Heat Transfer in Adsorption Heat Exchangers between Pellets and Fins E. Laurenz*1, G. Füldner1 and L. Schnabel1 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany * Corresponding author: Heidenhofstr. 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, [email protected] Abstract: Adsorption heat exchangers (AdHXs) are important components in adsorption heat pumps and chillers, often build as fin-and-tube type heat exchangers with beds of adsorbent pellets. For design and optimization the governing transport phenomena in AdHXs need to be quantified as functions of design parameters like geometry or material properties. In this work the heat transfer between fin surface and adsorbent pellet is analyzed using a three-dimensional COMSOL model. The model is evaluated for generic material combinations with a variation of parameters: pellet size (0.2-4 mm), pellet roughness (20-100 µm) and thermal conductivity of gas (0.01-0.03 W/(m K)) and pellet (0.1-0.3 W/(m K)). The calculated effective heat transfer coefficient is in the range of 16-670 W/(m2 K). From the simulation results a general Nusselt correlation is deduced allowing a direct calculation of the heat transfer coefficient within the parameter space. Keywords: Adsorption heat exchanger, heat transfer, pellet, fin, Nusselt number 1 Introduction Adsorption heat exchangers (AdHXs) are important components in adsorption heat pumps and chillers, a primary energy efficient source of heating and cooling1,2. Due to availability and established inexpensive manufacturing, fin-andtube type heat exchangers with beds of adsorption pellets in the finned space are used in state of the art products. The same design is used for sorption seasonal heat storage with pellets of hydrophilic salt hydrates3. For design and optimization the adsorption cycle needs to be modelled with its transient nature4,5. Hence, the governing transport phenomena in AdHXs need to be quantified as functions of design parameters like geometry or material properties. This has e.g. been done using complex partial differential equation (PDE) models of the whole AdHX including heat and mass transfer and fluid flows with different level of detail6–9. These models allow detailed analyses of geometry and material influences. However, they require high computing times and are e.g. unsuitable to analyze the component’s behavior in a system like a building on long time scales. Simpler transient models are based on ordinary differential equations (ODE)8 with lumped coefficients for transport resistances and capacitances. They can be parameterized using PDEmodels, either by fitting the ODE-model to the PDE-model’s results, or by direct deduction of the coefficients from the PDE-model. In this study an example of the latter is presented. For AdHXs ODE-models where shown to reproduce the external behavior of complex PDE-models with high accuracy while demanding orders of magnitude less computing time10. However, a variation of design parameters usually requires the complex model to be re-computed. Some transport resistances can be directly modelled in a lumped form from correlations available in standard literature (e.g. the heat transfer in a pipe flow). These correlations are mostly based on extensive measurements11. With them it is possible to include certain design parameters (e.g. the pipe diameter) explicitly in the ODE-model. Parameter variations can then be carried out without re-computing a PDE-model. In this work a general correlation is deduced from simulation results of a three-dimensional COMSOL model. This is done for the heat transfer between fin surface and adsorbent pellets, an important transport resistance in the described type of AdHX. This heat transfer has been investigated for different configurations7,12,13. Here, it is analyzed for the case of a monolayer of pellets on the fin surface. First the model and its implementation in COMSOL will be described, then the results will be presented and a general heat transfer correlation will be deduced. 2 Mathematical Model The modelled heat exchanger consists of flat fins of metal and spherical porous pellets of adsorp- Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge bb) a) c) Pellett Gas Wall Figurre 1: Model geoometry implemeented in COMS SOL: a) complette transparent model, m b) pellet domain d and walll surface, c) gas domain tion material. Durring the adsoorption processs a gas is i adsorbed oon the internaal surface of the adsorrption materiaal. The resultinng heat of adsoorption lleads to a highher pellet temp mperature and tthus a heaat transfer to tthe fin surfacee (wall) and fr from theree through the fin to somee heat exchannger fluid. T To study the hheat transfer ccharacteristic betweenn the wall andd the pellet a tthree-dimensioonal statioonary heat coonduction moddel is used. T The modeel will be desccribed in the foollowing. 2.1 G Geometry The modelled geoometry shown in Figure 1 is a threee-dimensional symmetrical section conssisting oof a pellet aand a gas doomain. A thrreedimeensional modeel is necessaary to take iinto accouunt the spherrical pellet shhape. The pelllets are aassumed to be a monolayer of close-packking of eqqual spheres w with diameter . The surfacee of the fin f is only moodelled as bouundary to the gas domaain. The usuallly rough surfa face of adsorpttion pellets is taken intto account by a gap betw ween the w wall and the peellets. 2.2 General G assum mptions The model is bassed on the fo following genneral assum mptions that are similar too those used by otherr authors12: 1. The heat transfer in thhe gas domainn is dominatedd by conductioon. 22. The gas doomain can be treated as a ccontinuum (K Knudsen numbeer ≪ 1). 3. Materiial propertiies are cconstant througghout each dom main. 4. Gas is adsorbeed homogenneously througghout the pelleet volume. 5. The heeat conductiviity of the fin inn and is hiigh compared to all other heeat conductiviities. The first asssumption maay especially be b made fo for monolayerr pellet beds that are opennly expposed to a gaas volume on the upper side. For ddensely filled fin-and-tube heat exchanggers this aassumption is a simplificatioon that requirees to be revised if forr a specific configurationn inform mation on the ggas flow are aavailable. The secondd assumption reduces the m model’s vvalidity for sm mall geometriees and low gaas pressures. When thhe heat transfeer distances arre close too the mean fr free path of thhe gas molecuules the ccontinuum gass model is noot valid anymoore and thhe thermal coonductivity ddecreases dram maticallyy14. E.g. for thhe case of waater vapor at common = 280w working condditions ( = 1-10 kPa, 3370 K) the mean free path is in the rangee of 0.45 μm. To allow foor this effect a geometry deppendent hheat transfer would need to be impleemented w which is beyonnd the scope of the present w work. 22.3 Governingg equations Inn both domaiins the stationnary heat trannsfer is ddescribed by thhe heat equatioon 0 ad Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge (1) with the heat conductivity g or p of the gas or pellet domain. The heat source from adsorption ad only applies to the pellet domain and is omitted for the gas domain. 2.4 Boundary conditions As the fin’s conductivity is high, compared to all other conductivities, a uniform wall temperature w is assumed. In the pellet volume the assumed homogenous adsorption results in a constant heat source ad . All other boundaries are planes of symmetry with no-flux boundary conditions. ductivity g and pellet conductivity p was employed. The range of values covered is indicated in Table 1. 3.1 Post processing To evaluate the overall heat transfer characteristic the average wall heat flux (W/m2) 1 w 1 p The model has been implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 as a “heat transfer in solids” problem. Values used for geometry parameters, material properties and boundary conditions are given in Table 1. Though absolute values of the boundary conditions do not matter for the analysis used (temperature independent material properties, fully linear equations), the chosen values are within a realistic range for adsorption heat exchangers. Standard meshing settings (“normal”) were used. The mesh was refined to check for mesh invariance. The relative deviations of the results were in the order of the solver tolerance (0.001). No changes to standard solver settings where necessary. Material properties in adsorption heat exchangers depend on actual materials (e.g. silica gel, zeolite, water vapor, methanol vapor), their properties (e.g. porosity) and state (pressure, temperature, loading). Pellet size and roughness depend on the manufacturing process. In order to analyze the heat transfer characteristic for this broad range of conditions a parametric sweep on pellet diameter , pellet roughness , gas con- pellet pellet g p w ad Value 0.2-4 mm 20-100 µm 0.01-0.03 W/(m K) 0.1-0.5 W/(m K) 20 °C 100 kW/m³ d (3) are computed. Thereby, a heat transfer coefficient between wall and pellet can be defined (W/(m2K)): w p p (4) w For the given linear model the heat transfer p is independent of the actual values of both wall temperature w and heat source ad . 4 Results An exemplary result of the temperature field is given in Figure 2. The heat transfer coefficient p depends on the parameters , , g and p in a non-obvious way. For the parameter space given in Table 1 2 p is in the range of 16-670 W/(m K). 4.1 Data reduction For use in simplified ODE-models the function p Table 1: Values used for simulation (2) and the average pellet temperature 3 Implementation Parameter pellet diameter pellet roughness gas conductivity pellet conductivity wall temperature heat source from adsorption wd wall wall f , , p, g (5) is needed. This four dimensional function could not be deduced directly from the simulation results. However, using the Buckingham π theorem15,16, Eq. (5) can be reduced to the two dimensional relationship Nup f p, λ Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge (6) Tablee 2: Example off simulation ressults for differennt geometrical pparameters (firstt three lines) annd different mateerial param meters (last three lines) but equual dimensionlesss parameters d mm m 0.44 0.88 2 2 2 2 λg W/(m K) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 s µm 20 40 100 100 100 100 wherre Nup p g qw W/m2 24.2 48.4 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 is the Nussellt number of the fin-pellet heat trannsfer, roughhness and λp W/(m K) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 p g p tthe specific peellet the ratioo of thermal ccon- ductiivities. All thhree quantitiess are dimensiionless. This reductionn yields a connsiderably simppler relatiionship shownn in Figure 3. Inn Table 2 thee effect of datta reduction iss illustraated: In the firrst three lines results for diffferent ppellet sizes aare given. Obbviously the hheat transfer coefficiennt p is higherr for smaller ppellets. A Also, as the laast three lines in the same taable show w, p increasess with the heaat conductivityy of the gas. g However,, all shown coombinations hhave the ssame dimensioonless input pparameters p and nd thus the saame dimensionless result N Nup . λ an Tp °C 20.09 20.35 22.21 24.42 22.21 21.47 αp W/((m2 K) 273.6 136.8 54.7 27.4 54.7 82.1 ϵp 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 rλ - 10 10 10 10 10 10 Nu 5.471 5.472 5.472 5.472 5.472 5.472 T They all reducee to one data ppoint in Figuree 3. As for exxperimental results, r curve fitting m methods17 can be applied too deduce an approxia m mation of Eq. (6): ( Nup 0.8 896 p . 0 0.268 . . (7) W Within the parrameter range of 0.005 0.3 p aand 3 40 this approoximation reppresents thhe simulationn results with a maximum relative eerror of 10%. Given the siimplifying moodelling aassumption thiis is an acceptaable value. 5 Conclusioon A three-dimennsional COM MSOL model of the hheat transfer frrom a monolayyer pellet bed to a fin w wall was preseented. It was shown s that thee effectiive heat transsfer is highly dependent onn pellet size and roughhness as well aas thermal condductivitiies of gas andd pellet. The reelatively simplle modeel proved to bee robust and eeasily meshedd also in Nusselt number Nup 15 p = 0.005 10 0.02 0.05 5 0.2 0 0 Figurre 2: Resulting isotherms (scale in °C) and quualitativee representation of heat flux (arrrows) for W W and p 0.5 4mm m, 100μm, g 0.03 mK m mK ( p 0.025, 16 6.7) 20 40 ratio of heat condductivities 60 F Figure 3: Reducced results of thhe simulation (ppoints) aand the fitted appproximation Eqq. (7) (lines) as N Nusselt nnumber of the finn-pellet heat traansfer Nup overr the raatio of conductiivities for diffferent values off the reelative pellet rooughness p Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge extensive parameter sweeps. The model is based on several assumptions. To prove that the models results are coherent with real physical behavior experimental verification is desirable. Especially the simplified modelling of the roughness as gap should be verified. However, the presented results may serve as a first indication. For further work should focus on the extension to multilayer beds, the inclusion of noncontinuum heat conduction and convective heat transfer. The method of deducing general nondimensional correlation from dimension-full data proved to be applicable to COMSOL models. It might have been possible to directly formulate the problem in dimension-less form. This would possibly have reduced the number of parameter combination in a parameter sweep. However, the economy in modelling time by using a model with predefined dimension-full equations overweight drastically. 6 References 1. Meunier, F. Adsorption heat powered heat pumps. Appl. Therm. Eng. 61, 830–836 (2013). 2. Critoph, R. E. Solid sorption cycles: A short history. Int. J. Refrig. 35, 490–493 (2012). 3. De Jong, A.-J., Trausel, F., Finck, C., van Vliet, L. & Cuypers, R. Thermochemical Heat Storage – System Design Issues. Energy Procedia 48, 309–319 (2014). 4. Füldner, G. & Schnabel, L. Non-Isothermal Kinetics of Water Adsorption in Compact Adsorbent Layers on a Metal Support. in Proc. COMSOL Conf. 2008 Hann. (2008). 5. Aristov, Y. I. Experimental and numerical study of adsorptive chiller dynamics: Loose grains configuration. Appl. Therm. Eng. 61, 841–847 (2013). 6. Wittstadt, U., Laurenz, E., Füldner, G. & Schnabel, L. 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