North Eastern Police Academy /mRrj iwohZ; iqfyl vdkneh Government of India /Hkkjr ljdkj Ministry of Home Affairs /X`kg ea=ky; Umsaw/melko] Meghalaya /es?kky;] 793 123 TELE-FAX: 0364-2572028/2572027/2572038 Email: [email protected] Website: NO.NEPA/FSL/LABORATORY FURNITURE /2014/ Dated August, 2014. To, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: -Limited Tender Enquiry for Laboratory Furniture-Regarding Sir, North Eastern Police Academy intends to procure Laboratory Furniture for its Forensic Science Laboratory. A copy of NIT No. NEPA/FSL/LABORATORY FURNITURE /2014/6405 dated 05th August, 2014 and drawing of Forensic Science Laboratory of NEPA are enclosed herewith. Kindly send the proposed drawing along with your quotation. Enclosures: 1. A copy of NIT 2. A copy of drawing of laboratory -Sd/Anil Kumar (Jt. Director) North Eastern Police Academy /mRrj iwohZ; iqfyl vdkneh Government of India /Hkkjr ljdkj Ministry of Home Affairs /X`kg ea=ky; Umsaw/melko] Meghalaya /es?kky;] 793 123 TELE-FAX: 0364-2572028/2572027/2572038 Email: [email protected] Website: NO.NEPA/FSL/LABORATORY FURNITURE /2014/6405 Dated 5thAugust, 2014. The North Eastern Police Academy (NEPA) Umsaw, Meghalaya invites sealed LIMITED TENDERS from manufacturers/(OEM)/Indian Subsidiaries /Direct Importers/ Authorised Dealers for supply, installation and commissioning of laboratory furniture in the Forensic Science Laboratory of NEPA under following terms and conditions:BRIEF DETAIL OF THE WORK AND IMPORTANT DATES Name of work:- Supply, installation and Commissioning of Laboratory Furniture in the Forensic Science Laboratory of the North Eastern Police Academy, Umsaw, Meghalaya Earnest Money deposit Rs. 50,000/Date of issue of tender paper 11/08/2014 Last Date & time for 01/09/2014 by 1500 hrs. Submission Date & time for Opening 01/09/2014 at 1600 hrs. Time of Completion of work 45 (forty five) days from the date of purchase order TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Eligibility Criteria:- The following are the pre-requisite to take part in given tender:A. Place of Business in India: -Registered Manufacturers / OEM/ Indian Subsidiaries / Direct Importers/Authorised Dealer of Manufacturer of Laboratory Furniture and having a place of Business in any of the State/UT of India are eligible to participate in this tender. B. Past Experience and Financial Capability: -The bidding firm should have completed satisfactorily at least one similar work of value not less than 25.00(Twenty Five) lakhs against single work order or two to three works whose together value not less than 25.00 (Twenty Five) lakhs during last three years in Government/Semi Government/ /Autonomous body/Public Sector Undertaking/Reputed Organization. C. Technical Capability: -The tenderer should possess ISO 9001:2008 certificate and/or SEFA membership certificate. 2. Date and Time of Closing and Opening of Tender: - The tender should be sent by registered or speed post or dropped in the tender box kept in this office (address given below) on or before 01/09/2014 at 1500 hrs. This will be opened at 1600 hrs on 01/09/2014 by a board of officers, in front of the bidders who wish to be present. No tender received after the due date and time shall be considered in any case. In case of holiday or unscheduled holiday or any other unforeseen contingency, occurs on the prescribed tender closing/opening date the next working day shall be the prescribed date of closing/opening. Tender sent by fax or email is void. 3. Address for Communication:-The bids should be reached to following address:Office of the Director, North Eastern Police Academy (NEPA) Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India Umsaw, Umiam, Ri-Bhoi District Meghalaya,-793123 Note: -The sealed envelope should clearly mention “Quotation for supply, installation and commissioning of Laboratory Furniture for Forensic Science Laboratory of NEPA” along with date of opening of tender, else quotation will not be accepted 4. Rates: Prices quoted shall be in Indian Rupee and F.O.R. NEPA, Meghalaya. The price quoted must be inclusive of all taxes/duties, packing charges, freight charges, transit insurance charges, loading and installation charges. Meghalaya Government Entry Tax/Octroi shall be Paid or Exemption Certificate shall be arranged or by NEPA, wherever required and not by the successful bidder. Bidders shall indicate their rates in clear/visible figures as well as in words and shall not alter/overwrite/make cutting in the bids. However, if any correction is made in quoted price then signature of authorised signatory with date and stamp of firm are essential near such place. In case of a mismatch between the rates in figure and in words, the rates written in words will prevail and binding on both purchaser and supplier. Notes:I. II. III. The firms participating in tender kindly note that basic price exclusive of taxes of each required item shall be quoted. Basic prices should be quoted consolidated (total cost) for each required item and not for each component. The taxes/duties and other charges as applicable, shall be shown separately. 5. Validity of Bid: -Quoted rates must be firm and valid for 120 days from the date of opening. 6. Literature (Catalogue/Brochure):- All the quotations must be supported by the printed technical literature i.e. catalogues / brochure. The model and specifications quoted should invariably be highlighted in the literature for easy future reference. 7. Warranty: The price quoted shall cover a minimum of one year warranty in all the components. The offered warranty includes visit by the authorised personnel of the successful firm to NEPA at least one time at the cost of firm as part of preventive maintenance during the period of warranty. 8. Delivery: A. Time Limit: Maximum within 45(forty-five) days from the date of issue of purchase order. B. Safe Delivery: All aspects of safe delivery shall be the exclusive responsibility of the bidder. The delivery of entire items should be in full and not in parts. At the destination site (NEPA) the package will be opened only in the presence of NEPA representative and vendor's representative. However, if vendor wishes the unloading of material may be done at NEPA in absence of vendor’s representative but in that case package will not be opened. C. Transit Insurance: The supplier is to establish ‘All Risk Transit Insurance’ coverage till door delivery at NEPA, Meghalaya. 9. Payment: The 100% payment will be made only after the delivery of the items in good and serviceable condition, their installation, testing and satisfactory performance. 10. BID Security (Earnest Money Deposit):- The Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) of Rs. 50,000/shall be submitted in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, North Eastern Police Academy (NEPA), Umsaw, Meghalaya for which no interest will be payable. Any bid which is not accompanied with an EMD shall not be accepted and treated as nonresponsive bid. A. B. C. Exemption from submission of EMD: I. Firms registered under Central Purchase Organisation (DGS&D) and National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) will be exempted from submitting EMD. II. In case of firms registered under NSIC, exemption will be given to the permissible extent, as indicated in their Certificate. III. All vendors claiming exemption must submit copies of their valid DGS&D/NSIC registration Certificate along with their bid else their bids shall be summarily rejected. Return of EMD: - The EMD of un-successful bidders shall be returned within 30 days of opening of tender whereas EMD of the successful bidder will be released on submission of the Performance Security as described herein under. Forfeiture of EMD: -EMD will be forfeited if, tenderer withdraws his tender or impairs or derogates from the tenderer in any respect within the period of validity of tender or if the successful bidder fails to furnish performance security after issuance of Letter of Intent/Purchase Order. 11. Performance Security: -The successful bidder irrespective of its registration status with DGS&D/NSIC shall furnish an unconditional Performance Security in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee for which no interest will be payable valid till 60 days beyond the warranty period issued from any scheduled Bank of India in favour of Director, North Eastern Police Academy, Umsaw, Meghalaya for a value equivalent to 5% of the Order value within 21 days of placement of order, failing which the award of tender shall be deemed as terminated. The Bank Guarantee should be in given format at Annexure III.The Performance security ensure that, A. The bidder guarantees satisfactory operation of the furniture supplied against poor workmanship, bad quality of materials used, faulty designs or any other manufacturing defect and performance. B. The bidder shall at his own cost rectify the defects/replace the items supplied, for defects identified during the period of warrantee/guarantee. C. The performance security shall be operative from the date of commissioning of the items in the Institute till 60 days after the warranty period. 12. Power of Director, NEPA for this Tender: - The acceptance of the quotation will rest solely with the Director, NEPA, Meghalaya, who in the interest of the Institute is not bound to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to reject or partially accept any or all the quotations received without assigning any reasons thereof. The Director, NEPA will act as arbitrator for any disputes arising out of this and his decision will be final and binding. However, if demanded by bidder an independent arbitrator agreed to both parties can be appointed by the Director, NEPA.If through arbitrator matter is not resolved then it may be decided through applicable Indian law at court of jurisdiction in Meghalaya. 13. Failure To Supply Item:-The successful firm, if don’t supply the items or fail to supply within 45 days from placing of supply order will not have any claim and the supply order will be cancelled and the supply order may be awarded to any other firm. Further, their earnest money will also stand forfeited. 14. Enquiry during the course of evaluation not allowed: No enquiry shall be made by the bidder(s) during the course of evaluation of the tender till final decision is conveyed to the successful bidder(s). However, the Purchase Committee or its authorized representative of the NEPA can make any enquiry/seek clarification from the bidder(s). In such a situation, the firm(s) shall extend full co-operation. 15. Pre-delivery inspection (PDI): The Tender Inviting Authority may also resort to Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) at the suppliers’ site, if needed. The travel cost of NEPA official shall be borne by NEPA. 16. Documents to be enclosed with quotation:- The bid should contain the following:I. Earnest Money as described in the tender. II. Copy of Registration Certificate of firm as manufacturer/ (OEM) of Laboratory Furniture or dealership/authorization certificate from manufacturer III. Copy of Income Tax Clearance Certificate IV. Copy of Sales Tax Clearance Certificate V. Copy of VAT/CST Registration VI. Copy of PAN Card of the Firm/Owner VII. Copy of TIN of the Firm VIII. Copy of ISO Certification IX. Copy of Trade License or Equivalent X. XI. XII. Quality Certificate: Valid certificate from the bidder mentioning therein that the products are genuine and as per the technical specifications given at Annexure-I in the tender must be enclosed. Compliance Certificate:- Duly filled and signed Compliance Certificate as per format at Annexure-II List of valued customer along with copies of supply order of similar items for past three years along with performance certificate from the clients. 17. Important for Bidder(s):-The tender shall contain no interlineations, erasers or overwriting particularly at the quoted price, except as necessary to correct the errors made by the tenderer in which case such corrections shall be signed with date by the person(s) signing the offer along with stamp of the firm, else the quotation will be rejected. The intended firms may visit the site before submission of tender or successful bidder may visit before installation. All pages of quotations, catalogue/brochures, certificates, copies of required documents must be signed by authorised signatory along with seal of bidding firm. Kindly not that partial bidding is not permitted. Firms that can supply all the items as per specifications should only apply. To the extent possible, all the items (island benches and wall bench) will be procured only from one firm so that uniformity in the laboratory may be maintained. 18. Force Majeure: If the performance of the obligation of either party is rendered commercially impossible by any of the events hereafter mentioned that party shall be under no obligation to perform the agreement under order after giving notice of 15 days from the date of such an event in writing to the other party, and the events referred to are as follows: I. any law, statute or ordinance, order action or regulations of the Government of India, II. Any kind of natural disaster, and III. Strikes acts of the Public enemy, war, insurrections, riots, lockouts, sabotage -Sd/(D.R. Doley Barman, IPS) Director ANNEXURE-I SPECIFICATION OF LABORATORY FURNITURE: ISLAND TABLE/BENCH (DOUBLE ANALYTICAL) Sl. No. 1. i ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ISLAND TABLE/BENCH (DOUBLE ANALYTICAL) FOR STANDING POSTURE:- 02 NOS. Size:- mm 9900(L) X 1500 mm (W) X 850/900mm (H) Construction material: -It should be 1.00 to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. or G.I. Sheet processed with minimum 08 tanks pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating. Colour- Ivory and Blue colour combination or any other standard colour or colour combination followed by manufacturer. Note: - The desired overall dimension may vary 5% with respect to length and + 2 % for height. Island table/bench should consist of following items:Bench Top: - Jet Black Granite top of 18 (+/-) 2 mm thickness covering entire dimension of the island table/bench having top and front side mirror finish moulding at the front and groove at the bottom to avoid chemical slippage on the Storage Cabinets. The granite top should cover all UBSMs and Sink units. Reagent Racks: - Two tiers reagent racks with end cover panels, made up of 1 to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. /G.I. Sheet processed with minimum 08 tanks pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating having provisions for switches and sockets. The shelves should have 3 mm friction glass fixing on top. Dimensions: - 1000 mm (L) X 300 mm (W).06 - Nos. Storage Cabinet (Under Bench Storage Module):- It should be completely made up of 1.0 to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. or G.I. Sheets processed with 08 to 12 tank pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating. The shutter and drawer fronts are of double skin and sandwich construction filled with sound-deadening material. Shutters should have provision for adjustment of shelves. Drawers and Shutter both should have lock arrangements. Telescopic Drawer slide. The operation of drawer and shutters should be sound free. Hinges used to mount shutters to modules should be branded and of best quality .Locks should be of Godrej/Branded make. Types and Quantity of UBSM:(i) Length- 750 mm or 30 inches= 08 Nos.( 1D/2S) (ii) Length- 900 mm or 36 inches = 08 Nos. ( 1D/2S) (iii) Length- 450 mm or 18 inches = 04 Nos .( 1D/1S) Sink unit: - It should be completely made up of 1.0 mm to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. or G.I. sheets processed with 08 to 12 tanks pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating. (i) Size: - 750 mm (L) X1500mm (W):- Total02 nos., with two shutters, to be mounted at two ends of island bench. (Note: -Other suitable dimension or arrangements, followed by manufacturer may be considered, for sink units for two ends) (ii) Size- 900mm (L) with two shutters, to be mounted at middle opposite to each other -02 nos. Table (Module) Frame: - Pedestal/Flexible Frame Assembly (PFA/FFA) of 30mm X 30mm made up of ERWMS rectangular tubes, finished with epoxy powder coating. It should be in required quantity and dimensions for the entire bench/all UBSMs and Sink modules of island table/bench. Note: - Any alternate to PFA/FFA (frame), followed by manufacturer may also be considered. Poly Propylene (P.P. Sink): -Poly propylene sink dimensions: -550 mm (L) X 350 mm (W) X250mm (H). Total 04 Nos. Note: -Alternate standard dimensions of PP sink may also be considered. Water Tap: - Three way water tap. Total 04 Nos. End Cover Panels of requisite dimension and numbers Granite Top for Sink Module of requisite dimension and numbers Electrical Ducting/Cabling: - Both side, covering entire length of table/bench will be provided by firm. Electric Socket: -Each reagent rack should be fitted both side with 04 Nos electric socket of 5/15 or 6/16 amps with indicator of North West/Branded make and MCB switch.Total-24 Nos. Hardware Fittings: - All hardware fittings such as hinges, handle, screws, etc should be durable and of branded company. Locks: - Godrej/Branded. CONTD.:- ANNEXURE-I SPECIFICATION OF LABORATORY FURNITURE: WALL TABLE/BENCH Sl. No. 2. i ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM : WALL TABLE/BENCH FOR STANDING POSTURE: - 01 NO. Size:- mm 9900(L) X 750 mm (W) X 850/900mm (H) Construction material: - It should be 1.00 to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. or G.I. Sheet processed with minimum 08tanks pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating. Colour- Ivory and Blue colour combination or any other standard colour or colour combination followed by manufacturer. Note: - The desired overall dimension may vary + 5 % with respect to length and + 2 % for height. Wall table/bench should consist of following items:Bench Top: - Jet Black Granite top of 18 (+/-) 2 mm thickness covering entire dimension of the wall table/ bench having top and front side mirror finish moulding at the front and groove at the bottom to avoid chemical slippage on the Storage Cabinets. The granite top should cover all UBSMs and Sink units. Storage Cabinet (Under Bench Storage Module):- It should be completely made up of 1.0 to 1.2 mm C.R.C.A. or G.I. Sheets processed with minimum 08 tanks pre-treatment and finished with corrosion resistant epoxy powder coating. The shutter and drawer fronts are of double skin and sandwich construction filled with sound-deadening material. Shutters should have provision for adjustment of shelves. Drawers and Shutter both should have lock arrangements. Telescopic Drawer slide. The operation of drawer and shutters should be sound free. Hinges used to mount shutters to modules should be branded and of best quality. Locks should be of Godrej/Branded make. Types and Quantity of UBSM:(i) Length- 750 mm or 30 inches = 03 Nos. ( 1D/2S) (ii) Length- 450 mm or 18 inches = 02 Nos. ( 1D/1S) (iii) Length- 450 mm or 18 inches = 02 Nos. ( 4D) (iv) Length- 600 mm or 24 inches = 03 Nos. (1D/1S) (v) Length- 600 mm or 24 inches = 03 Nos. ( 2S) Note: -If particular type(s) of UBSM (D or S or D/S combination) with respect to above given length(s) is/are not followed by a manufacturer, then available option in similar length(s) may be quoted and considered. Table (Module) Frame: - Pedestal/Flexible Frame Assembly (PFA/FFA) of 30mm X 30mm made up of ERWMS rectangular tubes, finished with epoxy powder coating. It should be in required quantity and dimension for the entire bench/all UBSMs of wall table/bench. Note: -Any alternate to PFA/FFA (frame), followed by manufacturer may also be considered. Leg Space with Foot rest and back panel :- 750 mm-03 nos. End Cover Panels of requisite dimension and numbers Granite Top for Sink Module of requisite dimension and numbers Electrical Ducting/Cabling: - Covering entire length of table/bench will be provided by firm. Electric Socket: -Electric socket of 5/15 or 6/16 amps with indicator of North West/Branded make and MCB switch. Total-12 Nos. Hardware Fittings: - All hardware fittings such as hinges, handle, screws, etc should be durable and of branded company. Locks: - Godrej/Branded. ANNEXURE -II COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE (A certificate of compliance to the terms & conditions to be enclosed) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Terms and Conditions Yes / No Comments, if any (Use Separate Sheet if Required) Rate quoted as per instruction Validity of quoted rate for 120 days agreed EMD submitted Performance Security term agreed Payment term agreed Delivery term agreed Warranty period term and one preventive maintenance visit term agreed Literature: Printed Literature (Catalogue/Brochure) provided Manufacturer /OEM/Indian Subsidiary / Direct Importer / Dealership/ Authorization/ Certificate Provided ISO Certification and/or SEFA Membership Certificate Provided Quality Certificate Provided Copy of PAN Card Provided Copy of TIN Provided Copy of VAT/CST Registration Provided Copy of Income Tax Clearance Certificate Provided Copy of Sales Tax Clearance Certificate Provided Copy of Trade License or Equivalent Submitted Past Supply Order and Performance Certificate from Clients Provided Signature:…………………………. Firm: M/s…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Official seal of the Firm ANNEXURE-III PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY IN THE FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE To: The Director North Eastern Police Academy Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India, Umsaw, Umiam, Ri-Bhoi District Meghalaya, 793123 WHEREAS ................................................................... (Name of Supplier) here in after called "the Supplier" has undertaken, in pursuance of order No................. dated,........... 2014, to supply, install and commission Laboratory furniture for the Forensic Science Laboratory, North Eastern Police Academy here in after called "the order". AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said order that the Supplier shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the tender/order. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee: THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of ........................................................................... ---(Amount of the Guarantee in Words and Figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier to be in default under the order and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit of ................................ (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the of...................20...... Signature and Seal of Guarantors ................................ ................................ ................................ Date......................20…. Address:........................ ................................ ................................
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