Deel E92, 1944-.L ‘ H. R. Fls‘cHERiE-l-AL _ ' 2,365,537 HYDRAHULU; ELVQETER @Trigiríal HGM.. 18, 19I5,9.«e Sheets-Sheet l INVENTORS HOWARD RFISCHER EDWARD W. STEVENS ATTOR NEY DSC» 19, 1944» H. R. FISCHER ET AL 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETERV ì Original Filed Nov. 18. 1939 lO Sheets-Sheet 2 i EDWARD W. STEVE NS BY _ _ ‘Wg ML _ ATTORNEY D¢¢- 19, 1944- H. R. FISCHER ET AL ` 1 HYDRAULIC RIVETER Original Filed NOV. 18, 1939 » 2,365,537 TRA- Y ` l0 Sheet‘S-Sheet .3 "I 7 INVENTORS HowARD RFlscHER _ 87 EDWARD w.sTEvENs ATTORNEY ' Dec. 19, 1944. v H. R. FISCHER ET AL 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETER original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 1o sheets-sheet 4 1./6 Dec. 19, 1944.V H. R, FISCHER `ET AL 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETER Original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 10 Sheets-Sheet 5 l Í | l Í l l | l INVENTORS HOWARD R` FISCHER EDWARD W. STEVENS BY , ATTOR N EY Dec. 19, 1944. H. R. FISCHER ET AL 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETER Original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 91' 10 Sheets-Sheet 6 Q_ II: 75 @WMATTORNEY Mai ` Dec. 19, 1944. H. R. FISCHER ET AL 2,365,537 ‘ HYDRAULIC RIVETER Original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 10 Sheets-Sheet ‘7 ATTORNEY ` ’ Dec. 19, 1944. H. R. FISCHER i-:T A1. 2,365,537 i HYDRAULIC RIVETER O?igìnal Filed Nov. 18. 1939 10 Sheets-Sheet 8 ï 12055 ¿103 líô ¿Il 775 > M 'ÉSfa; . .1 „14. off/_ . _ _ à /E NQ I namn u elu Il al ¿a ¿im '[H I’li l nl' (L lllll| ` ` v î\ _* 292’ IHlin - -` BY INVENTORS - HOWARD R. FISCHER E DWAR D W. STEVENS ATTORNEY vDefl- 19, 1944- H. R. FISCHER ET AL -, A 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETER .Original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 £0’ l0 Sheets~Sheet 9 _F1 4 ,/06 99 39 98 147 ,10/ 1&2 155 JM u 5% 0'5 109 97 M 55 INVENTORS HOWARD R. FISCHER EDWARD W. STEVENS ATîoRN EY DeC- 19, 1944- H. R.- FlscHER ET AL 2,355,537 HYDRAUL I C RI VETER Original Filed Nov. 18, 1939 lO Sheets-Sheet’l 10 l61 u 68 62, 0'4 TTU" I 1f INVENTORS HOWARD R.FISCHER EDWARD W. STEVENS ATTORNEY n 2,365,537 Patented Dec. 19, 1944 »UNITED sTATEs PATENT OFFICE 2,365,537 HYDRAULIC RIVETER Howard R. Fischer and Edward W. Stevens, De troit, Mich., assignors to Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New Jersey Original application November 18, 1939, Serial No. 305,204. Divided and this application August l5, 1942, Serial No. 454,973 12 Claims. This invention relates generally to compres r (Cl. 78-48) in order that a maximum of efficiency may be sion riveting and like machines and more par ticularly to a machine of this class having a port able power generating unit to which one or a plu attained in heading rivets of different size; 3. >Automatic means, capable of operation prior rality of riveting units may be attached. According to a feature of the present inven tion, the power generating unit comprises, in addition to the hydraulic system for effecting position, thereby speeding up operations in which to the release of the manipulative trigger, for re turning the power and riveting pistons to normal a number of rivets are headed in rapid succes sion; and , .4. Control mechanism associated with the hy draulic system for maintaining automatically a io trolled compressed air system for actuating the proper balance of oil in the various sections of operation of the riveting unit, a valvular con hydraulic system. This is a division of applicati-on Serial No. 305,204, ñled November 18, 1939, in which the the system. v Other objects of the invention, additional fea tion is claimed. This case is directed to the rivet tures of novelty, and structural details of the ma chine will be more apparent from the following description when read in conjunction with the ing unit and the means for operating the riveting accompanying drawings, wherein: pressure fluid distributing system of the inven piston therein. Adistinguishing feature of the riveter is its connection to the power generating unit by three hose lines. Through two of the lines oil is delivered to opposite ends of the piston cylinder while the third line contains compressed air. By manipulation of control means on the riveter the air in the third line is exhausted Fig. 1 is a View, in perspective, of the power generating unit and riveting unit completely as sembled and ready for operation; Fig. 2 is a perspective view >of a riveting unit of modified construction; Fig. 3 is a view, partly in section and partly in elevation, of the power generating unit; Fig. 4 is a view, in elevation, of the head section therefrom at varying rates of speed thereby to 25 and a fragmentary portion of the cylinder of the control operation of the pressure generator which initiates a flow of oil alternately through the first power generating unit; Fig. 5 is a view, in section, of the head of the two lines during a riveting cycle. power generating unit, and is taken substantial The principal object of the invention is to pro duce a small compact riveting assembly that is 30 ly along the line 5-5 of Fig. 3; Fig. 6 is a view looking downward through the completely automatic in its operation and which base of the power generating unit and is taken may be readily adapted for use in different classes substantially along the line 6_6 of Fig. 3; of riveting work. Fig. 7 is a' sectional view taken substantially A more specific object of the invention is to permit control of the assembly through the rivet 35 along the broken line 1-1 of Fig. 6; Fig. 8 is a detail view of a certain valve control setting and rivet heading stages of a rivet instal mechanism which functions to maintain a proper lation by manipulation of a trigger on the rivet balance of oil in the oil reservoirs looking in the ing unit. . direction of the arrows 8 in Fig. 6; Another object of the invention is to construct Fig. 9 is a detail view of a shut off valve and is the riveter of a plurality of sub-units which are 40 adjustable and interchangeable to permit modi- l taken substantially along the line 9-9 of Fig. 3; Fig. 10 is a detail view, in section, of the two iication of the riveter in accordance with the re way valve assembly; quirements of a particular class of work. Fig. 11 is a detail view, in isometric, of one of A further object is to embody in the assembly a two-way valve mechanism for conditioning for 45 the valve stems embodied `in the two-way valve operation alternatively e'ither of a pair of riveting units, attached to the power generating unit. Numerous features of novelty are embodied in the machine, some of which are: assembly; 4 Fig. 12 is a detail view, in section, of a reducing ` valve assembly; Figs. 13-15 are diagrammatic views and illus 1. A compressed air distributing system by 50 trate the machine in its respective normal, inter which the several steps of a riveting operation are mediate and fully actuated positions; Fig. 16 is a diagrammatic >detail view of the controlled automatically, and which auto return valve in actuated position; and matically terminates a cycle of operation; Fig. 17 is a view, chiefly in section, of the rivet 2. An adjustable means for varying the peak pressure obtainable in the compressed air »system 55 ing unit shown in Fig. l. 2" 2,365,537 The machine is shown in Fig. 1 completely as sembled and ready for operation. The riveting unit and the power generating unit are indicated generally therein by the respective numerals 20 and 2 E. The riveting unit 2@ is connected to the power unit 2l by a plurality of pressure fluid con ducting hose lines and is adapted for man-ual manipulation, independently of the power unit, anywhere within the range of the hose lines. Each unit 2U and 2l is a complete assembly in itself but is formed of several cooperating sec tions or ,sub-units, each detachable from the other, to facilitate assembly and replacement, or pin 46 which projects through an annular recess in plunger 45 to limit its movement in both di rections. A plurality of circumferentially spaced bores 4'! extend radially inward from the annular groove 4l and are arranged selectively to receive a locking plug 4B, if it is desired to inhibit swivel movement and hold the yoke 25 in a selected posi tion of adjustment relative to cylinder 23 and handle 22. The piston rod 24 extends through the lower end of the cylinder extension 36 and overlies an anvil head 49 formed on the yoke 25. In accord ance with the usual construction of devices of this type a replaceable contact head or die 5l is ly, a handle 22, a cylinder 23, a piston assembly 15 positioned in the lower end of the rod 24 and a including a piston rod 24, and a yoke 25. The similar die 52 is positioned in the anvil head 49. several sections of the power unit include a head It will further be noted, in connection with the 26, in which the principal control valves are servicing. The riveting unit 25 comprises, broad piston assembly construction, that the piston rod mounted, an intermediate section comprising the main compression cylinder 27, and a base section 20 24 is detachably secured to the piston head 35, in order that it may be removed for individual 28 in which >is formed the oil reservoirs, pressure servicing in any respect. The upper end of the outlets and `other elements and mechanisms to be piston rod 24 is formed with a head 53 which ex described later with greater particularity. The tends into a recess 54 formed in the piston head power unit is mounted upon casters 23 to permit the unit to be moved easily Vfrom one working 25 35. A plurality of locking balls 55 are positioned below the head 53, in a groove cut in the inner point to another. _ wall of the piston'head 35, and normally hold the In constructing this machine advantage has piston rod 24 with its head 53 locked within the been taken of all known mechanical expedients recess 54. A removable retaining ring 56 is also to insure a maximum of efñciency in its opera positioned within the recess 54, below the locking tion. In the specification, no specific mention is made ordinarily of elements such as piston rings 30 balls 55, and serves to retain the balls in locking or seals, gaskets, and the like, but it should be understood that these elements are provided in the machine, wherever necessary. _ Considering ñrst the riveting unit 20 and re ferring to Fig. 17, the handle 22 is recessed to receive a pilot portion 30 integral with cylinder 23 and extending therefrom atan angle of 45 degrees relative to the axis of the main part of the cylinder. The handle 22 and cylinder 23 are secured together by means of screws 3| and are so aligned that the ?luidconducting passageways formed in each element are joined to form, in effect, twopassageways 32 and 33 leading respec tively into the upper and lower ends of a piston chamber 34 formed in the cylinder 23. Recipro cable within the piston chamber 34 is a piston head 35 movable from end to end of the chamber under the force of oil pressure supplied alter nately through the passageways 32 and 33. The piston rod 24 is secured to the piston head and extends downwardly through a bushing or cylin der extension 35 screwed into the lower end of the cylinder 23. The upper end of the extension 3B closes the lower end of the cylinder 23 to form the piston chamber 34. Packing 3l positioned within the extension 3S. about the piston rod 24, acts to prevent the seepage of oil downward be tween the rod and the extension. Extension 36 projects below the cylinder23 and the projecting portion thereof passes through a bore 33 formed in the upper end of the yoke 25, thus establishing a swivel connection between the extension and the yoke. In order that the yoke may be held from slipping off the. extension a split locking ring 35 is provided which ñts into complementary position. An important, feature of the riveting unit is the ease with which it may be adapted for use in operations of varying requirements. Each of the principal elements of the unit is interchange able with other elements of different construction and a variety of combinations of these elements may be produced. In Fig. 2, for example, o-ne of a variety of different types of yokes is shown which may be used in place of the one illustrated in Fig. 17, In Fig. 2 the anvil head 49 oi’ the yoke is set out of alignment with the piston rod 24, which acts thereon through an auxiliary arm 5'! pivoted on the yoke at 58 and urged into con tact with the rod by a spring 53. The cylinders 23 vary chiefly in the diameter of their pressure chambers 33 and the selection of a particular cylinder is determined by the size of the rivets to be headed. The handle 22 is also replaceable and may be secured to the cylinder 23 in either of two positions, one of which is illustrated in Fig. 17, and the other in Fig. 2. In Fig. 17, the handle extends at a right angle to the cylinder and may be shifted to the Fig. 2 position merely -î by removing the screws 3| and reinserting them after turning the handle through an arc of 180` degrees relatively to the cylinder about the axis of pilot portion 30. It will be noted that the sepa rate passages in the cylinder 23 and handle 22 which comprise the passageway 33 are placed in communication with each other through an an nular groove 6l surrounding pilot 30 and formed by the alignment of individual recesses in the adjacent ends of the cylinder and handle. ` Thus, ~ the handle 22 may be turned to any extent rela tively to the cylinder 23 land communication be tween the passages comprising passageway 33 will The yoke 25 is normally locked against axial always be maintained through the groove 6l. movement relative to the extension by an annu Mounted within the handle 22 is the throttle lar groove 4l in the extension cooperating with control mechanism comprising a throttle valve a lock plunger 42 which ñts a radial bore 43 in 32 and a control lever or trigger 63 for operating the yoke. A screw 44, secured in the bore 43, the valve. The valve 62 is movable within a supports a spring pressed plunger 45 which acts bushing 54, positioned within a bore 65 to which against the lock plunger 42 to hold it in the `an nular groove 4l. Screw 44 supports a transverse 75 live pressure fluid such as compressed air is di rected by means later to be described. The bush recesses or grooves cut in the extension and yoke. 2,365,537 ing 64 is open to atmosphere through a port 66 formed therein and the valve 62 controls the flow of air from the bore 65, through the bushing 64 and out the port 69. The valve 92 is urged to closed position by a spring 61 and normally pre 3 grammatically in Figs. 13, 14 and 15. Air is sup plied directly also to the lower end of distributing valve 82 by means of a passage 92 leading from main air passage 14 into a chamber 93 formed within the closure plate 81 which encloses this end of the valve (see Fig. 5). A downwardly eX tending rod 94 is secured to the lower end of the throttle control trigger 63 is pivoted, at 68, to an valve 82 and supports a collar 95 at its lower inner surface of the‘handle 22 and is formed with end. Compressed between the collar 95 and an a shoulder 63a which engages the rearmost end of the valve 62. A clockwise movement of the 10 abutment 96, secured to the lower end of bushing 8'5, is a spring 91 which by reason of its ar trigger 63, as viewed in Fig. 1'1, serves to move rangement urges the valve 82 downward, to the the valve 62 to opened position. With the valve position shown in Fig. 13. Normally, line pres $2 in opened position, air is permitted to pass sure is acting also on the upper end of valve 82, from the bore 65 through the bushing t4 and out thereby balancing the pressure below the valve, the port 65 to atmosphere. This escape of pres and the spring 91 is free to hold the valve down sure fluid occasions a drop in line pressure in the ward in the position shown in Fig. 13. If the air power generating unit which, in a manner later pressure above the valve 82 is reduced below line to be described, conditions the machine for a pressure the valve will be forced upward, against cycle of operation. In Fig. 1’1, the valve 52 and the tension of spring 91, a distance determined trigger 63 are shown in fully operated position, by the extent of the reduction of pressure above while the normal position of the trigger is indi- > the valve. Air is directed to the upper end of cated in dot-dash outline. distributing valve 82 through a series of ports and As shown in Fig. 1, a hose line 69 is connected passageways controlled by the automatic return to the base 28 of the power unit 2l. Compressed valve 8|. A port 9B connects the main air pas air, generated by means not shown herein, is in sage 14 to a groove 99 cut longitudinally in the troduced through the hose line 69 into a cham outer surface of return valve bushing 84. The ber 1| formed in the base 28. From the cham air passes from groove 99 through a pair of ports ber 1| the air passes upward through a pas ||l| in the bushing 84, around a reduced portion sage 12 in cylinder casingf21 and into the head of valve 8| and through a port |92, formed in the section 26 through an inlet 13 (Fig. 5) formedv oppostie side of the bushing, into a second bush therein. Inlet 13 opens into a longitudinal main ing groove "193. A passage |94 connects the air passage 14 in head 215 and extending into the groove |03 to a chamber |05 formed about the main air passage is a hose coupling 15 to which upper reduced portion of valve bushing 85 and is attached an intermediate thro-ttle hose 1B (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 1 the hose 16 eX- :.' thus, in the normal position of the parts, line pressure is suppled constantly to the chamber tends downward and into a two-way valve assem |05. bly 11, later to be described. Extending from A metering oriñce |96 is positioned within the the valve assembly 11 is a main throttle hose 18 air passage 14 intermediate the main inlet 13 and connected to a coupling 19 (Fig. 17) which is hose coupling 15 so that the unseating of throt threaded into the previously mentioned bore 65 tle control valve 62, in riveting unit 29, causes an formed in riveter handle 22. The line pressure immediate drop in pressure in the line between of main air passage 14 is thus maintained, nor -metering oriiice |06 and bore 65, since the air mally, also in bore 55. ' cannot pass through the oriñce |06 as rapidly Referring to Fig. 5 and the diagrammatic views, Figs. 13-15 inclusive, it will be seen that the is. in as it escapes through port 66. The extent of pressure reduction in this line is determined by several control valves mounted in the head 26 the extent of actuation given the trigger 63. Port comprise an automatic return valve 8|, a dis 98 communicates with air passage 14 at a point tributing valve 82 and a preiill valve 93, so named vents the escape of air from the bore 65. The for reasons which will hereinafter more clearly appear. These valves are movable within respec tive cylindrical bushings 34, 85 and 36, each of which is open at both ends in order that air may be introduced therein above and below its re spective valve. Each assembly comprising a valve and valve bushing is mounted in a respective bore cut transversely through the head 26. The op posite ends of each bore are closed by closure plates t1 (Fig. 5) appropriately formed to en close the ends of the valve bushings and to per mit freedom of movement of the valves. The valves 8|, 32 and |33 are controlled by in» dividual springs and by pressure fluid supplied either directly or indirectly from air passage 14. within the area of reduced pressure so that the drop in pressure occasioned by operation of the trigger 63 is reflected also in the ports and passageways leading to chamber |05, above valve 82, and in the chamber itself. In initiating a cycle of machine operation the ' trigger 93 may be fully actuated in a single mo tion or it may be momentarily held in a partially actuated position before completing the full stroke. Since a riveting operation consists of a first stage, in which the rivet is set, and a second stage, in which the rivet is headed, the operation of the machine will be described as consisting of separate stages, the first of which is initiated by a movement of the trigger 63 through a portion of its stroke and the second upon the completion of Referring to Fig. 13, wherein the valves are shown in normal position, it will be seen that 65 the trigger stroke. In Fig. 14 the machine is shown in its ñrst stage, or rivet setting operation, air is supplied directly to the upper end of pre~ with the trigger c3 moved to an initial position ûll valve 83 through a port 88 connecting passage intermediate its normal and fully actuated po 14 and a chamber 89 formed about the upper re sitions. As shown therein the reduction of pres duced portion of prefill valve bushing Sit. The sure within chamber |05 has caused the valve 82 valve 83 is thus normally held downward, against to move a short distance upward where it is held the tension of a spring 9|, by line pressure act~ by a seco-nd compression spring I 91 placed be* ing on the upper end of the valve; it being under tween an abutment collar |93 engaging the lower stood that expressions such as “upper” and end of the valve, and the previously mentioned “downward” when used in this part of the de ,collar or spring base 95. In the normal position scription, refer to the positions illustrated dia 2,365,537 - of rthe valve '82 the .spring |81is >without‘eiiîect since no relative movement between the valve and'the collar |88 is possible until the collar en gages the abutment S8. This occurs upon com pletion of the initial upward movement of the valve 82 and it will beevident that further up ward movement of the valve must be accom is performed after the rivet setting stage of the operation and may take place before or after the ports |22 are uncovered by the preiill valve. In Fig. l5, the trigger 63 is shown fully actuated and the throttle control valve >62 completely open. The drop in pressure between the riveting unit and the metering oriiice |86 is considerable, plished against the combined action of springs 91 at this time, and, as reflected in chamber |05 and |81. With the valve 82 in the intermediate above the distributing valve 82, is suiiicient to position shown in Fig. 14 the live air acting upon 10 permit the valve 82 to be moved to its extreme the lower end of the valve is permitted to pass upward position against the tension of the two through a port |59 in abutment collar 88, around the reduced lower end of the valve and through a pair of ports HI into an annular groove H2 springs 91 and |01. This movement of the valve 82 from its Fig. 14 position to its Fig. 15 position serves to uncover the ports |21 and permit air formed in the outer surface of the bushing 85. lA 15 to flow through the ports around a reduced por passageway || 3 leads from the groove || 2 to a tion of the valve and through a second set of chamber | |13 formed around the reduced lower ports |28 into another annular groove |29, formed end of preiill valve bushing 88 so that upon the in the bushing 85. Communicating with the initial movement of distributing valve 82 line groove |29 is a passageway |3I which extends pressure is established in chamber H41. Extend 20 downward and opens into a main compression ing from the chamber | ill> is a passageway H5 chamber |32 containing a piston assembly in which leads downward through the intermediate cluding a piston head |33 and rod |34. Normal section of the unit to the base and opens into a ly, and during the rivet setting stage of opera preñll reservoir lili containing a suitable liquid, tion, the piston assembly in chamber |32 occu such as oil. Live air pressure acting upon the 25 pies the position shown in Figs. 13 and 14. How oil in reservoir |95 forces the oil through a pas ever, upon the extreme upward movement of the sageway ||1 into a pressure chamber ||8 and distributing valve, line pressure passing through thence through means, including a hose line HS, the above described ports and passageways en t0 handle 22 of riveting unit 28. In handle 22 ters the upper end of chamber | 32 and drives the the oil is driven through the passageway 32 and 30 lpiston assembly downward, as is illustrated in into the upper end of piston chamber 35|, forcing .piston head 35 and rod 28 downward to set the rivet. The hydraulic system is actuated at this time solely by air pressure within the reservoir HB so that the pressure obtained in pressure chamber 31| is relatively small and insufficient to actually head the rivet. Fig. 15. Piston rod |34 extends downward into the oil pressure chamber ||8 and, in moving through the chamber, forces oil at great pressure through the passageways leading into riveting piston chamber 34 to drive the riveting piston as sembly downward and complete the rivet head ing operation. If, for any reason, it should be desired to prolong the rivet heading operation .beyond the normal time in which this operation Returning now to a consideration oi the pre rlll valve 83 it will be observed that while air is passing from chamber H4 down to the reservoir 40 is performed a means is provided for reducing ||6,. air is also seeping slowly between the inner the iiow of air to the chamber |32 to increase edges of bushing 88 and a projection |21 of the time required to build up sufficient pressure slightly less diameter than that represented by therein to operate the piston assembly. This the inner edges of the bushing. Thus, while the means resides in a set screw |38 adapted to en rivet setting operation is in progress, pressure 45 gage the upper end of the preñll valve 83 to limit gradually builds up below the preñll valve 83 and, the upward movement of the valve. As shown as the gradually increasing pressure counterbal in Fig. 5, the screw |38 extends through the plate ances the line pressure acting on top of the valve, 81 enclosing the upper end of preñll valve bush the spring 9| moves the valve upward. The up ing 85 and may be manually set to any desired ward movement of the valve 83 is further re position of adjustment. When the valve 83 is tarded by reason of the fact that the air, above prevented from completing its upward movement, the valve, can escape only through a narrow the ports |22, controlled by the valve, are only opening between the upper end of the valve bush partially opened andthe ilow of air through the ing and the closure plate 81, similar to the open ports is accordingly reduced. ing between the lower end of the bushing and pro- . The rivet heading operation being now com jection 52|. The valve S3 is shown in Fig. 14 in plete, the trigger 63 may be released. Upon re an intermediate position with its upper end still lease of the trigger, the air in the passageway closing a pair of ports |22 communicating with 18 between the riveting unit and the metering ori the Lipper chamber S9 which receives line pres ñce |88 will build up to line pressure and this sure through port 88 directly from the main air 60 pressure can be used to return the distributing passage 14. When the preñll valve has moved valve 82 to its normal position, thereby cutting upward a slightly further distance it will un off the flow of air to the main compression cham cover the ports |22, allowing air to flow through ber |32 and preñllreservoir H6. However, an the ports around a reduced portion of the valve automatic control means, which acts independ and through another pair of ports |23 into an an 65 ently of the trigger 63, is provided for returning nular groove |24 formed in the bushing 8B. The the valve 82 when a predetermined point of peak groove |28 is connected, by means of a passage pressure is reached in the chamber |32. 'Re |25, to an annular groove |28`formed in the dis ferring to Fig. 15, a second passageway |35 opens tributing valve bushing 85. The groove |26 com into the upper end of the chamber |32 and eX municates with the interior of the bushing B5 70 tends upward into a bore |38 formed in the head through a set of po-rts |21 which are closed by 28. Positioned within the bore |38 is a valve |31 the head of the distributing Valve in its normal which normally closes the passageway |35 and is and intermediate positions. urged to closed position by a spring |38. An ad When operating thecontrol trigger 63 in two justing screw |38 also extends into the bore |38l steps the second step, to fully actuated position,J 75 and acts upon the spring |38 to increase or 5 2,365,537 lessen the pressure with which it urges the valve |31 to closed position. Thus, when the pressure in chamber |32 reaches a sufliciently high point to force valve |31 off its seat, air is permitted to pass from the chamber into the bore |36 and from there through a passage |4| into a chamber |42 below the automatic return valve 8|. The pressure fluid thus introduced into chamber |42 immediately forces the valve8| upwards, against the tension of a spring |43, into the position shown in Fig. 16. As shown in the latter figure, the valve, when in its upper position, closes the port |82, leading into groove |63, but estab lishes communication between this groove and the interior of the bushing 84 through another valve 8|, is positively cut off from the cham ber |32. ` In order that the Valve 8| may be retained in its upper, or actuated position, for the time nec essary to accomplish the return of the distribut ing valve 82, a small opening |51 is formed in the lower reduced portion of the valve 8| which com municates with a bore |58 drilled in the lower `end of ‘the valve. Pressure fluid from port |45 10 thus passes also through the opening |51 and bore |58 into the chamber |42 and acts upon the lower end of the valve 8|. After the closing of relief valve |31 air 'is supplied to the chamber |42 only through the opening |51. ` If, and as long as, the operator, subsequent to -the completion of the rivet heading stroke of pis port |44. Also formed in the bushing 84, oppo tons |33 and 35, continues to hold the throttle site the port |44 and opened by upward move valve 62 open, the automatic return valve 8| will ment of the valve, is a port |45 communicating be held in its upper or operated position illus with a passageway |46 leading directly from the main air passage 14. The passageway |46 opens 20 trated in Fig. 16 by the preponderance of the pressure of substantially live air, delivered into the main air passage at a point between the through opening |51 and bore |58, over the op air inlet 13 and metering orifice |56 so that posing combined pressures of spring |43 and full line pressure may pass through passageway fluid under reduced pressure. Under these con |46 and port |45 around a lower reduced por tion of valve 8| and then through port |44 into 25 ditions such reduced pressure, in hose 18 and associated passages, does not initiate a new cycle groove |63. From groove|63 the air flows, of of operation as before, because the automatic course, through passage |64 into chamber |95 return valve 8| is now positioned to deliver live above the distributing valve 82, forcing this valve air through passage |84 to the upper end of dis downward to the normal position of Fig. 13 and thereby closing ports |21 and ||| to stop the 30 tributing valve 82. Upon release of throttle valve 62 to closed position, air pressure in hose 18 flow of pressure fluid to chambers |32 and ||6 builds up to line pressure to balance the fluid respectively. pressures at the ends of valve 8| and permits the Still referring to Fig. 16, it will be seen that spring |43 to restore it to the normal (Fig. 13) the air of reduced pressure below the metering position. The auxiliary passage |53, associated oriñce |86 flows from groove 98 in bushing 84 ‘ with metering orifice |54, performs an important, through the upper one of the ports lui, around though not indispensable, function in augment the upper reduced portion of the valve 8| and ing the rise in pressure in hose 18 with the con then through a passage |41, formed in the bush sequent restoration of valve 8| to normal, fol ing, into a chamber |48 above the valve. As the air in chamber |48 builds up to a sufficient pres 40 lowing the close of throttle valve 62. The oper ator, therefore, may reopen the throttle valve to sure to balance the pressure acting upon the head4 a new rivet without any appreciable delay `lower end of the valve, the spring |43 returns the on account of the'restoration of valve 8| sub valve downward to its normal position. This sequent to the closing of the throttle valve. occurs upon the closing of the throttle valve 62. The return stroke of the main driving piston In order to speed up the return action of the 45 |33-|34 begins immediately upon the return of valve 8|, an auxiliary return connection may be the distributing valve 82 to normal. Since the provided. The bushing 84 is formed with a driving piston encounters less resistance on its port |49, normally closed by the valve 8|, com return than on its power stroke, reduced pres municating with a passage 15| leading into an sure may be used for its return, thereby effecting opening |52 (Fig. 5) from which extends an 50 a saving in compressed air. As shown in Fig. other passage |53 opening into the main air 13, in the normal position ofthe valve 82 air, at passage 14 below the metering orifice |86. Up line pressure, flows through a branch |58 of the on movement of the valve 8|, the lower reduced passageway 92 into an annular groove |6| in dis portion thereof is placed opposite the port |49 tributing valve bushing 85. From groove I6 I', the and line pressure passing around this reduced 55 air passes through a set of ports |62, around a portion from port |45 is admitted through the reduced portion of the valve 82 and out a set of port |49 to passages |5| and |53. A metering ports |63 into a second annular groove |64. A ori?ce |54 is positioned in the opening |52 (Fig. downwardly extending passageway |65 communi 5) and delivers, at a restricted rate, compressed Cates with the groove |64 and a branch |66 of 60 air into passage |53 and hose 18, thereby com’ the passageway leads into a bore |61 formed in > a projecting portion |66 of the cylinder 21 (see plementing the action of orifice |86. Figs. 3 and 12). Positioned within the bore |61 1t is also desirable, for quick and efficient oper is a well-known type of` reducing valve assembly ation of the machine, that the relief valve |31 be returned to its seat immediately after it has per 65 |68, having a valve |69 movable within a bush ‘ formed the function of causing the operation of ing |1| to control the flow of air into passage |12. valve 8| to the Fig. 16 position. To insure prompt A An adjustable spring |13 presses upon the lower surface of a diaphragm |14 to urge the Valve action of valve |31 line pressure, when admitted |69 to open position while air entering the open through port |49, in bushing 84, is also admitted through a similarly formed port |551 to a pas 70 upper end of bushing |1| acts upon the upper end of the valve to close it when the diaphragm is sageway |56 leading into the bore |36 at a point forced downward. The air iiows'into the upper to the rear of the valve |31. The combined ac end of bore |61, through a set of ports |16, in the tion of the spring |38 and air at line pressure bushing |11, and past the valve |69 to the pas thus produces an ample force for the return of the relief valve, and chamber |42, below the 75 sage |12 where it is directed to the lower end of 6 253,615,537 bore l|61 and ~out a passage |11. In passing from passage |12 to passage |11 the air acts on the bly downward substantially to its Fig. l5 position, with a pressure of several tons. ~ In order that the upper surface of the diaphragm |14 and presses riveting piston may be retuined to its normal it downward against the tension of spring |13. position after each rivet heading operation, oil is The valve |69 is thusV allowed to move downward supplied through passageway 33, in the riveting to a partly closed position and, as a result, the unit, to the lower end ofnthe pressure chamber pressure of the air passing from thel lower' end 34 below the piston head 35. Referring to Figs. of bore l61 is substantially less than that of the 13-15, there is provided in the base section 28 air entering the upper end of the bore. The of ‘the power unit, a return oil reservoir |9| into passage |11 opens into the lower end of com' 10 the upper end of which opens the passageway |85. pression chamber |32, ‘below the piston head |33, In the normal position of the distributing valve and the _air of reduced pressure thus introduced 82 (Fig. 13) air under line pressure ñows through below the piston head serves to return the piston this passageway and thence through parallel to its normal upper position. branches to serve the dual purpose of returning Provision is made for directing air, trapped on 115 the driving piston |33---|34 and acting upon the either side of the piston head |33, to exhaust. oil in reservoir |9| to effect the return of the riv Referring to Fig. 1,3, it will be seenthat during eting piston. Reservoir |9| is in communication the upward travel of the piston 13B-|34, the air with an oil pressure chamber |92 in which is above the piston isl forced out of the chamber mounted a return piston |93. Upon the intro through the passageway |3| and enters groove ‘ duction of 'live air into the reservoir 19| the oil | 29. From groove |29 the air passes through therein is forced downward into the pressure ports Y|28 aroundv the upper reduced portion of chamber |92 where it acts upon the base of the valve 82 and out a pair of ports |18 into an an piston |93 to force it upwards. As the piston |93 nular groove |19 formed in the bushing 85. moves upward oil above it is forced through Communicating with groove |19 is a passageway means including a hose line |94 to the riveting |8| leading, in a manner not shown herein, to, an handle 22 where itis conducted by means oi exhaust chamber |82 (see Figs. 6 and '1.) formed passageway 33 tothe pressure chamber 34 where in the base 28. Extending into the chamber it returns the piston assembly therein to the nor |82, through an opening in the Ybase plate |80, mal position yof Fig. 13. It will be recalled that is a muffler comprising a perforated retainer |83 30 upon the first step (Fig. 14) of the distributing ñlled with copper wool or a like substance. A closure plate |84 covers the lower end of the reT tainer |83 and exhaust air is permitted to pass through the retainer and out openings |85 in the valve 82 to actuated position the ports- |82, by which live air is conducted to the passageway |65, are closed and line pressure is hence cut off from the reservoir |9|. Further, the passageway |35 plate |84, to atmosphere. During the downward 35 is opened to exhaust at this time so that no air movement of the piston ISS-|34, the distribut pressure opposes the riveting piston as it descends ing valve 82 is in its uppermost po-sition and, as shown in Fig. 15, the exhaust port y|18 is, at this toits rivet setting and rivet heading positions. On bel' |_82,v_ia passages |11, |66, |65, etc. It Vis also desirable that chamber I |4, below the prei-lll valve 8,3, be connected to exhaust in the normal position .pf the machine in order that the passes back through passageway 33, hose |98, and the return stroke of the piston head 35 the oil time, opposite a lower reduced portion of the valve and is thus in .communication with the 40 above it retraces its path through passageway 32, hose H9, and back to the preñll reservoir H8, ports and passageways leading into the lower which is open to exhaust at this time through end of _compression chamber |32. During this chamber | I4, below preñll valve 83. On the actu portion of the cycle, therefore, the air' below the ating stroke of piston head 35, the oil below it piston head |33 is driven to the exhaust cham on to pressure chamber |92 where it assists in .oil in reservoir | I6 may return to its normal level. Thereforaan opening |86 is formed in a grooved moving the piston |93 downward to the position shown in Fig. 14. The primary force in lowering the piston |93 is oil from the prei-lll reservoir l IB, introduced through a connecting passageway |95Y portion of the distributing valve 82 and commu point above the head of the piston. nicating with the opening is a longitudinal bore |81 in the valve. In the normal position of the valve 82 (Fig. 1,3) the opening |86 therein lies opposite ay pair of ports |88, in the bushing 85, which communicate with the previously men tioned _annular groove ||2. Exhaust air is then free to ñow from chamber ||4 through the con necting ports andv passageways to opening |86 and then through longitudinal bore |81. At the upper end of bore |81, another opening |89 is . formed in the valve 82 and the air from bore |81 passes out this opening, around the upper re which opens into the pressure chamber |92 at a In order that a proper balance of oil may be maintained in the various sections of the hydra lic system certain valvular control mechanisms ' are provided. As shown in Figs. 3 and 6, the re turn reservoir |9| and pressure chamber |92 are separated by a wall of the base casting, which does not, however, quite reach the base plate |88 and so permits constant communication between the lower end of the reservoir and the lower end of the chamber. Referring particularly to Fig. 3, the piston |93 is formed with a bore |91 which extends throughout the length of the piston and communicates, through a pair of ports |98, with port |18. . 65 `the lower end of chamber |92 below the head of Turning now to a further consideration of the the piston. Supported within the bore |91 is a hydraulic system it will be remembered that the bushing |99 in which is mounted a valve 28 l. The initial movement of the oil takes place during the valve 28| is movable within the bushing |99 to first or rivet setting stage of the cycle, when live open and close a pair ofv ports 292 by which com air-under the usual line pressure, say, 90 pounds -70 municaticn is established between the bore |91 per square inch, is admitted to the preflll reservoir and the upper end of chamber |92 above the pis |-|6. Then, during the second or rivet heading ton |93. The valve 28| is urged .to closed position stage of the cycle, the main driving piston by a compression spring 283 extending between a |33---| 34 is actuated and the oil ahead of the of bushing |99 and an abutment collar drivingpiston. forces the riveting piston assem 75 shoulder 204 secured to the lower end of the valve, but, in duced portion of the valve and out the exhaust 2,365,537 the operated or downward position of the piston, the valve is held in open position by reason of the engagement of collar 269 with base plate |86. The operated position of the assembly is shown ..7 control the flow of oil through a narrow opening 2|3 in the block. The valves 2|| and 2|2 are spaced slightly from the inner guide walls of the blockv 299 to permit the oil to pass. around the in Fig. 3 and it will be seen that, at this time, oil may pass from the upper end of the chamber valves to the opening 2 | 3. The valve 2 I2 is urged upward to closed position by a spring 2|4 and is |92, downward through the ports 292 into the bore |91 and out the port |98 to the lower end of the chamber |92 and to the reservoir |9I. Then, when compressed air is admitted to the reservoir |9| to l0 passes through the opening 2 |3 and underlies the lower end of valve 2| l. With valve 2|2 in upper initiate a return stroke of the Iriveting piston, oil passes from the reservoir through the ponts |98 into the bore |91 and `out the ports 292 to the upper end of the chamber |92. When the upper end of the chamber is filled, the oil from the 15 » reservoir |9| acts upon the lower surface of the head of piston |93 and forces the piston upward. Upon the initial upward movement of the piston, the upper end of bushing |99 engages the head of formed with a stem or` extension 2|5 which or closed position the extension 2|5 thereof en gages the valve 2|| and holds it oiî its seat, in open position. As shown in `Fig. 8 the mid portions of the valve 2 I2 and block 209 are slotted vertically to permit the passage of oil to and from the valve and to receiveone end of a lever 2 I5 pivoted, at 2H, to an inner wall of the block. The lever 2 I6 bears, at its left hand end, as viewed in Fig. 8, a laterally extending stud 2| 8 which passes through an opening 2|9 in the valve 2|2 valve 26|, thus closing the ports 262, and during 20 and projects into a horizontal slot 22| formed in the block 299. The valve 2|2 may thus be the subsequent upward movement of the piston raised and lowered by operation of the lever 2|6 the several elements |93, |99 and 26| move to gether as a unit and the valve remains in closed ` position. The oil above the piston |93 is forced which is movable about its pivot point 2|? a dis tance limited to the range of movement per out a passageway 205 which opens into the upper 25 mitted the stud 2|8 by the opposite edges of the slot 22 | .Y The right hand end of the lever 2|6, as end of chamber |92 and connects, in a manner viewed in Fig. 8, is pivotally connected to a rod not shown herein, to the return oil hose |94 222 secured to the lower one of a pair of con (Fig. 1). nected buoyant elements 223 which float on the In the present hydraulic system, as in those of a similar class, a certain amount of oil seepage 30 surface of the oil in reservoir |9|. The rise and fall of the oil in this reservoir is reflected, there takes placeabout the piston head 35 in the cham fore, in a corresponding movement of the lever ber 39. In general, the seepage in one direction 2|6 and a consequent downward or upward past the piston is counteracted by seepage in the movement of the valve 2|2. When the oil level opposite direction during a different part of the cycle but, as a practical matter, real equality of 35 in reservoir |9l rises suñiciently to cause the opening of valve 2|2 oil may pass from the res balance is rarely if ever attained. Thus, in the ervoir, through the opening 2|3 past valve 2|I present instance, the amount of oil which seeps ` and through thepassages 291 and 296 to the pre from the upper end of chamber 34 to its‘lower end during extended operation of the machine exceeds ñll reservoir | |6. As the oil level drops in reser by a considerable amount of seepage which takes 40 Voir_|9| the `lever 256 is caused to move in a place during the same period in the opposite clockwise direction (Fig. 8) and lift valve 2|2 to closed position in which position, theV extension protracted period, with the air pressure turned on, 2|5 thereof may lift valve 2| | off its seat to per oil will pass from the lower end of chamber 34 to mit oil -from the prefill reservoir to pass down the rupper end and none at all return in the oppo 45 ward through the opening 2|?. and around valve site direction. Excessive seepage in either direc 2|2 into the return reservoir. In order that the tion past the piston head 35 will cause a variation valve 2|2 may be partly unseated at this time, it in the normal level of the oil within return reser is permitted a slight movement relatively to the voir |9I. Should this level go too high the oil lever 2|6. It will be noted that the opening 2|9 may overflow into the air passages and if the level 50 in the valve, through which the stud 2 |8 is passed, goes too low the supply therein may be insuiñ is of slightly greater diameter than the stud» cient to operate the return piston |93. Wide The valve 2|2 is held in its fully closed position variations of the oil level in reservoir |9| are, by the spring 2M while the stud 2| 8" is held a therefore, undesirable and, in order to confine short distance below the upper edge of the open- _ f variations within narrow limits certain additional ing 2|9 by reason of its engagement with the control mechanism is provided. As shown in upper edge of the slot 22|. Thus the valve 2|2 Figs. 6, 'l and 8 the return reservoir |9| and the may be moved downward a distance suñicient to preñll reservoir ||6 are connected by a pair of permit oil to iiow downward through the open passageways 266 and 291, the latter of which is in ing 2|3, even though the lever 2 I6 and buoyant communication with a bore 268 (Fig. 7) opening 60 elements 223 be in their lowermost positions. The into the reservoir E9 |. The passageway 201 com relative movement of the valve 2|2, at this time, municates also with the pressure chamber |92 is not enough to permit the valve 2| l to return to (see Figs. 3 and 6) at a point above the head of its seat. Valve 2| | will close only when the buoy piston |93, so that, during the preñll operation, oil passes ‘from the reservoir | i6 through the pas 65 ant elements 223 rise and pull valve 2 | 2 a further distance off its seat. The exchange of oil between sageways 206 and 29'! and acts to return the pis the prefill reservoir and the return reservoir takes ton |93 downward. The previously mentioned place when compressed air is admitted to these passageway |95, shown in Figs. 13, 14 and 1‘5, is a respective chambers, and it will be noted that, diagrammatic representation of the connection, effected by passageways 206 and 291, between the 70 by reason of the construction of the valves 2|| and 2|2, an exchange of oil will take place dur reservoir | I6 and chamber |92. ing each cycle of machine operation. The valves Positioned within the bore 268 (Figs. '7 and 8) 2| | and 2 I2 cannot occupy their seats at the same and extending below it‘into the reservoir |9| is time and it is always possible to force oil in one a block 299 which acts as a bushing for a pair direction or the other through the opening 2|3, 75 of oppositely disposed valves 2|| and 2|2 which direction. Also, if the machine stands idle for a 8 2,365,537 When live air is admitted to prefill reservoir H6 during the rivet setting portion of the cycle, oil is forced past the valves 2'|| and 2'|2 until the oil level in the return reservoir rises to a point where valve 2 | 2 will be pulled fully oiï its seat and valve 2|| permitted to drop to closed position. Then when air under pressure is admitted to the return reservoir |9|, during the piston return or nor malizing portion of the cycle, oil is forced past the valves 2|2 and- 2|| into the preñll reservoir until the oil level in the return reservoir drops suiiìciently to permit valve2|2 to move to fully closed position. If there is an excessive amount of oil in the return reservoir, the valve 2|2 re mains open for a period longer than normal If Each of the stems 236 and 231 is formed, at one end. with projecting lugs 238 (see Fig. 11) adapted> to nt into correspondingly shaped re cesses cut in the adjacent end of its associated valve. The opposite end of each stem is cut away to form a generally rectangular portion 239 which extends into a correspondingly shaped slotcut in the inner end of a lever 2M which extends outside the guide block 226 and is ac cessible for manual operation. The valves 234 and 235, the stems 235and 237, and the operat ing lever 25| are thus interñtting and are rotat able as a unit. The valve 234 is formed with a longitudinal passage 222, _near its upper end, and with a similar passage 2.43, near its lower end, there is a lack of oil in the return reservoir, a cor positioned at right angles to the vertical plane respondingly longer time is required to pull valve of the .upper passage. Formed in the chamber 2| 2 off its seat, during-the rivet setting stroke, 225 on opposite sides of the valve 234, adjacent and additional oil may iiow from the preflll reser the passage 222, is a port 2M communicating voir past the open valve 2| |. with the outlet 2253 and a port 265 communicat As pointed out in the description of the riveting ing with a passageway 26E-G leading to the air inlet unit 25 the several sections of this unit are inter 227. Similar ports 24T and 228 are formed on changeable and the unit may easily be adapted opposite sides of the valve 234, adjacent the pas to meet the requirements of any particular rivet sage 2153, these ports leading respectively to the ing work. Occasionally, however, a class of work outlet 229 and the passageway 226. It will be 25 is4 encountered which requires frequent changes evident that by rotation of the valve 234 90 de from one type of riveting unit to another. In grees in opposite directions communication may such instances, the more practical manner of be established alternatively between the passage working is to provide a plurality of riveting units, way 246 and the outlets 228 and 229. each differently arranged, and to select one or A generally similar arrangement of ports and _ 30 another for use, as the work shall require. In passageways is used to direct oil alternatively order to simplify this manner of working the to the outlets 232 and 233 in the projecting por present power generating unit is so constructed tion 2251. In this instance, however, oil passes as to permit the attachment thereto of two rivet directly from passageway 23E through a passage ing units, and a manually controlled two way 35 249 in the valve 235 to the ~outlet 232, but valve assembly is provided whereby the units may be alternatively conditioned for operation. passes indirectly to outlet 233 through upper and lower openings 25| and 252 which are connected The two way valve assembly has been previ by a longitudinal passage 253 formed in the ously identiñed as a unit by the reference valve. The operating lever 24| is movable to numeral ll (Fig. l) and is comprised in a pro 40 two different positions to rotate the valves 234 jecting portion 224 of the base casting, a valve and 235 and the valves are so arranged that in chamber 225, above the portion 224, and an in one position of the lever air is directed to outlet termediate guide `block 226 positioned between and oil to outlet 232, while in the other posi the elements 224 and 2,25 and secured thereto. tion of the lever air is directed to outlet 229 and The assembly is shown in section inFig. 10 and, oil to outlet 233. In order that the valves 231| as shown therein, the chamber 225 is formed and 235 may be maintained in a proper vertical with an air inlet 221 to which air, at reduced position with respect to the ports and passage pressure, is conducted from the main air pas ways which they control, a compression spring sage below metering orifices |06 and ¿54 through 251i is interposed between each valve and the the intermediate throttle hose 15. Also formed 50 adjacent end of its associated stem. in the chamber 225 is a pair of air outlets 228 The means for directing high pressure oil to 'and 229, each of which receives one end of the two way valve assembly has not yet been a respective main throttle hose 78. The project fully described. As shown in Fig. 3 the pas ing portion 221i is formedwith a high pressure sageway 23| which extends into the projecting Aoil passageway 2M' and a pair of outlets 232 and 55 portion 224 opens, at its other end, directly into 233 each of which receives one end of a respec the mid-portion or the pressure chamber H8 tive oil hose its. The machine illustrated in through which the piston rod 634 reciprocates. Fig. l has only one riveting unit attached thereto Gil from the preiîll reservoir H5 is introduced but it will be evident that additional hose lines into the chamber |58 through the passage ||'| 'i8 and |59 can be readily attached to the re 60 which communicates, through a longitudinal spective outlets 229 and 233. A second return oil passage 255, with a recessed portion 255 of the hose '|82 must also be used with the second chamber l i8. Fixed within the chamber H8 is riveting unit and there is accordingly provided, a bushing 25'! which covers the recess 256 and as shown in Fig. 3, a second outlet 295 in com extends downward to a point just above the pas munication with the chamber |82. When only 65 sageway 2.3i'. A pair of ports 258 are formed one riveting unit is attached to the machine, in the bushing 25'! adjacent the recess 256. In the second outlet 295 must be closed by a suit the normal position of the driving piston able plug. Returning now to a consideration of |3'3-l3'4, the lower end of the rod |34 lies within the valve mechanism shown in Fig. l0, there is the upper end of the bushing 25l just above the positioned within the chamber 225 a valve 234, 70 ports 253. Thus when compressed air enters the and within the projecting portion 224 a valve reservoir i l5 the oil is permitted to pass through 235. The valves E34 and 235 are rotatable with the ports 253 into the chamber H8, and a like in respective bores and associated with each amount of the oil is driven out the passageway valve is a respective valve stem 23S or 23T: posi 231' to complete the rivet setting operation. tioned within the intermediate guide blocki 226. 75 Subsequently, the piston rod |34 moves down 2,365,537 A enter the air passages. As shown in Fig. 3, each bañie plate comprises a pair of discs 266 and 269 spaced apart and held in a ñxed position ward and, by reason of aV sliding nt with the bushing-251, immediately closes theports 258. Throughout the `continued downward movement by a screw 21| which extends through the upper end of the base casting. The two bañle assem blies are identical and a description of the one of the shaft |34 the oil within the chamber ||8 is forced out the passageway 23| under great pressure. It will be noted that the bushing 251 acts as a seal to prevent the escape of oil from the lower part of chamber ||8 to the upper `part and hence renders more elaborate seals and packing unnecessary. ‘ . 10 It has been previously described how the peak pressure obtainable inthe compression chamber » |32 may be varied by operation of the adjusting screw |39 (Figs. 13-16) to vary the pressure with which the relief valve |31 is urged to closed posi tion. It is desirable to vary the peak pressure obtainable in the chamber |32 since, by this means, each riveting operation may be performed positioned in reservoir |9| will suffice for both. The upper disc 268 is perforated and abuts against shoulders formed in the casting to create a cham ber 212 in the upper end of the reservoir. The lower' end of the .passageway |65 opens into the chamber 212 and the air discharged there from passes through the perforations in'disc 268 and is so deflected by the lower disc 266 as to 15 exert a substantially even pressure on the entire surface of the oil.. ' . y A collection of air in certain sections of the hydraulic system is unavoidable. 1n the riveting unit, >when one cylinder 23 is replaced by another,_ with a maximum of efficiency. In heading rivets air is trapped in the cylinder and connecting oil of different size the screw |39 is set in accord 20 ' passages. In the power generating unit, air from ance with the size of the rivet to raise or lower, the air pressure within the chamber |32. It will be evident that by reason of this adjustable means a considerable saving of time and compressed air is effected. To `assist the operator in determin 25 ' ing the proper setting of the screw |39 for each the compression chamber |32 gradually accumu lates in the oil pressure chamber ||8 and con necting passageways. A simple but effective method has been devised for removing the air trapped in these sections of the hydraulic sys tem. Considering first the riveting unit and re-' ferring to Fig. 1'1, the cylinder 23 is formed with be caused to register the degree of pressure With an opening 213 which opens directly into the in the chamber |32, is añîxed to the machine. Referring to Figs. `4 and 5, the pressure gauge 30 upper end of the chamber 34 and with an open ing 214 which opens into the lower end of return is indicated at 259 and has the usual stem 26| oil passageway 33. The openings 213 and 214 which is actuated to obtain the reading. The are closed by respective plugs 215 and 216. To gauge 259 is threaded >into a projecting portion remove the air trapped in cylinder 23 above the of the closure plate 61 enclosing the lower end of the preñll valve bushing 86 and communicates 35 piston _35, the plug 215 is loosened suniciently to allow air to escape slowly along the threads there- ' indirectly with the main compression` chamber of. ' Then, with the unit suspended in the posi |32. A passageway 262 yleads in a manner not'` size rivet a standard pressure gauge, which may herein shown to the chamber |32 and opens into a bore 263 formed in the projecting portion of tion shown in Fig. 17, the trigger 63 is compressed to an intermediate position »and the oil which is the above-mentioned closure plate 61. A passage 40 thus caused to ñow through the passageway 32 and into> the upper end of the chamber 34 forces 264 (Fig. 4) connects a reduced portion of the the' air out the opening 213. When oil appears bore 263 to the gauge 259, and a manually oper through the threads of the plug 215 the plug able plunger valve 266 is positioned in the re isl again tightened. To remove the air trapped in duced portion of the bore for controlling the ñow o‘f air to the passage 264. By reason of the .45. the cylinder 23 below the piston 35, the unit should be held in a position inverted from that valve 266, the gauge 259 is normally cut off from shown in Fig. 17. The plug 216 is then loosened communication with the chamber |32 and when and, with all valves in normal position, return it is desired to ascertain the pressure within the pressure oil entering the cylinder through pas chamber, the valve 266 is actuated and the oper ating trigger 63 compressed to initiate a cycle v50 sageway 33 will ‘force the trapped air out the -opening 214. of operation. One of the remaining structural features to be considered is a pair of shut off valves 265 and 266 (Fig. 3) positioned in the'respective passage ways |65 and ||5. The passageways |65 and ||5 conduct air to the respective reservoirs |9| and ||6 and the valves 265 and 266 are provided in order that these passageways may be closed, when transporting the machine, to prevent oil from v Air is forced from the pressure chamber H8 through the previously mentioned passage 255 (Fig. 3) one end of which communicates withthe upper end of chamber ||8 and the other end of which may open through the base cast ing to atmosphere.v The outer end of the passage 255 is normally closed by «a plug` 211. A iillei` port 218, through which oil is supplied to the flowing into the head of the machine. The valves 60 preñll reservoir ||6, is provided and it will be noted that the upper end of the ñller port lies,k 265 and 266 are similar in construction and oper slightly above the level of the outer end of‘pas ation, and only the valve 265 is shown in detail sage 255.v 'I-'o‘removethe air trapped in chamber herein.` As shown in Fig. 9 the valve 265 is posi-^ | |8 and passage 255, the plug 211 and the plug tioned in a bore 261 which connects separate. closing the filler port 218 are removed and oil is 65 portions of the passageway |65 an-d branch |66 poured through the 'filler port into the preñll thereof. The valve is adapted to be moved man ually through the bore 261 to close the portion of ~ reservoir until it flows out the passage 255. At passageway |65 which extends downward to the return reservoir |9|. As a further means of controlling communica tion between the reservoirs | I6 and |_9I and theirrespective passageways ||5 and |65, a baflie plate is> provided in each reservoir in order that air from the passageways will not churn up the oil this point the` plug 211 is replaced loosely and the filling of the prefill reservoir continued until 70 all the trapped air escapes along the loosely ñt " ting threads `of the plug.211. When oil appears along the threads, .the plug is tightened. '- In ¿accordance with the usual construction of machines of this general class, an air line oiler> of any suitable type may be lprovided in order to'such an extent as to create a mist which might 75 i 10 23,365,537'v that a small <amount of oil may be introduced into the live air as a lubricant for the valves and air operated pistons. ' While the invention has ‘been described with particular reference to a compression riveter, it is susceptible of embodiment in riveters of the 5. type Which loperate with a pulling action. ` The riveting tool illustrated in Fig. 17, which opposite side of the piston, a third fluid conduct-` ing line connected to `the mechanism and ar ranged to deliver compressed air thereto, means responsive to variations in the air pressure With in said third line for controlling the application of liquid pressure through said first and second lines, manipulative means on the mechanism for communicating said third line to exhaust and includes an `adjustable kyoke and an adjustable regulating the rate of now to exhaust, and auto handle arrangement, is claimed in a divisional 10 matic means for intensifying the pressure in said application filed April 10, 1943,> by Howard R. nrst fluid conducting line upon an increase in Fischer, Serial No. 482,575. _ the rate of íiow to exhaust. The tank level control apparatus, shown best 6. A compression riveter completing a .rivet in Figs. 7 and 8 hereof, forms the subject matter installation in separate setting and heading of another divisional application, Serial No. 559, stages of operation, comprising a iiuid pressure '762, filed by applicants on October 2.1, 1944. responsive piston in the riveter, a fluid conduct What is claimed is: ing line connected to said riveter and arranged 1. In apparatus for riveting or the like, the to deliver pressure iiuid to said piston in a direc- combination of a plurality of pressure iiuid op tion to set and head the rivet, ~means for con erated riveting units, a source of pressure fluid 20 trolling the application of pressure through said common to all of said riveting units, and settable line, said means having off-normal positions oc means intermediate said source of pressure iiuid cupied respectively during the' rivet setting and and said rivetingl units for directing pressure rivet heading stages of operation, and means on fluid selectively to said riveting units'. the riveter operable in a step-by-'step fashion to ' 2. In apparatus for riveting or the like, the l initiate movement of said control means from a normal to an oli-normal position and from one combination of a plurality of riveting units each having a throttle control mechanism and a pis off-normal position to another. ton chamber, a source of pressure fluid common 7. A compression riveter completing a rivet in to all of said throttle control mechanisms, a stallation in separate setting and heading stages source of pressure fluid common to all of , said ' of operation, comprising a fluid pressure respon piston chambers, a settable means intermediate the first said pressure fluid source and said throt sive piston in the riveter, a ñrst fluid conducting line connected to said riveter and arranged to tle control mechanisms for directing pressure fluid selectively to said throttle control mecha deliver liquid pressure 'to said piston in a direc tion to set and head the rivet, a second fluid con ducting line connected to said riveter and deliv nisms, a settable means intermediate the second said pressure fluid source and said piston cham' bers for directing pressure ñuid selectively to ering compressed air thereto, means responsive to variations in the air pressure within said sec ond line for controlling the application of liquid pressure through said first line, said means hav said piston chambers, and a single means for operating the tvvo said settable means. 3. A unit for performing compression riveting and like operations, comprising a cylinder, a pressure fluid operated piston reciprocable in ing off-normal positions occupied respectively during the rivet setting and rivet heading stages of operation, manipulative means on the riveter settable from an olf position to intermediate and on positions for communicating said second line to exhaust and regulating the rate of flow of the escaping fluid, and automatic means for inten sifying the pressure in said first fluid conducting line upon an increase in the rate of Yilovv of the said cylinder, two‘pressure fluid conducting hose lines connected to the cylinder and supplying fluid respectively .to the front and rear ends thereof, a third pressure fluid conducting hose line connected to said unit, means on the unit for exhausting the fluid from the third said hose line to initiate by remote control the flow of iiuid escaping fluid through the iirst and second said hose lines, and , intensifier means for abruptly increasing the 4 installation in separate setting and heading stages of operation, comprising a` fluid pressure responsive piston in the riveter, a ñuid conduct ing line connected to said riveter and arranged pressure of the ñuid supplied to the cylinder and being automaticallyoperable upon an increase in the rate of exhaust from said third hose line. 4. A unit for performing compression riveting and like operations, comprising a cylinder, ar pressure iluid operated piston reciprocable in `said cylinder, two pressure fluid conducting hose lines connected to the cylinder and supplying ñuid ‘ 8. A compression riveter completing a rivet i to deliver pressure fluid to said piston in a direc tion to set and head the rivet, another fluid con ducting line connected to said riveter and ar ranged to deliver fluid to said piston in a direc ' tion to .return it from a rivet heading operation, respectively to the front and rear ends thereof,` a third pressure fluid conducting line connected means for controlling the application of pressure through said lines, said means having a normal position in which the first said line is open to to said unit, means for initiating operations by communicating said thirdline to exhaust, means exhaust and being movable to an intermediate and a fully actuated position occupied respec on the unit for regulating the rate of flow to exhaust, and automatic means for intensifying da tively during the rivet setting and rivet heading stages of operation and in each of which the the pressure in one of said hose lines upon an increase in the rate of ñoW to exhaust. - second said line is open to exhaust, and means 5. A fluid actuated riveting'mechanism adapt ed to be manually carried and manipulated and includingl a iiuid pressure responsive piston, a first ñuid conducting line connected to the mech anism and arranged to deliver liquid under pres on the riveter operable in a. step-by-step fashion to initiate operation of said control means from a normal to an intermediate position and also from said intermediate position to the fully ac tuated position. sure to one side of the piston, a second iiuid conducting line connected tothe mechanism and arranged to deliver liquid under pressure to the - 9. A compression riveter completing a rivet in stallation in separate setting and heading stages e of operation, comprising a fluid pressure respon l
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