Interpreting in a Mental Health Setting 8 CEUs Must be present for entire training to receive CEUs When Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. (No admittance after 8:30 a.m.) Where Nationwide Children’s Hospital Education Building, Rm. ED025B (lower level) $5 Parking in adjacent garage at 555 S. 18th St., Columbus, OH 43205 Cost $100 This 8 hour workshop presents experienced health care interpreters with further knowledge and advanced skills for interpreting in mental health settings. Participants will learn about a broad range of mental health topics including: Symptoms, characteristics and pharmacological management of these disorders Understanding the mental health assessment process and becoming comfortable with treatment and therapeutic approaches in care Exploration of the role of cultural norms, barriers and biases surrounding mental health practices. Education about the impact of domestic violence, abuse and legal considerations in mental health Three hours of the workshop are focused on skill-based learning during which participants will practice utilizing role-plays and case scenarios. Instructors will help provide guidance and feedback during skill-based sessions. Payable by check, money order, credit card or cash (no refunds). Parking and lunch not included. Presented By Instructors Ernesto Ortiz. M.D., Psychiatrist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Erika Shell Castro, LAN Director of Interpreter Services Felix Ortiz, LAN Manager, Interpreter Education and Compliance Kerry Moreno, CHI™, LAN Sr. Manager of Interpreter Services Paloma Peña, MSW, LSW, LAN Quality Assurance Specialist Registration and payment must be received by August 1. REGISTER EARLY...LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! Registration Interpreting in a Return this page with payment or register online at Payment must be received by August 1, 2014 Mental Health Setting Personal Informa on Name (AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON YOUR COURSE CERTIFICATE) 8 CEUs Cost Must be present for entire training to receive CEUs City State ZIP Address $100 payable via Primary Phone Secondary Phone Emergency Contact Phone: ( ) ( ) ( ) Email: check, money order, credit card or cash. Emergency Contact Name & Rela onship to you: Questions? Languages Spoken (Start with your strongest language): Call Felix Ortiz (614)468-6028 Payment (No Refunds) Please make checks/money orders payable to: Language Access Network 1103 Schrock Rd., Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43229 [email protected] Nationwide Children’s Hospital Parking Map Emergency Department 630 Children’s Drive I-70 Human Resources 574 S. 18th St. STONE AVE. CHILDREN’S DR. Hospital Entrance 700 Children’s Dr. CHIL DREN Center for Family Safety and Healing 665 E. Livingston Ave. Livingston Park E. LIV INGS Ronald McDonald House 711 E. Livingston Ave. TON AVE. 17th ST. ANN ST. . WAGER ST. Education Center 575 S. 18th St. 18th ST. PARSONS AVE. KENNEDY DR. Nationwide Childrens Hospital . DR Research Institute 575 Children’s Crossroads Outpatient Care 555 S. 18th St. Emergency Parking ’S REN CHILD CHILDREN’S CROSSROADS RRY ST . Y. 479 Parsons Ave. MOOBE ’S GW Orthopedic Care Center PARSONS AVE. MOOBERRY ST. 18th ST. 18 th ST . EXIT DENT ON A LLEY
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