Herts and Minds - UKIP Hemel Hempstead

Herts and Minds
[Edition 1, Volume 1]
Vesper Hunter
UKIP Hertfordshire’s,
newly elected Chairman
Vesper was elected by the
Herts branches’ chairmen on
6 October 2014.
It is her job to lead the Herts
7 November 2014
Committee helping the
branches and candidates
campaign across Herts to
Herts and Minds
win in 2015.
Announcing new regular update from
UKIP in Hertfordshire
UKIP is targeting 140 wards
across the county and for
Welcome to your first regular
county by UKIP and for
Every single seat COULD
update coming to you from
UKIP, who’s on what
be ours.
UKIP Herts.
committee at branches, what
special events are taking
Vesper has been a member
of and an activist for UKIP
We ask you to send us your stories from around
the county, your ideas for what we should be
doing in the county and thoughts and feedback
on what the Herts Committee is doing. The more
critical and open the better!
since 2012. Her own local
branch is SW Herts where
she still is also Membership
Secretary and Secretary. She
is standing in North
Chorleywood and Sarratt
ward in May 2015.
In these short updates we’ll
place, who’s visiting Herts,
Vesper ran her own IT
aim to keep you apprised of
what’s news, and who are
Security and Auditing
what’s happening around the
your elected members and
business for 15 years from St
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Albans. She has two
candidates, at local, county
To make this update an
and parliamentary levels. We
excellent resource for
shall try not to repeat what is
candidates and activist /
queries, ideas,
said in Independence, UKIP’s
branch committee members
thoughts to Vesper
magazine. Instead we will
we ask you to send us your
focus on our beautiful county
stories from around the
Hunter at
of Hertfordshire and the huge
county, your ideas for what
[email protected]
opportunity UKIP has in this
we should be doing in the
county and thoughts and
If you prefer to
feedback on what the Herts
discuss then call her
There is one primary objective
of Herts and Minds: To help
get Kippers elected across the
Committee is doing. The
more critical and open the
Spotlight on… Watford, by Nick Lincoln PPC
Watford remains a
fascinating weather-vane for
elections. Amazingly, since
1974, whichever party has
won in Watford has won the
general election!
the redevelopment of Euston
will see a decade’s worth of
reduced services from
Watford Junction, one of the
busiest commuter stations in
the country.
UKIP are polling strongly in
the town and are coming up
on the inside rail. Watford
could well be a four-way
marginal come May 2015.
Fascinatingly, in Watford,
UKIP pick up the ex-Labour
vote as much as the
disaffected Tory one.
Nick, 45, owns his own
financial planning business.
As a businessman himself,
living in the county’s
commercial centre, Nick
knows only UKIP is the party
of prosperity and economic
common sense.
Nick is committed to
preserving what remains of
the town’s green spaces and
allotments. As well, Nick is
determined to help Watford’s
commuters in opposing HS2:
The following letter was
published in the Watford
Observer this week. 
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Send feedback,
on 07785 782095.
News / Events /
Activities /
Welcome to
New members
south of Bishops Stortford.
get involved at your local
Campaigning while
NB. This Saturday, there will
be a WW1 commemoration
event, organised by our very
own Frank Brand. The event
We all wish Mark Reckless
will run 2 to 4 pm, at
the very best on 20
All Saints Church,
November as the UKIP
Croxley Green and includes a
candidate in Rochester and
30 piece brass band.
Strood. The bookies have him
All welcome!
as favourite to join
Douglas Carswell MP as
UKIP’s 2nd elected MP in the
Gary Cahalane of St Albans
House of Commons. We
branch made a complaint to
should win but nothing is
the Principal Librarian of
certain, by any means.
If you are going to Rochester
to help his campaign, let
Vesper know and there may
be others from Herts who
would like to join you.
Prior to the Clacton ByElection a group of us, from
Broxbourne, went in a
minibus to deliver
newsletters helping Douglas
Carswell. See photo up on
right. It was a super day out
Hertfordshire in respect of a
For the first time, UKIP
Watford is to be part of the
official wreath laying
ceremony in Watford as part
of Remembrance Ceremony,
Sunday 9th November 2014 at
the Watford War Memorial
from 2.50pm.
Nick Lincoln, UKIP PPC for
Watford, will lay a wreath on
Sunday. The presence of a
UKIP representative at this
event is reflective of the rise of
the party's prominence both
nationally and locally.
The Malting Library, St
Albans, by CND. It was
clearly political and was
hanging just 2 weeks before
the May Euro and local
This mural display in the
library was in the Green
Party's key target ward in St
Albans during the election
He spoke to a member of
library staff who was quite
by the seaside, the sun was
shining and it was
UKIP will also be laying
tremendous to be able to
wreaths in Stevenage,
speak with Douglas after a
Hoddesdon and SW Herts,
full day of postings. We
that we know of. There’s still
ended the day with a most
time to make preparations to
enjoyable dinner in a pub just
paid-for poster on the wall of
sure that the CND display
was not political. (!!!) This
was despite the posters calling
for £ multi-billion changes in
government expenditure, and
a serving Prime Minister
dressed up as Marie
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Antoinette saying “Let them
[Photo: Broxbourne branch
Jonathan Davis gave a
eat Trident”.
resounding toast to the
longest serving and most
And this was during the
successful peace-time Prime
election period!
Minister in over 150 years.
The result of his complaint is
the Principal Librarian has
confirmed to him, in writing,
Mick Matthewson, candidate
that no such displays will be
for South Oxhey, tells us
allowed in future. She
confirmed that displays from
CND or similar campaigning
organisations seeking to
Barclays Bank branch, on
Vesper was our Keynote
speaker and she gave an
The service this bank gives to
[Photo: Vesper giving her
accepted for future pre-
Keynote speech]
election periods. At least,
local business, and elderly
people, is absolutely
paramount. With the
revised guidelines have gone
reduction in bus services, this
out to libraries around the
will leave residents
county. The pre-election
increasingly isolated from
period is determined by the
essential services.
Chief Legal Officer. Let’s see
what actually happens.
The bank branch should not
Well done Gary and we can
all learn from your actions.
There is a petition to air the
“We have a great opportunity
branch held an open meeting
on January 15th 2015.
uplifting message.
influence the vote will not be
On 13 October Broxbourne
South Oxhey estate is to close
if we work hard and together.
This is not a time for egos.”
locals feelings (Mick’s
Suggestions for taking action
celebrating the magnificent
Chairman Salv Scozzaro
election of Douglas Carswell
spoke of Broxbourne’s
Members go to South Oxhey
MP and the extremely close
activities and Cllr David Platt
and do an Action Day with
second of John Bickley in
presented what Eastern
petition signing.
Heywood and Middleton.
Region are doing.
We could write to Barclays
This was a well-attended
Co-incidentally, in the same
meeting with members from
week of our first elected MP,
all over East Herts.
Margaret Thatcher would
Candidates are free to have
have been 89. On the same
press contact, raise petitions
day as the branch meeting.
and so on, as they see fit.
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and ask for reasons behind
Update on UKIP member
opportunity to represent
UKIP in the upcoming
General Election.
Nationally there are over
40,000 of us!
At the last count, on 1
November, Eastern Region
stands at 4,968 members
which is significantly more
than the average of the
regions. The average is just
over 3,000.
We must now move forward
and hit the ground running.
Stevenage is a winnable seat
for UKIP, so we will get out
there and start campaigning
on the doors.
It is my aim, that every door
in the constituency will be
knocked on by my team and
Another merely 32 members
in Eastern Region and we will
be 5,000!!!
In Hertfordshire Mercury (6
“A serviceman has been
selected to contest a
Conservative seat for UKIP.”
Christopher Vickers, 29, was
selected by members of the
Stevenage branch to contest
the town’s parliamentary seat
in the 2015 General Election.
Mr Vickers currently serves in
the Army Reserves with the
Regiment, and has been on
tours of duty in Iraq, in
addition to serving as a UN
peacekeeper in Cyprus.
3rd battalion, Royal Anglian
On being selected,
Christopher said: “I am
honoured to be given the
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My experience as a noncommissioned officer in the
British Army has given me the
leadership skills to present a
credible alternative to the
failed old political parties in
This election is not just about
me, it is about the people.
I will say what I believe and
will not give you any
nonsensical spin. With me,
what you see is what you get.
We will also be fielding a full
slate of local council
candidates and it is our
intention to win multiple
seats, to loosen the
stranglehold of the Labour
party on this town.”
If you would like to
help your branch,
your county, your
region and/or your
country, contact
your local branch
chairman or Vesper
How can you help?
Help out at a stall in
your Town Centre /
Deliver leaflets?
Drive voters to
polling stations?
Social activities?
Go on branch action
teams aka
Mr Vickers works for an IT
Stand as a
company in London in his
civilian life.
Make tea?
HERTS Helpers
Herts Chairman
Vesper Hunter – Candidate North Chorleywood and Sarratt
[email protected] @vkeizer
Digital/Social Media
Richard Booth – SW Herts and Colleen Blyth – Stevenage @ukipherts
Mark Hughes – Chairman NE Herts @markjhughes
Literature Library
Nick Lincoln – Watford, PPC Watford @ukipwatford
Editor Herts and Minds
Jonathan Davis – Broxbourne @J0nathanDavis @BroxbourneUKIP
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