30 June 2014 Ms Traci Houpapa Chairperson Federation of Māori Authorities Māori Appointor c/- THS & Associates Ltd P O Box 13083 HAMILTON 3251 Hon Sir Taihākurei Durie & Mr C Maanu Paul Co-Chairs, New Zealand Māori Council Māori Appointor c/- Ms Karen Waterreus P O Box 33-373 PETONE 5042 Hon Bill English Minister of Finance Crown Appointor Parliament Buildings WELLINGTON Tēnā koutou katoa CFRT REPORT TO APPOINTORS: 1 APRIL 2013 – 31 MARCH 2014 In accordance with the requirement of the trust deed under clause 7.1(c), attached for your information is the Report to the Appointors for the 2013-2014 financial year (1 April 2013 -31 March 2014). This Report to the Appointors consists of this cover letter; the audited financial statements; and the Independent Auditors report. Nāku noa nā Angela Foulkes CHAIRPERSON RTA 31Mar2014 - Letter to Appointors:1911409_1 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 INDEX PAGE Statement of Comprehensive Income 2 Statement of Changes in Equity 2 Statement of Financial Position 3 Statement of Cash Flows 4 Notes to the Financial Statements 5-27 Map – Crown Forest Licensed Land 28 Auditor’s Report 29 Directory 30 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 2014 $ 2013 $ 12,428,945 113,058 519 57,561 12,600,083 11,371,381 323,887 2,740,114 20,839 57,208 14,513,429 5 5,253,733 3,454,187 6 6 6 7,477,151 2,302,892 1,425,487 9,925,637 2,506,750 1,036,137 6 3,152,993 3,763,133 19 14,358,523 17,231,657 Total Expenditure 19,612,256 20,685,844 TOTAL (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR (7,012,173) (6,172,415) - - (7,012,173) (6,172,415) RETAINED EARNINGS Retained Earnings at Beginning of Year 2014 $ 106,569,317 2013 $ 112,741,732 Total Opening Equity 106,569,317 112,741,732 Movements in the Year Total Comprehensive (Loss) for the Year (7,012,173) (6,172,415) Total Recognised (Loss) (7,012,173) (6,172,415) Retained Earnings at End of Year 99,557,144 106,569,317 TOTAL EQUITY 99,557,144 106,569,317 Note INCOME Interest Term Deposits Interest Repurchase Contracts (Net) Interest Government Bonds Interest Forestry Licenses Issues Other Income Total Income EXPENSES Operating Expenses Administration Expenses Assistance to Claimants Disbursements to Claimants Research Services for Claimants Facilitation and Formation of Claimant Groups CFRT Service Delivery Costs Total Assistance to Claimants Other Comprehensive Income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR 4 3 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 The attached notes form part of these financial statements. Page 2 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MARCH 2014 Note EQUITY Retained Earnings TOTAL EQUITY 2014 $ 2013 $ 99,557,144 99,557,144 106,569,317 106,569,317 9 9 9 665,001 317,000,000 13,487 2,798,616 320,477,104 507,084 299,000,000 41,186,942 3,351 2,183,435 342,880,812 10 11 50,942 91,279 142,221 461,773 141,468 603,241 320,619,325 343,484,053 151,380 619,702 94,710,140 95,481,222 64,291 4,696 415,740 112,585,480 113,070,207 125,580,959 123,844,529 221,062,181 236,914,736 99,557,144 106,569,317 Total Equity Represented by: CURRENT ASSETS Cash at Bank Short Term Deposits Government Securities Other Receivables Accrued Interest NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade Payables GST Payable Other Payables Current Rental Proceeds 20 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Non Current Rental Proceeds 20 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS These financial statements were approved on the 17th of June 2014. Signed for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Angela Foulkes Chairperson Crown Forestry Rental Trust The attached notes form part of these financial statements. Alan Haronga Chairman Finance & Risk Committee Page 3 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 Note CASH FLOWS FROM/(USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Interest (net of repurchase interest expense) Cash was applied to: Payment of Administration Expenses and Services and Disbursements to Claimants Net GST Movement NET CASH (OUTFLOWS) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 7 CASH FLOWS FROM/(USED IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Proceeds from Investment Sales Cash was applied to: Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets NET CASH INFLOWS/(OUTFLOWS) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 2014 $ 2013 $ 13,171,843 14,844,242 (18,818,378) (20,317,851) (4,696) (8,804) (5,651,231) (5,482,413) 40,000,000 - (51,942) (381,668) 39,948,058 (381,668) CASH FLOWS FROM/(USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Rental Proceeds Received 20 9,403,600 12,794,756 Cash was applied to: Rental Proceeds Disbursed 20 (25,542,510) (49,682,408) NET CASH INFLOWS/(OUTFLOWS) FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (16,138,910) (36,887,652) NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD Cash at Beginning of the Year CASH AT END OF THE YEAR 18,157,917 299,507,084 317,665,001 (42,751,733) 342,258,817 299,507,084 665,001 317,000,000 317,665,001 507,084 299,000,000 299,507,084 Represented by: Cash at Bank Short Term Deposits The attached notes form part of these financial statements. Page 4 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES Reporting Entity These financial statements are presented for the reporting entity Crown Forestry Rental Trust ("the Trust"). The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Trust Deed 1990 and the Financial Reporting Act 1993. The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost with the exception of certain items for which specific accounting policies are identified. Statement of Compliance These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. They comply with New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards ("NZ IFRS"), as appropriate for public benefit entities. Standards and Interpretations Issued But Not Yet Effective At the date of authorisation of these financial statements there are no Standards and Interpretations, including those Standards or Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) or International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”) where an equivalent New Zealand Standard or Interpretation has not been approved, that could have a significant impact on the financial statements. Basis of Preparation The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements. The measurement base is historical cost. The accrual basis of accounting has been used unless otherwise stated. These financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar. Judgements and Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with NZ IFRS requires judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. Significant Accounting Policies (i) Revenue Interest income on government securities and short term deposits is recognised under the effective interest method. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating interest income over the relevant period (including all fees and points paid or received between the parties to the contract that form an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the financial instrument, or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial instrument. (ii) Claimant Expenditure Payments made to Claimants are recognised when the Trust has an obligation to make payment, which is deemed to be once the eligibility of the claim has been assessed and final approval for payment given. (iii) Income Tax In 2004 the Trust was successful in its case before the Privy Council to have it deemed a Charitable Trust for tax purposes. As a result the Trust is not liable for income tax on its earnings. Page 5 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES (cont). (iv) Goods and Services Tax These financial statements have been prepared inclusive of GST The Trust has two main activities which lie outside the provisions of the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985, these being: § The Crown Forestry Rental Trust Deed creates a supply of money to the Trust (Interest earned from the rental proceeds invested which are capital in nature), and this does not meet the definition of Goods and Services in Section 2 of the GST Tax Act 1985. § The Trust then funds or reimburses Claimants their expenditure relating to the presentation and negotiation of claims before the Waitangi Tribunal (this activity is not deemed to be a taxable activity). Funding received by claimants is by definition not subject to GST. (v) Property, Plant and Equipment Items of property, plant and equipment are initially recorded at cost. When an asset is acquired for no or nominal consideration the asset will be recognised initially at fair value, where fair value can be reliably determined, with the fair value of the asset received, less costs incurred to acquire the asset, also recognised as revenue in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Realised gains and losses arising from disposal of property, plant and equipment are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which the transaction occurs. The carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment are reviewed at least annually to determine if there is any indication of impairment. Where an asset’s recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, it will be reported at its recoverable amount and an impairment loss will be recognised. Losses resulting from impairment are reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis so as to write off the net cost of each asset over its expected useful life to its estimated residual value. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the period of the lease or estimated useful life, whichever is the shorter, using the straight line method. The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each annual reporting period. The following estimated useful lives are used in the calculation of depreciation: Asset Category Computer equipment Leasehold improvements Furniture and fittings Office equipment Other equipment Expected Life 3 years 10 years 4 years 4 years 4 years Rate 33% 10% 25% 25% 25% Method Straight line Straight line Straight line Straight line Straight line These last three categories have been aggregated and these appear as Combined Classes in Note 10 Property, Plant and Equipment. (vi) Intangibles Intangible assets are initially recorded at cost. The cost of an internally generated intangible asset represents expenditure incurred in the development phase of the asset only. The development phase occurs after the following can be demonstrated: technical feasibility; ability to complete the asset; intention and ability to sell or use; and development expenditure can be reliably measured. Expenditure incurred on research of an internally generated intangible asset is expensed when it is incurred. Where the research phase cannot be distinguished from the development phase, the expenditure is expensed when it is incurred. Page 6 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES (cont). Intangible assets with finite lives are subsequently recorded at cost less any amortisation and impairment losses, and are amortised on a straight-line basis over their useful lives as follows: Asset Category Software and licenses Expected Life Rate Method 3 years 33% Straight line Realised gains and losses arising from disposal of intangible assets are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which the transaction occurs. Intangible assets with finite lives are reviewed at least annually to determine if there is any indication of impairment. Where an intangible asset’s recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, it will be reported at its recoverable amount and an impairment loss will be recognised. Losses resulting from impairment are reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. (vii) Leases All leases held by the Trust are classified as operating leases. Operating lease payments, where the lessor substantially retains all the risks and rewards of ownership, are recognised in a systematic manner over the term of the lease. Leasehold improvements are capitalised and the cost is amortised over the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is shorter. (viii) Rental Proceeds – Funds Held in Trust The rental proceeds from licensed Crown Forest land are recorded when the receipt of the forestry rental is received by the Trust. The rental proceeds received are recorded directly to the liability for Rental Proceeds as these funds are only held in trust on behalf of future claimants. These proceeds are disclosed as Rental Proceeds within the Statement of Financial Position and accompanying note (Note 20). Rentals in dispute are held by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and are accounted for as Contingent Assets (Refer to Note 15). (ix) Employee Benefits The Employee entitlements to salaries and wages, annual leave, sick leave and other similar benefits are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income when they accrue to employees. Employee entitlements to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. The liability for any long term employee entitlements is reported as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows. (x) Other Liabilities and Provisions Other liabilities and provisions are recorded at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation. Liabilities and provisions to be settled beyond one month are recorded at their present value of those estimates. (xi) Financial Instruments Non derivative financial assets are classified and measured at amortised cost when the asset is held within the Trust’s business model where the objective is to collect the contractual cash flows and those contractual cash flows consist solely of payments of principal and interest on specified dates. Financial assets measured at amortised cost are initially measured at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash held in bank accounts and short term deposits that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Cash is recorded at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Accrued Interest Accrued interest comprises the interest earned but not yet received on short term deposits. Accrued interest is recorded separately to the underlying short term deposits in the Statement of Financial Position. Page 7 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES (cont). Receivables Receivables are initially measured at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method and are stated at their expected realisable value after providing for doubtful debts. Receivables issued with duration of less than 12 months are recognised at their nominal value, unless the effect of discounting is material. Allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts are recognised when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired. Impairment losses are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Government Securities The Trust had a portfolio of Government Securities (matured on 15 April 2013) which were recorded at amortised cost using the effective interest method less any impairment, with revenue recognised on an effective interest basis. The Trust has now disposed of all Government Securities. Repurchase Agreements The Trust enters into Repurchase Agreements whereby no more than 70% of the total investment portfolio (term deposits and government securities) are repurchased by a bank for short periods. A repurchase transaction is where the Trust sells its Government Securities to the Bank for cash under an agreement that obliges the Trust to repurchase these same securities at a later date. The Trust then places this cash on short term deposit for which the Trust receives a higher interest rate and so more interest is earned (the interest income earned on these deposits is disclosed in Note 4). At the termination of the agreement the Trust repurchases the same securities at a higher price than the securities were originally sold for. The inflated purchase price reflects a premium, or interest paid to the Bank (the interest premium paid is disclosed in Note 4). The Trust holds the contractual right to repurchase equivalent securities at all times and therefore never fully transfers these securities and meet the derecognition criteria for the security under NZ IFRS 9. Payables Payables are recognised when the Trust becomes obliged to make future payments resulting from the purchase of goods and services. (xii) Comparatives When presentation or classification of items in the financial statements is amended or accounting policies are changed voluntarily, comparative figures are restated to ensure consistency with the current period unless it is impracticable to do so. Comparative amounts have been restated for presenational purposes only. (xiii) Statement of Cash Flows Operating activities include cash received from investment income and other income sources and cash payments to fund claimants and to manage the day-to-day running of the Trust. Investing activities are activities relating to the purchase and disposal of investments, property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets. Financing activities comprise the changes in Funds Held in Trust (Rental proceeds). (xiv) Changes in Accounting Policies There have been no changes in accounting policies during the year. 2 NATURE OF ACTIVITIES The Crown Forestry Rental Trust was established on 30 April 1990 to receive rental proceeds from the Crown forestry licenses. The rental proceeds received by the Trust are disclosed as liabilities within the Statement of Financial Position. These receipts must be invested in either New Zealand Government-issued securities or in short term interest-bearing deposit accounts with registered banks. The rental proceeds of the Trust are distributed when the beneficiaries are confirmed and the settlement is enacted under an Act of Parliament. The interest earned from investments is accumulated by the Trust and applied against the administration expenses of the Trust and to assist any claimant in the preparation, presentation and negotiation of claims which involve, or could involve, licensed Crown forest land. 3 INCOME 2014 $ Other Income Includes: Administration Fees from Forestry Emissions Unit Trust (note 13) Other Income 54,000 3,561 57,561 2013 $ 54,000 3,208 57,208 Page 8 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 4 INTEREST – REPURCHASE CONTRACTS 2014 $ Interest – Repurchase Contracts Gross Interest Received on Repurchase Contracts Less Interest Paid on Repurchase Contracts Net Interest Earned on Repurchase Contracts 5 2013 $ - 1,358,510 (1,034,623) 323,887 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURE Incorporated within the Trust’s Statement of Comprehensive Income are the following operating expenditures: Administrative Expenditure: 2014 $ 2013 $ Rent Depreciation Amortisation Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment Trustee Fees Audit Fees Fees Paid to Auditors for Other Services Legal Costs Employee Remuneration and Benefits 291,007 133,555 50,189 329,218 114,606 51,750 4,601 1,030,504 2,440,254 317,462 141,980 15,416 140,928 118,300 54,625 15,525 136,770 1,923,412 The Trust’s Administration expenses for the year total $5,253,733 (2013: $3,454,187). During the year the Trust's moved offices due to earthquake issues within its previous premises. The leasehold improvements in relation to those premises were written off. This resulted in a loss on disposal of $329,218. The Auditor of the Trust is Deloitte 6 CLAIMANT SERVICES DISCLOSURES Assistance to Claimants: 2014 $ 2013 $ Disbursements to Claimants: Waitangi Tribunal Hearings Direct Negotiations with the Crown Total Disbursements to Claimants 520,770 6,956,381 7,477,151 1,151,517 8,774,120 9,925,637 Research Services for Claimants: Research & Mapping Contracts 2,302,892 2,506,750 Facilitation and Formation of Claimant Groups: Region Level Facilitation Costs 1,425,487 1,036,137 CFRT Service Delivery Costs: Personnel Costs Other Service Delivery Costs Total Facilitation 1,697,172 1,455,821 2,300,977 1,462,156 3,152,993 6,881,372 3,763,133 7,306,020 14,358,523 17,231,657 Overall disbursements to claimants for the current year were less than that of the prior year by $2,873,134. The decrease, which was forecast, is primarily driven by decreased claimant activity. The forecast for the next year (in the Trust’s business plan) is for expenditure to increase and the Trust currently has commitments totalling $10,988,023 (contracted but not spent) for claimant and research contracts as at 31 March 2014 (see Note 16). Page 9 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 7 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES TO TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR THE YEAR 2014 $ (7,012,173) 2013 $ (6,172,415) Items Not Involving Cash Depreciation Expense Amortisation Expense Reclassification of Interest Earned Amortisation of Premium on Government Securities Loss on Disposal of Fixed Assets 133,555 50,189 1,186,941 329,219 141,980 15,416 (1,755) (140,114) 140,928 Impact of Changes in Working Capital (Increase)/Decrease in Accrued Interest Increase/(Decrease) in Trade and Other Payables (Increase)/Decrease in Other Receivables Increase/(Decrease) in GST Payable (615,181) 291,051 (10,136) (4,696) 472,682 24,985 44,684 (8,804) (5,651,231) (5,482,413) Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 8 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (a) Foreign Exchange Risk The Trust has no exposure to foreign exchange risk. (b) Credit Risk Financial instruments, which are potentially subject to credit risk, consist primarily of short term deposits and Government Securities. The Trust may be subject to losses up to the value of $320,477,103 as at 31 March 2014 (31 March 2013: $342,880,812) in the event of non-performance by all counter-parties. The Trust does not expect losses to occur as these instruments are comprised of New Zealand sovereign debt, the balance being held with registered banks. Consequently, no collateral is held by the Trust to support these financial instruments. No financial assets are either past due or impaired at 31 March 2014 (31 March 2013: Nil). (c) Interest Rate Risk The Trust's primary interest rate risk is on government securities and short term deposits and can be measured as the differential between yield to maturity and the current market interest rate. As at 31 March 2014 the estimated gain is nil (as at 31 March 2013 the estimated gain was $61,858). The Trust regularly monitors interest rates and manages financial assets when required to limit interest rate risk. Quotes for short term deposit interest rates are sought from at least two banking institutions and highest quotes receive deposits accordingly. (d) Liquidity Risk Management Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests with the Board of Trustees, which has built an appropriate liquidity risk management framework for the management of the Trust's short, medium, and long term funding and liquidity management requirements. The Trust manages liquidity by maintaining adequate reserves, by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities, and allowing for expected settlement payments. (e) Capital Risk Management The Trust manages its retained earnings to ensure that the Trust is able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to the stakeholders. There are no externally imposed capital requirements and the overall strategy remains unchanged from 2013. There have been no changes in the Trust’s exposure to risk and the policies and processes in managing and measuring risk. Page 10 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 9 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS SCHEDULE The following table details the Trust’s financial instruments, (which excludes other receivables and current payables whose carrying value is already equal to fair value), their estimated fair values including accrued interest and the exposure to interest rate risk as at 31 March 2014 are as follows: The fair values of these financial instruments have been determined using quoted market prices. Cash and Bank Short Term Deposits Carrying Amount 2014 $ 665,001 317,000,000 Fair Value 2014 $ 665,001 317,000,000 Carrying Amount 2013 $ 507,084 299,000,000 Fair Value 2013 $ 507,084 299,000,000 - - 41,186,942 41,186,942 41,248,800 41,248,800 317,665,001 317,665,001 340,694,026 340,755,884 Government Securities Total Portfolio (A) CURRENT Maturity Yield/ Coupon % Face Value Carrying Amount 2014 $ 317,000,000 Face Value 2013 $ 299,000,000 Carrying Amount 2013 $ 299,000,000 Short Term Deposits 4.04% 2014 $ 317,000,000 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 15 April 2013 0.00% - - 40,000,000 41,186,942 317,000,000 317,000,000 339,000,000 340,186,942 Carrying Amount $ Maturity Date TOTAL CURRENT Maturity Analysis of Short Term Deposits As at 31 March 2014 ANZ ANZ ASB ANZ ANZ Kiwibank ASB Kiwibank ASB ANZ 2,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000 4,000,000 22,000,000 29,000,000 55,000,000 20,000,000 75,000,000 30,000,000 TOTAL CURRENT 317,000,000 As at 31 March 2013 Carrying Amount $ Kiwibank ASB Kiwibank ASB ANZ ASB ASB 35,000,000 40,000,000 16,000,000 33,000,000 55,000,000 20,000,000 100,000,000 TOTAL CURRENT 299,000,000 Average Yearly Return 2014 Actual 3.89% Rate % 3/04/2014 15/04/2014 24/04/2014 14/05/2014 12/06/2014 12/06/2014 24/07/2014 24/07/2014 11/09/2014 11/09/2014 Maturity Date 2.95% 3.80% 3.79% 3.80% 3.90% 3.90% 4.11% 4.16% 4.27% 4.20% Rate % 24/04/2013 24/04/2013 13/06/2013 13/06/2013 25/07/2013 30/07/2013 12/09/2013 3.80% 3.79% 3.80% 3.66% 3.83% 3.86% 3.86% 2013 Actual 4.15% Page 11 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 9 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS SCHEDULE (cont). Categories of Financial Instruments 2014 $ 2013 $ Financial Assets at Amortised Cost Government Securities Accrued Interest Other Receivables Cash at Bank Short Term Deposits 2,798,616 13,487 665,001 317,000,000 41,186,942 2,183,435 3,351 507,084 299,000,000 Financial Liabilities at Amortised Cost Trade Payables Other Payables Rental Proceeds 151,380 619,702 220,291,099 64,291 415,740 236,430,009 Sensitivity Analysis The Trust’s financial instruments include trade payables, rental proceeds, cash at bank, short term deposits, other receivables, accrued interest, and government securities. The analysis below has been determined using the average monthly yield of all income generating assets held by the Trust. The table shows the effect of a 2% up or down movement in market interest rates on that average monthly yield. There have been no changes to the calculation methodology from the prior year. Net Surplus Market Interest Rates Decrease by 2% Market Interest Rates Increase by 2% Retained Earnings Net Surplus Retained Earnings 2014 $ (6,441,667) 2014 $ (6,441,667) 2013 $ (6,944,193) 2013 $ (6,944,193) 6,441,667 6,441,667 6,944,193 6,944,193 Classes * $ 190,168 3,858 (4,727) 189,299 Capital Work in Progress $ 34,412 34,412 Total $ 1,532,330 51,942 (797,847) 786,425 10 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 2014 Opening Cost 1 April 2013 Additions Disposals Closing Cost 31 March 2014 Opening Accumulated Depreciation 1 April 2013 Depreciation Disposals Closing Accumulated Depreciation 31 March 2014 Net Book Value 2013 Opening Cost 1 April 2012 Additions Disposals Closing Cost 31 March 2013 Opening Accumulated Depreciation 1 April 2012 Depreciation Disposals Closing Accumulated Depreciation 31 March 2013 Net Book Value Computer Leasehold Equipment Improvements $ $ 524,495 817,667 1,399 12,273 (793,120) 525,894 36,820 Combined 508,312 9,623 517,935 385,177 117,219 (465,576) 36,820 177,068 6,713 (3,053) 180,728 - 1,070,557 133,555 (468,629) 735,483 7,959 - 8,571 34,412 50,942 Classes * $ 185,187 4,981 190,168 Capital Work in Progress $ - Total $ 1,647,640 220,593 (335,903) 1,532,330 Computer Leasehold Equipment Improvements $ $ 521,144 941,309 3,351 212,261 (335,903) 524,495 817,667 Combined 474,477 33,835 508,312 485,044 95,108 (194,975) 385,177 164,031 13,037 177,068 - 1,123,552 141,980 (194,975) 1,070,557 16,183 432,490 13,100 - 461,773 * The assets aggregated within the Combined Class relate to Furniture and Fittings, Office equipment and Other equipment held by the Trust. Page 12 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 11 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible Assets – Software Opening Cost 1 April Additions Closing Cost 31 March Opening Amortisation 1 April Amortisation Closing Amortisation 31 March Net Intangibles 2014 $ 1,050,482 1,050,482 2013 $ 889,407 161,075 1,050,482 909,014 50,189 959,203 893,598 15,416 909,014 91,279 141,468 2014 $ 114,606 2013 $ 118,300 12 TRUSTEE FEES AND KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Trusteeship/Governance The rates for Trustee fees are in accordance with the Government’s standard “Fees Framework for Members of Statutory and Other Bodies Appointed by the Crown”. From 1 July 2005 the fees are a daily rate of $595 for the Chairperson capped to an annual maximum of $29,750. Other Trustees have been set a daily rate of $540, capped to an annual maximum of $14,875. The Trustees attend regular meetings during the year to deal with governance issues of the Trust, such as strategic and business planning issues, as well as considering proposals relating to the funding of claimant groups. Fees received by Trustees Ms Angela Foulkes Mr Paul Morgan (term completed 30 June 2012) Mr Alan Haronga Mr Alexander (John) Wilson Mr C Maanu Paul Mr Guy Royal Hon Sir Taihākurei (Edward) Durie (appointed 1 July 2012) Mr Rakihia Tau Mr Roger Beckett (Crown Alternate) Ms Lorraine Toki (Maori Alternate) Mr Peter Charlton (Alternate) Mr Leith Comer (Alternate) Mrs Denese Henare (Alternate) Mr Simon Karipa (Alternate) Mr John Paki (Alternate) Mrs Georgina Te Heuheu (Alternate) Mr Russ Ballard (Alternate) 2014 $ 29,750 13,635 14,875 14,875 4,959 14,875 8,677 4,050 1,620 2,430 2,025 405 2,430 114,606 2013 $ 29,750 4,958 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 9,917 6,075 4,455 2,835 810 118,300 Key Management Personnel Compensation The Trust maintains an active register which records potential conflicts of interest whereby both staff and Trustees are required to disclose any interests associated with their Iwi group or affiliations concerning claimant funding activities and for other contracts and services being provided. Management CFRT Executive Team Members at year end 2014 4 2013 4 CFRT Executive Remuneration 2014 $ 717,166 22,645 181,257 921,068 2013 $ 700,379 18,434 718,813 Short Term Employee Benefits Post Employment Benefits Other Long Term Employee Benefits Termination Benefits The executive remuneration for 2014 includes redudancy costs for two staff. Whakaruruhau In March 2011, Sir Graham Latimer was established as the Whakaruruhau, or patron, of the Trust. In acknowledgement of this role the Trust is remunerating Sir Graham to the amount of $30,000 per annum. Page 13 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 12 TRUSTEE FEES AND KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL (cont). Other Affiliations held by Executive Team A number of the Executive Team have affiliations to certain Iwi that are represented by claimant groups recognised by the Trust. Where the Executive are considering providing assistance to particular claimant groups to which they are affiliated, the Executive disclose these affiliations and have taken action they consider appropriate to deal with any potential conflict of interest that may arise during the year. 13 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Trustee Affiliations Mr Guy Royal Tuia Group Limited Hon Sir Taihākurei (Edward) Durie Te Hono ki Raukawa Trust All trustees Forestry Emission Unit Trust Maori appointed trustees THS & Associates Role 2014 $ 2013 $ Provision for Contracted Provider to Claimant Groups - 2,300 Advisory services Hon Sir Taihākurei Durie is a Trustee 78,463 5,000 Funding payment Trustees of Forestry Emission Unit Trust 54,000 Contracted Provider to Claimant Groups 112,129 54,000 Administration Services 62,000 Advisory services NZ Maori Council Funding of expenditure for Jan 2014 meeting. 3,249 - Travel FOMA Conference attended by Darrin Sykes CE 1,380 - Training A number of Trustees have affiliations to certain Iwi that are represented by claimant groups recognised by the Trust. Where Trustees are considering providing assistance to particular claimant groups to which they are affiliated, the Trustees have declared and minuted these affiliations and have taken action they consider appropriate to deal with any potential conflict of interest that may arise during the year. Mr Guy Royal, a Trustee, is a Director of Tuia Group Limited. Tuia Group Limited provided a review of Trust benchmarks for Waitangi Tribunal Operational Funding and Research/Mapping Funding for Waitangi Tribunal & Direct Negotiations. Tuia Group Limited received $2,300 in respect of those contracts during the year to 31 March 2014 ($2,300: 31 March 2013) The Te Hono ki Raukawa Trust received funding of $78,453 for the year to 31 March 2014 ($5,000: 31 March 2013) and the Hon Sir Taihākurei (Eddie) Durie was a Trustee with Te Hono during that time. Due to the conflict of interest Sir Eddie did not participate in any funding decisions. The Trust funded Ngati Hineuru $112,129 for services provided by THS & Associates during the year ended 31 March 2014 ($62,000: 31 March 2013). THS & Associates is owned by Traci Houpapa who is also the Chair of FOMA. A potential conflict may arise due to the role of the FOMA Chair in appointing Trustees. The Trust funded no money to Ngati Kahungungu ki Wairarapa for services provided by Karen Waterreus in association with Glenda Hughes and Associates for the year ended 31 March 2014 ($2,800: 31 March 2013). Karen Waterreus is the Interim Secretary of the NZ Maori Council. A potential conflict may arise due to her percieved influence in this role. The Trust administered the Forestry Emission Unit Trust during the year and received an Administration Fee of $54,000 for its services ($54,000: 31 March 2013). The Forestry Emission Unit Trust trustees are also trustees of the Trust. The funding for the NZ Maori Council meeting of $3,249 in January 2014 was due to a High Court order. Page 14 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 13 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (cont). The FOMA conference was attended by the Chief Executive as directed by the Chair in November 2013 as consistent with prior years. As noted in Note 12 the Trust maintains an active register which records potential conflicts of interest and Trustees are required to disclose such potential interests at Board meetings in order to reduce risks surrounding their association with their Iwi group or affiliations concerning claimant funding activities and for other contracts and services being provided. Other significant Related Party interests of key advisors to the Board include the following: Investment Advisor James Ogden Ogden Consulting Role Principal 2014 $ 2013 $ 11,299 Provision for 10,580 Investment Advice 14 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES There are currently a number of issues regarding interpretation of the trust deed and policies implemented by trustees that are to be heard and determined in the high court, including at a hearing currently scheduled to be heard on 5 June 2014. In March 2013 Justice Williams made an order that the costs of the trustees in this proceeding (but not for New Zealand Maori Council) be paid from trust funds pursuant to section 71 of the Trustee Act 1956. Legal fees have been paid during the year and an estimate of unpaid fees in relation to these legal costs has been provided in the 2014 financial statements. The New Zealand Maori Council and Federation of Maori Authorities have subsequently sought similar costs orders, neither of which has been determined by the court. No provision has been made in the financial statements and the potential liability should the Trust be deemed liable to pay these costs cannot be quantified as no amount has been notified. The Trust also has contingent liabilities in respect of fees for Woodward Law (the law firm acting in the proceeding for Sir Edward Taihakurei Durie, one of the Trustees), the liability for which is currently awaiting determination by the High Court. Should the Trust be held liable, this liability is currently estimated to be $100,000. 15 CONTINGENT ASSETS As at 31 March 2014 there is $173,944 of disputed licence fees held by LINZ (31 March 2013: $Nil). LINZ manages the collection of licence fees on behalf of the Trust. Every three years the licence fees are reviewed and the licensees are able to dispute the Crown’s assessments. As a consequence LINZ holds the disputed portion of the licence fees until the dispute is resolved. When disputes are resolved LINZ forwards to the Trust the balance of the licence fees and any interest earned on the balances. As at 31 March 2014 there is $21,838 being held in a solicitors trust account for the Trust's benefit pending the appeals process for Mr Taueki being complete. The Trust expects to receive these funds in full but cannot confirm when the funds will be received (31 March 2013: $Nil) 16 COMMITMENTS (i) Assistance to Claimants The Trust has commitments totalling $10,988,023 as at 31 March 2014 (31 March 2013: $11,492,015) relating to assistance to claimants which has been approved by Trustees at balance date. The release of these amounts is subject to the claimant groups meeting the various terms and conditions established for their respective funding and the completion of research contracts in progress. (ii) Capital Commitments The Trust has no capital commitments at 31 March 2014 (31 March 2013: $nil). (iii) Lease Commitments Future operating lease rentals for premises and motor vehicles are not recognised in the financial statements. The minimum lease rental commitments at balance date are as follows: Less than One Year Two to Five Years Greater than Five Years Total 2014 $ 203,577 186,612 390,189 2013 $ 252,178 196,443 448,621 Page 15 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 17 DEEDS OF SETTLEMENT Ngāti Toa Rangatira On 7 December 2012, the Crown and Ngāti Toa Rangatira signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 23 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 70 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 1 August 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Toa Rangatira Trust 50% of the funds held in Trust for all of the Te Tau Ihu licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for each of these Te Tau Ihu Crown Forest Licensed lands were approximately: Golden Bay ($226,923), Motueka ($3.3 million), Golden Downs East ($18.6 million), Golden Downs West ($19.9 million), Waimea ($3.6 million), Rai ($8.4 million), Hira ($4.7 million), Queen Charlotte ($1.0 million), Wairau ($8.1 million). Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu On 20 April 2013, the Crown and Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 23 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 70 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 1 August 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Ngāti Tama ki te Waipounamu Trust 12.5% of the funds held in Trust for all of the Te Tau Ihu licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for each of these Te Tau Ihu Crown Forest Licensed lands were approximately: Golden Bay ($226,923), Motueka ($3.3 million), Golden Downs East ($18.6 million), Golden Downs West ($19.9 million), Waimea ($3.6 million), Rai ($8.4 million), Hira ($4.7 million), Queen Charlotte ($1.0 million), Wairau ($8.1 million). Ngāti Rārua On 13 April 2013, the Crown and Ngāti Rārua signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 23 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 70 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 1 August 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Ngāti Rārua Settlement Trust 12.5% of the funds held in Trust for all of the Te Tau Ihu licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for each of these Te Tau Ihu Crown Forest Licensed lands were approximately: Golden Bay ($226,923), Motueka ($3.3 million), Golden Downs East ($18.6 million), Golden Downs West ($19.9 million), Waimea ($3.6 million), Rai ($8.4 million), Hira ($4.7 million), Queen Charlotte ($1.0 million), Wairau ($8.1 million). Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Maui On 21 December 2012, the Crown and Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Maui signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 23 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 70 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 1 August 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Maui Trust 12.5% of the funds held in Trust for all of the Te Tau Ihu licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for each of these Te Tau Ihu Crown Forest Licensed lands were approximately: Golden Bay ($226,923), Motueka ($3.3 million), Golden Downs East ($18.6 million), Golden Downs West ($19.9 million), Waimea ($3.6 million), Rai ($8.4 million), Hira ($4.7 million), Queen Charlotte ($1.0 million), Wairau ($8.1 million). Ngāti Kōata On 21 December 2012, the Crown and Ngāti Koata signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 23 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 70 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 1 August 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Pātaka a Ngāti Koata 12.5% of the funds held in Trust for all of the Te Tau Ihu licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for each of these Te Tau Ihu Crown Forest Licensed lands were approximately: Golden Bay ($226,923), Motueka ($3.3 million), Golden Downs East ($18.6 million), Golden Downs West ($19.9 million), Waimea ($3.6 million), Rai ($8.4 million), Hira ($4.7 million), Queen Charlotte ($1.0 million), Wairau ($8.1 million). Page 16 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 17 DEEDS OF SETTLEMENT (cont.) Raukawa On 2 June 2012, the Crown and Raukawa signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 19 March 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals had not been determined as at 31 March 2014 but is expected to be mid-2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Raukawa Settlement Trust a portion of the Funds Held in Trust for Pureora North Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Pureora North Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $672,814. Maungaharuru-Tangitu On 25 May 2013, the Crown and Maungaharuru-Tangitu signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement came into force on 16 April 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 20 working days after the legislation comes into force and will be 20 May 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust a portion of the Funds Held in Trust for Esk Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Esk Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $8.6 million. Te Rarawa On 28 January 2012, the Crown and Te Rarawa signed a Deed of Settlement and a deed to amend was signed on 12 March 2014. Legislation to give effect to the settlement was introduced on 16 April 2014 and expected to come into force in December 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 60 working days after the legislation comes into force. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa 20% of the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $12.4 million. Te Aupouri On 28 January 2012, the Crown and Te Aupouri signed a Deed of Settlement and a deed to amend was signed on 14 December 2013. Legislation to give effect to the settlement was introduced on 16 April 2014 and expected to come into force in December 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 60 working days after the legislation comes into force. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri 20% of the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $12.4 million. Ngāti Kuri On 7 February 2014, the Crown and Ngāti Kuri signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement is expected to be introduced on 16 April 2014 and expected to come into force in December 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 60 working days after the legislation comes into force. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Manawa O Ngāti Kuri 20% of the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $12.4 million. Ngai Takoto On 27 October 2012, the Crown and Ngāi Takoto signed a Deed of Settlement and a deed to amend was signed on 6 February 2014. Legislation to give effect to the settlement was introduced on 16 April 2014 and expected to come into force in December 2014. Settlement date for the transfer of Crown Forest Licensed Land and payment of accumulated rentals is 60 working days after the legislation comes into force. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Takoto 20% of the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $12.4 million. Te Kawerau ā Maki On 22 February 2014, the Crown and Te Kawerau ā Maki signed a Deed of Settlement. Legislation to give effect to the settlement was introduced on 16 April 2014 and expected to come into force in December 2014. The impact of the settlement will be to distribute to the Te Kawerau ā Maki a portion of the Funds Held in Trust for Riverhead Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014 the Funds Held in Trust for Riverhead Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $9.4 million. Page 17 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 17 DEEDS OF SETTLEMENT (cont.) Ngāti Kahu Part 14 clause 797 of the Te Hiku Claims Settlement bill that was introduced on 16 April 2014 (Ngāti Kahu Accumulated Rentals Trust Bill) makes the necessary legislative provisions for the matters contained in the deed of trust to be entered into by the Crown and Public Trust to establish the Ngāti Kahu Accumulated Rentals Trust. The Crown’s intention is to— · · preserve the Crown’s ability, in relation to a proportion of the accumulated rentals of the Peninsula Block (the accumulated rentals), to provide for the settlement of Ngāti Kahu’s historical Treaty of Waitangi claims that may be negotiated and entered into between Ngāti Kahu and the Crown; and provide for the transfer of a proportion of the accumulated rentals as a consequence of any relevant recommendation made by the Waitangi Tribunal under section 8HB of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 that becomes final under section 8HC(6) of that Act. Legislation is expected to come into force in December 2014. Settlement date for the payment of accumulated rentals is 60 working days after the legislation comes into force. The impact of this legislation will be to distribute to the Public Trustee, as confirmed beneficiary, 20% of the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land. As at 31 March 2014, the Funds Held in Trust for Aupouri Crown Forest Licensed land were approximately $12.4 million. 18 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS There have been no events subsequent to balance date to note. Page 18 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 399,580 331,490 1,656,098 277,879 1,413,957 1,812,161 1,362,795 1,725,925 3,143,490 409,023 26,048 204,108 476,871 332,835 249,414 161,200 163,901 52,711 50,000 143,197 286,000 574,834 450,430 98,830 467,105 90,195 38,612 183,350 Region & IWI Te Tai Tokerau Muriwhenua Negotiations Management Committee Ngati Kuri Trust Board Te Aupouri Negotiations Co Te Runanga o Muriwhenua - direct disbursement Te Runanga o Muriwhenua - disbursed for administration by third parties Te Runanga o Te Rarawa Ngai Takoto Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngati Kahu Te Hui Topu O Te Iku O Te Ika (Te Hiku Forum) Nga Hapu o Whangarei Claims Committee Nga Hapu o Nga Puhi o Whangarei Ngati Kahu o Torongare Te Parawhau Hapu Hokianga Claims Alliance Mahurangi & Gulf Islands Te Aho Claims Alliance Ngati Hine Health Trust Board Northland Design Group Ngati Wai Maori Trust Board Pu Hao Rangi (on behalf of a national claim) Puhipuhi Maruata Forestry Claim Tai Tokerau District Maori Council Te Taumata o Tangitu Te Waimate-Taiamai Alliance Whangarei Core Collective Claimant Group Whangaroa Papa Hapu Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi Te Mana Motuhake A Rohe o Whangarei Ngati Kahu Remedies Hearing 16,582,039 Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Te Tai Tokerau Claimant costs 2014 2013 2012 66,365 - 23,490 9,086 - 166,635 134,170 - 40,640 33,520 90,195 38,612 - 126,000 195,563 (5,100) 183,350 179,270 557,159 251,699 38,131 6,476 4,000 5,000 - 269,332 108,361 651,143 1,028,836 532,389 94,571 477,890 1,104,850 1,342,540 211,968 162,662 1,717,170 Page 19 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 950,260 1,074,330 857,210 80,300 36 177,085 1,384,107 135,995 225,680 2,794,354 845,906 8,883,926 868,393 2,192,623 1,505,004 745,175 252,012 5,000 247,071 316,736 280,635 72,130 2,328,357 528,000 144,197 101,058 20,900 12,048 2,863 179,999 130,000 75,717 152,500 53,240 272,877 319,626 4,036 510,742 28,730,128 Region & IWI Tamaki Otamatea Maori Trust Board Te Uri o Hau o Te Wahapu o Kaipara TUOH Limited Awaroa Claims Management Committee Awaroa ki Manuka Kaipara Cooperative Claimant Forum Kawerau a Maki Trust Manukau Whanau Ngati Tahinga/Ngati Mauku Ngati Whatua o Kaipara ki Te Tonga Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua Hauraki Collective Ngati Manuhiri Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki Ngati Tamaoho Ngati Te Ata Te Tao U Te Uri o Tautohe Te Waiariki Ngati Korora Hapu Ngaati Te Ata Incorporated Gregory-Mare Whanau Hakipene Hura Whanau Hauraki Maori Trust Board Marutuahu Confederation Ngati Hei Ngati Koi Claimant Committee Ngati Maru Iwi Authority Ngati Paoa Nga Uri o Horowhenua Ngati Whanaunga Taipari Whanau Te Kupenga o Ngati Hako Te Rakahurumai Claims Committee Te Rangatira o Tamatera Te Whanau o Hamiora Mangakahia Ngati Porou Mt Hikurangi Lands Claim Committee Tamaki Collective Te Akitai Waiohua Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Tamaki Claimant costs 2014 2013 2012 119,157 686,298 22,655 122,364 527,275 (65,312) 4,036 403,412 1,819,885 333,586 24,751 2,178,222 98,464 1,302,400 633,289 383,272 322,010 107,330 2,846,765 656,512 59,268 3,562,545 399,902 195,321 140,624 4,096,219 195,259 648,993 469,049 488,477 6,633,844 1,240,103 249,566 8,123,513 Page 20 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 37,210 2,540,101 545,659 3,178,442 1,537,668 2,895,908 18,000 28,300 36,500 10,817,788 Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 200,000 3,032,438 179,184 2,075,568 1,164,220 102,305 438,185 1,938,893 3,209,092 330,658 124,959 723,621 2,268,579 34,552 110,938 118,500 24,000 6,023 2,563,501 200,000 718,959 1,098,268 50,000 5,593,336 828,251 11,752,913 1,876,477 221,444 356,618 Region & IWI Te Moana a Toi Ngati Pukenga Ngati Pukenga/Ngati Hikairo Athenree Lands ki Tauranga Moana Pirirakau/Ngati Ranginui Te Kahui Raupatu o Tauranga Tangata Ngai Te Rangi Incorporated Ngati Hinerangi Trust Ngati Motai and Mahana Ngati Hangarau Trust Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Te Moana a Toi Claimant costs Region & IWI Te Arawa Ngati Awa Maori Trust Board Ngati Makino Claims Committee Ngati Pikiao Forest Claims Committee Te Runanga o Ngati Awa Te Runanga o Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau Haparangi A4 Horohoro Crown Forest Claims Committee Lake Taupo Forest Trust Nga Kaihautu o Te Arawa Structure Ngati Rangitihi Ngati Tuara/Kearoa Ngati Tuwharetoa Ngati Whare Iwi Claims Rangiuru Sports Club Inc Rotomahana Parekarangi 6N2B & 6O2B Trusts Te Waka Pumau o Te Arawa (Non Aligned) Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Te Papa-i-ouru Trustee Board Te Runanga o Ngati Tahu Te Runanganui o Te Ikawhenua Te Whakarewarewatanga o Te Ope Taua a Wahiao Whakarewarewa Forest Trust Waitaha Raupatu Trust Te Arawa Iwi of CNI CNI Forest Iwi Group Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Volcanic Interior Plateau Project Te Maru O Ngati Rangiwewehi Nga Punawai o Te Toko Toru Te Kotahitanga O Whakaue 2014 2013 2012 124,094 357,915 482,009 5,036 1,196 488,241 446,445 372,502 366,101 1,185,048 14,277 7,616 1,206,941 569,621 771,781 598,320 1,939,722 111,578 18,884 2,070,184 2014 2013 2012 808,126 - 53,565 - 10,500 53,565 77,957 - Page 21 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 24,438 88,450 30,000 48,000 1,125,090 2,554,034 40,000 247,000 56,824 3,293,855 84,475 33,000 749,399 264,805 351,173 44,000 382,225 50,758,250 Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 202,281 113,402 4,899 936,217 20,000 85,000 482,909 286,917 186,604 50,625 23,625 25,350 210,483 310,507 77,663 2,983,983 168,768 985,591 89,673 127,244 7,371,741 Region & IWI 2014 2013 2012 595,893 40,000 1,444,019 286,017 8,834 1,738,870 375,886 224,805 654,256 88,636 10,875 753,767 519,656 661,678 56,136 12,967 730,781 2014 2013 2012 Waikato Tainui Maori Trust Board Wi Taka Whanau o Ngati Koheriki Ngati Koheriki Maniapoto Maori Trust Board & Treaty Claims Committee Maniapoto Maori Trust Board Maniapoto ki Waenganui Regional Claims Forum Maniapoto ki te Raki Regional Claims Forum Maniapoto ki te Tonga (Te Rohe Potae) Raukawa Kaumatua Kaunihera Te Maru o Rereahu Trust Te Nehenehenui Claims Te Whanui Kohinga Ngati Te Wehi Cluster Whanganui Northern Cluster ki Te Rohe Potae Tuhua Hikurangi Claimants Raukawa Maori Trust Board Tainui Awhiro Trust 6,133 Ngati Haua Iwi 500,071 Maniapoto Central Region (10,327) Te Runanganui o Ngati Hikairo 831 Total Direct Assistance 496,708 Region Research Costs 794,619 Region Facilitation Costs 691,101 Total Waikato Claimant costs 1,982,428 28,909 30,000 83,395 125,507 42,348 100,321 485,520 80,000 89,873 1,065,873 935,877 305,741 2,307,491 130,289 40,709 135,000 11,463 595,318 62,314 20,000 36,540 1,031,633 934,297 107,680 2,073,610 Te Arawa (cont.) Manutaki Trust Mataatua Marae Hearing Committee Maungapohatu Marae Committee Murumurunga Marae Nga Rauru o Nga Potiki Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Rangitahi Marae Panekiri Tribal Trust Board Tauarau Marae Committee Te Kotahi a Tuhoe Te Rangatiratanga o Ngati Rangitihi Te Rewarewa Marae Tuhoe Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board Ngati Ruaoani ki Waikaremoana Ngati Whare Iwi Claims Waimako Trust Panekiri Tribal Trust Board Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Te Arawa Claimant costs Region & IWI Page 22 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 359,796 5,274,124 376,760 234,142 275,718 108,354 364,654 85,500 87,018 540,792 67,144 34,215 2,435,147 128,605 537,847 359,880 170,000 73,500 32,500 246,603 11,792,299 Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 372,101 44,843 42,500 42,500 13,460 1,660,493 42,500 8,940 44,000 50,000 2,442,596 269,100 3,195,072 43,148 241,475 309,796 1,088,702 1,271,224 129,743 1,557,773 Region & IWI Te Tai Rawhiti Te Kura Takai Puni Te Runanga o Ngati Porou United Tribal Council Te Roopu Kaiwhakahaere o Ruawaipu Cluster Nga Ahi Kaa Cluster Te Uru Karaka Cluster Te Aitanga a Hauiti Iwi Cluster Te Whanau a Kai Trust Nga Uri o Te Kooti Rikirangi Ngai Tamanuhiri Whanui Charitable Trust Ngariki Kaiputahi Whanui Trust Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa (Turanga Forum) Turanga Claimants (Turanga Manuwhiriwhiri) Rongawhakaata Charitable Trust Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki Te Pou-a-Haokai & Ngai Tamanuhiri Te Pou a Haokai Central Progression Team Te Whanau a Kai Wi Pere Whanau Trust Mangatu Remedies Hearing Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Te Tai Rawhiti Claimant costs Region & IWI Takitimu Nga Uri o Te Wharerata Forestry Claims Committee Ngai Tama Te Rangi Claim Committee Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka Te Whanau o Rongomaiwahine Wairoa Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board Wairoa Working Group Whakaki Marae Committee Ngati Kahungunu ki Waikeremoana Rangiahua Marae Te Kahungunu Collective Maungaharuru Tangitu Society Inc. Nga Hapu o Te Ahuriri Ngati Pahauwera Te Whanganui a Orotu Ngati Hineuru/Ngati Hinerau Maungaharuru Tangitu/Ngati Hineuru Mohaka Waikare Mana Ahuriri Incorporated Nga Tukemata o Ruahine He Toa Takitini 2014 2013 2012 127 127 246,603 246,603 139,612 88,295 474,510 383,025 30,900 413,925 17,301 556 431,782 2014 2013 2012 388,721 251,210 226,893 8,673 158,369 178,422 311,348 613,425 82,903 12,964 197,961 5,430 327,835 89,076 199,654 253,649 Page 23 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 459,400 787,706 700,305 173,500 4,250 8,500 441,529 88,355 606,480 511,288 934,422 10,000 17,595,701 Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 313,292 299,237 79,871 1,038,441 1,245,722 2,120,530 1,213,381 904,926 851,855 2,399,983 646,359 112,528 262,391 40,000 289,455 55,000 430,698 12,303,669 Region & IWI Takitimu (cont.) Nga Hapu Karanga o Wairarapa Ngai Tumapuhia a Rangi Claims Committee Te Runanga o Rangitane o Wairarapa Ngati Hinewaka Ngati Te Hore Owahanga Roopu Rangitane o Tamaki Nui a Rua Te Ropu Whenua Ngai Tumapuhiri Te Runanga o Rangitane o Wairarapa Rangitane Negotiations Trust Kahungunu ki Wairarapa - Tamaki Nui a Rua Trust Wairarapa Moana ki Pouakani Inc Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Takitimu Claimant costs Region & IWI Te Tai Hauauru Nga Iwi o Taranaki/Ngati Maru Ngati Haua Iwi Ngati Rakeipoho/Hikairo Ngati Rangi Trust Southern Whanganui Cluster Te Runanga o Ngati Apa Whanganui Central Claims Charitable Trust Whanganui Northern Cluster Whanganui River Maori Trust Board Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated Muaupoko Tribal Authority Te Hono ki Raukawa Trust Mokai Patea Claims Committee Te Runanga o Mua Upoko Ngati Hinemanu me Ngati Paki Heritage Trust Tumatanui Incorporated Society Te Runanga o Raukawa Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Te Tai Hauauru Claimant costs 2014 2013 2012 381,200 25,370 492,227 2,111,085 516,885 34,534 2,662,504 260,730 90,649 248,688 1,818,668 259,950 63,061 2,141,679 194,240 193,507 1,263,391 501,248 46,290 1,810,929 2014 2013 2012 15,810 9,788 391,203 78,463 97,191 90,512 55,000 737,967 258,388 9,643 1,005,998 121,701 97,218 64,375 5,000 87,000 103,970 479,264 302,682 17,054 799,000 3,701 526,759 72,581 4,065 59,400 94,973 761,479 674,000 67,064 1,502,543 Page 24 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 19 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CLAIMANTS TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Total Disbursements Since 1990 to 31/03/2014 5,587,343 697,716 704,559 631,313 1,025,587 685,799 5,451,842 1,118,496 1,600,898 2,832,338 601,536 52,500 52,452 1,149,337 22,191,716 Region & IWI Whanganui a Tara Kurahaupo ki te Waipounamu Trust Ngati Apa ki Te Waipounamu Trust Ngati Koata no Rangitoto ki Te Tonga Trust Ngati Kuia Trust Claim Committee Ngati Rarua Trust Ngati Tama Manawhenua ki Te Tau Ihu Trust Tainui Taranaki ki te Tonga Ltd Te Atiawa Manawhenua ki Te Tau Ihu Trust Te Runanga a Ngati Toa Rangitira Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated Te Runanga o Rangitane o Wairau Wakatu Incorporated Ngati Tamarangi Ngai Tahu Maori Trust Board Total Direct Assistance Region Research Costs Region Facilitation Costs Total Whanganui a Tara Claimant costs 178,143,330 Total Direct Assistance To Claimants Total Region Research Costs Total Region Facilitation Costs Total Direct Services To Claimants Other Service Delivery Costs Total Assistance To Claimants 2014 2013 2012 (25,011) 18,940 10,825 111,392 116,146 4,158 120,304 135,171 152,550 87,000 22,078 104,496 595,476 1,096,771 14,633 6,337 1,117,741 341,495 341,495 149,346 2,900 493,741 7,477,151 2,302,892 1,425,487 11,205,530 9,925,637 2,506,750 1,036,137 13,468,524 14,389,707 3,895,977 668,569 18,954,253 3,152,993 3,763,133 4,062,392 14,358,523 17,231,657 23,016,645 Page 25 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 20 FUNDS HELD IN TRUST TO 31 MARCH 2014 Forest Opening Current Year Balance Received Current Year Distributions Total held No. $ $ $ $ in Trust Northland Aupouri * 1 11,912,338 558,500 - 12,470,838 Otangaroa 2 3,039,281 138,700 - 3,177,981 Waitangi 3 2,024,205 107,500 - 2,131,705 Glenbervie 4 9,401,724 470,100 - 9,871,824 Woodhill * 7 24,084,702 - (24,008,922) 75,780 Riverhead * 8 10,620,798 332,000 (1,533,588) 9,419,210 Maramarua 11 12,855,057 557,000 - 13,412,057 Whangapoua 12 6,275,234 199,000 - 6,474,234 Kauaeranga 13 313,592 12,500 - 326,092 Waihou 14 1,971,155 88,000 - 2,059,155 Tairua 15 15,313,409 617,000 - 15,930,409 Athenree 16 2,710,624 117,000 - 2,827,624 Whangamata 60 139,400 29,800 - 169,200 Auckland Central North Island Pirongia 24 395,244 16,800 - 412,044 Tawarau 25 1,913,889 96,000 - 2,009,889 Mangaokewa 26 1,041,072 43,900 - 1,084,972 Pureora North * 27 671,014 1,800 - 672,814 Mangatu 34 10,078,137 581,880 - 10,660,017 Patunamu 36 5,075,131 259,400 - 5,334,531 Esk * 38 8,279,963 395,000 - 8,674,963 Kaweka 39 5,410,201 320,000 - 5,730,201 Gwavas 40 7,224,787 240,900 - 7,465,687 Southern North Island Erua Karioi Te Wera Lismore Hill Lismore Sand Santoft Tangimoana Waitarere Manakau Ngaumu 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 60,297 7,962,407 2,152,056 1,596,995 873,809 1,284,256 654,731 2,624,406 402,777 12,770,690 3,000 175,000 116,000 57,200 43,000 41,000 20,000 116,600 16,400 649,000 - 63,297 8,137,407 2,268,056 1,654,195 916,809 1,325,256 674,731 2,741,006 419,177 13,419,690 East Coast Hawkes Bay Page 26 CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 20 FUNDS HELD IN TRUST TO 31 MARCH 2014 (cont.) Nelson Golden Bay * Motueka * Golden Downs East * Golden Downs West * Waimea * Rai * Hira * Queen Charlotte * Wairau * Forest Opening Current Year Balance Received Current Year Distributions Total held No. $ $ $ $ 216,823 3,143,139 17,802,150 19,039,050 3,541,265 8,110,987 4,594,552 1,049,376 7,799,286 10,100 184,500 874,110 809,910 151,700 368,300 204,000 41,300 339,700 - 226,923 3,327,639 18,676,260 19,848,960 3,692,965 8,479,287 4,798,552 1,090,676 8,138,986 236,430,009 9,403,600 (25,542,510) 220,291,099 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 Total Forest Rental Proceeds in Trust * Forests or part of forests expected to be settled in the following financial year. 2014 $ Current/Non Current Split of Rental Proceeds Held Current Non Current 94,710,140 125,580,959 220,291,099 2013 $ 112,585,480 123,844,529 236,430,009 Forests or part forests expected to the settled in the following financial year have been disclosed as current liabilities. No further liability maturity profile has been disclosed because the Trust is not contractually obliged to transfer any of the accumulated rentals until the relevant Deeds of Settlement have been signed and Bills enacted therefore it is difficult to estimate when amounts will become payable. Page 27 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES OF CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the financial statements of Crown Forestry Rental Trust on pages 2 to 27, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 March 2014, and the income statement, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. This report is made solely to the Trustees, as a body, in accordance with Section 7.3 of the Trust Deed. Our audit has been undertaken so that we might state to the Trustees those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Trustees, as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Trustee’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Trustees are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand, and for such internal control as the Trustee’s determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibilities Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates, as well as the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with or interests in Crown Forestry Rental Trust. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements on pages 2 to 27 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Crown Forestry Rental Trust as at 31 March 2014, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year ended on that date in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. Chartered Accountants 17 June 2014 Wellington, New Zealand This audit report relates to the financial statements of Crown Forestry Rental Trust for the year ended 31 March 2014 included on Crown Forestry Rental Trust’s website. Crown Forestry Rental Trust’s Trustee’s are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of Crown Forestry Rental Trust website. We have not been engaged to report on the integrity of the Crown Forestry Rental Trust’s website. We accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website. The audit report refers only to the financial statements named above. It does not provide an opinion on any other information which may have been hyperlinked to/from these financial statements. If readers of this report are concerned with the inherent risks arising from electronic data communication they should refer to the published hard copy of the audited financial statements and related audit report dated 31 March 2014 to confirm the information included in the audited financial statements presented on this website. Legislation in New Zealand governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST Directory TRUSTEES Angela Foulkes (Chairperson) Rakihia Tau C Maanu Paul Hon Sir Taihākurei (Edward) Durie Alan Haronga John Wilson APPOINTED BY Crown Appointor Crown Appointor Maori Appointor Maori Appointor Maori Appointor Crown Appointor SENIOR MANAGEMENT Darrin Sykes Andrew French Rama Rewi Chief Executive Director Corporate Services and Assurance Director Funded Services CROWN FORESTRY RENTAL TRUST Level 12 15 Willston Street P O Box 2219 Wellington NEW ZEALAND Telephone: 04 915 1500 Facsimile: 04 916 7806 Toll Free: 0800 CFRT CFRT 0800 2378 2378 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cfrt.org.nz
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