
and who have ensured the quality teaching that is the norm across the
school. While there have been an extensive number of such excellent
activities, including the Ski Trip, the Year 9 Science Fair, the Year 11
Aquatics Camp and the Amazing Literacy Race to name but a few, all
of which require a large amount of time to organise and run, I want to
particularly acknowledge the Balaklava High School Showcase. This
event, held in Week 7, served to highlight the great talents of our students across a range of fields and also reflected the successful programs and dedicated staff who support their learning.
One invited guest, Kristen Masters, Acting Educational Director for this
Region, commented that she “was very impressed with the standard of
the (public speaking) finalists,” that “the impact of the specialist music
program was most evident” in the “very high quality vocal and instrumental performances.” She also noted that the “supper prepared by
the Food and Hospitality students was evident of the Showcase being a
‘whole school’ event.” Another invited guest, Margaret Manuel, said
that “it is always encouraging to know that there are so many talented
people among both staff and students…and you need to pat yourselves on the back for the great event. It was indeed a “showcase” and
a great tribute to the staff and students.”
Such excellent events do not happen without a vast amount of organisational effort and an uncompromising commitment to high standards.
I thank and acknowledge all staff and students who contributed to the
night’s success and particularly acknowledge Kerry Williams and her
team for their extraordinary work in staging this outstanding whole
school event.
The NAPLAN results will be sent home next week. Should you wish to get
clarification regarding your child’s achievement in the test please contact the school. While the NAPLAN results are significant it is important to
remember that the test is just one of many methods of assessing student
performance and should be taken in consideration with the range of
other feedback you receive on your child’s progress from the school.
Mark Healy
George Cafcakis
Ruth Stevens
Important Dates
19 -21st
Pedal Prix, Murray Bridge
P/T Interviews—Balaklava
Term 3 finishes at 2:20pm
Term 4 begins
Yr 12 Biology Field Trip
Yr11 Biology/Tourism Field
Yr 12 Final Day
Yr 12 exams
Excel today to challenge the future
While analysis of the results is still occurring there is much to be pleased
with. In literacy, the percentage of students achieving in the top 2
bands have improved in all test elements, with the percentage of students in the writing component exceeding DECD, Regional and Like
School numbers, (as it has done broadly for the last 4 years), while in the
spelling section the school percentage exceeded those of the region
and like schools.
The mean score in the Reading component has improved for 3 consec-
ositive relationships
utive years, with the Mean score in Grammar
and Punctuation increasing by 4.4 on the 2013
In the numeracy section the mean score improved by 7.9 on the previous year reflecting 4
years of continuous improvement. Students
achieving in the top 2 bands increased by
2.9%, reflecting 4 years of continuous improvement, the percentage of students achieving
the National Minimum Standard (NMS) was
98%, exceeding both the State and National
figures, and the percentage of students above
the DECD Mean Score exceeded State, Regional and Like School figures.
These are very pleasing outcomes reflecting
trends of improvement in aspects of all test
components and are good indicators that the
school’s literacy and numeracy focus is having
an ongoing impact.
We are very much into the staffing process for
2015 and while a number of positions and appointment processes are still pending, it is with
real pleasure that I can announce that Josh
LaGrutta and David Szular have won permanent teaching positions here and that Carena
Brookes has won the Leadership position for
Science, Agricultural Studies and SACE. I congratulate them on their appointments and look
forward to working with them over the coming
I wish all a good holiday, and encourage our
Year 12 students to use the time well, avail
themselves of the holiday lessons provided by
their teachers and aim to ensure they complete their year successfully.
Reminder: Early dismissal 2.20pm next Friday
26th September
School resumes Monday 13th October
Mark Healy
We are nearing the end of another term and
the business end is fast approaching for our
senior students as final deadlines and exams
loom. This can be a stressful time and it is normal for students to feel anxiety. A bit of pressure can act as a motivator and enable people to get down and do some serious work. It is
important that students organise their time and
plan ahead to keep a reasonable schedule
and balance school demands with exercise
and relaxation. If students are feeling anxious
they need to talk to their teachers. Talking to
friends and family also helps keep things in perspective and confiding in someone that they
trust who will be supportive is a great way of
alleviating stress and worry.
Some tips that may help:
 Develop a timetable to monitor progress and allow time for relaxation and breaks.
 If you start losing concentration take a break so
that you come back refreshed.
 Try different revision techniques to maintain motivation and make it fun.
 Do not load up on caffeine and fizzy drinks but
eat healthily and regularly, your brain will benefit.
 Regular and moderate exercise will boost energy
levels, clear your mind and help reduce stress.
 Try some relaxation techniques like yoga or taichi, it will help keep you calm, improve concentration levels and help you sleep better.
Over the last week we have conducted parent
teacher interviews and subject counselling with students. The interviews have proceeded well and if
you have missed out there is still another opportunity
for you to catch up with a teacher next Wednesday
at the Balaklava Town Hall. All you need to do is
phone up the school and request a time slot. If you
cannot make it then I urge you to request a phone
interview with a particular teacher.
As I write this article the Pedal Prix team is finishing
their last minute preparations as they pack their
equipment and go through their last minute check
lists. The students are all excited, they and the supporting staff have put in countless hours of work for
this weekend and we wish them well for the weekend. I am sure that they will have a lot to share with
us in the next newsletter.
George Cafcakis
Showcasing the best talents at Balaklava High
Last week Balaklava High School put on the 5 th and
arguably the best Showcase yet! There were a record 54 students participating on the night. The 2014
Showcase incorporated new items including a Science display and dance performance that added
extra dimension to an already packed night of entertainment. Initially designed as a public speaking
event, this event has truly become sophisticated in
its integration of faculties and the polish in the performance of all students on stage.
There were amazing highlights to the night from
each section including rousing speeches from Jon
Fiegert, the Senior School Winner of Public Speaking,
who discussed the concerning issue of anxiety and
depression and Winner of the Middle School Public
Speaking Amy Langdon who spoke about “Skating
on thin ice” and left us with the quote by ice skater
Anita Shreve, “If you’re skating on thin ice, you may
as well dance”. Congratulations also go to the Runner-up speakers Tayla McBride and Amy Paech and
Lions Encouragement Public Speaking Awards recipients Olivia McColl and Caroline Barber. Thank
you to the adjudicators Barb Rodgers, Marc Van
Kleef, Bev Venning and Malcolm May.
The Visual Arts students presented the judges Valerie Veitch and Amanda Lockwood with difficult
decisions as the calibre of work was outstanding. In
the end Samantha Merritt won for her charcoal
portrait and Darcy Watkins won the Popular vote
from the audience for her painting on an outback
cowboy. Aisling Flynn, BHS Art teacher, has really
worked hard to extend the art students this year.
Both Melanie Evans (Specialist Music teacher) and
Tahlia Crickmar (Drama teacher) have added their
own special flair with well-practised performances
from the Performing Arts students. The outstanding
performances are too long to list but a special
mention must go to Caroline Barber who won the
Showcase Musical student award for her contribution to music this year. Further to this the drama
judges Kelly Bickle and Anne Read deliberated
over their decision because of the high level of talent, but were delighted to present Karsia Jagiello
the Drama Award for her performance in the skit
“Passport Office”.
The finale of the night was “When you’re an Addams” from the musical The Addams Family which
was truly inspiring! It was visually stunning to see the
monochromatic ghouls and walking-dead appearing from every nook and cranny! Comments from
the students at the end of the night included “it
was fun and I can’t wait for next year!”
Kerry Williams
English & Performing Arts Coordinator
day Chutney by Aaron Blabey. The purpose of the
high school students reading to the younger children was to increase awareness of Literacy and
Numeracy Week and encourage children of all
ages to read. The high school students engaged
with the younger children, reading them the
unique and quirky book, Sunday Chutney. At the
end of the reading the students presented this
book to the Balaklava Primary School and BCCC
to keep, so that children who engaged with the
book can borrow it out and read it at home.
Thank you to the staff and children at Balaklava
Community Children’s Centre and Balaklava Primary School for participating in this event with the
Balaklava High School students.
Fun at the Fair
During National Science Week (16 th – 23rd August)
the Year 9 Science classes demonstrated to 60
students from Balaklava Primary School just how
fun Science can be. Activities ranged from
Oobleck (dancing goo on a speaker as seen in
“Big Bang Theory”), lava lamps and bottle rockets
to ice cream, sherbet and making paint. Many
primary school students raced home that afternoon to recreate what they’d seen and share
what they’d learnt.
See photos on last page
This week Balaklava High School students celebrated Literacy & Numeracy week by reading at Balaklava Primary School and Balaklava Community
Children’s Centre. Karsia Jagiello read to a highly
engaged group of Kindy and childcare children on
Thursday. Whilst Caroline Barber and Ethni Mitchell
presented at the assembly to the entire school, including the parents! The reading at the primary
school coincided with the planned “Read for Australia”, where all schools throughout Australia were
encouraged to read the same text at the same
time, which was the children’s picture book, Sun-
Balaklava High School is further promoting the
wellbeing and learning for young people by
providing Year 10 students with the chance to participate in the Youth Opportunities Personal Leadership Program.
Currently, in Term 3, a group of 18 students are
participating in the program. The program is delivered one day a week over a 10-week period and
focuses on the development of specific goals that
provide direction and motivation for each student
to achieve their short and long term goals.
The Graduation ceremony for the current group
will be held at the Balaklava Council Chambers at
4 pm on Thursday the 25th of September.
Your support of the students would be appreciated and if you would like to attend the upcoming
graduation, please come. For more
information on how you can support
and be involved in the ongoing success of the program at Balaklava
please contact Youth Opportunities
on 8240 3133 or speak with
Nick Prokopec (Youth Opportunities School Based
Coordinator at Balaklava High School).
When: 26th September, last day of Term 3
Who: students, teachers and any parents!
Why: to raise money for World Challenge project
What: Fun Run followed by a carnival at school.
BBQ, drinks, cakes, dunking well, horizontal
bungee, cream pie throw, thong toss and more!
ities including leadership, community involvement,
sport, cultural activities and academic achievement.
On the night the girls were required to answer two
impromptu questions, which was the scariest part
of the evening and then presented their prepared
speeches. We enjoyed a range of topics including
“An Act of Courage”, “Still Waters Run Deep” and
“Freedom or Licence?” Congratulations to all the
girls who participated and represented Balaklava
High School admirably. A special mention goes to
Caroline Barber who won the Best Prepared
Speech and congratulations to the Overall Winner
of the Lions Youth of the Year, Amy Paech. Amy
will now go on to represent the Balaklava Lions
Club at a zone final in Bute in October.
Thank you to Kossie and the Balaklava Lions Club
for involving the students in this competition, which
gives our students an opportunity to step up and
demonstrate their leadership and public speaking
skills. Thank you also to the parents and staff who
supported the girls on the night. It was yet again
another event that showed what our young
emerging leaders are capable of.
Kerry Williams
So bring your spare change! And come along for
a day of fun on the 26th September.
All parents are welcome to attend or donate or
Pl e as e ri n g M er ri d y on
0427532007 if you can help on
the day!
Get him wet!
Our Principal, Mr Healy, will
sit on the dunking-well if the
price is right!
The Price = $1000
So dig deep and let’s Wet the
Lions Youth of the Year Coordinator
Amy Paech (winner) & Caroline Barber (best prepared speech)
Two weeks ago five brave students; Amy Paech,
Tayla McBride, Jessica Heaslip, Caroline Barber
and Alyssa Allen represented Balaklava High
School at the Lions Youth of the Year. Prior to the
dinner meeting students were interviewed by the
judges, Darren Scholz, Helen Walker and Jo Michalanney who asked them some general knowledge
questions. The girls were also judged on other qual-
Last Wednesday our Year 8 & 9 students participated in the Amazing Literacy Race, a challenge
designed to have them racing physically around
the school completing and engaging with literacy
activities along the way. The third annual Amazing
Literacy Race was this year organised by the English faculty and supported by Jess Daniel who has
been involved with the organisation of the race
since it was developed by Sonia Pringle.
Students raced from station to station completing
images into a
story or poem, summarising
information, converting words
nouns, verbs
adjectives within a
p l a y i n g
scrabble words. Each pair of students were also
required to try out the new online catalogue system in the library, familiarising them with the 1LMS
A big thank you to all the staff involved on the
day and in the lead up to the race, without
your support it would not be as successful. Well
done to all the students who participated, you
were highly engaged and got into the spirit of
the day. Feedback from the event overwhelmingly supports it happening again next year. I
look forward to seeing if our champions from
2014 can defend their titles.
There was rivalry amongst the students with lots of
banter between the homegroups as to who would
win the coveted title of Fastest Homegroup. These
accolades went to Mr La Grutta’s Year 9 homegroup, 9LE3, who were defending champions and
Mr Ritchie’s Year 8
homegroup, 8RH3. Fastest Year 9 Pair were Sophie Wehr and Cody
Norris (9SH2) and Fastest
Year 8 Pair were Alli Bowyer and Aaron Cross
Thank you to Danielle
Murphy, Joshua La Grutta, Ryan Evans and Jess
Daniel who supported
me to put together this
Amazing Race! There
are numerous hours that
go into this event to ensure that it all runs
smoothly on the day.
Kerry Williams
English & Literacy Coordinator) on behalf of the
English Faculty
First meet after school holidays
Mon 13 October at 5pm at Pt Wakefield Oval
Thurs16 October at 3.30pm at Balaklava High
school (meet at gym)
Tiny tots program 3- 5 years old
Age groups U5- U17
Came and try fees $5 this fee will come off rego
fee when join. All athletes must have a guardian.
Athletes events available : 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m,
800m, 1500m run, high jump, long jump, triple jump,
shot put, discus, javelin, walks, relays.
Encourage Athletes: - keep fit in the off season to
netball and football.
Assist with skills for school sport days.
Great family fun
Meet new friends
If you join you would help us win a BIG TROPHY CUP
and you also get a small trophy of your own.
Calling intending players for junior, senior, and
social night tennis
Please contact Louise Michael on 0438 286275 or
Tania Allen on 0419 034096 by September 26.
The AUSTSWIM Certificate is the industry standard for
swimming and water safety teachers and is an essential qualification in gaining employment as a
swimming instructor by employers in Australia.
Due to recent changes in the Vacswim guidelines
all instructors wishing to work within the 2015
Vacswim program will require an AUSTSWIM licence
AUSTSWIM will be holding the following training:
Port Pirie: October 18/19th 2014
Clare, the Valleys Lifestyle Centre Nov 8/9th
Kadina November 29/30th 2014
Secondary school students can claim 10 Stage 2
SACE points on completion of the qualification. The
AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and water Safety
accredited training also appears on the recognised
VET training register
Interested candidates can enrol online at
www.austswim.com.au or by completing and returning the attached enrolment or by telephoning
the SA Business centre on 08 83540873
4:30-6pm at THE COURTS
**** WANTED ****
Sunday 19th October 2014
Please support our Sundry Goods Auction to be
held at Ralli Park, scheduled to begin at 9.30am.
Start collecting any suitable goods for the auction.
For more information or goods collected/stored,
please contact Peter Butterfield : 0417884877.
Youth United is a Christian youth meeting where
youth from all of the churches and those who have
never been to church can meet together. Meetings include Worship time with our youth band
leading, a speaker and small groups. It is our goal
to encourage and equip youth for life as they grow
in their faith. We would love to encourage you!
Thursdays fortnightly during school terms at the Balaklava Uniting Church Hall (Edith Tce.) 5:307:00pm. For more info please contact Melanie Evans 0427796970 or Lee Cunningham 0429621143
Term 3 dates: Sept 26
Experience another culture, make new friends
and improve your language studies at home
Hosting – An Experience for Life
Student Exchange is looking for host families
across Australia to welcome overseas students
into their home
1300 135 331 (cost of local call)
Available in Auburn
Fun, Safe & Caring Farm Environment
Family Day Care Educator - over 20 years experience
Childcare Benefit & Rebate Apply
Provider No: Country Central F68101020
Christina’s Family Day Care
8849 2520
Balaklava Dental would like to congratulate
Elizabeth Anderson of Pt Wakefield Primary as the
lucky winner of our Dental Health Week competition. She has won a $30 Balaklava Newsagent
All dental care is free for children under the age of
18 years at Balaklava Dental please call us on
88622092 for an appointment.
Keep smiling Dr Robert Bickmore—Dentist
Jenny Young—Dental Therapist / Hygienist
2014 Showcase