REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY Rev. Duane Hix, Moderator Rev. Keith BenzenCo-Moderator The Committeetook the following actions Receivedas inquirer Cynthia Little (CalvaryoWilson) Receivedas a transfer inquirer from Presbyery of CoastalCarolina Alex Brewington (Durhamo First) Recommendsthat the following inquirers be receivedas candidates James Fenwick (Blacknatl) RebeccaGurney (Btacknall) Julius Sheppard (Blacknalt) Certified as ready to receive a call pending examinationfor ordination Emily Hamilton (Blacknall) 30 A SERVICEOF RECEPTIONFOR James Fenwick, Rebecca Gurneyo Julius Sheppard As Candidatesfor Teaching Elder Under Care of the Presbytery of New Hope THE PRESENTATION OF THE APPLICANTS JbmesFenwick, RebeccaGurney, Julius Sheppard Rev. Duane Hix THE EXAMINATION OF THE APPLICANTS Moderator Rev. Deborah Kirk (2 minutes) The applicant shall presenthisiher experienceof Christian faith, forms of Christian service undertaken,and motives for seekingthe ministry. VOTE ON RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY Rev. Duane Hix THE CANDIDACY QUESTIONS Moderator Rev. Deborah Kirk (1) Do you believeyourself to be called by God as teachingelder? (2) Do you promise in reliance upon the graceof God to maintain a Christian characterand conduct,and to be diligent and faithful in making full preparationfor this ministry? (3) Do you acceptthe proper supervisionof the presbyteryin mattersthat concernyour preparationfor this ministry? (a) Do you desirenow to be receivedby this presbyteryas a candidatefor teaching elder in the PresbyterianChurch (U.S.A.)? THE DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY Moderator Rev. Deborah Kirk THE CHARGE TO THE APPLICANTS Rev. Duane Hix I therefore,the prisonerin the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have beencalled, 'with all humility and gentleness,with patience,bearing with one anotherin love, 'making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of p-eace.oThereis one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, 'one Lord, one faith, one baptism,6oneGod and Fatherof all, who is aboveall and throughall and in all. Ephesians4.1-6 *THE BLESSING OF THE APPLICANTS Rev. Duane Hix God of prophetsand apostles, you have chosenleadersto train your people in the way of JesusChrist. We thank you that in our day you are still claiming men and women for specialwork in the church. As James,Rebecca,and Julius have dedicatedthemselvesto you, let us pledge ourselvesto them, so that, surroundedby affection and hope, they may grow in wisdom, mature in love, and becomefaithful workers, approvedby more JesusChrist our Lord than by us. Amen. RECORDING OF THE NAMES ON PRESBYTERY'S ROLL OF CANDIDATES *Those that are able may stand at this time. 3l famesFenwick Dearbrothers and sistersin New Hope Presbytery, It is a joy for me to write this brief introduction for fames Fenwick as he moves from inquirer status to candidacy. Originallyfrom just outside Nashville,Tennessee,fames cameto Duke Divinity Schoolfrom SamfordUniversityin BirminghamAlabama[B.A.Philosophy'09). In his secondsemesterat Duke he beganattendingBlacknallChurchand there our friendshipbegan. Over the intervening years we have spent many hours together talking through his call to ministry and discussingpastoralquestionsthat have arisenthroughout the courseof his rich and varied field educationexperience.Currentlyhe is working with undergradsat Blacknalland is gainingexperiencein preaching,teaching, leadingworship, pastoralministry and planningweddings- his own! At the heart of James'discernmentwith the BlacknallSessionhas been his growing clarity that his call is to the churchand not the academy.famespossesses an excellentmind and is at home in the classroom,but the church has capturedhis imagination as the primary locus for Christianformation, which is more than simply comingto understanddisciplinessuchas exegesis, history,theologyand ethics. That clarity grew through his recent summer internship at a small urban historically AfricanAmericancongregationin Winston-Salem. I am excitedat fames'trajectory,and I want to affirm the appropriatenessof this move to candidacywithin the Presbyteryof New Hope. Gratefully, Allan Poole BlacknallPresbvterianChurch 32 Septemb er L7,201,4 To the Presbyteryof New Hope RE:RebeccaGurney I am writing this letter as Sessionliaisonon behalfof RebeccaGurney,a candidate for ordination. RebeccaGurneycurrently lives in Asheville,NC with her husbandand two young sons,and she is employedpart-time at GraceCovenantPresbyterianChurch.Her work at GraceCovenantincludesorganizingand planningadult education, maintaining the church website, teachingconfirmation class,helping to facilitate worship,and, on occasion,preaching.Rebeccagraduatedfrom Duke Divinity School in May 2.0L3(but she would want you to know that she is a Tar Heel at hearUshe got a Englishand CreativeWriting from UNCChapelHill). In the time betweencollegeand graduateschool,sheworked as a middle schoolteacher.Sheis interestedin parish ministry and also variousforms of chaplaincy(at a collegeor perhapsa retirement facility).Sheis under care at BlacknallMemorial Presbyterian, a churchbody she has been a part of sinceher days as an undergraduateat UNC. I havehad the pleasureof being friendswith Rebeccaand her husband,Evanfor years and have watched them gracefullybalancefull careers,the parenting of two little boys,and lives full of intentional,deep relationships. Martha C Carlough BlacknallPresbyterianChurchElder 21,16WilsonSt D u r h a mN C 2 7 7 0 5 m.arthacarlough 919-593-461,0 a a JJ BIACKNALL MEMORIAL HURCH P R E S B Y T E R IC AN OctobertO,20t4 To the Presbytery of NewHope D e a rF r i e n d s : MemorialPresbyterian Church,I am gladto On behalfof the Sessionand congregation of Blacl<nall introduce to be ordainedasa Teaching Elder.Juliusand hisfamily to youJuliusSheppard asa Candidate cameto Blacl<nall when they movedto Durhamso that Juliuscouldbegina Master'sdegreeat Dul<e DivinitySchoolapproximately sixyearsago. Juliusvaluesthe importance of sharedlife as the peopleof God. He yearnsto be in relationship with other followersof Christin honestand real ways. He has had a deepand variedexperience of the Churchin the world. Hecomesto the PCUSA not by birthbut by choiceandhe embodies the bestof our traditionas Presbyterians: he has an activeand inquisitiveintellectcombinedwith a deep love for people. Juliusis giftedinte[]ectually and lovesthe world of theological inquiry. ButJuliusis alsovery down to earthand couldjust as easilybuilda deckfor you as he couldexplainthe implications of the Trinityon with immigrants our ecclesiology. from aroundthe worldwith Juliushasa globalvisionas he worl<ed WorldReliefin Durham,but I couldeasilyseehim beinga pastorto a small,ruralcongregation for the next40 yearsin the spiritof WendellBerry. As hispastorandfriend,andon behalfof the Session I heartilyrecommend of Blacknall, JuliusSheppard to you to becomea Candidate Elder. to the officeof Teaching yours, Gratefully Associate Pastor 1902PerryStreet,Durham,NC 27705 | 919.286.5586 | 34 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY Rev. Lisa Hebacker, Elder Susan Mazzara, Co-Moderators I. INFORMATION 1. Members of the commissionto install Rev. SanghyunJamesLee at Duraleigh Presbyerian Church on July 20,2014: ministers Rev. Ted Churn, Rev. Jim Ferry, Rev. Debbie Kirk, Rev. Gun Ho Lee, Rev. Mac Schafer;eldersYeup Chong, John Hawes, Ray Watson. Guestsof the commissionRev. Yoo Chan Choi, Rev. Ki Keok Kim, Rev. Sun Bai Kim. Rev. SungWoong Kim, Rev. SeungTae Lee. 2. Members of the commissionto install Rev. Clark Vincent at CenterRidge PresbyterianChurch on August 17,2014: ministersRev. DeborahKirk, Rev. SusanSexton,Rev. Karen Dukes, Rev. Duane Hix; elders Brenda Avery, Grey Davenport,Ross Renfrow. 3. Membersof the commissionto install Rev. CharlesPopeat White Memorial Presbyterian Church,Raleigh on August 17, 2014: ministersRev. David Huffman, Rev. KatherineKussmaul, Rev. ChristopherEdmonston,Rev. Marilyn Hedgpeth;eldersKathy Wells, Mabel Pace, Ken Worsham.Guestof the commissionRev. Emilv Anderson. 4. Members of the commissionto install Rev. Andrew Ruth at Oakland PresbyterianChurch on September28,2014: ministersRev. Jim Davis, Rev. Blake Daniel, Rev. JaniseSmith, Rev. Monte Johnston;eldersIke Robinson,JayneMcBurney, Mary Williford, Donna Mutter. Guestof the commissionRev. Eva Ruth. 5. Members of the commissionto ordain Whitney Fauntleroyat Davie StreetPresbyterianChurch on October 19,2014: ministers Rev. Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman, Rev. Byron Wade, Rev. ChristopherEdmonston;eldersFeleciaHardy, Amy Veatch, Kathryn Wells. Guestof the commissionRev. Brian Belting, Rev. Andrew Scales. 6. Membersof the commissionto ordain Rev. Kate FiedlerBoswell at University Presbyterian Churchon January77,2015: ministersRev. Debbie Kirk (moderator),Rev. Byr.onWade,Rev. Katie Owen; eldersPhyllis Supple,Laura Baxley, Ed Roberson.Guestsof the commission Rev. William Terrv. Rev. JessicaTate. 7. Rev. Samuel Son to serveas pastorof New Life Triangle Church (charteredAugust 3, 2014), effectiveAugust 7,2014. Terms:annualcashsalary$29,409.00;housingallowance $17,377,00;403(b) $1,404.00;Board of Pensionsdues$16,867.00;socialsecurityoffset $3,685.00;reimbursableexpenses$5,292.00.Total compensationpackage$74,034.00,4 weeks of vacation,2 weeks of continuing education. 35 II. THE COMMITTEE FOLLOWING: ON MINISTRY APPROVED AND RECOMMENDS THE A. Interim Agreements 1. Rev. Leigh Gillis (requestingtransfer from HeartlandPresbytery)to serve as interim pastor of First PresbyterianChurch, Goldsboro,effective August l, 2074 through July 3 I, 2015 (with permissionto labor within the boundsprior to being receivedby the Presbyteryof New Hope on October25,2014).Terms:annualcashsalary$39,000.00;housingallowance$30,000.00;social securityoffset$5,278.50;reimbursable expenses $1,571.50;Board of Pensionsdues524,150.00. Total compensationpackage$100,000.00;4 weeksof vacation,2 weeksof continuing education. Rev. John Maurice Thomas (requestingtransfer from Presbyery of Baltimore) to serveas interim pastorof Calvary PresbyterianChurch,Wilson, effectiveOctober I,2014 through October I, 2015 (with permissionto labor within the boundsprior to being receivedby the Presbyteryof New Hope on October25,2014). Terms: annualcashsalary$9,000.00;housing allowance$27,000.00;social securityoffset 52,754.00;reimbursableexpenses$3,000.00;Board of Pensionsdues$13,980.00.Total compensation package$55,734.00;4 weeksof vacation, 2 weeks of continuing education. Extensionof interim pastor agreementbetweenRev. Lori Pistor and West Raleigh Presbyerian Church,effectiveAugust I,2014 throughJanuary31,2015. Terms: annualcashsalary socialsecurityoffset $5,340.00;reimbursable $35,536.00;housingallowance$34,269.00; expenses$7,000.00;Board of Pensionsdues$23,036.00.Total compensationpackage $105,181.00. Extensionof interim pastoragreementbetweenRev. Margaret Wilson-Staytonand West Haven PresbyterianChurch,effectiveSeptember4,2014 throughMarch 3,2015. Terms: annualcash salary$14,300.00;housingallowance$2,400.00;utilitiesallowance$1,800.00;deferredincome $3,000.00;socialsecurityoffset$1,645.00;reimbursable expenses$2,000.00;Board of Pensions dues$7,095.00.Total compensationpackage$32,240.00. Rev. Todd Allen to serveas interim pastor of First PresbyterianChurch, Rocky Mount, effective October 72,2014 through October 11, 2015.Terms:annualcashsalary$15,800.00;housing allowance$25,000.00;medicalsupplement$1,200.00;deferredincome$23,000.00;social securityoffset $4,972.50;reimbursableexpenses$3,000.00;Board of Pensionsdues$14,950.00. Total compensationpackage$87,922.50,4 week of vacation,2 weeksof continuingeducation. Extensionof interim pastoragreementbetweenRev. RichardGoodman(LIB) and First PresbyterianChurch,Ahoskie,effectiveSeptember21, throughDecember3 I,2074. Terms: annualcashsalary$7,135.00;social securityoffset $545.82.Total compensationpackage $7,680.82,1 week of vacationper quarter. Rev. Kent Hollingsworth (requestingtransferfrom John Calvin Presbytery)to serveas interim pastorofNorth RaleighPresbyterianChurch,effectiveOctober 76,2014 throughOctober 16, 2015.Terms:annualcashsalary$45,000.00;housingallowance$15,000.00;socialsecurity offset$4,590.00;Board of PensionsDues$21,000.00. Total compensation package$85,590.00, 4 weeks of vacation. 2 weeks of continuins education. 36 B. Supplv Agreements l. Rev. Carol Piersonto serveas temporary supply associatepastorof First PresbyterianChurch, Greenvilleon a month-to-monthbasis,effectiveAugust 16,2014.Terms: annualcashsalary $21,000.00;housingallowance$21,000.00;medicalsupplement$538.00;socialsecurityoffset Total $3,213.00;reimbursableexpenses$4,000.00;Board of Pensionsdues$14,700.00. compensationpackage$64,451.00,4weeksof vacation,2 weeksof continuingeducation. 2. Rev. JaneRoseto serveas statedsupply,FountainPresbyerianChurch,effectiveSeptember11, 2014throughSeptember11,2015.Terms:annualcashsalary$23,23I.4I;'housingallowance package528,008.00,4 weeksof $3,000.00;socialsecurityoffset$I,716.59.Total compensation vacation,2 weeksof continuingeducation. C. Moderators 1. Dr. Paul Rowland (CRE) to serveas moderatorfor Berea Presbyerian Church, pending assignmentof a supervisorappointedby the executivepresbyter. D. Dissolutions 1. Rev. Karen Ricks and Church of Reconciliation,effective June 30,'2074. 2. Dissolutionof the associatepastorposition,DuraleighPresbyterianChurch. 3. Dissolutionof the associatepastorposition,First PresbyterianChurch,Goldsboro,effective July1,2014. 4. Rev. Duane Hix and White Memorial PresbyterianChurch, Willow Springs,effective November 8,2014 (to labor outsidethe boundsof Presbyteryof New Hope within the boundsof Presbyteryof CoastalCarolina). E. Dismissals l. Rev. Clark Scalera(MAL) to CharlestonAtlantic Presbytery,effective September10, 2014. 2, Rev. JaneWilson (MAL) to Presbyteryof Boston,effectiveSeptember10, 2014. 3. Rev. Brett Webb-Mitchell to Presbyteryof the Cascades, effective September10,2014. F. Other 1. The honorableretirementof Rev. RebeccaReves"effectiveOctober1.2014. 2. The honorableretirementof Rev. David Wiseman,effective SeptemberI ,2014. 3. The honorableretirementof Rev. JamesFerrv. effectiveJanuary1.2015. 4. The honorableretirementof Rev. GordonMarshall.effectiveJulv l^2014. 5. Rev. Debbie Osterhoudt(LIB/HR) to be placed on the interim, stated,temporary,and pulpit supplylists. 6. JonathanCrooms to remain on the pulpit supply list. 37 7. PeacePresbyterianChurch to elect a pastornominating committee. 8. Cotton Memorial PresbyterianChurch to be relieved from vacancv dues. III. CALLS A. Pendingapprovalof terms of call, and signingof the Ministerial Book of Obligations,that the call to Rev. Kate Fiedler Boswell (requestingtransferfrom Presbyteryof the James)to serveas dssociatepastorfor adult ministries, University PresbyterianChurch, effective November 1, 2014 be approved.Terms: annualcashsalary$35,736.00;housingallowance$20,000.00;social securityoffset $4,264.00;reimbursable expenses$2,100.00;Board of Pensionsdues$19,508.00; moving expensesprovided,Total compensationpackage$81,608.00,4weeksof vacation,2 weeks of continuing education,3 months of sabbaticalleave after 5 years. B. That the call to Rev. Melinda Merkley King to move from designatedassociatepastor for congregationallife to associatepastorfor congregationallife of Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Churchbe approved. C. Pendingsuccessfulexaminationand approval of terms of call, that the call to Ricky "Lee" Sartainto serveas commissionedruling elder of EastRaleighFellowship,effectiveNovember 1, 2014through October37,2015 be approved.Terms:housingallowance$6,000.00;social securityoffset $459.00.Total compensationpackage$6,459.00,4 weeks of vacation,4 weeksof continuingeducation. D. Pendingapproval of terms of call, that the call to Rev. Anna Rainey Dickson to serveas designatedassociatepastorof First PresbyterianChurch, Raleigh, effective November 3, 2014 for one year be approved.Terms: annualcashsalary$50,000.00(housingincluded);social securityoffset $3,825.00;reimbursableexpenses$4,831.00;Board of Pensionsdues package$76,156.00,4weeksof vacation,2weeksof continuing compensation $17,500.00.Tota1 education. IV. EXAMINATIONS and TRANSIEEB$ Transfers Rev. Leigh Gillis (HeartlandPresbytery) Rev. John Maurice Thomas (Presbyteryof Baltimore) Rev. Kate Boswell (Presbyteryof the James) Rev. Kent Hollingsworth (John Calvin Presbytery) CommissionedRuling Elders Lee Sartain 38 V. CHANGES WITHIN PRESBYTERY Rev. Carol Pierson Rev. JaneRose Rev. Melinda Merkley King Rev. Anna Rainey Dickson Rev. Todd Allen VI. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL BY PRESBYTERY A. COM to approvethe following installation commissions: 1) Rev. Anna Rainey Dickson, First PresbyterianChurch, Raleigh 2) Lee Sartain(CRE), East Raleigh Fellowship 39 Statementof Faith Rev. Leigh B. Gillis I b e l i e v ei n t h e o n e e t e r n aG l o d ,o u r F a t h e a r n dC r e a t o rw, h o w a sa n d i s a n d i s t o c o m e ,t h e Godwho is Loveand who is the sourceof our knowledgeand experience of love.Muchof God's great work in the world is a mystery,and humanlanguage failsto captureand describeour i m m e a s u r a bG l eo d . I believeour Godis madeknownto us by revelation from the wordsof Scriptureascontainedin the Old and NewTestaments and in the three personsof the Trinity:Father,Sonand Holy Spirit,and in continuingrevelation to God'speoplein everyage. I believein JesusChrist,the Word madeflesh,Sonof Godand Saviorof the world,whose incarnation wasthe gift of Godto all humanity,and whosedeathand resurrection for our salvationis the ultimateact of loveand grace.Christstandsat the centerof our faith aswe bear the name,"Christian" and follow his mandateto "go - teach- baptize." I believein the HolySpirit,our comfortand guide,whosepresenceilluminesour way aswe struggleto livelivesobedientto Godandfulfillthe callingto whichwe are called. I believethat the sacraments of baptismandthe Lord'sSupperare signsof the realpresence and powerof Christ,andthat, in them, our Godsealsus into the churchand marksus for Christian service. I believeGodhasgivento eachof us uniquegiftsfor the goodof the Church,the "Bodyof C h r i s t ,a" n dt h a t e a c hi s c a l l e dt o m i n i s t e irn h i so r h e r u n i q u ew a y ," t o e q u i pt h e s a i n t sf o r t h e work of ministry." I believethat we are surroundedby "so greata cloudof witnesses," the pioneersof the faith, whoseexampleencourages and sustainsus aswe "run with perseverance the raceset before us." I believethe Churchis the bodyof Christworkingin the world,andthat it grievesGodwhen thereis fractiousness and discordin that Body.Because we all are reconciled with Godthrough the crossand canliveasforgivensinners,we are encouraged "mind to havethe of Christ,"and be reconciled with one another. I believethat our hopeliesin Christ,who will comeagainin gloryto redeemthis creation flawedby sin,and standin victoryat the end of time. Byfaith,we livewith that hopein this time and place,withoutany clearimageof what is to come.Thatis the natureof faith,"the conviction of thingsnot seen." 40 Biographical Sketch Rev. Leigh B. Gillis I am excitedto return to congregationalministry with First, Goldsboro.New Hope Presbytery has felt like home since I first arrived in 2001. My husbandand I clearly felt the call to return east,to bring my father back to the region where he spenthis life, and be nearermy grandson. Twenty yearsof previous serviceas pastor and interim, as well as four years spentin Heartland Presbyteryas AssociateExec. for CongregationalVitality, have beenprovidential preparationfor ministry with folks at FPC. I hope to engagewith NH colleaguesin a study or supportivegroup. 41 Statementof Faith ReverendDr. John MauriceThomas I believein the sovereigntyof God. I believethe Bible,Holy Scripture,is the Word of God. Holy Scriptureis the indispensableanduniquesourcefor the Christianfaith. I alsobelievethat Scriptureis a recordof divineactivity in the world; this includesbothwordsanddeeds.Scripturedescribes God's activerelationshipto humankind. I believethathumanitywascreatedin God'simageto live in fellowshipwith the Creator,but, because humanbeingshavea high degreeoffreedomfrom extemalcontrol,theyhavedestroyedtheir relationship. with Godby beingdisobedient.The sinsof pride,covetousness, aadotherformsof selfseekingalsolie at theroot of brokenrelationships betweenpeople.Humanprejudice,poverty,and growoutolpeople'ssin. suffering We mustrememberthat God is not the sourceof sin. WhenGod iookedupon His/Her finished creation,God saweverythingthat He/Shehadmade,andbeheld,it wasvery good. I believeif one wantedto beginto addresssin from a personal,social,or politicalbasis,thenonehasto recognize,and then deny,the very sourcefrom which it so very often stems,andthat is self. This radical model of self-denialis the goodnewsofthe Crossofour Lord, Jesusthe Christ. Jesus'life anddeathis the goodnewsof God'slove in action. We asindividualsaswell asthe Churcharecalledby Godto adopt in word anddeedthis samepostureofJesus. I believeI havebeenreconciledto Godthroughthe work ofChrist on the cross;I alsobelievethatI'm calledto work, andbelievethat Godhasreconciledme to my neighbor.Thus,the Christian'sconcem is aimedat reconcilingpeopleto Godandreconcilingthemto eachother. Whenow Lord gave Himselfuponthe cross,He did it to achievea once-for-allperfectsacrificefor our sins. Jesusachieved a satisfactionfor sin that was unique,final, andperfect. And this is why I believethat the benefitsof Christ'ssacrificeandpainon the crossmustbe extendedinto theworld. I believethatthe Holy Spirit is God'sGift to His Church.I believethat everybelieveris giftedwith theHoly Spiritandthatthe Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is givento everychild of Godasa "helper"who convicts,moves,anddirectsthebelieverin thewaysof JesusChrist. I believethatthere aremanyandvariousgifts of the Holy Spidt while understanding thatthesegifts aregivenat God's gift discretionandthat no is superiorto another. Therefore,the Church,the communityof believers,empoweredby the Holy Spirit, must ultimately live out what it preaches-no one can servetwo mastersl The Churchof JesusChrist is calledto a very realsacrificialexpression of love. And aswe gatherto celebrate the Sacramerit ofthe Lord's Supper,we arecalledto rememberGod'sultimateexpression of love. How, onemightask,in a world deeplydivided,cantherebe anyhope? Whatis requiredfor healingto takeplacemustbegin with hope. A hopewhich is dramaticallydemonstratedin the Resurrectionof our Lord! Hopeis the very coreofthe Christianfaith andgospel,for "we aresavedby hope"(Rom. 8:24). Godmakeshumanitybe bom anewto a living hope,an imperishableinheritancethroughthe resurrection of JesusChrist. Our hopeis not only to the future;it is a presentpossession of thosewho trust in a risenLord. I know and believein my heartthat humanlives and social situationscanbe transformed by God'sgrace;the message of the Gospelis thatthereis promisefor eventhe most difficult situationwhich involvespeoplein their estrangement, from God andoneanother.Hopeis the sustaining forceofsocial actionandwelfare;therefore,ministrybecomesa confrontingservice. Therefore,onemay ask: Whatis my hope? "Fearnot, for I havecalledyou by name,you aremine. Whenyou passtltough the watersI will be with you; andthroughfire you shall not be bumed,andthe flameshallnot consumeyou. For I amthe Lord your God,theHoly Oneof Israel,your Savior." (Isaiah 43:l-3). 42 Biographical Sketch ReverendDr. John MauriceThomas Dr. Thomasis the son of the late John (Jon)C. Thomasand the late Mary S. Williams. His father,"Jon Thomas",was a professional musicianwhose orchestrarecordedthe hit song'."Heartbreak(lt's HurtingMe)'l creatingan opportunityfor the orchestrato play live on Dick Clark'sAmericanBandstand.All three of their childrenplayedtwo instruments: sisterplayedthe violinand the piano,twin brotherplayedthe pianoand the clarinet,and Rev. Thomas playedthe E-flathorn and the trumpet. His mother,Mary Heath Smiley Williams,was a librarianat the juniorhigh schoolwhich her childrenattended.She also was their Sundayschoolteacher. The love of musicand literaturehas had a profound and lastingeffecton the Thomaschildren.Rev.Thomas'brotheris a minister;his sister singsin her churchchoirand directsthe youthchoir. A nativeof Cincinnati,Ohio,Dr. Thomasacceptedhis callto ministryunderthe guidance of the Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. at Mt. Zion BaptistChurch in Lockland,Ohio before movingto Indianapolis, lN where he earnedhis Bachelor'sDegreein Speech,Religion and Sociologyfrom ButlerUniversity. Dr. Thomas began his graduatedegreework at PittsburghTheologicalSeminaryand completedit at ChristianTheologySeminaryin Indianapolis, Indiana. There he earned both his Master'sof Divinityand his Doctorateof Public Service degrees. He is a licensedmentalhealthcounselor,certifiedin ClinicalPastoralEducation,and has been a delegatein the CitizensAmbassadorProgramto Chinaand Russia. Whilein Indianapolis, Dr. Thomasservedas Chaplainof the IndianaBoy'sSchooland the IndianaReformatory.He held positionsof President/CEO of CommunityAction of GreaterIndianapolis, a communitybasedorganization formedout of the 1960'sWar on Poverty; Director and Founder of Urban Young Life of Indianapolis,a nondenominational Christianministrybringingthe "goodnews"of Jesus Christinto the lives of'adolescents;Directorof the Office of Youth and Family Servicesfor the Mayor of lndianapolis; and ExecutiveDirectorof FlannerHouse,a communitybasedorganization assistingthe needyand the vulnerable. Dr. Thomaswas ordainedto the ministryof Word and Sacramentby the Presbyteryof WhitewaterValley. After serving in Pastoral capacitiesat WitherspoonPresbyterian Church,EmmanuelPresbyterianChurch,Center Grove PresbyterianChurch,Second MoravianChurchand TabernaclePresbyterian Churchin Indianapolis, lN, and at First Presbyterian Churchin Scottsburg,lN, Dr. Thomastook up his crossand followedJesus to Baltimore,MD where he has servedthe flockof MadisonAvenuePresbyterian Church for the past sevenyears. Dr. Thomasis marriedto Jennifer,and has four childrenand sevengrandchildren. 43 A Brief Statementof Faith Rev. Kent Hollingsworth The Bible tells the story of the faith of our ancestors;their call, their rebellion, andof God's gracein calling them back again and again.Scriptureblessesus with the good news of salvation throughthe sacrificeand the atonementof our Savior.The Word of God is revealedand we havethe gift of Jesus' teaching,the model of His ministry,andthe call to be disciples. Jesusrevealsthe intimacy of God. In Him, we seethe full expressionof humanity and divinity. In Him, we seegraceupon grace,sacrificial love, andan obediencethat inspired Him to carrya crossfor our sake. God raisedJesusfrom the deadand gaveHim authority, power and dominion. "God has made Him the head over all for the church,which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Ephesians1.22 Creationrevealsthe immensity of God. Scriptureis filled with passagespraising God for His loving creationof the earth,the moon, the sun, and the stars. The beautyof naturereflectsthe grandeurof God. Indeed,if all of Scripturewere lost, we could still know somethingof God by carefully observingthe works of His hands.(a paraphraseof Romans 1.20) We do not live as God intends and we are unableto earn God's favor. By meansof grace and love, God provides for our salvation through Christ our Lord. Through His redemptive mission,we are redeemed.A11that is unresolvedis coveredby the loving forgivenessfrom our Lord. Our responseis one ofjoyful obediencefor in Christ we are free to live the abundantlife He cameto give. The Holy Spirit instructsand empowersus for servicein proclaiming God's love. By meansof God's grace,we are cleansedby the watersof baptism.We receivenourishmentat the Lord's table in the sacramentof communion. JesusChrist calls the church into being. He is the headof the church and thosewho follow are bound by His exampleof loving God and loving one anotheras He has loved us. 44 BiographicalSketch ReY.Kent Hollingsworth I was baptizedas an infant and I cannotrecall a time when I did not know of God's gracein Jesus. I have been blessedby God through the love, nurture, andfellowship of the Church. I was ordaineda ruling elder in1970. Nine yearslater,I was ordaineda teachingelder. I've beenthe pastorof a three-pointparish and three Presbyteriancongregations. I have servedthe Presbyteryas moderatorand as a member of COM. I have been on severaladministrative commissionsand I have servedas a mediator/consultantfor conflict resolution. 45 Statementof Faith Rev. Kate Fiedler Boswell I believe in the Triune God-creator of all, redeemet of a7J,, and sustainer of all. Goi cteated the world out of love and hope, and proclaimed it good. Made in God's image, humans were cteated to live in harmony with God, eachother, and cteation, However, we separateourselves from God to care for God, our neighbors, and creation as God corr]rnands.Therefore, we are in constant need of God's graceand rnercy and of forgiveness ftom our neighbors. Yet, God's grace' remains steadfast,no matter how often we sin and make a mess in life and our relationships. BecauseGod loves humankind so much, I believe God sent Jesus Christ to live among usfully divine and fully [s62n-to teach us how to live in commnniry and to redeem us from our sin and brokenness.Jesustaught how to love as God loves: by preachotggood news to the oppressed, welcoming children and outcasts, healing the sick, forgiving sinners, and surprising his followers by extending God's gra.ceto all. In an act of divine love, Jesus suffeted and was crucified next to cornmon cdminals. I believe he gave his life for the glory of God and the tedemption of the world. God raisedJesus ftom the dead, breaking the bonds of death, and granting us hope for transfotmation in this life and in life eternal. I believe God works in the world through the Holy Spirit, calling us, encouraging us, and redirecting us. I believe the Holy Spirit moved through the ancient prophets and continues to guide our lives. The Spirit weaves us together as the body of Christ, inspiring us to be the church in an anxious and broken wodd. As the Spirit moves, we are emboldened to work for justice and to live faithfully according to God's will and love. I believe that the Bible is the inspired \7otd of God, written by human hands. The Old and New Testaments are the foundation of our faith and should be read, studied, intelpreted, taught, and proclaimed. As the !7ord of God, the scriptures witness to the stories of God's people and to the life ofJesus, and they guide how we live in God's world today. The church continues God's mission in the world today, as it gathers to worship God, understand the scriptures, and serve others. The church is both universal-snqernpassing the communion of saints in all times and places-and experienced through a particular body, a gathered community itt one time and place. Christ is the head of the church, guiding the community of faith through the gift of the Holy Spirit. I believe the church is led by the Spirit and the scriprures to follow God's will in this wodd and to work toward establishing God's comrnonwealth. I believe Baptism and the Lotd's Supper are holy signs of God's covenant of graceenacted today and rooted in ancient practices. In Baptism, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit cleanseus of out sin and welcome us into the community of believers. Through the waters of Baptism, we are claimed by grace thtough the Spiritas a child of God. All the while, Baptism demonstrateshow the church famrly welcomes and promises to nurture a new member's faith. The Lord's Supper is a reminder of the death and tesurrection of Jesus Christ and of his suffering on our behalf. As we thankfully and joyfully eat and drink together at the table of our Savior, we have communion with him and all those who are called by him. \il7ego forth from the Lord's table with courageand hope to recognize God's reign and embody God's redernptive purposes. 46 BiographicalSketch Rev. Kate Fiedler Boswell A life-long Presbyterian,Kate Fiedler Boswell gives thanks for severalcongregationsin Virginia and North Carolina who nurtured her faith. Shewrestledwith her call while in college and seminary,but never questionedher love for the church. Kate has enjoyed serving in a rangeof settings: summerstaff at Montreat and Ghost Ranch ConferenceCenters;intern and youth director at TuckahoePresbyterianChurch in Richmond, VA; associatechaplain at Trinity EpiscopalSchoolin Charlotte,NC; and most recentlyas Director of Admissionsat Union PresbyterianSeminary. She looks forward to serving the University PresbyterianChurch in ChapelHill. 47 Statementof Faith Lee Sartain I believein the Trinity-God is our Creator,Redeemer, andSustainer. The Creatoris the Sovereign God, and is the Godofgrace,justice,and endlesslove.Godcreatedus out oflove and in his divineimage.God desiresa relationshipwith us,and our desireto seekhim is etchedinto our spiritualDNA.WhileGodis Sovereign, shehasgivenus the freedomof will, andasresultour choicescomewith consequences ofour own doing.We havebeencalledto live in connectionalcommunity. While we are calledto live a life of covenantcommunityand redemption,we cannotfree ourselvesfrom our sinful and broken state. is the revelationof Godaswitnessedby Scriptureandthe Church.In the JesusChrist,our Redeemer, fullnessof his humanity,he is the flawlessrepresentation of God'sdivineimage,doingwhat Adamcould not. In the fullnessof his divinity,Christreconciledthe humanconditionthroughhis life,deathon the cross,andresurrection. We canbe reconciledto GodthroughChristandwe are calledto the work of reconciliation throughthe HolySpirit.TheSpiritis our Sustainer, wrappingGod'spresencearoundus, andguidingour work in the world. I believethat we arebroughtinto God'scommunityof faith throughbaptism,the signand sealthat marks us asthe peopleofGod.We are calledto gatheraroundthe tableto sharethe Lord'sSupper,the bread andcuprepresentspiritualnourishmentand strengthens us,unitinguswith believersin everytime and place. I believethat Godis revealedandwitnessedto in the Bible.Scriptureis both authoritativeand contextual.Thewritten Word tells of God'swork through history and of God'sredemptivelove for all creation.It is in this historicalcontextwe understandwho Godis,and how humanityexperienced Godin their covenantcommunities. Christ is living the Word andthe fulfillmentof scripture.Eachof us Jesus approaches the Bibleinformedby our experiences and enrichedby living out what Jesuscallsusto be in the world.TheReformedtraditionembraces variousConfessions, subordinateto scripture,which illustratethe livingfaith ofthe Church,and its strugglesthroughthe yearswith the challenges ofthe world aroundit. I believein the Churchuniversal,andthat it is calledto be equippedto engagethe world throughliving out the callofJesusChristin our individualand corporatelives.We arecalledto makedisciples, using our particulargiftstowardthe fulfillmentof God'spurposesin the world.We aie commanded to go back out into the world to serveandwitnessto the loveof God.As Christians. I believethat we arecalledto proclaimthe goodnews,work for peaceandjustice,andlive out the GreatEndsofthe Church,until we are reunitedwith JesusChrist. 48 BiographicalSketch Lee Sartain Lee Sartainservesas Pastorof East Raleigh Fellowship, a new worshiping community at Milner Memorial Presbyterian Church. Lee has an interest in leading organizational development, and has a desire to specialize in congregational change and revitalization. A self-described"wonk," Sartainloves to align congregational relationships,statistical data, and community context to develop ministries to reach new communities with the messageof Jesus.Lee believes the Reformed tradition maps perfectly to reaching an unchurched, dechurshed,and demoralizedworld-we just have to discern God's call for our ministry. Prior to Milner Memorial/East Raleigh Fellowship, Lee servedon the staff of two churches in the Raleigh areafocusing on youth and young adult ministries. 49 Journeyof Faith Rev.Rebecca Reyes I was born on September26, 1951"in SanBernardino, California.My dad was stationedin the Air Force Basein SanBernardino. On OctoberLOth, I receiveda letteraddressed to me from the Chaplainof the Air Forcewelcomingme to the world and to the communityof faith. He spokeof my parents'faith,their engagement with the churchcommunityand becauseof that faith my nurture,developmentand j o u r n e yi n l i f ew o u l d b e a b l e s s i n g . Approximately two weeksafter my birth my dad drovemy mom, two oldersisterand myselfto Kingsville, Texas.He was giventhis short leaveso he couldgo and fight the KoreanWar. I grew up in T e x a sw h e r eI w a s n u r t u r e db y m y f a m i l ya n d t h e l o c a lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c h .M y c h i l d h o o dw a ss h a p e d b y t h e c h u r c hc o m m u n i t yM . y f a i t hf o r m a t i o nw a ss h a p e db y a t t e n d i n gS u n d a ys c h o o l m , o r n i n gw o r s h i p service,youth group,eveningworshipservice,mid week worshipservice,choir,etc. My parentswere b o t h o r d a i n e de l d e r sa n d a c t i v el e a d e r si n t h e c h u r c h . I n 1 9 7 6l e n r o l l e da t A u s t i nP r e s b y t e r i aTnh e o l o g i c aSle m i n a r a y n d g r a d u a t e di n t 9 7 9 , h o l d i n gt h e h o n o r graduate of beingthe first Hispanicfemaleto from the seminary.On July22,1979 | was ordainedat First P r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hi,n S a nM a r c o sT, e x a sa st h e f i r s tH i s p a n iw c o m a no r d a i n e df o r t h e P C U SM .y journeyand ministryin the PCUSwould includeworkingas StaffAssociate for Youthand YoungAdult Ministryfor the PCUS, StaffAssociate for International Ministryfor the PCUS, CampusMinisterat UNCC h a p eH l i l l ,N Ca n d P a r i s hA s s o c i a tw e i t h t h e C h u r c ho f R e c o n c i l i a t i oi nnC h a p eH l i l l ,N C . I a l s oh a dt h e privilegeto serveon severalGeneralAssemblycommittees.appointmentsand boards.One interesting memoryis havingthe opportunityto attend13 GeneralAssemblies, and beingpreacherfor two of those d e n o m i n a t i o nI g aatherings. j o u r n e yf i l l e dw i t h s u r p r i s e ss,a d n e s sc,o n f l i c tl,a u g h t e rd, o u b t ,h o p e ,a n d s o I t h a sb e e na n a m a z i n g m a n yo t h e re m o t i o n sI. h a v eb e e nh u m b l e db y p a r i s h i o n e rfsr,i e n d sa, n df a m i l yw h o h a v ea l l o w e dm e t o b e t h e i r p a s t o ra n d c a l l e dm e t o b a p t i z et h e i r c h i l d r e nb, u r yt h e i r l o v e do n e s ,c e l e b r a t em a r r i a g e s , celebrate c o n f i r m a t i o nasn d p r a yw i t h t h e m . ThoughI will retirefrom activeministryI will continueto servethe communityof faith. I will continue m y w o r k a sa b o a r dm e m b e rw i t h t h e S e l fD e v e l o p m e notf P e o p l ef o r t h e P C U S AI .w i l l ' c o n t i n uteo b e p a r to f t h e l i f eo f C h u r c ho f R e c o n c i l i a t i oann d w i l l c o n t i n u ep r e a c h i n a g n dt e a c h i n gw i t h f a i t h c o m m u n i t i e sI .w i l l a l s oc o n t i n u eb e i n ge m p l o y e da t D u k eU n i v e r s i t H y o s p i t aal s c o o r d i n a t ofro r L a t i n o Services. W i t hg r a t i t u d e Rebecca Reyes 50 TheJourneyls Home* Rev,J,DavidWiseman Thejourneyof faithbeganfor me in a smallOhiotown eastof Cincinnati whereour familybecamea mainstay in a new project.Thiswasthe Churchof Perpetual churchdevelopment Responsibility wheremy motherdirectedthe choir,myfather chairednumerous committees andbothparentsgladlyservedasrulingelders.Theirdevotionto the Presbyterian Church, its order,decency andsocialrelevance, wasnot loston me.Theyouthfellowship becamea sacrament of belonging. Asa 9'n graderI servedon myfirstpastorsearchcommittee. Sunday changed School my lifeaswe studiedRobertMcAfeeBrown's you, progressive TheBibleSpedks rootingmy faithin a to theologythat risksfollowing Jesusintothe publicarena. (ohio),1966,I becamea candidate At the endof myfirstyearat MiamiUniversity for the GospelMinistry,undercareof Cincinnati Presbytery. Several dayslaterI leftfor NewMexicoto serveon coilege staffat GhostRanch, a Presbyterian Conference Center. Thatsummerwasfoundational for me,especially because denominational Ieaders wereputtingthe finishing toucheson the Confession of L967,the themeof whichbecame the centerpiece of my ministry:reconciliation. I enrolledat Princeton in the Fallof 1969,a turbulenttimein bothchurchandsociety. Seminary Withintwo monthsI participated personal in myfirstanti-warmarchin DC,beginning a life-long strugglebetweenChristandculture.An internship tookmeto up-stateNewYorkwhereI pastored a smallPresbyterian Churchthat graciously forgavemy many pastoral sinsof omission andcommission. I returnedto seminary and,aftercompleting my finalyear,accepted Princeton's Pastoral Overseas Fellowship, whichincluded two semesters of studyat TheUniversity of Edinburgh, NewCollege, Scotland, alongwith3 monthsof backpacking throughoutwesternandeasternEuropevisitingreligious communities. My Edinburgh marriage to Jeannene, a PTSclassmate, meantthat thispartof thejourneywasjoyfullyshared,thoughshestilldefiescalling it a honeymoon. I received myfirstcallto the WestTrentonPresbwerian Church, NewJersey, whereI servedfor 3 years.In 1977,Jeannene job received a offerin Durham,NorthCarolina so I resigned my positionandsoonwaswelcomed asshort-terminterimat WestRaleigh Presbyterian Church. lthen wasinvitedto serveasinterimat CaryPresbyterian, a congregation of 200thatwas declining in membership, evenasthe surrounding community wasbooming. ThenextyearI wascalledaspastorandserved for 25years.Duringthosevibrantyearswe expanded staff,quadrupled membership, developed a multi-cultural ChildCare Ministry, builta newsanctuary, renovated facilities existing anddeveloped a liturgyteammodelfor worship.We grappled withtoughissues including howto be morewelcoming of sexual, racialandethnicdiversity, howto be morecommitted to peaceandjusticeissues, jou privilege howto be moreattunedto the innerspiritua I wasa to servethere. Onceour two sonsweregrown,Jeannene andI werereadyfor a newjourney.I resigned my positionat Caryin 2004and startedreplenishing my pastor's tool box:mediation training,interimpastortraining,several weeksof silence at Gethsemane Monastery in Kentucky, andsixweeksof Spanish emersion in Guatemala. lt wasthe lastofthesethat ledJeannene andmeto accepta position workingfor the PC(USA) asMissionCo-workers in Guatemala. I servedasCoordinator for Mission Delegations, coordinating mission teamsfrom U.S.churches andcolleges. Jeannene workedwith indigenous womenandthe (YAV)pro8ram.In the wordsof AbrahamHeschel, YoungAdultVolunteer these3 yearswerea timeof "radicalamazement." Uponour returnto the 2008,I wasinvitedto serveasTransitional Pastorat FirstPresbyterian Church, SantaFe,oneof the mostprogressive andinvigorating congregations I haveknown.After3 yearsthere,I wasthen invitedto serveas Transitional Pastorin WestHartford, Connecticut. In bothcongregations I soughtto helpeachof thesefaithcommunities distilltheircongregational call,pavingthe wayfor themto seeka pastorwhosegiftswouldmeshwith theircall. My.iourney of faithhasnow broughtusbackto NorthCarolina whereJeannene hasresumedherspiritualdireitionpractice. Ratherthancallingthistimeretirement for me,I callit a timeof stepping back,processing what hasbeenanddiscerning journeyasbeingoverbut simplyshiftinggears.My mottois "whytakelifeeasy whatisto be.I do not seemy professional whenyoucantakelifeon."I just haven'tfiguredout yet whatshapeor formthat willtake. I feellikemy lifehasbeenextraordinarily blessed. cod hasfilledmyjourneywith bothIightanddarkness, withgraceupon grace.I lookforwardto discovering wherethe nextroadswill lead.lf it is truethatthe pastis preludeto the future,I trustthe landscape will be breathtaking andit will feeljustlikehome. *(Thetitleis borrowedfroma bookof the samenameby NelleMorton.) 51 "Surrounded by so Greata Cloudof Witnesses" Jim Ferry I havebeentrulyblessed- all my lifesurrounded by so manysaints, mentors, comforters, healers,andteachersconstantly callingforththe bestin me. I thankmy wonderful family- my parentswhowereatwaystherefor me, teaching me,lovingffie,disciplining me- allthewhileseeingin me morethanI wouldeverhavebelieved on my own. My MomandDadfirmlyplantedme in the faithandin church.lwill neverforget my motherreadingto me the storiesof Jesus purchasing especially for me a Christmas stocking she hadmadeherself forthechurchmissionsbazaar. lwill alwaysremember my Dadcarrying me to seethe steeplehoistedup ontothe roofof the newsanctuary of ourchurchin AuburnwhenI was notyet evenfiveyearsof age. Growingup, I knewandwasinspired by so manyspecialpastorsand professors. distinguished collegeandseminary I remainforeverin theirdebt, as lam to thecongregations I haveservedin Japan,Virginia, and NorthCarolina. pastors ThetwoJapanese on whosestaffsI workedandthe threeNorth American congregations I hadthe privilege to leadhavetaughtme so much. I canneverforgetthe manywonderful, menandwomenof faithin dedicated thosechurches who"lovedthe Lord"in goodtimesandin bad,in plentyandin want,whosefaithful,unwavering dedication haveinspiredandchangedmy life. Surrounded by their"witness" I havegrownmuchin depth,bothas a personand as a pastor. Justso youwillknowme a littlebetter,I wouldliketo liftup six individuals whohaveespecially blessedme: RandyHarrison- my pastorat a veryyoung,impressionable'age whose warm,caringsmileandhiswayof alwaysbeingtheremodeledso muchfor me thetruemeaning of a "pastor's heart."I willneverforgethimtakingthetimeand effortto drivemy familyacrossthe mountain to Charlottesville numerous timesto seemy Dadat UVAHospital. giftedDeanof the Facultyat ShigeharuMatsuura- the blind,profoundly ShikokuChristian CollegewhereI firstservedandtaughtin Japan.Dr.Matsuura, pilot,butthenhadgoneblindat the endof the whohadtrainedto be a Kamikaze PacificWar,was converted to Christianity uponreadingthe accountof the blind manin Johnchapter9 - "hewasbornblindso thegloryof Godmightbe made manifest in him."And,indeeditwas. Atruefriend,Dr.Matsuura taughtme much of the depthandpowerof Christian faith. Hisdevoutwitnessshapedmy life. 52 CurtisHess- the Executive Presbyter whowelcomedme backintothe American Churchby havingthewisdomto thinkoutsidethe boxandseein me notjusta "returning missionary" butsomeonewhosecross-cultural experience andexpertise mightindeedbe helpful, andinvaluable for ministry in ruralSouth SideVirginia. RobertAllen- world-renowned eyesurgeonat UVAhospitalanda Presbyterian RulingElderwhosawme througha numberof veryseriouseye surgeries. So skilled,Dr.Allenwasalsoa personof deepfaithandhumorwho following oneparticularly surgerytookme withhimto worshipthe traumatic following Sundayholding thehymnaloutin frontof myfaceasking,laughing, "Canyouseeit now?"thenmovingthe bookagain,"Canyou readit now?" DavidVoss - who stoodby me and listenedto me andso deeplycaredfor me- healingme in a timeof deepvocational crisis,doubtandguilt. David thoughtfully andfaithfully encouraged me to persevere; breathing the heartback intome. ScottyHargrove- my mentor,coach,andteacherof BowenFamily SystemsTheory.LearningTheoryin depthfromScotty,a Presbyterian Church (USA)Teaching ElderandadjunctFacultyat the BowenCenterat Georgetown profoundly providing University alteredmy lifeandministry, newperspectives on socialsystemsandevenmoreimportantly on myself.WorkingwithScottyto better"differentiate a self'andthenthinkthroughproblemsand issuesrather thanjustreacting emotionally hasbeenlifechanging. IndeedI havebeen"surrounded by so greata cloudof witnesses," not leastof all my beautiful wifeandwonderful family.I thankGodfor allthe "balcony people"of my life- all thosewho havecheeredme on, prayedfor me,andmost importantly nevergivenup on me. lt is becauseof themand it is becauseof you thatI nowreachthislifestageof retirement. And,I thankyoufromthe bottomof my heart. Jim 53 In Memoriam Rev. Dr. St. Paul Bpps February18,1916- September 16,2014 St. Paul Epps was one of eight children born to AzarinaLangley and William Henry Epps in Norfolk, Virginia. A June 1935honor graduateof Booker T. WashingtonHigh School, St. Paul was the first enrolleein the junior collegeunit of Virginia Union University and personallyrecruitedothersto join him. St. Paul later went on to graduatefrom Knoxville College in Tennesseeand later becamethe only African American in his graduatingclasswhen he receivedhis Masters of Divinity from Pittsburgh-XeniaTheologicalSeminaryin 1942. While doing missionary work in Henderson,NC, St. Paul met Kathryn Gilliam who was teachingat HendersonInstitute. They married in 1943. After giving birth to their first born child, Frances,St. Paul receiveda call to start the Bel-Vue Community PresbyterianChurch in the Watts neighborhoodof Los Angeles, California. BelVue was the first African American United PresbyterianChurch west of the Mississippi River. Under his leadership,it grew to nearly 800 members. As the church beganto grow, the family grew as well. In 1955,St. Paul receivedan HonoraryDoctoratefrom SterlingCollegein Sterling,Kansas,and later receivedadditional post-graduatetraining at the University of SouthernCalifornia. St. Paul was always available to counselcongregants,and was instrumentalin the ordination of four sonsof the congregationas Presbyterianministers. In addition, he was a champion for civil rights and human dignity and was very involved in the NAACP and the Boy Scouts. After 20 yearsas the pastor of Bel-Vue, St. Paul and Kathryn moved to the eastcoastwhere St. Paul becamethe Secretaryof Stewardshipand Developmentfor the United Presbyterian Church and later was named Executive Director for the Fund for Self Developmentof Peoplein the PresbyterianChurch, USA. After St. Paul's retirement in 1980,he continuedto serveas interim minister and pulpit supply in churchesin North Carolina, and presidedover the baptisms,weddings and funeralsof close friends and family. He was also very active in the New Hope Presbytery,and he was a board memberof Bertie County Social Servicesfor 12 yearc. His life touched the WORLD! St. Paul was precededin deathby his parents Azarinaand William Henry, his siblings Virginia, Lucille, Azarina,Pauline,William, Richard(St. Paul's twin) and Flossie,and his son Braxton, and leavesbehind his dear wife Kathryn of Tl yearsof Windsor, NC, daughterFrancesPaulaof Teaneck,NJ, son Sheldonof Pasadena,CA, daughter-in-lawVeronica of Laurel Springs,NJ, and grandchildrenSheldonLee of New York, NY, and Kathryn Ashley of Baltimore, MD. He also leavesbehind nieces,nephews,godchildren, anda host of friends who will all miss him dearly. Well done,St. Paul. Well done. 54 The Presbyteryof New Hope 2OT4HUNGER FUNDRECEIPTS ThroughSeptember30,2074 ChurchName 2Ot4 Receipts Ssgo.z+ B e t h l e h e mP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , o c k yM o u n t C o v e n a nPt r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hW , endell ErnestMyatt Presbyterian Church,Raleigh FarmvillP e r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hF , armville FirstPresbytera n C h u r c hA , hoskie FirstPresbytera n C h u r c hD . urham FirstPresbytera n C h u r c hK , inston FirstPresbyter a n C h u r c hR , aleigh FirstPresbyter a n C h u r c hS , mithfield F o u n t a i nP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hF , armville Hi l l s b o r o u gP h r e s b y t e r i aCnhu r c h ,Hi ll s b o r o u g h J a s o nP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hL, aG r a n g e LittletonPresbyterian Church,Littleton MacClesfield Presbyterian Church,MacClesfield M i l n e rM e m o r i a lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh M o r t o n M e m o r i a lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , o c k yM o u n t M t . B e t h e lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hD , urham N e w H o p eP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hC , h a p eH l ill N o r t hR a l e i g hP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh O u t e rB a n k sP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hK , i l lD e v i lH i l l OxfordPresbyterian Church,Oxford P i n e t o p sP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hP , inetops R i v e r m o nPt r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hK , inston R o a n o k el s l a n dP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hM , anteo R o a n o k eR a p i d sP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , o a n o k eR a p i d s S t . B a r n a b aP s r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh S t .G i l e sP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh S t .P a u lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hL, o u i s b u r g S t a n l e yW h i t e P r e s b y t e r i a n R,o a n o k eR a p i d s T r i a n g l eP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hD , urham UnityPresbyterian Church,NewtonGrove U n i v e r s i tP y r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hC , h a p eH l ill WarrentonPresbyterian Church,Warrenton W e s tR a l e i g hP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh WesternBoulevardPresbyterian Church,Raleigh W e s t m i n s t ePr r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh W h i t e M e m o r i a lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hR , aleigh W h i t e M e m o r i a lP r e s b y t e r i aCnh u r c hW , i l l o wS p r i n g W i l l i am s t o nP r e s b y t e rni aC hu r c h ,W i ll i am s t o n St,03t.5o |tt.ot $goo.os s107.s0 53,2L2.64 Seqq.+a s3,333.06 St,686.23 548.00 s8e.23 s67.03 s6.13 s421.s0 s20e.00 Sro+.oo |zt 5779.42 st,332.91 s319.90 524L.39 5228.47 s410.93 s333.00 52,649.L9 s3oo.oo Szss.gz 52,106.40 s213.s0 s3,ggo.zs Sros.os So+o.oo s2,008.09 s368.00 S1,700.43 Ssag.gz Sgr.oo TOTAL 55 59r,829,r4 Presbyteryof New Hope PresbyteryUnifiedMissionReceipts 01-01-14to 09-30-14 Ghurch Ahoskie BearGrass Berea Bethanv Bethlehem, Mebane Bethlehem, RockyMount Blacknall Brookston Butner Calvary, SwanQuarter Wilson Calvary, CannMemorial cary CenterRidqe Churchof Reconciliation CobbMemorial Cornerstone CottonMemorial Covenant,Durham Covenant, Wendell Covenant. Wilson YTD Receipts s964.25 $1,653.00 $2,022.00 $0.00 $339.00 $555.24 s536.00 $536.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,524.50 $3,049.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,434.00 $1,434.00 $0.00 $1,729.92 $2,201,00 $0.00 $2.532,00 $2,532.00 $ 1 , 7 60 0 $880.00 s42.740.00 $28,493.36 $6,437.00 $6,437.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,901.50 $0.00 $0.00 $297.36 $446.00 2014 Accentance DavieStreet $3,419.00 Discovery $3,000.00 $9,900.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $3,750.00 $1,500.00 $2,027.00 00 $2,500 $0.00 $0.00 s792.00 Duraleigh Durham Durham. First Ebenezer Edenton,First Efland Eno ErnestMyatt Fairfield Faith Falkland Farmville Fountain FrankPrice Fuquay Varina Garner. First Geneva Goldsboro. First GoldsboroKorean GraceChapel Greenville. First Grifton Hebron Henderson. First Hillsborough Hollywood HowardMemorial HudsonMemorial $1,587.00 $0.00 $572.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 1 3 50 0 $0 00 $0,00 $0.00 $40,553,00 $24300 $3,419.00 $750,00 $0,00 $0.00 $8,750.00 $0.00 $3,750.00 $0,00 $0 00 $1,524,50 $0.00 $0.00 - $ 1, 7 2 9 . 9 2 $2,201.00 $0.00 $88000 $14.246.64 $0 00 $0.00 -$1,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 -$2,901.50 $0 00 $148.64 $0.00 00 $2,250 $9,900.00 $0.00 $26,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 s506.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s1.520.25 $2.500 00 $0 00 $0.00 $792.00 $793.50 $0.00 $572.00 $793.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1,025.24 $3,239.70 $135.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $452.00 $0.00 56 -$216.24 $75000 $2,985.00 $ 11 , 8 2 5 . 0 0 $17,849.00 $13,459.00 $688.75 $2,022.00 s750.00 $20,276.50 $0.00 $796.00 $416.62 $79600 Balance $8,874.00 $ 1 0 , 4 1. 9 4 $6,729.50 -$1,025.24 -$3,239.70 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,276.50 $243.00 $0.00 $35.38 $2,985.00 $2,951,00 $7.437.06 $6,729.50 Presbyteryof New Hope PresbyteryUnifiedMissionReceipts 01-01-14to 09-30-14 Church glesiaPresbyteriana Jason Kenlv Kinston, First KoreanFellowship, Greenville Kirkof Kildaire LittleRiver Littleton Macclesfield M i l n e rM e m o r i a l MortonMemorial Mt. Bethel Mt. Olive Mt. Pisgah Mt. Pleasant, WillowSpring Nahalah NCKorean. Durham NeuseForest NewBern,First N e w H o p e ,C h a p e H l ill New Hope,WillowSpring NorthRaleigh Nutbush Oak Grove Oak Hitl Oakland OuterBanks Oxford Peace Pinetops Plainview Providence Raleigh,First Rivermont Roanokelsland RoanokeRapids RobersonChapel RockyMount,First Roxboro SaintAndrews,Raleigh Selma Smithfield, First S n o wH i l l S p r i n gH i l l St. Andrews,Henderson St.Barnabas St. Giles St. James St.Paul StanleyWhite TimothvDarlinq 2014 Acceptance $0.00 $0.00 $1,960.00 YTD Receipts $0.00 $0.00 $1,960.00 $20,787.00 $0.00 $13,857.37 $48,450.00 $3,694.00 $ 3 4 , 10 7. 4 7 $0.00 $0 00 $2,616.00 $0.00 $3,401.00 $2,204.00 $4,228.00 $12,893.00 $1.962.00 $1,582.00 $782.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,326.00 s100.00 $9,034.00 $638.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $100.00 $7,034.00 $638.00 $0.00 $10,989.00 $0.00 $2,443,00 $0 00 $4,581.00 $22,720.00 $0 00 $6,000.00 $ 3 , 5 6 50 0 $100.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,342.53 $3.694.00 s65400 $0 00 $1,500.00 $2,728.00 $7,520.94 $5,372.06 $800.00 . 75 $8,241 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,290.50 $17,040.01 $0.00 $4,000.00 $3,565.00 $100.00 $500.00 $3,025.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $3,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$2,326.00 $0.00 -$2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,747.25 $0.00 $2,44300 $0.00 $2,290.50 s5.679.99 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50000 $36,302.01 $0.00 $3,025.00 $1,250.00 $2,000.00 $11,429.75 $3,427.36 $5,689.50 $9,689.25 $1,713.64 $5,689.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,927.00 $1,881.00 $ 1, 4 1 0 . 7 5 $0.00 $0.00 $20,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 57 $6,929.63 $ 1 . 7 0 05 0 $551.00 $15,249.99 $4,016.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 1 700 50 $ t 653 00 $51,552,00 $4,016.00 $21,119.00 $5,141.00 $ 11 , 3 7 9 . 0 0 $0.00 $4,927.00 Balance $15,562.50 $0.00 $741.00 $2,142.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $ 4 70 . 2 5 $0.00 $0.00 $5,187.50 $0.00 -$741.00 - $ 2 , 14 2 . 0 0 $0 00 Presbyteryof New Hope PresbyteryUnifiedMissionReceipts 01-01-14to 09-30-14 Ghurch Trianqle TrinityAvenue Trinity,Raleigh Unity Universitv WakeForest 2014 Acceptance $0.00 $30,654.00 $9,121.00 $0.00 $107,500.00 $0.00 Wanoca $614.00 Warrenton s623.00 Washington, First WestHaven WestNewBern West Raleiqh WesternBoulevard Westmnster.Durham Westmnster,Lucama Westmnster,Raleigh WestmnsterFoundation WhiteMemorial,Raleigh WhiteMemorial,WillowSpring White Rock William& MaryHart Williamston Wilson,First YoungMemorial $0.00 $4,886,00 $0 00 $16,293.00 $24,000.00 $41,730.00 $1,239.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 $500.00 $571.00 $3,638.00 $3,600.00 $46,771,00 $800.00 YTD Receipts $0.00 $21,967.32 $4,000.00 $0.00 $54,100.00 $16,569.00 $500.00 $623.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,116.33 $18,000.00 s31.297.50 $1,239.00 $0.00 $2,192.04 $187,500.06 Balance $0.00 $8,686.68 $5,121.00 $0.00 $53,400.00 -$16,569.00 $114.00 $0.00 -$2,500.00 $4,886.00 $0.00 $5,176.67 $6,000.00 $10,432.50 $0.00 $0.00 -$2,192.04 $62,499.94 $750.00 -$25000 $0.00 $ 5 7 10 0 $ 2 , 2 9 65 0 $1,341.50 $2,700,00 $23,385.75 $0.00 $900.00 $23,385.25 $800.00 TOTAL $1,055,808.00 58 $677,987.77 $377,820.23 The Presbytery of New Hope Misson Budget Income and F,xpense Report As of September30, 2014 2013 Accepted Actual Budget Line Item t2t3t/2013 2014 Accepted Budget Actual 913012014 Presbytery Income: Benevolences & Other Income Total Benevolence & Other Income 1 . 3 3 1 . 8 6 2 . 0 0 | "499.756.45 1,326,027.00 9 1 6 , 5 9 5 . 8 5 1,331,862.001,499,756.45 1,326,027.00 916, 595. 85 PresbyteryExpenses: Presbvteru Coordinatina Body 13,000.00 3,500.00 443,555.00 25,000.00 2,515.00 18,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 12,000.00 250.00 4,800.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 100.00 200.00 Consultant ExecutivePresbyterSearchCommittee Salaries/Benefits Travel/Conference& Airfare PayrollProcessing Insurance Audit CoordinatingBody Meeting Expense Office Lease Office Maintenance Telephone utiliries Postage Offi ce Equipment/Software Printing/Supplies Newsletter Web Site Desisn Presbytery AppointedCommittees PresbyteryMeeting Expense Finance& Property Committee CommunicationsCommittee 8.ss0.00 12,000.00 0.00 450"000.00 20.000.00 2.000.00 18,000.00 10" 000.00 500.00 30.000.00 4.000.00 12,000.00 7.000.00 6.000.00 5.000.00 l 1.000.00 0.00 4.800.00 2,000.00 3" 500.00 50.00 0.00 300.00 50.00 598.200.00 4 _431. 42 4.034.82 6.352.48 7.392.34 0. 00 3 . 600. 00 0. 00 1.359.21 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0, 00 348.294.86 5,000.00 1,000.00 I,200.00 8,940.00 18,800.00 1,200.00 841.00 3,000.00 943.04 0.00 5,493.34 11,477.38 1,000.00 1,660.00 5,000,00 t,000.00 1,200.00 8,940.00 18.800.00 900. 00 72. 00 2. 000. 00 391.94 0. 00 1.544.80 4,908.74 5,000.00 500.00 3,773.00 9,273.00 4 , 5 5 0l 3. 110.17 2,522.30 7,182.60 5,000,00 500.00 3,713.00 9,273.00 1,192.r5 517.41 2, 380. 86 4,090.42 200.00 867.00 2s.00 PersonnelComm ttee s00.00 Executive Comm ttee Total Presbytery Council 200.00 625,120.00 11.400.00 3.998.24 338.280.67 t9,l4l.l5 2,715.51 16,371.43 24,500.00 556.43 30,000.00 2,453.53 10,585.47 5,476.55 5,470.91 6.655.94 12,845.71 0.00 5,450.00 1,545.19 5,918.40 225.00 0.00 32s.32 0.00 503,921.45 0. 00 256.512.92 15.023.80 l.l14.50 -2. 266. 50 5. 500. 00 916.25 20.000.00 5.t25.21 r 0 . 6 4 8r. 4 Committee on Ministru Calls & Vacancies 1,000.00 Conflict Resolution r,660.00 Counseline/SharedGrant ExaminationExnenses CommissionedRuline Elders Comm ttee Expense Total Committee on Ministn Preparation for Minlstry Candidates& Inquirers Annual Consultation CommitteeExnense TotalPreparutionfor Ministry Other Committees of Presbyteru Representation 200.00 867.00 Nominations 59 25.74 84.24 0. 00 The Presbytery of New Hope Misson Budget Income and ExpenseReport As of September30, 2014 z0t3 z0t4 Accepted Line Item Total Other Committeesof Presbytery Budget Actual t2/31/2013 Accepted Actua Budget 9t30t20r4 1,067.00 2s.00 1.067.00 109.98 200.00 200.00 1,065.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 1,200,00 350.00 4,215.00 35.00 -4,251.92 -13.09 200.00 200.00 1,065.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 350.00 4,215.00 2,500.00 3,200.00 8,400.00 I,200,00 4,000.00 2,000.00 3,050.00 21,715.00 3,417.88 472.00 674.80 2,785.11 1,947.04 200.00 0.00 9,496.83 2,250.00 2.880.00 7.560.00 1,080,00 1,000.00 1,800.00 2,745.00 19.315.00 1, 484. 44 82.62 0. 00 0. 00 -17,160.83 76,941.00 76,94L00 76,941.00 76,941.00 43,817.00 43,817.00 32,862.78 32.862.78 Leadership Development Pastor/EducatorOrientation ContinuinsEd. Seminars ProfeSsionalDevelopment/SharedGrant Black Clergy Caucus RetirementSeminar SessionalRecords Healthy BoundariesTraining CommitteeExpense Total Leadership D evelopment 0.00 200.00 0.00 84.00 3,287.84 63r.99 0. 00 1 , 1 0. 10 5 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 54.88 -4.13 13.00 -1,037.30 Congreaa tiona I Min istries Growing Together S.T.A.R.T. Youth Ministries Travelins Seminars ResourceCenter ChristianEducation CommitteeExpenses Total Congregatio nul Ministries - 426. 73 0. 00 -18,301.16 Qutdoor Mtilstfles Camp Albemarle Total OutdoorMinistries Multicu ltu ra I Min istries 2,000.00 2,000.00 New Line ltem Total Multicultural M i nistries 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1, 000. 00 1.000.00 22,100.00 327. 08 22,427.08 34"717.s0 2 4. 665. 69 37.331.28 39.27t.50 1 3 .8 58 . 4 7 0. 00 0. 00 149,574.44 Outreach Ministries Ministries of Mission 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 27,595.17 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 26,858.00 30,528.00 35,482.00 24,954.00 16,616.00 200.00 -4,932.00 129,706.00 26,858.04 30,528.00 35,481.96 24,954.04 16,616.04 0.00 -4,932.04 129.506.04 46,290.00 42,284.00 49,775.00 52.362.00 l 8 , l 18 . 0 0 200.00 -4,932.00 204,097.00 SpecialOutreachPrograms CommitteeExpenses Total Ministries of Mission 27.000.00 595.r7 Campus Ministries. Duke CampusMinistries EastCarolinaCampusMinistries NCCUCampus Ministries NCSU CampusMinistries UNC CampusMinistries CommitteeExpense Transferfrom CampusMinistryRestricted Funds Total Campus Ministries Church Development & Evangelism - New Church Development 60 The Presbytery of New Hope Misson Budget Income and ExpenseReport As of September30, 2014 2Ul3 Acceptefl Line Item Clavton Discoverv Church Greenville Korean Durham Hispanic Ministry Durham Presblterian Church DiscretionaryFunds CommitteeExpense Total New Church Development Budget 7014 Accepted Actual t2t3l/2013 Budget Actual 9t30t20r4 59,281.00 24,500.00 23.000.00 20,000.00 500.00 500.00 127,781.00 29,280.96 24,301.40 23,951.99 20,000.04 0.00 714.59 98,248.98 7,000.00 I1,000.00 18,000.00 6,999.96 11,000.04 18,000.00 3,230.00 6,000.00 9,230.00 3,370.00 10,157.45 13.527.45 5,000.00 6,000.00 I1,000.00 1,500.00 3,330.79 4,830.79 10,030.00 800.00 10,830.00 10,029.96 23.40 10,053.36 10,030.00 800.00 10.830.00 7,235.47 0. 00 7,235.47 -19,425.51 49,281.00 24,500.00 34,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 1r7.781.00 36,960.75 2 0, 950. 80 28,798.35 15,000.03 0, 00 ,89.8 1 101,799.1I - Church Redevelopment Goldsboro Korean Durham PC/Durham Hispanic Music Program Total Church Redevelopment Training A c t sl6: 5 Totnl Evangelism 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 Prison Chaplaincv Committee Presbyterian PrisonMinistry CommitteeExpense Total Prison Chaplaincy Committee General Assembly Unified Giving World Missions Per Capita Assessment Total Generul Assemblv 95,533.00 0.00 2l1,890.00 307,423.00 15,987.42 103,71l.3l 209,429.85 329.128.58 50.000.00 0.00 213,268.00 263,268.00 44,958.32 136,137.60 16 1. 670. 4t 21,590.00 76,502.00 74,391.00 172,483.00 22,945.19 22,785.00 76,502.00 0.00 99,287.00 14,537.20 48,823.02 0. 00 63,360.22 Other Missions SynodPer Capita PresbyterianInstitutrons Campus Ministries Total Other Missions Totul Mission Expenses ------ --- Net PresbyteryExpenses 82,9r0.2r 74,391.0C 180,246.40 ay,:yy. 1,415,422,13 1,432,750.00 883, 881. 19 -232J22.OO 32,7L4.66 61 84F34.32 -LO6,723.OO THE PRESBYTERYOF NEW HOPE 2OI5PROPOSEDBUDGET Line Item Income: t " n&Otherfncome Benevolence - ' eer CaPita tJ General Assembly Total Income Outdoor Ministries 2014 2015 Accepted Budget Proposed Budget 1,089,974 236,053 1,326,027 r,206,L39 227,937 598,200 655,013 18,800 13,700 9,273 9,273 1,067 867 4,215 4,2r5 L,434,076 19,3I5 2l,ll5 43,8I7 63,768 I06,502 204,097 I 30,58l I0,830 42,680 204,097 130,581 10,830 452,010 388,188 50,000 50,000 236,053 227,937 Ministrigp _Q_Ut.rcAch Ministries of Mission CampusMinistries Church Development,Evangelism & Multi-Cultural Pr ison Chaplaincy Committee Total Outreach Ministries General Assembly GeneralAssembly 'F -Capita Total Mission Expenses Budget Variance: 1,432,750 -106,723 October 25, 2014 62 1,4341076 0 THE PRESBYTERYOF NEW HOPE PRESBYTERYMEETING QUESTIONNAIRE October25.2014 CoordinatingBody appreciatesthe time you taketo completethis questionnaireandusesit at its meetings aswe evaluateeachpresbyterymeeting. 1. Do you havesuggestions for discussion topicsat futuremeetings? 2. As a commissioner,do you feel adequatelypreparedfor this meeting? Yes No Comment: Additional Comments Pleasecheckone TeachingElder Commissioner Ruling Elder Commissioner Is this your first presbyery meeting? _yes Other _no flwRw. Thend,oro Uen) E. Chtww Ex*-c*rfw q ? r oilryte4 Stated/ Cls"l<., AT THE END OF'TIIE MEETING PLEASE PLACE YOUR COMPLETED QUESTIO}INAIRE IN THE BO)GS PROVIDED. WE THAI\KYOU IN ADVANCE FOR YO{JR INPUT. 63 cl{Ar{.'t#r CI{ART'#2 RANKING MOTIONS and theirfivesalient parliarnentary points Thc orderin whichthe thrrteen rnotions arelisted vl (.) v> F I V E P RI V I LE GE D MOTIONS I 1 3 . To Fix thelime to Whichto 0.) dJ () dJ q) () >:' >\ (d a z NON.RANKTNG IVIOTIONS- andtheir fivesalientparliarnentary R b h.' a points These nlotions o v) (incidentalrnotionshave no q) rank arnongthemselves) Their being in order depends (A L. 2 { 4 5 Yes Maj Yes (! [) () -> c )O No €{) uponrheirnecessityat the time. 2, u : 8 h z. a Yes Adjourn *rn rD J Appeal d) g b €() 3 4 5 No MaJ Yes Yes 12. I'o Ad.iourn Yes No No Mai No SuspendRules Yes No No 11 l-o Take a Recess Yes No Yes Ma.i No Poino t f O r d e rC . a l l t oO r d e r No No No Mod No 1 0 ,Question of Privilege No No No No Oblecti on to Consideration of a Question No No No 2t3 Yes No Vole 9. Call for Orders of the Day No No No No Requests No No No Maj No 6. Lay on'lable Yes No No Ma.i No Oivisionof Assernbly No No No T PrevrousQuestions Yes No No zt) Yes Yes No No Maj Yes 6, Modify Debate Yes No Yes zI3 Yes Io Withdrawa Motion(to be rrsedonly beforedet:ate) No No No Maj Yes No Vote ',s To Postpone Definitely Yes Yes Yes Maj Yes lo Divide the Qnestion Yes No Yes Maj No To Commitor Recornrrit Yes Yes Yes Maj Yes fo CloseNominations Yes No 2/3 No Yes No Yes Maj No ++ No No SEVEI{SUB|SIDIAR Y Mo1'IONS 'fo Read a Paper No or Polls it. 3. To Amend iPostponelndefinitely MAIN MOT]ON 4 Yes Ycs Yes MaJ Yes Yes No Maj Yes Yes Yes MaJ Yes To Consider Seriatin Yes Al'firmative only Yes 'fO IJNCLASSIFIED MOTIONS Reconsider Yes i i i l i i Exampleof IncidentalMain Motions,rescind,ratify,amend by-laws ; oniv;6."d;sii;biiiiv of ibiiiitaioiaeTairs-ot rererra-t. Theriiliiilf iii; questioncannolbe debated | . ' - - . ' , , . ' No IvIaj Yes To Take from the Tab le* 'r'+ Yes No No Rescind Yes Yes Yes Maj No + Neg Yes . - r - . . T - INeitherthe chartnor referencesare inclusivebut are to be usedas lan abridgementof Robeft'sRules of Order,Newly Revised. 64
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