ement 。n R。CkS ( JGS 37ーー-200ー )

Methods for Measuring Convergence and Crown
(2) Convergence meter
Settlement on Rocks ( JCJS 371 1-2001 )
Convergence meter should bc able to read the distance
between 2 points where measurement pins are set with
the accuracy of O.i - 0.0lmm by the steel tape with
l. General Rules
fixed tensile force and vemier or dial gauge.
l.1 Purpose of Measurement
The purpose of this measurement is to measure the
displacement of wall in tunnels and underground caverns.
(3) Thermometer
Thennometer should be able to rneasure temperature
with satisfied acouracy so as to revise measurement
12 Application R,ange
An object for this measurement is for tunnels and
underground caverns excavated in rock
2.2 Crown Settlement Measurement with Level
Measurement pin, reference point and measuring
1.3 Definition ofthe Terms
(1) Convergence is relative displacement between walls in
tunnels and underground cavems.
(2) Crown settlement is vertical direction displacement at
the crown in tumels and underground caverns. Crown
is, herein, defined as the highest point in tunnels and
instruments are used for crown settlement measurement.
(1) Measurement pin
Measurement pins should be fixed to crown to measure
crown settlement and its structure must be attached to
measuring instruments. Measurement pin must be the
configuration which can be fixed definitely on rock at
underground caverns.
(3) Tunnel is an underground structure constructed in the
planned site having a prescribed section size and the
cross section area must be more than 2m2 without
affecting excavating method.
(4) Underground cavern is an underground structure
excavated in rock like underground power station,
underground station, underground storing facility, and
crown to measure crown settlement accurately.
(2) Reference point
Reference point should be the standard of crown
settlement measurement.
(3) Measuring instrument
Measuring" instrument consists of level and tape. It
should be able to read with the accuracy up to I mm.
2.3 Measuring Convergence and Crown Settlement by Total
so on.
Measurement point, reference point and total station are
lncidental articles]
i . The content should be reported if a method which is partly.
used for each measurement by total station
(1) Measurement point
different from this standard is used.
Measurement point is the target which is set to measure
1 .2 Application Range
This standard may be also applied to tunnel and underground
convergence and crown settlement. Measurement point
should have the structure that can be definitely fixed
cavem excavated in soil ground.
on rock in order to measure convergence and crown
settlement accurately.
2. Measuring Instrument
Following instruments should be used as measuring tools.
(2) Reference point
Reference point should be the standard of convergence
2.1 Convergence Measurement with Convergence Meter
Measurement pins, convergence meter and thermometer
are used for convergence measurement.
and crown settlement measurement.
(3) Total Station
Total station is the one in which processes the
(1) Measurement pin
Measurement pins should be fixed to walls to measure
convergence and its structure must be attached to
convergence meter. Measurement pin must be the
configuration which can be fixed definitely on rock to
measure displacement bctween walls accurately.
- 355 -
measuring result of electronic goniometer and
macrometerby microprocessor. Total station whose
mlnimum distance display is under O.1 mm and angle
display is under I " should be used.
[Incidental Articles]
Ins*taliation Part
2 l
(1) Figure-1 shows the example of a measurement pin. A
measurement pin consists of installation part of measuring
Steel 'I'ape
instrument and fixation part in rock Fixation part in rook
should have long enough to fix defmitely in rock.
Figure-3. Example of tape for crown settlement
Fixation part in rock
(Deformed Bar, etc.)
Installation part of
measuring instrument
Pixation part in rock
(Deformed Bar, etc. )
Figure-1 . Example of a measurementpin
(2) Figure-2 shows the example of a convergence meter. The
Figure-4. Example of a measurement point
accuracy of reading gauge should be selected as the
expected convergence amount.
(2) Structure of reference point should bc the same as the one
of measurement point.
Insta]lation Part
Dia] Gauge of Vernier
e 3
3. Measuring Method
Measuring of convergence and crown settlement should
Insta]lation Part
Steel lr'ape
-¥ rind Up Handle
be executed as following procedure.
3_1 Measuring Line Arrangement / Measuring Point
Measuring line arrangement for convergence measurement
should have more than three lines that are horizontal and
Figure-2. Example of a convergence meter
diagonal as general.
Measuring point for crown settlement measurement should
(3) Convergence meter is strongly influenced by the
temperature. Therefore, measuring accurate temperature
be the highest point of underground cavem
32 Initial Value Measurement
Measuring the initial value in earlier time after excavation
and correcting the measuring value from convergence
meter are needed.
is desirable. Measurement should be executed before starting
next excavation at the latest as general.
3_3 Measurement Frequency
one of convergence meter. (See Figure- I .)
Nail and so on is usually used for reference point-
Figure-3 shows the example of tape used for measuring.
displacement speed.
Measurement should be executed until displacement speed
becomes small enough.
3.4 Measurement using Convergence Meter
Frequency of the measurement should be set as
Structure of measurement. pin should be the same as the
(1) Setting up measurement pin
Figure-4 shows the example of a measurement point.
Measurement pins should be fixed on rock.
Measurement point consists of reflection target and
(2) Measurement
fixation part in rock. Fixation part in rock should have
Measurement should be executed to fix both ends of
long enough to fix definitely in rock.
356 *
(2) Figure-7 shows the outline of measurement by
a. Figure-9 shows the outline of measurement by total station.
b. Measuring accuracy is greatly influenced by stain in
convergence meter.
reflection target so that the surface should be cleaned if
cranlp fi);ing steel
Reading the ¥ atue b)
c. Measuring accuracy is greatly influenced by installation
dia: gauge or ¥"ernier
¥, 'leasurernent pjn
Instailaticul part
Jl_ J
position of total station so that the content should be
¥' ieasurement pin
Insta] Iation part
recorded and reported.
d. Measuring accuracy is greatly influenced by the
Stee! tape
environment where is measured so that it is desirable to
measure at the environment such as less dust as possible.
Fixation of instal]ation part to measureme
t pjn
Fixation of installation part to ! 1easurement pjn
Figure-7 Outline of measurement by convergence meter
Meilst rillX l'()illt
(1) Reference point should be checked for its height if
(2) The content should be recorded and reported when
measurement pin is set besides the rock such as support.
1',)t; l
(3) Figure-8 shows the outline of crown settlement
,view l.
l efe ence
measurement by level.
I eference l)oi: t
1easurement pin
l efere]1ce l'oint
Figure-9 Outline ofmeasurement by total station
Reference b} ¥,iel
Organization ofthe Result
Reference b¥ 1'iel¥"
The relationship between its progress time and progress of
Reference point
excavation should be organized for the result of convergenoe
and crown settlement.
Progress of excavation means special mention of changing
Figure-8 Outline of crown settlement measurement by level
support and construction method, which is the change of face
position and the lowering of roadbed. Besides progress of
(1) Reference point should be checked for its coordinates if
excavation, the factor should be recorded and reported when
the displacement speed had made a big change because of
(2) The content should be recorded and reported when
measurement pin is set besides the rock such as support.
Measurement point should be set up according to the
setting up of measurement pin.
earthquake, downpour, and adjacent construction.
convergence meter into the measuring pin; and measure
tlncidental Articlesl
the length between measuring line by using steel tape
3.1 Measuring point and measuring line arrangement for
and vemier or dial gauge with fixed tensile force. Value
convergence and crown settlement is desirable to decide
should be read up to the minimum readable value.
by the condition of ground and accumulaied measurement
Convergence is calculated by the difference between
data. For a large-scale measurement in underground caverr
initial value and measuring value.
it is desirable to decide properly by the cavem scale and
To measure the temperature while measuring
shape. Figure-5 is the example of measuring point and
convergence is needed.
measuring line arrangement.
3.5 Measuring Crown Settlement by Level
3.2 The relationship between the time when initial value is
measured and construction cycle, and time from the
(i) Setting up reference point
Reference point for measuring crown settlement by
completion of face excavation at measuring section should
ievel should be set up in the place where displacement
be recorded and reported.
does not occur for a long time.
a. Measurement frequency should be decided considering
(2) Setting up measurement pin
ground condition, management criterion additional to
Measurernent pin should be certainly fixed on rock.
(3) Measurement
displacement speed.
b. Completion ofmeasuring is about one week after the amount
Measurement should be executed to at.tach tape to
of displacement converges to the definite value.
measurement pin and read the height of measurement
pin by the unit of I mm.
./// ¥ '¥ .
Measure:nent should be also executed to attach tape to
l/)' ¥'¥¥.¥
.1/,! ¥ ¥ ・¥
reference point and read the height of reference point
7-f .¥ ¥.
" / ' ______¥・ -
/' /
by the unit of Inun.
Crown settlement is calculated by the difference of
vertical interval between reference point and
measurement pin.
3.6 Measuring Convergence and Crown Settlement by Total
(1) Setting up reference point
Reference point for measuring convergence and crown
settlement by total station should be set up in the place
Example of Tunnel
Exampie of Un erg ovnd Caven
Figure-5 Example of measuring line arrangement and measuring
where displacement does not occur for a long time.
(2) Setting up measuring point
Measuring point should be certainly fixed on rock.
(1) Figure-6 shows the example of setting up of measurement
(3) Measurement
pin. The content should be recorded and reported when
Total station should be set up in the place where is not
measurement pin is set. besides the rock such as support.
influenced by the vibration of construction, and the
coordinates of each measuring point and reference
Instaliation part of measuriTlg nstrur]]ent
point should bs read. The distance ofmeasuring line is
obtained by the coordinates of each measuring point,
and then convergence is calculated by the difference
between the initial value and measuring value.
Furthermore, crown sett.lement is calculated by the
difference of vertical interval between the reference
point and measurement pin.
F igure- 6
358 -
Example of setting up of measurement pin
5. ReportingArticles
The following articles should be reported.
(1) The contents when the partially different method has
been used from this referenc
(1'_) Geological condition at measurin*' section
(3) Setting up condition of support
(4) Starting date and time of measurement
(5) Measuring line arrangement / Measuring point
(6) Used measuring machinery and instruments
(7) Description and setting up method of measurement pin
and measurement point
(8) Reference point and its position when it has been used
(9) Changing date and time and new position of reference
point when it has been changed
(lO) Result of convergence and crown settlement, and
relationship among the results, progress time and
progress of excavation
( I I ) Any other articles which should be specially mentioned
[Incidental Articles]
5 . Setting up condition of support means description, thickness
and strength of shotcrete; description, Iength and pattern of
rock bolt; description and setting interval of steel support;
and construction condition such as PS anchor.