Division of Psychoanalysis (39) 2014 Summer Program Washington, DC August 7 – 10, 2014 2 Hello, Division 39 members and guests, Welcome to the District of Columbia, world capital. We are in the center of a city rich with historic, cultural and political relevance, and I hope you’ll enjoy the city and visit some of the landmarks that surround us. The Division 39 program is no less weighty. We offer a program with an abundance of riches. New this year is an emphasis on collaboration that APA has asked us to support. In that light, we offer seven panels that were planned with other divisions, and feature speakers representing multiple and integrative points of view. These programs, throughout the weekend, are labeled “Collaborative” or “CoSponsored.” We will be discussing the definition of empirically supported treatment with divisions of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; we will be talking about the creative process of psychotherapy with divisions of Aesthetics and Humanistic Psychology, and we will be debating controversies in civil liberties with the division of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. We’ll talk about technology, DSM-V, Otto Rank, and the Good Life. And we’ll spend hours and hours discussing clinical cases and theoretical dilemmas. Our Welcoming Reception will be Friday evening in the Union Square Room of the Marriott Marquis, and our Hospitality Suite - also in the Marriott Marquis (exact room will be listed in the lobbies of all conference hotels after we arrive) - will be open for socializing and programming from 9 AM to 6 PM daily. Join us especially for coffee and snacks every afternoon from 3 to 4 pm. So you’re in for a treat of stimulating programs and good company all weekend long. I look forward to seeing you all as we participate in our division’s activities, Jill Bellinson, PhD Program Chair 3 Special Meetings & Events THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 Executive Committee Meeting 1:00 pm – 3:50 pm Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Hotel Capital Hill Room FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 Welcoming Reception 6:00 pm – 7:50 pm Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Hotel Union Station Room SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 Division 39 Board of Directors Meeting 8:00 am – 3:50 pm Location TBA 4 Division 39 Program APA Annual Convention THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Convention Center 158 Co-listed by Divisions 19, 32, 35, 44, 56, APAGS Impact of Homicide on Survivors and Clinicians Diya Kallivayalil, PhD, Cambridge Health Alliance, MA Holly Aldrich, LCSW, Cambridge Health Alliance, MA 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center 160 Co-listed by Divisions 7, 32, 37, 44 Raising Adult Awareness in Youth Sports Andrea Corn, PsyD, Independent Practice, Lighthouse Point, FL 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Convention Center 103A Co-listed by Divisions 32, 35, 44, 48, 52, 56, APAGS Psychodynamic and Integrative Approaches to Trauma Around the Globe---DRC, Haiti, and Pakistan Kris Y. Yi, PhD, PsyD, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, CA, Co-Chair Ani Kalayjian, EdD, MeaningfulWorld.com, Cliffside Park, NJ, Co-Chair Rukshana Chaudhry, PsyD, George Washington University Culture and Trauma: Working in a Global Context on Issues Facing Girls and Women in Pakistan Ani Kalayjian, EdD, Humanitarian Missions to the Democratic Republic of Congo: Transforming Trauma Into Healing Anthony Scioli, PhD, Keene State College Hope-Centered Therapy: A Transcultural, Interfaith Approach to Building Hope Cidna Valentin, PhD, City University of New York Graduate Center Traditional Healing Beliefs of Medical Patients and Health Care Providers in Post-Earthquake Haiti 5 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 CONTINUED 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Convention Center 101 Co-listed by Divisions 32, 44, 52 I Feel So Alive: Introducing Psychodynamics to Psychiatric Residents in Kuwait David E. Ramirez, PhD, Swarthmore College, Chair Stephen M. Quintana, PhD, University of WisconsinMadison Nicholas C. Scull, PhD, LCSW, Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute, Salmiya, Kuwait Danah Al-Othman, MD, Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization, Safat 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Convention Center 151A Collaborative Program with Divisions 12, 29 (Re)Defining Empirically Supported Treatments Mark Hilsenroth, PhD, Adelphi University Steven D. Hollon, PhD, Vanderbilt University Scott O. Lilienfeld, PhD, Emory University Nancy McWilliams, PhD, Rutgers the State University of NJ, Piscataway David Tolin, PhD, Institute of Living, Hartford, CT Bruce E. Wampold, PhD, University Wisconsin, Madison 12:00 PM - 1:50 PM Convention Center 156 Co-listed by Divisions 29, 32, 44, 56 CE Credit Available Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline, Narcissistic, and Traumatized Patients Diana Diamond, PhD, City University of New York Graduate Center, Chair Kenneth N. Levy, PhD, Penn State University Park Empirical Status of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder Nel Draijer, PhD, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Using Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Trauma-Related Disorders Diana Diamond, PhD, City University of New York Graduate Center Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Research and Treatment 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 CONTINUED 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM Marriott Marquis Washington DC Hotel, Capitol Hill Room Executive Committee Meeting 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Convention Center 102B Co-listed by Divisions 9, 19, 27, 32, 44, 49, APAGS Community-Based Psychoanalysis---Building Partnerships and Bridging Cultures Robert H. Magee, PhD, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA, Chair Todd Troutman, PsyD, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA Overcoming Challenges of Integrating Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Into a Community Setting Robert H. Magee, PhD, Building Partnerships That Integrate Psychoanalysis, Sociocultural Theory, and Community Outreach Maneesh Saini, MA, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA Creating an Alliance for Psychoanalytic, School-Based Mental Health Care 3:00 - 3:50 PM Coffee Break Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Join colleagues and friends for a snack and a chat 4:00 - 4:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Hidden in Plain Sight: Psychodynamic Training in the World of Accreditation Cheryl Munday, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy Barry Dauphin, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy 5:00 - 5:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Challenges in Training Graduate Students in InsightOriented Psychotherapies: A Conversation Hour Marilyn Charles, PhD, Austin Riggs Center David Downing, PsyD, University of Indiana 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center 144A Co-listed by Divisions 3, 10, 19, 21, 32, 34, 37, 44, 46, APAGS CE Credit available All Wired Up---Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development in a Digital Age Devon C. King, PhD, George Washington University, Chair Devon C. King, PhD, George Washington University Introduction to All Wired Up: Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development in a Digital Age Pamela H. Pietra, DO, Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, Setauket, NY Children and Screens: How Psychologists Can Get Involved Sandra W. Russ, PhD, Case Western Reserve University Reflections on Video Games, Pretend Play, and Development of Imagination Cris Rowan, BScOT, BScBi, Zone'in Programs, Inc., Sechelt, BC, Canada Virtual Child Andrew Doan, MD, PhD, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Temecula, CA Video Games As a Digital Drug Stimulating Physiological and Neurological Responses That Can Be Associated With Abuse and Addiction Norka T. Malberg, PsyD, Independent Practice, New Haven, CT Angry Birds in the Consulting Room: Challenges and New Frontiers Facing the Child Psychotherapeutic Framework and Technique Arlington Honor Guard 8 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED 10:00 - 11:50 AM Convention Center 143A Co-sponsored by Division 10 Co-listed by Divisions 17, 32 CE Credit available Therapy as a Creative Process Steven R. Pritzker, PhD, Saybrook University, Chair Louis Hoffman, PhD, Saybrook University Poetry As A Creative Process in Psychotherapy Frank L. Summers, PhD, Northwestern University The Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalytic Therapy As Psychic Creation Marilyn Charles, PhD, Austen Riggs Center Creative Engagement: Building the Capacity to Play Pamela J. McCrory, PhD, Los Angeles County Psychological Association Mirrors of the Mind: The Psychotherapist as Artist Sarah A. Kass, PhD, Saybrook University Psychotherapy As a Creative Process: The Birth of the Psychotherapist in Creating Real Relationships Judy Kuriansky, PhD, Independent Practice, New York Healing Interventions in Global Contexts: Innovative Creative Arts Psychotherapeutic Models Ruth Richards, MD, PhD, Saybrook University, Discussant 12:00 - 1:20 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Silence on the Couch Mary Beth Cresci, PhD, Adelphi University, Chair Jack Herskovits, PsyD, Adelphi University George Kingsley, PhD, Adelphi University 1:30 - 2:20 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Who Deserves What Kind of Therapy? (And Who Gets It?) Hallie M Kushner, PhD, Drexel University College of Medicine C. Virginia F. O'Hayer, PhD, Drexel University College of Medicine 9 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED 2:30 - 3:20 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Becoming Psychotherapists: Tensions Between Internal and External Demands Marilyn Charles, PhD, Austen Riggs Center, Chair Lindsey G. Robertson, MA, Biola University, La Mirada, CA Conflict Between Pursuing Psychodynamic Interest and CultivatingMarketable Skill sets William Orme, MA, Biola University, La Mirada, CA Conflict Between Personal Authenticity and Professional Proficiency Stuart D. Weir, MA, Biola University, LA Mirada, CA Conflict Between Learning Theory and Therapeutic Authenticity Joseph C. Mauch, MA, Biola University, La Mirada, CA Conflicts Between Personal History and Burgeoning Professional Identity 3:00 - 3:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Coffee Break Join colleagues and friends for a snack and a chat 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Poster Session Convention Center Halls D and E Q-14 Christine M. Ahn, PhD, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Wonjin Sim, PhD, Chatham University Dream Works in the United States and Korea: A Cross-Cultural Investigation Q-12 Anouk M. Allart, BA, Fairleigh Dickinson University Benjamin D. Freer, PhD, Fairleigh Dickinson University Lana A. Tiersky, PhD, Fairleigh Dickinson University Leila S. Abuelhiga, MS, Fairleigh Dickinson University Michelle A. Arkow-Pievsky, BA, Fairleigh Dickinson University Megan A. Putnam, BA, Fairleigh Dickinson University Relationship Between Reflexive and Intentional Responses to Stressful Events 10 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED Poster Session Continued Q-16 Claudia Amendola, MA, George Washington University Noura Khayat, MA, George Washington University Clinical Use of Diagnoses: A Look at Severe Psychopathology and the Role of the DSM-5 Q-23 Shira Tibon Czopp, PhD, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzlyia, Israel Ruth Zeligman, PhD, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Liat Appel, PhD, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Gideon Lev, PhD, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Relational Assessment: Theory, Research, and Practice Q-19 Elizabeth W. Davies, PhD, University of St. Francis Pain Is Not a Punishment: Psychoanalysis and the Fundamental Attribution Error Q-9 Michael D. Di Francesco, MS, Implementing Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Interventions for Adolescents in Inpatient Settings: Embracing a Difficult Dialogue Q-21 Ron N. Gad, MA, Pacifica Graduate Institute Collective Companion: Ego Psychology for Today's Media Age Q-27 Matthew J. Harper, MA, George Washington University Jaclyn S. Lopez, MA, George Washington University Adelia Sabintsev, MA, George Washington University Moving Beyond NOS: Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders Using the DSM-5 Q-24 Cathleen LaLonde, MS, University of Detroit Mercy Understanding Secondary Trauma for Psychotherapists: Risk Factors and Moderating Influences Q-15 Hayley Lotter, BA, University of Detroit Mercy Barry Dauphin, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy Playing With Primary Process, Defenses, and Object Representations Q-10 Alix Mansbach, MSW, George Washington University Claire E. Holland, BA, George Washington University James Sexton, PhD, George Washington University Looking at the Anaclitic/Introjective Split of the BDI to Predict Dropout and Therapy Success 11 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED Poster Session Continued Q-11 Alexandra Mattern-Roggelin, MS, George Washington University Comparative Review and Meta-Analysis of Fear Among Therapists During Psychotherapy Treatment P-19 Jaclyn D. Pembleton, BS, George Washington University Niles P. Muzyk, BA, George Washington University Emily Rotbart, BA, George Washington University Laura W. Reid, MA, George Washington University Avi Margolies, MA, George Washington University Kelsie Salmen, MA, George Washington University Elizabeth J. Schmidt, MA, George Washington University Andrea A. Liner, MA, George Washington University Maurice L. Joseph, MA, George Washington University Cheri L. Marmarosh, PhD, George Washington University Perceptions of Ruptures After the Transfer: Impact of Therapists’ Attachment Styles Q-13 Dylena C. Pierce, MSW, MEd, Pacifica Graduate Institute Oksana Yakushko, PhD, Pacifica Graduate Institute Archetypal Patterns in Latino Gangs: A Dialogical Narrative Analysis Q-25 Tracy A. Prout, PhD, Yeshiva University Leon Hoffman, MD, Pacella Parent Child Center, New York Timothy Rice, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Why Is It Easier to Get Mad Than to Feel Sad? Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children Q-20 Catherine R. Sancimino, PsyD, A Better Way, Inc., Berkeley, CA Violence in the Container: Exploring a Young Patient's Aggression in the Therapeutic Encounter Q-18 James Sexton, PhD, George Washington University Claire E. Holland, BA, George Washington University New BDI Scales: Predictors of Treatment Efficacy and Dropout in Smoking Cessation Programs 12 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED Poster Session Continued Q-17 Amanda B. Smith, MA, Long Island University, C.W. Post Sean Sobin, MA, Long Island University, C.W. Post Alexandra Mercurio, BA, Long Island University, C.W. Post Samuel Greenblatt, BA, Long Island University, C.W. Post Andrew Muschel, MS, Long Island University, C.W. Post Thomas P. Demaria, PhD, Long Island University, C.W. Post Understanding the Artistic Defense Mechanisms Created by Children Involved in Community Violence Q-26 Maria Vassileva, MA, Argosy University, Chicago Working With the Bilingual Client: Characteristics of the Transference P-16 Clifton E. Watkins, Jr., PhD, University of North Texas Essentials of a Self-Psychology Vision of Psychoanalytic Supervision: A Practice Review Q-8 Kirby L. Weinberg, BA, Adelphi University Lawrence Josephs, PhD, Adelphi University Hiding Your True Self: True-Self, False-Self Priming, Rejection Sensitivity, and Playing Hard to Get Q-22 Miya Williams, MA, George Washington University Michelle Wallace, BA, George Washington University Attachment Theory and Couples Therapy: Influence of Attachment on the Therapeutic Process Lincoln Memorial 13 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 CONTINUED 4:00 - 5:50 PM Convention Center Room 147B Sponsored by Divisions 24, 32 Psychology’s Unresolved Relationship with the Good Life Blaine Fowers, PhD, University of Florida, Chair Roger Smith The Shaping of Psychology's Values Harris Friedman, PhD, University of Florida The Denial of Values in Positive Psychology's Approach to the Good Life: Comprehensive Soldier Fitness and Critical Positivity Ratio Mark Freeman, PhD, College of the Holy Cross In Service of the Other: Psychology's Role in Understanding and Promoting the Good Life Marilyn Charles, PhD, Austin Riggs Center From Couch to Culture: Psychoanalysis and the Public Good Blaine Fowers, PhD, University of Florida Frank Richardson, PhD, University of Texas The Neglected Truth: Psychology's Unrecognized and Unfulfilled Commitment to the Human Good 6:00 PM - 7:50 PM Marriott Marquis Hotel Union Station Room Welcoming Reception White House 14 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 2014 8:00 AM – 3:50 PM Location TBA Division 39 Board of Directors Meeting 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center 143A Co-sponsored with Division 32 Co-listed with Divisions 10, 29, 44 CE Credit Available Enduring Relevance of Otto Rank Will Wadlington, PhD, Penn State University Park, Chair E. James Lieberman, MD, MPH, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences Otto Rank on Will and Character Robert Kramer, PhD, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington, DC Otto Rank As Theorist and Therapist of Emotional Intelligence Will Wadlington, PhD, Penn State University Park An Art of Living: Rank’s Approach to Psychotherapy Process Rochelle Kainer, PhD, Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, DC, Discussant 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM Convention Center 202A Co-sponsored by Division 32 Co-listed by Divisions 1, 12, 17, 24, 25, 26, 35, 42, 43, 44, 49, 53, 56, APAGS DSM-5---Problems, Solutions, and Alternatives Brent Robbins, PhD, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, Chair Brent Robbins, PhD, Point Park University, Pittsburgh Dignity, Diagnosis, and Social Justice Jonathan D. Raskin, PhD, State University of New York at New Paltz Michael C. Gayle, BA, State University of New York at New Paltz Do Psychologists Want an Alternative to the DSM-5? Lisa Cosgrove, PhD, University of Massachusetts Boston Is the DSM-5 a Vehicle for High-Profit Patent Extensions? Peter Kinderman, PhD, University of Liverpool, England Times of Change and Opportunity: Toward a Psychological Model of Mental Health and Well-Being 15 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 CONTINUED 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Convention Center 144B Co-listed by Divisions 19, 32, 35, 44 Loneliness---Social Psychological, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Perspectives Rebecca C. Curtis, PhD, Adelphi University, Chair Ben L. Mijuskovic, PhD, California State University, Dominguez Hills Its Odd That the DSM-5 Doesn’t Mention Loneliness Rebecca C. Curtis, PhD, Adelphi University Loneliness Conflicts in Four Women: Seeking Out Others Versus Remaining Alone Arlene K. Richards, PhD, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research Loneliness in Context: Where It Takes Place Affects the Meaning 12:00 – 1:50 PM Convention Center 151B Collaborative Program with Divisions 6, 10, 20, 40, 46, 47 CE Credit available Flashdance---The Psychology of Dance, the Phenomenon of Flash Mob, the Neuroscience of Choreography Jill Bellinson, PhD, Independent Practice, New York, NY, Co-chair Steven Pritzker, PhD, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, Co-chair Paula Thomson, PsyD, California State University, Northridge Flash Mob Dance Charles H. Brown, PhD, Get Your Head in the Game, Charlotte, NC Peak Performance Principles of Dance: Flow in the Flash Jerri Lynn Hogg, PhD, Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara The Psychology of the Flash Mobs and Viral Videos Brandon L. Alderman, PhD, Rutgers the State University of NJ, New Brunswick Exercise Enhances Brain Health: What About Other Sensorimotor-Based Interventions? 16 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 CONTINUED 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Convention Center 209B Co-listed by Divisions 19, 32, 44, APAGS How Modern Psychoanalysis Can Expand the Reach of Health Psychology Maureen O’Reilly-Landry, PhD, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Historical and Current Contributions of Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Theory to the Treatment of Medical Patients Daniel Bruns, PsyD, Health Psychology Associates, PC, Greeley, CO Psychodynamics of Conversion Disorder: The Assessment and Treatment of Psychologically Complex Medical Patients Norka T. Malberg, PsyD, Independent Practice, New Haven, CT Mentalizing the System: Applications of Attachment Research and Theory to Working in Pediatric Hospital Settings 2:00 – 2:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Psychoanalysis & Feminism: Interdisciplinary Thinking as Social Justice for Patients and Clinicians Helen DeVinney, PsyD, George Washington University 3:00 – 3:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Coffee Break Join colleagues and friends for a snack and a chat 4:00 – 4:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Mended by the Muse: A Conversation with an Artist Sophia Richman, PhD, Independent Practice, New York 17 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 CONTINUED 5:00 – 5:50 PM Hospitality Suite Marriott Marquis Hotel Wu tang, Trauma and how a Patient’s use of the Body in Treatment was Nuthin to Bleep Wit Denise M. Renye, PsyD, Med, Independent Practice, San Francisco, CA SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center 140B Co-sponsored by Division 24 Co-listed by Divisions 9, 32, 44, 48 CE Credit Available Psychology and Civil Liberties---Major Controversies Frank L. Summers, PhD, Northwestern University, Chair Jill Gentile, PhD, New York University Free Association and Free Speech: How Psychoanalysis Speaks to Democracy? Thomas Teo, PhD, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Negative Dialectics of Civil Liberties and Critical Psychology Brent D. Robbins, PhD, Point Park University Social Justice, Human Dignity, and Mental Illness Harris L. Friedman, PhD, University of Florida Scott D. Churchill, PhD, University of Dallas STEM Advocacy Versus Academic Freedom: Dilemmas for an Epistemologically Diverse Psychology 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM Convention Center 156 Co-listed by Divisions 29, 32, 44, APAGS CE Credit Available Psychodynamic Supervision---A Live Demonstration Robert H. Magee, PhD, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA, Chair Devon C. King, PhD, Independent Practice, Bethesda, MD Clinical Supervisor Frank E. Lawatsch, MA, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA Supervisee Shannon Carter, MS, Pacific University, Discussant Robert H. Magee, PhD, Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA, Discussant 18 SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 CONTINUED 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Convention Center 144A Co-listed by Divisions 7, 32, 37, 43, 44, 56 Fostering the Connection--- Dyadic Treatment of Parents and Young Children in the Foster Care System Jill Bellinson, PhD, Independent Practice, New York, Chair Phyllis Cohen, PhD, New York Institute for Psychotherapy Training, Brooklyn Roanne Barnett, PhD, Independent Practice, New York Andrea Remez, PhD, Independent Practice, New York Ashley Golub, PsyD, New Alternatives for Children, New York Eric Hovis, MA, New Alternatives for Children, New York Amy Pacifici, LCSW, New Alternatives for Children, New York Yadira Santillan, MSW, New Alternatives for Children, New York Lisa Wolfe, LCSW, New Alternatives for Children, New York Trish Balbert, MA, New Alternatives for Children, New York Linda E. Olszewski, MA, New Alternatives for Children, New York 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Convention Center 143C Co-listed by Divisions 32, 44, 50 Weed: Trading Futures Patricia A. Ready, PhD, Fairfax Hospital, Seattle, WA Jefferson Memorial 19 SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 CONTINUED 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Convention Center 150A Collaborative Program with Division 9, 48 NSA Surveillance Predicament---The Narrowing of Perceived Social Justice Susan Opotow, PhD, City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Surveillance Revelations and the Shrinking Scope of Justice Jean Maria Arrigo, PhD, Lessons From Intelligence Operatives Under Surveillance Hugh Gusterson, PhD, George Mason University The Polygraph Washington Monument at Night Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP) and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery of the programs. 20 21 Notes 22 Notes 23 24
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