Mag gnesium 500 5 mg m +D D3 – Hig gh Po otenc cy UP PC: 0 6464 420 7476 8 NPN: 80048427 Ah high-potenccy, highly ab bsorbable natural comp plex of five magnesium m sou urces with the added beenefit of vita amin D3. Th his supplem ment helps devvelop and maintain m stro ong bones while w supporting optim mal muscle fun nction. Ge eneral Information gnesium is an essential mineral required to maintain health and optimal p physiological Mag funcction.1,2 It is utilized by all organs in the body y, especially th he heart, muscl es, and kidn neys.3 Approxiimately half of the body’s mag gnesium stores s are found in tthe body’s tissues and organs.3 The other half h is found in the bones.1 Fo ood sources incclude whole g leafy veg getables.4 grains, nuts, and green Naturral Health Products Direc ctorate (NH HPD) Claim ms: • He elps the bod dy to me etabolize ca arbohydratess, fats and prroteins • He elps in the de evelopment a and ma aintenance o of bones Mag gnesium is prim marily absorbed d in the small intestine. Althou ugh magnesium m deficiency is u uncommon amo ong the genera al population, dietary intake ha as decreased o over the yea ars in the weste ern world, espe ecially among th hose on very lo ow calorie or hiigh prottein/low carboh hydrate diets. Symptoms S of magnesium m deficiency include muscle wea akness, spasm ms, and tremors s. Magnesium deficiency d may y play a factor in n diabetes, insu ulin resistance,, and metabolic c syndrome. Th he elderly popu ulation may be at risk of a mag gnesium deficie ency due to po oor intestinal ab bsorption, decreased bone sto ores, and incrreased urinary losses.1,2,4,8 • He elps in the de evelopment a and ma aintenance o of teeth • He elps in tissue e formation • He elps to maintain proper muscle functio on Mag gnesium is found in the bone matrix and ma ay support bone e health.9 The Framingham Ostteoporosis Stud dy found that magnesium m pos sitively contribu utes to bone ma ass density 10 in b both men and women. w • He elps in the a absorption an nd use of callcium • He elps in the a absorption an nd use of phosphorus gnesium helps maintain musc cle and nerve function, f tissue e formation, blo ood glucose Mag con ntrol, cardiovascular health, an nd the metabolism of carbohy ydrates, fats, a and proteins in th he body. It worrks with calcium m and potassium for nerve impulse conductiion, muscle con ntraction, and to o control the he eart’s rhythm. Magnesium M als so helps regula ate calcium and d vitamin D leve els in the body for bone health. It is an important cofactor i n hundreds of e enzymatic reactions that resullt in a subsequent release of energy. Magne esium may also o act as a musc cle relaxant sin nce it relaxes smooth muscle cells, limits ce llular con ntraction, and re educes muscle e fiber excitability.3-7 mieson’s Magne esium 500 mg + D3 – High Potency contain ns five types of magnesium Jam (asp partate, glycero ophosphate, malate, m oxide, and glycinate) fo or optimal abso orption, alon ng with vitamin n D to support bone b health. Vita amin D: Vitamin D is well-kno own for its impo ortant role in he elping the bodyy absorb and use e calcium for de eveloping and maintaining m strrong bones and d teeth. Vitamin n D may be a cha allenge to obtain from the diett since very few w foods naturally contain vitam min D. Some food d sources inclu ude cod liver oil, fatty fish (suc ch as salmon and a mackerel), and fortified milkk and cereal. Although A vitamin n D can be produced through the sun, Cana adians gen nerally do not re eceive enough sunlight to me eet their vitamin n D needs, partticularly during the fall and d winter months s.11-13 Vita amin D also helps lower the riisk of osteoporrosis, along with h adequate callcium intake, eatiing a healthy diet, and regular exercise.12 Re esearch shows s that low levelss of vitamin Dm may increase th he risk of falling g in older adults s.11 This is bec cause vitamin D may help incrrease muscle strength, s which may help to prrevent falls.14 Ma agnesium 500 0 mg + D3 – High Potency y Page 1 of 3 Last Upda ated: 6/9/2014 Jamieson’s Magnesium 500 mg + D3 – High Potency is formulated from natural sources and is pharmaceutically tested to guarantee full potency and absolute clinical purity. Indicated Benefits • Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins • Helps in the development and maintenance of bones • Helps in the development and maintenance of teeth • Helps in tissue formation • Helps to maintain proper muscle function • Helps in the absorption and use of calcium • Helps in the absorption and use of phosphorus What makes Magnesium 500 mg + D3 – High Potency from Jamieson Laboratories different…and why does this difference mean better? 1. Delivers a high potency of 500 mg of magnesium from multiple sources for optimal absorption. 2. Formulated with 500 IU of Vitamin D3. This is the same form that is naturally produced in the body during exposure to sunlight, and is more bioavailable than vitamin D2.15 3. Our premium formulations are manufactured using the 360 Pure process – a minimum of 360 quality steps that guarantee traceability and reliability of raw material, product safety, full potency and absolute clinical purity. Approx. size Image not yet available Available as 60 caplets Ingredient Information Each Caplet Contains: Magnesium .......................................................................................................... 500 mg (aspartate, glycerophosphate, malate, oxide, glycinate) Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)...................................................................12.5 mcg/500 IU Also Contains: Cellulose, vegetable stearic acid, silica, modified cellulose gum, water-soluble cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, titanium dioxide. NO salt (NaCl), gluten, lactose, artificial flavours or preservatives. Directions Adults: Take 1 caplet daily. Store between 15°C and 25°C, away from children. Warnings Some people may experience diarrhea. Nutrient Interactions Drug Interactions Nutrient Depletions Supportive Drug Interactions Magnesium: Antibiotics, Antimicrobial or Anti-infective Agents (erythromycin, neomycin), Tetracyclines, Calcium Channel Blockers in pregnant women, Penicillamine, Bisphosphonates, some medications for osteoporosis.16,17 Vitamin D: Thiazides,17 Calcium Channel Blockers (Verapamil), Anti-psychotic medication (Thioridazine), Vitamin D Analogs (Calcitriol).16 Magnesium:Thiazide diuretics, Antacids, Aminoglycosides, Amphotericin B, Cholestyramine, Corticosteroids, Cisplatin, Digoxin, Foscarnet, Alcohol, Oral Contraceptives, Pentamidine.16,17 Vitamin D: Histamine (H2) Antagonists,16 Antiarrhythmic (Amiodarone), Glutethimide, Barbiturates, Anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Ethosuximide, Fosphenytoin, Mephobarbital, Phenobarbital, Phensuximide, Phenytoin, Primidone), Bile Sequesters (Cholestyramine, Colestipol), Corticosteroids (Prednisone), Etidronate, Kanamycin, Neomycin, Rifampicin, Mineral Oil, Phenolphthalein, Sucralfate, Anti-tuberculosis drugs (Isoniazid), Orlistat, Progestins.17, 18 Magnesium: Vitamin D and Calcium enhance magnesium absorption.16 Vitamin D: Vitamin D may raise serum levels or increase the effects of calcium, magnesium and zinc.17 Vitamin D works with calcium to maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth.19 Magnesium 500 mg + D3 – High Potency Page 2 of 3 Last Updated: 6/9/2014 REFERENCES 1. Touyz RM. (2004). Magnesium in Clinical Medicine. Front Biosci, 1(9):1278-93. 2. Rayssiquier Y, et al. (2010). Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome: stress and inflammation may reflect calcium activation. Magnes Res, 23(2):73-80. 3. University of Maryland Medical Center. Magnesium. Accessed May 4, 2014 from 4. National Institutes of Health. Magnesium. Accessed May 6, 2014 from: 5. Fox C, Ramsoomair D, Cartier C. (2001). Magnesium: its proven and potential clinical significance. South Med J, 94(12):1195-201. 6. MedlinePlus. Magnesium. Accessed May 6, 2014 from: 7. Beckstrand RL, Pickens JS. (2011). Beneficial Effects of Magnesium Supplementation. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med, 16(3): 181-9. 8. Barbagallo M, Dominguez LJ. (2010). Magnesium and aging. Curr Pharm Des, 16(7):832-9. 9. Tucker KL. (2009). Osteoporosis prevention and nutrition. Curr Osteoporos Rep, 7(4): 111-7. 10. Tucker KL, et al. (1999). Potassium, magnesium, and fruit and vegetable intakes are associated with greater bone mineral density in elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr, 69(4): 727-36. 11. University of Maryland Medical Center. Vitamin D. Accessed March 6, 2014 from: 12. Health Canada. Monograph: Vitamin D. Accessed March 6, 2014 from: 13. Canadian Cancer Society. Vitamin D. Accessed June 3,2014 from: 14. Harvard School of Public Health. Vitamin D and Health. Accessed May 6, 2014 from: 15. Tripkovic L, et al. (2012). Comparison of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 supplementation in raising serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status: a systematic review and meta-analysis 1–3. AJCN, 95(6): 135764. 16. Stargrove MB, Treasure J, McKee DL. (2008). Herb, Nutrient, and Drug Interactions: Clinical Applications and Therapeutic Strategies. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. 17. Brinker F. (2010). Herbal Contraindications and Drug Interactions plus Herbal Adjuncts with Medicines, 4th edition. Oregon (OR): Eclectic Medical Publications. 18. Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D. June 14, 2011. Accessed January 10, 2013, from: 19. Health Canada. Vitamin D and Calcium: Updated Dietary Reference Intakes. Accessed June 29, 2012, from: For Accidental Overdose (such as child ingesting formula), dial 911, 0 for operator assistance or call your nearest Poison Control Centre. For Professional Use Only. The information contained here has been accumulated from many sources. Indications are not intended as cures, they are simply a guideline to be used at your professional discretion. For more information please visit or call 1-800-265-5088 to speak to a Consumer Affairs representative. Magnesium 500 mg + D3 – High Potency Page 3 of 3 Last Updated: 6/9/2014
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