1 tit* f n i L . \ U L r L r um l;>vtiuLri, SAiunurtl i u u u . \ i . < o , i u . u i ^ » » ^u, tmni Radnor's Cinderella Team Faces Farrell for State Title Raider aficionados, expected the 66 55, in 1951, in the Steelers' first portedly weak.there. So with the 540 points in 30 games, and Paul scoring runnerup (371) 1 who By BILL HALL Raiders' slight height advantage Kudelko, another playmaker and weighs 200 and stands 6 .'i : and Cinderella finally had her in Maroon and White to get where if crack at the title during McClus- and a planned full-court press set shot ace. With them will be 6-1 Bill Allord, the big reboundis. Only thing to be said is that it key's tenure, which began in 1948. nings, and so has Radnor High will be a good scrap, perhaps the Farrell's lone appearance before i "to slow down'' Farrell, it ^11 American and All^State foot- er. Brian is a senior, while Al School's basketballers. bailer Brian (ieneralov ich, the lord is a junior should be a close game Looked upon as the Cinderella tossup Farrell pilot Ed Mc then came in 194b and resulted in a 29-28 loss to Lower Merion. the Dwyer. whose charges lost five of area Class A PIAA com- Cluskey declared it would be. petition for most of the season, But the Suburban League, Sec only other team to win four titles only to Haverford. 57-38, in the second tilt ot the season, will go coach Ellis Dwyer's current crop tion 3 winner, 12-0 in the leagued 1933-41-42-43). while taking 24 straight, will! This year the Steelers of the again with 6-1 Lodge, the tone has done something no o t h e r know it's been in a game. FonWPIAL's Section 3 won all 12 senior and scoring ace, who bag Raider team could do. Radnor has reached the State final and the Steelers, in the past 10 sea- loop contests and are 29-1 over- ged 25 points against York; 6 3 now stands a good chance to don sons, have almost become the ( all, the loss a 46-45 preseason sophomore Don Cahert, a good synonym for champions. 'tilt with Spnngdale, but one |rebounder, 6-0 Lou Benn, anthe crown. Since 1951, Farrell has won;avenged in the District 7 playoffs other soph and defense keystone, The Raiders, paced by a suand 5 10 Don Blackwell and 6-0 four State crowns and is makby a 65-45 count, perb Charley Lodge, shaded ^ York, 59-57, at Hershey Wednes- ing its sixth appearance. Thej Of the Radnor test, McCluskey John Simpson, both juniors and day to gain their high estate as victories were recorded against'disagrees with Dwyer, who said the inside and outside jump shot The Eastern kingpin. And now they Coatesville, 63-55 (195^); Chester, Friday he didn't think the Raid- specialists, respectively. sixth man. who spells Simpson, 58 52 (1954); Palmerton, 57-45*ers had much of a chance. Mcface defending State titlist Farrell in the televised (WF1L-TV, (1956), and Chestejpr 77-66, last Cluskey declared, "I think it will is Cene Lpps, a steady 5-11 Ch. 6) big one Saturday .night at year, when, afto/clipper fans be a tossup, but I do think the junior. Blended Whiskey • 86 Proof • 70% straight whiskey 5 years old • 30% Harrisburg's Farm Show Arena, beat an upstate b/fly following the team controlling the boards will McCluskey has three 5-9 startgame, Chester drew an all- win." ers, all seniors, in playmaker starting at 7:30. grain neutral spirits • Trainer Liquor Corporation, Phi a., Pa Radnor has excelled in that Lou Mastrian; shooting star WilNo one can predict the out- sports ban lor a year. come, but then *no one, except The defeat was by Allentown, department, while Farrell is re- lard Somerset, who has canned BASKETBALL CHAMPS TRY TRAINER j0 &tf vv \\£ Swimmers Set Abel Paces Oklahoma Four U. S. MarksTo Lead on NCAA Mat MfcHendler Sports Results Continued From 1st Sports Page CLASS l CHAMPIONSHIP 84 t ommodore Perry 75 COLLEGE PARK. Md.. March 25 (APi—Oklahoma's 130- West Rradinc EStIT TOl RNAMKNT Se mi-Final ppund defending champ, Stan Abel, and his three heaviest I r r n i i . i i ( atholir 73 lovt.l St. P t l f t ' i (Jeraer city) 72 mates scrapped their way into the finals of the National ColFATHER JUDGE PAROCHIAL legiate Athletic Association TOIRNEV wrestling tournament Friday R V M il SemifinalsSt. Matthew < 24 DALLAS, March 25 ( A P I Resurrection jl for a commanding team lead. St. Martin s 4f> Records fell like autumn leaves The Sooners had 47 points after in the NCAA swimming and Independent the semifinals and their four idiving championships Friday BASKETBALL J night, three beating everything finalists could pick up three Northeast Bovs Club ;in the books. Southern Calimore each Saturday by winning. Rndesburc Branch Intermediate Semifinals fornia shot into the lead in the Oakie 76 Royals 63 DEFENDING TEAM 4TII I fight for the team championship Frankford Branch Midcet Division Semifinals Iowa State was in second place jwith 49 points. St. Joan of Arc 35 N'.E. Dukes 33 with 29 points and a pair of Biddy Leafue Quarter-Finals Mike Troy, of I n d i a n a ; Bears 26 Eagles 23 finalists. Wyoming was next at Hanks |Charley Bittick, Southern Cali33 Tigers 31 28 and Oklahoma State, the deMANN RECREATION LEAGUE fornia, and Thomas Peterson, Intermediate Finals fending champion, could muster A J. Shopa |Stanford, led the record assault 86 V Phila. Jets 48 (A. J. Snopa leads best-of-thrre aeries, only 26. as the meet passed the half-way 1-0) In addition to three points at Junior Finals point. 77 Hannabal AC 54 stake in each of the finals, win- A. J. i Shopa Nine finals have been held and Best-of-threr series even. 1-1 > DEPT OF RECREATION LEAGUE ners of the final consolations there have been four NCAA, G)!d Medal Tourney Saturday night will earn f o u r Cherry Tree 100 American and meet records, Minneapolis-Honeywell 76 points and losers two. three met records and one NCAA EXHIBITION Harlem Romedv Kids 104 Abel and his "big three'' coland meet record. The only reaPhila. College Seniors 71 leagues spurted ahead in the 30th son there is no record in the ninth annual tournament by winning event — 1-mete diving — is that New hnsco Coacf twice Friday. Abel went into the there is none recognized in this one. Sam Hall, Ohio State, won finals with a 9-4 decision over! SAN FRANCISCO, March 25 it with 510.35 points. Ramon West, of Rochester Insti-(UPI).—Pete Peletta, 32, MonTroy did the 200-yard butterfly tute of Technology. College coach t e r e y Permlsula in 1;57.8, Bittick sped the 200 TWO LATE POINTS was named head basketball backstroke in 2:00.1 and PeterDale Lewis, Oklahoma's heavy'coach at University of San Franson swam the 100 breaststroke in lf weight, followed by the skin ! Cisco Friday, succeeding Ross 1:03.1 to set new NCAA, Amerihis teeth, scoring two late pointsJGiudice, who resigned. resigned. After can and meet records. for a 3-1 decision over Royjgraduating f r o m Sacramento Another record that swept the Bruce Lundy, of the VesWeber, Northwestern. L e w i s l State P e l e t t a c o a c h e d in h i g h boards was the 2:03.2 by Lance Larson, of Southern California, per Club, is all smiles after took Weber to the mat for two s c n o o l s u n t i l g e t t i n g t h e M o n . in the 200 individual Thursday his 2:08.7 clocking in the points with only 10 seconds left in terey post 220-yard freestyle set a new their deadlocked overtime tussle. night. George Goodner, Oklahoma's The night's session wound up record in the Middle AtlanJl91-pounder, and Dave Campbell, with a new meet record in the tic AAU swimming meet. jits 177 star, advanced to the 400 freestyle relay by Southern 'finals with easy point decisions. California, with Larson swimDave Auble, 23, of Cornell, ming a great lap. The West stuck along with Abel as the Coast boys were timed in 3:18.5. only seekers of repeat collegiate It was this triumph that put titles by outscoring Jim Bledsoe, Southern California ahead in the of Southern Illinois, 12-4, in the team race. The Trojans were 10 semi-finals. points ahead of favorite MichiSEMI-FINALS gan, which had 39. Indiana was 115 POUNDS-Dlckson Wilson. Toledo, third with 35 and Harvard fourth decisioned Mitt Taroura, Oregon State, 17-year-Old 5-2; Elliott Simons. Lock Haven, deciBruce Lundy, with 27. sioned Dennis Friedericha, Iowa State, senior f r o m Northeast High 5-3. In NCAA Events CAMDEN HIGH Winner of the New Jersey State title vs BISHOP LOUGHLIN HIGH One of New York's top school-boy fives 1 pm todoy ^vC-^^j*>'«'.'->•--'•• .vy^,-.-^-.-, -., . . ^ ^ . ^ p ^ ! ntnp- x.-.^^.-^w.^tw -• ^-r^-iW''- -ypv™ CHAMPIONSHIP (r '.•-*•%•' •• • " •-•-•<?¥.••• BASKETBALL GOODYEAR Distributor PICK-A-PAIR TIRE SALE 2*"1 BUY 1-GET 2 SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS ALL NEW-NO RECAPS Q u a n t i t i e s Limited White Walls—Black Tubeless T u b e Type 4 P l y — 6 Ply MONEY DOWN—52 WEEKS TO PAY Plustaxand recappable cosing SAVEWAY STATION 18th & HUNTING PARK Save on tires a t both locations Open Mon., Wed. & Friday Nights—6th Street Only Lundy Standout In AAU Swim Radnor High and Farrell High shoot for the State Championship „ , . , , . , I 123—Dave Auble. Cornell, decisioned c h o o l , SCOred V i c t o r i e s i n t h e James Bledsoe, Southern Illinois; 12-4: Stauffers Score Ssenior Massaki Hatti, Oklahoma State, deci division 220 freestyle and sioned David Camsoine, Ohio State, 11-11 and (overtime). 400-yard individual medley in 130—«-5Stanley Abel, Oklahoma, decisionIn Squash Doubles the first day of the Middle At- edLauchie, Ramon West, R.T.T., *-4; Larry Pittsburgh, decisioned Norman lantic AAU swimming and diving Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stauffer championships Friday at Penn's scored in straight games in Hutchinson Pool. reaching the quarter-final round Lundy's 2:08.7 shattered the of the Pennsylvania State squash 12-year mark of 2.11.2 held by racquets doubles championship o ly 'n^p* ia nT 0 e Verdeur" to ^ t a b Friday night at P h i l a d e l p h i a ; ^ a n e w d i s t r i c t a n d r e s i d e n t Cricket Club. Amory King a n d ; s t a n d a r d f o r t n e f r e e s t y ie, Mrs. Frank Pilling rallied to win His time also eclipsed the in five games. 'senior mark of 2:12.0 set by Gay FIRST ROUND - George Miller and Mr». Carl Helmetag, Phila. Cricket, del. Hopkins of Vesper in 1957. MinJack Bremble and Lee Erdtmann, Ger- ;utes later Lundy capped the mantown Cricket, U S , 15-10, 15-11. 13-15 15-11: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hayden, Phila night by churning to a 4:46.8 vicCricket, del. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Reed tory in the 400-yard individual Germantown Cricket. 15-13, 15-12. 15-13 I SECOND ROUND-Mr. and Mrs £ £ medley. than Stauffer. Merion Cricket, del. Don ; Houston, Wilmington, and Tracy John i son, Merion Cricked, 15-5. 15-8. 15-9; Amory Kin* and Mrs. Frank Pilling. Phila. Cricket, def. Ted Campbell. Germantown Cricket, and Betty Woll. Cynwyd. 12-15, 15-11. 11-15. 15-12. 15-12. Charter, Bar+ram Romp in Baseball Young. Michigan State, 4-0. 137—Les Anderson, Iowa State, decisioned Mike Leta, Rutgers. 3-1; Lester Austin. Syracuse, decisioned Guy Guccione, Penn State, 4-4 and 4-1 (overtime). 147—Larry Hayes, Iowa State, decisioned Dominie Fatta, Purdue. 3-0; Jerry Frude, Wyoming, decisioned Ralph Clark, Lock Haven, f-4. 157—Art Kraft, Northwestern, decisioned Autry Ehler. Portland State. 6-5; Braden Turner. Lehigh, decisioned Palmer Marshall, Purdue, 6-4 167-Ronnie Clinton, Oklhoma State, decisioned Dennis Fitzzgerald, Michigan U.. 7-4; Dick Ballinger, Wyoming, decisioned Gary Wilson, Colorado State College, 2-0 (overtime). 177-Hoy ConPad, Northern Illinois, pinned George Ihnat. Indiana U.. 2:24: Dave Campbell, Oklahoma U., decisioned Al Rushatz, Army. 15 3. l»l—George Goodner, Oklahoma U V e s p e r B o a t C l u b , C o a c h e d b y . decisioned Paul Eckley. Waynesburg. Ithaca, decisioned «, V, „ ,, , . . . . ' 11-5; Jack Stanbro, Iths Mary Kelley, led in the Gordon Trapp Iowa,-7-2. HEAVYWEIGHT Sherwln Thorsen. (,,., m Freeman standings by capturing Iowa U„ decisioned John Baum. Michi-1 gah State. 3-1; Dale Lewis. Oklahoma,: seven firsts in individual compe- decisioned Roy Weber, Norther, 3-1' tition and one first place in the (overtime). SCHAEFER BEER PRESENTS THOROUGHBREDS FROM AQUEDUCT 4:30-5 TODAY WCAU-TVCh.10 THl f t M SCHMFE* SKEWING CO . NEW YOSK nt AllANY relay events. JUNIOR WOMEN'S 100 FREESTYLE —i. Ginny Jackson, Suburban Swim; Club; 2, Linda Ferguson, Vesper Boat Club; 3. Janet Auspos, Wilmington, Aquatic. 1:03.*. (Mis* Jackson set meet D . « * « — record of 1.03.5 in qualifying heats: old Penn Charter and H a r t r a m record. 1:04.5. set by Dot Forbse. CamY. 1935 > scored easy victories Friday to denSENIOR WOMEN'S 200 FREESTYLE open the city's high school base- —I, Dtedre Rhoads, Vesper; 2. Linda Lewis, Vesper; J< Barbara Bartleson. ball season. Wilmington Aquatic. 2:50.8. (Meet recold record of 2:56.5 set by Miss Merrill Ambler collected three ord; Rhoads in 195f.) JUNIOR MEN'S 100 FREESTYLE-1, hits and knocked in three runs Ron Theiss, Germantown Y; 2. Jim Mowhile pitching a one hitter to give Fadden. Suburban SCi 3, Al Hogg. MainY. 0=556 Penn Charter a 10-0 win over line SENIOR MEN'S 220 FREESTYLE-I. Bruce Lundy. Vesper; 2- Bruce Trainor, Germantown High. ,Vesper; 3. Peter Freis, Vesper. 2:087 B a r t r a m d o u b l e d W e s t CathO- (New district resident record: old reel s - ft t .„itu a i n~.u;- . : . i , ; . . . . . J o r d of 2:11.2 set by Joe Verdeur in 194*. llC, 9 - 1 , With A l GoIdlS p i c k i n g u p n e w M t 1 | 0 r Middle AAU record; old rcr th<> n w h i l e sMiMsiiuii, m a s h i n g omil u t tmhir ei ei o r Sd E°* 2:12.0 set by Gay Hopkins in 1957.1 mi w w ii n «.nu« WOMEN'S 250 BREAST NIOR STROKE-1, Barbara Chesneau, Vesper; singles and a double 2. Flo Vogan. Vesper; 3. Marie Amato, Vesper. 3 328. SENIOR MENS 220 BREASTSTROKE —Ii Richard Lobs. Suburban; 2. John Netherv, unattached; 3. Don Gallagher. Keystone Swim Club. 2:56.6. JUNIOR WOMEN'S 100 BACKSTROKE - 1 , Mary Ann Williams. Ablngton Y; 2. Susan Lieder, Vesper: 3- Mary Meek-.. T QT record; old 3 1 , *ATTf:i A U u t ^<5TTMF llllL, F F li aa . , jMarr-h n * u t l l unattached. , w o r ( | „( j . j1:12.9. j j ^(Meet bf M „ , y Herkel, 25 ( A P ) . — E g O n Q u i t t n e r , o f Phil-;Lancaster Swim Association, in 1941' " , , v . £ I J v i! o „ - ^ nr SENIOR WOMEN'S 110 BACKSTROKE a d C l p h i a S O l d Y o r k KOad L L j - 1 , Lynn Hopkins. Vesper; 2. Nina Har anrl n r e e i H o n t nt t h » A m e r i r n n mar. Vesper; 3, Barbara Grady, Vesper IT'S SO EASY TO WIN A NEW COMET FIRST OF THE COMPACT CARS WITH PINE-CAR STYLING AND PRICED WITH OR BELOW OTHER COMPACT CARS Quittner, Brown In Seniors Final ana president, or ine American,, :05s (Me#t rfCOrA., 0 | d record of i;07.i Seniors* Golf Association, upset ••« by *"** Hopkins in 1959 > F „ „ . „ , . ' .1 JUNIOR MEN'S 100 BACKSTROKEfavored M a l l i e R e y n o l d s , a n d J. Lanny Reppert. unattached; 2. Earle moved into the finals of the A.-:«&&"•• T r S ^ m v e ^ U , [' sociation's annual tournament*;>»>*£ record; ojd record ofJM» «¥b» f 41st ANNUAL PeieA.A* STATE CHAMPIONSHIP _ , . (Frank Harter. North Branch Y, in 1941 I Friday. | SENIOR MEN'S 100 BACKSTROKE- He will meet J. Walcott Brown,'&*£,. B US n ,Ur U A < 5St^ T$£ Seagirt, N. J., in tht: 18-hole final>»Sffl 6 H ™* k l$\ l t BUTTKRFLY Pat Ikeda. 2:24.4Saturday. Brown defeated Frank 1Trainor. - . SusanVesper; btmt 3.vt«per; 2. Barbara (District and resident record; oW record M b M I>0 f Ross. Both semifinal victories were °* ^ --l "!i, * J»* «I "J l *-,*»d senior Middle AAU record of 2:35.7 b* by 4 and 3 scores. Susan Sangter in 1959. > Phila. Teams Out Of Court Tennis 5 0 C O M E T S G I V E N AWAY F R E E ! SENIOR MEN'S 200 BUTTERFLY-1. Richard Fogel. York Y; 2- Leo Rota, Vesper. 3, George Bird. Germantown Y, 2:32.3JUNIOR WOMEN'S 200 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY-1. Helen Meeks, unattached; 2, Linda Ferguson. Vesper; J, Marita Gavaghan. Keystone Swim Club. 2:37.3. SENIOR WOMEN'S 400 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY-1. Susan Doerr. Vesper; 2. Nina Harmer, Vesper; 1, Lynn Soangler. Vesper. 5:20.1. . JUNIOR MENS 200 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY-1. Eric Snyder, unattached; NOTHING TO DO! NOTHING TO WRITE! JUST ASK YOUR MERCURY-COMET DEALER FOR FREE ENTRY BLANK MARCH 17 THROUGH MARCH 31 ^ to„^_ The two Philadelphia Racquet Club teams were beaten in Friday's semi-final round matches of the U. S. court tenuis R u b l e s [ ^ n ^ n ^ * Y S u 2 b , ^ b * n ; J> c l M r t mitachampionship at the New York' SENIOR MENS 400 INDIVIDUAL *> _ J iss ^ iMEDLEY—1. Lundy. Vesner, 2, Racquet and Tennis nt Club. Ronnie Wirth. Bruce unattached U h 4 SnyWilliam L. aVn Aten and Hast-; w"c) ME,vs THR EE METERi. Tom DIVINGMarlon Park. Veaper; 2. Lynn Gass ings Griffin, former titleholders, 1.Vesper; 3, Pam ( assella, Vesper 311.20. yielded to the Knox brothers, WOMENS SENIOR 400 FREESTYLE RELAV-1, Vesper ( (Grady, Wachel Northrup and Seymour, Buffalo, man, Lewis. Hopkins): 2. Vesper Aj Suburban Swim Club 4:12? (Meet N. Y., 63. <M, *-l William I. 3.record: old record of 4 12 7 set by VeaForbes and George deB. Beil lost r V M T ' A *%*?.%&, rEmo^Sfci1;' Martin, New York, M , 6-2, 4-0. f ^ r m * " t o * B V l *' Sobyrb "» °^ COMET IS NOW AT YOUR MERCURY-COMET DEALER'S SEE YOUR LOCAL COMET DEALER Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com i^^ii^iMiMii
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