2014 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 WF57 and WF70 executive board Features Allows to develop applications with Winstar WF57Q, WF70Q, WF57E and WF70A series TFTs. Allows to test 5.7” and 7.0” Winstar and AMT Capacitive touch panels. Description The WF57 and WF70 executive board helps to familiarize to Winstar 5.7” and 7.0” TFT displays to develop your application. WF57 and WF70 executive board is a part of Unisystem TFT Test Platform. unisystem.pl 2014-02-27 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 1. Detailed description WF57 and WF70 executive board allows to develop user’s applications with Unisystem TFT Test Platform (UTTP). WF57E display should be connected to 32 pin CN10 ZIF connector. WF70A display should be connected to 32 pin CN12 ZIF connector. WF57Q and WF70Q TFTs has 36 pin user interface connector and should be connected to CN5. WF57E and WF70A displays required external current source to power backlight LEDs. Unisystem TFT Test Platform (UTTP) has LED driver on board. Connect backlight cable to CN1 or CN2 (depend on display type), and set current value by setting jumper on CN3. WF57Q and WF70Q display has built-in LED backlight driver. This means from the user point of view backlight control task refers to control PWM pin. Executive board is designed for TFT displays with mounting frame. There are mounting holes on the board which allows to mount TFT. CN4 is used to connect executive board to main board of UTTP. On CN11 and CN13 SPI and I2C interface pins and GPIO pins are available. Two of GPIO signals are able to be set as ADC input signals. It enables to extend UTTP capabilities and build user’s application. U1 is STMPE610 controller for resistive touch panels (RTP). In case of WF57E TFT display resistive touch panel should be connected to CN7. In case of WF70A TFT display resistive touch panel should be connected to CN6. It is also possible to connect capacitive touch panels (CTP) to the executive board. CN9 and CN14 allows to connect AMT CTP. CN8 and CN15 allows to connect Winstar CTP. 2. Pin configuration CN10 is a ZIF (zero insertion force) connector used to connect 32 pin (0.5mm pitch) FFC from WF57E TFT display. General pin description is shown in Table 1. Table 1. CN1 pin configuration Pin no Symbol Name and function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-32 GND VDD NC D/C WR RD DB0 – DB15 NC NC CS RESET RL UD NC Ground Power supply Not connected Data/Command select Write strobe signal Read strobe signal Data Bus Not connected Not connected Chip select Hardware reset Scan direction Scan direction Not connected Note: In table 1 is general description of 5.7” Winstar TFT display. Refer to the specified TFT datasheet for more details. UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 2 z 11 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 CN12 is used to connect 32 pin (0.5mm pitch) FFC from TFT WF70A series display. General pin description is shown in Table 2. Table 2. CN12 pin configuration Pin no Symbol Name and function 1 2 3-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-30 31 32 VDD VDD DB0-DB15 CS RS E R/W NC RST NC GND GND Power supply Power supply Backlight control signal Chip select Register select Enable Read/Write Not connected Hardware reset Not connected Ground Ground Note: In table 2 is general description of 7.0” Winstar TFT display. Refer to the specified TFT datasheet for more details. CN5 connector is used to connect 36 pin (0.5mm pitch) FFC from TFT WFxxQ series display. General pin description is shown in Table 3. Table 3. CN5 pin configuration Pin no Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 GND VDD BL_E D/C WR RD DB0 – DB15 NC NC / CTP_INIT CS RESET NC/DISP_ON/LR NC/UD NC / TP1 NC / TP2 NC / TP3 NC / TP4 VLEDVLEDVLED+ VLED+ Name and function Ground Power supply Backlight control signal Data/Command select Write strobe signal Read strobe signal Data Bus Not connected Not connected / capacitive touch panel external interrupt Chip select Hardware reset Not connected / Display ON signal / Left-Right display direction Not connected / Up-Down display direction Not connected / Touch panel PIN Not connected / Touch panel PIN Not connected / Touch panel PIN Not connected / Touch panel PIN Backlight - LED inverter (GND) Backlight - LED inverter (GND) Backlight + LED inverter (5V) Backlight + LED inverter (5V) Note: Touch panel pins variants depend on touch panel type (RTP or CTP). Refer to the Touch panel configuration section for more details or refer to the specified TFT datasheet. 3 z 11 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 CN4 is IDC connector used to connect executive board to main board of Unisystem TFT Test Platform. CN4 contains all signals required to drive LCD TFT and some more signals which can be used to develop users application. Pin configuration of CN4 is shown in Table 4. Table 4. CN4 pin configuration Pin no 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Symbol Name and function GND DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 SCL GND Ground Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit Data bit General purpose IO (ADC INPUT) General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO (ADC INPUT) I2C clock signal Ground Pin no Symbol 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 GND BLLED+ BLLEDVSUP VSUP +5V +5V +3V3 +3V3 GND BL_PWM TPIRQ NOE NWE LCD_CS LCD_RS LCD_RST GND NSS2 NSS1 MOSI1 MISO1 SCK1 SDA GND Name and function Ground External positive backlight voltage External negative backlight voltage UTTP supply voltage UTTP supply voltage +5 V supply voltage +5 V supply voltage +3.3 V supply voltage +3.3 V supply voltage Ground Backlight PWM signal RTP External interrupt signal FSMC output enable signal FSMC write enable signal LCD chip select LCD register select signal LCD reset signal Ground SPI slave select 2 SPI slave select 1 SPI MOSI signal SPI MISO signal SPI SCK signal I2C data signal Ground CN4 pinout is universal to whole Unisystem TFT Test Platform. Therefore, some of the signals in WF57 and WF70 executive board are redundant. Minimum set of pins to drive WF57 and WF70 series displays are in bold in Table 4. WF57 and WF70 executive board contains two 10 pin pinheads (CN11 and CN13) with additional signals. Pin description is shown in Table 5. Table 5. CN11 and CN13pin configuration Pin no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CN11 symbol CN11 name and function GND +5V +3V3 NSS2 NSS1 MOSI1 MISO1 SCK1 SDA SCL Ground +5 V supply voltage +3.3 V supply voltage SPI slave select 2 SPI slave select 1 SPI MOSI signal SPI MISO signal SPI SCK signal I2C data signal I2C clock signal CN13 symbol CN13 name and function GND +5V +3V3 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 GND Ground +5 V supply voltage +3.3 V supply voltage General purpose IO (ADC INPUT) General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO General purpose IO (ADC INPUT) Ground Note: I2C bus share lines with RTP controller and CTP. Please take this into account while adding additional devices to the bus. UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 4 z 11 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 CN9 and CN14 (10 pin ZIF connectors) are used to connect AMT CTP. CN8 and CN15 ZIF connector are used to connect Winstar CTP. Pinout of mentioned connector is shown Table 6. Table 6. Capacitive Touch Panel connectors configuration Pin no CN9, CN14 symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +5V NC NC GND SCL SDA NC NC INT NC CN9, CN14 name and function +5 V supply voltage Not connected Not connected Ground I2C clock signal I2C data signal Not connected Not connected TP Interrupt Not connected CN8, CN15 symbol GND +3V3 SCL NC SDA NC RST WAKE INT GND CN8, CN15 name and function Ground +3.3 V supply voltage I2C clock signal Not connected I2C data signal Not connected Reset signal Wake up signal Interrupt signal Ground CN6 and CN7 (4 pin ZIF connector) is used to connect Winstar 5.7” and 7.0” RTP. Pinout of CN6 and CN7 is shown in Table 7. Table 7. CN6 and CN7 .3 pinout description Pin no CN6 symbol 1 2 3 4 YU XL YD XR CN6 name and function CN7 symbol CN7 name and function RTP Up Y electrode RTP Left X electrode RTP Down Y electrode RTP Right X electrode XL YD XR YU RTP Left X electrode RTP Down Y electrode RTP Right X electrode RTP Up Y electrode 3. Connection Connection method is shown on figure 1. WF57E should be connected to CN10 ZIF connector. WF70A should be connected to CN12 ZIF connector. WFxxQ series TFT should be connected to CN5 ZIF connector. CN4 should be connected to Unisystem TFT Test Main Board. TFT can be positioned with using proper mounting holes. Figure 1. Connection WF35 and WF43 executive board to TFT and Unisystem TFT Test Main Board. In this way connected TFT is ready to operate in Unisystem TFT Test Platform. 5 z 11 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 4. Touch panel configuration WF57 and WF70 executive board allows to connect touch panels in various configuration. All touch panels are connected to I2C bus. In case of resistive touch panels, they are connected to U1 resistive touch panel controller, and then U1 is connected to I2C bus. Touch panels should be connected to corresponding ZIF connectors. Connection schematic is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Electrical schematic of touch panel connectors Winstar 5.7” RTP should be connected to CN7. Winstar 7.0” RTP should be connected to CN6. Pinout of CN6 and CN7 is shown in Table 7. RTP electrodes are connected to U1 pins. U1 is STMPE610 controller for resistive touch panels with I2C bus interface. Connection schematic is shown in Figure 3. For more details refer to STMPE610 datasheet. UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 6 z 11 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Figure 3. RTP controller - connection schematic Note: For CTP and RTP interrupt signals are connected to different lines. It is GPIO1 (CTP) and TPIRQ (RTP). WFxxQ series TFTs are available in three touch panel configurations. It could be capacitive touch panel (CTP), resistive touch panel (RTP) or none. Pins 24 and 29 to 32 of the display are related with touch panels. Table 8 show dependences of TFT pin configurations for each touch panel. Table 8. TFT pin configuration depended on TP Pin No TP no symbol name and function 24 29 30 31 32 NC NC NC NC NC Not connected Not connected Not connected Not connected Not connected CTP RTP symbol name and function CTP_INT CTP_SCL CTP_SDA CTP_RST CTP_WAKE CTP external interrupt I2C clock signal I2C data signal CTP reset signal CTP wake up signal symbol NC X1 Y1 X2 Y2 name and function Not connected RTP electrode RTP electrode RTP electrode RTP electrode By default WFxxQ executive board is set in No TP configuration. To enable CTP or RTP SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4 and SB5 have to be set on proper position. Bridge configuration is shown in Table 9. Table 9. Soldering bridge configuration in case of TP No TP CTP RTP SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 ON 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 OFF When SB are set to RTP configuration RTP is connected to U1. U1 is STMPE610 driver for resistive touch panels. In this case SDA, SCL and TPIRQ lines are used. For more details refer to STMPE610 datasheet. 7 z 11 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 When SB are set to CTP configuration CTP is connected to SDA, SCL, GPIO0, GPIO1 and GPIO3 pin, where GPIO0 is connected to CTP_RST signal, GPIO1 is connected to CTP_INT signal and GPIO3 is connected to CTP_WAKE signal. Note: Before changing SB1-5 configuration make sure Unisystem TFT Test Main Board has proper firmware. SB configuration variants are show in Figure 4. Figure 4. SB configuration example 5. Display direction configuration and display ON signal In WFxxQ TFT displays it is possible to set display direction. This feature is available only in 5.7” an 7.0” Q series displays. Changing display direction is possible by setting high or low level on 27 th and 28th pin of TFT. User can change viewing direction by changing setting of voltage divider made of R2, R3, R4 and R5. Connection diagram is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Viewing direction configuration circuit In case of 4.3” Q series displays pin 27 is DISP_ON signal used to turn on display. Pin 28 is not connected. In case of 3.5” Q series displays pins 27 and 28 is not connected. By default, mentioned voltage dividers are set floating. UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 8 z 11 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Note: By default in WF57Q and WF70Q display direction is set by shorts on display controller board. Please remove these shorts from the display before you will change R1-R4 configuration. The WF57E has also option to change viewing direction. Changing display direction is possible by setting high or low level on 27th and 28th pin of TFT. User can change viewing direction by changing setting of voltage divider made of R7, R8, R10 and R11. Electrical connection is shown in Figure 6. By default this voltage dividers are set floating. Figure 6. WF57E viewing direction configuration circuit 6. Mechanical drawing Figure 7. Mechanical drawing 9 z 11 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 7. Electrical connection Figure 8. UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 - electrical connection 8. Related documents Winstar, WFxxQ TFT datasheets. Unisystem, Unisystem TFT Test Main Board datasheet. 9. Ordering information PN UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Description WF57 and WF70 executive board UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 MOQ 1 10 z 11 Datasheet unisystem.pl hhh UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 10. Revision history Date Revision 27-Feb-2014 1 Changes Initial release. Table 10. Document revision history 11. Contact information For Technical Support please contact: [email protected] For Sales Support please contact: [email protected] ul. Aleja Grunwaldzka 212 80-266 Gdańsk, Polska NIP: 584-101-80-24 [email protected] www.unisystem.pl +48 58 761 54 20 11 z 11 +48 58 761 54 21 +48 58 761 54 22 UTTP-WF57-WF70-EX01 Rev.1.0 +48 607 506 680
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