18th Annual Conference | Research January 15-19, 2014 Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges for Grand Hyatt San Antonio • San Antonio, TX PROGRAM SCHEDULE 2 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Table of Contents Meeting Room Floor Plans...................................................................................................... 4 President’s Welcome.................................................................................................................. 8 Presidential Plenary Speaker................................................................................................. 10 2014 Aaron Rosen Lecturer................................................................................................... 11 2014 Distinguished Career Achievement Award................................................................ 12 Opening Plenary Session....................................................................................................... 13 Invited Symposia..................................................................................................................... 14 Special Session......................................................................................................................... 17 2014 SSWR Fellows................................................................................................................. 18 2014 Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award........................................... 20 2014 Excellence in Research Award..................................................................................... 21 2014 Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award.......................................... 22 2014 Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention..... 23 2014 Doctoral Fellows Award................................................................................................ 24 2014 Exhibitors........................................................................................................................ 25 Program Highlights................................................................................................................. 26 Admission to Conference Activities, Continuing Education, Special Assistance, Message Board/Internet Access, Conference Mobile App, Photograph Disclosure................................................................................................... 30 Launch of the Journal for the Society for Social Work and Research (JSSWR)................ 32 Schedule-at-a-Glance.............................................................................................................. 33 Thursday Workshops and Special Sessions Research Methods Workshops...................................................................................... 45 Special Sessions on Research Priorities and Capacity Building............................... 47 Program Schedule Wednesday, January 15.................................................................................................. 45 Thursday, January 16...................................................................................................... 55 Friday, January 17........................................................................................................... 83 Saturday, January 18..................................................................................................... 139 Sunday, January 19........................................................................................................ 199 Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings Friday, January 17...................................................................................................83, 108 Saturday, January 18.............................................................................................139, 162 2013-2014 Board of Directors............................................................................................. 219 1994-2014 SSWR Presidents................................................................................................ 220 2014 Conference Program Committee.............................................................................. 221 2014 Conference Program Cluster Chairs......................................................................... 222 2014 Conference Program Abstract Review Committee................................................. 225 Aaron Rosen Lecture Award Review Committee............................................................. 234 Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award Review Committee................ 235 Distinguished Career Achievement Award Review Committee.................................... 236 Doctoral Fellows Award Review Committee.................................................................... 237 Excellence in Research Award Review Committee.......................................................... 238 Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award Review Committee.............. 239 SSWR Awards History.......................................................................................................... 240 2015 Call for Papers.............................................................................................................. 242 National Research Capacity Building Initiative (NRCBI) Supporters........................... 244 JSSWR Call for Manuscripts................................................................................................ 246 Conference Sponsors............................................................................................................ 247 Author/Speaker Index.......................................................................................................... 253 sswr | san antonio | 2014 3 GRAND HYATT SAN ANTONIO (GHSA) FOURTH FLOOR 4 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and SAN MARRIOTT RIVERWALK (MR) SANANTONIO ANTONIO MARRIOTT RIVERWALK SECOND FLOOR, FLOOR, ELEVATORBALLROOM LEVEL, BALLROOM (BR) SECOND LEVEL UPPER PARKING LEVEL, ELEVATOR LEVEL P2 LOWER PARKING LEVEL, ELEVATOR LEVEL P1 sswr | san antonio | 2014 5 HENRY B. GONZALEZ CONVENTION CENTER (HBGCC) RIVER LEVEL 6 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and HENRY B. GONZALEZ CONVENTION CENTER (HBGCC) STREET LEVEL sswr | san antonio | 2014 7 the 18th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR): Research for Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges. SSWR has become the scientific society dedicated to the development and application of rigorous research addressing pressing social problems and promoting social justice. The SSWR Annual Conference is the foremost venue in the world for developing and disseminating rigorous social work research and for networking and professional development of social work researchers at all levels. The SSWR Annual Conference has grown significantly from 100 attendees at the first conference in 1995 to the current membership of 1,542. This year’s conference in San Antonio attracted 1,571 abstracts resulting in more than 700 accepted papers, symposia, and roundtables that will make up this year’s conference. As you know from earlier communications, the conference this year has expanded beyond the official conference hotel, the Grand Hyatt San Antonio, to include two additional venues, the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center and the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk. Since its first conference, the Society’s ambitions for the SSWR Annual Conference also have expanded from serving as a nexus for the dissemination of high quality social work research to providing a place where research excellence is recognized, where researchers can identify and work with collaborators as well as continue their own professional development. Additionally, the Society has increasingly enriched its commitment to the preparation of the next generation of social work researchers with special programming for doctoral, MSW, and BSW students. The development of the Society over the years would not have been possible without enormous support from individuals and organizations dedicated to the development of social work research including distinguished social work researchers comprising the membership of the Society, graduate and undergraduate social work degree programs, and social work sister organizations including the National Association of Social Workers, the Council on Social Work Education, the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work, the National Association of Deans and Directors, and the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. 8 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research and Social Change: Addressing Local Global Challenges for A dedicated Conference Program Committee (including Vice President and Conference Chair, Wynne Korr; Immediate Past Vice President and Conference Chair, Ruth E. Dunkle; President, Jeanne Marsh; President-Elect, Eddie Uehara; Vice President-Elect, James Lubben; Awards Co-Chairs, Karen Lincoln and Lela Rankin Williams; Board Membersat-Large, Karen Hopkins, Jackie Hawkins, and Sean Joe) has been hard at work since the 2013 SSWR Annual Conference putting together a very exciting program focusing on social change and social justice. Highlights include the Thursday morning Research Methods Workshops on “Theory Construction and Causal Modeling,” “Systematic Review Methods: The Science of Research Synthesis,” “Measurement Issues for Social Work Evaluation and Research with Diverse Populations,” and “Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis;” Plenary Speakers Thomas Cook, PhD, Northwestern University, along with Karina Walters, PhD, University of Washington, and Flavio Marsiglia, PhD, Arizona State University, as well as Aaron Rosen Lecturer Lena Lundgren, PhD, Boston University. High quality workshops, roundtables, symposia, and papers advance knowledge development in social work practice and policy topics with reports on African American Fathers’ Parenting Practices, Promoting Community Action and Social Change, Child Maltreatment and Subsequent Substance Abuse, Health Insurance Access for Persons with Disabilities, Interventions with Children in Armed Conflict, RCT of Intervention for Military Families, Impact of Trauma and Loss on Adolescent Mothers, and Social Work Services with Combat Trauma Patients. This year, like every year, the quality of the conference has been enhanced and enriched by suggestions and input of Society members. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude for conference planning and logistical support to staffers Jennifer Lewis and DeeJay Garringo - as well as Bill Haire and Patty Couch at Travelink. We are extremely grateful for their organizational support and attention to detail that allows the SSWR Board to provide you with an outstanding conference each year. Acknowledgements and thanks to all who have supported SSWR appear in the program book. Thank you for coming to the conference this year and have fun! Jeanne C. Marsh, PhD, MSW President SSWR Board of Directors sswr | san antonio | 2014 9 Presidential Plenary Speaker Thomas Cook, PhD Northwestern University “Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis Practices that Usually Reproduce the Results of Randomized Experiments” Friday, January 17, 2014, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Thomas Cook is Professor of Sociology, Psychology, Education, and Social Policy and the Joan and Sarepta Harrison Chair in Ethics and Justice at Northwestern University Institute for Policy Research. He is interested in social science research methodology, program evaluation, whole school reform, and contextual factors that influence adolescent development, particularly for urban minorities. He is best known for his work on the theory and practice of the design and analysis of various forms of quasi-experiment. He has published heavily on threats to validity, and enumerating threats to internal validity and external validity in particular, on regression discontinuity studies, on interrupted time series work and on various forms of individual and group-level matching. He has authored or co-authored ten books and about one hundred articles on these topics, including Cook & Campbell, Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field Settings (1979) and Shadish, Cook & Campbell, Experimental and QuasiExperimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference (2002). 10 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 2014 Aaron Rosen Lecturer Lena Lundgren, PhD Boston University “Translating Research to Practice: Social Workers as Leaders in Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century” Friday, January 17, 2014, 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor, Elevator Level BR Lena Lundgren, the Director of the Center for Addictions Research and Services, is also a Professor of Welfare Policy and the Associate Dean of Research at Boston University School of Social Work (BUSSW). Dr. Lundgren has taught and conducted research at BUSSW since 1994. Although born and raised in Sweden, she came to the United States to complete her graduate work, receiving a doctorate from the University of Chicago. Dr. Lundgren’s doctoral training at the University of Chicago was specifically constructed to produce quantitative researchers with the capacity to design large-scale research efforts. To further hone these skills, she participated in a one year program with the National Opinion Research Center. This allowed Dr. Lundgren to design and direct large-scale longitudinal research efforts at a relatively early stage of her career. In recent years Dr. Lundgren’s research agenda focuses on large-scale longitudinal research efforts examining the relationships between drug use-HIV and substance abuse treatment utilization. Currently, Dr. Lundgren is the Principal Investigator of 4 multi-year efforts, totaling $1,600,000 in study funds. Dr. Lundgren’s collaborations to with community based organizations has helped provide more than $10 million for service development in the areas of HIV and substance abuse treatment. sswr | san antonio | 2014 11 2014 Distinguished Career Achievement Award Phyllis Solomon, PhD University of Pennsylvania Phyllis Solomon received her Ph.D. in social welfare in 1978 from Case Western Reserve University. Before entering academia she worked in state psychiatric hospitals designing, implementing, and evaluating behavioral interventions for longterm patients and researching aftercare services; and in community agencies engaging in research and planning, primarily in the area of mental health. Her research funded by NIH, SAMHSA, Robert Wood Johnson, other private foundations, and state departments of mental health has been on the forefront of consumer provided services, family education interventions, and the intersection of criminal justice and mental health services. Since 1994 she has been a Professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice and Professor of Social Work in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania She is the recipient of numerous awards including Armin Loeb Award, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association; Knee/ Wittman Award, NASW Foundation; and University of Pennsylvania Provost Award for Ph.D. Mentoring of Doctoral Students; Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; Visiting Scholar, University of Western Ontario, Medical School, Department of Psychiatry; and Moses Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. She was inducted in the first cohort of American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. 12 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Opening Plenary Session Karina Walters, PhD University of Washington Flavio Marsiglia, PhD Arizona State University “Moving Beyond Disparities: Social Work’s Contributions to Health Equity Research” Thursday, January 16, 2014, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Health disparities research typically compares ethnic/racial minorities’ mortality and morbidity rates with those of Whites. Scant attention has been given to outcomes that indicate good health among ethnic minority communities. This approach misses valuable opportunities to generate useful knowledge on when to intervene and on how to strengthen what works before it stops working. With its historical roots and mission in social justice, social work is perfectly poised to be the scientific field driving health equity research particularly with its research emphasis on the design of culturally-derived and community-based research; its emphasis on holistic, cultural protective factors, strengths, and resiliency; and the development of novel culturally-grounded and theory-driven health interventions that deeply address socio-cultural context. The speakers will highlight how social work health equity research is poised to generate a more accurate and culturally-grounded health equity story. Intervention studies conducted in partnership with Latino/a and First Nations communities and addressing specific social and cultural determinants of health will be showcased. Social work contributions to the field and allied health disciplines, opportunities for future research, and the importance of training researchers, educators, and leaders in the field of health equity will be highlighted throughout the presentation. sswr | san antonio | 2014 13 Invited Symposium I “Research and Career Development: Stories from Mid-Career Scholars” Friday, January 17, 2014, 10:00 am - 11:45 am Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor, Elevator Level BR Wynne Koor, PhD (Moderator) Back by demand, this invited session featuring three mid-career faculty is organized to address the needs of early to mid-career SSWR members in their efforts to develop successful research and academic careers that make an impact on the profession in which we work and the society in which we live. The three invited panelists, all previous recipients of the SSWR Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award, represent diverse and successful career trajectories. The panelists share a common goal of conducting research that strives to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations and contributes to social change. The panelists will answer a series of questions on their careers and career strategies, including making transitions in career (e.g. from doctoral student to academic job, tenure and post-tenure and changing institutions), seeking support for research (e.g. mentors, collaboration, network, and institutional support), and balancing (e.g. academic research – publishing and grant writing, work and life (and/or family) and establishing an independent line of research that makes significant contributions to our field. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lori Holleran Steiker, PhD, ACSW University of Texas at Austin Sean Joe, PhD University of Michigan Rogério Meireles Pinto, PhD Columbia University 14 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Invited Symposium II “Science in Social Work Doctoral Education” Friday, January 17, 2014, 2:30 pm – 4:15 pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR James Lubben, PhD (Moderator) Boston College Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD University of Michigan Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, PhD University of Michigan Today’s doctoral students are tomorrow’s faculty and scholars. Thus social work doctoral education is central to cultivating rigorous science in social work. During the summer of 2013 an invited roundtable examined special challenges facing social work doctoral education. Participants developed working papers on a series of challenges to nurturing social work doctoral students as future scientists. Two of those papers are the basis of this invited symposium. In the first paper, Dr. Dunkle and Dr. Grogan-Kaylor examine promises and perils of Big Data for building the science of social work. Their presentation will particularly examine challenges to social work doctoral education to train scholars adept at exploiting the potential for new knowledge presented by massive data accumulation. The second paper examines identity formation and transformation in social work doctoral education. In particular, Dr. Mor-Barak and Dr. Brekke detail processes by which social work doctoral students come to self-identify as scientists. This new identity may be in addition to or in place of other self-identities the doctoral student may have previously owned including that of social work practitioner. Both papers address important facets of cultivating the next generation of faculty and scholars for social work. John Brekke, PhD Michàlle Mor Barak, PhD University of Southern California University of Southern California sswr | san antonio | 2014 15 Invited Symposium III “Invigorating the Social Work Research Pipeline: The Importance of Engaging Undergraduate Scholars” Saturday, January 18, 2014, 10:00 am - 11:45 am Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR This symposium is a first step in SSWR’s commitment to invigorating the pipeline by highlighting the engagement of undergraduate and MSW students in research. Engaging young scholars in the science of social work is critical to the future of social work research. Research finds that undergraduates who engage in research are more likely to graduate and to be prepared for and gain acceptance to graduate school. Dean Edwina Uehara, SSWR President-elect, will review the context of higher education and federal research priorities that promote early engagement of students in research. Assistant Professor Karen Tabb will draw on her experience doing research as an undergraduate as well as models she saw as a doctoral student at the University of Washington and describe how she is integrating BSW and MSW students in her own lab. Heather Sears, BSW student, will present her research and how she became involved in social work research. Maria Pineros, MSW, and PhD student, will describe her path from undergraduate McNair scholar to doctoral student and highlight her current research. Implications for continued enhancement of the social work research pipeline will be examined. Eddie Uehara, PhD (Moderator) University of Washington Karen Tabb, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Maria Pineros, MSW University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Heather Sears University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 16 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Special Session “Social Work Practice in Light of America’s Changing Demographics” Saturday, January 18, 2014, 2:30 pm – 4:15 pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Edith G. Arrington, PhD New Connections /OMG Center Tia Burroughs, MSS/MLSP New Connections/OMG Center The diversity of the racial and ethnic makeup of the United States provides both a rich cultural asset and a complex set of needs. This diversity and the various needs of different groups has important implications for social work practice and research. This panel of grantees and alumni scholars of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Connections program will discuss current social, racial and economic issues that Americans face, the needs presented from these issues and how the field of social work provides services in light of them. The panelists will also discuss how the New Connections program has impacted their career and research perspectives. RWJF New Connections Networking Reception Saturday, January 18, 2014 4:15pm - 5:30pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Raphael Travis, PhD Texas State University at San Marcos Adrian Aguilera, PhD Henrika McCoy, PhD Sunny Shin, PhD Texas State University at San Marcos University of California, Berkeley Virginia Commonwealth University sswr | san antonio | 2014 17 2014 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Fellows Starting in 2014, SSWR is honored to induct the first cohort of SSWR FELLOWS. SSWR Fellow is an honor to recognize current SSWR members for their individual accomplishments, leadership and contribution to SSWR as a scientific society. SSWR Fellows serve as role models and mentors for individuals pursuing careers in social work research and help advance the mission of the Society for Social Work and Research “… to advance, disseminate, and translate research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, just, and equitable society.” Inna Altschul, PhD University of Denver Sarah Gehlert, PhD Washington University in St. Louis Richard Barth, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore Zvi Gellis, PhD University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Bellamy, PhD University of Chicago Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kimberly Bender, PhD University of Denver Gary Bowen, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mark Courtney, PhD University of Chicago Diane DePanfilis, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore Erick Guerrero, PhD University of Southern California Shenyang Guo, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill James Hall, PhD Indiana University James Drisko, PhD Smith College Matthew Howard, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Alberta Ellett, PhD University of Georgia Roberta Iversen, PhD University of Pennsylvania Rowena Fong, EdD University of Texas at Austin Jeffrey Jenson, PhD University of Denver Mark Fraser, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sean Joe, PhD University of Michigan Stacey Freedenthal, PhD University of Denver Mansoor Kazi, PhD University at Buffalo, SUNY 18 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Susan Lambert, PhD University of Chicago David Pollio, PhD University of Alabama Jeanne Marsh, PhD University of Chicago Allen Rubin, PhD University of Houston Flavio Marsiglia, PhD Arizona State University Aron Shlonsky, PhD University of Toronto James Martin, PhD New York University Brenda Smith, PhD University of Alabama Tina Maschi, PhD Fordham University Michael Spencer, PhD University of Michigan Faye Mishna, PhD University of Toronto Susan Stone, PhD University of California at Berkeley Peter Newman, PhD University of Toronto Sanna Thompson, PhD University of Texas at Austin Julianne Oktay, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore Bruce Thyer, PhD Florida State University Deborah Padgett, PhD New York University Michael Vaughn, PhD Saint Louis University Ruth Paris, PhD Boston University Michael Woolley, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore Rogerio Pinto, PhD Columbia University Andrew Zinn, PhD University of Kansas The first cohort of SSWR Fellows will be recognized during Friday Awards Presentation at 4:30pm - 6:00pm. SSWR Fellows are identified with black and gold stripe name badge ribbons. sswr | san antonio | 2014 19 2014 Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award Shaun Eack, PhD University of Pittsburgh In recognition of Dr. Shaun Eack’s notable influence and innovative work extending the knowledge in the field of Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, and his noteworthy contributions to advance the social work profession 20 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 2014 Excellence in Research Award Wen-Jui Han, PhD New York University Silver School of Social Work For the article Han, Wen-Jui. (2012). Bilingualism and academic achievement. Child Development, 83(1), 300-321. sswr | san antonio | 2014 21 2014 Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award Maya Doyle, PhD New York University “Cystinosis in Emerging Adulthood” Amy Smoyer, PhD The Graduate Center of CUNY and The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College “Cafeteria, Commissary and Cooking: Foodways and Negotiations of Power and Identity in a Women’s Prison” 22 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 2014 Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention Jama Shelton, PhD City University of New York “There’s No Place Like Home? The Experiences of Unstably Housed Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Young People” sswr | san antonio | 2014 23 2014 Doctoral Fellows Award Elizabeth Bowen University of Illinois at Chicago “Prior Homelessness and Rent Burden as Predictors of HIV Risk for Single Room Occupancy Building Residents” Tiffany Ryan University of Texas at Austin “Comprehensive Child Welfare Policy Reform: An Analysis of Class Action Litigation’s Longitudinal Impact on Child Outcomes” 24 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 2014 Exhibitors The following institutions/organizations are exhibiting in Bridge Hall at the City of San Antonio, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Be sure to visit each of them Thursday from 2:00pm to 8:15pm; Friday from 11:30am to 7:45pm; and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. For your convenience, they are listed alphabetically with the booth numbers. Case Western Reserve University.........................................................................................306 Civilian Corps U.S. Army Medical Command...................................................................407 Florida State University College of Social Work.................................................................307 Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare.................................................................................601 JSSWR.......................................................................................................................................402 Lyceum Books, Inc..................................................................................................................500 National Institute of Mental Health......................................................................................506 National Longitudinal Surveys..............................................................................................304 Oxford University Press.........................................................................................................502 Routledge Journals.......................................................................................................... 405-406 SAGE.........................................................................................................................................303 Saint Louis University School of Social Work.....................................................................604 School Social Work Association of America.......................................................................403 Springer Science+Business Media........................................................................................501 SSWR Job Registry..................................................................................................................602 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive............................................................504 Texas State University.............................................................................................................605 UH Graduate College of Social Work..................................................................................308 University at Albany, State University of New York...........................................................503 University at Buffalo School of Social Work.......................................................................603 University of Georgia School of Social Work......................................................................408 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.......................................................................400 University of Kentucky...........................................................................................................401 University of Maryland School of Social Work..................................................................404 University of Michigan School of Social Work...................................................................505 USC School of Social Work...................................................................................................305 University of Tennessee College of Social Work.................................................................600 Wayne State University School of Social Work...................................................................302 Westat........................................................................................................................................301 Wiley.........................................................................................................................................300 sswr | san antonio | 2014 25 Program Highlights Wednesday – January 15, 2014 4:00 pm –8:00 pm Registration Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) Thursday – January 16, 2014 7:30 am –8:00 pm Registration Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 8:00 am –12:00 pm Research Methods Workshops 8:00 am –12:15 pm Special Sessions on Research Priorities & Capacity Building 12:15 pm–1:30 pm “Meet the Scientist” Luncheon: Barbara J. Berkman, PhD, DSW (Columbia University), Jorge Delva, PhD, MSW (University of Michigan), Cynthia G. S. Franklin, PhD, LCSW (University of Texas at Austin), J. David Hawkins, PhD (University of Washington), Flavio F. Marsiglia, PhD, MSW (Arizona State University), Mary Katherine O’Connor, PhD, MSW (Virginia Commonwealth University), Michael Reisch, PhD, MSW (University of Maryland), Michael S. Spencer, PhD, MSSW (University of Michigan) (HBG Convention Center, Room 007A River Level) 12:30 pm–1:30 pm Lunch On Your Own 1:30 pm –3:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 2:00 pm –8:15 pm Exhibits Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 3:30 pm –5:15 pm Invited Journal Editors’ Workshop I: “Publishing Research in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Talk with the Editors”, Bruce Thyer, PhD (Chair) (Florida State University), Matthew O. Howard, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Susan Lambert, PhD (University of Chicago), Mark Fraser, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), James Herbert Williams, PhD (University of Denver) (HBG Convention Center, Room 102A Street Level) 3:30 pm –5:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 5:30 pm –7:00 pm Opening Plenary Session: “Moving Beyond Disparities: Social Work’s Contributions to Health Equity Research”, Karina Walters, PhD (University of Washington), Flavio Marsiglia, PhD (Arizona State University) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 7:00 pm –7:15 pm Launch of the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (JSSWR) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 7:15 pm –8:15 pm Opening Reception (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 26 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Program Highlights Friday – January 17, 2014 7:00 am – 8:00 am Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings I 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Registration Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 8:00 am – 9:45 am Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 10:00 am –11:45 am Invited Symposium I: “Research and Career Development: Stories from Mid-Career Scholars”, Wynne Korr, PhD (Moderator) (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Lori Holleran Steiker, PhD, ACSW (University of Texas at Austin), Sean Joe, PhD (University of Michigan), Rogerio Pinto, PhD (Columbia University) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 10:00 am –11:45 am Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 11:30 am – 7:45 pm Exhibits Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch On Your Own 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings II 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Poster Presentations I (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Aaron Rosen Lecture: “Translating Research to Practice: Social Workers as Leaders in Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century”, Lena Lundgren, PhD (Boston University) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 2:30 pm – 4:15 pm Invited Symposium II: “Science in Social Work Doctoral Education”, James Lubben, PhD (Moderator) (Boston College), Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD (University of Michigan), Andy Grogan-Kaylor, PhD (University of Michigan), John Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Michalle Mor Barak, PhD (University of Southern California) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 2:30 pm – 4:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Presidential Plenary and Awards Presentation: “QuasiExperimental Design and Analysis Practices that Usually Reproduce the Results of Randomized Experiments”, Thomas Cook, PhD (Northwestern University) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 6:00 pm – 7:45 pmPresident’s Reception (musical performance by the Friendly Visitors band) (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm Poster Presentations II (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) sswr | san antonio | 2014 27 Program Highlights Saturday – January 18, 2014 7:00 am –8:00 am Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings III 8:00 am –2:00 pm Registration Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 8:00 am – 9:45 am Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 10:00 am –11:45 am Invited Symposium III: “Invigorating the Social Work Research Pipeline: The Importance of Engaging Undergraduate Scholars”, Eddie Uehara, PhD (Moderator) (University of Washington), Karen Tabb, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Maria Pineros, MSW (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign), Heather Sears (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) (MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 10:00 am–11:45 am Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 10:00 am –2:00 pm Exhibits Open (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Lunch On Your Own 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings IV 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Poster Presentations III (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 1:00 pm –2:15 pm Doctoral Student Panel and Luncheon: “Covering All the Bases: Milestones, Mentoring, and Mental Health”, Bethany Lee, PhD (University of Maryland), Tamika Gilreath, PhD (University of Southern California), Sydney Hans, PhD (University of Chicago) (MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 1:15 pm –2:15 pm National Research Capacity Building Initiative Roundtable: “Grand Challenges for Social Work: Creating and Determining a National Initiative”, John Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Rowena Fong, EdD (University of Texas at Austin), Eddie Uehara, PhD (University of Washington), Rick Barth, PhD (University of Maryland, Baltimore) (MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 2:30 pm –4:15 pm Special Session: “The Science of Social Work”, John Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Jeanne Marsh, PhD, MSW (University of Chicago), Katherine Briar-Lawson, PhD (SUNYAlbany) (HBG Convention Center, Room 102A Street Level) 2:30 pm –4:15 pm RWJF New Connections Special Session: “Social Work Practice in Light of America’s Changing Demographics”, Edith G. Arrington, PhD (New Connections/OMG Center), Tia 28 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Program Highlights Burroughs, MSS/MLSP (New Connections/OMG Center), Raphael Travis, PhD (Texas State University at San Marcos), Adrian Aguilera, PhD (University of California at Berkeley), Henrika McCoy, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Sunny Shin, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) (MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 2:30 pm –4:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 4:15 pm –5:30 pm RWJF New Connections Networking Reception (MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 4:30 pm –6:15 pm Invited Journal Editors’ Workshop II: “Journal Editors’ Forum on Publishing Qualitative Research”, Jane Gilgun, PhD (Chair) (University of Minnesota), Susan Robbins, PhD, LCSW (University of Houston), Karen Staller, PhD (University of Michigan), Noel Busch-Armendariz, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) (HBG Convention Center, Room 102A Street Level) 4:30 pm –6:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 6:15 pm –8:00 pm Reception (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) 6:15 pm –8:00 pm Poster Presentations IV (HBG Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level) Sunday – January 19, 2014 7:30 am –8:30 am Membership Meeting and Breakfast Jeanne Marsh, PhD, MSW (University of Chicago) (Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR) 8:45 am –10:30 am Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 10:45 am–12:15 pm Symposia / Workshops / Roundtables / Paper Presentations 12:15 pm Conference Ends sswr | san antonio | 2014 29 Admission to Conference Activities You MUST wear your conference nametag to be admitted to all program sessions, e.g. workshops, symposia, oral papers, poster presentations, and the exhibit hall. The Conference Registration Desk will be open throughout most of the conference. Admission to all award presentations and receptions also requires your nametag. Please drop by the Conference Registration Desk located in Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level if you would like to register your spouse/guest to attend a reception. Spouse/guest(s) who would like to attend presentations/sessions are required to pay the full conference registration fee. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) The SSWR workshops, roundtables, papers, symposia, plenary sessions, and all Thursday morning research methods workshops and special sessions on research priorities and capacity building meet requirements for continuing education units (CEUs) for social workers approved by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Please note, however, that not all states accept NASW-approved CEUs. We strongly advise you to check with the organization that is responsible for your state licensing that NASW-approved CEUs are acceptable by your state. To receive CEUs, at the conclusion of the conference, a Participant Attendance Monitoring Form must be completed and submitted by the CEU applicant to the Membership/ CEU Desk located in Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Bridge Hall Street Level no later than Sunday, January 19, 2014, 1:00 pm. No partial credit will be awarded – participants must remain through entire sessions to receive credit. The number of CEUs is dependent on the number of sessions attended at the meeting. Please note it is NASW policy that oral paper presenters, workshop and roundtable speakers, symposium organizers, discussants, and symposium paper presenters may not receive credit from the session in which they are participating. There is a $25 CEU certificate fee (non-refundable) to cover costs incurred by SSWR and NASW. CEU certificates will be emailed to you by SSWR a minimum of eight (8) weeks after the conference has concluded. No CEU forms will be available or accepted after the conference ends. Special Assistance Any attendees who desire special assistance with accessing or participating in conference activities should provide such requests to the staff at the Conference Registration Desk. Please do so at the earliest opportunity so that necessary arrangements can be made. Hearing impaired requests must have been submitted prior to December 9, 2013 in order to make arrangements for interpretive services. 30 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Internet Access The Grand Hyatt San Antonio provides complimentary Wi-Fi in their lobby and public areas. Attendees who make their reservations through SSWR’s website or call the Grand Hyatt San Antonio are eligible to receive free Guest Room internet as long as SSWR occupies 80% of their contracted room block. The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center provides complimentary Wi-Fi in their Entrance Lobby and some public areas of the facility. The San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk Hotel also provides complimentary Wi-Fi in their lobby and public areas. Message Board A message board will be located near the Registration Area in Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Bridge Hall Street Level. Conference Mobile APP This year, conference participants may access the conference program online schedule via the SSWR Conference Mobile application which can be downloaded to your mobile device from the Internet by typing http://social work.umaryland.edu/sswr. The Conference Mobile APP enables participants to search or browse presentations/sessions at the conference and provide directions on how to pinpoint the various locations of all conference events. If you need instructions on how to install the SSWR mobile conference application on your mobile device, please go to http://socialwork.umaryland.edu/sswr/ help for more information. Photo Release Statement & Agreement From time to time, SSWR will take photos of conference events and reserves the right to use these photographs in its promotional materials. Unless this permission is revoked in writing to SSWR, by virtue of their attendance all conference participants agree to the use of their likeness in such materials. sswr | san antonio | 2014 31 University of Chicago Press to publish the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research! JOIN US AT JSSWR LAUNCH THURSDAY January 16, 2014 7:00pm-7:15pm Marriott Riverwalk, Alamo Ballroom C & D 2nd Floor Elevator, Level BR VISIT our JSSWR BOOTH 402 in the EXHIBIT HALL Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Bridge Hall, Street Level 32 The Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (JSSWR) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to presenting innovative, rigorous original research on social problems, programs, and policies. By creating a venue for the timely dissemination of empirical findings, advances in research methods, and systematic reviews of the literature, JSSWR seeks to strengthen the rigor of social work research and advance knowledge in social work and allied professions and disciplines. Special emphasis is placed on publishing findings on the effectiveness of social and health services. JSSWR publishes research from an array of theoretical perspectives and research methods. It is particularly interested in analyses that advance knowledge useful for designing social programs, developing innovative public policies, and improving social work practice. Visit the JSSWR page at http://www.press.uchicago. edu/ucp/journals/journal/jsswr. sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Schedule-at-a-Glance Navigating among the Program Schedule, the Schedule-at-a-Glance, and the Author/Speaker Index The PROGRAM SCHEDULE (page 45) includes four presentation formats: Symposia (SYM), Roundtables (RT), Workshops (WS), and Paper Presentations (no notation). The poster presentations include a P after the number. The PROGRAM SCHEDULE has been organized within eighteen (18) topics which are: Adolescent and Youth Development [ADOL] Aging Services and Gerontology [A&G] Child Welfare [CW] Crime and Criminal Justice [C&CJ] Gender [G] Health and Disability [H&D] International Social Work and Global Issues [ISW&GI] Mental Health [MH] Organizations, Management, and Communities [OM&C] Poverty and Social Policy [P&SP] Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration [RE&I] Research Design and Measurement [RD&M] Research on Social Work Education [RSWE] School Social Work [SSW] Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity [SO&GI] Social Work Practice [SWP] Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors [SM&AB] Work, Family, and Family Policy [WF&FP] The SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE (pages 33-40) is a quick reference guide. For example, the Thursday session from 1:30pm-3:15pm in HBGCC Room 003B River Level is listed as follows: “5 SYM[RE&I]”, the “5” indicates the session number, the “SYM” indicates the presentation format, and the “[RE&I]” is the topic. If no presentation format is noted, then the session is a group of 3-4 oral paper presentations. The AUTHOR/SPEAKER INDEX (page 249) lists all authors included on an abstract. The plain numerals refer to regular session numbers and the P numbers refer to a poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special session on research priorities and capacity building. sswr | san antonio | 2014 33 Thursday, January 16, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 7:30 - 8:00 8:00 12:00 8:00 - 10:00 10:15 12:15 12:15 1:30 1:30 - 3:15 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) Bridge Hall St Level Registration Room 001A River Level SSRPCB-1 Room 001B River Level SSRPCB-7 12 [C&CJ] SSRPCB-4 11 [CW] Room 002A River Level 14 [H&D] Room 002B River Level 10 [A&G] Room 003A River Level 13 [C&CJ] Room 003B River Level 5 SYM [RE&I] 1 MTS Luncheon Room 007A River Level Room 008A River Level SSRPCB-2 SSRPB-5 15 [H&D] Room 008B River Level SSRPCB-3 SSRPB-6 3 SYM [C&CJ] Room 102A Street Level RMW-1 2 SYM [ADOL] Room 102B Street Level RMW-4 17 [OM&C] Room 103A Street Level RMW-2 4 SYM [P&SP] Room 103B Street Level RMW-3 6 SYM [SM&AB] M a r r i o t t R i v e r w a l k ( M R ) Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 8 RT [OM&C] Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 7 WS [CW] Alamo Ballr Salon C&D, 2nd Flr Elevator Level BR 34 Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 9 RT [RD&M] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 19 [WF&FP] River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 16 [MH] Riverview, Lower Parking Level, Elevator Level P1 18 [P&SP] sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday, January 16, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 2:00-8:15 3:30-5:15 5:30 - 7:00 7:00 - 7:15 7:15 - 8:15 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) HBG Conv Center Bridge Hall St Level 40 Opening Reception Exhibits Room 001A River Level 37 [WF&FP] Room 001B River Level 29 [C&CJ] Room 002A River Level 36 [SO&GI] Room 002B River Level 28 [ADOL} Room 003A River Level 35 [RE&I] Room 003B River Level 23 SYM [RE&I] Room 007A River Level Room 008A River Level 30 [C&CJ] Room 008B River Level 21 SYM [G] Room 102A Street Level 20 Invited Jour. Editors’ Workshop I Room 102B Street Level 32 [OM&C] Room 103A Street Level 22 SYM [OM&C] Room 103B Street Level 24 SYM [SM&AB] M a r r i o t t R i v e r w a l k Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 27 RT [H&D] Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 25 WS [CW] 38 Opening Plenary Session Alamo Ballr Salon C&D, 2nd Flr Elevator Level BR Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 26 WS [SM&AB] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 31 [MH] River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 34 [RE&I] Riverview, Lower Parking Level, Elevator Level P1 33 [P&SP] ( M R ) 39 JSSWR Launch sswr | san antonio | 2014 35 Friday, January 17, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 7:00-8:00 SIG Meetings I 7:30-4:00 8:00-9:45 10:00-11:45 11:30-7:45 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) Registration Bridge Hall St Level Exhibits Room 001A River Level Forensic SW 55 [ISW&GI] 73 [ISW&GI] Room 001B River Level Assoc Deans & Dir Res 41 Special Session 68 [ADOL] Room 002A River Level Ethnogeron 54 [H&D] 72 [H&D] 50 [CW] 70 [CW] Room 002B River Level Room 003A River Level Doc Stu Connection 53 [G] 71 [G] Room 003B River Level Mindfulnessbased Interv Res 46 SYM [SWP] 64 SYM [RD&M] Room 008A River Level 52 [C&CJ] 78 [SO&GI] Room 008B River Level 43 SYM [G] 61 SYM [G] Room 102A Street Level 42 SYM [ADOL] 62 SYM [MH] Room 102B Street Level 58 [RE&I] 77 [RE&I] Room 103A Street Level 44 SYM [OM&C] 63 SYM [OM&C] Room 103B Street Level 45 SYM [RE&I] M a r r i o t t 65 WS [H&D] R i v e r w a l k ( M R ) Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 48 RT [H&D] 67 RT [H&D] Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 47 WS [CW] 66 WS [RD&M] Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 49 RT [RD&M] 60 Invited Sym I Alamo Ballr Salon E, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 57 [MH] 76 [P&SP] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 56 [MH] 74 [MH] Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 59 [SWP] 69 [A&G] River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 51 [C&CJ] 75 [OM&C] Alamo Ballr Salon C&D, 2nd Flr Elevator Level BR 36 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday, January 17, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 12:00-1:00 Lunch/SIG Meetings II/Posters 1:15-2:15 2:30-4:15 4:30-6:00 6:00-7:45 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) Bridge Hall St Level 79 Poster Presentations I Room 001A River Level Addictive Behav & Substance Misuse 95 [MH] Room 001B River Level Child Welfare 90 [CW] Room 002A River Level Social Entrep 94 [ISW&GI] Room 002B River Level Comm-level Interv Res 87 WS [RD&M] Room 003A River Level Disability 93 [H&D] Room 003B River Level End-of-Life 85 SYM [RD&M] Room 008A River Level Criminality & Delinquency 92 [C&CJ] Room 008B River Level Human-Animal Interac & SW 83 SYM [G] Room 102A Street Level Asset Bldg & Finance Cap Res Group 82 SYM [CW] Room 102B Street Level Work, Family and Social Policy 99 [RD&M] Room 103A Street Level JSSW Editorial Board 84 SYM [P&SP] Room 103B Street Level Environment & Global SW 86 WS [MH] M a r r i o t t Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Health Disparities Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Human Right & SW 101 Pres. Recep. 102 Poster Pres. II R i v e r w a l k 88 RT [H&D] 80 Aaron Rosen Lecture 81 Invited Sym II 100 Presidential Plen & Awd Pres Alamo Ballr Salon C&D, 2nd Flr Elevator Level BR Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Int’l SW 89 [ADOL] Alamo Ballr Salon E, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR School SW and Res 98 [RE&I] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Researching China 96 [OM&C] Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 ( M R ) 91 [C&CJ] Sexuality Dev and Well-Being 97 [P&SP] sswr | san antonio | 2014 37 Saturday, January 18, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 7:008:00 SIG Meetings II 8:00-2:00 8:00-9:45 10:0011:45 10:002:00 12:00-1:00 Lunch/ SIG Meetings IV/ Posters Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) Registration Bridge Hall St Level Exhibits 140 Poster Presentations III Room 001A River Level Interdiscip Collab 114 [ISW&GI] 136 [RE&I] Aging Res, Prac, & Advocacy Room 001B River Level Supp for Res in Teach Ins 120 [SM&AB] 130 [CW] Father-related Res Room 002A River Level Couple & Parenting 115 [MH] 134 [OM&C] LGBT Caucus Room 002B River Level Refugee Studies 111 [C&CJ] 139 [SO&GI] GIS in SW Res Room 003A River Level 113 [H&D] 133 [MH] Mgt & Org Res Room 003B River Level 106 SYM [SSW] 125 SYM [SSW] Promoting Undergrad Res Room 008A River Level 112 [G] 131 [H&D] Implementation Sci Room 008B River Level 104 SYM [H&D] 123 SYM [H&D] SW & Res with Muslims Room 102A Street Level 103 SYM [CW] 122 SYM [H&D] Assoc Deans of Educ Programs Room 102B Street Level 118 [SSW] 129 [ADOL] Violence against Women & Children Room 103A Street Level 105 SYM [RE&I] 124 SYM [P&SP] Maternal & Infant MH Room 103B Street Level 107 WS [MH] 126 WS [OM&C] Psychiatric Meds M a r r i o t t R i v e r w a l k ( M R ) Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 109 RT [MH] 128 RT [OM&C] Qualitative Methods Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 108 WS [RD&M] 127 WS [RD&M] Res Initiatives in Military SW Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Flr Elevator Level BR 110 RT [RD&M] 121 Invited Sym III Stigma Res Group Alamo Ballr Salon E, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 117 [RD&M] 137 [RSWE] Systematic Review Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 116 [RE&I] 135 [RE&I] Strategies Engag Highly Stress Fam Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 38 sswr | san antonio | 2014 138 [SSW] 119 [SM&AB] 132 [MH] System Science Saturday, January 18, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 1:00-2:15 1:15-2:15 2:30-4:15 4:30-6:15 6:15-8:00 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) 181 Reception 182 Poster Prese IV Bridge Hall St Level Room 001A River Level 159 [RE&I] 177 [RD&M] Room 001B River Level 153 [CW] 171 [CW] Room 002A River Level 157 [OM&C] 176 [RE&I] Room 002B River Level 154 [C&CJ] 173 [C&CJ] Room 003A River Level 156 [MH] 175 [MH] Room 003B River Level 147 SYM [SO&GI] 166 SYM [SO&GI] Room 008A River Level 155 [H&D] 172 [CW] Room 008B River Level 146 SYM [P&SP] Room 102A Street Level 144 Special Session 164 SYM [ISW&GI] 163 Invited Journ Editors Workshop II Room 102B Street Level 151 [ADOL] 180 [SM&AB] Room 103A Street Level 145 SYM [P&SP] 165 SYM [OM&C] Room 103B Street Level 148 WS [OM&C] 167 WS [RD&M] M a r r i o t t R i v e r w a l k Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 142 NRCBI Roundtable Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 141 Doc Stud Panel & Luncheon 150 RT [ADOL] 170 [A&G] 149 WS [RD&M] 168 WS [SWP] ( M R ) 143 RWJF New Conn Spec Sess Alamo Ballr Salon E, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 161 [SO&GI] 174 [H&D] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 160 [RD&M] 178 [SO&GI] Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 152 [CW] 169 Withdrawn River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 158 [RE&I] 179 [SWP] sswr | san antonio | 2014 39 Sunday, January 19, 2014 . . . Schedule-at-a-Glance 7:30-8:30 8:45-10:30 10:45-12:15 12:15 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC) Conference Ends Bridge Hall St Level Room 001A River Level 194 [ISW&GI] 209 [CW] Room 001B River Level 189 [ADOL] 211 [MH] Room 002A River Level 199 [RD&M] 216 [RE&I] Room 002B River Level 191 [CW] 207 [ADOL] Room 003A River Level 195 [MH] 212 [MH] Room 003B River Level 187 SYM [SWP] 204 SYM [OM&C] Room 008A River Level 193 [H&D] 210 [H&D] Room 008B River Level 185 SYM [CW] 203 SYM [MH] Room 102A Street Level 184 SYM [CW] 202 SYM [CW] Room 102B Street Level 190 [CW] 208 [CW] Room 103A Street Level 186 SYM [ISW&GI] 205 SYM [SM&AB] Room 103B Street Level 188 WS [SWP] 206 WS [SWP] M a r r i o t t 197 [P&SP] 214 [P&SP] Alamo Ballr Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 198 [RE&I] 217 [RE&I] Alamo Ballr Salon E, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 196 [OM&C] 215 [P&SP] Alamo Ballr Salon F, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 200 [SM&AB] 218 [SWP] River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 192 [C&CJ] 219 [SM&AB] Riverview, Upper Pa0rking Level, Elevator Level P1 201 [WF&FP] 213 [OM&C] Alamo Ballr Salon D, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 40 R i v e r w a l k Alamo Ballr Salon B, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 183 Membership Meeting & Breakfast sswr | san antonio | 2014 ( M R ) Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 41 42 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 43 44 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Wednesday - January 15, 2014 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Registration Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Volunteer Orientation HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Thursday - January 16, 2014 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Registration Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Research Methods Workshops 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Theory Construction and HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level RMW-1 Causal Modeling James J. Jaccard, PhD (New York University) This workshop teaches participants strategies for constructing causal theories and casual models on a conceptual level and provides participants with guidelines for how to statistically analyze data to gain perspectives on those theories. The first part of the workshop reviews conceptions of causality and then describes examples of the building blocks of causal theories. These include direct causal effects, indirect causal effects (mediation), moderated causal relationships, spurious relationships, reciprocal causality, and feedback loops. This workshop will also discuss the concepts of mediated moderation, moderated mediation, mediated mediation, and moderated moderation. Workshop will describe a range of thought experiments and thinking strategies for generating research ideas using these concepts and illustrate how to use influence diagrams to summarize one’s theory. The second part of the sswr | san antonio | 2014 45 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 8:00am - 12:00pm workshop focuses on issues to consider when statistically analyzing data to test a causal model. This includes how to translate a path diagram into a set of equations that can then be tested using either structural equation modeling or general(ized) linear models. The workshop will distinguish between limited information estimation and full information estimation and discuss the basics of statistical modeling in each case. Workshop will briefly consider some of the more common sources of model specification error, including measurement misspecification, left out variable error, and function misspecification. The emphasis is on providing participants with a non-technical appreciation for these issues and practical analytic strategies to deal with them. RMW-2 Systematic Review Methods: HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level The Science of Research Synthesis Julia H. Littell, PhD (Bryn Mawr College), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University) The strongest empirical evidence for social change comes not from single studies but from scientific analyses and syntheses of multiple studies on the same topic. Replication is an essential principle of science, but pure replications are very rare in social work research. Instead, most studies investigate variations on important themes: How widespread are various conditions? Which risk and protective factors are associated with specific conditions? How acceptable are certain interventions in different populations? Which interventions have been rigorously evaluated with what results? What works best for whom under what conditions? These questions and others can be addressed with systematic reviews and meta-analyses, even in the presence of substantial (and statistical) heterogeneity across studies. RMW-3 Measurement Issues for Social HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Work Evaluation and Research with Diverse Population Thanh V. Tran, PhD (Boston College), Keith Chan, PhD (University at Albany, SUNY) Social work researchers are increasingly aware of the need to conduct cross-cultural research and evaluation whether for hypothesis testing or outcome evaluations. To ensure the quality of data collection and validity of outcomes, social work researchers must have both reliable and valid research instruments and measurements. Using scales that lack comparable measurement properties for comparisons across different cultural groups lead to biases. Thus measurement equivalence is a fundamental issue in social work research and evaluation in our 46 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 8:00am - 12:00pm increasingly culturally diverse society. The present workshop examines tools for evaluating measurement equivalence across cultural groups and the construction of more valid and reliable research instruments. RMW-4 Introduction to Propensity HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Score Analysis Shenyang Guo, PhD, Mark W. Fraser, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Methods of causal inference have undergone a significant change in the past 30 years as researchers have recognized the need to develop more efficient approaches to control extraneous factors. The interest in seeking consistent and efficient estimators of program effectiveness has led to a surge in work focusing on estimating average treatment effects under various sets of assumptions. Propensity score analysis is a relatively new and innovative class of statistical methods that has proven useful for evaluating treatment effects when using nonexperimental or observational data. Specifically, propensity score analysis offers an approach to program evaluation when randomized clinical trials are not feasible, unethical, or when researchers need to assess treatment effects from survey data, census data, administrative data, or other types of data collected through the observation of systems. Special Sessions on Research Priorities and Capacity Building These training-oriented sessions target cutting-edge topics vital to contemporary social work research. 8:00 am - 10:00 am SSRPCB-1 Research Opportunities at NIH HBGCC, Room 001B River Level G. Stephane Philogene, PhD (NIH/OBSSR), Denise Juliano-Bult, PhD (NIMH), Jacqueline Lloyd, PhD (NIDA), Margaret Murray, PhD (NIAAA), Carly Parry, PhD, MSW (NCI) Representatives from NIH funding agencies will provide insight into developing successful approaches to writing a fundable proposal. In addition, attention will be paid to updates in funding opportunities as well as social work priorities. An overview of the funding mechanisms will be provided to aid in the identification of appropriate programs and utilize information and resources from NIH. sswr | san antonio | 2014 47 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 8:00am - 10:15am SSRPCB-2 Building Research Capacity HBGCC, Room 008A River Level in Social Work Ruth G. McRoy, PhD (Boston College), Jerry Flanzer, PhD (San Jose State University), Joan Zlotnik, PhD (National Association of Social Workers), Carol M. Lewis, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) This interactive session is designed for deans and directors, faculty, doctoral students, and others fostering research initiatives within social work education programs, to explore new directions for building their research plans both in the U.S. and globally. It will include a discussion of specific strategies for building research infrastructure and capacity, building connections to strengthen social work as well as interdisciplinary proposals and grants, and enhancing community agency/university research partnerships. In addition, the panel will discuss strategies to stimulate funding support for social work research as well as tools for addressing administrative challenges in grant submission and the implementation process. SSRPCB-3 Introducing the Hartford HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Centers of Geriatric Social Work Excellence Linda Harootyan (The Gerontological Society of America), Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), James Lubben, DSW, MPH (Boston College), Carmen Morano, PhD (Hunter College), Karen D. Lincoln, PhD (University of Southern California), Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, PhD (University of Washington) The John A Hartford Foundation has funded the Geriatric Social Work Initiative (GSWI) for over 14 years. Recently a new National Center on Gerontological Social Work Excellence was established to help continue the work of GSWI. As part of this effort, five GSWI Centers of Excellence have been established to provide exemplary leadership in translating research into innovative practice that will improve healthcare for older people. This session introduces these five new academically-based Centers of Excellence and examines their specific plans for collaborating with community service partners to assess and address the training and knowledge needs of social work practitioners working with older clients and their families. 10:00 am - 10:15 am 48 Break sswr | san antonio | 2014 HBGCC Bridge Hall Street Level Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 10:15am - 12:15pm 10:15 am - 12:15 pm SSRPCB-4 Social Work Research in the HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Era of Big Data: Quantitative Methods f or Systems Thinkers G. Stephane Philogene, PhD (NIH/OBSSR), Patricia Mabry, PhD (NIH) Research, including that funded by the NIH, is becoming increasingly more interdisciplinary and team based. Moreover, there is an ever increasing need to apply such interdisciplinary, team-based approaches to the explosion in data, aka, “Big Data.” This session will begin to address this gap by: 1) presenting a brief introduction to systems science methodologies – what they are, why we need them and what they can do; 2) show examples of how systems science methods have been applied to topics relevant to social work research; 3) highlight NIH funding opportunities in relevant areas; and 4) provide an array of resources for learning more. Many of the featured examples will draw from work by members of the Network on Inequality, Complexity, and Health (NICH). NICH is an OBSSR-funded research network whose aim is to establish the feasibility, utility, and importance of applying complex systems approaches to health disparities and related aspects of population health. SSRPCB-5 Publishing Rigorous HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Qualitative Research Laura Abrams, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) This session will help attendees strengthen their skills in publishing qualitative research articles in peer reviewed journals in social work and related disciplines. This session will focus on issues including journal choice, research questions, use of theory, methodology (i.e. design, data collection, sampling, data collection, rigor, and analysis), presentation of results, discussing findings and limitations, and responding to peer reviewers. The session is very suitable for doctoral students, early career researchers, scholars who are new to qualitative methods, and those currently preparing qualitative manuscripts for publication. HBGCC, Room 008B River Level SSRPCB-6 Training for Transdisciplinarity: Critical Competencies for Emerging Social Work Scholars Paula S. Nurius, PhD, Susan P. Kemp, PhD (University of Washington) Contemporary trends press researchers, practitioners, and, by extension, educators toward multi-level cross-disciplinary frameworks, methodologies, funding, and collaborations. Equipping social work graduates for optimal effectiveness in this rapidly moving scientific sswr | san antonio | 2014 49 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 10:15am - 1:30pm environment calls for innovation and intentionality in approaches to research preparation. Designed for doctoral students, early career faculty/ researchers, mentors, and doctoral program representatives, this session examines both the “what, why, and how” of transdisciplinary research training and its challenges. Through a combination of didactic overviews of changing forms and expectations of research across a range of fields, illustration of key training elements, hands on exercises, and breakout discussion, attendees will leave with conceptual and practical tools to build on in their research and home institutions. SSRPCB-7 Globalization of Doctoral HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Education in Social Work Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), James Lubben, DSW, MPH (Boston College) This session examines challenges and opportunities presented by growing trends of globalization in social work doctoral education. Not only have the number of international students within U.S. social work doctoral programs grown, there has also been an increasing demand for social work and social welfare faculty and scholars in other countries. These dynamics create special challenges for U.S. doctoral programs, demanding clarification of the academic market for which the growing numbers of international doctoral graduates are being prepared. Simultaneously these trends also provide tremendous opportunities to develop cross-national and cross-cultural social work and social welfare research opportunities. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Volunteer Orientation 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm 50 Lunch On Your Own sswr | san antonio | 2014 MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 51 52 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 53 54 sswr | san antonio | 2014 2014 Program Schedule 12:15pm - 3:15pm Thursday - January 16, 2014 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm 1 “Meet the Scientist” Luncheon HBGCC, Room 007A River Level Senior Scholars: Barbara Berkman, PhD, DSW (Columbia University), Jorge Delva, PhD, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Cynthia Franklin, PhD, LCSW (University of Texas at Austin), J. David Hawkins, PhD (University of Washington), Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, MSW (Arizona State University), Mary Katherine O’Connor, PhD, MSW (Virginia Commonwealth University), Michael Reisch, PhD, MSW (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Michael Spencer, PhD, MSSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) is launching a new event to be held at the SSWR 18th Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. This special session will provide a forum for early career scholars and doctoral students to talk and interact with established senior scholars who are leaders in social work research and the Society. Early career scholars and doctoral students will have the opportunity to ask questions about career development, challenges in the field, research initiatives, and where the field might be heading. Each senior scholar will be seated at a table with up to 6 early career scholars and doctoral students. Registration fee is $20. 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm SYMPOSIA 2 [ADOL] Bullying Victimization and HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Perceptions of School Danger: A Unique Investigation Into the Lives of Rural Youth Organizer: Paul R. Smokowski, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Giving a Voice to Victims of Middle School Bullying: A Qualitative Study Caroline Robertson, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) sswr | san antonio | 2014 55 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm Contextual Predictors of Perception of School Danger for Rural Youth: Baseline Results From the Rural Adaptation Project Katie Cotter, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Differential Effects of Episodic and Chronic Bullying: How Victimization Affects School Experiences, Social Support, and Mental Health Paul R. Smokowski, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 3 [C&CJ] Social Work, Social Justice and HBGCC, Room 008B River Level the Challenge of Criminalization Organizer: Laura Abrams, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) Discussant: Laura Abrams, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) The Anti-Domestic Violence Social Movement and Its Paradoxical Pursuit of Criminalization, 1973-1986 Mimi E. Kim, MSW (University of California, Berkeley) Mistaking Coordination for Change: Sexual Assault Response Teams Carrie A. Moylan, PhD (State University of New York at Binghamton) Revolving Doors or Rehabilitation? Evaluating the Implementation of California Public Safety Realignment Leah A. Jacobs, MA, MSW (University of California, Berkeley) 4 [P&SP] Advancing Financial Capability HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level in a Global Context Organizer: Julie Birkenmaier, PhD (Saint Louis University) A New Framework for Financial Capability Julie Birkenmaier, PhD, Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University) Earned Income As a Predictor of Youth Saving in Ghana Mathieu R. Despard, MSW, Gina A. Chowa (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Financial Capability and Economic Hardship Among Low-Income Older Asian Immigrants Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University), Yunju Nam, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo), Eun Jeong, PhD (National Asian Pacific Center on Aging) 56 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm 5 [RE&I] Innovative Approaches to Refugee HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Health and Mental Health in Resettlement Organizer: Patricia Shannon, PhD (University of MinnesotaTwin Cities) Combating Cambodian Health Disparities Three Decades After Genocide: Building Community Capacity S. Megan Berthold, PhD (University of Connecticut), Sengly Kong, PhD, Theanvy Kuoch, MA, LPC, Mary Scully, APRN (Khmer Health Advocates), Seiya Fukuda, MS, Elizabeth A. Schilling, PhD (University of Connecticut) Social Enterprise and Its Potential for Empowerment and Enhanced Self-Esteem Among Female Bhutanese Refugees Diane B. Mitschke, PhD, Regina T. P. Aguirre, PhD, Bonita B. Sharma, MSSW (University of Texas at Arlington) Exploring Alcohol Use Among Karen Refugees Toward Culturally Grounded Interventions Jennifer Simmelink McCleary, PhD (Tulane University) Innovation Toward Improving the Refugee Mental Health Service Delivery System Patricia Shannon, PhD, Tonya Cook, MSW (University of MinnesotaTwin Cities) 6 [SM&AB] Towards An Understanding of HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level the Transnational Context of Drug Use Practices and Treatment of Latino Migrant in the U.S. and Mexico Organizer: Nalini Negi, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Exploring Incidence and Variation of Crack Use Among Latino Immigrant Day Laborers in a Post-Disaster Context Nalini Negi, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Alice Cepeda, PhD, Avelardo Valdez, PhD (University of Southern California) Diffusion of Crack: The Influence of Macro-Level Factors, Migration, and Existing Interdiction Efforts Alice Cepeda, PhD (University of Southern California), Guillermina Natera-Rey (Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria Ramon de la Fuente Muniz) sswr | san antonio | 2014 57 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm Access to Substance Abuse Treatment in Mexico: Preliminary Exploration of Gender Disparities Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California) Factors Associated With Treatment Utilization and Barriers to Treatment in a Neighborhood in Mexico City Avelardo Valdez, PhD (University of Southern California), Miguel Angel Melendez Mendoza (IAPA) WORKSHOP 7 [CW] Propensity Score Subclassification MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Its Applications to Social Work Research Shenyang Guo, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ROUNDTABLES 8 [OM&C] MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Measures for Community 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Engagement and Collective Efficacy in Community-Based Research: Opportunities and Challenges Mary Ohmer, PhD (Georgia State University), Laurie A. Walker, MSW, PhD (Arizona State University), Ronald Pitner, PhD (University of South Carolina) 9 [RD&M] The Potential of Clinical MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Data-Mining in Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge-Building Irwin Epstein, PhD (Hunter College), Daria V. Hanssen, PhD (Marist College), Marina Lalayants, Phd (Hunter College), Herman Hay Ming Lo, PhD (University of Hong Kong), Bruce A. Thyer, PhD (Florida State University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 10 [A&G] Issues Affecting Admission HBGCC, Room 002B River Level To or Well-Being in Long-Term Care Institutions Moderator: Robin P. Bonifas, PhD (Arizona State University) Driving Cessation and Risk of Institutionalization Moon Choi, PhD (University of Kentucky) 58 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm Long-Term Care Needs Among Korean Baby Boomers: Informal Care, Self-Care Activities for Health Promotion, and Intention to Use Long-Term Care Facilities Michin Hong, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Seunghye Hong, PhD (University of Hawaii), Mee Hye Kim, PhD (Ewha Woman’s University) Promoting Equity in the Distribution of Innovations in Long Term Services & Supports: The Role of Grass-Roots Models Joan Davitt, PhD, Amanda Lehning, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Andrew Scharlach, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), Emily Greenfield, PhD (Rutgers University), Carrie Graham, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Relational Aggression in Assisted Living Facilities: Insights Into An Underrecognized Phenomenon Robin P. Bonifas, PhD (Arizona State University) 11 [CW] Issues in Child Protection HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Moderator: Emily M. Douglas, PhD (Bridgewater State University) Optimizing Differential Response Thresholds in Child Protection: How Much Is Enough? Adam Darnell, PhD (Casey Family Programs), John D. Fluke, PhD (University of Colorado School of Medicine), Katherine Casillas, PhD (University of Colorado, Denver -- Anschutz Medical Campus) Substantiation and Knowledge Sources in Child Protection Decisions Merav Jedwab, MSW (Bar Ilan University, Israel), Rami Benbenishty, PhD (Bar Ilan University) Using the Ncands Data to Test Three Models of Fatal Child Maltreatment Emily M. Douglas, PhD (Bridgewater State University) 12 [C&CJ] Bystander Interventions for HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Preventing Physical and Sexual Violence Against Women Moderator: Christopher T. Allen, PhD (Pace University) Adolescent Bystander Behavior in the Context of Bullying and Teen Dating Violence: Operationalizing An Integrated Theory Erin A. Casey, PhD, Heather L. Storer, MSW, Taryn Lindhorst, PhD, Todd I. Herrenkohl, PhD, Claire Andrefsky, BASW (University of Washington) sswr | san antonio | 2014 59 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm Bystander Sexual Violence Prevention Programs: Are They Working With High-Risk University Males? Nada Elias-Lambert, PhD (Texas Christian University) Empirically Examining Theoretical Barriers and Catalysts To Engaging Men in Violence Prevention Christopher T. Allen, PhD (Pace University) Moving Beyond Individual Level Indicators: Integrating CommunityLevel Factors Into Understanding Youth’ Bystander Behavior Heather Storer, MSW, Erin A. Casey, PhD, Taryn Lindhorst, PhD, Todd I. Herrenkohl, PhD, Claire Andrefsky, BASW (University of Washington) 13 [C&CJ] Youth Crime and Justice HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Mansoor AF Kazi, PhD (University at Buffalo, SUNY) Adolescence-Limited Versus Life-Course-Persistent: Individual, Academic, and School-Related Predictors of Offending Judith L. F. Rhodes, PhD, Xian Guan, PhD, Catherine M. Lemieux, PhD, LCSW (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) Childhood Trauma in a Sample of Prisoners in China Jeffrey Shook, PhD, JD (University of Pittsburgh), Amy L. Ai, PhD, Hyejin Kim, MA (Florida State University) Realist Evaluation Of Youth Justice Services in England, Scotland and USA: Utilizing 100% Agency Data to Investigate What Works and for Whom in Reducing Recidivism Mansoor AF Kazi, PhD (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Laura Bauer (Rensselaer County) The Impact of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) in Juvenile Corrections Kevin Barnes-Ceeney, PhD (John Jay College of Criminal Justice) 14 [H&D] 60 Cancer: Prevention, Screening, HBGCC, Room 002A River Level and Recovery Moderator: Daniela A. Wittmann, PhD, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm Access Is Not Enough: Socioeconomic Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Insured Older African American Men Jamie A. Mitchell, PhD (Wayne State University), Jaclynn Hawkins, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Deirdre A. Shires, MPH, MSW (Wayne State University) Couples’ Sexual Recovery Trajectory After Surgery for Prostate Cancer: Change in Sexual Function, Sexual Satisfaction and Dyadic Satisfaction Daniela A. Wittmann, PhD, MSW, Brady West, PhD, Ted Skolarus, MD, MS, Jim Montie, MD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Developing A Population Intervention To Promote Oral Health and Cancer Screening In Nursing Homes Erina M. White, LICSW, MPH, Mary LeCloux, LICSW, Tamara J. Cadet, PhD, MPH, LICSW, Peter Maramaldi, PhD, MPH, LCSW (Simmons College) Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Prevention Among Older African American Men Enrolled in Medicare Jamie A. Mitchell, PhD, Deirdre A. Shires, MPH, MSW (Wayne State University) 15 [H&D] HIV/AIDS: Priorities, HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Prevention, and Challenges in Africa and Haiti Moderator: Njeri Kagotho, PhD (Adelphi University) An HIV/STI Prevention Intervention With Internally Displaced Women In Leogane, Haiti: Results From An Observational Cohort Pilot Study Carmen Logie, MSW, PhD (University of Toronto), CarolAnn Louise Daniel, PhD (Adelphi University), Peter A. Newman, PhD (University of Toronto) Exploring the Utilization of Indigenous Priorities Among HIV/ AIDS Programs in Africa: A Scale Developed to Assess Local-Global Intersections Robert J. Barney, PhD (The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey) Inheritance in Kenya: The Intersectionality of HIV Sero-Status, Poverty, and Gender Njeri Kagotho, PhD (Adelphi University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 61 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm New Challenges for a Young Generation: Understanding Medication Adherence and Mental Health Impairments Among South African Perinatally Infected Youth in Early Adolescence Latoya A. Small, MSW (New York University), Claude Mellins, PhD (Columbia University), Mary McKay, PhD (New York University) 16 [MH] Families and MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Consumers with Serious Elevator Level P2 Mental Illness Moderator: Jan Steven Greenberg, PhD (University of WisconsinPlatteville) Examining Healthcare Decision-Making Among Consumers of Mental Health Services Elizabeth Siantz, MSW, Benjamin Henwood, PhD (University of Southern California) Perceptions of Subjective Burden Among Latino Families Caring for a Loved One With Schizophrenia Mercedes Hernandez, MSW, Paula Helu Fernandez, MS, Concepcion Barrio, PhD (University of Southern California) The Journey of Caregivers of People With Mental Illness - A Exploratory Study in India Arpita Chatterjee, MA, MSW (Rutgers University) Trauma in the Lives of Parents of Adults With Serious Mental Illness and Its Impact On Health and Well-Being Jan Steven Greenberg, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Platteville) 17 [OM&C] Effects of Refugee Resettlement Policies on Client Opportunities HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Moderator: Richard Smith, PhD (Wayne State University) Are Cities the New Settlements? Local Government Policies to Welcome Immigrants Richard Smith, PhD, Catherine Schmitt-Sands, MA (Wayne State University) Rewarding the “Compliant” Client: The Case of Refugee Resettlement Jessica H. Darrow, MSW (University of Chicago) 62 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 3:15pm What a Difference the Office Makes: The Impact of Organizational Setting On the Allocation of Housing Resources By Refugee Resettlement Workers Jessica H. Darrow, MSW (University of Chicago) 18 [P&SP] Poverty Policy MR, Riverview, Lower Parking Level Elevator Level P1 or Asset Policy: Is One a Better Solution than the Other? Moderator: David W. Rothwell, PhD (McGill University) Asset Poverty in Canada: Definition, Measurement, and Estimation David W. Rothwell, PhD (McGill University) Asset-Development Among People Experiencing Homelessness: An Individual Development Account Model Allison C. De Marco, MSW, PhD, Molly De Marco, MPH, PhD, Alexandra Biggers (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Individual Development Account Trajectories Among Native Hawaiian Education Savers David W. Rothwell, PhD (McGill University) Reconceptualizing Participation (and Nonparticipation) in Public Anti-Poverty Programs Kerri Leyda Nicoll, MSW, MDiv (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 19 [WF&FP] Hidden Holes in the Safety Net: MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F Economic Vulnerability Among 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Low-Income Women and Families Moderator: Younghee Lim, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) Do Single Mothers Claim Their Share? FAFSA Completion Among Aid-Eligible Female Students Melissa Radey, PhD, Leah P. Cheatham, MSW, JD (Florida State University) How Public Program Participants Become Disconnected: The Role of Aging Out Eunhee Han, MSW, Maria Cancian, PhD, Jennifer L. Noyes, MA (University of Wisconsin-Madison) sswr | san antonio | 2014 63 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 1:30pm - 8:15pm In Sickness and In Debt: Payday Loan Use Among Bankruptcy Filers With Medical Debt Younghee Lim, PhD, Trey Bickham, MSW (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) Individual and Institutional Factors Associated With Savings At Tax Time Kristen Wagner, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) 2:00 pm - 8:15 pm Exhibits Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm Break 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm 20 64 INVITED JOURNAL HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level EDITORS’ WORKSHOP I Publishing Research in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Talk with the Editors Chair and presenter: Bruce Thyer, PhD, LCSW (Florida State University) Presenters: Matthew O. Howard, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Susan Lambert, PhD (University of Chicago), Mark W. Fraser, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), James Herbert Williams, PhD (University of Denver) This symposium brings together a panel of editors from five generalist research journals in social work: British Journal of Social Work, Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, Research on Social Work Practice, Social Service Review, and Social Work Research. The editors will describe their respective journals, offer guidance on submissions, explain the editorial decision-making process, and advise on the process of creating publishable articles. Time will be provided for questions, comments, and suggestions from the audience and responses from the Editors. sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm SYMPOSIA 21 [G] Feminisms in Social HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Work Research Organizer: Stephanie Wahab, PhD (University of Otago) Discussant: Ben Anderson-Nathe, PhD (Portland State University), Christina E. Gringeri, PhD (University of Utah) Building Our Collective Strength Through Unequal Partnerships: Reflections On Participatory Action Research From Multiple Standpoints Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD (University of Toronto) Feminism Plus? Critical Research, Women, and Madness Andrea Daley, PhD (York University) Operationalizing Intersectionality in Feminist Social Work Research: Reflections and Techniques From Research With Equity-Seeking Groups Wendy Hulko, PhD (Thompson Rivers University) Troubling the Binary Sandy Leotti, MSW, Jennifer Muthanna, MSW (Portland State University) HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level 22 [OM&C] Longitudinal Assessment of the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute Traineeship Programs: Innovative Approaches and Lessons Learned From a MultiSite Partnership Evaluation Organizer: Mary L. McCarthy, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Child Welfare Competencies, Program Characteristics, and Readiness for Child Welfare Practice Robin Leake, PhD (University of Denver), Kathleen Faller (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Shauna Rienks, PhD, Cathryn C. Potter, PhD (University of Denver) Transitioning From School to Work: Graduate Experiences and Commitment to Child Welfare Careers Gary Anderson, PhD (Michigan State University), Shauna Rienks, PhD (University of Denver), Lyn Slater, PhD, Virginia C. Strand, DSW (Fordham University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 65 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Special Issues for American Indian/Alaskan Native Trainees Nancy Dickinson, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Suzanne Cross, PhD (Michigan State University), Virginia Whitekiller (Northeastern State University), Anna deGuzman, MS (University of Denver) 23 [RE&I] Differential Risk and Protective HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Factors for Mental Health and Acculturation Outcomes Among Major Latino- and Asian-American Subgroups: Needs for Ethnic Sensitive Practices Organizer: Amy L. Ai, PhD (Florida State University) Differential Immigration Stress Impacts and Self-Rated Mental Health of Major Latino-American Subgroups: A National Study Harald Ernst Weiss, PhD, Amy L. Ai, PhD, Anna Yelick, MSW (Florida State University) Major Depression, Discrimination, Acculturation, and Differential Protectors of Major Depression in Major Asian-American Subgroups: A National Study Amy L. Ai, PhD, Harald Ernst Weiss, PhD, Hyejin Kim, MA (Florida State University) Acculturation, Nurturance Behaviors, and Intergenerational Conflict in Asian American Immigrants Fuhua Zhai, PhD (State University of New York at Stony Brook), Shu-Wen Liu, MSW, Qin Gao, PhD (Fordham University) Social Support—A Mediator On the Role of Parental Socioeconomic and Acculturation Stress in Chinese Immigrants’ Intergenerational Relationship Qin Gao, PhD (Fordham University), Fuhua Zhai, PhD (State University of New York at Stony Brook), Shu-Wen Liu, MSW (Fordham University) HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level 24 [SM&AB] Addiction Health Services: A Role for Social Work Researchers Organizer: Joseph J. Shields, PhD (The Catholic University of America) Health Services Financing and the Availability of Services in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Peter Delany, PhD, Albert Woodward, PhD (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) 66 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Management and Supervision of Health Services in CommunityBased Substance Abuse Treatment Programs James A. Hall, PhD (Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis), Douglas C. Smith, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Organizational Factors and Patient Characteristics As Predictors of the Availability of Support Services in Methadone Programs Joseph J. Shields, PhD (The Catholic University of America), Kelley Smith, PhD (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) WORKSHOPS 25 [CW] MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Using Organizational 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Assessments to Inform Implementation and Build Sustainable Capacity Leah Bartley, MSW, Pamela Clarkson Freeman, PhD, MSW, Diane DePanfilis, PhD, MSW (University of Maryland at Baltimore) MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 26 [SM&AB] Conducting Research Overlapping With Substance Misuse: Ethics and 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Measurement Issues Audrey L. Begun, PhD, Thomas Gregoire, PhD (Ohio State University) ROUNDTABLE 27 [H&D] MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: Opportunities for Social 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Work Research Christina Andrews, PhD (University of South Carolina), Sarah Gehlert, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Heidi L. Allen, PhD (Columbia University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 28 [ADOL] Building Financial Resources HBGCC, Room 002B River Level to Benefit Youth Moderator: Youngmi Kim, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) Building Financial Capability for Inclusive Economic Participation: A Qualitative Study of Youth With Disabilities in Beijing, China Suo Deng, PhD (Peking University), Yu Meng, PhD (Nanyang Technical University of Singapore, Singapore) sswr | san antonio | 2014 67 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Child Development Accounts and Mother’s Educational Expectations: Impacts From a Statewide Social Experiment Youngmi Kim, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Michael Sherraden, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University), Margaret Clancy, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Do College Expectations Mediate the Effects of Parental College Savings On Four-Year College Attendance Among Hispanic Youth? Hyun-a Song, MSW (University of Pittsburgh), William Elliott, PhD (University of Kansas) 29 [C&CJ] Human Trafficking and HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Commercial Sex Work Moderator: Kristine Hickle, MSW (Arizona State University) Exploring the Entry and Exit Patterns of Women From Commercial Sexual Exploitation in India Bincy Wilson, MSW, Thomas H. Nochajski, PhD, Barbara Rittner, PhD (University at Buffalo, SUNY) Human Trafficking Literature in the Past Decade: A Review of the Literature Y. Joon Choi, PhD, Jennifer Elkins, PhD, Shari E. Miller, MSW, PhD, David Okech, PhD (University of Georgia) Human Trafficking: Empowering a Comprehensive Social Work Response Pippin Whitaker, PhD, MSW, Dana DeHart, PhD (University of South Carolina) Understanding Paths of Entry Into Prostitution to Develop Better Programs to Exit Kristine Hickle, MSW, Dominique E. Roe-Sepowitz, PhD (Arizona State University) HBGCC, Room 008A River Level 30 [C&CJ] Issues in Crime and Justice Moderator: Marilyn Armour, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Becoming a New Creature Amidst the Permanence of the “Addict Identity”: Examining An Intersection of Stigmas in the Lives of Women With Experiences of Substance Use, Incarceration and Impaired Mothering Alana Gunn, MA, MPP (University of Chicago) 68 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Rates and Characteristics of Violent Death Victims Among Persons Released From Prison Anna Scheyett, PhD, Stephen Lize, PhD, Candice Morgan, MSW (University of South Carolina) The Impact of the Murderer’s Punishment On the Victim’s Family: A Mixed Methods Multi-Site Study of the Ultimate Penal Sanction Marilyn Armour, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) The Role of Relationships and the Search for Meaning in Suicide Ideation: An Exploratory Study of Incarcerated Women With Life Sentences Gina Fedock, MSW, Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak, PhD (Michigan State University) 31 [MH] Adolescent Mental Health MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Well-Being Moderator: Bridget E. Weller, PhD (Duke University) Computer and Internet Technologies: Effects On Well-Being for Young Adults With Physical Disabilities Leah Powell Cheatham, JD, MSW, Melissa Radey, PhD (Florida State University) How Are Mothers Impacted By Their Adolescent’s Suicide Attempt Over Time? “Now That It’s Over; Its Not Over” Bridget E. Weller, PhD (Duke University), Otima Doyle, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), David Goldston, PhD (Duke University) Quality of Care Treatment for Youth With Bipolar Disorder Cynthia A. Fontanella, PhD, Danielle Hiance, MSW (Ohio State University) The Role of Transport Use in Adolescent Treatment: Its Relationship to Readiness to Change and Outcomes in Wilderness Therapy Anita Tucker, PhD (University of New Hampshire, Durham), Christine Norton, PhD (Texas State University- San Marcos) 32 [OM&C] Interagency and System HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Infrastructures to Enhance Service Delivery and Performance Outcomes Moderator: Alicia C. Bunger, MSW, PhD (Ohio State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 69 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Collaboration and Competition: Inter-Organizational Dynamics Between Private Child Welfare Agencies and Child Serving Sectors Alicia C. Bunger, MSW, PhD (Ohio State University), Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University), Crystal E. Collins-Camargo, PhD (University of Louisville), Emmeline Chuang, PhD (San Diego State University) Developing Infrastructure to Support a State System of Prevention Julie Spielberger, PhD, Aaron Banman, MSW (University of Chicago), Elissa Gitlow, MS (Chapin Hall Center at the University of Chicago) Reducing the Involvement of Youth From the Child Welfare System in the Juvenile Justice System: Implementation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model in Five Minnesota Counties Laurel Bidwell, PhD, Jane Marshall, PhD, Parmananda Khatiwoda, MSW, Wendy L. Haight, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Successes and Challenges On the Path to Housing First: The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Expansion of Supportive Housing David E. Pollio, PhD (University of Alabama) 33 [P&SP] Young and Homeless: MR, Riverview, Lower Parking Level Risks and Strains Elevator Level P1 Moderator: Eric Rice, PhD (University of Southern California) An Innovative Method for Counting Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Hailey Winetrobe, MPH, CHES, Eric Rice, PhD, Harmony Rhoades, PhD (University of Southern California) Correlates of Transience Among Homeless Young Adults Kristin M. Ferguson, PhD (City University of New York), Kimberly A. Bender, PhD (University of Denver), Sanna Thompson, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Effects of a Randomized Clinical Trial to Enhance Risk Detection Among Homeless Youth Kimberly A. Bender, PhD, Stephanie Begun, MSW, Badiah Haffejee, MSW, Sarah Kaufmann, BA, Amanda Matthews, BA, Anne P. DePrince, PhD, Ann Chu, PhD (University of Denver) 70 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:15pm Sexual Orientation and Homelessness Among Middle School Students Eric Rice, PhD, Robin Petering, MSW, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, MSW, Harmony Rhoades, PhD, Hailey Winetrobe, MPH, CHES (University of Southern California) 34 [RE&I] Culture, Conflict, and MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 Resiliency Among Communities of Color Moderator: Wahiba Abu-Ras, PhD (Adelphi University) Cross-Cultural Conflict in Social Service Provision With Indigenous Youth: A Case Study of Power Dynamics in a Circus Program for Inuit Youth Kaitlin J. Schwan, MA, Ernie Lightman, PhD (University of Toronto) Professional Help Seeking Among Religious African Americans Krystal S. Hays, MSW, LCSW (University of Southern California) “The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Building Resiliency Among Muslim Armed Forces Personnel” Wahiba Abu-Ras, PhD (Adelphi University), Shareda Hosein, MS (US Army) 35 [RE&I] Trauma, Discrimination, HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Neighborhood Violence, and Mental Health Moderator: Cecilia Thomas, PhD (University of North Texas) Exploring The Association Between Out-Of-Home Family Management Strategies and Neighborhood Violence Aditi Das, Amy Claessens, PhD (University of Chicago) Recognizing the Deleterious Effects of Trauma On Older African Americans: A Cultural Perspective Cecilia Thomas, PhD (University of North Texas) The Effects of Critical Ethnic Awareness and Social Support in the Discrimination-Depression Relationship Among Asian Americans Isok Kim, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo) The Influence of Intergenerational Trauma On the Psychological Adjustment of Cambodian Adolescents Cindy C. Sangalang, PhD (Arizona State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 71 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm 36 [SO&GI] Family Relationships among HBGCC, Room 002A River Level LGB Adults Moderator: David Jenkins, PhD (Texas Christian University) Boundary Ambiguity in Gay Stepfamilies: Perspectives of Gay Biological Fathers and Their Same-Sex Partners David Jenkins, PhD (Texas Christian University) It’s De Novo It’s Delightful: Relationship Satisfaction Correlates for Gay Dads Dwight D. Panozzo, PhD (New York University) Marriage, Health, and the Social Integration of LGB Older Adults Mark E. Williams, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, PhD (University of Washington) 37 [WF&FP] Workplace Flexibility and the HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Well-being of Vulnerable Workers and Families Moderator: Julia R. Henly, PhD (University of Chicago) A Cross-National Comparison of Precarious Employment, Welfare Generosity, Culture Individualism and Workplace Flexibility Qingwen Xu, PhD (Tulane University), Natasha Sarkisian, PhD, Rucha Bhate (Boston College), Lei Lai, PhD (Tulane University) Daily Job Flexibility and The Wellbeing of Hourly and Salaried Workers Julia R. Henly, PhD, Susan J. Lambert, PhD, JaeSeung Kim, MSW (University of Chicago), Lonnie Golden, PhD (Pennsylvania State University - Abington) Exceptional Care Responsibilities, Employment and Work-Life Outcomes: Findings From the Generations of Talent Study Lisa M. Stewart, PhD (California State University, Monterey) 5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Break 72 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 5:30pm - 7:15pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 38 OPENING PLENARY SESSION MR, Alamo Ballroom C & D, 2nd Moving Beyond Disparities: Social Floor Elevator Level BR Work’s Contributions to Health Equity Research Karina Walters, PhD (University of Washington), Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD (Arizona State University) Health disparities research typically compares ethnic/racial minorities’ mortality and morbidity rates with those of Whites. Scant attention has been given to outcomes that indicate good health among ethnic minority communities. This approach misses valuable opportunities to generate useful knowledge on when to intervene and on how to strengthen what works before it stops working. With its historical roots and mission in social justice, social work is perfectly poised to be the scientific field driving health equity research particularly with its research emphasis on the design of culturally-derived and community-based research; its emphasis on holistic, cultural protective factors, strengths, and resiliency; and the development of novel culturally-grounded and theory-driven health interventions that deeply address socio-cultural context. The speakers will highlight how social work health equity research is poised to generate a more accurate and culturally-grounded health equity story. Intervention studies conducted in partnership with Latino/a and First Nations communities and addressing specific social and cultural determinants of health will be showcased. Social work contributions to the field and allied health disciplines, opportunities for future research, and the importance of training researchers, educators, and leaders in the field of health equity will be highlighted throughout the presentation. 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Volunteer Orientation MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level, Elevator Level P2 7:00 pm - 7:15 pm 39 Launch of the Journal of the MR, Alamo Ballroom C & D Society for Social Work and 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Research (JSSWR) sswr | san antonio | 2014 73 Thursday | January 16, 2014 | 7:15pm - 8:15pm 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm 40 74 Opening Reception sswr | san antonio | 2014 HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 75 76 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 77 78 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 79 80 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 81 82 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 7:00am - 4:00pm Friday - January 17, 2014 7:00 am - 8:00 am SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS I HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Associate Deans and Directors for Research Moderator: John C. Bricout, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington), Karl Hamner, PhD (University of Alabama) HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Doctoral Student Connection Moderators: Sharon Borja, MSW (University of Washington), Marcos J. Martinez, MSW (Arizona State University) Ethnogerontology HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Moderator: Steven Applewhite, PhD (University of Houston) Forensic Social Work HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Moderators: Tina Maschi, PhD (Fordham University), George Liebowitz, PhD (University of Vermont) Mindfulness-Based Intervention HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Research Moderators: Eric L. Garland, PhD (University of Utah), Amber R. Kelly, MSW (Smith College) 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Registration Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level sswr | san antonio | 2014 83 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 8:00 am - 9:45 am 41 SPECIAL SESSION HBGCC, Room 001B River Level New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research: Findings from the Institute of Medicine Joan Levy Zlotnik, PhD, ACSW (National Association of Social Workers), Deborah Daro, PhD (University of Chicago) A new Institute of Medicine report reviews outcomes from child maltreatment research and makes important recommendations for research priorities, research funding, and research infrastructure, with great relevance for social work research. SYMPOSIA 42 [ADOL] Research On the Social HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Environment Mechanisms of School Success: Social Change Through Educational Attainment Organizer: Michael Woolley, DCSW, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Environmental Control, Support, and Challenge: Influences On School Success S. Colby Peters, LGSW, Michael Woolley, DCSW, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) A Non-Randomized Efficacy Trial Replication of a Teaching Practice Intervention Using Propensity Score Weighting Roderick A. Rose, MS (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Preventing High School Drop-Out in the Middle Grades: Effects of Instructional Relevance On Persistence Toward Graduation George Unick, PhD, Michael Woolley, DCSW, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) 43 [G] 84 African American Fathers’ HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Parenting Practices: Constructions and Consequences Within Local Contexts Organizer: Waldo E. Johnson, PhD (University of Chicago) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Unheard Voices: African American Fathers Speak About Their Parenting Practices Otima Doyle, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Trenette T. Clark, PhD, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Von E. Nebbitt, PhD, Qiana R. Cryer-Coupet, MSW, PhD student, Ifrah Magan, MSW (University of Illinois at Chicago), David Goldston, PhD (Duke University) “Don’t Wait for It to Rain to Buy An Umbrella:” The Intergenerational Transmission of Values From African American Fathers to Sons Otima Doyle, PhD, Von E. Nebbitt, PhD, Ifrah Magan, MSW, Qiana R. Cryer-Coupet, MSW, PhD student (University of Illinois at Chicago), Margaret Lombe, PhD (Boston College) Paternal Typologies and Internalizing Behaviors in African American Youth Living in Urban Public Housing: A Discriminate Analysis Across Latent Classes of Father Von E. Nebbitt, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Margaret Lombe, PhD (Boston College), Otima Doyle, PhD, Qiana R. CryerCoupet, MSW, PhD student (University of Illinois at Chicago) 44 [OM&C] Exploring the Landscape of HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level “Community” in Aging Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Organizer: Terri Lewinson, PhD (Georgia State University) Discussant: Joan Davitt, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Exploring Community and the Spatial Accessibility of Drug Treatment Programs for Aging Mexican American Heroin Users Dennis Kao, PhD, Luis R. Torres, PhD (University of Houston), Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California), Rebecca Mauldin, Patrick S. Bordnick, MPH, MSW, PhD (University of Houston) Work As a Form of Community: Workplace-Based Social Networks, Engagement, and the Psychological Well-Being of Older Adults Christina J. Matz-Costa, PhD (Boston College) Informal Support Among Neighbors in Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities in New York Emily Greenfield, PhD, James Fedor (Rutgers University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 85 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am “You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until They Get in There”: Older Residents’ Perspectives of Budget Hotels As Micro-Communities of Affiliation Terri Lewinson, PhD (Georgia State University) 45 [RE&I] Recent Research On Immigrant HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level and Undocumented Families and Youth: Implication for Policy and Practice Organizer: Marci Ybarra, PhD (University of Chicago) Parental Immigration Status and the Developmental Outcomes of Children: Evidence From Los Angeles Yoonsook Ha, PhD (Boston University), Marci Ybarra, PhD (University of Chicago), Jina Chang, MS (Boston University) Dental and Medical Access Among the Children of Immigrant and Undocumented Families Marci Ybarra, PhD (University of Chicago), Yoonsook Ha, PhD, Jina Chang, MS (Boston University) Finding Pathways Through the Sprawl: Mexican Immigrant You and Coming of Age in the Suburbs Benjamin Roth, MSW (University of Chicago) Learning to be Legal: Assessing the Incorporation of Daca Eligible Young Adults Roberto G. Gonzales, PhD (University of Chicago) 46 [SWP] Key Topics in Human-Animal HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Interaction (HAI) and Research-Informed Social Work Organizer: Janet Hoy, PhD (University of Toledo) A Multi-Method Approach to Examining California Domestic Violence Shelter Companion Animal Policies Dawna Komorosky, PhD (California State University, East Bay), Dianne Rush Woods, PhD (California State University, Hayward) Anxiety, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress Among Youth Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: The Impact of Witnessing Animal Cruelty Shelby E. McDonald, MSW, James Herbert Williams, PhD, Frank Ascione, PhD, Samantha M. Brown, MA (University of Denver) 86 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Animal-Assisted Therapy With Maltreated Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Allison O’Connor, CSW, Chad McDonald, CSW (University of Utah) Validity of the Children’s Treatment of Animals Questionnaire Among Youth Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Rasch Analysis Shelby E. McDonald, MSW, James Herbert Williams, PhD (University of Denver) Companion Animals As Evokers of Connection and Responsibility Among Individuals With Serious Mental Illness: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Findings Janet Hoy, PhD (University of Toledo) WORKSHOP 47 [CW] Understanding the Role of MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Foster Family Acceptance On 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR the Social, Academic, and Personal Experiences of Lgbtq Youth in the Foster Care System Adam McCormick, PhD (University of Texas at El Paso) ROUNDTABLES 48 [H&D] Childhood MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Obesity and the Role of Social Work in Behavioral Health Care Amy L. Ai, PhD, Stephanie Grace Prost, MSW, Sara E. Groff, MSW (Florida State University) MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 49 [RD&M] Fidelity and 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Child Welfare System Reform: Creating Measures of Fidelity to Large-Scale Practice Changes Charlotte Lyn Bright, PhD, MSW, Diane DePanfilis, PhD, MSW, Megan E. Fitzgerald, PhD, Elizabeth J. Greeno, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) sswr | san antonio | 2014 87 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 50 [CW] Assessing and Responding HBGCC, Room 002B River Level to Treatment Needs Moderator: Joshua P. Mersky, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) An Ecological Examination of Cumulative Violence Exposure On Children’s Trauma and Depression Symptoms Laura Aisha Voith, MSW, Andrea N. Gromoske, MSW (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Megan R. Holmes, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) An Exploration of Relationship For Children in Treatment Foster Care and Their Caregivers Lisa R. Kiesel, MSW (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Multidisciplinary Services for Court-Involved Youth Lisa Langenderfer, MSW, Kimberly A. Bender, PhD (University of Denver), Amanda Donnelly, JD (State of Colorado), Jocelyn Durkay, BA, Christopher Dennis, BA, Angie Appelgate, BA, Matthew Pfeifer, BA (University of Denver) Translational Child Welfare Research: Integrating PCIT Into Foster Care Joshua P. Mersky, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), James Dimitri Topitzes, PhD, Stacey D. Grant-Savela, PhD, Michael J. Brondino, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) 51 [C&CJ] Advances in MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Intimate Partner Violence Elevator Level P2 Research and Practice Moderator: Shanti Kulkarni, PhD, LCSW (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment: Predictive Ability & Application to Social Work Jonel Thaller, MSW, Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD (Arizona State University) Measuring Domestic Violence Service Providers Attitudes: The Development of the Survivor-Centered Care Scale (SCCS) Shanti Kulkarni, PhD, LCSW, Robert L. Herman-Smith, PhD (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) 88 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am The Emotional Impact of Conducting Violence Research Stella M. Resko, PhD (Wayne State University) 52 [C&CJ] Strategies to Prevent Recidivism HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Moderator: Christopher A. Veeh, MSW (University of Denver) An Equine-Facilitated Prison Based Program: Effects On Recidivism Keren Bachi, MSW (City University of New York) Gender Differences in Desistance From Crime: How Do Formerly Incarcerated Emerging Adults Use Social Supports? Christina Tam, MSW, Laura S. Abrams, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) Prisoner Reentry Programming Vs. ‘Treatment-As-Usual’ in a State Prison System: A Comprehensive Evaluation Christopher A. Veeh, MSW (University of Denver), Margaret E. Severson, JD, Kimberly Bruns, MS Ed, Jaehoon Lee, PhD (University of Kansas) Supporting Prisoners After Release: Strategies Families Use to Prevent Re-Incarceration Carrie Pettus-Davis, PhD, Elizabeth Williams, BA, Antoinette Grier, BA, Vithya Murugan, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) 53 [G] Pregnancy and Motherhood HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Celia H. Y. Chan, PhD (The University of Hong Kong) A Child Gender Comparison of Maternal Supportiveness As a Mediator of Early Emotion Regulation With Later Attention Competence of Young Children From Impoverished Families Aidan Bohlander, MSW, Michaela Farber, PhD, BCD, LCSW-C (The Catholic University of America) Grappling With the Complexities of Beliefs About Women and Abortion: Does Ambivalent Sexism Relate to Abortion Attitudes? Stephanie Begun, MSW, N. Eugene Walls, PhD (University of Denver) Trajectory of Postpartum Depression and Coping Style Among Chinese Women in Hong Kong: A Prospective Longitudinal Study Celia H. Y. Chan, PhD, Timothy H. Y. Chan, Irene K. M. Cheung, MSW (The University of Hong Kong) sswr | san antonio | 2014 89 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 54 [H&D] Health Impact of Poverty, HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Racial and Ethnic Disparities Moderator: Julia F. Hastings, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Effects of the Great Recession On Working-Age Adults With Disabilities: Poverty, Material Hardships and Program Participation Subharati Ghosh, PhD, Susan L. Parish, PhD, MSW (Brandeis University) Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Long-Term Food Insecurity and Body Mass Index Among School Age Children Jeong-Hee Ryu, PhD (California State University, Northridge) Immigration and Obesity Among Filipinos: The Multiethnic Cohort Study Seunghye Hong, PhD (University of Hawaii), Song-Yi Park, PhD (University of Hawaii Cancer Center), Lynne R. Wilkens, DrPH, Loic Le Marchand, MD, PhD (University of Hawaii Cancer Center) Racial and Ethnic Variations in Self-Rated Health Among People With Comorbid Depression and Diabetes Julia F. Hastings, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) 55 [ISW&GI] HIV/AIDS Risk HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Factors and Global Challenges Moderator: Guitele J. Rahill, PhD (University of South Florida) Language of Sexual Violence in Haiti: Challenges for HIV Prevention in International Resource-Poor Settings Manisha Joshi, PhD, Guitele J. Rahill, PhD, Celia Lescano, PhD, Florence Jean, BSW (University of South Florida) Mental Health Integration Into HIV Services in Zimbabwe Melissa Sharer, MSW, MPH (Peace Corps), Helen Cornman, MSW, Malia Duffy, MSN-FNP MPH, Heather Pitorak, MPH (John Snow Inc) Picturing Risk: A Photovoice Study of Haitian Youths Perceptions of Their HIV Risk CarolAnn Louise Daniel, PhD (Adelphi University), Carmen Logie, MSW, PhD (University of Toronto) 90 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Profiles of Risk for HIV/AIDS Among Malawian Emerging Adults: Implications for Universal and Targeted Interventions Bridget E. Weller, PhD (Duke University), Eusebius Small, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) 56 [MH] Adolescent Mothers: MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Depression and Mental Heath Treatment Moderator: Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Adapting Interpersonal Psychotherapy to Treat Perinatal Depression in Low-Income Adolescents: A Trauma Adapted Approach Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil, Candace Killian-Farrell, LCSW, MSSW, Cynthia F. Rizo, MSW, Jennifer O’Brien, MSW, AnneMarie O. Bellows, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Alison Doernberg, MSW, MPH (Yale University), Traci Wike, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) Deconstructing the Effects of Interpersonal Violence, Childhood Trauma, and Loss On Perinatal Depression in Adolescent Mothers Candace Killian-Farrell, LCSW, MSSW, Cynthia F. Rizo, MSW, Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil, Nell J. Pollard, MD, Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Racial/Ethnic Differences in Minority Adolescents’ Perceptions of Perinatal Depression and Mental Health Treatment Cynthia Fraga Rizo, MSW, Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil, Candace Killian-Farrell, LCSW, MSSW, Whitney Sewell, BA, Lydia V. Johnson, BA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Traci Wike, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Julia Wessel, MSW (Yale University), Anne-Marie O. Bellows, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Risk and Protective Factors for Perinatal Well-Being in Low-Income Adolescent Mothers: Results From a Prospective Epidemiological Study of Adolescent Mothers Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil, Candace Killian-Farrell, LCSW, MSSW, Cynthia Fraga Rizo, MSW, Nell J. Pollard, MD, Robert Hamer, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Julia Wessel, MSW (Yale University), Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) sswr | san antonio | 2014 91 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 57 [MH] Help Seeking MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E and Access to Care 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Rena Bina, PhD (Bar Ilan University) Attitudes Towards Seeking Mental Health Treatment in the Postpartum Period in Israel: The Role of Religious Affiliation Rena Bina, PhD (Bar Ilan University) Help-Seeking Patterns Among Taiwanese With Schizophrenia Fang-pei Chen, PhD (Columbia University), Wan-Li Yeh, BA (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan), Hui Ching Wu, PhD (National Taiwan University) 58 [RE&I] Human and Social Capital HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Among Vulnerable Groups Moderator: Rebecca L. Thomas, PhD (University of Connecticut) Building Relationships and Bridging Social Capital Through The Immigrant Civic Engagement Project: A Program Evaluation Rebecca L. Thomas, PhD, Christina M. Chiarelli-Helminiak, MSW, Brunilda Ferraj, BA (University of Connecticut) Confronting the White Elephant: International Volunteering and Racial (Dis)Advantage Benjamin J. Lough, PhD, Janet D. Carter-Black, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Internet and Social Media As a Form of Social Capital Among Homeless Youth Anamika Barman-Adhikari, MSW, Eric Rice, PhD, Robin Petering, MSW, Harmony Rhoades, PhD, Hailey Winetrobe, MPH, CHES (University of Southern California) Race/Ethnicity Differences in the Relationships Between Human Capital and Social Capital, and Employment of Immigrants in the United States Soo-Jung Byoun, MA, Min Zhan, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) 59 [SWP] 92 Research on Evidence MR, Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Supported Interventions Moderator: Daniel B. Herman, PhD (Hunter College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 8:00am - 11:45am A Review of 10-Year Trends of Intervention Studies in Social Work in South Korea Ahyoung Song, MSW (University of Southern California), Jisun Lee, MSW, Sejeong Cheong, MSW (Yonsei University) Dissemination and Implementation of Critical Time Intervention: A Randomized Trial Comparing Online and Face-to-Face Training Jeffrey Olivet, MA (Center for Social Innovation), Daniel B. Herman, PhD (Hunter College), Melissa Martin, MSW (Center for Social Innovation) Parenting Interventions Implementation Science: How Delivery Format Impacts the Parenting Wisely Program Katie Cotter, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Martica L. Bacallao, PhD (Arizona State University), Paul R. Smokowski, PhD, Caroline Robertson, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Supervisor Atittudes Toward Evidence-Based Practices in Substance Abuse Treatment: The Importance of Organizational Context Karissa Fenwick, MSW (University of Southern California) 9:45 am - 10:00 am Break HBGCC Bridge Hall and MR Alamo Ballroom Foyer 10:00 am - 11:45 am 60 INVITED SYMPOSIUM I MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Research and Career Development: Stories from Mid-Career Scholars Moderator: Wynne Korr, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Presenters: Lori Steiker, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Sean Joe, PhD, LMSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Rogério M. Pinto, PhD, LCSW (Columbia University) Back by demand, this invited session featuring three mid-career faculty is organized to address the needs of early to mid-career SSWR members in their efforts to develop successful research and academic careers that make an impact on the profession in which we work and the society sswr | san antonio | 2014 93 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am in which we live. The three invited panelists, all previous recipients of the SSWR Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award, represent diverse and successful career trajectories. The panelists share a common goal of conducting research that strives to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations and contributes to social change. The panelists will answer a series of questions on their careers and career strategies, including making transitions in career (e.g. from doctoral student to academic job, tenure and post-tenure and changing institutions), seeking support for research (e.g. mentors, collaboration, network, and institutional support), and balancing (e.g. academic research – publishing and grant writing, work and life (and/or family) and establishing an independent line of research that makes significant contributions to our field. SYMPOSIA 61 [G] Interventions With Fathers: HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Adaptations, Technologies, and Strategies Organizer: Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD (University of Chicago) Discussant: Pajarita Charles, PhD (University of Chicago) Targets of Change: Supporting Strong Parenting Among Military Fathers Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Tova B. Neugut, MSW, Susan C. McDonough, PhD, Karen Smith, Maria Muzik, Katherine L. Rosenblum, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Design and Implementation of Technology-Delivered Parent Education for Fathers in Military Fathers Shawna J. Lee, PhD, Tova Neugut, MSW, Richard Tolman, PhD, Katherine L. Rosenblum, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Triple P With Urban African American Fathers: To Adapt Or Not Adapt? Patricia L. Kohl, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Improving Father Involvement in Early Home Visiting Programs: A Pilot Intervention Study Neil B. Guterman, PhD, Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD, Aaron Banman, MSW (University of Chicago) 94 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 62 [MH] Achieving Better Health: HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Developing Interventions to Promote Health Behavior Change in Persons With Serious Mental Illness Organizer: Kelly Aschbrenner, PhD (Dartmouth College) Discussant: Sarah Gehlert, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Evaluating A Brief Computerized Intervention for Smoking Cessation Among People With Severe Mental Illness: Do Negative Beliefs About Smoking Facilitate Change? Joelle Ferron, PhD, Mary Brunette, MD (Dartmouth College) Barriers to a Healthy Lifestyle Among Hispanics With Serious Mental Illness: The Layering of Ecological Factors Leopoldo J. Cabassa, PhD, Arminda P. Gomes, MSW (Columbia University) The Other Twenty-Three Hours: Fitness Provider Perspectives On Enlisting Family Support for Health Behavior Change in Adults With Serious Mental Illness Kelly Aschbrenner, PhD (Dartmouth College), Kim T. Mueser, PhD (Boston University), Stephen J. Bartels, MD, MS (Dartmouth College) A Mixed-Method Study of Healthy Lifestyle Talk in Everyday Practice in Mental Health Treatment Beth Angell, PhD, Elizabeth Matthews, MSW (Rutgers University), Colleen Mahoney, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 63 [OM&C] Building Strengths Through HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Community-Level Interventions: Effects of Communities That Care On System and Youth Outcomes Organizer: J. David Hawkins, PhD (University of Washington) Exploring the Strengths of Individuals, Coalitions, and Communities Associated With High Functioning Coalitions Valerie B. Shapiro, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), J. David Hawkins, PhD, Sabrina Oesterle, PhD (University of Washington) Sustaining Adoption of Science-Based Prevention: Long-Term Effects of Communities That Care Kari M. Gloppen, MPH, Eric C. Brown, PhD, Bradley Wagenaar, MPH, J. David Hawkins, PhD, Isaac C. Rhew, PhD (University of Washington) sswr | san antonio | 2014 95 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am The Effects of Communities That Care On Community- Wide Protection BK Elizabeth Kim, MSW, Kari M. Gloppen, MPH, Isaac C. Rhew, PhD, J. David Hawkins, PhD, Sabrina Oesterle, PhD (University of Washington) 64 [RD&M] The Role Quantitative Research HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Plays in Shaping the Science of Social Work Organizer: Shenyang Guo, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Discussant: John S. Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Mark W. Fraser, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Structural Equation Modeling’s Role in Social Work Research Natasha Bowen, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Harnessing the Power of Item Response Theory in Social Work Science and Practice Michael Canute Lambert, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Causal Inference: Models and Methods Roderick A. Rose, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) WORKSHOPS 65 [H&D] WITHDRAWN Not Applicable HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level 66 [RD&M] How to Do MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Studies Using Item Response Theory William R. Nugent, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) ROUNDTABLE 67 [H&D] 96 The Role of Social MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Behavioral Sciences in Combating Tuberculosis Paul W. Colson, PhD, Yael Hirsch-Moverman, PhD (Columbia University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 68 [ADOL] Youth Development, Assets, HBGCC, Room 001B River Level and Transitions Moderator: Toni Naccarato, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Development and Validation of a Measure of Positive Youth Development Amy Lopez, MSW, Jamie Rae Yoder, MSW, Daniel Brisson, PhD, Stephanie Lechuga-Pena, MSW, Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD (University of Denver) WITHDRAWN Not Applicable The Impact of Disability On Young Adults’ Transition to Adulthood Leah Powell Cheatham, JD, MSW, Karen A. Randolph, PhD (Florida State University) The National Foster Youth Action Network’s (NFYAN) Advocacy Trainings Project: A Multi-State Evaluation of Positive Youth Development Toni Naccarato, PhD (State University of New York at Albany), Janet Knipe, MA (National Foster Youth Action Network) 69 [A&G] Factors of Culture MR, Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Perception that Influence Mental Health Moderator: Heehyul Moon, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Effects of Acculturation On Depression Among Older Immigrants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Seokho Hong (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Immigrant Home Health Workers’ Experiences With the Elderly: A Qualitative Description Study Patricia J. Yu, ABD (Boston College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 97 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am Incongruence Between Stroke Survivor and Spouse Perceptions of Survivor Functioning and Effects On Spouse Emotional Health: A Mixed-Methods Study Michael J. McCarthy, PhD (University of Cincinnati), Karen S. Lyons (Oregon Health Sciences University) Predictors of Discrepancy Between Care Recipients With EarlyStage Dementia and Their Caregivers On Perceptions of the Care Recipients’ Quality of Life Heehyul Moon, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Aloen L. Townsend, PhD (Case Western Reserve University), Carol Whitlatch, PhD (Benjamin Rose Margaret Blenkner Research Institute), Mee Hye Kim, PhD (Ewha Woman’s University), Peggye dilworthAnderson, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 70 [CW] Stress, Poverty, and Neighborhood HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Moderator: Mi-Youn Yang, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) Dimensions of Structural Disadvantage: A Latent Class Analysis of a Neighborhood Measure in Child Welfare Data Kristin S. Abner, MA (University of Illinois at Chicago) Neighborhood Informal Social Control and Child Maltreatment: A Comparison of Protective and Punitive Approaches Clifton Emery, PhD, Hai Nguyen Trung, PhD (Yonsei University), Shali Wu, PhD (Kyung Hee University) Pathways Between Economic Hardship and Child Maltreatment Mi-Youn Yang, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge), Bomi Kim, MA (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Structural Equation Modeling About the Domestic Violence Exposure On Adolescent’s Internet Game Addiction: Focus On Parental Attachment As Mediator Ji-hyeon Lee, MSW, Jae Yop Kim, PhD (Yonsei University) 71 [G] Survivors of Sexual Violence HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Ms. Valandra, PhD (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville) Men Report Growth After Their Childhood Sexual Abuse Scott D. Easton, PhD, Alison M. Rhodes, MSW, EdM (Boston College), Carol Coohey, PhD (University of Iowa), M. V. Moorthy, PhD (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School) 98 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am The Experiences of African American Women Survivors of Sexual Violence With the Men in Their Lives Ms. Valandra, PhD (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville) Would You Tell Under Circumstances Like That?: Barriers to Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse for Men Scott D. Easton, PhD, Leia Y. Saltzman, MSW, Danny G. Willis, DSN (Boston College) 72 [H&D] Health Insurance, HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Disability, and Reducing Disparities Moderator: Shirley L. Porterfield, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) Autism Spectrum Disorders and Families’ Financial Burden: The Association With Health Insurance Coverage Susan L. Parish, PhD, MSW (Brandeis University), Kathleen C. Thomas, PhD, Christianna Williams, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Morgan Crossman (Brandeis University) Health Insurance and Access Among Young Adults With Disabilities: Impacts of the Affordable Care Act Shirley L. Porterfield, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) Reducing Disparities: Increasing Efficacy of Latino Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Sandra Magaña, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Rebecca Paradiso, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Marlen Garcia, BA (University of Illinois at Chicago) Understanding Saving and Purchase Patterns of Consumers in a SelfDirected Care Program: Unmet Needs in Traditional Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Megumi Inoue, MSW, Margaret Lombe, PhD (Boston College), Michelle Putnam, PhD (Simmons College), Kevin J. Mahoney, PhD (Boston College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 99 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 73 [ISW&GI] International Health and HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Mental Health Moderator: Yuhwa Eva Lu, PhD (New York University) The Efficacy of Qi-Gong Practice in Coping With Chronic Physical Pain and Mental Health --A Comparative Study Among Chinese Elders in Shanghai and New York City Yuhwa Eva Lu, PhD (New York University), Shijian Li, PhD (State University of New York College at Old Westbury), Wenxiao Ji (East China University of Science and Technology) Exploration of Cross-Cultural Adaptability of PTSD Among Trauma Survivors in Northern Iraq, Thailand, and the Democratic Republic of Congo: Application of Item Response Theory Lynn T. M. Michalopoulos, PhD (Columbia University), George Unick, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Laura Murray, PhD, Paul Bolton, MBBS, Judith Bass, PhD (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) Local Disparities in the Risk of Serious Mental Illness in Three Nations: Israel, New Zealand, and the United States Christopher G. Hudson, PhD (Salem State University) The Well-Being Cost of China’s Transition Jiaan Zhang, PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 74 [MH] CBT and MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Mindfulness-Based Interventions Moderator: Melissa D. Grady, PhD (The Catholic University of America) Consumers’ and Providers’ Perceptions of Utilizing a ComputerAssisted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Alison Salloum, PhD, Erika A. Crawford, BA, Adam B. Lewin, PhD, Eric A. Storch, PhD (University of South Florida) Effects of CBT Treatment On Attachment Styles Of Incarcerated Sex Offenders Melissa D. Grady, PhD, Laura Swett, MSW (The Catholic University of America) 100 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 75 [OM&C] Contextual MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Outcomes of Organizational Elevator Level P2 Inclusion and Diversity in Human Service Agencies Moderator: Catherine M. Vu, PhD (New York University) A Meta-Analysis of Beneficial and Detrimental Outcomes of Organizational Diversity and Climate of Inclusion in Human Service Organizations Michàlle E. Mor Barak, PhD, Erica Leeanne Lizano, MSW, MPA, Ahraemi Kim, MSW, Lei Duan, PhD, Min-Kyoung Rhee, MSW, Hsin Yi Hsiao, PhD, Kim C. Brimhall, MSW, CSW (University of Southern California) A Survey-Based Study of Social Workers’ Critical Consciousness and Practice With LGB Clients Cynthia Bott, PhD (Siena College) Contextual Influences On Ethnic Organizations: A Case Study of a Korean Serving Agency Catherine M. Vu, PhD, Duy Nguyen, Daniel B. Tanh (New York University) The Mediating Role of Inclusion in the Context of Organizational Diversity: A Longitudinal Study of Leader-Member Exchange and Diversity Climate On Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave Among Child Welfare Workers Kim C. Brimhall, MSW, CSW, Erica Leeanne Lizano, MSW, MPA, Michàlle E. Mor Barak, PhD (University of Southern California) 76 [P&SP] Poor and Hungry: MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Policies and Practices that Help 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Daniel P. Miller, PhD (Boston University) Do Food Stamps Act As a Safety Net for Mothers Facing Economic Shock? An Analysis of Black and White Mothers’ Responses to Paternal Imprisonment Yiyoon Chung, PhD, MSW (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) Examining Food Security Among Children in Households Participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Implications for Human Rights Aakanksha Sinha, MSW, Andrew D. Reynolds, MEd, Margaret Lombe, PhD (Boston College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 101 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am Examining the Association Between Food Insecurity and Children’s Educational Outcomes Micaela Mercado, PhD, Nisha Beharie, MPH, Mary McKay, PhD, Kara Dean-Assael, MSW (New York University) Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Food Insecurity Lenna Nepomnyaschy, PhD (Rutgers University), Daniel P. Miller, PhD (Boston University), Steve Garasky, PhD, Neha Nanda, PhD (IMPAQ International) 77 [RE&I] Immigration and Social HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Work Services Moderator: Izumi Sakamoto, PhD (University of Toronto) Discourse Analysis of English and Chinese Print Media in Canada: Construction of “Desirable” Immigrants and “Canadian Experience” Izumi Sakamoto, PhD, Daphne Jeyapal, MSW, Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD (University of Toronto), Jane Ku, PhD (University of Windsor), Lin Fang, PhD, Heidi Zhang (University of Toronto) Immigration Detention and Social Workers: Developing a Role Alongside Faith-Based Organizations Susanna J. Snyder, PhD, Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Navigating Without a Compass: Using Ethnographic Methods to Identify Agency Strategies for Serving Immigrants in New Growth Communities Deirdre Lanesskog, MPA (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The Changing Face of Immigration: A Gendered Perspective Bonita B. Sharma, MSSW, Arati Maleku, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington) 78 [SO&GI] Research on LGBTQ Health HBGCC, Room 008A River Level and Mental Health Moderator: Michael R. Woodford, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Concealing Concealment: The Mediating Role of Internalized Heterosexism in Psychological Distress Among Older LGB Adults Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, MSW (University of Washington) 102 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 10:00am - 7:45pm Determinants of Gay Affirmative Practice Among Mental Health Practitioners Edward J. Alessi, PhD (Rutgers University), Frank Dillon, PhD (Florida International University), Mi Sung Kim, PhD (Rutgers University) Mental Health Correlates of Sexual Orientation Microaggressions Among LGBQ College Students: Self-Esteem As A Protective Factor Michael R. Woodford, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), David J. Brennan, PhD (University of Toronto), Jill Chonody, PhD (University of South Australia), Kristen Renn, PhD (Michigan State University) MSM and Drug Use: A Latent Class Analysis of Drug Use and Related Sexual Risk Behaviors David McCarty-Caplan, MSW, Ian Jantz, MSW, James A. Swartz, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) 11:30 am - 7:45 pm Exhibits Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch On Your Own INFORMATION ON POSTER DISPLAY AND PRESENTATIONS New for this year there are four poster presentation sessions: two mid-day sessions and two early-evening sessions. The mid-day sessions are Friday, January 17, 2014 and Saturday, January 18, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The early-evening sessions are Friday, 6:00pm-7:45pm and Saturday, 6:15pm-8:00pm. Mid-day poster presenters may display their posters starting at 10:30am; early-evening poster presenters may display their posters starting at 2:00pm. Conference attendees may view posters during any of these times; however, presenting authors are only expected to be present during the poster presentation sessions. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm POSTER PRESENTATIONS I 79 HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Poster Presentations I: Adolescent and Youth Development; Aging Services and Gerontology; Child Welfare; Crime and Criminal Justice; Gender; Health and Disability; International Social Work and Global Issues; Mental Health; Organizations, Management, sswr | san antonio | 2014 103 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm and Communities; Poverty and Social Policy; Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration; Research Design and Measurement; Research on Social Work Education; Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL) 1P Bridge for Families Dual Generation After Work Program Daniel Brisson, PhD, Stephanie Lechuga Pena, MSW (University of Denver) 2P When the Going Gets Tough: Intervention to Change Adolescents’ Interpretations of Difficulty At School Kristen Elmore, MSW, Daphna Oyserman, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G) 3P Factors Associated With Intergenerational Support Among Immigrant Older Adults Sung-wan Kang, MSW, Soo-Jung Byoun, MA (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Wonik Lee, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) 4P Social Ties and Community Service Utilization Among Alzheimer’s Caregivers Sang Ah Chun, MSW, Man-Chun Chang, MS (State University of New York at Albany) 5P The Link Between Childhood Maltreatment and Caregiver Stress Jooyoung Kong, MSW, Sara Moorman, PhD (Boston College) Child Welfare (CW) 6P Configural Frequency Analysis of Psychotropic Medication Use Among Youth in Child Welfare Systems: A Community Perspective Lin Shao, MS, Derek S. Brown, PhD, Lauren Garfield, PhD, Ramesh Raghavan, MD, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 104 7P School Readiness in the Context of Early Childhood Education and Care Among Young Children of Asian and Hispanic Immigrant Mothers RaeHyuck Lee, MSW (Columbia University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ) 8P Adding to the Evidence Base of Gender-Specific Community Re-Entry Programming Natasha S. Mendoza, PhD (Arizona State University), Andrea N. Cimino, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington), Thomas Gregoire, PhD (Ohio State University) 9P Recruiting Participants With Severe Mental Illness in a Jail Setting: A Feasibility Study Mike Gearhart, MSSA, Amy Blank Wilson, PhD, Karen J. Ishler, MA, Kathleen Farkas, PhD, Melinda Ashe, BA (Case Western Reserve University) Gender (G) 10P Predictors of Female Sterilization in Bihar Vithya Murugan, MSW, Shanta Pandey, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Health and Disability (H&D) 11P Community Inclusion for People With Developmental Disabilities: Measuring An Elusive Construct Susan Neely-Barnes, PhD, Robin Lennon-Dearing, PhD (University of Memphis) 12P An Exploration On Attitudes and Beliefs of School Staff On Physical Restraint Use Amy Thomas, MSW (State University of New York at Buffalo), Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD (University at Buffalo), Vicki Knapp, PhD, Rebecca Tedesco, LMSW (Summit Educational Resources) 13P Exploring Mothers’ Initial Discovery Experiences of Developmental Delay Or Disability in Their Young Children Elionora W. Silbersack, MSW (Adelphi University) International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI) 14P Cultural Comparability in Measuring Religiosity Between Older Americans and Older Koreans Jooyoung Kong, MSW, Thanh V. Tran, PhD (Boston College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 105 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Mental Health (MH) 15P Characteristics Associated With Binge Eating in Children: A Systematic Review Jaclyn A. Saltzman, BA, Janet Liechty, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 16P Perceptions of Autism Diagnosis, Causes, and Expectations for Children Among Latino and White Families Kristina Lopez, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Sandra Magaña, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Fernanda Cross, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Rebecca Paradiso, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Lauren Piper, BA (Illinois Institute of Technology) 17P Therapist Characteristics’ Effect On Attrition Lynn Squicciarini, MSW, LCSW, Melanie Otis, PhD (University of Kentucky) 18P Posttraumatic Stress, Depression, Dissociation, and Hypercortisolemia in Pregnancy: A Cohort Study Mickey S. Sperlich, MSW (Wayne State University), Julia S. Seng, PhD, Anthony King, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Organizations, Management, and Communities (OM&C) 19P Safe Schools Coalitions in the South: Organizational Case Studies Sarah R. Young, MSW, David E. Pollio, PhD (University of Alabama), Christopher Rapisarda, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Poverty and Social Policy (P&SP) 20P Effects of Housing On Health and Wellbeing in HIV Positive Women Robin Lennon-Dearing, PhD, Elena Delavega, PhD, MSW (University of Memphis) 21P Family Savings and Happiness in China: Evidence From the World Value Survey Luxiaofei Li, MA, Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University) 106 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration (RE&I) 22P Disproportionality and Disparities for Latinos and Native Americans: Predictors of Race/Ethnicity in Decision Points in Public Child Welfare Lawanna Lancaster, PhD (Northwest Nazarene University), Rowena Fong, EdD (University of Texas at Austin) 23P Latina Youth Suicide: Understanding Why? Erika Ruiz, MSSW, Marcella Tanya Smith, MSW, Regina T. P. Aguirre, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) Research Design and Measurement (RD&M) 24P Parenting Skills Training for Caregivers of Behaviorally Disordered Children in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Athena R. Kolbe, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Almathe Jean, BSW Student (Enstiti Travay Sosyal ak Syans Sosyal/ Institute of Social Work & Social Science) 25P Validating the Perceptions of Child Welfare Workforce Scale Charles Auerbach, PhD, Wendy Zeitlin Schudrich, PhD (Yeshiva University), Astraea Augsberger, PhD (Boston University), Brenda G. McGowan, PhD (Fordham University), Nancy Claiborne, PhD, Catherine K. Lawrence, PhD, CSW (State University of New York at Albany) Research on Social Work Education (RSWE) 26P Enhancing Practice Skills: The Benefits of Professional Development Trainings Jeannine M. Rowe, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater), Kayla Dunning (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Yiyoon Chung, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) 27P Predicting the Impact of Savings On Educational Outcomes Jaehyun Nam, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB) 28P Typologies of Alcohol Use in Korean Men and Women Hyunyong Park, MSSW (Case Western Reserve University), Jina Jun, PhD (Korean Institute of Health and Social Affairs), Sunju Sohn, PhD (Cheongju University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 107 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm 29P Gender Differences in a Social Stress Model Predicting Relapse to Substance Use Elizabeth A. Wahler, PhD, Cristy E. Cummings (Indiana University) 30P The Influence of Formal and Informal Concrete Support On Discharge Disposition Among Women in Substance Abuse Treatment Min Kyoung Jun, MSSA, Elizabeth M. Tracy, PhD, Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Hyunyong Park, MSSW (Case Western Reserve University) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS II Addictive Behaviors and HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Substance Misuse Moderators: Audrey L. Begun, PhD (Ohio State University), Alexis Kuerbis, PhD (Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc), Lisa K. Berger, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Asset Building and Financial HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Capability Research Group Moderators: Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Christine Callahan, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Child Welfare Research HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Interest Group Moderators: Alberta J. Ellett, PhD (University of Georgia), Cheryl Springer, PhD, LICSW (Salem State College) Community Level Intervention HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Research Moderator: Mary Ohmer, PhD (Georgia State University) 108 Criminality and Delinquency HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Moderators: Solveig Spjeldnes, PhD (Ohio University), Susan McCarter, PhD (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Disability HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Elizabeth Lightfoot, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities), John C. Bricout, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) Editorial Board, Journal of HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Sociology & Social Welfare Moderator: Robert Leighninger, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) End-of-Life HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Moderator: Ellen L. Csikai, PhD (University of Alabama) Environmental and Global HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Social Work Moderators: Lawrence A. Palinkas, PhD (University of Southern California), Susan P. Kemp, PhD (University of Washington), Jerry Floersch, PhD (Rutgers University), Kristen Wagner, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) Health MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Disparities Moderators: Karen D. Lincoln, PhD (University of Southern California), Michael Lindsey, PhD, MSW, MPH (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Human Rights & MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C, 2nd Floor Elevator Social Work Level BR Moderators: Jane McPherson, MSW, MPH, LCSW (Florida State University), David K. Androff, PhD (Arizona State University) Human-Animal Interaction HBGCC, Room 008B River Level and Social Work Moderator: Janet Hoy, PhD (University of Toledo) International MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D Social Work 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Sara Kahn, PhD (Artemis Collaborative) Researching MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR China Moderator: Julian Chow, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) sswr | san antonio | 2014 109 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 12:00pm - 2:15pm School Social MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Work and Research 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Natasha Bowen, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Sexuality MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 Development and Well-Being Moderator: Laina Y. Bay-Cheng, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo) Social Entrepreneurship HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Moderator: Andrew J. Germak, MBA, MSW (Rutgers University) Work, Family and Social Policy HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Moderators: Anna Haley-Lock, PhD (University of WisconsinMadison), Jing Guo (University of Hawaii) 1:00 pm - 1:15 pm Break 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm 80 110 AARON ROSEN LECTURE MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C “Translating Research to Practice: 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Social Workers as Leaders in Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century” Lena M. Lundgren, PhD (Boston University) An estimated 23 million individuals in the U.S. meet criteria for a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence. However, only about 4 million people enter care each year (McCarty, McConnell & Schmidt, 2009; SAMHSA, 2008). The Institute of Medicine (2001, 2006), NIAAA, NIDA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration all report on the urgent need for health professionals, to be trained in empirically-supported alcohol and other drugs (AOD) identification and treatment methods (Broderick, 2007; Martino, 2010; McCarty, Edmundson & Hartnett, 2006; Warren & Hewitt, 2010). Yet, the shortage of clinical staff workers who are sufficiently trained in these methods is a significant problem (Lundgren et al., 2011; Martino, 2010; McCarty, Edmundson & Hartnett, 2006; McCarty et al., 2007; Warren & Hewitt, 2010). This lecture will discuss the critical importance of social work researchers to become leaders in the addiction health services research field and translate their knowledge to practice. sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:15pm - 4:15pm 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm Break 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm 81 INVITED SYMPOSIUM II MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Science in Social Work 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Doctoral Education Moderator: James Lubben, DSW, MPH (Boston College) Presenters: Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), John S. Brekke, PhD, Michàlle E. Mor Barak, PhD (University of Southern California) Today’s doctoral students are tomorrow’s faculty and scholars. Thus social work doctoral education is central to cultivating rigorous science in social work. During the summer of 2013 an invited roundtable examined special challenges facing social work doctoral education. Participants developed working papers on a series of challenges to nurturing social work doctoral students as future scientists. Two of those papers are the basis of this invited symposium. In the first paper, Dr. Dunkle and Dr. Grogan-Kaylor examine promises and perils of Big Data for building the science of social work. Their presentation will particularly examine challenges to social work doctoral education to train scholars adept at exploiting the potential for new knowledge presented by massive data accumulation. The second paper examines identity formation and transformation in social work doctoral education. In particular, Dr. Mor-Barak and Dr. Brekke detail processes by which social work doctoral students come to self-identify as scientists. This new identity may be in addition to or in place of other self-identities the doctoral student may have previously owned including that of social work practitioner. Both papers address important facets of cultivating the next generation of faculty and scholars for social work. SYMPOSIA 82 [CW] Emerging Adults in Child HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Welfare: Evidence From Illinois Organizer: Clark M. Peters, PhD, JD, MSW (University of Missouri-Columbia) sswr | san antonio | 2014 111 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Time to Exit From Care During the Transition to Adulthood: Who Stays and Who Leaves? Judy Havlicek, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Clark M. Peters, PhD, JD, MSW (University of Missouri-Columbia) The Effects of Multiple Professional Relationship Disruptions On Young People Nearing Emancipation From Foster Care: A MultiPerspective Qualitative Study Ashley Curry, LCSW (University of Chicago) Re-Entering Foster Care As An Adult: Examining Recent Legislation and Population Characteristics Clark M. Peters, PhD, JD, MSW (University of Missouri-Columbia), Judy Havlicek, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Betty Hope, MSW (Illinois Department of Children and Family Services) 83 [G] Father Engagement: Enhancing HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Methodological and Practice Strategies Organizer: Pajarita Charles, PhD (University of Chicago) Discussant: Aaron Banman, MSW (University of Chicago) Disagreement in Mother-Father Reports of Father Involvement in Low-Income Minority Families Pajarita Charles, PhD, Deborah Gorman-Smith, PhD, Michael Schoeny, PhD (University of Chicago), David Henry, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) Testing Gender Applicability: Measuring Fathering Behaviors With Both Male and Female Respondents Mark Trahan, LCSW, Monit Cheung, PhD (University of Houston) Examining Young Men’s Experiences With Medical Services At and Around the Birth of Their First Child Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD (University of Chicago) Administrator Perspectives On Program Enhancements to Increase Father Involvement in Early Childhood Home Visitation Stephen Edward McMillin, PhD, AM (MSW) (Saint Louis University) 84 [P&SP] Holding On to the House: HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level The Role of Social and Financial Interventions in Promoting and Preserving Low-Income Homeownership Organizer: Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 112 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Evaluating the Social Benefits and Costs of An Enhanced SelfSufficiency Program to Promote Low-Income Home Ownership Anna M. Santiago, PhD (Case Western Reserve University), George C. Galster, PhD (Wayne State University) Broken Homes, Broken Dreams: Families in (and out of) Foreclosure David Rothstein (Policy Matters Ohio), Cyleste C. Collins, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) The Effect of Individual Development Accounts On Home Maintenance and Housing-Price Appreciation: Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD, Michael Sherraden, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Clinton Key, MA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Serious Delinquency and Strategic Default Among Low-Income Urban Homeowners Sarah Riley, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 85 [RD&M] Developing and Validating HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Measures for Social Work Research and Practice Organizer: Neil Abell, PhD (Florida State University) Development and Validation of the Mental Health Provider Stigma Inventory Stephanie C. Kennedy, MSW (Florida State University) Development and Validation of the Sex-Positivity Scale Jill Gromer, MSW (Florida State University) Development and Validation of The Employability Scale: An Employment Measure for People With Mental Illness Rebekah J. Nelson, MSW (Florida State University) Development of the Credibility of Claim and Credibility of Victim Scales: Assessing Law Enforcement Officers’ Determination of Rape Claim Credibility Annelise Mennicke, MSW (Florida State University) Development and Initial Validation of the Cyber Bullying Behavior Scale (CBBS) Jungup Lee, MSW (Florida State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 113 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm WORKSHOPS 86 [MH] Coding for Social Change: HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Methodological Approaches and Coding in Qualitative Research for Researchers and Advocates T. Marie Maschi, PhD (Fordham University), Wendy Myers White, BSW (Georgia State University), Sharon Bowland, PhD (University of Louisville) HBGCC, Room 002B River Level 87 [RD&M] Innovative Strategies for Successful Recruitment and Retention of Vulnerable Populations in Community-Based Intervention Research: Examples From a Multi-Year Project With Court and CPS-Involved Partner Violence Survivors and Their Children Cynthia Fraga Rizo, MSW, Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, Dania Ermentrout, MSW, MPH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Phillip H. Redmond, JD (The Duke Endowment) ROUNDTABLE 88 [H&D] Why Social Work? Providing MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B a Research-Based Rationale 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR for Social Work Services in the Era of the Affordable Care Act Megan Moore, PhD, Taryn Lindhorst, PhD, Nancy K. Grote, PhD (University of Washington) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 89 [ADOL] Predictors of Youth MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D Substance Use 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Trenette T. Clark, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) WITHDRAWN Not Applicable Substance Abuse, Violence, and HIV Risk Behavior in El Salvador and the United States: Cross-National Profiles of the Sava Syndemic Christopher P. Salas-Wright, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), René Olate, PhD (Ohio State University), Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University) 114 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm The Influence of Opportunity to Use Alcohol, Attitudes, Social and School Skills On Alcohol Use in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Youth Cristina Mogro-Wilson, PhD (University of Connecticut) The Relationship Between Foster Care, Time Homeless, and Recent Methamphetamine Use Among Homeless Former Foster Youth Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, MSW, Eric Rice, PhD, Harmony Rhoades, PhD, Hailey Winetrobe, MPH, CHES (University of Southern California) 90 [CW] Foster Care and Adoption HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Moderator: Fred Wulczyn, PhD (University of Chicago) Finding the Vital Few Foster Mothers Donna J. Cherry, PhD (East Tennessee State University), John G. Orme, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Not All That Glitters: Assessing the Performance of Private Foster Care Providers Fred Wulczyn, PhD (University of Chicago) “Be a Parent...Don’t Just be a Foster Parent:” Nurturing Positive Foster Youth and Caregiver Relationships Heather Storer, MSW, Susan E. Barkan, PhD (University of Washington), Kevin Haggerty, MSW, PhD (Social Development Research Group, University of Washington), Linnea L. Stenhouse, MSW (University of Washington) 91 [C&CJ] Economic Abuse and MR, Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Economic Justice Among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Moderator: Deborah Svoboda, PhD (Eastern Washington University) Impact of An Economic Empowerment Program On the Lives of IPV Survivors Gretchen L. Hoge, MSW, Judy L. Postmus, PhD, Amanda Mathisen Stylianou, MSW, Andrea Hetling, PhD (Rutgers University) Measuring Abusive Behaviors: Is Economic Abuse a Unique Form of Abuse? Amanda Mathisen Stylianou, MSW, Judy L. Postmus, PhD, Sarah McMahon, PhD (Rutgers University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 115 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Measuring Financial Strain in the Lives of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Gretchen L. Hoge, MSW, Amanda Mathisen Stylianou, MSW, Andrea Hetling, PhD, Judy L. Postmus, PhD (Rutgers University) Promotion of Economic Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Case Study Deborah Svoboda, PhD (Eastern Washington University) 92 [C&CJ] The Utilization of HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Existing Services by Female Survivors of Violence Moderator: Yasoda Sharma, PhD (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania) Creating Trust Among The Distrustful: A Phenomenological Examination Of Supportive Services For Former Sex Workers Kathleen Murray Preble, LMSW (University of Texas at Arlington) Effect of Social Support On Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) After the Dagnosis of Womens’ HIV/AIDS Status Yasoda Sharma, PhD (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania), Vijayan Pillai, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) The Utilization of Protection Orders By Survivors in Shelter Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD, Alesha Durfee, PhD, Meredith Bagwell, MSW (Arizona State University) 93 [H&D] Social Determinants and HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Disparities in Health Moderator: Melissa L. Martinson, PhD (University of Washington) Delayed Medical and Mental Health Care Disparities Among Adults: Evidence From the Integrated Health Interview Series, 2000 to 2011 Anne-Marie Gomes, MPH, MSW, Allison Houston, MS, CPH (State University of New York at Albany) Racial Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Fengyan Tang, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) 116 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Social Determinants of Health and Policy Priorities: Findings From Oregon Statewide Policy Delphi Survey Emily Wang, MPH (Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion), Junghee Lee, PhD (Portland State University), Rachel Gilmer, MPH (Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion), Brandy L. Ethridge, PhD (Independent Researcher), Margaret Sarna, BA (Portland State University), Liz Baxter, MPH (We Can Do Better), Sandra Hernandes, PhD (THE-TREE Institute) Socioeconomic Disparities in Infant Health: An International Comparison Melissa L. Martinson, PhD (University of Washington) 94 [ISW&GI] Violence in an Unstable World HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Moderator: Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH (Bryn Mawr College) Childhood Maltreatment, Internalizing Behavior, and Delinquency Among Korean Youth: The Buffering Effect of Perceived Neighborhood Collective Efficacy Shelby McDonald, MSW, Julie Anne Laser, PhD (University of Denver) Interventions With Children Engaged in Armed Conflict: A Global Systematic Review Jordan Farrar, MSW, Yolanda T. Anyon, PhD (University of Denver) Understanding Overlapping Forms of Violence Within International Social Work: Unique Effects of Political and Domestic Violence Among Women in Palestine Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH (Bryn Mawr College), Palestinian Medical Relief Society (Palestinian Medical Relief Society) Violence Against Youth With Disabilities in Vietnam and Its Relationship to Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm Behaviors Kristin Berg, AM, Cheng Shi Shiu, MSW (University of Chicago), Huong Nguyen, PhD (University of South Carolina) 95 [MH] Mental Health in International HBGCC, Room 001A River Level and Refugee Populations Moderator: Lin Fang, PhD (University of Toronto) sswr | san antonio | 2014 117 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm An Examination of Trauma Symptoms Among Children and Adolescents From Two Red-Light Areas in Mumbai, India Shraddha Prabhu, MSW, Catherine N. Dulmus, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo), Tom Nochajski, PHD (University at Buffalo (The State University of New York)), Eugene Maguin, PHD (State University of New York at Buffalo) Cumulative and Interaction Effects of Risk Factors On Depressed Mood Among Adolescents in Taiwan Yu-Te Huang, MSW, Lin Fang, PhD (University of Toronto) Depression and Access to Mental Health Services Among Injection Drug Users and Their Intimate Partners in Almaty, Kazakhstan Stacey A. Shaw, MSW, Nabila El-Bassel, DSW, Louisa Gilbert, PhD (Columbia University), Assel Terlikbayeva (Global Health Research Center of Central Asia), Timothy Hunt, MSW (Columbia University), Sholpan Primbetova (Global Health Research Center of Central Asia), Mingway Chang, MA, Xin Ma, MS (Columbia University) Service Delivery and Outcomes of A Culturally Responsive Mental Health Intensive Case Management Program for Three Refugee Communities Lin Fang, PhD, Kristina Nikolova, MSW (University of Toronto), Frank Sirotich, PhD (Canadian Mental Health Association - Toronto Branch) 96 [OM&C] Access and Barriers MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR to Effective Substance Abuse Treatment and Resources Moderator: Joanne L. Sobeck, PhD (Wayne State University) Access to Integrated Care in Substance Abuse Treatment: Travel Distance From Low Income and Diverse Communities Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California), Dennis Kao, PhD (University of Houston) Bradshaw’s Taxonomy: Comparing Definitions and Measures of Need As a Basis for Equitable Voices and Distribution of Resources for Substance Use Disorders Joanne L. Sobeck, PhD, Elizabeth Agius, MA (Wayne State University) Exploring the Role of Public Insurance and Cultural Competence in Enhancing Treatment Access and Retention Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California) 118 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Role of Federal Funding and Barriers in Implementation of EvidenceBased Practices for Substance Abuse Treatment Ivy Krull, MSW, MPH, Lena M. Lundgren, PhD (Boston University) 97 [P&SP] How Place, Neighborhood, MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 and Community Matter Moderator: Susan P. Robbins, PhD (University of Houston) Navigating Uncertainty: A Grounded Theory of Public Transportation Dependence Susan P. Robbins, PhD, Saralyn McIver, PhD (University of Houston) Neighborhood Collective Efficacy and Externalizing Childhood Problem Behaviors Louis Donnelly, MSW (Rutgers University), Wade Jacobsen, MS (Princeton University) Place Matters: Mapping Community Loss As a New Social Indicator Mimi Abramovitz, DSW, Jochen Albrecht, PhD (Hunter College) “It’s Like They’re Tearing Down Your Memories”: Resident Perceptions of Property Vacancy and Blight and Its Implications for Community Practice Samantha Teixeira, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) 98 [RE&I] Health Service Needs MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Utilization by Race Moderator: Rowena Fong, EdD (University of Texas at Austin) Chronic Disease Prevalence and Unmet Care Needs Among Elderly Immigrants: Population Estimates From the Pooled 2002-2008 National Health Interview Survey Data Younsook Yeo, PhD (Saint Cloud State University) Medicare Part D Coverage Gap and Restrictions: Race, Gender, and Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence Louanne Bakk, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo) Racial and Ethnic Differences in Medication Adherence and Medicare Part D: A Longitudinal Comparison Louanne Bakk, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo) sswr | san antonio | 2014 119 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:30pm Underutilization of Medicaid Services in African American Families Rowena Fong, EdD, James Schwab, PhD, Patricia A. Cody, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Ratonia Runnels, PhD (Baylor University), Joyce James, LMSW-AP (Health and Human Services Commission) 99 [RD&M] Culturally-Pertinent Research HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Moderator: Stephen S. Kulis, PhD (Arizona State University) Examining the Long-Term Effects of a Culturally-Specific Mexican American Parenting Intervention On the Substance Use Behaviors of Their Adolescent Children Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, Stephanie Ayers, PhD, Danielle Robbins, PhD (Arizona State University) Increasing Parental Self-Efficacy and Parenting Practices in Urban American Indian Parents: Pilot Results From a Culturally Tailored Parenting Curriculum Stephen S. Kulis, PhD, Stephanie Ayers, PhD, Nicholet A. Deschine, MSW, Tahnee Baker, MSW (Arizona State University) The Efficacy of Familias: Preparando La Nueva Generación in Strengthening Parenting and Communication of Mexican Heritage Families in the Southwest US Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, Lela Rankin Williams, PhD, Stephanie Ayers, PhD, Jaime Booth (Arizona State University) The Long and Short Term Effects On Substance Use Behaviors of Keepin’ It REAL Adapted for Mexico Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, Stephen S. Kulis, PhD (Arizona State University), Bertha L. Nuño-Gutiérrez, PhD (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), Jaime Booth, Stephanie Ayers, PhD (Arizona State University) 4:15 pm - 4:30 pm Break 120 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 4:30pm - 7:45pm 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm 100 Presidential Plenary MR, Alamo Ballroom C & D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Awards Presentation Moderators: Jeanne Marsh, PhD (University of Chicago), Wynne Korr, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Karen Lincoln, PhD (University of Southern California), Lela Rankin Williams, PhD (Arizona State University) “Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis Practices that Usually Reproduce the Results of Randomized Experiments” Featured Presidential Plenary Speaker: Thomas Cook, PhD (Northwestern University) 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm 101 President’s Reception HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level INFORMATION ON POSTER DISPLAY AND PRESENTATIONS New for this year there are four poster presentation sessions: two mid-day sessions and two early-evening sessions. The mid-day sessions are Friday, January 17, 2014 and Saturday, January 18, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The early-evening sessions are Friday, 6:00pm-7:45pm and Saturday, 6:15pm-8:00pm. Mid-day poster presenters may display their posters starting at 10:30am; early-evening poster presenters may display their posters starting at 2:00pm. Conference attendees may view posters during any of these times; however, presenting authors are only expected to be present during the poster presentation sessions. 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm POSTER PRESENTATIONS II HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 102 Poster Presentations II: Adolescent and Youth Development; Aging Services and Gerontology; Child Welfare; Crime and Criminal Justice; Gender; Health and Disability; International Social Work and Global Issues; Mental Health; Organizations, Management, and Communities; Poverty and Social Policy; Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration; Research Design and Measurement; Research on Social Work Education; School Social Work; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity; Social Work Practice; Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors; Work, Family, and Family Policy sswr | san antonio | 2014 121 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL) 31P Racial Differences in Parenting Style Typologies and Heavy Episodic Drinking Trajectories From Adolescence to Young Adulthood Trenette T. Clark, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Chongming Yang (Brigham Young University), F. Joseph McClernon, Bernard Fuemmeler (Duke University) 32P A Prediction Model of Being Bullied Among Adolescents Sung Seek Moon, PhD, Youn Kyoung Kim, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington) 33P Influential Factors On Bullying Among Korean Female Adolescents: A Mediation Model Yi Jin Kim, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington), Jun Kyung Kim, PhD (NamSeoul University), Jang Hyun Lee, PhD (Pyeongtaek University) 34P Suicide Plans and Attempts As Predictors of Carrying Weapons Among Adolescents Aaron C. Willis, AM, MSW (Indiana University) Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G) 35P Differential Aging-in-Place By Person-Environment Fit Bo Rin Kim, MSW, MA, Sojung Park, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 36P Does Helping Children With Babysitting Affect Receiving Support From Adult Children Among Chinese Older Adults-- A Comparison Between Immigrant, Non-Immigrant, and Yo-Yo Families Ling Xu, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington), Iris Chi, DSW (University of Southern California), Man Guo, PhD, Jinyu Liu, MA, MSW (University of Iowa), Weiyu Mao, MPhil (University of Southern California) 37P Elderly Users’ Satisfaction: Informing the Development of Community-Based Social Support Programs in Shanghai Lin Chen, MPhil (University of California, Los Angeles), Minzhi Ye (Bowling Green State University) 122 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm 38P Exploring the Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Women’s Parental Care and Financial Status Yeonjung Lee, PhD (University of Calgary), Fengyan Tang, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) 39P Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Person-Directed Care: Data From Two Samples of Nursing Home Administrators in South Korea Jae-Sung Choi, PhD (Yonsei University), Minhong Lee, PhD (Dong-Eui University), Sangwoo Lee, MSW (Yonsei University) 40P The Experiences of Family Members of Older African American Women With Breast Cancer Throughout the Diagnosis and Treatment Process Ellen L. Csikai, PhD, Shadi Martin, PhD, Crystal Broussard, MSW (University of Alabama) 41P The Long-Term Costs of Caring: How Caring for An Aging Parent Impacts Income and Wealth Over Time Jennifer C. Greenfield, PhD (University of Denver) Child Welfare (CW) 42P Delinquency Filings in a Cohort of Children in Custody: Cuyahoga County Ohio, 1990-2010 Eun Lye Lee, MSW, Claudia Coulton, PhD, Nina Lalich, MSPH (Case Western Reserve University) 43P Evaluating the Efficacy of a Family Drug Court Jody Brook, PhD, Yan Yueqi, MS, Margaret H. Lloyd, MS (University of Kansas) 44P Family Group Decision Making: Measuring Fidelity to Practice Principles in Public Child Welfare Nahri Jung, Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, MSW, Mary Elizabeth Rauktis, PhD (University of Pittsburgh), Joan Pennell, PhD (Norfolk State University) 45P Providing Foster Care for Adolescents: Barriers and Opportunities Jennifer Mullins Geiger, MSW, Megan J. Hayes, MSW, Cynthia Lietz, PhD (Arizona State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 123 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm 46P Using Propensity Score Matching for Estimating the Casual Effect of Parental Substance Abuse On Child Welfare Outcomes Ching-Hsuan Lin, MSW, Sung-wan Kang, MSW, Shinwoo Choi, MSW (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ) 47P Prospering in the Trees: Incarcerated Women Design Private and Restorative Spaces Barb Toews (Bryn Mawr College) 48P Will the Real Nonparticipants Please Stand Up? Exploring the Role of Treatment Contamination Among Nonparticipants Receiving Complementary Prison Programming Nora Wikoff, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) 49P Online and Street-Based Sex Work Exposed: Differences in Perceived of Risk and Stigma Andrea N. Cimino, MSW (University of Texas at Arlington) 50P A Descriptive Study of a Volunteer-Based Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: Implications for Training and Practice Stephen M. Young, MSW, Marianna Colvin, PhD, Jana Aldrich Pruett, MSW (University of Georgia) Gender (G) 51P Examining Best Strategies in Physical Activity Interventions for Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Review Elizabeth L. Budd, MPH (Washington University in Saint Louis) Health and Disability (H&D) 52P WITHDRAWN Not Applicable 53P African American Women’s Perceptions of Diabetes Tess Thompson, MPH, Alexis E. Duncan, Kimberly Kaphingst, ScD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 54P Health-Related Quality of Life Among Youth in Residential Care 124 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm Steven Hoffman, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio), Timothy Nelson, PhD, Katherine Kidwell, Alexandra Trout, PhD, Michael Epstein, PhD (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Ronald W. Thompson, PhD (Father Flanagan’s Boys Home (Boys Town)) 55P Prevention and Social Work: The Case of Newborn Hearing Loss Susan Mason, PhD, Wendy Zeitlin Schudrich, PhD, Charles Auerbach, PhD, Andrew Erdman, PhD (Yeshiva University) 56P Reciprocal Effects of Health and Social Support in Older Adults’ Relationships With Children and Friends Jung-Hwa Ha, PhD (Seoul National University), Sang Kyoung Kahng (Seoul National University, Korea), Namkee G. Choi, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) 57P SSRI Therapy to Manage Depression in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus: A 72 Week Retrospective Study Omar T. Sims, PhD (University of Alabama), Christopher C. Whalen, MD, Larry Nackerud, PhD, Brian Bride, PhD (University of Georgia) 58P The Impact of Trauma Work On General Health Perceptions of Clinical Social Workers: The Mediating Role of Secondary Traumatic Stress Jacquelyn Lee, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Brian Bride, PhD (University of Georgia), Stacey Kolomer, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Shari E. Miller, MSW, PhD (University of Georgia) 59P Understanding Gaps In End Of Life Care With Latinos: Experiences Of Providers Working In A Public Healthcare System Frances Nedjat-Haiem, PhD, LCSW (University of Southern California), Iraida V. Carrion, PhD (University of South Florida), Eunjeong Ko, PhD (San Diego State University), Jung Kwak, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI) 60P The Limits of Participation in a Transitional Democracy Marsela Dauti, MA, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) sswr | san antonio | 2014 125 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm Mental Health (MH) 61P Can a Depression Fotonovela Reduce Stigma Among Latino Adults With Limited English Proficiency? Hans Young Oh, MSW, Leopoldo J. Cabassa, PhD (Columbia University) 62P First Generation College Students: What Do We Know About Their Mental Health? James L. Pease, PhD (VA Eastern Colorado Healthcare System) 63P Profiles of Performance On Transtheoretical Model Markers of Change As Predictors of Behavior Change Among Women Experiencing Depressive Symptomology Shannon K. Johnson, MSW, MPP, Kirk von Sternberg, PhD, Mary M. Velasquez, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) 64P The Effects of Ethnicity and Acculturation Related Variables On the Relationship Between Depression and Perceived Discrimination Among Asian American Youth So-Young Park, James J. Jaccard, PhD (New York University) 65P The Mediating Role of Social Anxiety in the Relationship of Anger and Depression Yoo Jung Kim, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) 66P A Pilot Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial of My Voice: A Electronic Decision Support Intervention for Self-Directed Recovery Treovr Manthey, MSW (University of Kansas) 67P Developing a Framework for Engagement in Group Based Interventions: Interviews With Parents of Children With Autism Robert Hock, PhD, Marissa Yingling, MSW, (University of South Carolina), Anne Kinsman, PhD (Greenville Hospital System) 68P Development and Trial of a Resilience Psychoeducational Group Intervention for Adult Psychiatric Inpatients Alexa Smith-Osborne, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington), Susan Hyde, MSW (Texas Health Springwood Hospital HurstEuless-Bedford) 126 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm 69P Health and Mental Health Service Utilization for Community Corrections-Involved Adults in Rural Oregon Lew Bank, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center), Orion P. Mowbray, PhD (University of Georgia), Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University) 70P Home Visits of Motivational Interviewing and Problem Solving Therapy to Target Perinatal Depression: A Pilot Study McClain Sampson, PhD, Yolanda Villarreal, MSW, Jacquelynn Duron, LCSW (University of Houston) 71P Mental Health Diagnosis and Patterns of Mental Health Care Utilization Among Asian-American Women Who Were Sexually Assaulted Hyeouk Chris Hahm, PhD (Boston University), Benjamin Cook, PhD (Harvard University), Mario Feranil (Boston University), Anne Valentine, MPH (Harvard University) 72P Peer Specialist Integration Into the Mental Healthcare Workforce Wendy L. Brooks, MA, Jillian M. Bellinger, PhD, Stacey StevensManser, PhD, Michele Murphy-Smith, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) 73P Predicting Changes in Mental Health Professionals’ Clinical Practice Behaviors for Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk Sang Jung Lee, MSW, Philip Osteen, PhD, Jodi M. Jacobson, PhD, LCSW-C (University of Maryland at Baltimore) 74P The Lived Experience of Koreans With Mental Illness Sun Kyung Kang, PhD (Sogang University), Eun Hee Kim, MSW (International NGO Life World) Organizations, Management, and Communities (OM&C) 75P Community As Agency: Community Partner Experiences With Service Learning Paula Gerstenblatt, PhD, Diane Rhodes, MA (University of Texas at Austin) 76P WITHDRAWN Not Applicable sswr | san antonio | 2014 127 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm Poverty and Social Policy (P&SP) 77P Document Analysis of Screening for Domestic Violence Among Welfare Recipients Soonok An, Doctoral Candidate (University of Georgia) 78P Factors Associated With Paternity Establishment in NonMarried Couples Yookyong Lee, PhD, Jay Fagan, PhD (Temple University) Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration (RE&I) 79P Alcohol Use Among Latina/o Early Adolescents: Exploring the Role of the Family Javier F. Boyas, PhD (Miami University of Ohio), Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, Danielle Robbins, PhD (Arizona State University) 80P An Examination of Parenting Practices in Asian-American Men With Criminal Justice Involvement Constance G. Kim-Gervey, PhD, Junghee Lee, PhD (Portland State University), Lew Bank, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center) 81P Moderated Linguistic Acculturation On Economic and Occupational Stress Among People of Mexican Descent Adrian Archuleta, PhD (University of Louisville) 82P Approaches to Social Justice Activism - Segregation, Integration and the National Conference of Social Work 1937 Conference Charles Senteio, MBA (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Research Design and Measurement (RD&M) 83P Determining Measurement Invariance in Social Work Research Frank Dillon, PhD (Florida International University) 84P Do Social Work Values Transcend Culture? : Comparison of Korean and U.S. Social Workers Yongseok Kim, PhD (Catholic University of Korea), Junghee Lee, PhD, William Donlan, PhD (Portland State University) 128 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm 85P Practical Opportunities for Health Behaviors in Latinos Using the Capability Approach Inez I. Cruz, LMSW (University of Iowa), Robert L. Ferrer, MD, MPH (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) 86P Social Worker Attitudes About Technology Jaclyn M. Williams, MSW (Florida State University) Research on Social Work Education (RSWE) 87P A Scoping Review of Doctoral Scholarship in Canada: Implications for the Discipline Lucyna M. Lach, PhD, David W. Rothwell, PhD, Anne Blumenthal, BSW (McGill University) 88P Retention of Research Knowledge: A Preliminary Comparison of Advanced Standing and Traditional MSW Students Jennifer L.K. Charles, MSW, Nathan H. Perkins, MSW, MS, Christopher J. Ward, MSW, Melissa L. Abell, PhD, Mary Secret, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) 89P Estimating Dosage Effects: Applying Generalized Propensity Score Methods in Social Work Research Jilan Li, PhD (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Mark W. Fraser, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) School Social Work (SSW) 90P The School Staffing Experience: Mothers’ Perceptions of Social Work Helpgiving Practices Kristina S. Lind, PhD (Plymouth State University, Plymouth New Hampshire) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI) 91P Margins Upon Margins: Racial and Sexual Stigma Management Among Gay Asian Men Scott Edward Rutledge, PhD (Temple University), Chong-suk Han, PhD (Middlebury College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 129 Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm Social Work Practice (SWP) 92P The Relationship Between Discrimination and Depression: Among Mexican, Mexican American, and Chicano Respondents of the National Epidemiologic Survey On Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) Lucinda Nevarez, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio), Luis R. Torres, PhD (University of Houston) Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB) 93P A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test in a National Sample of Caregivers Involved With Child Protective Services Kristen D. Seay, MSW, Megan Feely, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) 94P Community Influences On Heroin Injecting Older Mexican Americans Steven Applewhite, PhD, Luis R. Torres, PhD, Dennis Kao, PhD (University of Houston), Ashleigh Scinta, MSW (University of California, Los Angeles) 95P Individual and Neighborhood Influences On Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence Hyun-Jin Jun, MSW, Paul Sacco, PhD, LCSW, Charlotte Lyn Bright, PhD, MSW (University of Maryland at Baltimore) 96P Men and Women From the Stride Clinical Trial: An Assessment of Stimulant Use Severity At Residential Treatment Entry Karen G. Chartier, PhD, MSW (University of Texas School of Public Health), Katherine Sanchez, PhD, MSSW (University of Texas at Arlington), Therese K. Killeen, PhD (Medical University of South Carolina), Thomas J. Carmody, PhD, Tracy L. Greer, PhD, Madhukar H. Trivedi, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) 97P Project Choices Preconception Intervention: A Mediation Analysis of the Processes of Change Danielle Parrish, PhD (University of Houston), Kirk von Sternberg, PhD, Yessenia Castro, PhD, Mary M. Velasquez, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) 130 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Friday | January 17, 2014 | 6:00pm - 7:45pm 98P Using Latent Class Growth Analysis to Identify Quality of Life Trajectories Among Women With Substance Use Disorders Hyunyong Park, MSSW, Elizabeth M. Tracy, PhD, Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Min Kyoung Jun, MSSA (Case Western Reserve University) Work, Family, and Family Policy (WF&FP) 99P Interpersonal Work Support and Health: Focus On the Stress-Buffering Hypothesis JaeSeung Kim, MSW (University of Chicago) 100P This Magic Moment: Predictors of Non-Resident Father Involvement in Parenting William J. Schneider, BA (Columbia University) INFORMATION ON POSTER DISPLAY AND PRESENTATIONS New for this year there are four poster presentation sessions: two mid-day sessions and two early-evening sessions. The mid-day sessions are Friday, January 17, 2014 and Saturday, January 18, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The early-evening sessions are Friday, 6:00pm-7:45pm and Saturday, 6:15pm-8:00pm. Mid-day poster presenters may display their posters starting at 10:30am; early-evening poster presenters may display their posters starting at 2:00pm. Conference attendees may view posters during any of these times; however, presenting authors are only expected to be present during the poster presentation sessions. sswr | san antonio | 2014 131 132 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 133 134 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 135 136 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 137 138 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 7:00am - 2:00pm Saturday - January 18, 2014 7:00 am - 8:00 am SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS III Couple and Parenting HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Relationships and Social Work Research Moderator: Pajarita Charles, PhD (University of Chicago) Interdisciplinary Collaboration HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Moderators: Tina Maschi, PhD (Fordham University), George Liebowitz, PhD (University of Vermont) Refugee Studies HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Moderators: Patricia Shannon, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities), Jennifer Simmelink, PhD (Tulane University), Diane B. Mitschke, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) Support for Research HBGCC, Room 001B River Level in Teaching Institutions Moderator: Sarah Taylor, PhD (California State University, Hayward) 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Registration Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 8:00 am - 9:45 am SYMPOSIA 103 [CW] Risks and Consequences HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level of Teenage Childbearing Among Maltreated Female Youth: A Population-Based Examination Organizer: Bryn King, MSW (University of California, Berkeley) Discussant: Jill Duerr Berrick, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) A Population-Based Examination of Maltreatment History Among Adolescent Mothers in California Bryn King, MSW (University of California, Berkeley), Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD, Julie Cederbaum, MSW, MPH, PhD (University of Southern California), Barbara Needell, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) sswr | san antonio | 2014 139 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Incidence and Predictors of Early Childbearing Among Adolescent Girls in Foster Care Bryn King, MSW (University of California, Berkeley), Emily PutnamHornstein, PhD (University of Southern California), Joseph Magruder, PhD, Barbara Needell, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Maternal History of Maltreatment and Infant Birth Weight Julie Cederbaum, MSW, MPH, PhD, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD (University of Southern California), Bryn King, MSW, Barbara Needell, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) The Intergenerational Effects of Abuse and Neglect: Maltreatment Risk Among Young Children of Adolescent Mothers Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD (University of Southern California), Bryn King, MSW (University of California, Berkeley), Julie Cederbaum, MSW, MPH, PhD (University of Southern California), Barbara Needell, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) 104 [H&D] Research for Social Change: HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Addressing Social Structures That Increase HIV/STI Vulnerability Among Latino Men Organizer: E. Roberto Orellana, PhD (Portland State University) Impact of Homelessness On Vulnerability to HIV Among Young Latino MSM: Youth and Provider Perspectives Alida Bouris, PhD, Ryan Heath, AM, Bria Berger (University of Chicago) Impact of Labor/Occupational Factors On HIV/AIDS Among Behaviorally Bisexual Latino Men in New York City Miguel A. Munoz-Laboy, DrPH (Temple University) Impact of Structural Factors On HIV/STI Vulnerability Among Indigenous Men Who Have Sex With Men in Guatemala E. Roberto Orellana, PhD (Portland State University), Jose Yac (Asociacion IDEI) HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level 105 [RE&I] Using Research to Promote Social Change Among Latino Communities Organizer: David Becerra, PhD (Arizona State University) Reducing Teen Dating Violence Among Mexican Heritage Youth: A Mediational Model for Behavioral Change Lela Rankin Williams, PhD (Arizona State University) 140 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Latinas & Law Enforcement: The Impact of Fear of Deportation On Confidence in Law Enforcement and Willingness to Report Violent Crimes Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD, David Becerra, PhD, David K. Androff, PhD (Arizona State University) The Impact of Anti-Immigration Policies On Migrant Dairy Workers David Becerra, PhD (Arizona State University), M. Alex Wagaman, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Louise M. Quijano, PhD, MSW (Colorado State University), Jason T. Castillo, PhD (University of Utah), Lorena Valle, MSW (Arizona State University) Service Needs Among Latino Immigrant Families: Implications for Social Work Practice Cecilia Ayón, PhD (Arizona State University), Maria A. Gurrola, PhD (New Mexico State University) 106 [SSW] School-Based Social Work HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Intervention Research: Improving Outcomes With At-Risk Students Organizer: Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University) Preventing School Disengagement With Secondary Students: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University), Greg Roberts, PhD, Sharon Vaughn, PhD, Anna-Mari Fall, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Effects of Check & Connect On Attendance, Behavior, and Academics: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), Elizabeth Kjellstrand, PhD (Texas State University), Aaron M. Thompson, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia) A School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial: Practice-Based Evidence and the XY-Zone Katherine L. Montgomery, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) A Randomized Trial of the Self-Management Training and Regulation Strategy (STARS): A Selective Support Program for Students With Disruptive Behaviors Aaron M. Thompson, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia) sswr | san antonio | 2014 141 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am WORKSHOPS 107 [MH] The Biomedical Industrial HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Complex As a Barrier to Social Change: What Can We Do? Eileen Gambrill, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), Jeffrey Lacasse, PhD (Florida State University) 108 [RD&M] Establishing Equivalence At MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Different Stages of the Research Process 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Antoinette Farmer, PhD (Rutgers University), G. Lawrence Farmer, PhD (Fordham University) ROUNDTABLES 109 [MH] 110 [RD&M A Roundtable Discussion of MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Resilience and Violence: Definitions, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Measurement, and Data Analytic Strategies of Child Maltreatment, Community Violence Exposure, and Political Violence Research Elizabeth M. Sloan-Power, PhD (Rutgers University-Newark), Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH (Bryn Mawr College), J. Bart Kilka, MSW, Todd I. Herrenkohl, PhD (University of Washington) Roundtable On Qualitative MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Dissertation Research: Learning From Doctoral Student Peers Julia R. Henly, PhD, Gina M. Samuels, PhD, Benjamin Roth, MSW, Alana Gunn, MA, MPP, Melissa Hardesty, MSW, Alfred Pérez, MSW, Vanessa Vorhies, MSSW, Jessica H. Darrow, MSW, Kafi Moragne, MA, Florian Sichling, MSW, Ellen G. Frank-Miller, MA, Cristina Ortiz, MSW (University of Chicago), Stephen Edward McMillin, PhD, AM (MSW) (Saint Louis University), Amanda Michelle Jones, MS, Christine S. Leone, MSW (University of Chicago) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 111 [C&CJ] Childhood Exposure to HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Intimate Partner Violence Moderator: Amy Chanmugam, PhD, LCSW (University of Texas at San Antonio) Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Services for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Amy Chanmugam, PhD, LCSW, Linda E. Benavides, PhD, MSW (University of Texas at San Antonio) 142 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am Lasting Effect of Intimate Partner Violence Exposure During Preschool: Cross-Lagged Analyses of Aggressive Behavior and Prosocial Skills Megan R. Holmes, PhD (Case Western Reserve University), Laura Aisha Voith, MSW, Andrea N. Gromoske, MSW (University of WisconsinMilwaukee) Personal and Environmental Protective Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Latino Adolescents Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW II) Susana Mariscal, MSW, PhD Candidate (University of Kansas) The Effects of Cumulative Childhood Victimization, Intimate Partner Violence, and Homelessness On Adolescent Mothers’ Depression Angie Kennedy, PhD, Deborah Bybee, PhD (Michigan State University), Megan Greeson, PhD (DePaul University) 112 [G] Feminism and Intimate HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Partner Violence Moderator: Betty Jo Barrett, PhD (University of Windsor) Correlates Of Sex Trading Among Women In Intimate Relationships: A Risk Profile Tina Jiwatram, MSW, Nabila El-Bassel, DSW (Columbia University) Still a Feminist Movement? A Quantitative Content Analysis of Mission Statements of State Domestic Violence Coalitions Betty Jo Barrett, PhD (University of Windsor) Towards Collective Agency: Exploring Women’s Empowerment Through Micro-Financing in India Kristin Krenz, MA, University of Texas at Austin (Communities In Schools of San Antonio), Dorie Gilbert, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Gokul S. Mandayam, PhD (University of Southern California) Use of Popular Media and Gender Studies to Educate Young Adults About Intimate Partner Violence Megan Lindsay, MSW, Jonel Thaller, MSW, Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD (Arizona State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 143 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 113 [H&D] Trauma, Disability, and Stress HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Pat Conway, PhD (Essentia Institute of Rural Health) Attention to Disability Issues in Disaster Services Planning: The Importance of Interorganizational Coordination Michael J. Zakour, PhD, HaeJung Kim, PhD (West Virginia University) Level of Perceived Stress Among Patients in Primary Care Settings Pat Conway, PhD (Essentia Institute of Rural Health) Outpatient Social Work Services With Combat-Related Polytrauma Patients David L. Albright, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia), Robert R. Campbell, PhD, JD, MPH (James A. Haley Veterans Hospital), Bruce Thyer, PhD, LCSW (Florida State University) Self-Awareness of Deficits and Realistic Goal-Setting Among Black American Males With Traumatic Brain Injury Monique Pappadis, MEd (University of Houston) 114 [ISW&GI] Developmental Strategies HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Around the World Moderator: Leyla Karimli, PhD (Columbia University) Food Security and the Impact of Climate Change in the Context of Communities in Tajikistan, Central Asia Suhaily B. Mamadraimov, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Impact of Asset Accumulation in Subsidized Child Savings Accounts On AIDS-Orphaned Adolescents’ Psychosocial Functioning in Uganda Leyla Karimli, PhD, Fred M. Ssewamala, PhD (Columbia University) Poor Families Striving to Save for Their Children: Lessons From a Randomized Experimental Design in Uganda Leyla Karimli, PhD, Fred M. Ssewamala, PhD (Columbia University), Torsten B. Neilands, PhD (University of California, San Francisco) Reproductive Health and Social Development in Developing Countries: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis Arati Maleku, MSW, Bonita B. Sharma, MSSW, Vijayan Pillai, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) 144 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 115 [MH] Trauma and Youth HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Moderator: Henrika McCoy, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) Relationships Between Caregiver Violence Exposure, Caregiver Depression, and Youth Behavioral Health Among Homeless Families Mandy McGuire-Schwartz, LCSW, Gary Parker, MSW (New York University), Patricia Kim, BA (Fordham University), Mary McKay, PhD (New York University) The Effects of Gender and Violence Exposure On Trauma Symptoms in Cocaine-Exposed 11-Year-Olds Julia M. Kobulsky, MA, Sonia Minnes, PhD, Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Mark I. Singer, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) Trauma Experiences, Youth Strengths, and Mental Health Needs of Youth Receiving Services in a Public Mental Health System Sarah Accomazzo, MSW, Valerie B. Shapiro, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Using the Maysi-2 to Broaden What We Know About Traumatic Experiences and Juvenile Offenders Henrika McCoy, PhD, Elizabeth A. Bowen, AM (University of Illinois at Chicago) 116 [RE&I] Acculturation and Stress MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Among Populations of Color Moderator: Yong Li, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Acculturation, Family Dynamics and Psychological Well-Being Among Southeast Asian Refugee Children: A Mediation Analysis Yong Li, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Latinos and Banking in the United States: The Effect of Latino Heterogeneity, Country of Origin, and Acculturation On Bank Account Ownership Anthony Molieri, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Relationships Among Stressor, Family Communication Strain, Family Coping, and Mental Health Outcomes in Chinese- and Korean-American Breast Cancer Survivors: the Moderating Effect of Acculturation Min-So Paek, MSW (Case Western Reserve University), Jung-Won Lim, PhD (Kangnam University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 145 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am 117 [RD&M] Community-Based MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Participatory Research 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Nancy P. Kropf, PhD (Georgia State University) Apoyos y Obstáculos: Using Photovoice to Promote Engagement and Activism Among At-Risk Latino Youth Brenda Quintero-Gonzalez, MSW (Kinship Center), Lisa M. Stewart, PhD (California State University, Monterey) Capacity Evaluation Screen – Social Work (CES-SW): Development of a Screening Instrument for Community Based Programs Minhong Lee, PhD (Dong-Eui University), Nancy P. Kropf, PhD (Georgia State University) Childhood Obesity in a Low-Income, Urban Neighborhood: Social Determinants From a Systems Perspective Mary Jo Stahlschmidt, MA, Jill A. Kuhlberg, MSW, Nishesh Chalise, MSW, Peter Hovmand, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Social Workers’ Involvement With the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program Sally A. Hageman, MSW (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Vernon Loke, PhD (Eastern Washington University) 118 [SSW] Assessment and Measurement HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level in School-Age Children and Programs Moderator: Dawn Anderson-Butcher, PhD (Ohio State University) Mapping School Safety: A National Assessment of Anti-Bullying Policies Protecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Youth Ryan Kull, MSW (New York University) School Social Work Effectiveness Evaluation Tool (SWEET) Laura Richard, PhD (University of Southern Mississippi), Judith L. F. Rhodes, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) The Contribution of Child-Routines in a Longitudinal Model Examining Early Parenting Environment and Later Regulatory Development and Learning Readiness of Young Children in LowIncome Families Michaela Zajicek-Farber, MSW PhD, Lynn Milgram Mayer, MSW, PhD, Laura G. Daughtery, PhD (The Catholic University of America) 146 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 9:45am The Development of the Cayci Parent/Caregiver Overall School Perceptions Scale Dawn Anderson-Butcher, PhD (Ohio State University), Anthony Amorose, PhD (Illinois State University), Annahita Ball, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) 119 [SM&AB] Factors and Processes in MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 Substance Use Referral and Treatment Moderator: Cory B. Dennis, PhD (California State University, San Bernardino) Latent Classes of Brief Alcohol Intervention Recipients in Two Level-1 Trauma Centers Gerald Cochran, PhD (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), Craig Field, PhD, MPH (University of Texas at Austin), Raul Caetano, MD, MPH, PhD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center), Carlo DiClemente, PhD (University of Maryland Baltimore County) Modeling Ways to Enhance the Referral-Making Process to TwelveStep Programs Cory B. Dennis, PhD, Thomas Dale Davis, PhD (California State University, San Bernardino) Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Misuse: Clinical Outcomes and Mechanisms Eric L. Garland, PhD, LCSW (Florida State University), Matthew O. Howard, PHD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Using Decision Tree Procedures to Understand Readiness to Change and Treatment Referrals Kathleen Farkas, PhD, Amy Blank Wilson, PhD, Karen J. Ishler, MA, Mike Gearhart, MSSA (Case Western Reserve University) HBGCC, Room 001B River Level 120 [SM&AB] Treatment with Women Experiencing Substance Use Disorders Moderator: Patricia Lee King, PhD (University of Southern California) Impact of Trauma On Personal Networks Among Women in Substance Abuse Treatment: Longitudinal Analyses Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Elizabeth M. Tracy, PhD, Hyunyong Park, MSSW, Min Kyoung Jun, MSSA (Case Western Reserve University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 147 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 8:00am - 11:45am Substance Abuse, Mental Illness, and Trauma Clinical Needs of Pregnant Women in Treatment Patricia Lee King, PhD, Lei Duan, PhD, Hortensia Amaro, PhD (University of Southern California) The Personal Network Interview As Intervention for Women With Substance Dependence Suzanne Brown, PhD (Wayne State University), Elizabeth M. Tracy, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) 9:45 am - 10:00 am Break HBG Convention Center Bridge Hall and MR Alamo Ballroom Foyer 10:00 am - 11:45 am 121 148 INVITED SYMPOSIUM III MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D Invigorating the Social Work 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Research Pipeline: The Importance of Engaging Undergraduate Scholars Moderator: Edwina Uehara, PhD (University of Washington) Presenters: Karen Tabb, PhD, MSW, Maria Pineros, MSW, Heather L. Sears (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) This symposium is a first step in SSWR’s commitment to invigorating the pipeline by highlighting the engagement of undergraduate and MSW students in research. Engaging young scholars in the science of social work is critical to the future of social work research. Research finds that undergraduates who engage in research are more likely to graduate and to be prepared for and gain acceptance to graduate school. Dean Edwina Uehara, SSWR President-elect, will review the context of higher education and federal research priorities that promote early engagement of students in research. Assistant Professor Karen Tabb will draw on her experience doing research as an undergraduate as well as models she saw as a doctoral student at the University of Washington and describe how she is integrating BSW and MSW students in her own lab. Heather Sears, BSW student, will present her research and how she became involved in social work research. Maria Pineros, MSW, and PhD student, will describe her path from undergraduate McNair scholar to doctoral student and highlight her current research. Implications for continued enhancement of the social work research pipeline will be examined. sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am SYMPOSIA 122 [CW] Child Health and the Child HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Welfare System: The Role of Caregivers Organizer: Lucy Bilaver, PhD (Northern Illinois University) The Impact of Type of Foster Care Placement On Utilization of Health Care Paula K. Jaudes, MD (Illinois Department of Children and Family Services), Lucy Bilaver, PhD (Northern Illinois University), Vincent Champagne (Illinois Department of Children and Family Services), Gabriel Weinberger, MPP (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago) Continuities in Health Care Utilization Among Children Placed in Foster Care Sara Feldman, PhD, Amy Dworsky, Fred H. Wulczyn, PhD (University of Chicago) Differences in Health Problems and Health Care Use Between Maltreated Adolescents and a Comparison Population Janet U. Schneiderman, PhD, Sonya Negriff, PhD (University of Southern California), Susan Kools, PhD (University of California, San Francisco), Penelope K. Trickett, PhD (University of Southern California) 123 [H&D] Advancing Research On HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Adverse Childhood Experiences Organizer: Joshua P. Mersky, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health Behaviors and Outcomes: Variation By Race and Income Kristen S. Slack, PhD, Sarah A. Font, MSW (University of WisconsinMadison) Resilience in ACE-Affected Adult Psychological Health: Complex Roles of Protective Resources Sara Green, MSW, Paula S. Nurius, PhD (University of Washington), Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD (University at Buffalo) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Tobacco Use: Exploring the Role of Depression and Anxiety Joshua P. Mersky, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) sswr | san antonio | 2014 149 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), High School Dropout and Crime: Extending the Study of ACE Effects Beyond Health Outcomes and With Mediation Analyses James Dimitri Topitzes, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) 124 [P&SP] Financial Capability Research HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level for Social Change Organizer: Julie Birkenmaier, PhD (Saint Louis University) Increasing Financial Capability of Vulnerable Youth: The My Path Initiative Vernon Loke, PhD (Eastern Washington University) Mother’s Educational Expectations and 529 College Savings Account: Using State-Wide Social Experiment Data Youngmi Kim, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University), Michael Sherraden, PhD, Margaret Clancy, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Gaining Financial Capability Through Credit Building in IDA Programs Julie Birkenmaier, PhD, Jami Curley, PhD (Saint Louis University) 125 [SSW] Systematic Reviews On HBGCC, Room 003B River Level School-Based Social Work Interventions: Synthesizing Evidence to Inform Practice Organizer: Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University) Are After-School Programs Effective? A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis of After-School Programs Kristen E. Peters, MSW, Brandy R. Maynard, PhD, Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University), Christine M. Sarteschi, PhD, LCSW (Chatham University) Psychosocial Interventions for School Refusal Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), Kristen Esposito Brendel, PhD, Jeffrey Bulanda, PhD (Aurora University) Effects of Interventions With Military-Connected Students: A Systematic Review Kristen Esposito Brendel, PhD (Aurora University), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), David L. Albright, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia), Mary Bellomo, MSW (Aurora University) 150 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am WORKSHOPS 126 [OM&C] Analyze Communities With GIS HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Angelica Baltazar, MSW (Esri), Thomas Felke, MSW (Florida Gulf Coast University), Brenda Wolfe, MS (Esri) 127 [RD&M] Using R to Analyze Local MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Global Issues: Implications for Collaboration, Replication, and Dissemination Joseph A. Mienko, MSW (University of Washington), Richard Smith, PhD (Wayne State University), Gregor Passolt, MS (University of Washington) ROUNDTABLE 128 [OM&C] Social Work and Social MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Entrepreneurship: An Opportunity 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR for Synergy Rukshan N. Fernando, PhD (Azusa Pacific University), Andrew J. Germak, MBA, MSW (Rutgers University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 129 [ADOL] Risk and Resilience Among Youth HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Moderator: Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University) An Exploratory Analysis of Acculturation, Neighborhood, and Delinquency Among Children of Southeast Asian Immigrants Christina Tam, MSW (University of California, Los Angeles) Demographic, Psychological, and Social Correlates of Ethnic Identity in Rural Youth Caroline Robertson, MSW, Paul R. Smokowski, PhD, Katie Cotter, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Optimizing Prevention Targets Based On Behavioral Risk in Adolescence Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University), Christopher P. SalasWright, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), Matt DeLisi (Iowa State University) The Impact of Religion On the Mental Health of Black Adolescents Theda Rose, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Sean Joe, PhD, LMSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) sswr | san antonio | 2014 151 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 130 [CW] Promoting Permaneny and HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Reunification Service Delivery Moderator: Amy D’Andrade, PhD (San Jose State University) Exploring Models of Service Delivery in Child Welfare Reunification: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholder Perceptions Amy D’Andrade, PhD (San Jose State University) Formative Evaluation of An Evidence-Based Intervention to Reduce Long-Term Foster Care: Assessing Readiness for Rigorous Impact Evaluation Becci A. Akin, PhD, Tom McDonald, PhD (University of Kansas), Mark F. Testa, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Implementing An Evidence-Based Intervention to Reduce Long-Term Foster Care: Practitioner Perceptions of Key Challenges and Supports Becci A. Akin, PhD, Susana Mariscal, MSW, PhD Candidate (University of Kansas), Linda Bass, PhD (KVC Behavioral Healthcare), Vickie Burgess McArthur, MFT (St. Francis Community Services), Jackie Bhattarai, BA, Kimberly Bruns, MS Ed (University of Kansas) The Effects of Different Approaches to Service Delivery On Reunification and Re-Entry: An Exploratory Study Amy D’Andrade, PhD (San Jose State University) 131 [H&D] HIV Risk Behaviors and Prevention HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Moderator: Colleen M. Fisher, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Adolescent HIV Risk Profiles: What Can We Learn From Within- and Between-Person Patterns Over Time? Colleen M. Fisher, PhD, Michael G. Lee, MSW, Chu-Ting Chung, Bruce A. Center, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Effectivenss of Behavioral HIV Prevention Interventions for African American Youth and Young Adults: A Systematic Review Donald R. Gerke, MSW, Wendy Auslander, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) The Relationship Between Male Partner Gang Involvement and Risk Behaviors Among Their Non-Gang Involved Female Partners Kelly King, MPH (John Hopkins), Dexter Voisin, PhD (University of Chicago) 152 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am Understanding Consistent Condom Use Among Homeless Men Who Have Sex With Women and Who Engage in Multiple Sexual Partnerships: A Path Analysis Hsun-Ta Hsu, MSW, Suzanne Wenzel, PhD (University of Southern California) 132 [MH] Families, Stress, MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 and Mental Health Moderator: Hyunsung Oh, MSW (University of Southern California) Depression and Family Interaction Among Low-Income, Predominantly Hispanic Cancer Patients: A Longitudinal Analysis Hyunsung Oh, MSW, Kathleen Ell, DSW, A.M. Subica, PhD (University of Southern California) Linking Economic Indicators and Abuse With Depression: The Mediating Role of Financial Stress Judy L. Postmus, PhD, Andrea Hetling, PhD, Amanda Mathisen Stylianou, MSW (Rutgers University) 133 [MH] Research on Screening and HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Diagnosis in Mental Health and End-of-Life Care Moderator: Amber L. Bahorik, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) A Method to Analyze Initial CANS Assessments to Identify Profiles of High Need Youth Served Through Family-Based Interventions Katharan Cordell, MPH (University of California, Berkeley), Shannon Dickerson, BS, Melissa Mollard, PhD (Seneca Family of Agencies) Caregiver Evaluation of the Quality of End-of-Life Care (CEQUEL) Scale: The Caregiver’s Perception of Patient Care Near Death Philip C. Higgins, MSSW (Boston College) Interviewer-Perceived Honesty Mediates Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Amber L. Bahorik, MSW, Christina E. Newhill, PhD (University of Pittsburgh), Harold Neighbors, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Larry E. Davis, PhD, Shaun M. Eack, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) Under-Reporting of Drug Use Among Individuals With Schizophrenia: Prevalence and Predictors Amber L. Bahorik, MSW, Christina E. Newhill, PhD, Courtney C. Queen, MSW, Shaun M. Eack, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) sswr | san antonio | 2014 153 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 134 [OM&C] The Influence of Labor Market HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Forces and Occupational Choices on Organizational Functioning Moderator: Dale Fitch, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia) An Empirical Exploration of Organizational Cybernetics in Three Human Service Agencies Dale Fitch, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia) Assessing International Labor Conditions: Using a Formative Simulation for Testing a Methodology Lawrence Root, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Psychological Self-Sufficiency: Balancing Cognitive and NonCognitive Factors in Workforce Development Philip Young P. Hong, PhD, Sangmi Choi, PhD, Whitney Key, MSW, MPH (Loyola University, Chicago) 135 [RE&I] Addressing Health in MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F Communities of Color 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD (University of Toronto) Sanguinity and the Black Body: African American Women, Hysterectomy, and Reproductive Freedom Tina Sacks, PhD (University of Chicago) Seeking to Prevent Immigrant Health Declines: Applying the Cultural Resource Hypothesis to Asian Americans Diana Ray-Letourneau, MSW (University of Southern California) The Embodiment of Precarious Migratory Status: How Latina Women Talk About the Social and Health Impact of “Las Puertas Cerradas” (closed doors) When Seeking Asylum in Canada Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD (University of Toronto) Yappalli: Walking Slowly and Softly to Address Choctaw Health Katie Schultz, MSW, Karina Walters, PhD (University of Washington), Karen Hearod, MSW (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma), Michelle JohnsonJennings, PhD (University of Minnesota-Duluth), Sandra Stroud, BA (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) 154 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am 136 [RE&I] The Immigration Experience HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Among Youth and Adolescents Moderator: Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, PhD (University of Kansas) Navigating and Negotiating Cross-Cultural Experiences and Identities Among Mainland Chinese Immigrant Youth in Canada Lin Fang, PhD, Yu-Te Huang, MSW, Hattie Liu, BA, Grace Zhang (University of Toronto) Reversing Paradoxes in Immigrant Children’s Well-Being? Caregiver Challenges in Meeting Children’s Basic Needs Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, PhD (University of Kansas) The Effect of Immigrant Parent’s Ethnic Bonding On Their Child’s Self-Esteem Nahri Jung (University of Pittsburgh), Minseop Kim (University of Pennsylvania) The Impact of Deportation On Children and Adolescents Development Pilar Horner, PhD (Michigan State University), Jorge Delva, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Ramiro Martinez, Laura Sanders, LMSW (Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights), Priscilla Cortez, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 137 [RSWE] Understanding the Experience MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR of Doctoral and Master’s Students Moderator: Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University) Local to Global: Research On Social Networking Among Social Work/ Health Science Students Neely Mahapatra, PhD, Mona Schatz, DSW (University of Wyoming) Measuring Generalist Practice Skills in Social Work: Instrument Development and Initial Validation I-Hsuan Lin, MBA, Hyemin Son, MA, Cathy King Pike, PhD (Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis) Prevalence and Predictors of Social Work Student Food Insufficiency Bowen McBeath, PhD, Rhenne Miles, MSW, Paul Sorenson, MSW, Cimone Schwoeffermann, MSW, Janet Putnam, MSW (Portland State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 155 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 11:45am The Extent to Which African American Social Work Doctoral Students Value Mentor Relationships: The Impact of Various Mentoring Types, Experiences & Perceptions Kenya C. Jones, MSW (Morgan State University) 138 [SSW] School Social Work Services Moderator: Ann B. List, PhD (University of New Mexico) MR, Bonham2nd Floor Elevator Level BR A State-Wide Examination of Disaster-Exposed Children in a School Setting—Attendance, Academic Performance, and Behavioral Changes After Hurricane Katrina Xian Guan, PhD (Southwestern University), Cassie M. Dinecola, MSW, Judith L. F. Rhodes, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) Association Between School Connectedness and Depression Among Left-Behind Children in Rural China Shuling Gao, PhD (The University of Hong Kong) Estimating the Relationship Between School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Utilization and Youth Development Assets By Race Kelly Whitaker, MPA, Susan Stone, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), Yolanda T. Anyon, PhD (University of Denver) Incorporating Multiple Influences Into the Practice of School Social Work Ann B. List, PhD (University of New Mexico) 139 [SO&GI] Fostering Resilience among HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Moderator: Paul Sterzing, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Bullying Involvement Among Sexual Minority Youth: Social Ecological Correlates of Bully, Victim, and Bully/Victim Roles Paul Sterzing, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Gay Youths: Parental Relationships and HIV Risk Michael LaSala, PhD (Rutgers University), Jason D. P. Bird, PhD (Rutgers University-Newark) Lgbtqq Youth Creating Change: Developing Allies Against Bullying Through Performance and Dialogue Laura Wernick, PhD (Fordham University), Adrienne Dessel, PhD, Alex Kulick, BA, Louis F. Graham, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 156 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 10:00am - 2:00pm “It Gave Me Hope”: Can Online Media Facilitate the Resilience of Sexual Minority Youth? Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW, Lauren McInroy, MSW (University of Toronto) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Exhibits Open HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch On Your Own INFORMATION ON POSTER DISPLAY AND PRESENTATIONS New for this year there are four poster presentation sessions: two mid-day sessions and two early-evening sessions. The mid-day sessions are Friday, January 17, 2014 and Saturday, January 18, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The early-evening sessions are Friday, 6:00pm-7:45pm and Saturday, 6:15pm-8:00pm. Mid-day poster presenters may display their posters starting at 10:30am; early-evening poster presenters may display their posters starting at 2:00pm. Conference attendees may view posters during any of these times; however, presenting authors are only expected to be present during the poster presentation sessions. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm POSTER PRESENTATIONS III 140 HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Poster Presentations III: Adolescent and Youth Development; Aging Services and Gerontology; Child Welfare; Crime and Criminal Justice; Gender; Health and Disability; International Social Work and Global Issues; Mental Health; Organizations, Management, and Communities; Poverty and Social Policy; Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration; Research Design and Measurement; Research on Social Work Education; Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB) Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL) 101P Intimacy With One’s Mother and Its Effects On Peer Delinquency During Adolescence Adam P. James, MSW, Ferol E. Mennen, PhD, Penelope K. Trickett, PhD (University of Southern California) sswr | san antonio | 2014 157 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm 102P Latent Psychosocial Profiles of a State-Based Sample of Serious and Chronic Female Juvenile Offenders Chiquitia Welch-Brewer, PhD (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Amelia Roberts-Lewis, PhD, LCSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G) 103P Beyond burnout: cultural maladaptation places immigrant workers at risk for abusing nursing home residents Yoon Mi Kim, PhD (Kutztown University), Sae Young Hong, PhD (HanZhong University), Hanae Kanno, PhD (Valdosta State University), HaeJung Kim, PhD (West Virginia University) 104P Emotional Factors Among Latinos Facing The End Of Life: Talking About Dying Makes The Illness Worse Frances Nedjat-Haiem, PhD, LCSW (University of Southern California), Iraida V. Carrion, PhD (University of South Florida) 105P Transitioning to Hospice: The Role of Family Communication Cara L. Wallace, MSW, Gail F. Adorno, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) Child Welfare (CW) 106P Patterns and Dimension of Child Maltreatment: A Latent Class Analysis BK Elizabeth Kim, MSW, Karl G. Hill, PhD (University of Washington) 107P Types of Traumas Experienced By Adolescent Girls Involved in Child Welfare: Relationship to Mental Health and Behavioral Problems Wendy Auslander, PhD, April Schutz, MSW, Jennifer M. Threlfall, MSW, Donald R. Gerke, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis), Jerry Dunn, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) 158 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ) 108P Longitudinal Effects of Childhood Sexual/Physical Violence On Subsequent Development of Alcohol Use and Depressive Symptoms of White and African American Women Jina Jun, PhD (Korean Institute of Health and Social Affairs), Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, PhD, LCSW (University of Texas at Austin) 109P Training Needs of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Service Providers McLean D. Pollock, MSW, MPH, Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, Sandra L. Martin, PhD, Kathleen Kenny (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Gender (G) 110P Childhood Sexual/Physical Violence, Alcohol Use, Depressive Symptoms, and Indiscriminant Sexual Behaviors of Young White and African American Women: A Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling Approach Jina Jun, PhD (Korean Institute of Health and Social Affairs), Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, PhD, LCSW (University of Texas at Austin) Health and Disability (H&D) 111P A Comparison of Compliance and Non-Compliance in Breast Cancer Screening Among African American Women Cindy Davis, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) 112P Information Access and Social Support for Adolescent Birth Control Selection and Follow-Up: A Pilot Study Carol M. Lewis, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Diane Rainosek, PNP, RN (People’s Community Clinic) 113P Tobacco Advertising and Marketing, and Adolescent Tobacco Use Mansoo Yu, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia), Brian Primack, MD, PhD (University of Pittsburgh), Ronald Pitner, PhD (University of South Carolina), René Olate, PhD (Ohio State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 159 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI) 114P Latent Class Growth Modeling of Korean Women’s Longitudinal Smoking Patterns Sunju Sohn, PhD (Cheongju University), Jina Jun, PhD (Korean Institute of Health and Social Affairs), Hyunyong Park, MSSW (Case Western Reserve University) Mental Health (MH) 115P Evidence-Based Psychiatric Treatment in a State Hospital: Prevalence of Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Ryan J.P. Louis, MSW (Arizona State University), Jeffrey Lacasse, PhD (Florida State University), Jennifer Spaulding-Givens, PhD (University of North Florida) 116P Florida Self-Directed Care: A Descriptive Study of Participants’ Service Utilization and Outcomes Jennifer Spaulding-Givens, PhD (University of North Florida), Jeffrey Lacasse, PhD (Florida State University) 117P The Impact of Pretreatment Symptoms and Insight On the Therapeutic Congruence During the Treatment of Schizophrenia Shuangzhou Chen, MSW, Christina E. Newhill, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) 118P The Relationship Between Social Cognition and Social Functioning in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, MSW, Nancy J. Minshew, MD, Shaun M. Eack, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) Organizations, Management, and Communities (OM&C) 119P Implementation Climate and Collaborative Learning: Implementing Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in Mental Health Organizations Yiwen Cao, Alicia C. Bunger, MSW, PhD (Ohio State University) 160 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Poverty and Social Policy (P&SP) 120P Examining Racial-Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Poverty Among the Elderly Using a Longitudinal Approach Jin H. Kim, PhD (Northeastern Illinois University) 121P TANF Coverage and Children’s Wellbeing Julia Shu-Huah Wang, MS, MSW (Columbia University) Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration (RE&I) 122P Examining Predictors of Anxiety Across Race in Married and Cohabiting People Tess Thompson, MPH, Darrell Hudson, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 123P Self-Rated Mental Health As a Facilitator of Mental Health Service Use in African Americans Yuri Jang, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Research Design and Measurement (RD&M) 124P A Validation Study of the Revised Personal Safety Decision Scale HaeJung Kim, PhD (West Virginia University), Karen M. Hopkins, PhD (University of Maryland) 125P Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Kyeongmo Kim, MSW, Jungyai Ko (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Research on Social Work Education (RSWE) 126P Celebrating Diversity Vs. Addressing Power Dynamics: Exploring the Effects of University Level Multicultural Pedagogy Amy Westmoreland, MSW, Lorraine Gutierrez, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 127P The Productive Aging Concept and Social Work Students’ Perceptions Toward Older Population: Preliminary Results of Pretest-Posttest Design Junghyun Kim, PhD, Jaewon Lee, MSW (University of Georgia) sswr | san antonio | 2014 161 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB) 128P Child Abuse Victimization, Depression, and Substance Use Among Homeless Women: Application of General Strain Theory Ahyoung Song, MSW, Suzanne Wenzel, PhD (University of Southern California) 129P Heterogeneous Association Between Parent and Adolescent Alcohol Use in One- and Two-Parent Households Ying Wan, Katherine Banister, Kate Hansen, John Lynn, Whig Mullins (Saint Louis University) 130P Living On the Wrong Side of the Law: The Role of Involvement in Criminal Activity in Predicting Adolescent Substance Use Camille R. Quinn, AM, Elizabeth A. Bowen, AM, Henrika McCoy, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS IV Aging Research, Practice, and HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Advocacy Network Moderators: Tina Maschi, PhD (Fordham University), Emily Joy Nicklett, PhD, MSW, Amanda Lehning, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Joan Davitt, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Associate Deans of HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Educational Programs Moderators: Michael Spencer, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Denise Bronson, PhD (Ohio State University), Steve Knapp, PhD (University of Kansas) Caucus of LGBT Faculty and HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Students in Social Work Moderators: James I. Martin, PhD (New York University), Colleen M. Fisher, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Father Related Research HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Moderators: Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD (University of Chicago), Tova B. Neugut, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 162 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm GIS in Social Work Research HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Moderators: Raymond Sanchez Mayers, PhD (Rutgers University), Bridget Freisthler, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) Implementation Science: HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Advancing Social Work Practice Moderators: Elisa V. Borah, PhD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio), Byron J. Powell, MA (Washington University in Saint Louis) Management and Organizations HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Research Moderators: Jennifer Mosley, PhD (University of Chicago), Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California), Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University), Karen M. Hopkins, PhD (University of Maryland) Maternal and Infant Mental Health HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Moderators: Sarah Kye Price, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Promoting Undergraduate Research HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Moderator: Wynne Korr, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Psychiatric Medications HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Moderators: Shannon Hughes, PhD (Colorado State University), Jeffrey Lacasse, PhD (Florida State University) Qualitative MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Methods Moderator: Laura S. Abrams, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) Research Initiatives MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR in Military Social Work Moderator: Anthony Hassan, EdD (University of Southern California) sswr | san antonio | 2014 163 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 12:00pm - 2:15pm Social Work and Research with HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Muslims Moderators: Altaf Husain, PhD (Howard University), M. Taqi Tirmazi, PhD (Morgan State University), Soleman H. Abu-Bader, PhD (Howard University) Stigma MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D Research Group 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderators: David Kondrat, PhD (University of South Florida), Layne K. Stromwall, PhD (Arizona State University) Strategies for Engaging MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F Highly Stressed Families 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Marshia Allen-Auguston, MEd (Texas Health Resource Presbyterian Hospital of Plano) System Science MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Interest Group Elevator Level P2 Moderator: Fred Wulczyn, PhD (University of Chicago) Systematic Review MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Special Interest Group 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderators: Aron Shlonsky, PhD (University of Toronto), Julia H. Littell, PhD (Bryn Mawr College), Joanne Yaffe, PhD (University of Utah), David L. Albright, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University) Violence Against Women HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level and Children Moderators: Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD (Arizona State University), Arlene Weisz, PhD (Wayne State University) 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm 141 164 DOCTORAL STUDENT MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D PANEL AND LUNCHEON 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Covering All the Bases: Milestones, Mentoring, and Mental Health Welcome: Theresa J. Early, PhD (Ohio State University) Presenters: Bethany Lee, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Tamika D. Gilreath, PhD (University of Southern California), Sydney Hans, PhD (University of Chicago) sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 1:00pm - 2:15pm Please join us for food and conversation. This year’s doctoral student panel will include a discussion of doctoral program milestones, advisorstudent mentor relationships and how to stay sane in a PhD program. Our first speaker, Tamika D. Gilreath is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Southern California. She received her Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 2007 and completed a NIDA-funded postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine in 2009. Dr. Gilreath studies the patterns of co-occurrence of behavioral health indicators (e.g., substance use, sexual risk, mental health) of vulnerable school-based adolescent populations in the United States and sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, her work contributes to our understanding of the epidemiology and correlates of differential behavioral health outcomes by race, ethnicity and other social identities using latent variable modeling. Our next speaker, Sydney Hans, research focuses on early child development and parenting under conditions of poverty and social risk. She has conducted a variety of studies on how parent substance use and parent mental illness impact children’s development and the relationships between children and parents. She is currently involved in the design and evaluation of an intervention that utilizes community doulas to provide health education and social support for adolescent parents. Our final speaker, Bethany Lee is an Associate Professor and the Associate Dean for Research at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. She completed her PhD at Washington University in St. Louis in 2007. Her research interests include improving the quality of services provided to youth with child welfare involvement and mental health needs. She teaches courses on research and methods to MSW and PhD students. 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm 142 NATIONAL RESEARCH MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVE ROUNDTABLE Grand Challenges for Social Work: Creating and Determining a National Initiative John S. Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Rowena Fong, EdD (University of Texas at Austin), Edwina Uehara, PhD (University of Washington), Richard P. Barth, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Grand Challenges are ambitious yet achievable goals that mobilize the profession, capture the public’s imagination, and require innovation and breakthroughs in science and practice to achieve. The “Grand Challenges for Social Work” initiative (GCSWI), coordinated by the sswr | san antonio | 2014 165 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 1:15pm - 5:30pm American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, has launched. The AASWSW Grand Challenges Executive Committee convened for the first time in May, 2013 to grapple with three key components of the initiative: • How to encourage participation and input in defining “grand challenges for social work” from wide and diverse groups; • How to foster strong collaboration with social work’s organizations, groups, and campuses; and • How to define bold but achievable goals, products, and timelines for the Grand Challenges Initiative. In this session, we will review the history and evolution of (GCSWI) but a significant purpose of the session is to get feedback from the attendees on critical aspects of the GC initiative for social work. 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm Break 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm 143 SPECIAL SESSION MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D Social Work Practice in Light 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR of America’s Changing Demographics Edith G. Arrington, PhD, Tina Burroughs, MSS/MLSP (New Connections/OMG Center), Raphael Travis, DrPH (Texas State University - San Marcos), Adrian Aguilera, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), Henrika McCoy, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Sunny H. Shin, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) The diversity of the racial and ethnic makeup of the United States provides both a rich cultural asset and a complex set of needs. This diversity and the various needs of different groups has important implications for social work practice and research. This panel of grantees and alumni scholars of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Connections program will discuss current social, racial and economic issues that Americans face, the needs presenter from these issues and how the field of social work provides services in light of them. The panelists will also discuss how the New Connections program has impacted their career and research perspective. 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm 166 RWJF New Connections Networking Reception sswr | san antonio | 2014 MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm 144 SPECIAL SESSION HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level The Science of Social Work John S. Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California), Jeanne C. Marsh, PhD (University of Chicago), Katharine Briar-Lawson, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) The purpose of this roundtable is to summarize the growing intellectual foundations of a science of social work, and to review new developments such as defining social work as an integrative scientific discipline and renewing our capacity to consistently review what works in social work practice. Critical discussion of these issues will be featured and plans for future efforts will be addressed. SYMPOSIA 145 [P&SP] Creating a Meaningful Life: HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Examining Mental Health Recovery Among Formerly Homeless Adults Organizer: Deborah K. Padgett, PhD (New York University) Maslow and Mental Health Recovery: A Comparative Study of Homeless Programs for Adults With Serious Mental Illness Benjamin Henwood, PhD (University of Southern California), Katie-Sue Derejko, MPH (New York University) Pursuing Employment: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Participants in a Housing First Program Sharon Osterweil, MPH (Brooklyn College), Ana Stefancic, MSPH (Columbia University) Fighting Boredom and Loneliness: Experiences of Formerly Homeless Individuals With Serious Mental Illness Living in Supportive Housing Emmy L. Tiderington, MSW, Bikki Tran Smith, MA, Katie-Sue Derejko, MPH, Deborah K. Padgett, PhD (New York University) “One Image After Another”: Photographic Portrayals of Recovery Among Formerly Homeless Adults With Serious Mental Illness Deborah K. Padgett, PhD, Bikki Tran Smith, MA, Katie-Sue Derejko, MPH, Emmy L. Tiderington, MSW (New York University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 167 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm 146 [P&SP] Social Network Analysis in HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Social Work Science Organizer: Eric Rice, PhD (University of Southern California) Discussant: Jeremy Gibbs, MSW (University of Southern California) Role of Social Network Structure and Influence On Substance Use Among Homeless Youth Anamika Barman-Adhikari, MSW, Eric Rice, PhD, Robin Petering, MSW (University of Southern California) Venue-Based Network Analysis to Understand Substance Use Among Young Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men Ian W. Holloway, MSW, MPH (University of California, Los Angeles), Eric Rice, PhD (University of Southern California) Social Networks: A Mediator in the Association Between Incarceration and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Women Liat S. Kriegel, MSW, Suzanne Wenzel, PhD (University of Southern California) Community Integration of Individuals With SMI: A Networks Perspective From India and United States Rohini Pahwa, MA, MSW (University of Southern California), B.S. Chavan, MD (Government Medical College and Hospital), Eric Rice, PhD, John S. Brekke, PhD, Anthony Fulginiti, MSW (University of Southern California) Exchange Sex and Network Structure Among Lgbtq Homeless Youth Eric Rice, PhD, Harmony Rhoades, PhD, Hailey Winetrobe, MPH, CHES (University of Southern California) 147 [SO&GI] Social Work Speaks Out: HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Findings From a Survey of North American Lgbtq Social Work Students Organizer: Lori Messinger, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington) Politics and Potential: Using Current Lgbtq Social Work Students to Assess Social Work Education Lori Messinger, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW (University of Toronto), Michael P. Dentato, PhD (Loyola University, Chicago) 168 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Assessing the Implicit Curriculum: Environmental Factors That Impact North American Lgbtq Social Work Student Learning and Perceptions of Support Michael P. Dentato, PhD (Loyola University, Chicago), Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW (University of Toronto), Lori Messinger, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Michael Lloyd, MSW, CADC (Loyola University, Chicago) Capturing the Categories: Critical Factors Influencing Identity and Support for Lgbtq Students in Social Work Programs Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW (University of Toronto), Michael P. Dentato, PhD (Loyola University, Chicago), Lauren McInroy, MSW (University of Toronto), Lori Messinger, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington) “There’s Just a Lack of Awareness”: Transgender Content in North American Social Work Programs Lauren McInroy, MSW, Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW (University of Toronto), Ashley Austin, PhD (Barry University) WORKSHOPS 148 [OM&C] Enhancing the Practice of HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Organizational and Managerial Human Service Scholarship: Translating Theory to Practice Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University), Jennifer Mosley, PhD (University of Chicago), Erick Guerrero, PhD (University of Southern California), Karen M. Hopkins, PhD (University of Maryland), John Tropman (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Michael J. Austin, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) 149 [RD&M] Issues and Best MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Practices in Multiple Group 2nd Floor Elevator Analysis With Ordinal-Level Data in Mplus Level BR Kristina C. Webber, MSW, Rainier Masa, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) sswr | san antonio | 2014 169 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm ROUNDTABLE 150 [ADOL] Recent Trends in Adolescent MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Development Impacting 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Research With Mexican American Youth: How Can We Catch Up? Elizabeth K. Anthony, PhD, Lela Rankin Williams, PhD, Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD (Arizona State University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 151 [ADOL] Risk and Resilience Among HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Youth of Color Moderator: Heidi L. Adams, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio) Do Parent-Adolescent Discrepancies in Family Functioning Increase the Risk of Hispanic Adolescent HIV Risk Behaviors? David Cordova, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Shi Huang, PhD (University of Miami), Meghan Garvey, MA (Arizona State University), Yannine Estrada, PhD, Guillermo Prado, PhD (University of Miami) Early Alcohol Use Among Hispanic Adolescents in the United States: An Examination of Behavioral Risk and Protective Profiles Christopher P. Salas-Wright, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Lynn Hernandez, PhD (Brown University), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), Leia Y. Saltzman, MSW (Boston College), Michael G. Vaughn, PhD (Saint Louis University) Mexican American Adolescent Couples’ Discrepancies in Acculturation and Machismo: Associations With Observed Negativity While Discussing Relationship Problems Heidi L. Adams, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio), Lela Rankin Williams, PhD (Arizona State University) “I’m Afraid I Won’t Make It to 19”: Prevalence and Correlates of Truncated and Optimistic Future Expectations for African American and Latino Young Men Dana Prince, MPH (University of Washington) 170 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm 152 [CW] Child Welfare MR, Bonham, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Management Issues Moderator: Melinda Gushwa, PhD (Rhode Island College) Agency Climate and Culture: Do Perceptions Vary By Exposure to the Child Welfare System? Sonya J. Leathers, PhD, Errick Christian, MA, Jill E. Spielfogel, MSW (University of Illinois at Chicago) County Spending On Maltreatment Prevention Programs and Individual Risk for Maltreatment Kathryn Maguire-Jack, PhD (Ohio State University) How Can Child Welfare Case Managers Motivate Themselves?: Testing The Direct and Indirect Effects Of Seeking Goal-Related Feedback Mark S. Preston, PhD (Columbia University) Paper Trails and Practice Reform: An Exploration of Street Level Bureaucracy in Child Welfare Melinda Gushwa, PhD (Rhode Island College), Toni Chance, MSW (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 153 [CW] Multi-Cultural Child Welfare Issues HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Moderator: Edward K.L. Chan, PhD (The University of Hong Kong) Child Victimization and Polyvictimization in China: Are They More At-Risk of Family Violence? Edward K.L. Chan, PhD (The University of Hong Kong) Community Context, Race, and Foster Care Placement: A Multi-Level Analysis Ian Jantz, MSW (University of Illinois at Chicago), Nancy Rolock, AM (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) The Dilemma Of Street Children In CAPE COAST, Ghana Francis Arthur, MSW, Leticia Villarreal Sosa, PhD (Dominican University) The Relationship Between Parent Immigration Status and Concrete Support Service Use Among Latinos in Child Welfare: Findings Using the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAWII) Megan A. Finno-Velasquez, MSW (University of Southern California) sswr | san antonio | 2014 171 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm 154 [C&CJ] Examining Appoaches to HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Prevent Offending Moderator: Kathi R. Trawver, PhD (University of Alaska, Anchorage) Differential Effects of Motivational Parent Management Training (MPMT) On the Parenting Practices of a Community Corrections Sample Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, MTS, MSW, MS, ABD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Lew Bank, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center), Shawna J. Lee, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Examinig the Relationship Between Probation Officers and Probationers With Serious Mental Illnesses in Specialized and Standard Programs Matthew Epperson, PhD, Julian Thompson, MA (University of Chicago), Soyeon Kim, Arthur J. Lurigio, PhD (Loyola University, Chicago) Piloting a Measure of the Mental Health Court Judge-Participant Relationship Kathi R. Trawver, PhD (University of Alaska, Anchorage) Testing a Violence Prevention Program for Women Using a Multistep Research Approach Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak, PhD, Gina Fedock, MSW, Woo Jong Kim, MSW, Deborah Bybee, PhD (Michigan State University) 155 [H&D] HIV, Best Practices and HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Decision-Making Moderator: Tyler M. Arguello, PhD (University of Southern California) Entextualizing Health Disparities: How Best Practices Produce Queer Populations Tyler M. Arguello, PhD (University of Southern California) Predictors of Adolescent Decision Making Regarding HIV Vaccine Trial Participation Kyle A. McGregor, MPP MSW, Mary A. Ott, MD MA (Indiana University), Michelle Lally, MD MSc (Brown University), Gregory D. Zimet, PhD (Indiana University) 172 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm ‘If Anybody Looked, I Was Always There’: Recognition and Participatory Parity for Lgbtq Medical Surrogate Decision Makers Danae Dotolo, MSW, Taryn Lindhorst, PhD, Ruth A. Engelberg, PhD (University of Washington) “It Is Going to Change Your Life!”: How Changes in Medical Policy Influence HIV-Positive Patients Cheng Shi Shiu, MSW (University of Chicago), Wei-Ti Chen, DNSc (Yale University) 156 [MH] Serious Mental Illness HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: David Kondrat, PhD (University of South Florida) Mitigating the Negative Health Effects of Antidepressants and Antipsychotics: the Relationship of Physical Activity and Distress to Health Outcomes Among Persons Taking Psychotropic Medicines David Kondrat, PhD (University of South Florida), Kimberly Snyder, MSW (University of Florida), Barbra Teater, PhD (University of Bristol), Michael Killian, PhD (University of Bedfordshire) Sexual and Romantic Relationships and Quality of Life in Adults With Serious Mental Illness Paula Helu Fernandez, MS (University of Southern California) The Role of Perception of Control in Predicting Depression Among Individuals With Mental Illness After Psychiatric Hospital Discharge Yoo Jung Kim, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) Translation of a Transitional Care Model for Persons With Severe Mental Illness Phyllis L. Solomon, PhD, Nancy Hanrahan, PhD, Matthew Hurford, MD, Lakeetra Josey, MSN, Marissa DeCesaris (University of Pennsylvania) 157 [OM&C] Workplace Health, Well-Being, HBGCC, Room 002A River Level and Experience of Human Services Moderator: Erin L. Kelly, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) A Vicious Cycle: Workplace Victimization of Psychiatric Workers Erin L. Kelly, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles), Karissa Fenwick, MSW, John S. Brekke, PhD, Andrew Subica, PhD (University of Southern California) sswr | san antonio | 2014 173 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Explaining Occupational Health Outcomes for Human Service Workers: The Effect of Workplace Variables Micheal L. Shier, MSW (University of Pennsylvania), John R. Graham, PhD, David Nicholas, PhD, Andrea Newberry, MSW (University of Calgary) Practice Evaluation Strategies Among Licensed Clinical Social Workers Thomas Dale Davis, PhD, Cory B. Dennis, PhD (California State University, San Bernardino) Workplace Violence and Staff Well-Being: Everyday Hassles and Acute Crises Erin L. Kelly, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles), Karissa Fenwick, MSW, John S. Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California) 158 [RE&I] Depression Among MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Youth and Communities of Color Elevator Level P2 Moderator: Jeremiah W. Jaggers, PhD (East Tennessee State University) Examination of Cultural Adaptation and Depression in Hispanic Adults Who Immigrated to the U.S. As Youth Jeremiah W. Jaggers, PhD (East Tennessee State University), Gordon MacNeil, PhD (University of Alabama) Examining the Influence of Cultural Stressors On Depression in Hispanic Adolescents Jodi Berger Cardoso, PhD (University of Houston), Jeremy Goldbach, PhD (University of Southern California), Richard Cervantes, PhD (Behavioral Assessment, Inc) Longitudinal Associations Between Ethnic Enclaves, Neighborhood Processes, and Latino Immigrant Youth Depression Meng-Jung Lee, MSW, Janet Liechty, PhD, Shinwoo Choi, MSW (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) HBGCC, Room 001A River Level 159 [RE&I] Issues among Immigrant Adolescents and Young Adults Moderator: Hugo Kamya, PhD (Simmons College) African Young Adult Immigrants’ Transitions Into Adulthood: The Social Construction & Utility of Role Models Hugo Kamya, PhD, Abbie K. Frost, PhD (Simmons College) 174 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 4:15pm Sedentary Behavior and Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages Across Immigrant Generation Among Urban Adolescents in Boston, MA Joanna Almeida, ScD (Simmons College) “Do You Think This Tradition Is Good for Girls?”: Understanding the Experiences of Women Fleeing Female Circumcision and Seeking Asylum in the United States Sara Kahn, PhD (Artemis Collaborative) 160 [RD&M] Qualitative Methods MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Kimberly A. Bender, PhD (University of Denver) Arts As Social Inclusion? Exploring Grassroots Community Arts Programs for and By Queer and Trans People of Color Matthew D. Chin, MSW, MA (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Paul U. Kellogg and the “Social Survey Movement”: Progressive Era Visual Research Methods, 1907-1917 Caroline A. Lanza, MSW (University of Washington) Social and Emotional Learning Services and Child Outcomes in Third Grade: Evidence From a Cohort of Head Start Participants Fuhua Zhai, PhD (State University of New York at Stony Brook), C. Cybele Raver, PhD (New York University), Stephanie M. Jones, PhD (Harvard University) Utilizing Technology for Longitudinal Data Collection With Homeless Youth Kimberly A. Bender, PhD, Stephanie Begun, MSW, Badiah Haffejee, MSW, Amanda Matthews, BA, Sarah Kaufmann, BA, Anne P. DePrince, PhD (University of Denver) 161 [SO&GI] Discrimination and Violence MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E against Transgender and LGB People 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Michael R. Woodford, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Academic Wellbeing Among Sexual Minority College Students: The Role of Behavioral and Psychological Campus Climate Michael R. Woodford, PhD, Alex Kulick, BA (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) sswr | san antonio | 2014 175 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 2:30pm - 6:15pm Discrimination, Victimization, and Harassment: Intersection of Isms On Lgbtq People of Color Darren Whitfield, MSW, Lisa Langenderfer, MSW, N. Eugene Walls, PhD (University of Denver) Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Adults: Comparing Rates of Cis- and Transgender Victimization Lisa Langenderfer, MSW, Darren Whitfield, MSW, Songmin Kim, MEd, N. Eugene Walls, PhD (University of Denver) Silence Within a Community: Prevalence of Discrimination Among the “T” in the Lgbtq Community Darren Whitfield, MSW, N. Eugene Walls, PhD, Songmin Kim, MEd, Lisa Langenderfer, MSW (University of Denver) 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm 162 RWJF New Connections Networking Reception 4:15 pm - 4:30 pm MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Break 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm 163 176 INVITED JOURNAL EDITORS’ HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level WORKSHOP II Journal Editors’ Forum on Publishing Qualitative Research Chair and presenter: Jane F. Gilgun, PhD, LICSW (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Presenters: Susan P. Robbins, PhD (University of Houston), Karen Staller, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Noël Busch-Armendariz, PhD, LMSW, MPA (University of Texas at Austin) This workshop is for new and seasoned researchers seeking to publish qualitative research and scholarly work in social work journals. The workshop brings together a distinguished panel of editors and researchers from four journals: Qualitative Social Work, Journal of Social Work Education, Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, and AFFILIA: The Journal of Women and Social Work. These journals are highly regarded in the profession and share sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm commitments to excellence in social work research and publication. Panel members will first describe the aim of their respective journals and the editorial decision-making process. Then they will encourage discussion with participants about what constitutes a publishable qualitative study that has the promise of influencing practice and policy. Both editors and researchers on the panel will contribute to this discussion. Before the program starts, participants will be asked to write their publishing questions on 3x5 cards; the chair will collect the cards and sort them during the presentation, and use these to facilitate discussion. In this workshop, the editors contribute to the scholarly development of the participants by building skills related to successful publication. First, discussion will identify how to match the topic to a specific journal. Second, editors will describe their particular review process: 1) how are reviewers selected; and 2) how do they manage the author’s response to reviewer comments (or what does revise and resubmit mean?). Third, editors will discuss the key features of successful articles they have published: aims, questions, methods, and discussion sections. Fourth, editors discuss how authors should specifically address the implications of their research for practice and policy. SYMPOSIA 164 [ISW&GI] Effects of Food Insecurity On HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Individual and Household Well-Being Outcomes in Low, Middle and High Income Countries: Evidence From Uganda, the Philippines and the United States Organizer: Rainier D. Masa, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Food Insecurity and Psychosocial Well-Being of Individuals in Rural Uganda Gina Chowa, PhD, Rainier D. Masa, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Food Insecurity and Sexual Risk Taking Among Young Filipinos Rainier D. Masa, MSW, Gina Chowa, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Food Insecurity, Material Hardship and 529 College Savings Plan Participation: Evidence From the SEED OK Experiment Nora Wikoff, MSW (Washington University in Saint Louis), Jin Huang, PhD (Saint Louis University), Youngmi Kim, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 177 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm 165 [OM&C] Social Entrepreneurship: HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Building a Research Agenda for Social Work Organizer: Andrew J. Germak, MBA, MSW (Rutgers University) Exploring Social Worker Motivation and Readiness to Engage in Social Entrepreneurship Andrew J. Germak, MBA, MSW (Rutgers University) Building Social Enterprise Capacity Among Women-Focused NGOs in Guatemala Dorlisa J. Minnick, PhD (Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania) Cooperatives and Community Development: Counter-Cyclical Spending Through Partnerships Charity Samantha Fitzgerald, MA (University of California, Berkeley) A Social Entrepreneurial Approach to Food Insecurity and Access: Oasis Food Ecosystem John M. Wallace, PhD (University of Pittsburgh), Stephanie Boddie, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 166 [SO&GI] Global Challenges in HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Social-Structural Determinants of Health for Sexual Minority Populations: Using Community-Based Research to Support Human Rights and Social Change Organizer: Peter A. Newman, PhD (University of Toronto) Sexual Violence, Stigma and Health Outcomes Among Sexual Minority Women in Toronto, Canada Carmen Logie, MSW, PhD, Marie Jolie Rwigema, MSW (University of Toronto) Access to Human Rights, Health and Social Services for Sexual/ Gender Minorities From the Caribbean Charmaine C. Williams, PhD (University of Toronto) Discrimination, Violence and Access to Care Among High Risk Men Who Have Sex With Men in Chennai, India Peter A. Newman, PhD (University of Toronto), Venkatesan Chakrapani, MD, Murali Shunmugam, MSW (Centre for Sexuality and Health Research and Policy (C-SHaRP)), Michael R. Woodford, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 178 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm WORKSHOPS 167 [RD&M] Using Photovoice in Social Work HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Practice Research to Enhance Community-University Partnership Christina R. Miller, PhD, Julie Miller-Cribbs, PhD, David P. Moxley, PhD, Zermarie Deacon, PhD, Gloria Miller, MSW (University of Oklahoma) 168 [SWP] Coping With Publication and MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C Reporting Biases in Research Reviews 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Julia H. Littell, PhD (Bryn Mawr College), David L. Albright, PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia) ROUNDTABLE 169 [MH] WITHDRAWN Not Applicable CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 170 [A&G] Factors that Affect MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Caregivers’ Well-Being 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Jeronda T. Burley, PhD (Coppin State College) Caring for People With Dementia and With Cognitive Impairment No Dementia: A Comparison of Baby Boomer Caregivers and Older Caregivers Heehyul Moon, PhD, Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Factors Affecting Depression Among Caregivers of Older Korean Americans With Dementia Symptoms: The Moderating Effects of Coping Resources Banghwa L. Casado, PhD, MSW, Kyeongmo Kim, MSW (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Impact of Religiosity On Mental Health Outcomes of African American Caregivers Jeronda T. Burley, PhD (Coppin State College) Outcomes of a Pilot Study of African American Dementia Caregivers With Depressive Symptoms: Perceptions of Depression and the Influence of Culture On Caregiving Christina E. Horsford, MSW, Whitney Sewell, BA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) sswr | san antonio | 2014 179 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm 171 [CW] Research with Policy Implications HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Moderator: Derek S. Brown, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Impact of Variance in Child Maltreatment Exposure to Mental Health Utilization and Subsequent Medicaid Expenditures Derek S. Brown, PhD, Lin Shao, MS, Lauren Garfield, PhD, Ramesh Raghavan, MD, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Non-Relative Foster Care Or Kinship Care? Estimating the Effects of Placement Type On Child Achievement and Behavior Sarah A. Font, MSW (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Psychotropic Medication Monitoring for Children in Foster Care: State Approaches and Implications Thomas I. Mackie, MPH, MA (Brandeis University), Justeen Hyde, PhD (Institute for Community Health), Laurel K. Leslie, MD (Tufts Medical Center/Floating Hospital for Children and Aligning Researchers and Communities for Health) 172 [CW] Transitioning Foster Youth HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Moderator: Tonia Stott, PhD (Arizona State University) A Comparison of Competency Between Foster Care and Non-Foster Care Emerging Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Policy and Practice Recommendations Rebecca Gomez, PhD, LCSW (Our Lady of the Lake University and University of Texas at Austin), Tiffany Ryan, MSW (University of Texas at Austin), Christine Norton, PhD (Texas State University- San Marcos), Courtney Jones (Texas State University-San Marcos) Beyond Providing a Place to Live: An Ethnographic Study of Addressing Housing Needs of Youth Aging Out Lisa Schelbe, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) Emotional and Social Well-Being of Young Adults From Foster Care Tonia Stott, PhD (Arizona State University) Parenting Under Pressure: Struggles With Parenting Faced By Youth Aging Out of the Child Welfare System Lisa Schelbe, MSW (University of Pittsburgh), Jennifer Mullins Geiger, MSW (Arizona State University), Chereese Phillips, MSW (University of Pittsburgh) 180 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm 173 [C&CJ] Examining Rorms of Political HBGCC, Room 002B River Level and Intimate Partner Violence in the US and Abroad Moderator: Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH (Bryn Mawr College) Dwelling Within Political Violence: Palestinian Women’s Narratives of Home, Violence, and Well-Being Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH (Bryn Mawr College), Susan P. Kemp, PhD (University of Washington), Mona el-Zuhairi, MA, Marah Hriesh (Palestinian Medical Relief Society) Economic Abuse in the Lives of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Investigation With Implications for Social Work Research and Practice Rachel J. Voth Schrag, MSW, LCSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) Factors Related to Reproductive Coercion and Pregnancy Avoidance Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Jonel Thaller, MSW, Meredith Bagwell, MSW, Jill T. Messing, MSW, PhD, Alesha Durfee, PhD (Arizona State University) 174 [H&D] Breast and Cervical Cancer MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Screening, Prevention, and Service 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Josphine Chaumba, PhD (Troy State University) Cervical Cancer Screening Among African Immigrant Women in the United States Josphine Chaumba, PhD (Troy University) Disparities in PAP Screening Utilization Among 18-30 Year Old Women in the United States Chrisann Newransky, MA, MSW (Boston College) Improving Breast Cancer Services for African American Women Living in St. Louis: Survivors Tell Their Story Lailea J. Noel, MA, Sarah Gehlert, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Influential Factors Shaping Parental Decision-Making About HPV Vaccination for Boys and Girls Katharine A. S. Rendle, MSW, MA (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) sswr | san antonio | 2014 181 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm 175 [MH] Translating, Disseminating, and HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Implementing Mental Health Interventions Moderator: Elisa V. Borah, PhD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Enhanced Engagement: A Feasibility Study Infusing Mental Health Services Into Maternal and Child Health Home Visiting Sarah Kye Price, PhD, Lisa A. Gray, MSW, Dalia El-Khoury, MEd (Virginia Commonwealth University) Implementing Web-Based Common Evidence-Based Practice Elements Training: Lessons Learned Mary Ruffolo, PhD, Daphne Brydon, LMSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Military Behavioral Health Providers’ Attitudes and Use of EvidenceBased Treatments for PTSD Elisa V. Borah, PhD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Transdisciplinary Collaboration In Brazil’s Unified Health System: Improving Evidence-Based Practice Rogério Pinto, PhD, LCSW, Melanie M. Wall, PhD, Gary Yu, MPH (Columbia University), Cláudia Penido, MS Psychology (Programa de Saúde da Família/Saúde Mental), Clecy Schmidt, MD (Programa de Saude da Famila, Brazil) 176 [RE&I] Psychosocial and Biopsychosocial HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Well-Being Among Communities of Color Moderator: Blanca M. Ramos, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) Accompaniment in a Mexican Immigrant Community: Conceptualization and Identification of Biopsychosocial Outcomes Leticia Villarreal Sosa, PhD, Silvia Diaz, BA, MSW Candidate (Dominican University) Measuring Psychosocial Stress in Puerto Rican Women: The Hispanic Women’s Social Stressor Scale (HWSSS) Blanca M. Ramos, PhD, Young R. Do, ABD, Yong Li, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) 182 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm Mexican and U.S. -Born Women of Mexican Descent: Differences in Perceptions of Psychological Well-Being Venera Bekteshi, MSW, MPA, MA, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Qingwen Xu, PhD (Tulane University), Thanh V. Tran, PhD (Boston College) Promoting Psychological Well-Being Among American Indian and Alaska Native Women: The Role of Communal Mastery and Historical Loss Awareness Ciwang Teyra, MSW, Cynthia Pearson, PhD, Tessa Evans-Campbell, PhD (University of Washington), Patricia Whitefoot, MA (Toppenish School District) 177 [RD&M] Experimental Research HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Moderator: Brianne H. Kothari, PhD (Portland State University) Do Community HIV Mentors Trained in Evidence-Based, YouthFocused HIV Prevention Program Have An Effect On Youth Outcomes? Micaela Mercado, PhD, Hadiza Osuji, Mary McKay, PhD (New York University) Refund to Savings: Building Contingency Savings At Tax Time Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Dan Ariely, PhD (Duke University), Clinton Key, MA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Krista Holub, MA (Washington University in Saint Louis) Strong Families Strong Forces: Preliminary Efficacy Outcomes From a Randomized Clinical Trial of a Home-Based Intervention for Military Families Abigail M. Ross, MSW, MPH, Ellen DeVoe, PhD, Melissa Holt, PhD (Boston University), Claudia Miranda-Julian, PhD (Tufts University) Testing of a Sibling Intervention for Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Foster Youth Brianne H. Kothari, PhD, Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University), Lew Bank, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center), Paul Sorenson, MSW (Portland State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 183 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm The Impacts of IDAs, Assets, and Debt On Future Orientation and Psychological Depression: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), William Rohe, PhD, Clinton Key, MA, Jenna Tucker, MSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 178 [SO&GI] Challenges and Opportunities MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F at the Intersection of Religion 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and LGBTQ Identity Moderator: Rene Drumm, PhD (Southern Adventist University) Growing Up Queer and Religious: A Quantitative Study Analyzing the Relationship Between Religious Identity Conflict and Suicide in Sexual Minority Youth Jeremy Gibbs, MSW, Jeremy Goldbach, PhD (University of Southern California) LGBT Affirming BLACK Churches’ Responses To Homophobia, and The HIV/AIDS Crisis Terrence O. Lewis, PhD (Augsburg College) Understanding Christian Social Work LGBT Advocacy: Research On Social Change Efforts By An Unrecognized Population Group Rene Drumm, PhD, Kristie Kristie Wilder, JD, Evie Nogales Baker, MSW (Southern Adventist University) “I Can Be a Whole Me”: Religious Lgbtq Individuals Negotiating Intersecting Identities in Community Organizations Lance C. Keene, MSW (University of Chicago), Megan S. Paceley, MSW, Benjamin J. Lough, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 179 [SWP] Cultural Competence MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level in Training and Practice Elevator Level P2 Moderator: Gina B. Gaston, PhD, LCSW (University of Illinois at Chicago) African American Patient Perceptions of HIV Health Care Provider Cultural Competence That Promote Adherence to Antiretroviral Medication and Self-Care Gina B. Gaston, PhD, LCSW (University of Illinois at Chicago) 184 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 4:30pm - 6:15pm Effectiveness of Adaptations to Enhance Cultural Competence of Health and Mental Health Services Susan J. Wells, PhD (University of British Columbia Okanagan), Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Priscilla Healey, Andrew Vergara (University of British Columbia, Okanagan) MSW Student Attitudes Towards Religious Diversity Melissa Abell, PhD, Jennifer Manuel, PhD, Andrew Schoeneman, MS, Sahar Al Khalaf, MSW (Virginia Commonwealth University) Relationship Commitment Among African American Couples With Young Children Following a Relationship Education Program: A Dyadic Analysis Katherine M. Winham, MS, MSSW, Jesse Owen, PhD, Jill L. Adelson, PhD (University of Louisville) 180 [SM&AB] Substance Use Disorders HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Across Service Delivery Systems Moderator: Martin T. Hall, PhD, MSSW (University of Louisville) Cross-Systems Collaboration Between Child Welfare, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Court Organizations: Perceptions of Parental Substance Use Disorders Amy He, LCSW, Dorian Traube, PhD (University of Southern California) Parolee Treatment Outcomes: The Impact of Programs, Practice and Practitioners Jo Brocato, PhD, Ryan Fisher, PhD, Connie Ireland, PhD, Aili Malm, PhD (California State University, Long Beach) The Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs Among Criminal JusticeInvolved Women: the Role of Trauma and Inter-Personal Violence Martin T. Hall, PhD, MSSW, Seana Golder, PhD (University of Louisville) Veteran Status and Substance Use Among Homeless Men in Los Angeles’ Skid Row Neighborhood Julie A. Couture, MSW, Harmony Rhoades, PhD, Suzanne Wenzel, PhD (University of Southern California) sswr | san antonio | 2014 185 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm 181 Reception HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level INFORMATION ON POSTER DISPLAY AND PRESENTATIONS New for this year there are four poster presentation sessions: two mid-day sessions and two early-evening sessions. The mid-day sessions are Friday, January 17, 2014 and Saturday, January 18, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The early-evening sessions are Friday, 6:00pm-7:45pm and Saturday, 6:15pm-8:00pm. Mid-day poster presenters may display their posters starting at 10:30am; early-evening poster presenters may display their posters starting at 2:00pm. Conference attendees may view posters during any of these times; however, presenting authors are only expected to be present during the poster presentation sessions. 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm POSTER PRESENTATIONS IV 182 HBGCC, Bridge Hall Street Level Poster Presentations IV: Adolescent and Youth Development; Aging Services and Gerontology; Child Welfare; Crime and Criminal Justice; Gender; Health and Disability; International Social Work and Global Issues; Mental Health; Organizations, Management, and Communities; Poverty and Social Policy; Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration; Research Design and Measurement; Research on Social Work Education; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity; Social Work Practice; Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors; Work, Family, and Family Policy Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL) 132P Factors Associated With Arrests Among Homeless Young Adults Karin E. Wachter, MEd, Sanna Thompson, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Kristin M. Ferguson, PhD (City University of New York), Kimberly A. Bender, PhD (University of Denver) 133P The Circumplex Model and Internet Use Among SchoolAged Children in Korea Yeonggeul Lee, MSW, Na Kyoung Song, MSW (State University of New York at Albany) 186 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G) 134P Terminally Ill Older African Americans’ Cultural and Value-Based Preferences in Receiving Care At the End of Life Hyunjin Noh, PhD (University of Alabama) 135P Pathways to Homelessness of Older Adults Living in Extended Stay Hotels Wendy Myers White, BSW, Terri Lewinson, PhD (Georgia State University) 136P Multiple Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms and Their Predictors Among Older Adults in Poverty Eun-Na Kang, MSW, Jae-Sung Choi, PhD (Yonsei University) 137P The Importance of Relationships With Neighbors for Psychological Well-Being Among Midlife and Older Adults: Evidence From a Longitudinal U.S. National Study Emily Greenfield, PhD, Laurent Reyes, BSW, BA (Rutgers University) 138P Relationship Between Older People’s Functional Health and Volunteering, Full-Time, and Part-Time Employment: Longitudinal Latent Growth Curve Model Eunhee Choi, MSW, Fengyan Tang, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) 139P The Effects of the Intergenerational Program On Children and the Elders Li-Wen Liu, PhD, Ya-Li Lin, PhD (Tunghai University in Taiwan) 140P The Resilience Protective Factors Inventory: Psychometric Evaluation of a Uni-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Factor Structure Kristin Bolton, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Alexa Smith-Osborne, PhD, Vijayan Pillai, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington) sswr | san antonio | 2014 187 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Child Welfare (CW) 141P A Descriptive Study Of The Relationship Between HOMEBased Prevention Services and Family NEEDS James D. Simon, MSW (University of Southern California) 142P Double Jeopardy: Multiple Victimization Among Youth With Disabilities in the US Child Welfare System Kristin Berg, AM, Cheng Shi Shiu, MSW (University of Chicago) 143P Fostering Positive Father-Child Interactions: Examining Paternal Risk Factors Associated With Child Conduct Problems in African American Families Ericka M. Lewis, LMSW, Patricia L. Kohl, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 144P “I Only Want to Know What You Know”: The Use of Orienting Messages During Forensic Interviews and Their Effects On Child Behavior Jennifer N. Anderson, LISW (CornerHouse), Gwendolyn Anderson, MSW, Jane F. Gilgun, PhD, LICSW (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ) 145P Gender Equality, Beliefs, and Perpetration of Dating Violence: Comparison of Male University Students in Asian and European Cultural Contexts Reiko Ozaki, MSW, Melanie Otis, PhD (University of Kentucky) 146P Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Violence Across Their Lives: A Critical Ethnography Catherine E. Burnette, PhD (Tulane University) 147P Promoting the Safety of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review of Methodological Rigor and Intervention Effectiveness Rachel J. Voth Schrag, MSW, LCSW (Washington University in Saint Louis) 188 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm 148P Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Empowerment and Hope for Safety Among Domestic Violence Victims Ricky T. Munoz, JD, MSW, Karissa Martin, BA (University of Oklahoma) 149P Should Programs Designed to Help IPV Survivors Screen for Mental Health Related Problems: Voices From the Field Catherine A. Simmons, PhD, LCSW, Matthew Delaney, BA, Leslie Lindsey, BA (University of Memphis), Anna Whalley, LCSW (Shelby County), Olliette Murry-Drobot, MBA (Family Safety Center of Memphis and Shelby County), J. Gayle Beck, PhD (University of Memphis) Gender (G) 150P A Phenomenological Inquiry Into Men’s Experiences With and Perceptions of Emergency Contraception Rachel L. Wright, PhD (Independent Research Consultant), Caren J. Frost, PhD (University of Utah), Peter R. Fawson, PhD (Eastern Washington University), David K. Turok, MD (University of Utah) 151P Does Machismo Increase Self-Efficacy? Evidence From University Students in Nicaragua René Olate, PhD, Xiafei Wang, MSW (Ohio State University), Julio Argueta, JD (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua Leon (UNAN–Leon)) Health and Disability (H&D) 152P Colorectal Cancer Screening Behavior Among Older Koreans: Directions Toward Reducing Cancer Health Disparity Mihwa Lee, MSW, Hee Yun Lee, PhD (University of MinnesotaTwin Cities) 153P Impact of Communication Technology Use On Depression and Self-Rated Health Status of Older Adults Dwelling in Retirement Communities Jeehoon Kim, PhD (Idaho State University), Hee Yun Lee, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) sswr | san antonio | 2014 189 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm 154P The Effects of Communication Technology Use On Older Prostate Cancer Survivors’ Physical Activity Participation Jeehoon Kim, PhD (Idaho State University), Hee Yun Lee, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) 155P Sustained Seronegativity Among Black MSM in NYC: The Neg4Life Pilot Study Jagadisa-devasri Dacus, MSSW (City University of New York) 156P Testing Measurement Invariance of a Scale of Self-Efficacy for Sexual Health Between Heterosexual and Sexual Minority African American Young Adults Donald R. Gerke, MSW, Katie Plax, MD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 157P The Impact of HIV On Behavioral Health Service Utilization: Propensity Score Analysis of Nationally Representative Household Survey Data Man-Chun Chang, MS, Lynn A. Warner, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) 158P Disparities in Cervical Cancer Prevention in the United States: HPV Vaccine Completion in 18-30 Year Old Women Chrisann Newransky, MA, MSW (Boston College) 159P Effects of Individual and Contextual Factors On Perceived Quality of Healthcare Among Older Adults Sunha Choi, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI) 160P Awareness of HIV Among Emerging Adults in Vietnam: The Relationship Between Information Access and Social Capital Huong Nguyen, PhD (University of South Carolina), Clark M. Peters, PhD, JD, MSW (University of Missouri-Columbia), Cheng Shi Shiu, MSW (University of Chicago) 190 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Mental Health (MH) 161P A Multiethnic Examination of Suicidal Ideation, Psychotic Symptoms and Belongingness Among Adults Based On the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys Armando Barragán, MSW, Mercedes Hernandez, MSW, Ann-Marie Yamada, PhD, Concepcion Barrio, PhD (University of Southern California) 162P A Pilot Study On the Informed Consent Process Among Spanish Speaking and English Speaking Latinos With Schizophrenia Concepcion Barrio, PhD (University of Southern California), Luz Pinto, MA (University of California, San Diego), Mercedes Hernandez, MSW (University of Southern California), Dilip Jeste, MD, Barton Palmer, PhD (University of California, San Diego) 163P Clubhouse Members’ Family Social Networks and Recovery From Severe Mental Illness David E. Biegel, PhD, Ching-Wen Chang, MSW, Chia-Ling Chung, MSW (Case Western Reserve University) 164P Is Symptomatic Remission a Necessary Step Towards Better Functional Outcomes for Persons With Schizophrenia Engaged in Community-Based Psychosocial Rehabilitation? Caroline Sheng Foong Lim, MSW, Concepcion Barrio, PhD, John S. Brekke, PhD (University of Southern California) 165P Life Course Challenges Faced By Siblings of Adults With Schizophrenia Increase Risk for Depressive Symptoms Matthew James Smith, PhD (Northwestern University), Jan S. Greenberg, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Sarah A. Sciortino, BS (University of Southern California), Gisela M. Sandoval, PhD-MD (Northwestern University), Ellen P. Lukens, PhD (Columbia University) 166P The Clinical Significance of Sub-Threshold Psychosis in the General Population: Comorbidity and Suicide Risk Jordan E. DeVylder, MS (Columbia University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 191 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm 167P The Relationship Between Stress and Global Functioning in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, MSW, Nancy J. Minshew, MD, Shaun M. Eack, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) 168P Effects of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy On Psychological Well-Being of Professionals Working With Trauma Victims Hyun-Sun Park, PhD (California State University, Northridge) 169P Complex PTSD and Its Relationship To Mental Health and Substance Abuse Outcomes In A Forensic Sample Paulette M. Giarratano, PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo) 170P Differences in PTSD Domains Between Survivors of WarType and Not War-Type Traumatic Events Rebekah J. Nelson, MSW (Florida State University) 171P Examining Clinical Supervision As a Moderator of Trauma Work, Secondary Trauma, and Functional Distress in Clinical Social Workers Adam Quinn, MSW, Brian Bride, PhD (University of Georgia), Jacquelyn Lee, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Shari E. Miller, MSW, PhD (University of Georgia), Stacey Kolomer, PhD (University of North Carolina at Wilmington) 172P Individual and Social Structural Trauma and Well-Being Among Older Adults in Prison: Implications for Human and Prisoner Rights Advocacy Tina Maschi, PhD (Fordham University), Deborah Viola, PhD (New York Medical College), Danee Sergeant (Fordham University) 173P Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Homeless Young Adults: A Structural Equation Model Sanna Thompson, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Kimberly A. Bender, PhD (University of Denver), Kristin M. Ferguson, PhD (City University of New York) Organizations, Management, and Communities (OM&C) 174P Preparing for Implementation: Finding Good Fit Between Practice Innovation and Organizational Context Bridget Bailey, Alicia C. Bunger, MSW, PhD, Yiwen Cao (Ohio State University) 192 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Poverty and Social Policy (P&SP) 175P Emergency Saving and Household Outcomes Leah M. Gjertson, MSW (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 176P Symbolic Stringency in Anti-Poverty Policy: State Implementation of TANF EBT Restrictions Vincent A. Fusaro, MSW, Amanda Rowe Tillotson, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration (RE&I) 177P Mental Health Correlates of Past Homelessness in Latinos and Asians Hans Young Oh, MSW, Jordan E. DeVylder, MS (Columbia University) 178P Hope Among Undocumented Immigrant Youth in Family Reunification: An Exploratory Study Jessica Ranweiler, MSW (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service), Jayshree Jani, PhD (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Dawnya Underwood, MSW (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) 179P The Factor Structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 With Latino Immigrant Day Laborers Nalini Negi, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore), Derek Iwamoto, PhD (University of Maryland at College Park) 180P Examining Faculty Attitudes and Perceptions of Diversification Efforts At a Christian University Christine K. Fulmer, MSW (University of Kentucky), Mark C. Smith (Cedarville University), Melanie Otis, PhD (University of Kentucky) 181P Older Hospitalized African Americans: A Model for Addressing Spiritual Needs David R. Hodge, PhD, Robin P. Bonifas, PhD, Fei Sun, PhD (Arizona State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 193 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Research Design and Measurement (RD&M) 182P Recruitment Challenges in Qualitative Breast Cancer Research With Older African-American Women D. Scott Batey, MSW (University of Alabama, Birmingham), Dana K. Harmon, PhD, MSW (University of West Alabama), Crystal Broussard, MSW, Ellen L. Csikai, PhD, Shadi Martin, PhD (University of Alabama) 183P Causal Inference Methodology for Social Work Research: A Sample Analysis Using Federal Administrative Child Welfare Data Reiko K. Boyd, MSW, Bryn King, MSW, Jennifer Lawson, MSSW (University of California, Berkeley) 184P The Influence of Caregiver and Child Age On Protective Factors Within a Child Welfare Setting Aislinn R. Conrad-Hiebner, MSW (University of Kansas), Stephanie Wallio, PhD (North Central University), Alexander Schoemann, PhD (University of Kansas) Research on Social Work Education (RSWE) 185P Are Social Work Educators Bullies? Perceptions of Sociopolitical Discourse in the Social Work Classroom Gretchen E. Ely, PhD, Christopher Flaherty, PhD (University of Kentucky) 186P Research Synthesis With Meta-Analysis of Empathy Training Studies in Helping Professions Victoria J. Dexter, PhD (Safe Horizon) 187P Can An Online Graduate Social Work Psychopathology Course Change Conceptions of “Mental Illness” and Promote a Critical Approach to Mental Health Practice? Sara E. Groff, MSW, Tomi Gomory, PhD (Florida State University) 188P Faculty Members’ Scholarly Productivity: A Controlled Comparison of Citation Impact Using the H-Index John Barner, PhD, Michael J. Holosko, PhD, MSW (University of Georgia), Bruce Thyer, PhD, LCSW (Florida State University) 194 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI) 189P “Homosexuality Is a Choice?” Antecedents of Beliefs About Sexual Orientation Etiology Jill Chonody, PhD (University of South Australia), Michael R. Woodford, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), Phil Kavanagh, PhD (University of South Australia) 190P Overrepresented, Underserved: The Experiences of Lgbtq Youth in Girls Detention Facilities in New York State Sarah Mountz, PhD (California State University, Northridge) Social Work Practice (SWP) 191P Managing Digital Identities: A Grounded Theory of Mental Health Professionals’ Online Experiences Kara S. Lopez, PhD (None), Susan P. Robbins, PhD (University of Houston) Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB) 192P WITHDRAWN Not Applicable 193P Timing of Child Maltreatment and Alcohol Use in Young Adulthood Sae-Mi Jeon, MA (Boston University), Sunny H. Shin, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Yeonseung Chung, PhD (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 194P Personal and Social Network Characteristics As Predictors of Resident Role Model Status Within Therapeutic Communities Ashleigh Hodge, MSW, Keith Warren, PhD, Jessica V. Linley, MSW (Ohio State University) 195P Residential Methamphetamine Treatment Programs for Male and Female Offenders Timothy Conley, PhD (University of Montana, Missoula) 196P Social Network Ties and Treatment for Alcohol Dependence Orion P. Mowbray, PhD (University of Georgia) sswr | san antonio | 2014 195 Saturday | January 18, 2014 | 6:15pm - 8:00pm 197P Subtypes of Treatment Use for Alcohol Use Disorders in the Nesarc: A Latent Class Analysis Orion P. Mowbray, PhD (University of Georgia), Joseph E. Glass, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Claudette L. GrinnellDavis, MTS, MSW, MS, ABD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) 198P The Influence of Gender On Perceived Treatment Need Among a Community Sample of Substance Users Sheila P. Vakharia, MSW (Long Island University) Work, Family, and Family Policy (WF&FP) 199P Parental Shift Works and Children’s Cognitive Outcomes: A Sibling Fixed-Effects Regression Model Minseop Kim (University of Pennsylvania), Nahri Jung (University of Pittsburgh) 196 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 197 198 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and 7:30am - 10:30am Sunday - January 19, 2014 7:30 am - 8:30 am Membership Meeting and Breakfast 183 Jeanne C. Marsh, PhD (University of Chicago) MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon D 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR 8:30 am - 8:45 am Break 8:45 am - 10:30 am SYMPOSIA 184 [CW] Latent Class Analysis HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level in Child Welfare Research: Promise and Pitfalls Organizer: Judy Havlicek, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Profiles of Maltreatment Among Foster Youth Making the Transition to Adulthood Judy Havlicek, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Prevalence and Placement Patterns of Children in Foster Care With Autism Spectrum Disorder Lucy Bilaver, PHD MPP MS (Northern Illinois University), Judy Havlicek, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Repeated-Measures and Multilevel Latent Class Analysis in Child Welfare Research Andrew Zinn, PhD (University of Kansas), Cheryl Smithgall, PhD (University of Chicago) 185 [CW] Leading Change in Child Welfare: HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Results From a National Evaluation Organizer: Nancy S. Dickinson, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) sswr | san antonio | 2014 199 Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am Competency Development for Leaders in Child Welfare Robin Leake, PhD, Shauna Rienks, PhD, Anna deGuzman, MS (University of Denver) Developing Competent Child Welfare Leaders Who Can Successfully Implement Organizational Change Deborah Reed, MSW (Portland State University), Freda Bernotavicz, MS (University of Southern Maine), Robin Leake, PhD (University of Denver) Testing a Transfer of Learning Model for Child Welfare Middle Managers Shauna Rienks, PhD (University of Denver), Katharine Cahn, PhD (Portland State University), Anna deGuzman, MS, Cathryn C. Potter, PhD (University of Denver) 186 [ISW&GI] Adapting to Environmental HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Change: Evidence On Basic Needs and Livelihoods in Three Developing Countries Organizer: Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Seasonal Water Insecurity in Urban Philippines: Household Disparities and the Role of Gender and Resources Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Using Simulation Models and Ethnography to Understand Changing Livelihoods Among Samburu Pastoralists Carolyn K. Lesorogol, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Randall Boone, PhD (Colorado State University) Socio-Cultural Considerations for Conservation Policy and Livelihood Development Strategies in Madagascar Kristen Wagner, PhD (University of Missouri-Saint Louis) 187 [SWP] Advancing Maternal and Infant HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Mental Health Research: Adapting and Infusing Evidence Based Practices Into Community Settings Organizer: Sarah Kye Price, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) Discussant: Sarah Kye Price, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) 200 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am Improving Parent-Child Relationships in Recovery: Exploring Strategies for Integrating An Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention Into Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Gina Mittal, MSW (Boston University), Lisa Schottenfeld, MSW, MPH (Mathematica Policy Research), Kimberly Warsett, BA, Ruth Paris, PhD (Boston University) Bringing Fathers Into Parenting Interventions: Acceptability and Feasibility of Engagement Strategies Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD (University of Chicago) Enhancing Home Visiting Programs With Doula Services Renee C. Edwards, PhD (University of Chicago), Jon Korfmacher, PhD (Erikson Institute), Sydney Hans, PhD (University of Chicago) WORKSHOP 188 [SWP] Ssd for R: A Comprehensive HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Statistical Package to Analyze Single-Subject Research Data Charles Auerbach, PhD, Wendy Zeitlin Schudrich, PhD, Susan Mason, PhD (Yeshiva University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 189 [ADOL] Trauma, Victimization and Adverse HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Experiences Related to Youth Delinquency Moderator: Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD (University at Buffalo) Does Childhood Victimization Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Substance Use and Criminal Activity From Adolescence to Young Adulthood Jungup Lee, MSW, Melissa Radey, PhD, Stephen J. Tripodi, PhD (Florida State University) The Nexus of Trauma & Mental Health in Girls’ Pathways Delinquency Dana DeHart, PhD (University of South Carolina) Violence Exposure As a Pathway to Delinquency: A Proposed Cycle of Abuse and Neglect Among Incarcerated Juvenile Sexual Abusers Kevin Tan, MSW, Adam Brown, MSW (University of Chicago), George Leibowitz, PhD (University of Vermont), David Burton, PhD (Smith College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 201 Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am “ACEs”-Informed Subgroups Among Youth in the “Pipeline to Crime”: A Latent Class Analysis Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD (University at Buffalo), Bokyung Elizabeth Kim, MSW, Sharon Borja, MSW, Isaias R. Hernandez, MSW, Paula S. Nurius, PhD (University of Washington) 190 [CW] Cross System Child Welfare Issues HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Moderator: Stephanie L. Rivaux, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Developing a Social Justice Approach to Public Child Welfare Practice: The Effects of a Critical Race Theory-Based MSW Curriculum Susan Nakaoka, MSW (University of California, Los Angeles), Abigail Pansacola, MSW, Lorraine Dillard, BA (California State University, Dominguez Hills) Factors Impacting Effective Use of Medical Evaluations in Child Abuse Cases: Findings From a Multi-Site Study Stephanie L. Rivaux, PhD, Monica Faulkner, PhD, Laura Marra, MSSW (University of Texas at Austin), Rebecca Gomez, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio), Beth Gerlach, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) The IMPACT Of Religiosity On The Delinquency Of Maltreated YOUTH Jill Schreiber, PhD (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville) Understanding the Impact of a Capped Allocation Environment in Child Welfare and Juvenile Probation Charlie Michael Ferguson, PhD (San Jose State University) 191 [CW] Stakeholder Perspectives HBGCC, Room 002B River Level in Child Welfare Moderator: Michele D. Hanna, PhD (University of Denver) Foster Youth Perception of the Foster Home As a Predictor of Internalized Mental Health Paul Sorenson, MSW, Bowen McBeath, PhD (Portland State University), Lew Bank, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center), Brianne H. Kothari, PhD (Portland State University) 202 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am Inside the “Black Box”: Parent Perspectives On Differential Response in Child Protective Services Tamara Fuller, Megan S. Paceley, MSW (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Jill Schreiber, PhD (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville) Making Sense of Poverty in Child Welfare: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Public and Tribal Child Welfare Workers’ Construction of Poverty & Its Causes Juliana M. Carlson, AM (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Residential Treatment and Adoption: The Adoptive Parent Perspective Michele D. Hanna, PhD, Erin Boyce, MSW (University of Denver) 192 [C&CJ] Examining Sexual Assault MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 Perpetration, Attitudes, and Interventions Moderator: Debra Patterson, PhD (Wayne State University) An Exploratory Study of Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Students in China Jia Xue, Master of Law (University of Pennsylvania), Gang Fang, PhD (Beijing Forestry University) Interdisciplinary Team Communication and Conflicts Among Nurses and Sexual Assault Victim Advocates Debra Patterson, PhD (Wayne State University) Pathways to Justice: The Movement of Adult Female Sexual Assault Cases Across the Criminal Justice System Sharon B. Murphy (University of New Hampshire, Durham) Understanding Sexual Assault Perpetration: A Test of the Confluence Model in a Diverse, National Sample of Men Erin A. Casey, PhD, Tatiana Masters, PhD, Blair Beadnell, PhD, Marilyn Hoppe, PhD, Diane Morrison, PhD, Elizabeth A. Wells, PhD (University of Washington) HBGCC, Room 008A River Level 193 [H&D] Impact of Child and Parental Disabilities and Relationships Moderator: Melissa Lippold, PhD (The Pennsylvania State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 203 Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am Parent Attitudes and Perceptions of Internalized Emotional Distress in Children With Developmental Conditions Jolynn Haney, Linda Houser, PhD (Widener University) Parent-Child Relationships and Child Physical Health and StressRelated Physiology: A Daily Diary Investigation Melissa Lippold, PhD, Susan McHale, PhD, Kelly Davis, PhD, David Almeida, PhD (The Pennsylvania State University) The Prevalence of Parental Disabilities in Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings Traci LaLiberte, PhD, Elizabeth Lightfoot, PhD (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) The Risk and Timing of Divorce in Parents of Children With a Developmental Disability Eun Ha Namkung, MSW, Jieun Song, PhD, Jan Steven Greenberg, PhD, Marsha R. Mailick, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Frank Floyd, PhD (University of Hawaii) 194 [ISW&GI] Challenges Facing Children and HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Families Globally Moderator: Hyojin Im, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) Developing a Culturally Relevant Psychosocial Intervention Model for Urban Somali Refugees in Kenya Hyojin Im, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Abdulkadir Warsame, MD (Tawakal Medical Centre), David Ndetei, MD (University of Nairobi) Internally Displaced Children in Nepal: Global Implications On Data Inconsistency and Methodological Challenges Bonita B. Sharma, MSSW, Arati Maleku, MSW, Silviya Nikolova (University of Texas at Arlington) Reasons for Women’s Entry Into Sex Work: A Case Study of India Sunny Sinha, PHD (Marywood University) Social Networks and Caregiving Practices Among Street Children in Bangladesh Md. Hasan Reza, MSW (University of Chicago) 204 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am 195 [MH] Psychotropic Medications and Costs HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Moderator: Cynthia A. Fontanella, PhD (Ohio State University) Comorbid Health Conditions and Healthcare Expenditures: A Comparison Study By Mental Illness Status Sungkyu Lee, PhD, Sunha Choi, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Aileen Rothbard, ScD (University of Pennsylvania) Eligibility-Based Psychotropic Polypharmacy Trends and Patterns Among Youth Enrolled in Ohio Medicaid, 2002-2008 Cynthia A. Fontanella, PhD (Ohio State University), Lynn A. Warner, PhD (Albany State University), Gary Phillips, MAS, J.A. Bridge, PhD, John V. Campo, MD (Ohio State University) Medicaid Expenditures On Psychotropic Drugs for a National Sample of Children in Child Welfare Ramesh Raghavan, MD, PhD, Derek S. Brown, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Ben Allaire, MS (Research Triangle Institute), Lin Shao, MS, Lauren Garfield, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 196 [OM&C] The Dynamics of Power and MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E Influence Across Organizations, 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Communities, and Policy Arenas Moderator: Heather R. Edwards, PhD (Wayne State University) Concentrated Disadvantage, the Geography of Power, and the Spatial Distribution of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Eve Garrow, PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Fostering Democracy Or Institutionalizing Exclusion? How Human Service Organizations Attempt to “Speak” On Behalf of Vulnerable Communities Jennifer E. Mosley, PhD, Colleen M. Grogan, PhD (University of Chicago) How Power Dynamics Influence the Role of Social Work Community Practice in Sacrifice Zones Amy Krings, MSW (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Influencing Policymaking: A Rhetorical Analysis of Congressional Child Welfare Testimonies Heather R. Edwards, PhD, Louise Samuel, MSW (Wayne State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 205 Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am 197 [P&SP] Families and Poverty: MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B Theoretical and Empirical Approaches 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Kevin Shafer, PhD (Brigham Young University) Family Structure and the Welfare of Women and Children: Evidence From the 2010 American Community Survey Kevin Shafer, PhD (Brigham Young University), Todd M. Jensen, MSW, CSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Symbolic Capital As a Tool for Social Change: Social Work and Bourdieu Guy Feldman, MSW (Bryn Mawr College), Roni Strier, PhD (University of Haifa), Hillel Schmid, PhD (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 198 [RE&I] Racial and Ethnic MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Differences in Services for Foster Care Moderator: David S. Crampton, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) Kinship Care and Undocumented Latino Children in the Texas Foster Care System Jennifer Scott, MSSW, MIA, Monica Faulkner, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Jodi Berger Cardoso, PhD (University of Houston) Racial and Ethnic Differences in Crisis Nursery Service Utilization and Subsequent Foster Care Placement - The Role of Engagement David S. Crampton, PhD, Susan Yoon, MSW (Case Western Reserve University) Racial/Ethnic Differences in Mental Health Service Use By Foster Youth Aging Out: Who Uses and Who Continues to Use After Care? Margarita Villagrana, PhD (University of Southern California), Theresa Knott, PhD (California State University, Northridge), Maanse Hoe, PhD (Keimyung University) 199 [RD&M] Psychometric Research HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Moderator: Andrew Subica, PhD (University of Southern California) Assessing Multiple Methods for Measuring Clinical Change Using the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment Bethany Lee, PhD, John A. Cosgrove, MSW, Mark Lardner, MSW, LCSW-C, Neil Mallon (University of Maryland at Baltimore) 206 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 10:30am Development and Testing of the Multi-Modal Coping Inventory (MMCI) Carlton D. Craig, PhD, Patricia G. Cook-Craig, PhD (University of Kentucky) Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory – II Among Adult Psychiatric Inpatients Andrew Subica, PhD (University of Southern California), J. Christopher Fowler, PhD (The Menninger Clinic), Jon D. Elhai, PhD (University of Toledo), B. Christopher Frueh, PhD (The Menninger Clinic), Carla Sharp, PhD (University of Houston), Erin L. Kelly, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles), Jon G. Allen, PhD (The Menninger Clinic) The Effects of Measurement Error in the Independent Variable On the Standardized Mean Difference and a Proposed Procedure for Correcting It William R. Nugent, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) 200 [SM&AB] Substance Use During MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Moderator: Stella M. Resko, PhD (Wayne State University) Child Maltreatment, Impulsivity, and Alcohol Use in Young Adulthood Sunny H. Shin, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Sungkyu Lee, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Sae-Mi Jeon, MA (Virginia Commonwealth University), Thomas A. Wills, PhD (University of Hawai`i) Examining Adolescent Substance Use and Obesity Among a Nationally Representative Sample Andrea Brinkmann, MSW (University of Southern California) Long Term Effects of Video and Computer Gaming Overuse On Depression, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Use Disorder Among Adolescents in the U.S Chennan Liu, MA, Janet Liechty, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Public Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Adolescent Marijuana Use: Results of a State-Wide Survey Stella M. Resko, PhD (Wayne State University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 207 Sunday | January 19 | 8:45am - 12:15pm 201 [WF&FP] Precarious Employment, MR, Riverview, Lower Parking Level Work Hours and Job Opportunities: Elevator Level P1 The Role of Social Policy and Employer Practices Moderator: Susan Lambert, PhD (University of Chicago) An Analysis of Experiences of Discrimination and Functional Health Over the Life Course Among Women Ian Jantz, MSW, Quenette Walton, AM (University of Illinois at Chicago) Determinants of Employment: Impact of Medicaid and Chip Among Unmarried Female Heads of Household With Young Children Gina L. Rosen, MPP (University of California, Los Angeles) Opportunity Structures At Department Stores and Older Workers’ Job Prospects Ellen G. Frank-Miller, MA (University of Chicago) The Role of Manager Practices and Employee Work-Life Responsibilities in Explaining Fluctuating and Scarce Hours in PartTime Retail Jobs Susan Lambert, PhD, Julia R. Henly, PhD, Alexandra B. Stanczyk, AM (University of Chicago) 10:30 am - 10:45 am Break 10:45 am - 12:15 pm SYMPOSIA 202 [CW] Findings From the Midwest HBGCC, Room 102A Street Level Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth Organizer: Mark E. Courtney, PhD (University of Chicago) Self-Reported Experience of Maltreatment in Care By Foster Youth Making the Transition to Adulthood Mark E. Courtney, PhD (University of Chicago) Classes of Maltreatment in a Sample of Foster Youth Colleen E. Cary, LMSW, Mark E. Courtney, PhD (University of Chicago) 208 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Does Education Pay for Former Foster Care Youth? Results From Waves 4 and 5 of the Midwest Study Nathanael Okpych, MSW, Mark E. Courtney, PhD (University of Chicago) Psychosocial Pathways to Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Risk Among Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care: Evidence From a Longitudinal Cohort Study Kym R. Ahrens, MD, MPH, Cari McCarty, PhD, Jane Simoni, PhD (University of Washington), Amy Dworsky, Mark E. Courtney, PhD (University of Chicago) 203 [MH] Fighting Stigma On the HBGCC, Room 008B River Level Front Lines: Study Findings to Inform the Development of Interventions to Increase Treatment Seeking Among Soldiers Organizer: Elisa V. Borah, PhD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Army Soldiers’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Treatment Seeking Behaviors Regarding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Elisa V. Borah, PhD, Katherine A. Dondanville, PsyD, Paul G. Fowler, BA, Kristi E. Pruiksma, PhD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Evaluation of An Intervention Targeting Stigma & Enhancing Military Leaders’ Ability to Encourage Soldiers to Seek PTSD Treatment Katherine A. Dondanville, PsyD, Elisa V. Borah, PhD, Paul G. Fowler, BA (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Are Sleep Problems Less Stigmatizing for Soldiers Than PTSD? Kristi E. Pruiksma, PhD, Nicholas Holder, BA, Brooke A. Fina, LCSW, Emily Kitsmiller, BA, Paul G. Fowler, BA, Elisa V. Borah, PhD, Katherine A. Dondanville, PsyD (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio), Daniel J. Taylor, PhD (University of North Texas) 204 [OM&C] Researching Ways to Promote HBGCC, Room 003B River Level Community Action and Social Change Organizer: Elizabeth A. Segal, PhD (Arizona State University) The Role of Community Based Organizations in Public Housing Redevelopment Planning Laurie A. Walker, MSW, PhD (Arizona State University), Jean East, PhD (University of Denver) sswr | san antonio | 2014 209 Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Participatory Action Research As a Tool for Social Change: Lgbtq Young People Impacting Their Communities M. Alex Wagaman, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) Measuring Social Empathy: Tool for Researchers to Effect Social Change Elizabeth A. Segal, PhD (Arizona State University) 205 [SM&AB] Emerging Adults in Substance HBGCC, Room 103A Street Level Use Disorder Treatment Organizer: Douglas C. Smith, PhD (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Marijuana Withdrawal Among Emerging Adults Receiving Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatments Jordan P. Davis, MSW, Douglas C. Smith, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Three and Six Month Predictive Validity of Readiness to Change Measures for Emerging Adults in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Douglas C. Smith, PhD, Jordan P. Davis, MSW (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Twelve Month Mental Health, Substance Use and Service Use Trajectories Among Emerging Adults in Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatments Leah R. Cleeland, MSW, Judy Havlicek, PhD, Douglas C. Smith, PhD, Jordan P. Davis, MSW (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) WORKSHOP 206 [SWP] The Science of Research HBGCC, Room 103B Street Level Synthesis: Limiting Bias and Error in Research Reviews Julia H. Littell, PhD (Bryn Mawr College), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University) CONCURRENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS 207 [ADOL] Understanding Predictors of HBGCC, Room 002B River Level Academic Achievement Moderator: Katherine L. Montgomery, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) 210 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm School-Based Delinquency Prevention: A Review of “Evidence-Based” Treatments Katherine L. Montgomery, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis), Brandy R. Maynard, PhD (Saint Louis University), Johnny S. Kim, PhD (University of Denver) The Role of Caregiver Support in Improving Academic Achievement of AIDS-Orphaned Children in Uganda Proscovia Nabunya, Leyla Ismayilova, PhD (University of Chicago), Fred M. Ssewamala, PhD, Jennifer Nattabi, BA (Columbia University) Understanding the School Experience and High School Graduation Rates of Middle School Profiles of School Victimization and Problem Behaviors Kevin Tan, MSW, Ryan Heath, AM, Aditi Das, Yoonsun Choi, PhD (University of Chicago) Youth Physical Activity As a Predictor of School Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement Christopher Wretman, MSW, Natasha Bowen, PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 208 [CW] Famiy Engagement and Team HBGCC, Room 102B Street Level Conferencing Moderator: Robin E. Perry, PhD (Florida A & M University) Family Team Conferencing: Results and Implications From An Experimental Study in Florida Robin E. Perry, PhD (Florida A & M University), Jane Yoo, PhD (Clarus Research), Toni Spoliansky, MA (Partnership for Strong Families) From Investigating to Engaging Families: Working Toward Racial Equity in Child Welfare Annette M. Semanchin Jones, MSW (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) Strategies for Engaging Foster Care Youth in Permanency Planning Family Team Conferences Astraea Augsberger, PhD (Boston University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 211 Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm 209 [CW] Parents and Kin in Child Welfare HBGCC, Room 001A River Level Moderator: Christina Sogar, PhD (University of Nebraska, Kearney) Head Start Participation and Mothers’ Use of Spanking: A Moderation Analysis By Child Gender RaeHyuck Lee, MSW (Columbia University), Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, PhD (Teachers College, Columbia University), Wen-Jui Han (New York University), Jane Waldfogel, PhD (Columbia University), Fuhua Zhai, PhD (State University of New York at Stony Brook) Parenting Stress Among Child Welfare Involved Families: A MultiDimensional Analysis Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins, MSW, Maureen O. Marcenko, PhD (University of Washington) Parents With Disabilities in the Child Welfare System Christina Sogar, PhD (University of Nebraska, Kearney) The Impact of Kin Support On American Indian Families Gordon Limb, PhD, Kevin Shafer, PhD (Brigham Young University) 210 [H&D] Prevention and Resilience HBGCC, Room 008A River Level Among People at Risk for HIV Moderator: Paul W. Colson, PhD (Columbia University) A Meta-Analysis of HIV Prevention Interventions Targeting Women With Criminal Justice Involvement Sameena Azhar, MSW, MPH, Kathryn Berringer, BA, Matthew Epperson, PhD (University of Chicago) Differences in TB Knowledge & Attitudes Among Non-Hispanic Black and White US-Born Tuberculosis Patients Paul W. Colson, PhD (Columbia University), Chaturia D. Rouse, Meredith M. Howley, MS, Dolly Katz, PhD (CDC), Yael HirschMoverman, PhD (Columbia University), Rachel A. Royce, Phd, MPH (RTI International) Sacred Journey: Healthy Womanhood in a Pacific Northwest Tribe Katie Schultz, MSW, Cynthia Pearson, PhD, Taryn Lindhorst, PhD (University of Washington), Annie Belcourt, PhD (University of Montana, Missoula), Winona Wynn, PhD (Heritage University), Patricia Whitefoot, MA (Toppenish School District) 212 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Ties That Bind: Community Attachment and Discriminations Among Black Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW (Morgan State University), Pilgrim Spikes, PhD (Centers for Disease Control), Vijay Nandi, PhD (New York Blood Center), Hong Van Tieu, MD, MS (Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention, New York Blood Center), Victoria Frye, PhD (New York Blood Center), Jocelyn Patterson, PhD (Centers for Disease Control), Beryl Koblin, PhD (New York Blood Center) 211 [MH] Recovery, Empowerment, and HBGCC, Room 001B River Level Shared Decision-Making Moderator: Sadaaki Fukui, PhD (University of Kansas) Constructing Individuals’ Lived Experiences in Shaping Social Inclusion: Voices of Persons in Recovery From Mental Illness Megan C. Stanton, MSW, Yin-Ling Irene Wong, PhD, Roberta G. Sands, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Self-Stigma and Organizational Empowerment In CombinedCommunity Mental Health and Consumer-Run Services: Two Randomized Controlled Trials Steven P. Segal, PhD, Carol J. Silverman, PhD (University of California, Berkeley), Tanya L. Temkin, MA, MPH (Kaiser Permanente of Northern California,Oakland) Shared Decision-Making (SDM) for People With Serious Mental Illness Sadaaki Fukui, PhD (University of Kansas), Michelle Salyers, PhD, Mariann Matthias, PhD (Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis) Using Ethnographic Methods to Explore Team Culture and Recovery Orientation Stacey Barrenger, AM (University of Pennsylvania), Kendall Atterbury, MSW, Victoria Stanhope, PhD (New York University) 212 [MH] Youth at Risk: Treatment HBGCC, Room 003A River Level Foster Care, Homelessness and Systems of Care Moderator: Theda Rose, PhD (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Examining Relationships Between Number of Youth in the Home, Treatment Processes, and Outcomes in Treatment Foster Care Elizabeth M. Z. Farmer, PhD, Dalia El-Khoury, MEd (Virginia Commonwealth University) sswr | san antonio | 2014 213 Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Examining Strengths Among Systems of Care Youth: A Latent Class Analysis Theda Rose, PhD, Bethany Lee, PhD, Maria Jose Horen, MS, MPH (University of Maryland at Baltimore) Prevalence and Outcomes of Childhood Poly-Victimization Among Homeless Youth Kimberly A. Bender, PhD, Samantha M. Brown, MA, Lisa Langenderfer, MSW (University of Denver), Sanna Thompson, PhD (University of Texas at Austin), Kristin M. Ferguson, PhD (City University of New York) Treatment Implementation and Parenting Practices in Treatment Foster Care Elizabeth M. Z. Farmer, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Melissa Lippold, PhD (The Pennsylvania State University), Shihhye Lee, MSW (Virginia Commonwealth University) 213 [OM&C] The Impact of Organizational MR, Riverview, Lower Parking Level Elevator Level P1 Climates and Cultures on the Child Welfare Staff and Clients Moderator: HaeJung Kim, PhD (West Virginia University) Relationship Between Psychological Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction Among Child Welfare Employees in Voluntary Agencies Allison Houston, MS, CPH, Anne-Marie Gomes, MPH, MSW, Nancy Claiborne, PhD (State University of New York at Albany) The Quest for Rural Child Welfare Workers: How Different Are They From Their Urban Counterparts in Demographics, Work Attitudes, and Organizational Climate? HaeJung Kim, PhD (West Virginia University), Karen M. Hopkins, PhD (University of Maryland) MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon B 214 [P&SP] Homeless Adults: Services and Needs 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Deborah A. Fisk, PhD (University of Connecticut) “They Can Only Do So Much”: Reliance On Family While Coping With Rural Homelessness Deanna Trella, PhD, Timothy Hilton, PhD (Northern Michigan University) 214 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Living Arrangements and Maternal Parenting Stress: Doubling Up in Housing, Doubling Down On Stress William J. Schneider, BA, Kimberly Spencer, MSW, Soyeon Kim, MSW, Angela Aifah, MSW, Rong Zhao, MS (Columbia University) Predicting Housing Stability in a Population Study of Privately Subsidized Housing Daniel Brisson, PhD (University of Denver), Jennifer Covert (Mercy Housing) Use of Medical Services By Homeless Persons With Psychiatric and Co-Occurring Disorders Deborah A. Fisk, PhD (University of Connecticut) 215 [P&SP] Politics, Poverty, MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon E 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR and Children Moderator: Sandra S. Butler, PhD (University of Maine) Documenting the Consequences of a State TANF Time Limit Law: Research Supporting Legislative Change Sandra S. Butler, PhD (University of Maine) Knowledge, Politics, and Welfare Reform: Examining the Policy Changes in the General Assistance Program in Washington State Yu-Ling Chang, MSW (University of Washington) Politics and Poverty: State-Level Determinants of Payday Loan Interest Rates Trey Bickham, MSW, Michelle Livermore, PhD, Younghee Lim, PhD (Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge) State TANF Time Limit and Sanction Policies and Children’s Wellbeing Julia Shu-Huah Wang, MS, MSW (Columbia University) 216 [RE&I] Community and HBGCC, Room 002A River Level Interpersonal Violence Moderator: Ijeoma Nwabuzor Ogbonnaya, PhD, (University of Southern California) Correlates of Gang Involvement Among Detained African American Adolescent Females Dexter Voisin, PhD (University of Chicago), Kelly King, MPH (John Hopkins) sswr | san antonio | 2014 215 Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Domestic Violence Among Unauthorized Immigrant Parents Reported for Child Maltreatment: Findings from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, II (NSCAW II) Ijeoma Nwabuzor Ogbonnaya, PhD, Megan A. Finno, MSW (University of Southern California), Patricia L. Kohl, PhD (Washington University in Saint Louis) Parenting in Puerto Rican Families Experiencing Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence Lirio Negroni, PhD, Cristina Mogro-Wilson, PhD, Michie N. Hesselbrock, PhD (University of Connecticut) Speak to Me, Man of God: Black Pastor’s Views On Handling Trauma and Violence in Urban Communities of Need Jennifer Shepard Payne, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago) 217 [RE&I] Immigration MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon C 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Policy and Reform Moderator: David K. Androff, PhD (Arizona State University) Findings From An Extended Case Management U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program Stacey A. Shaw, MSW (Columbia University), Patrick Poulin, MSW (International Rescue Committee) Human Service Organizations and Immigration Reform: Administrators’ Knowledge About Immigration Policy Bethany G. Womack, MSW, Brenda D. Smith, PhD (University of Alabama) On the Frontlines of Immigration Reform: Forms of Practice Discretion Brenda D. Smith, PhD, Bethany G. Womack, MSW (University of Alabama) Restrictive State Immigration Policies and Immigrant Population Shifts: Using Geospatial Mapping Techniques to Inform Policy and Practice David K. Androff, PhD, David Becerra, PhD, Jaime Booth, MSW, Cecilia Ayón, PhD (Arizona State University) MR, Alamo Ballroom Salon F 218 [SWP] Building and Implementing Evidence-Based Practice 2nd Floor Elevator Level BR Moderator: Ann Curry-Stevens, PhD (Portland State University) 216 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Sunday | January 19 | 10:45am - 12:15pm Evaluating a Leadership Development Initiative Among Six Communities of Color: Building the Evidence Base of CulturallySpecific Programming Ann Curry-Stevens, PhD (Portland State University), Abdiasis Mohamed, BSW (Africa House) Evidence Based Practice Behaviors: Implications for Third Party Reimbursement Micki Washburn, MA (University of Houston) Models for Implementing University-Agency Partnerships for Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work: Results From a National Mixed Methods Study Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD (University of Chicago), Sarah E. BledsoeMansori, PhD, MSW, MPhil (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Traci Wike, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Erna Dinata, PhD (University of Chicago), Melissa D. Grady, PhD (The Catholic University of America), Candace Killian-Farrell, LCSW, MSSW (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) States Experiencing Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Public Mental Health Settings Kellie D. Cody, PhD (Campbellsville University) 219 [SM&AB] Individual and Social MR, River Terrace, Upper Parking Level Elevator Level P2 Context Influences on Substance Use and Recovery Moderator: Suzanne Brown, PhD (Wayne State University) Does Industrialization Change Drinking Behaviors in China? A Longitudinal Study of Changing Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Modern China Christine W. M. Lou, MSW, Julian C. C. Chow, PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Early Bonding Experiences, Social Support, and Quality of Life Among Women in Substance Abuse Treatment Suzanne Brown, PhD (Wayne State University), Elizabeth M. Tracy, PhD (Case Western Reserve University) The Influence of Social Recovery Capital, Stress, and Relapse On the Mental Health of Individuals Recovering From Addiction Jacquelyn S. Hillios, PhD, James Lubben, DSW, MPH (Boston College) sswr | san antonio | 2014 217 218 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Society for Social Work and Research Board of Directors 2013-2014 President Jeanne Marsh, PhD University of Chicago President-Elect Eddie Uehara, PhD University of Washington Vice President Wynne Korr, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Vice President-Elect James Lubben, PhD Boston College Immediate Past Vice President Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD University of Michigan Secretary Alberta Ellett, PhD University of Georgia Members-at-Large Jackie Hawkins, MSW University of Michigan (Student Member-at-Large) Karen Hopkins, PhD University of Maryland Sean Joe, PhD University of Michigan Karen Lincoln, PhD University of Southern California Ruth McRoy, PhD Boston College Brian Perron, PhD University of Michigan Lela Rankin Williams, PhD Arizona State University Treasurer Bowen McBeath, PhD Portland State University Founding President Janet B.W. Williams, DSW New York State Psychiatric Institute Columbia University sswr | san antonio | 2014 219 SSWR Presidents 1994 - 2014 Janet B.W. Williams, DSW (Founding President) Columbia University 1994-1996 Tony Tripodi, PhD Ohio State University 1996-1998 Allen Rubin, PhD University of Houston 1998-2000 Nancy Hooyman, PhD University of Washington 2000-2002 Paula Allen-Meares, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago 2002-2004 Deborah K. Padgett, PhD New York University 2004-2006 Anne (Ricky) Fortune, PhD State University of New York at Albany 2006-2008 Sarah Gehlert, PhD Washington University in St. Louis 2008-2010 Rowena Fong, EdD University of Texas at Austin 2010-2012 Jeanne Marsh, PhD University of Chicago 2012-2014 220 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Society for Social Work and Research 2014 Conference Program Committee Vice President & Program Chair Wynne Korr, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign President Jeanne Marsh, PhD University of Chicago President-Elect Eddie Uehara, PhD University of Washington Vice President-Elect James Lubben, PhD Boston College Immediate Past Vice President & Program Chair Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD University of Michigan Awards Co-Chairs Karen Lincoln, PhD University of Southern California Lela Rankin Williams, PhD Arizona State University Membership Task Force Chair Sean Joe, PhD University of Michigan Volunteer Coordinator Karen Hopkins, PhD University of Maryland Student Board Representative Jackie Hawkins, MSW University of Michigan sswr | san antonio | 2014 221 Society for Social Work and Research 2014 Conference Program Cluster Chairs Adolescents and Youth Development Kimberly Bender, PhD University of Denver Sanna Thompson, PhD University of Texas at Austin Aging Services and Gerontology Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD University of Michigan Joseph Pickard, PhD University of Missouri – St. Louis Child Welfare Diane DePanfilis, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore Curtis McMillen, PhD University of Chicago Crime and Criminal Justice Jill Messing, PhD Arizona State University Jeffrey Shook, PhD University of Pittsburgh Gender Tonya Edmond, PhD Washington University in St. Louis Daphne Watkins, PhD University of Michigan Health and Disability Wendy Auslander, PhD Washington University in St. Louis Marjorie Sable, PhD University of Missouri 222 sswr | san antonio | 2014 International Social Work and Global Issues Julian Chow, PhD University of California at Berkeley Rowena Fong, EdD University of Texas at Austin Mental Health Beth Angell, PhD Rutgers University Mary Ruffolo, PhD University of Michigan Organizations, Management, and Communities Karen Hopkins, PhD University of Maryland Cheryl Hyde, PhD Temple University Poverty and Social Policy Roberta Iversen, PhD University of Pennsylvania Daniel Meyer, PhD University of Wisconsin – Madison Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Altaf Husain, PhD Howard University Michael Spencer, PhD University of Michigan Research Design and Measurement James Lubben, PhD Boston College Allen Rubin, PhD University of Houston Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Society for Social Work and Research 2014 Conference Program Cluster Chairs (cont’d) Research on Social Work Education Wynne Korr, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Andrew Safyer, PhD Adelphi University School Social Work Cynthia Franklin, PhD University of Texas at Austin Andy Frey, PhD University of Louisville Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity James Martin, PhD New York University Social Work Practice Sarah Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Alan Detlaff, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Substance Abuse and Addictive Behaviors Audrey Begun, PhD Ohio State University David Pollio, PhD University of Alabama Work, Family, and Family Policy Anna Haley-Lock, PhD University of Wisconsin – Madison Susan Lambert, PhD University of Chicago sswr | san antonio | 2014 223 224 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Society for Social Work and Research 2014 Conference Program Abstract Review Committee The conference could not be held absent the dedication of members who agreed to serve on the conference program abstract review committee. We would like to thank the following individuals who reviewed abstracts for the 2014 conference: Cesar Abarca, New Mexico State University Laura Abrams, University of California, Los Angeles Barry Ackerson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mary Acri, New York University Heidi Adams, University of Texas at San Antonio Gail Adorno, University of Texas at Arlington Haksoon Ahn, University of Maryland Becci Akin, University of Kansas Paula Allen-Meares, University of Illinois at Chicago Julie Altman, Adelphi University Maryann Amodeo, Boston University Jeane Anastas, New York University Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Ohio State University Christina Andrews, University of South Carolina Beth Angell, Rutgers University Beverly Araujo Dawson, Adelphi University Wendy Auslander, Washington University in St. Louis Michael Austin, University of California at Berkeley Cecilia Ayón, Arizona State University Judith Baer, Rutgers University Concepcion Barrio, University of Southern California Laina Bay-Cheng, University at Buffalo, SUNY Audrey Begun, Ohio State University Venera Bekteshi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jennifer Bellamy, University of Chicago Melissa Bellin, University of Maryland Kim Bender, University of Denver Larry Bennett, University of Illinois at Chicago Kia Bentley, Virginia Commonwealth University Lawrence Berger, University of Wisconsin Barbara Berkman, Boston College Megan Berthold, University of Connecticut David Biegel, Case Western Reserve University Lucy Bilaver, Northern Illinois University Julie Birkenmaier, Saint Louis University Bipasha Biswas, Eastern Washington University sswr | san antonio | 2014 225 Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) James Blackburn, Hunter College Sarah Bledsoe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Casey Bohrman, University of Pennsylvania Elisa Borah, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Alida Bouris, University of Chicago Gary Bowen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Natasha Bowen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sharon Bowland, University of Louisville John Brekke, University of Southern California Eileen Brennan, Portland State University Brian Bride, University of Georgia Daniel Brisson, University of Denver Jody Brook, University of Kansas Alicia Bunger, Ohio State University Noel Busch-Armendariz, University of Texas at Austin Amy Butler, University of Iowa Fred Buttell, Tulane University Leopoldo Cabassa, Columbia University Daphne Cain, Louisiana State University Kelli Canada, University of Missouri Michelle Carney, University of Georgia Erin Casey, University of Washington Julie Cederbaum, University of Southern California Letha Chadiha, University of Michigan Amy Chanmugam, University of Texas at San Antonio Mimi Chapman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Pajarita Charles, University of Chicago Fang-Pei Chen, Columbia University Sangmi Cho, Ewha Womans University Jae-Song Choi, Yonsei University Namkee Choi, University of Texas at Austin Julian Chow, University of California at Berkeley Nancy Claiborne, University at Albany, SUNY Ram Cnaan, University of Pennsylvania David Cohen, Florida International University Edward Cohen, San Jose State University Amy Cohen-Callow, University of Maryland Terri Combs-Orme, University of Tennessee Kathryn Cooney, Yale University Shelley Craig, University of Toronto Elizabeth Cramer, Virginia Commonwealth University Courtney Cronley, University of Texas at Arlington 226 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Theodore Cross, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jami Curley, Saint Louis University Laura Curran, Rutgers University Marah Curtis, University of Wisconsin Amy D’Andrade, San Jose State University Ellen De Lara, Syracuse University Diane DePanfilis, University of Maryland Alan Detlaff, University of Illinois at Chicago Frank Dillon, Florida International University Erna Dinata, University of Chicago Diana DiNitto, University of Texas at Austin Martha Dore, Division of Child and Family Services/Riverside Community Care Andrea Doyle, University of Pennsylvania Otima Doyle, University of Illinois at Chicago James Drisko, Smith College Catherine Dulmus, University at Buffalo, SUNY Ruth Dunkle, University of Michigan Theresa Early, Ohio State University Tonya Edmond, Washington University in St. Louis Renee Edwards, University of Chicago Jennifer Elkins, University of Georgia Kathleen Ell, University of Southern California Alan Ellis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gretchen Ely, University of Kentucky Diane Elze, University at Buffalo, SUNY Clifton Emery, Yonsei University Rafael Engel, University of Pittsburgh Malitta Engstrom, University of Pennsylvania Matt Epperson, University of Chicago Karin Eyrich Garg, Temple University Lydia Falconnier, Governors State University Naomi Farber, University of South Carolina Antoinette Farmer, Rutgers University Betsy Farmer, Virginia Commonwealth University Trudy Festinger, New York University Patricia Findley, Rutgers University Colleen Fisher, University of Minnesota Rowena Fong, University of Texas at Austin Kirk Foster, University of South Carolina Cynthia Franklin, University of Texas at Austin Stacey Freedenthal, University of Denver Andy Frey, Adelphi University sswr | san antonio | 2014 227 Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Tamara Fuller, University of Illinois Rachel Fusco, University of Pittsburgh Antonio Garcia, University of Pennsylvania Maurice Gattis, University of Wisconsin Amelia Gavin, University of Washington Zvi Gellis, University of Pennsylvania Joe Gianesin, Springfield College Mary Gilfus, Simmons College Heather Girvin, Millersville University Lauri Goldkind, Fordham University Tomi Gomory, Florida State University Sara Goodkind, University of Pittsburgh Melissa Grady, Catholic University Jan Greenberg, University of Wisconsin Elizabeth Greeno, University of Maryland Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Washington University in St. Louis Susan Grossman, Loyola University Chicago Joseph Guada, Ohio State University Erick Guerrero, University of Southern California Baorong Guo, University of Missouri-St. Louis Shenyang Guo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Maria Gurrola, New Mexico State University Melinda Gushwa, Rhode Island College Chris Hahm, Boston University Anna Haley-Lock, University of Wisconsin Jodi Hall, North Carolina State University Meekyung Han, San Jose State University Wen-Jui Han, New York University Sydney Hans, University of Chicago Kimberly Hardy, University of Connecticut Donna Harrington, University of Maryland Julia Hastings, University at Albany, SUNY Judy Havlicek, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign R. Anna Hayward, Stony Brook University Julia Henly, University of Chicago Daniel Herman, Hunter College Andrew Hill, University of York Heather Hill, University of Chicago Lynn Holley, Arizona State University Megan Holmes, Case Western Reserve University Nancy Hooyman, University of Washington Karen Hopkins, University of Maryland 228 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Heather Horton, University at Albany, SUNY Matthew Howard, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jin Huang, Saint Louis University Shannon Hughes, Utah State University Altaf Husain, Howard University Cheryl Hyde, Temple University Aidyn Iachini, University of South Carolina Berit Ingersoll-Dayton, University of Michigan Roberta Iversen, University of Pennsylvania Jeff Jenson, University of Denver Sean Joe, University of Michigan Lani Jones, University at Albany, SUNY Patricia Joyce, Adelphi University Sharvari Karandikar-Chheda, Ohio State University Michael Kelly, Loyola University Chicago Susan Kemp, University of Washington Angela Kennedy, Michigan State University Poco Kernsmith, Wayne State University HaeJung Kim, West Virginia University Johnny Kim, University of Denver Tae Kuen Kim, Adelphi University Patricia Kohl, Washington University in St. Louis David Kondrat, University of South Florida Mary Ellen Kondrat, University of Kansas Wynne Korr, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Nancy Kropf, Georgia State University Judy Krysik, Arizona State University Sheryl Kubiak, Michigan State University Seth Kurzban, University of Southern California Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University Marcus Lam, Columbia University Susan Lambert, University of Chicago Miriam Landsman, University of Iowa Paul Lanier, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sonya Leathers, University of Illinois at Chicago Bethany Lee, University of Maryland Bong-Joo Lee, Seoul National University Judy Lee, No affiliation Karen Lee, University of Kansas Peter Lee, San Jose State University Rufina Lee, Touro College Patricia Lee King, University of Southern California sswr | san antonio | 2014 229 Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Taryn Lindhorst, University of Washington Lettie Lockhart, University of Georgia Patricia Logan-Greene, University at Buffalo, SUNY James Lubben, Boston College Gordon MacNeil, University of Alabama Jennifer Manuel, Virginia Commonwealth University Jeanne Marsh, University of Chicago James Martin, New York University Melissa Martinson, University of Washington Tina Maschi, Fordham university Brandy Maynard, University of Texas at Austin Bowen McBeath, Portland State University David Axlyn McLeod, University of Oklahoma Sarah McMahon, Rutgers University Curtis McMillen, University of Chicago Jennifer Meade, Rhode Island College William Meezan, Fordham University Joseph Merighi, Boston University Joshua Mersky, University of Illinois at Chicago Jill Messing, Arizona State University Lori Messinger, University of North Carolina at Wilmington Daniel Meyer, University of Wisconsin Megan Meyer, University of Maryland David Miller, Case Western Reserve University Karen Morgaine, California State University Northridge Tally Moses, University of Wisconsin Jennifer Mosley, University of Chicago Nancy Mudrick, Syracuse University Edward Mullen, Columbia University Michelle Munson, New York University Jordana Muroff, Boston University Sharon Murphy, University of New Hampshire Blace Nalavany, East Carolina University Sarah Narendorf, University of Houston Nalini Negi, University of Maryland Christina Newhill, University of Pittsburgh Duy Nguyen, New York University Emily Nicklett, University of Michigan Paula Nurius, University of Washington Ijeoma Nwabuzor, University of Southern California Patricia O’Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago Mary Ohmer, Georgia State University 230 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Julianne Oktay, University of Maryland John Orme, University of Tennessee Larry Ortiz, California State University Dominguez Hills Philip Osteen, University of Maryland Sandra Owens, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Thomas Packard, San Diego State Uiversity Deborah Padgett, New York University Lawrence Palinkas, University of Southern California Shanta Pandey, Washington University in St. Louis Ruth Paris, Boston University Jung Min Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Juyoung Park, Florida Atlantic University Yoosun Park, Smith College Debra Patterson, Wayne State University Wilma Peebles-Wilkins, Boston University Juan Pena, Hunter College Armon Perry, University of Louisville Clark Peters, University of Missouri Joseph Pickard, University of Missouri Rogerio Pinto, Columbia University David Pollio, University of Alabama Judy Postmus, Rutgers University Suzanne Pritzker, University of Houston Blanca Ramos, University at Albany, SUNY Karen Randolph, Florida State University Michael Reisch, University of Maryland Stella Resko, Wayne State University Christopher Rice, Florida International University Christine Rine, Plymouth State University Michael Robinson, East Carolina University Selena Rodgers, York College Lucinda Roff, University of Alabama Jennifer Romich, University of Washington Larry Root, University of Michigan Theda Rose, University of Maryland Michele Rountree, University of Texas at Austin Allen Rubin, University of Houston Mary Ruffolo, University of Michigan Scott Edward Rutledge, Temple University Scott Ryan, University of Texas at Arlington Tina Rzepnicki, University of Chicago Marjorie Sable, University of Missouri Bushra Sabri, Johns Hopkins University sswr | san antonio | 2014 231 Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Paul Sacco, University of Maryland Andrew Safyer, Adelphi University Izumi Sakamoto, University of Toronto Daniel Saunders, University of Michigan Janet Schneiderman, University of Southern California Elizabeth Segal, Arizona State University Soma Sen, San Jose State University Trina Shanks, University of Michigan Valerie Shapiro, University of California at Berkeley Corey Shdaimah, University of Maryland Huei-Wern Shen, University of Missouri-St. Louis Aron Shlonsky, University of Toronto Jeffrey Shook, University of Pittsburgh Sylvia Sims Gray, Eastern Michigan University Jonathan Singer, Temple University Brenda Smith, University of Alabama Alexa Smith-Osborne, University of Texas at Arlington Paul Smokowski, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Joanne Sobeck, Wayne State University Phyllis Solomon, University of Pennsylvania In-Han Song, Yonsei University Karen Sowers, University of Tennessee Michael Spencer, University of Michigan Karen Staller, University of Michigan Victoria Stanhope, New York University Marlys Staudt, University of Tennessee Gail Steketee, Boston University Susan Stone, University of California at Berkeley Rebecca Stotzer, University of Hawaii at Manoa Deborah Svoboda, Eastern Washington University James Swartz, University of Illinois at Chicago Karen Tabb, University of Illinois Kristie Thomas, Simmons College Sanna Thompson, University of Texas at Austin Matthew Thullen, University of Missouri Thanh Tran, Boston College Amy Traylor, University of Alabama Jay Unick, University of Maryland Michael Vaughn, Saint Louis University Lynn Videka, New York University Betsy Vonk, University of Georgia N. Eugene Walls, University of Denver 232 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Abstract Review Committee (cont’d) Rolanda Ward, State University of New York at Fredonia Lynn Warner, University at Albany, SUNY Keith Warren, Ohio State University Daphne Watkins, University of Michigan Arlene Weisz, Wayne State University Allison Werner-Lin, New York University Stephen Wernet, Saint Louis University Dina Wilke, Florida State University James Herbert Williams, University of Denver Lela Rankin Williams, Arizona State University Amy Wilson, Case Western Reserve University Yin Ling Irene Wong, University of Pennsylvania Michael Woodford, University of Michigan Michael Woolley, University of Maryland Chi-Fang Wu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Elwin Wu, Columbia University Fred Wulczyn, University of Chicago Ann Marie Yamada, University of Southern California Marci Ybarra, University of Chicago Joan Yoo, Seoul National University Dong Yoon, University of Missouri ManSoo Yu, University of Missouri Luis E. Zayas, Arizona State University Wu Zeng, Brandeis University Min Zhan, University of Illinois Andrew Zinn, University of Kansas Allison Zippay, Rutgers University Brad Zodikoff, Adelphi University sswr | san antonio | 2014 233 Aaron Rosen Lecture Award Review Committee Karen Hopkins (Chair) University of Maryland Lela Rankin Williams, PhD Arizona State University Edward Lawlor Washington University in St. Louis Enola Proctor Washington University in St. Louis 234 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award Review Committee Karen Lincoln (Chair) University of Southern California Barbara Berkman Columbia University Deborah Padgett New York University Kathleen Rounds University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lori Holleran Steiker University of Texas at Austin David Takeuchi Boston College Robert Taylor University of Michigan sswr | san antonio | 2014 235 Distinguished Career Achievement Award Review Committee President Jeanne Marsh, PhD University of Chicago President-Elect Eddie Uehara, PhD University of Washington Vice President Wynne Korr, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Vice President-Elect James Lubben, PhD Boston College Immediate Past Vice President Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD University of Michigan Secretary Alberta Ellett, PhD University of Georgia Treasurer Bowen McBeath, PhD Portland State University 236 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Members-at-Large Jackie Hawkins, MSW University of Michigan (Student Member-at-Large) Karen Hopkins, PhD University of Maryland Sean Joe, PhD University of Michigan Karen Lincoln, PhD University of Southern California Ruth McRoy, PhD Boston College Brian Perron, PhD University of Michigan Lela Rankin Williams, PhD Arizona State University Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Doctoral Fellows Award Review Committee Karen Lincoln (Chair) University of Southern California Henrika McCoy University of Illinois, Chicago Kia Bentley Virginia Commonwealth University Paul Sacco University of Maryland, Baltimore Valire Carr Copeland University of Pittsburgh Tracy Schroepfer University of Wisconsin Colleen Fisher University of Minnesota Paul Sterzing University of California, Berkeley Stacey Freedenthal Denver University Michael Vaughn Saint Louis University Amelia Gavin University of Washington Amanda Toler Woodward Michigan State University Tamika Gilreath University of Southern California Lorraine Gutierrez University of Michigan Sydney Hans University of Chicago sswr | san antonio | 2014 237 Excellence in Research Award Review Committee Lela Rankin Williams (Chair) Arizona State University David Becerra Arizona State University Gary Bowen University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Natasha Bowen University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jim Drisko Smith College Mark Fraser University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Bobbie Iversen University of Pennsylvania Allen Rubin University of Houston Kristine Siefert University of Michigan Carolyn Smith University at Albany 238 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award Review Committee Lela Rankin Williams (Chair) Arizona State University Joseph Himle University of Michigan Inna Altschul University of Denver James Jaccard New York University David Androff Arizona State University Judy Krysik Arizona State University Elizabeth Anthony Arizona State University Shawna Lee University of Michigan Cecilia Ayon Arizona State University Tim Page Louisiana State University Jennifer Bellamy University of Chicago Miriam Potocky Florida International University Amy Butler University of Iowa Michele Rountree University of Texas at Austin Jorge Delva University of Michigan Mary Ruffolo University of Michigan Martha Dore The Guidance Center Joan Rycraft University of Texas at Arlington Cynthia Franklin University of Texas, Austin Andrew Safyer Adelphi University Abbie Frost Simmons College Susan Stone University of California, Berkeley Catherine Greeno University of Pittsburgh Barbara Thomlison Florida International University Arlene Weisz Wayne State University sswr | san antonio | 2014 239 SSWR Awards History Aaron Rosen Lecture 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Diane DePanfilis Nancy Morrow-Howell John Brekke Gail Steketee Jeffrey Jenson Michael Sherraden Charles Glisson John Landsverk J. David Hawkins Claudia Coulton Mark Fraser Aaron Rosen Distinguished Career Achievement Award 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Nancy Morrow-Howell Ronald A. Feldman Yeheskel Hasenfeld Richard P. Barth Kathleen Ell, Ronald Toseland Mark Fraser Martha Ozawa Ruth McRoy Helen Reinherz David Fanshel Enola Proctor Steven P. Segal William J. Reid Janet B.W. Williams Walter Hudson Excellence in Research Award 2013 Kristin M. Ferguson 2012 Penelope K. Trickett, Jennie G. Noll, Elizabeth J. Susman, Chad E. Shenk, Frank W. Putnam 240 sswr | san antonio | 2014 2011 Ron Avi Astor, Rami Benbenishty, Jose Nuñez Estrada 2010 Taryn Lindhorst 2009 Daphna Oyserman 2008 Jennifer Romich 2007 Julia Henly, Sandra Danziger, Shira Offer 2006 Mark Fraser, Steven Day, Maeda Galinsky, Vanessa Hodges, Paul Smokowski 2005 Daphna Oyserman, Deborah Bybee, Kathy Terry 2004 Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Wen-Jui Han, Jane Waldfogel 2003 Sandra G. Beverly 2002 Yolanda C. Padilla 2001 Mark R. Rank, Thomas A. Hirschl 2000 Charles Glisson, Anthony Hemmelgam 1999 John S. Brekke, Jeffrey D. Long, Noel Nesbitt, Eugene Sobel 1998 Phyllis Solomon, Jeffrey Draine, Edie Mannion, Marilyn Meisel 1996 Rose Giaconia, Helen Reinherz, Amy Silverman, Bilge Pakiz, Abbie Frost, Elaine Cohen Outstanding Social Work Dissertation Award 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Carrie Moylan Emily Putnam-Hornstein Eric Garland Nalini Negi Sharon Bowland Maanse Hoe Bowen McBeath Sofya Bagdasaryan Hwa-Ok Park Rogerio M. Pinto Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and SSWR Awards History 2003 Michele W. Acree 2002 Taryn Lindhorst, Etty H. Vandsburger Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 H. Luke Shaefer Douglas Smith Michal Grinstein-Weiss Rogerio Pinto Susan Parish Sean Joe Lori Holleran Doctoral Fellows Award 2013 Kerri Nicoll University of Michigan Patricia Weldon University at Albany, State University of New York 2012 Megan Holmes University of California, Los Angeles Valerie Shapiro University of Washington 2011 Lea Tufford University of Toronto Carrie Pettus-Davis University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2010 Vandana Chaudhry The University of Illinois-Chicago 2009 Judy Havlicek The University of Chicago Amanda Lehning University of California, Berkeley 2008 Hiie Silmere Washington University in St. Louis Min Jung Kim University of Washington 2007 Amy Conley University of California, Berkeley Michelle Johnson University of California, Berkeley Tonia Stott Arizona State University 2006 Sam Choi University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Claudia Lahaie Columbia University 2005 Julie Darnell The University of Chicago Jung-Hwa Ha The University of Michigan Jeffrey Thigpen The University of Chicago Allison Werner-Lin The University of Chicago Regine King University of Toronto sswr | san antonio | 2014 241 Call for Papers THE SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL WORK AND RESEARCH is pleased to announce that its Nineteenth Annual Conference The Social and Behavioral importance of Increased Longevity will convene at the New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, LA January 14-18, 2015 The Conference Planning Committee of the Society for Society Work and Research (SSWR) invites submissions for presentations within all content areas of social work, social welfare services, and social policy. The theme for the 2015 conference is “The Social and Behavioral Importance of Increased Longevity”. A lengthy and fruitful life has long been a desire of all societies. One of the greatest accomplishments of the last century is that almost everyone now has a realistic possibility for a long life that, ideally, is also fruitful. The greatly increased prevalence of longevity has major consequences for all facets of society. The 2015 annual conference provides the opportunity for social work researchers, educators, practitioners and policy makers to strengthen our understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by increased longevity. Submissions for presentations may include individual paper and poster presentations, organized paper symposia, round-table discussions, and workshops. As illustrated in the cluster areas, submissions are encouraged across all areas of social work. These may span various forms of research. Preliminary cluster areas are: Adolescents and Youth Development, Aging Services and Gerontology, Child Welfare, Crime and Criminal Justice, Gender, Health and Disability, International Social Work and Global Issues, Mental Health, Organizations and Management, Poverty and Social Policy, Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration, Research Design and Measurement, Research on Social Work Education, School Social Work, Sexual Orientation, Social Work Practice, Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors, and Work, Family, and Family Policy. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS The conference will focus on original research that has implications for practice or policy. Research abstracts are encouraged in all substantive areas, using scientifically sound qualitative and/or quantitative methodology. The research may take place in any country and at the micro, macro, or policy level. You are invited to submit abstracts for presentations of one of three types of original research: (1) Oral paper presentation; (2) Symposium (organized by the applicant) of three or more papers on the same topic to be presented in the 242 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and same session; (3) Poster presentation. Only paper and poster abstracts reporting completed findings will be reviewed. We urge that studies with “findings pending” be submitted for future review after the study is complete. Abstracts should not be based on research previously published elsewhere. If applying for a paper or poster presentation, please submit an abstract of 500 words or less. References are not required, and if included count towards the 500 word limit. If applying for a symposium, please submit an abstract (500 words or less) for each symposium paper, along with an overall abstract (500 words or less) for the symposium session that describes the symposium theme and its importance. Preference will be given to symposia that demonstrate cohesiveness across presentations. Symposia will be accepted or rejected in total, i.e., abstracts will not be accepted independently. Abstracts should be submitted in a structured format and include the following: Background and Purpose: description of the problem, study objectives, research question(s) and/or hypothesis (es). Methods: study design, including a description of participants and sampling methods, data collection procedures, measures, and appropriate analytic/ statistical approach. Results: specific results in summary form. Conclusions and Implications: description of the main outcome(s) of the study and implications for practice, policy, or further research. Note: Image(s) and table(s) are not permitted in any abstract. The conference committee also invites abstract submissions for workshops and roundtable sessions. Workshop and roundtable session abstracts should include a topic that: (1) adds to the current knowledge base in social work practice, policy, theory, and research methodology, and (2) offers clear meaningful implications for social work research, policy and practice. The topic for workshop session abstracts should also offer training opportunities for methodology (study design, sampling, data collection, measurement, and analysis). If applying for a workshop or roundtable session, please submit an abstract of 500 words or less that describes the content and how it will be addressed. For workshops, describe the pedagogical techniques and for roundtables describe the topics that will be addressed elaborating on viewpoints and perspectives which may be discussed. SSWR seeks to optimize as many people participating in the conference as possible. SSWR, therefore, limits the number of roles that participants can play in the 2015 conference. There is a limit of two (2) presenting-author abstract submissions per person. This limit applies to these presentation formats: oral papers, both individual papers and papers within an organized symposium, posters, and workshops. It does not apply to co-authorship. Participants may, however, perform additional roles such as chairing an organized symposium, leading a special interest group, serving as moderator for a session of grouped oral papers, and a panelist in a round table session. You DO NOT need to be a SSWR member to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation the presenter/speaker MUST be a current 2015 member and register for the conference. This requirement is applicable to oral paper and poster presenters, symposium organizers, symposium paper presenters and symposium discussants, and workshop and roundtable speakers. Co-authors are not expected to comply with this policy. Co-authors attending the conference, however, are required to register for the conference. Peer reviews will be used to select submissions based upon technical merit and importance of findings. Please note that all abstracts are to be submitted online using the SSWR online abstract management system, which will be accessible March 2014. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59pm PDT on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans! sswr | san antonio | 2014 243 National Research Capacity Building Initiative (NRCBI) 2013 Recognition of NRCBI Supporters The Society for Social Work and Research recognizes the organizations that provided financial support to the SSWR National Research Capacity Building Initiative. Director’s Circle ($5,000 - $9,999) Benefactor ($1,000-$2,499) University of Southern California, School of Social Work Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work University of Washington, School of Social Work Boston University, School of Social Work Leadership Circle ($2,500-$4,999) Case Western Reserve University, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences University at Buffalo, State University of New York, School of Social Work University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare University of Michigan, School of Social Work New York University, Silver School of Social Work Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work University of Alabama, School of Social Work University of California at Berkeley, School of Social Work University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work 244 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and National Research Capacity Building Initiative (NRCBI) 2013 Recognition of NRCBI Supporters Partner ($500-$999) Friend ($250-$499) Adelphi University, School of Social Work Louisiana State University, School of Social Work University of Connecticut, School of Social Work Associate (up to $249) University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, School of Social Work University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, School of Social Work University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work University of Toronto, FactorInwentash Faculty of Social Work Yeshiva University, Wurzweiler School of Social Work Thank you for your support! sswr | san antonio | 2014 245 246 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and Conference Sponsors The Society for Social Work and Research recognizes the organizations that provided financial support to the SSWR Annual Conference. $5,000 level Sponsor of Doctoral Student Panel and Luncheon • University of Southern California, School of Social Work $3,000 level Sponsor of Registration Tote Bags • University of Maryland, School of Social Work $2,500 level Sponsor of Membership Meeting and Breakfast • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work • University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare • University of Washington, School of Social Work Co-sponsor to Defray Costs Related to Expanded Conference Venues •Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work •University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration • University of Washington, School of Social Work $1,000 level Co-sponsor of Doctoral Student Panel and Luncheon • Boston University, School of Social Work • Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work • Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of CUNY Co-sponsor of one (1) Coffee Break • University of Texas at Arlington, School of Social Work Co-sponsor of Registration Tote Bags • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Social Work sswr | san antonio | 2014 247 248 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 249 250 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Research Addressing Local Social Change: Global Challenges for and sswr | san antonio | 2014 251 252 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Author/Speaker Index Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number `vAbell, Melissa................................... 88P, 179 Abell, Neil....................................................... 85 Abner, Kristin S............................................. 70 Abramovitz, Mimi......................................... 97 Abrams, Laura........................3, SSRPCB-5, 52 Abu-Ras, Wahiba........................................... 34 Accomazzo, Sarah....................................... 115 Adams, Heidi L............................................ 151 Adelson, Jill L............................................... 179 Adorno, Gail F............................................105P Agius, Elizabeth............................................. 96 Aguilera, Adrian.......................................... 143 Aguirre, Regina T. P................................5, 23P Ahrens, Kym R............................................. 202 Ai, Amy L...........................................13, 23, 48 Aifah, Angela............................................... 214 Akin, Becci A............................................... 130 Albrecht, Jochen............................................ 97 Albright, David L....................... 113, 125, 168 Alessi, Edward J............................................. 78 Al Khalaf, Sahar........................................... 179 Allaire, Ben................................................... 195 Allen, Christopher T..................................... 12 Allen, Heidi L................................................. 27 Allen, Jon G.................................................. 199 Almeida, David............................................ 193 Almeida, Joanna.......................................... 159 Amaro, Hortensia........................................ 120 Amorose, Anthony...................................... 118 An, Soonok...................................................77P Anderson, Gary............................................. 22 Anderson, Gwendolyn..............................144P Anderson, Jennifer N................................144P Anderson-Butcher, Dawn.......................... 118 Anderson-Nathe, Ben................................... 21 Andrefsky, Claire........................................... 12 Andrews, Christina....................................... 27 Androff, David K.................................105, 217 Angell, Beth.................................................... 62 Anthony, Elizabeth K.................................. 150 Name Program Number Anyon, Yolanda T..................................94, 138 Appelgate, Angie........................................... 50 Applewhite, Steven......................................94P Archuleta, Adrian........................................81P Arguello, Tyler M........................................ 155 Argueta, Julio.............................................151P Ariely, Dan................................................... 177 Armour, Marilyn........................................... 30 Arrington, Edith G...................................... 143 Arthur, Francis............................................. 153 Aschbrenner, Kelly........................................ 62 Ascione, Frank............................................... 46 Ashe, Melinda................................................9P Atterbury, Kendall....................................... 211 Auerbach, Charles.......................25P, 55P, 188 Augsberger, Astraea............................ 25P, 208 Auslander, Wendy.............................107P, 131 Austin, Ashley.............................................. 147 Austin, Michael J......................................... 148 Ayers, Stephanie............................................ 99 Ayón, Cecilia........................................105, 217 Azhar, Sameena........................................... 210 Bacallao, Martica L........................................ 59 Bachi, Keren................................................... 52 Bagwell, Meredith.................................92, 173 Bahorik, Amber L........................................ 133 Bailey, Bridget............................................174P Baker, Evie Nogales..................................... 178 Baker, Tahnee................................................. 99 Bakk, Louanne............................................... 98 Ball, Annahita.............................................. 118 Baltazar, Angelica........................................ 126 Banister, Katherine....................................129P Bank, Lew.................... 69P, 80P, 154, 177, 191 Banman, Aaron..................................32, 61, 83 Barkan, Susan E............................................. 90 Barman-Adhikari, Anamika..........33, 58, 146 Barner, John...............................................188P Barnes-Ceeney, Kevin................................... 13 Barney, Robert J............................................. 15 sswr | san antonio | 2014 253 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Barragán, Armando..................................161P Barrenger, Stacey......................................... 211 Barrett, Betty Jo........................................... 112 Barrio, Concepcion........16, 161P, 162P, 164P Bartels, Stephen J........................................... 62 Barth, Richard P........................................... 142 Bartley, Leah................................................... 25 Bass, Judith..................................................... 73 Bass, Linda................................................... 130 Batey, D. Scott............................................182P Bauer, Laura................................................... 13 Baxter, Liz....................................................... 93 Beadnell, Blair.............................................. 192 Becerra, David.....................................105, 217 Beck, J. Gayle.............................................149P Begun, Audrey L............................................ 26 Begun, Stephanie.............................33, 53, 160 Beharie, Nisha................................................ 76 Bekteshi, Venera.......................................... 176 Belcourt, Annie............................................ 210 Bellamy, Jennifer L................. 61, 83, 187, 218 Bellinger, Jillian M.......................................72P Bellomo, Mary............................................. 125 Bellows, Anne-Marie O................................ 56 Benavides, Linda E...................................... 111 Benbenishty, Rami........................................ 11 Bender, Kimberly A..33, 50, 132P, 160, 173P, 212 Berg, Kristin........................................ 94, 142P Berger, Bria................................................... 104 Berger Cardoso, Jodi...........................158, 198 Berkman, Barbara........................................... 1 Bernotavicz, Freda....................................... 185 Berringer, Kathryn...................................... 210 Berthold, S. Megan.......................................... 5 Bhate, Rucha.................................................. 37 Bhattarai, Jackie........................................... 130 Bhuyan, Rupaleem..........................21, 77, 135 Bickham, Trey........................................19, 215 Bidwell, Laurel............................................... 32 Biegel, David E...........................................163P Biggers, Alexandra........................................ 18 Bilaver, Lucy.........................................122, 184 254 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Bina, Rena...................................................... 57 Bird, Jason D. P............................................ 139 Birkenmaier, Julie.................................... 4, 124 Bishop-Fitzpatrick, Lauren... 44P, 118P, 167P Bledsoe-Mansori, Sarah E....................56, 218 Blumenthal, Anne.......................................87P Boddie, Stephanie........................................ 165 Bohlander, Aidan.......................................... 53 Bolton, Kristin...........................................140P Bolton, Paul.................................................... 73 Bonifas, Robin P.................................. 10, 181P Boone, Randall............................................ 186 Booth, Jaime...........................................99, 217 Borah, Elisa V.......................................175, 203 Bordnick, Patrick S........................................ 44 Borja, Sharon............................................... 189 Bott, Cynthia.................................................. 75 Bouris, Alida................................................ 104 Bowen, Elizabeth A.......................... 115, 130P Bowen, Natasha.....................................64, 207 Bowland, Sharon........................................... 86 Boyas, Javier F..............................................79P Boyce, Erin................................................... 191 Boyd, Reiko K............................................183P Brekke, John S....... 64, 81, 142, 144, 146, 157, 164P Brendel, Kristen Esposito........................... 125 Brennan, David J........................................... 78 Briar-Lawson, Katharine............................ 144 Bride, Brian............................... 57P, 58P, 171P Bridge, J.A..................................................... 195 Bright, Charlotte Lyn............................49, 95P Brimhall, Kim C............................................ 75 Brinkmann, Andrea.................................... 200 Brisson, Daniel.................................1P, 68, 214 Brocato, Jo.................................................... 180 Brondino, Michael J...................................... 50 Brook, Jody...................................................43P Brooks, Wendy L.........................................72P Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne................................. 209 Broussard, Crystal.............................40P, 182P Brown, Adam............................................... 189 Brown, Derek S..............................6P, 171, 195 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Brown, Eric C................................................. 63 Brown, Samantha M.............................46, 212 Brown, Suzanne...................................120, 219 Brunette, Mary............................................... 62 Bruns, Kimberly....................................52, 130 Brydon, Daphne.......................................... 175 Budd, Elizabeth L........................................51P Bulanda, Jeffrey........................................... 125 Bunger, Alicia C........................ 32, 119P, 174P Burley, Jeronda T......................................... 170 Burnette, Catherine E...............................146P Burroughs, Tia............................................. 143 Burton, David.............................................. 189 Busch-Armendariz, Noël.....................77, 163 Butler, Sandra S............................................ 215 Bybee, Deborah...................................111, 154 Byoun, Soo-Jung...................................... 3P, 58 Cabassa, Leopoldo J.............................. 61P, 62 Cadet, Tamara J............................................. 14 Caetano, Raul............................................... 119 Cahn, Katharine.......................................... 185 Campbell, Robert R.................................... 113 Campo, John V............................................. 195 Cancian, Maria.............................................. 19 Cao, Yiwen...................................... 119P, 174P Carlson, Juliana M...................................... 191 Carmody, Thomas J....................................96P Carrion, Iraida V................................59P, 104P Carter-Black, Janet D.................................... 58 Cary, Colleen E............................................ 202 Casado, Banghwa L..................................... 170 Casey, Erin A.........................................12, 192 Casillas, Katherine......................................... 11 Castillo, Jason T........................................... 105 Castro, Yessenia...........................................97P Cederbaum, Julie......................................... 103 Center, Bruce A........................................... 131 Cepeda, Alice................................................... 6 Cervantes, Richard...................................... 158 Chakrapani, Venkatesan............................. 166 Chalise, Nishesh.......................................... 117 Champagne, Vincent.................................. 122 Chan, Celia H. Y............................................ 53 Name Program Number Chan, Edward K.L....................................... 153 Chan, Keith.......................................... RMW-3 Chan, Timothy H. Y...................................... 53 Chance, Toni................................................ 152 Chang, Ching-Wen...................................163P Chang, Jina..................................................... 45 Chang, Man-Chun..............................4P, 157P Chang, Mingway........................................... 95 Chang, Yu-Ling............................................ 215 Chanmugam, Amy...................................... 111 Charles, Jennifer L.K...................................88P Charles, Pajarita....................................... 61, 83 Chartier, Karen G........................................96P Chatterjee, Arpita.......................................... 16 Chaumba, Josphine..................................... 174 Chavan, B.S.................................................. 146 Cheatham, Leah Powell....................19, 31, 68 Chen, Fang-pei.............................................. 57 Chen, Lin......................................................37P Chen, Shuangzhou....................................117P Chen, Wei-Ti................................................ 155 Cheong, Sejeong............................................ 59 Cherry, Donna J............................................. 90 Cheung, Irene K. M...................................... 53 Cheung, Monit............................................... 83 Chi, Iris.........................................................36P Chiarelli-Helminiak, Christina M.............. 58 Chin, Matthew D......................................... 160 Choi, Eunhee..............................................138P Choi, Jae-Sung...................................39P, 136P Choi, Moon.................................................... 10 Choi, Namkee G..........................................56P Choi, Sangmi................................................ 134 Choi, Shinwoo..................................... 46P, 158 Choi, Sunha........................................159P, 195 Choi, Y. Joon.................................................. 29 Choi, Yoonsun............................................. 207 Chonody, Jill........................................ 78, 189P Chow, Julian C. C........................................ 219 Chowa, Gina............................................ 4, 164 Christian, Errick.......................................... 152 Chu, Ann........................................................ 33 Chuang, Emmeline........................................ 32 sswr | san antonio | 2014 255 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Chun, Sang Ah...............................................4P Chung, Chia-Ling......................................163P Chung, Chu-Ting........................................ 131 Chung, Yeonseung.....................................193P Chung, Yiyoon....................................... 26P, 76 Cimino, Andrea N.................................8P, 49P Claessens, Amy.............................................. 35 Claiborne, Nancy................................. 25P, 213 Clancy, Margaret...................................28, 124 Clark, Trenette T..............................31P, 43, 89 Cleeland, Leah R......................................... 205 Cochran, Gerald.......................................... 119 Cody, Kellie D.............................................. 218 Cody, Patricia A............................................. 98 Collins, Cyleste C.......................................... 84 Collins-Camargo, Crystal E......................... 32 Colson, Paul W......................................67, 210 Colvin, Marianna........................................50P Conley, Timothy........................................195P Conrad-Hiebner, Aislinn R......................184P Conway, Pat.................................................. 113 Coohey, Carol................................................ 71 Cook, Benjamin...........................................71P Cook, Thomas............................................. 100 Cook, Tonya..................................................... 5 Cook-Craig, Patricia G............................... 199 Cordell, Katharan........................................ 133 Cordova, David............................................ 151 Cornman, Helen............................................ 55 Cortez, Priscilla........................................... 136 Cosgrove, John A......................................... 199 Cotter, Katie.......................................2, 59, 129 Coulton, Claudia.........................................42P Courtney, Mark E........................................ 202 Couture, Julie A........................................... 180 Covert, Jennifer........................................... 214 Craig, Carlton D.......................................... 199 Craig, Shelley L....................................139, 147 Crampton, David S...................................... 198 Crawford, Erika A......................................... 74 Cross, Fernanda...........................................16P Cross, Suzanne............................................... 22 Crossman, Morgan........................................ 72 256 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Cruz, Inez I...................................................85P Cryer-Coupet, Qiana R................................ 43 Csikai, Ellen L....................................40P, 182P Cummings, Cristy E....................................29P Curley, Jami.................................................. 124 Curry, Ashley................................................. 82 Curry-Stevens, Ann.................................... 218 D’Andrade, Amy.......................................... 130 Dacus, Jagadisa-devasri............................155P Daley, Andrea................................................ 21 Daniel, CarolAnn Louise........................ 15, 55 Darnell, Adam............................................... 11 Daro, Deborah............................................... 41 Darrow, Jessica H..................................17, 110 Das, Aditi................................................35, 207 Daughtery, Laura G..................................... 118 Dauti, Marsela..............................................60P Davis, Cindy...............................................111P Davis, Jordan P............................................. 205 Davis, Kelly................................................... 193 Davis, Larry E.............................................. 133 Davis, Thomas Dale............................119, 157 Davitt, Joan............................................... 10, 44 Dayton, Carolyn J.......................................... 61 Deacon, Zermarie........................................ 167 Dean-Assael, Kara......................................... 76 DeCesaris, Marissa...................................... 156 deGuzman, Anna..................................22, 185 DeHart, Dana.........................................29, 189 Delaney, Matthew......................................149P Delany, Peter.................................................. 24 Delavega, Elena............................................20P DeLisi, Matt.................................................. 129 Delva, Jorge.............................................. 1, 136 De Marco, Allison C..................................... 18 De Marco, Molly............................................ 18 Deng, Suo....................................................... 28 Dennis, Christopher..................................... 50 Dennis, Cory B....................................119, 157 Dentato, Michael P...................................... 147 DePanfilis, Diane..................................... 25, 49 DePrince, Anne P..................................33, 160 Derejko, Katie-Sue....................................... 145 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Deschine, Nicholet A.................................... 99 Despard, Mathieu R........................................ 4 Dessel, Adrienne.......................................... 139 Dettlaff, Alan J............................................. 179 DeVoe, Ellen................................................ 177 DeVylder, Jordan E......................... 166P, 177P Dexter, Victoria J.......................................186P Diaz, Silvia.................................................... 176 Dickerson, Shannon.................................... 133 Dickinson, Nancy..................................22, 185 DiClemente, Carlo...................................... 119 Dillard, Lorraine.......................................... 190 Dillon, Frank..........................................78, 83P dilworth-Anderson, Peggye.................69, 170 Dinata, Erna................................................. 218 Dinecola, Cassie M...................................... 138 Do, Young R................................................. 176 Doernberg, Alison......................................... 56 Dondanville, Katherine A.......................... 203 Donlan, William..........................................84P Donnelly, Amanda........................................ 50 Donnelly, Louis.............................................. 97 Dotolo, Danae.............................................. 155 Douglas, Emily M.......................................... 11 Doyle, Otima............................................ 31, 43 Drumm, Rene.............................................. 178 Duan, Lei................................................75, 120 Duerr Berrick, Jill........................................ 103 Duffy, Malia................................................... 55 Dulmus, Catherine N................................... 95 Duncan, Alexis E.........................................53P Dunkle, Ruth E..........................SSRPCB-3, 81 Dunn, Jerry................................................107P Dunning, Kayla............................................26P Durfee, Alesha.......................................92, 173 Durkay, Jocelyn.............................................. 50 Duron, Jacquelynn......................................70P Dworsky, Amy.....................................122, 202 Eack, Shaun M........................ 118P, 133, 167P Early, Theresa J............................................ 141 East, Jean...................................................... 204 Easton, Scott D............................................... 71 Edwards, Heather R.................................... 196 Name Program Number Edwards, Renee C....................................... 187 El-Bassel, Nabila....................................95, 112 El-Khoury, Dalia..................................175, 212 el-Zuhairi, Mona......................................... 173 Elhai, Jon D.................................................. 199 Elias-Lambert, Nada..................................... 12 Elkins, Jennifer.............................................. 29 Ell, Kathleen................................................. 132 Elliott, William.............................................. 28 Elmore, Kristen..............................................2P Ely, Gretchen E..........................................185P Emery, Clifton................................................ 70 Engelberg, Ruth A....................................... 155 Epperson, Matthew.............................154, 210 Epstein, Irwin................................................... 9 Epstein, Michael..........................................54P Erdman, Andrew.........................................55P Ermentrout, Dania........................................ 87 Estrada, Yannine.......................................... 151 Ethridge, Brandy L........................................ 93 Evans-Campbell, Tessa............................... 176 Fagan, Jay......................................................78P Fall, Anna-Mari........................................... 106 Faller, Kathleen.............................................. 22 Fang, Gang................................................... 192 Fang, Lin...........................................77, 95, 136 Farber, Michaela............................................ 53 Farkas, Kathleen.................................... 9P, 119 Farmer, Antoinette...................................... 108 Farmer, Elizabeth M. Z............................... 212 Farmer, G. Lawrence................................... 108 Farrar, Jordan................................................. 94 Faulkner, Monica.................................190, 198 Fawson, Peter R.........................................150P Fedock, Gina..........................................30, 154 Fedor, James................................................... 44 Feely, Megan.................................................93P Feldman, Guy............................................... 197 Feldman, Sara............................................... 122 Felke, Thomas.............................................. 126 Fenwick, Karissa....................................59, 157 Feranil, Mario..............................................71P Ferguson, Charlie Michael......................... 190 sswr | san antonio | 2014 257 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Ferguson, Kristin M......... 33, 132P, 173P, 212 Fernando, Rukshan N................................. 128 Ferraj, Brunilda.............................................. 58 Ferrer, Robert L...........................................85P Ferron, Joelle.................................................. 62 Field, Craig................................................... 119 Fina, Brooke A............................................. 203 Finno, Megan A........................................... 216 Finno-Velasquez, Megan A........................ 153 Fisher, Colleen M........................................ 131 Fisher, Ryan.................................................. 180 Fisk, Deborah A........................................... 214 Fitch, Dale.................................................... 134 Fitzgerald, Charity Samantha.................... 165 Fitzgerald, Megan E...................................... 49 Flaherty, Christopher................................185P Flanzer, Jerry.................................... SSRPCB-2 Floyd, Frank................................................. 193 Fluke, John D................................................. 11 Fong, Rowena.................................22P, 98, 142 Font, Sarah A.......................................123, 171 Fontanella, Cynthia A...........................31, 195 Fowler, J. Christopher................................. 199 Fowler, Paul G.............................................. 203 Frank-Miller, Ellen G..........................110, 201 Franklin, Cynthia............................................ 1 Fraser, Mark W................RMW-4, 20, 64, 89P Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I...SSRPCB-3, 36 Freeman, Pamela Clarkson.......................... 25 Frost, Abbie K.............................................. 159 Frost, Caren J.............................................150P Frueh, B. Christopher................................. 199 Frye, Victoria............................................... 210 Fuemmeler, Bernard...................................31P Fukuda, Seiya................................................... 5 Fukui, Sadaaki.............................................. 211 Fulginiti, Anthony....................................... 146 Fuller, Tamara.............................................. 191 Fulmer, Christine K..................................180P Fusaro, Vincent A......................................176P Galster, George C.......................................... 84 Gambrill, Eileen........................................... 107 Gao, Qin......................................................... 23 258 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Gao, Shuling................................................. 138 Garasky, Steve................................................ 76 Garcia, Marlen............................................... 72 Garfield, Lauren.............................6P, 171, 195 Garland, Eric L............................................ 119 Garrow, Eve.................................................. 196 Garvey, Meghan........................................... 151 Gaston, Gina B............................................. 179 Gearhart, Mike....................................... 9P, 119 Gehlert, Sarah..................................27, 62, 174 Geiger, Jennifer Mullins..................... 45P, 172 Gerke, Donald R..................... 107P, 131, 156P Gerlach, Beth............................................... 190 Germak, Andrew J..............................128, 165 Gerstenblatt, Paula......................................75P Ghosh, Subharati........................................... 54 Giarratano, Paulette M.............................169P Gibbs, Jeremy.......................................146, 178 Gilbert, Dorie............................................... 112 Gilbert, Louisa............................................... 95 Gilgun, Jane F.....................................144P, 163 Gilmer, Rachel............................................... 93 Gilreath, Tamika D...................................... 141 Gitlow, Elissa.................................................. 32 Gjertson, Leah M.......................................175P Glass, Joseph E...........................................197P Gloppen, Kari M............................................ 63 Goldbach, Jeremy................................158, 178 Golden, Lonnie.............................................. 37 Golder, Seana............................................... 180 Goldston, David....................................... 31, 43 Gomes, Anne-Marie.............................93, 213 Gomes, Arminda P........................................ 62 Gomez, Rebecca..................................172, 190 Gomory, Tomi............................................187P Gonzales, Roberto G..................................... 45 Gorman-Smith, Deborah............................. 83 Grady, Melissa D....................................74, 218 Graham, Carrie.............................................. 10 Graham, John R........................................... 157 Graham, Louis F.......................................... 139 Grant-Savela, Stacey D.................................. 50 Gray, Lisa A.................................................. 175 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Green, Sara................................................... 123 Greenberg, Jan Steven.................16, 165P, 193 Greenfield, Emily......................... 10, 44, 137P Greenfield, Jennifer C.................................41P Greeno, Elizabeth J........................................ 49 Greer, Tracy L..............................................96P Greeson, Megan........................................... 111 Gregoire, Thomas.................................... 8P, 26 Grier, Antoinette............................................ 52 Gringeri, Christina E.................................... 21 Grinnell-Davis, Claudette L............ 154, 197P Grinstein-Weiss, Michal.......................84, 177 Groff, Sara E........................................ 48, 187P Grogan, Colleen M...................................... 196 Grogan-Kaylor, Andrew............................... 81 Gromer, Jill..................................................... 85 Gromoske, Andrea N............................50, 111 Grote, Nancy K.............................................. 88 Guan, Xian.............................................13, 138 Guerrero, Erick........................... 6, 44, 96, 148 Gunn, Alana...........................................30, 110 Guo, Man......................................................36P Guo, Shenyang..........................RMW-4, 7, 64, Gurrola, Maria A......................................... 105 Gushwa, Melinda......................................... 152 Guterman, Neil B.......................................... 61 Gutierrez, Lorraine....................................126P Ha, Jung-Hwa..............................................56P Ha, Yoonsook................................................. 45 Haffejee, Badiah.....................................33, 160 Hageman, Sally A........................................ 117 Haggerty, Kevin............................................. 90 Hahm, Hyeouk Chris..................................71P Haight, Wendy L............................................ 32 Hall, James A.................................................. 24 Hall, Martin T.............................................. 180 Hamer, Robert............................................... 56 Han, Chong-suk..........................................91P Han, Eunhee................................................... 19 Han, Wen-Jui............................................... 209 Haney, Jolynn............................................... 193 Hanna, Michele D....................................... 191 Hanrahan, Nancy........................................ 156 Name Program Number Hans, Sydney........................................141, 187 Hansen, Kate..............................................129P Hanssen, Daria V............................................. 9 Hardesty, Melissa......................................... 110 Harmon, Dana K.......................................182P Harootyan, Linda............................ SSRPCB-3 Hastings, Julia F............................................. 54 Havlicek, Judy............................... 82, 184, 205 Hawkins, J. David...................................... 1, 63 Hawkins, Jaclynn........................................... 14 Hayes, Megan J.............................................45P Hays, Krystal S............................................... 34 He, Amy........................................................ 180 Healey, Priscilla........................................... 179 Hearod, Karen.............................................. 135 Heath, Ryan..........................................104, 207 Helu Fernandez, Paula..........................16, 156 Henly, Julia R................................ 37, 110, 201 Henry, David.................................................. 83 Henwood, Benjamin.............................16, 145 Herman, Daniel B.......................................... 59 Herman-Smith, Robert L............................. 51 Hernandes, Sandra........................................ 93 Hernandez, Isaias R.................................... 189 Hernandez, Lynn......................................... 151 Hernandez, Mercedes.............. 16, 161P, 162P Herrenkohl, Todd I...............................12, 109 Hesselbrock, Michie N............................... 216 Hetling, Andrea.....................................91, 132 Hiance, Danielle............................................ 31 Hickle, Kristine.............................................. 29 Higgins, Philip C......................................... 133 Hill, Karl G.................................................106P Hillios, Jacquelyn S...................................... 219 Hilton, Timothy........................................... 214 Hirsch-Moverman, Yael.......................67, 210 Hock, Robert................................................67P Hodge, Ashleigh........................................194P Hodge, David R.........................................181P Hoe, Maanse................................................. 198 Hoffman, Steven..........................................54P Hoge, Gretchen L.......................................... 91 Holder, Nicholas.......................................... 203 sswr | san antonio | 2014 259 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Holloway, Ian W........................................... 146 Holmes, Megan R..................................50, 111 Holosko, Michael J....................................188P Holt, Melissa................................................ 177 Holub, Krista................................................ 177 Hong, Michin................................................. 10 Hong, Philip Young P.................................. 134 Hong, Sae Young.......................................103P Hong, Seokho................................................. 69 Hong, Seunghye....................................... 10, 54 Hope, Betty..................................................... 82 Hopkins, Karen M.....................124P, 148, 213 Hoppe, Marilyn........................................... 192 Horen, Maria Jose....................................... 212 Horner, Pilar................................................ 136 Horsford, Christina E................................. 170 Hosein, Shareda............................................. 34 Houser, Linda............................................... 193 Houston, Allison...................................93, 213 Hovmand, Peter........................................... 117 Howard, Matthew O.............................20, 119 Howley, Meredith M................................... 210 Hoy, Janet........................................................ 46 Hoy-Ellis, Charles P....................................... 78 Hriesh, Marah.............................................. 173 Hsiao, Hsin Yi................................................ 75 Hsu, Hsun-Ta............................................... 131 Huang, Jin.......................... 4, 21P, 28, 124, 164 Huang, Shi.................................................... 151 Huang, Yu-Te.........................................95, 136 Hudson, Christopher G................................ 73 Hudson, Darrell.........................................122P Hulko, Wendy................................................ 21 Hunt, Timothy............................................... 95 Hurford, Matthew....................................... 156 Hyde, Justeen............................................... 171 Hyde, Susan..................................................68P Im, Hyojin.................................................... 194 Inoue, Megumi.............................................. 72 Ireland, Connie............................................ 180 Ishler, Karen J......................................... 9P, 119 Ismayilova, Leyla......................................... 207 Iwamoto, Derek.........................................179P 260 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Jaccard, James J........................... RMW-1, 64P Jacobs, Leah A.................................................. 3 Jacobsen, Wade.............................................. 97 Jacobson, Jodi M..........................................73P Jaggers, Jeremiah W..................................... 158 James, Adam P...........................................101P James, Joyce.................................................... 98 Jang, Yuri....................................................123P Jani, Jayshree..............................................178P Jantz, Ian........................................ 78, 153, 201 Jaudes, Paula K............................................ 122 Jean, Almathe...............................................24P Jean, Florence................................................. 55 Jedwab, Merav................................................ 11 Jenkins, David................................................ 36 Jensen, Todd M............................................ 197 Jenson, Jeffrey M........................................... 68 Jeon, Sae-Mi.......................................193P, 200 Jeong, Eun........................................................ 4 Jeste, Dilip...................................................162P Jeyapal, Daphne............................................. 77 Ji, Wenxiao..................................................... 73 Jiwatram, Tina.............................................. 112 Joe, Sean..................................................60, 129 Johnson, Lydia V............................................ 56 Johnson, Shannon K...................................63P Johnson, Waldo E.......................................... 43 Johnson-Jennings, Michelle....................... 135 Johnson-Motoyama, Michelle................... 136 Jones, Amanda Michelle............................. 110 Jones, Courtney........................................... 172 Jones, Kenya C............................................. 137 Jones, Stephanie M...................................... 160 Josey, Lakeetra............................................. 156 Joshi, Manisha................................................ 55 Juliano-Bult, Denise........................ SSRPCB-1 Jun, Hyun-Jin...............................................95P Jun, Jina.......................... 28P, 108P, 110P, 114P Jun, Min Kyoung.........................30P, 98P, 120 Jung, Nahri................................ 44P, 136, 199P Kagotho, Njeri................................................ 15 Kahn, Sara.................................................... 159 Kahng, Sang Kyoung...................................56P Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Kamya, Hugo............................................... 159 Kang, Eun-Na............................................136P Kang, Sung-wan.....................................3P, 46P Kang, Sun Kyung.........................................74P Kanno, Hanae............................................103P Kao, Dennis......................................44, 94P, 96 Kaphingst, Kimberly...................................53P Karimli, Leyla............................................... 114 Katz, Dolly.................................................... 210 Kaufmann, Sarah...................................33, 160 Kavanagh, Phil...........................................189P Kazi, Mansoor AF......................................... 13 Keene, Lance C............................................ 178 Kelly, Erin L..........................................157, 199 Kemp, Susan P..........................SSRPCB-6, 173 Kennedy, Angie............................................ 111 Kennedy, Stephanie C................................... 85 Kenny, Kathleen.........................................109P Key, Clinton............................................84, 177 Key, Whitney................................................ 134 Khatiwoda, Parmananda.............................. 32 Kidwell, Katherine.......................................54P Kiesel, Lisa R.................................................. 50 Kilka, J. Bart................................................. 109 Killeen, Therese K.......................................96P Killian, Michael........................................... 156 Killian-Farrell, Candace.......................56, 218 Kim, Ahraemi................................................ 75 Kim, BK Elizabeth.......................63, 106P, 189 Kim, Bomi...................................................... 70 Kim, Bo Rin.................................................35P Kim, Eun Hee..............................................74P Kim, HaeJung.................. 103P, 113, 124P, 213 Kim, Hyejin.............................................. 13, 23 Kim, Isok........................................................ 35 Kim, JaeSeung........................................37, 99P Kim, Jae Yop................................................... 70 Kim, Jeehoon.................................. 153P, 154P Kim, Jin H..................................................120P Kim, Johnny S.............................................. 207 Kim, Junghyun...........................................127P Kim, Jun Kyung...........................................33P Kim, Kyeongmo.................................125P, 170 Name Program Number Kim, Mee Hye.......................................... 10, 69 Kim, Mimi E.................................................... 3 Kim, Minseop................................... 136, 199P Kim, Mi Sung................................................. 78 Kim, Patricia................................................ 115 Kim, Songmin.............................................. 161 Kim, Soyeon.........................................154, 214 Kim, Woo Jong............................................ 154 Kim, Yi Jin....................................................33P Kim, Yongseok.............................................84P Kim, Yoo Jung...................................... 65P, 156 Kim, Yoon Mi............................................103P Kim, Youngmi............................... 28, 124, 164 Kim, Youn Kyoung......................................32P Kim-Gervey, Constance G.........................80P King, Anthony.............................................18P King, Bryn......................................... 103, 183P King, Kelly............................................131, 216 Kinsman, Anne............................................67P Kitsmiller, Emily.......................................... 203 Kjellstrand, Elizabeth.................................. 106 Knapp, Vicki.................................................12P Knipe, Janet.................................................... 68 Knott, Theresa............................................. 198 Ko, Eunjeong................................................59P Ko, Jungyai.................................................125P Koblin, Beryl................................................ 210 Kobulsky, Julia M........................................ 115 Kohl, Patricia L............................61, 143P, 216 Kolbe, Athena R...........................................24P Kolomer, Stacey.................................58P, 171P Komorosky, Dawna....................................... 46 Kondrat, David............................................ 156 Kong, Jooyoung.....................................5P, 14P Kong, Sengly.................................................... 5 Kools, Susan................................................. 122 Korfmacher, Jon........................................... 187 Korr, Wynne................................................... 60 Kothari, Brianne H..............................177, 191 Krenz, Kristin............................................... 112 Kriegel, Liat S............................................... 146 Krings, Amy................................................. 196 Kristie Wilder, Kristie................................. 178 sswr | san antonio | 2014 261 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Kropf, Nancy P............................................. 117 Krull, Ivy......................................................... 96 Ku, Jane........................................................... 77 Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott.........................30, 154 Kuhlberg, Jill A............................................ 117 Kulick, Alex..........................................139, 161 Kulis, Stephen S............................................. 99 Kulkarni, Shanti............................................. 51 Kull, Ryan..................................................... 118 Kuoch, Theanvy............................................... 5 Kwak, Jung....................................................59P Lacasse, Jeffrey........................ 107, 115P, 116P Lach, Lucyna M...........................................87P Lai, Lei............................................................. 37 Lalayants, Marina............................................ 9 LaLiberte, Traci............................................ 193 Lalich, Nina..................................................42P Lally, Michelle.............................................. 155 Lambert, Michael Canute............................. 64 Lambert, Susan................................20, 37, 201 Lancaster, Lawanna.....................................22P Lanesskog, Deirdre........................................ 77 Langenderfer, Lisa........................ 50, 161, 212 Lanza, Caroline A........................................ 160 Lardner, Mark.............................................. 199 LaSala, Michael............................................ 139 Laser, Julie Anne............................................ 94 Lawrence, Catherine K...............................25P Lawson, Jennifer........................................183P Leake, Robin..........................................22, 185 Leathers, Sonya J.......................................... 152 Lechuga-Pena, Stephanie........................ 1P, 68 LeCloux, Mary............................................... 14 Lee, Bethany................................ 141, 199, 212 Lee, Eun Lye.................................................42P Lee, Hee Yun......................... 152P, 153P, 154P Lee, Jacquelyn....................................58P, 171P Lee, Jaehoon................................................... 52 Lee, Jaewon.................................................127P Lee, Jang Hyun.............................................33P Lee, Ji-hyeon................................................... 70 Lee, Jisun......................................................... 59 Lee, Junghee...................................80P, 84P, 93 262 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Lee, Jungup.............................................85, 189 Lee, Meng-Jung............................................ 158 Lee, Michael G............................................. 131 Lee, Mihwa.................................................152P Lee, Minhong....................................... 39P, 117 Lee, RaeHyuck....................................... 7P, 209 Lee, Sang Jung..............................................73P Lee, Sangwoo...............................................39P Lee, Shawna J.........................................61, 154 Lee, Shihhye................................................. 212 Lee, Sungkyu........................................195, 200 Lee, Wonik.....................................................3P Lee, Yeonggeul...........................................133P Lee, Yeonjung...............................................38P Lee, Yookyong..............................................78P Lee King, Patricia........................................ 120 Lehning, Amanda.......................................... 10 Leibowitz, George........................................ 189 Le Marchand, Loic........................................ 54 Lemieux, Catherine M.................................. 13 Lennon-Dearing, Robin.....................11P, 20P Leone, Christine S....................................... 110 Leotti, Sandy.................................................. 21 Lescano, Celia................................................ 55 Leslie, Laurel K............................................ 171 Lesorogol, Carolyn K.................................. 186 Lewin, Adam B.............................................. 74 Lewinson, Terri................................... 44, 135P Lewis, Carol M...................... SSRPCB-2, 112P Lewis, Ericka M.........................................143P Lewis, Terrence O........................................ 178 Li, Jilan..........................................................89P Li, Luxiaofei..................................................21P Li, Shijian........................................................ 73 Li, Yong.................................................116, 176 Liechty, Janet................................15P, 158, 200 Lietz, Cynthia...............................................45P Lightfoot, Elizabeth..................................... 193 Lightman, Ernie............................................. 34 Lim, Caroline Sheng Foong.....................164P Lim, Jung-Won............................................ 116 Lim, Younghee.......................................19, 215 Limb, Gordon.............................................. 209 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Lin, Ching-Hsuan........................................46P Lin, I-Hsuan................................................. 137 Lin, Ya-Li....................................................139P Lincoln, Karen D............................. SSRPCB-3 Lind, Kristina S............................................90P Lindhorst, Taryn..................... 12, 88, 155, 210 Lindsay, Megan............................................ 112 Lindsey, Leslie............................................149P Linley, Jessica V..........................................194P Lippold, Melissa...................................193, 212 List, Ann B.................................................... 138 Littell, Julia H...................... RMW-2, 168, 206 Liu, Chennan............................................... 200 Liu, Hattie..................................................... 136 Liu, Jinyu......................................................36P Liu, Li-Wen................................................139P Liu, Shu-Wen................................................. 23 Livermore, Michelle.................................... 215 Lizano, Erica Leeanne................................... 75 Lize, Stephen.................................................. 30 Lloyd, Jacqueline............................. SSRPCB-1 Lloyd, Margaret H.......................................43P Lloyd, Michael............................................. 147 Lo, Herman Hay Ming................................... 9 Logan-Greene, Patricia...............12P, 123, 189 Logie, Carmen.................................15, 55, 166 Loke, Vernon........................................117, 124 Lombe, Margaret...............................43, 72, 76 Lopez, Amy.................................................... 68 Lopez, Kara S.............................................191P Lopez, Kristina.............................................16P Lou, Christine W. M................................... 219 Lough, Benjamin J.................................58, 178 Louis, Ryan J.P............................................115P Lu, Yuhwa Eva................................................ 73 Lubben, James...... SSRPCB-3, SSRPCB-7, 81, 219 Lukens, Ellen P...........................................165P Lundgren, Lena M................................... 80, 96 Lurigio, Arthur J.......................................... 154 Lynn, John..................................................129P Lyons, Karen S............................................... 69 Ma, Xin........................................................... 95 Name Program Number Mabry, Patricia................................. SSRPCB-4 Mackie, Thomas I........................................ 171 MacNeil, Gordon......................................... 158 Macy, Rebecca J.................................. 87, 109P Magan, Ifrah................................................... 43 Magaña, Sandra..................................... 16P, 72 Magruder, Joseph........................................ 103 Maguin, Eugene............................................. 95 Maguire-Jack, Kathryn............................... 152 Mahapatra, Neely........................................ 137 Mahoney, Colleen.......................................... 62 Mahoney, Kevin J.......................................... 72 Mailick, Marsha R....................................... 193 Maleku, Arati................................ 77, 114, 194 Mallon, Neil................................................. 199 Malm, Aili.................................................... 180 Mamadraimov, Suhaily B........................... 114 Mandayam, Gokul S.................................... 112 Manthey, Treovr..........................................66P Manuel, Jennifer.......................................... 179 Mao, Weiyu..................................................36P Maramaldi, Peter........................................... 14 Marcenko, Maureen O................................ 209 Mariscal, Susana..................................111, 130 Marra, Laura................................................ 190 Marsh, Jeanne C..................................144, 183 Marshall, Jane................................................. 32 Marsiglia, Flavio Francisco.1, 38, 79P, 99, 150 Martin, Karissa..........................................148P Martin, Melissa.............................................. 59 Martin, Sandra L.......................................109P Martin, Shadi.....................................40P, 182P Martinez, Ramiro........................................ 136 Martinson, Melissa L.................................... 93 Masa, Rainier.......................................149, 164 Maschi, T. Marie................................. 86, 172P Mason, Lisa Reyes....................................... 186 Mason, Susan....................................... 55P, 188 Masters, Tatiana........................................... 192 Matthews, Amanda...............................33, 160 Matthews, Elizabeth...................................... 62 Matthias, Mariann....................................... 211 Matz-Costa, Christina J................................ 44 sswr | san antonio | 2014 263 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Mauldin, Rebecca.......................................... 44 Mayer, Lynn Milgram................................. 118 Maynard, Brandy R... RMW-2, 106, 125, 129, 151, 206, 207 McArthur, Vickie Burgess.......................... 130 McBeath, Bowen...32, 69P, 137, 148, 177, 191 McCarthy, Mary L......................................... 22 McCarthy, Michael J..................................... 69 McCarty, Cari............................................... 202 McCarty-Caplan, David............................... 78 McClernon, F. Joseph..................................31P McCormick, Adam....................................... 47 McCoy, Henrika.......................115, 143, 130P McDonald, Chad........................................... 46 McDonald, Shelby................................... 46, 94 McDonald, Tom........................................... 130 McDonough, Susan C................................... 61 McGowan, Brenda G..................................25P McGregor, Kyle A........................................ 155 McGuire-Schwartz, Mandy........................ 115 McHale, Susan............................................. 193 McInroy, Lauren..................................139, 147 McIver, Saralyn.............................................. 97 McKay, Mary........................... 15, 76, 115, 177 McMahon, Sarah........................................... 91 McMillin, Stephen Edward..................110, 83 McRoy, Ruth G................................ SSRPCB-2 Melendez Mendoza, Miguel Angel............... 6 Mellins, Claude.............................................. 15 Meltzer-Brody, Samantha............................. 56 Mendoza, Natasha S......................................8P Meng, Yu......................................................... 28 Mennen, Ferol E........................................101P Mennicke, Annelise....................................... 85 Mercado, Micaela..................................76, 177 Mersky, Joshua P....................................50, 123 Messing, Jill T..................51, 92, 105, 112, 173 Messinger, Lori............................................ 147 Michalopoulos, Lynn T. M........................... 73 Mienko, Joseph A........................................ 127 Miles, Rhenne.............................................. 137 Miller, Christina R...................................... 167 Miller, Daniel P.............................................. 76 264 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Miller, Gloria................................................ 167 Miller, Shari E............................. 29, 58P, 171P Miller-Cribbs, Julie...................................... 167 Min, Meeyoung O.............. 30P, 98P, 115, 120 Minnes, Sonia.............................................. 115 Minnick, Dorlisa J....................................... 165 Minshew, Nancy J........................... 118P, 167P Miranda-Julian, Claudia............................. 177 Mitchell, Jamie A........................................... 14 Mitschke, Diane B........................................... 5 Mittal, Gina.................................................. 187 Mogro-Wilson, Cristina.......................89, 216 Mohamed, Abdiasis.................................... 218 Molieri, Anthony......................................... 116 Mollard, Melissa.......................................... 133 Montgomery, Katherine L..................106, 207 Montie, Jim..................................................... 14 Moon, Heehyul......................................69, 170 Moon, Sung Seek.........................................32P Moore, Megan................................................ 88 Moorman, Sara..............................................5P Moorthy, M. V................................................ 71 Moragne, Kafi.............................................. 110 Morano, Carmen............................. SSRPCB-3 Mor Barak, Michàlle E............................ 75, 81 Morgan, Candice........................................... 30 Morrison, Diane.......................................... 192 Morrow-Howell, Nancy.................. SSRPCB-7 Mosley, Jennifer...................................148, 196 Mountz, Sarah............................................190P Mowbray, Orion P.................. 69P, 196P, 197P Moxley, David P........................................... 167 Moylan, Carrie A............................................. 3 Mueser, Kim T................................................ 62 Mullins, Whig............................................129P Munoz, Ricky T..........................................148P Munoz-Laboy, Miguel A............................ 104 Murphy, Sharon B....................................... 192 Murphy-Smith, Michele.............................72P Murray, Laura................................................ 73 Murray, Margaret............................ SSRPCB-1 Murry-Drobot, Olliette.............................149P Murugan, Vithya................................... 10P, 52 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Muthanna, Jennifer....................................... 21 Muzik, Maria.................................................. 61 Myers White, Wendy......................... 86, 135P Nabunya, Proscovia..................................... 207 Naccarato, Toni.............................................. 68 Nackerud, Larry..........................................57P Nakaoka, Susan............................................ 190 Nam, Jaehyun...............................................27P Nam, Yunju...................................................... 4 Namkung, Eun Ha...................................... 193 Nanda, Neha.................................................. 76 Nandi, Vijay.................................................. 210 Natera-Rey, Guillermina................................ 6 Nattabi, Jennifer........................................... 207 Ndetei, David............................................... 194 Nebbitt, Von E............................................... 43 Nedjat-Haiem, Frances.....................59P, 104P Needell, Barbara.......................................... 103 Neely-Barnes, Susan....................................11P Negi, Nalini............................................6, 179P Negriff, Sonya.............................................. 122 Negroni, Lirio.............................................. 216 Neighbors, Harold....................................... 133 Neilands, Torsten B..................................... 114 Nelson, Rebekah J............................... 85, 170P Nelson, Timothy..........................................54P Nepomnyaschy, Lenna.................................. 76 Neugut, Tova.................................................. 61 Nevarez, Lucinda.........................................92P Newberry, Andrea....................................... 157 Newhill, Christina E.........................117P, 133 Newman, Peter A..................................15, 166 Newransky, Chrisann........................158P, 174 Nguyen, Duy.................................................. 75 Nguyen, Huong................................... 94, 160P Nicholas, David........................................... 157 Nicoll, Kerri Leyda........................................ 18 Nikolova, Kristina......................................... 95 Nikolova, Silviya.......................................... 194 Nochajski, Thomas H............................. 29, 95 Noel, Lailea J................................................ 174 Noh, Hyunjin.............................................134P Norton, Christine..................................31, 172 Name Program Number Noyes, Jennifer L........................................... 19 Nugent, William R................................66, 199 Nuño-Gutiérrez, Bertha L............................ 99 Nurius, Paula S............... SSRPCB-6, 123, 189 O’Brien, Jennifer............................................ 56 O’Connor, Allison......................................... 46 O’Connor, Mary Katherine............................ 1 Oesterle, Sabrina............................................ 63 Ogbonnaya, Ijeoma Nwabuzor.................. 216 Oh, Hans Young................................61P, 177P Oh, Hyunsung.............................................. 132 Ohmer, Mary.................................................... 8 Okech, David................................................. 29 Okpych, Nathanael...................................... 202 Olate, René................................ 89, 113P, 151P Olivet, Jeffrey................................................. 59 Orellana, E. Roberto................................... 104 Orme, John G................................................. 90 Ortiz, Cristina.............................................. 110 Osteen, Philip...............................................73P Osterweil, Sharon........................................ 145 Osuji, Hadiza................................................ 177 Otis, Melanie........................... 17P, 145P, 180P Ott, Mary A.................................................. 155 Owen, Jesse................................................... 179 Oyserman, Daphna.......................................2P Ozaki, Reiko...............................................145P Paceley, Megan S..................................178, 191 Padgett, Deborah K..................................... 145 Paek, Min-So................................................ 116 Pahwa, Rohini.............................................. 146 Palmer, Barton...........................................162P Pandey, Shanta.............................................10P Panozzo, Dwight D....................................... 36 Pansacola, Abigail........................................ 190 Pappadis, Monique...................................... 113 Paradiso, Rebecca.................................. 16P, 72 Paris, Ruth.................................................... 187 Parish, Susan L......................................... 54, 72 Park, Hyun-Sun.........................................168P Park, Hyunyong........ 28P, 30P, 98P, 114P, 120 Park, So-Young............................................64P Park, Sojung.................................................35P sswr | san antonio | 2014 265 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Park, Song-Yi................................................. 54 Parker, Gary................................................. 115 Parrish, Danielle..........................................97P Parry, Carly....................................... SSRPCB-1 Passolt, Gregor............................................. 127 Patterson, Debra.......................................... 192 Patterson, Jocelyn........................................ 210 Payne, Jennifer Shepard.............................. 216 Pearson, Cynthia.................................176, 210 Pease, James L..............................................62P Penido, Cláudia............................................ 175 Pennell, Joan................................................44P Pérez, Alfred................................................. 110 Perkins, Nathan H.......................................88P Perry, Robin E.............................................. 208 Petering, Robin................................33, 58, 146 Peters, Clark M................................... 82, 160P Peters, Kristen E.......................................... 125 Peters, S. Colby.............................................. 42 Pettus-Davis, Carrie...................................... 52 Pfeifer, Matthew............................................. 50 Phillips, Chereese........................................ 172 Phillips, Gary............................................... 195 Philogene, G. Stephane.................. SSRPCB-1, ...................................................... SSRPCB-4 Pike, Cathy King.......................................... 137 Pillai, Vijayan.............................. 92, 114, 140P Pineros, Maria.............................................. 121 Pinto, Luz....................................................162P Pinto, Rogério........................................60, 175 Piper, Lauren................................................16P Pitner, Ronald........................................8, 113P Pitorak, Heather............................................ 55 Plax, Katie...................................................156P Pollard, Nell J................................................. 56 Pollio, David E....................................... 19P, 32 Pollock, McLean D....................................109P Pomeroy, Elizabeth C..................... 108P, 110P Porterfield, Shirley L..................................... 72 Postmus, Judy L.....................................91, 132 Potter, Cathryn C..................................22, 185 Poulin, Patrick............................................. 217 Prabhu, Shraddha.......................................... 95 266 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Prado, Guillermo......................................... 151 Preble, Kathleen Murray.............................. 92 Preston, Mark S........................................... 152 Price, Sarah Kye...................................175, 187 Primack, Brian...........................................113P Primbetova, Sholpan..................................... 95 Prince, Dana................................................. 151 Prost, Stephanie Grace.................................. 48 Pruett, Jana Aldrich....................................50P Pruiksma, Kristi E....................................... 203 Putnam, Janet............................................... 137 Putnam, Michelle.......................................... 72 Putnam-Hornstein, Emily.......................... 103 Queen, Courtney C..................................... 133 Quijano, Louise M....................................... 105 Quinn, Adam.............................................171P Quinn, Camille R......................................130P Quintero-Gonzalez, Brenda....................... 117 Radey, Melissa..................................19, 31, 189 Raghavan, Ramesh........................6P, 171, 195 Rahill, Guitele J.............................................. 55 Rainosek, Diane.........................................112P Ramos, Blanca M......................................... 176 Randolph, Karen A....................................... 68 Ranweiler, Jessica.......................................178P Rapisarda, Christopher...............................19P Rauktis, Mary Elizabeth.............................44P Raver, C. Cybele........................................... 160 Ray-Letourneau, Diana.............................. 135 Redmond, Phillip H...................................... 87 Reed, Deborah............................................. 185 Reisch, Michael................................................ 1 Relief Society, Palestinian Medical............. 94 Rendle, Katharine A. S............................... 174 Renn, Kristen................................................. 78 Resko, Stella M.......................................51, 200 Reyes, Laurent............................................137P Reynolds, Andrew D..................................... 76 Reza, Md. Hasan.......................................... 194 Rhee, Min-Kyoung........................................ 75 Rhew, Isaac C................................................. 63 Rhoades, Harmony..........33, 58, 89, 146, 180 Rhodes, Alison M.......................................... 71 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Rhodes, Diane..............................................75P Rhodes, Judith L. F....................... 13, 118, 138 Rice, Eric.................................... 33, 58, 89, 146 Richard, Laura............................................. 118 Rienks, Shauna.......................................22, 185 Riley, Sarah..................................................... 84 Rittner, Barbara............................................. 29 Rivaux, Stephanie L..................................... 190 Rizo, Cynthia Fraga................................. 56, 87 Robbins, Danielle.................................. 79P, 99 Robbins, Susan P......................... 97, 163, 191P Roberts, Greg............................................... 106 Roberts-Lewis, Amelia.............................102P Robertson, Caroline..........................2, 59, 129 Rodriguez-JenKins, Jessica......................... 209 Roe-Sepowitz, Dominique E....................... 29 Rohe, William.............................................. 177 Rolock, Nancy.............................................. 153 Root, Lawrence............................................ 134 Rose, Roderick A..................................... 42, 64 Rose, Theda..........................................129, 212 Rosen, Gina L.............................................. 201 Rosenblum, Katherine L............................... 61 Ross, Abigail M............................................ 177 Roth, Benjamin......................................45, 110 Rothbard, Aileen......................................... 195 Rothstein, David............................................ 84 Rothwell, David W................................18, 87P Rouse, Chaturia D....................................... 210 Rowe, Jeannine M.......................................26P Royce, Rachel A........................................... 210 Ruffolo, Mary............................................... 175 Ruiz, Erika....................................................23P Runnels, Ratonia........................................... 98 Rutledge, Scott Edward..............................91P Rwigema, Marie Jolie.................................. 166 Ryan, Tiffany................................................ 172 Ryu, Jeong-Hee.............................................. 54 Sacco, Paul....................................................95P Sacks, Tina.................................................... 135 Sakamoto, Izumi............................................ 77 Salas-Wright, Christopher P........ 89, 129, 151 Salloum, Alison............................................. 74 Name Program Number Saltzman, Jaclyn A.......................................15P Saltzman, Leia Y.....................................71, 151 Salyers, Michelle.......................................... 211 Sampson, McClain......................................70P Samuel, Louise............................................. 196 Samuels, Gina M......................................... 110 Sanchez, Katherine......................................96P Sanders, Laura.............................................. 136 Sandoval, Gisela M....................................165P Sands, Roberta G......................................... 211 Sangalang, Cindy C....................................... 35 Santiago, Anna M.......................................... 84 Sarkisian, Natasha......................................... 37 Sarna, Margaret............................................. 93 Sarteschi, Christine M................................ 125 Scharlach, Andrew........................................ 10 Schatz, Mona................................................ 137 Schelbe, Lisa................................................. 172 Scheyett, Anna............................................... 30 Schilling, Elizabeth A...................................... 5 Schmid, Hillel.............................................. 197 Schmidt, Clecy............................................. 175 Schmitt-Sands, Catherine............................. 17 Schneider, William J..........................100P, 214 Schneiderman, Janet U............................... 122 Schoemann, Alexander.............................184P Schoeneman, Andrew................................. 179 Schoeny, Michael........................................... 83 Schottenfeld, Lisa........................................ 187 Schreiber, Jill........................................190, 191 Schudrich, Wendy Zeitlin..........25P, 55P, 188 Schultz, Katie.......................................135, 210 Schutz, April...............................................107P Schwab, James................................................ 98 Schwan, Kaitlin J............................................ 34 Schwoeffermann, Cimone.......................... 137 Scinta, Ashleigh...........................................94P Sciortino, Sarah A.....................................165P Scott, Jennifer............................................... 198 Scully, Mary...................................................... 5 Sears, Heather L........................................... 121 Seay, Kristen D.............................................93P Secret, Mary.................................................88P sswr | san antonio | 2014 267 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Segal, Elizabeth A........................................ 204 Segal, Steven P.............................................. 211 Semanchin Jones, Annette M.................... 208 Seng, Julia S..................................................18P Senteio, Charles...........................................82P Sergeant, Danee.........................................172P Severson, Margaret E.................................... 52 Sewell, Whitney.....................................56, 170 Shafer, Kevin........................................197, 209 Shannon, Patricia............................................ 5 Shao, Lin.........................................6P, 171, 195 Shapiro, Valerie B..................................63, 115 Sharer, Melissa............................................... 55 Sharma, Bonita B...................... 5, 77, 114, 194 Sharma, Yasoda.............................................. 92 Sharp, Carla.................................................. 199 Shaw, Stacey A.......................................95, 217 Sherraden, Michael.........................28, 84, 124 Shields, Joseph J............................................. 24 Shier, Micheal L........................................... 157 Shin, Sunny H............................143, 193P, 200 Shires, Deirdre A........................................... 14 Shiu, Cheng Shi................94, 142P, 155, 160P Shook, Jeffrey................................................. 13 Shunmugam, Murali................................... 166 Siantz, Elizabeth............................................ 16 Sichling, Florian........................................... 110 Silbersack, Elionora W................................13P Silverman, Carol J........................................ 211 Simmelink McCleary, Jennifer...................... 5 Simmons, Catherine A.............................149P Simon, James D..........................................141P Simoni, Jane................................................. 202 Sims, Omar T...............................................57P Singer, Mark I.............................................. 115 Sinha, Aakanksha.......................................... 76 Sinha, Sunny................................................ 194 Sirotich, Frank............................................... 95 Skolarus, Ted.................................................. 14 Slack, Kristen S............................................ 123 Slater, Lyn....................................................... 22 Sloan-Power, Elizabeth M.......................... 109 Small, Eusebius.............................................. 55 268 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Small, Latoya A.............................................. 15 Smith, Brenda D.......................................... 217 Smith, Douglas C..................................24, 205 Smith, Karen.................................................. 61 Smith, Kelley.................................................. 24 Smith, Marcella Tanya................................23P Smith, Mark C...........................................180P Smith, Matthew James..............................165P Smith, Richard.......................................17, 127 Smith-Osborne, Alexa......................68P, 140P Smithgall, Cheryl......................................... 184 Smokowski, Paul R............................2, 59, 129 Snyder, Kimberly......................................... 156 Snyder, Susanna J........................................... 77 Sobeck, Joanne L........................................... 96 Sogar, Christina........................................... 209 Sohn, Sunju........................................28P, 114P Solomon, Phyllis L...................................... 156 Son, Hyemin................................................ 137 Song, Ahyoung................................... 59, 128P Song, Hyun-a................................................. 28 Song, Jieun.................................................... 193 Song, Na Kyoung.......................................133P Sorenson, Paul............................ 137, 177, 191 Sosa, Leticia Villarreal................................ 153 Sousa, Cindy................................. 94, 109, 173 Spaulding-Givens, Jennifer........... 115P, 116P Spencer, Kimberly....................................... 214 Spencer, Michael.............................................. 1 Sperlich, Mickey S.......................................18P Spielberger, Julie............................................ 32 Spielfogel, Jill E............................................ 152 Spikes, Pilgrim............................................. 210 Spoliansky, Toni........................................... 208 Squicciarini, Lynn.......................................17P Ssewamala, Fred M.............................114, 207 Stahlschmidt, Mary Jo................................ 117 Staller, Karen................................................ 163 Stanczyk, Alexandra B................................ 201 Stanhope, Victoria....................................... 211 Stanton, Megan C........................................ 211 Stefancic, Ana.............................................. 145 Steiker, Lori.................................................... 60 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Stenhouse, Linnea L...................................... 90 Sterzing, Paul............................................... 139 Stevens-Manser, Stacey...............................72P Stewart, Lisa M......................................37, 117 Stone, Susan................................................. 138 Storch, Eric A................................................. 74 Storer, Heather......................................... 12, 90 Stott, Tonia................................................... 172 Strand, Virginia C......................................... 22 Strier, Roni................................................... 197 Stroud, Sandra............................................. 135 Stylianou, Amanda Mathisen..............91, 132 Subica, Andrew........................... 132, 157, 199 Sun, Fei.......................................................181P Svoboda, Deborah......................................... 91 Swartz, James A............................................. 78 Swett, Laura.................................................... 74 Tabb, Karen.................................................. 121 Tam, Christina.......................................52, 129 Tan, Kevin............................................189, 207 Tang, Fengyan............................. 38P, 93, 138P Tanh, Daniel B............................................... 75 Taylor, Daniel J............................................. 203 Teater, Barbra............................................... 156 Tedesco, Rebecca.........................................12P Teixeira, Samantha........................................ 97 Temkin, Tanya L.......................................... 211 Terlikbayeva, Assel........................................ 95 Testa, Mark F................................................ 130 Teyra, Ciwang.............................................. 176 Thaller, Jonel................................. 51, 112, 173 Thomas, Amy...............................................12P Thomas, Cecilia............................................. 35 Thomas, Kathleen C..................................... 72 Thomas, Rebecca L....................................... 58 Thompson, Aaron M.................................. 106 Thompson, Julian........................................ 154 Thompson, Ronald W.................................54P Thompson, Sanna............ 33, 132P, 173P, 212 Thompson, Tess.................................53P, 122P Threlfall, Jennifer M.................................107P Thyer, Bruce............................9, 20, 113, 188P Tiderington, Emmy L................................. 145 Name Program Number Tieu, Hong Van............................................ 210 Tillotson, Amanda Rowe..........................176P Toews, Barb..................................................47P Tolman, Richard............................................ 61 Topitzes, James Dimitri........................50, 123 Torres, Luis R................................ 44, 92P, 94P Townsend, Aloen L....................................... 69 Tracy, Elizabeth M.............. 30P, 98P, 120, 219 Trahan, Mark................................................. 83 Tran, Thanh V......................RMW-3, 14P, 176 Tran Smith, Bikki........................................ 145 Traube, Dorian............................................. 180 Travis, Raphael............................................. 143 Trawver, Kathi R.......................................... 154 Trella, Deanna.............................................. 214 Trickett, Penelope K..........................101P, 122 Tripodi, Stephen J........................................ 189 Trivedi, Madhukar H..................................96P Tropman, John............................................. 148 Trout, Alexandra.........................................54P Trung, Hai Nguyen....................................... 70 Tucker, Anita.................................................. 31 Tucker, Jenna................................................ 177 Turok, David K..........................................150P Uehara, Edwina...................................121, 142 Underwood, Dawnya................................178P Unick, George.......................................... 42, 73 Vakharia, Sheila P......................................198P Valandra, Ms.................................................. 71 Valdez, Avelardo.............................................. 6 Valentine, Anne...........................................71P Valle, Lorena................................................ 105 Van Sluytman, Laurens G.......................... 210 Vaughn, Michael G......89, 106, 125, 129, 151 Vaughn, Sharon........................................... 106 Veeh, Christopher A..................................... 52 Velasquez, Mary M.............................63P, 97P Vergara, Andrew.......................................... 179 Villagrana, Margarita.................................. 198 Villarreal, Yolanda.......................................70P Villarreal Sosa, Leticia................................ 176 Viola, Deborah...........................................172P Voisin, Dexter......................................131, 216 sswr | san antonio | 2014 269 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Voith, Laura Aisha................................50, 111 von Sternberg, Kirk.............................63P, 97P Vorhies, Vanessa.......................................... 110 Voth Schrag, Rachel J........................147P, 173 Vu, Catherine M............................................ 75 Wachter, Karin E.......................................132P Wagaman, M. Alex..............................105, 204 Wagenaar, Bradley......................................... 63 Wagner, Kristen.....................................19, 186 Wahab, Stephanie.......................................... 21 Wahler, Elizabeth A....................................29P Waldfogel, Jane............................................ 209 Walker, Laurie A...................................... 8, 204 Wall, Melanie M.......................................... 175 Wallace, Cara L..........................................105P Wallace, John M.......................................... 165 Wallio, Stephanie.......................................184P Walls, N. Eugene....................................53, 161 Walters, Karina......................................38, 135 Walton, Quenette........................................ 201 Wan, Ying...................................................129P Wang, Emily................................................... 93 Wang, Julia Shu-Huah......................121P, 215 Wang, Xiafei...............................................151P Ward, Christopher J....................................88P Warner, Lynn A.................................157P, 195 Warren, Keith.............................................194P Warsame, Abdulkadir................................. 194 Warsett, Kimberly....................................... 187 Washburn, Micki......................................... 218 Webber, Kristina C...................................... 149 Weinberger, Gabriel.................................... 122 Weiss, Harald Ernst....................................... 23 Welch-Brewer, Chiquitia..........................102P Weller, Bridget E...................................... 31, 55 Wells, Elizabeth A....................................... 192 Wells, Susan J............................................... 179 Wenzel, Suzanne............... 128P, 131, 146, 180 Wernick, Laura............................................ 139 Wessel, Julia.................................................... 56 West, Brady.................................................... 14 Westmoreland, Amy.................................126P Whalen, Christopher C..............................57P 270 sswr | san antonio | 2014 Name Program Number Whalley, Anna...........................................149P Whitaker, Kelly............................................ 138 Whitaker, Pippin........................................... 29 White, Erina M.............................................. 14 Whitefoot, Patricia..............................176, 210 Whitekiller, Virginia..................................... 22 Whitfield, Darren........................................ 161 Whitlatch, Carol............................................ 69 Wike, Traci.............................................56, 218 Wikoff, Nora........................................ 48P, 164 Wilkens, Lynne R.......................................... 54 Williams, Charmaine C.............................. 166 Williams, Christianna................................... 72 Williams, Elizabeth....................................... 52 Williams, Jaclyn M......................................86P Williams, James Herbert........................ 20, 46 Williams, Lela Rankin......... 99, 105, 150, 151 Williams, Mark E........................................... 36 Willis, Aaron C............................................34P Willis, Danny G............................................. 71 Wills, Thomas A.......................................... 200 Wilson, Amy Blank............................... 9P, 119 Wilson, Bincy................................................. 29 Winetrobe, Hailey.................... 33, 58, 89, 146 Winham, Katherine M................................ 179 Wittmann, Daniela A.................................... 14 Wolfe, Brenda............................................... 126 Womack, Bethany G................................... 217 Wong, Yin-Ling Irene................................. 211 Woodford, Michael R........78, 161, 166, 189P Woods, Dianne Rush.................................... 46 Woodward, Albert......................................... 24 Woolley, Michael........................................... 42 Wretman, Christopher................................ 207 Wright, Rachel L........................................150P Wu, Hui Ching............................................... 57 Wu, Shali......................................................... 70 Wulczyn, Fred H...................................90, 122 Wynn, Winona............................................. 210 Xu, Ling........................................................36P Xu, Qingwen..........................................37, 176 Xue, Jia.......................................................... 192 Yac, Jose........................................................ 104 Note: Plain numerals refer to regular session, P numbers refer to poster session, RMW numbers refer to the research methods workshops, and SSRPCB numbers refer to the special sessions on research priorities and capacity building. Name Program Number Name Program Number Yamada, Ann-Marie..................................161P Yang, Chongming........................................31P Yang, Mi-Youn............................................... 70 Ybarra, Marci................................................. 45 Ye, Minzhi.....................................................37P Yeh, Wan-Li.................................................... 57 Yelick, Anna................................................... 23 Yeo, Younsook................................................ 98 Yingling, Marissa.........................................67P Yoder, Jamie Rae............................................ 68 Yoo, Jane....................................................... 208 Yoon, Susan.................................................. 198 Yoshioka-Maxwell, Amanda........................ 89 Young, Sarah R............................................19P Young, Stephen M.......................................50P Yu, Gary........................................................ 175 Yu, Mansoo.................................................113P Yu, Patricia J................................................... 69 Yueqi, Yan.....................................................43P Zajicek-Farber, Michaela............................ 118 Zakour, Michael J........................................ 113 Zhai, Fuhua................................... 23, 160, 209 Zhan, Min....................................................... 58 Zhang, Grace................................................ 136 Zhang, Heidi.................................................. 77 Zhang, Jiaan................................................... 73 Zhao, Rong................................................... 214 Zimet, Gregory D........................................ 155 Zinn, Andrew............................................... 184 Zlotnik, Joan..............................SSRPCB-2, 41 This message is just to notify that the process, “finalpersonindex”, has completed, and it’s output is available at the following url: http:// sswr.confex.com/output/process_last_run/ sswr/2014/sswr-2014-finalpersonindex-cgi. html For your convenience, this script’s output has also been attached to this email message. 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