OVERNEWTON Parents Friends & Services Directory 2014~ 2015 Turnkey Connections OPTICAL FIBRE CABLE INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS "FROM START TO FINISH ALL YOUR CABLING NEEDS" Specialising in: • Optical fibre cabling & fibre jointing. • Optical fibre accessories. • N ational broadband network home cabling & setup. • Computing cabling for schools & homes. • Industrial & corporate comms. • Lan networking. • Maintenance, fault finding & testing. "24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE" 9449 1201 www.turnkeyconnections.com The Taylors Lakes Hotel is proud to be your major sponsor. We are also your ‘local’ AHA Award Winning Hotel. We were again recognised by the Hospitality Industry as leaders in delivering the best quality Dining, Customer Service, Functions, Accommodation and Conferencing facilities in Victoria. We encourage you to contact us first for your special occasions: • Weddings • Conferences • Birthdays • Engagements • Accommodation And of course we shall offer special discounts or upgrades to any Overnewton School parents or family. 7 Melton Hwy, Taylors Lakes 3038. Ph: 9217 9500 www.taylorslakeshotel.com.au Quality Dental Care with a Gentle Touch Dr Carl Lakkis Dr Seung Choi Dr Michael Nguyen Dr Izzy Azzam Dr Nasr Bachawaty Hannah Trifunovic (Overnewton parent) Specializing in children’s dental health Clinical Director Oral Health Therapist Caring For Our Community 882 Old Calder Hwy, Keilor Vic 3036 Ph: (03) 94491211 Web: elitedental.net.au OVERNEWTON Old Collegians’ Association Supporting the Parents & Friends Association Website www. overnewton. vic.edu.au Phone 0416 100 939 For Enquiries THE 2014 ~ 2015 OVERNEWTON 3DUHQWV)ULHQGV SERVICES DIRECTORY .HLORU &DPSXV 2YHUQHZWRQ 5G 7D\ORUV /DNHV &DPSXV 5REHUWVRQV 5G )D[RDFF#RYHUQHZWRQYLFHGXDX :HEVLWHZZZRYHUQHZWRQYLFHGXDX MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL – JIM LAUSSEN MESSAGES )RUDVFKRROFRPPXQLW\WREHFRKHVLYHVXSSRUWLYHDQGSURYLGHWKHEHVW HQYLURQPHQWLQZKLFKVWXGHQWVWHDFKHUVDQGIDPLOLHVFDQZRUNWRJHWKHUIRURSWLPDO OHDUQLQJDYLEUDQWDQGHIIHFWLYH3DUHQWVDQG)ULHQGV$VVRFLDWLRQLVFUXFLDO ,DPSURXGWRVD\WKDWWKH2YHUQHZWRQ$QJOLFDQ&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH3DUHQWVDQG )ULHQGV$VVRFLDWLRQLVVXFKDJURXS2YHUVHHQE\DWHUULILFFRPPLWWHHRISDUHQWV HYHU\SDUHQWLQWKH&ROOHJHLVDPHPEHURIWKH3)DQGHYHU\SDUHQWFRQWULEXWHVWR WKHZHOOIXQFWLRQLQJDQGFRQQHFWLQJRIWKH2YHUQHZWRQ&RPPXQLW\ 7KLV3DUHQWVDQG)ULHQGV¶GLUHFWRU\LVDWHUULILFUHVRXUFHIRUDOOPHPEHUV RIWKHLPPHGLDWHDQGZLGHU2YHUQHZWRQ&RPPXQLW\ 7KLVGLUHFWRU\DOORZVPHPEHUVRIWKH&ROOHJH&RPPXQLW\WRFRQQHFWZLWK EXVLQHVVHVWKDWDUHQRWIDFHOHVVQDPHVLQDSKRQHERRNWKH\DUHNQRZQWRXV $OORIWKHEXVLQHVVHVDGYHUWLVHGZLWKLQWKLVGLUHFWRU\KDYHDFRQQHFWLRQZLWK 2YHUQHZWRQ$QJOLFDQ&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHHLWKHUDVIDPLOLHVVWDIIRUVXSSRUWHUVRI WKHZRUNRIWKH&ROOHJHWKH\VKDUHRXUYDOXHVDQGVKRXOGEHQDPHVZHFDQWUXVW 2XUWKDQNVJRWRWKH([HFXWLYH2IILFHRIWKH3DUHQWVDQG)ULHQGV$VVRFLDWLRQ0UV -DQLQH+LOWRQWRWKH3)FRPPLWWHHDQGWRRXUGHVLJQH[SHUW 0UV)OHXU%DMUDV]HZVNLIRUWKHLUJUHDWZRUNLQSURYLGLQJWKLVKHOSIXOUHVRXUFH ,HQFRXUDJHZLGHXVHRIWKHGLUHFWRU\DVDPHDQVRIILQGLQJWUXVWHGVHUYLFHVDQGDOVR DPHDQVRIHQVXULQJFRPSDQLHVOLQNHGWRWKH&ROOHJHUHPDLQYLDEOHHYHQLQGLIILFXOW ILQDQFLDOWLPHV MISSION STATEMENT MESSAGE FROM CAROLYN BARBUTO - P&F CHAIRPERSON 2XU3)'LUHFWRU\LVDZRQGHUIXOUHVRXUFHWKDWDOORZVDOORXUIDPLOLHVDQGIULHQGVRI WKH&ROOHJHWRFRQQHFWNQRZLQJO\DQGHDVLO\WREXVLQHVVHVZLWKLQRXU&RPPXQLW\ 7KLVLVDQH[FHOOHQWRSSRUWXQLW\IRUXVWRVXSSRUWHDFKRWKHUDVDOOWKHOLVWHGEXVLQHVVHV DUHWUXO\FRQQHFWHGWRRXU&ROOHJHWKURXJKIDPLOLHVVWDIIRUVXSSRUWHUVRIRXU&ROOHJH ,ZRXOGOLNHWRHQFRXUDJH\RXWRUHYLHZWKLV\HDU¶VGLUHFWRU\DQGEHDVWRXQGHGZLWK WKHHQRUPRXVDPRXQWRIJRRGVDQGYDULHW\RIVHUYLFHVVXSSOLHGZLWKLQRXUFRPPXQLW\ (QMR\ OVERNEWTON PARENTS AND FRIENDS MISSION STATEMENT ³7KH2YHUQHZWRQ$QJOLFDQ&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH 3DUHQWV)ULHQGV&RPPLWWHHZLOOVXSSRUWWKH&ROOHJH %RDUGDQGWKH6FKRRO$GPLQLVWUDWLRQLQLWVHIIRUWV WRFRQWLQXDOO\LPSURYHRXUVFKRRO&RPPXQLW\ WKURXJKRXU)XQGUDLVLQJ0DQDJHPHQWRIWKH :RUNJURXS&RPPLWWHHVWKH3DUHQW6XSSRUW7HDPV DQGWKH+RXUFRPPLWPHQW´ WOULD YOU LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT DIRECTORY? We print approximately 5,000 copies of the Parents and Friends Services Directory every year for free distribution to every current family at the school, staff and Old Collegians. A copy also goes to all advertisers and line listings promoted within the Directory. The Directory is also downloadable as a PDF on our website and all the line listings are published in our online searchable version of the Directory. That’s a lot of opportunities to get your message out to our College Community. LINE LISTING & DISPLAY ADVERTISING FEE SCHEDULE Tax Invoices are supplied. All prices include GST. 3 Tick your preferred Ad size and fill out both sides of this form. BHalf Page Mono Display Ad 120mm(w) 90mm(h) $150.00 BFull Page Mono Display Ad 120mm(w) 180mm(h) $250.00 BFull Page Colour Display Ad 148.5mm(w) & 210mm(h) Plus 3mm bleed $440.00 ALL DISPLAY ADS ALSO RECEIVE A FREE LINE LISTING GUARANTEED PRIME AD POSITIONS ~ subject to availability Inside Back Cover - Colour Display Ad Inside Front Cover - Colour Display Ad Outside Back Cover - Colour Display Ad 148.5mm(w) & 210mm(h) - Plus 5mm bleed 148.5mm(w) & 210mm(h) - Plus 5mm bleed 148.5mm(w) & 210mm(h) - Plus 5mm bleed $550.00 $660.00 $880.00 LINE LISTINGS ~ Includes a free Online Directory listing on our website Text only listing- Current and Past Families, Old Collegians* Text only listing - Non Overnewton Families Free $50.00 Advertiser to supply artwork ready for print. Electronic images accepted as Greyscale jpeg or pdf files only. All artwork to be black on white, as images will be printed in mono. Laser quality, black on white hard copy artwork can also be accepted but image may print a little softer. Cost of necessary alterations to artwork or copy will be an additional charge to advertiser. Name Organisation ABN Address Postcode Phone AH BH Mobile Enclosed is Cheque (payable to Overnewton College for $ (Total) Please debit my Bankcard $ (Total) Card Number Mastercards Visa Expiry Name on Card Signed Date / / Credit card details will be disposed of after transaction is complete Return completed form, any required artwork and payment by close of business Friday, 20 March, 2015 to: Janine Hilton, Overnewton Anglican Community College, 2-30 Overnewton Road, Keilor, 3036. Fax 9336 1835 or email [email protected] - enquiries call Janine on 9334 0104 *Free listings: A donation towards the cost of printing the directory would be much appreciated. BOOKING FORM BoxQuarter Page Mono Display Ad 120mm(w) 45mm(h) $90.00 DON’T MISS OUT - BOOK YOUR SPACE FOR NEXT YEAR NOW The Overnewton Services Directory is an annual publication (July to June) with a comprehensive listing of businesses and services provided by members and supporters of the Overnewton Community. Note: Personal information given on this form will be used for the publishing of the Overnewton Services Directory. The personal information will be used solely by Overnewton College for this purpose and or directly related purposes. No other personal information held by Overnewton Anglican Community College for other purposes will be used for the Services Directory. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to the College for access to and or amendment of the information. Requests for access and or correction should be made to the Head of Community Development. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO Janine Hilton, Overnewton Anglican Community College, 2-30 Overnewton Road, Keilor, 3036. Fax 9336 1835 or email [email protected] - enquiries call Janine on 9334 0104 Entries close Friday, 20 March, 2015 AD & LISTING DETAILS BOOKING FORM Current New Repeat 2013/14 Listing 2013/14 Ad Revise 2013/14 Listing 2013/14 Ad I would like my entry to go into the following category Please 3 tick ONLY ONE category Accommodation Animal Supplies & Services Automotive / Transport Arts & Cultural Services Baby Products Beauty Services & Products Building & Construction Business Supplies & Services Clothing Clubs & Associations Education & Personal Development Entertainment & Leisure Services Events & Parties Financial Services Florist & Gifts Health & Fitness Services Hire Car Services Hospitality, Food & Catering House & Garden Products & Services Information & Computer Services Jewellery Landscaping Legal Services Maintenance Services Marketing & Media Multimedia Photographer Promotional Items Publishing & Printing Real Estate Security Services Trade Directory (Pls list Name of Trade) Travel Services Youth & Child Services Other Please 3 tick ONLY ONE box in each section I am a Current I am a Past I am Parent Parent Staff Guardian Guardian a Supplier Student Student a Friend The following details will appear in your new listing* Description of Service (maximum 20 WORDS only): Special offer for Overnewton Community Contact Person Position Phone BH Mobile Fax Number Email Web Site Business Add Postcode Contact Details - Information for Office Use Only As Above or Post Address Postcode Tel AH Tel BH Mobile * Overnewton reserves the right to only accept entries that are compatible with the ethos of the College. A GUIDE TO THE SYMBOLS USED THROUGHOUT THE DIRECTORY This publication has been compiled by the Community Development Office at Overnewton Anglican Community College on behalf of the Parents and Friends Association. EMERGENCY CALLS AMBULANCE, FIRE AND POLICE 000 1300 606 024 13 11 26 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES STORM AND FLOOD DAMAGE 13 25 00 GAS AND ELECTRICITY AGL POWER OR STREET LIGHT FAILURE IN NORTH WESTERN SUBURBS 13 16 26 CITIPOWER SERVICE DIFFICULTIES AND FAULTS 13 12 80 NATURAL GAS AND LP GAS GAS EMERGENCIES AND GAS LEAKS ONLY 13 27 71 POWERCOR SERVICE DIFFICULTIES AND FAULTS 13 24 12 SP AUSNET ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAULTS 13 17 99 UNITED ENERGY ELECTRICITY FAULTS GAS LEAKS AND EMERGENCY 13 20 99 13 26 91 WATER AND SEWERAGE SERVICE OR FAULTS 13 92 837 OR 13WATER USEFUL NUMBERS IN A LIFE THREATENING OR TIME CRITICAL EMERGENCY NURSE ON CALL POISONS INFORMATION SYMBOLS GUIDE Disclaimer: The fact that a service is listed in this Directory does not indicate endorsement by Overnewton Anglican Community College. All efforts are made to ensure that the Overnewton Service Directory details are correct prior to print. Details are subject to change without notice. Information is published based on registration details provided. Overnewton College will not be held liable or responsible for errors, omissions or misinterpretations as a result of this publication. Use of this Directory and the services listed is at the sole discretion of the user. POLICE STATIONS USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS AVONDALE HEIGHTS POLICE STATION KEILOR DOWNS POLICE STATION MELTON POLICE STATION MOONEE PONDS POLICE STATION VICTORIAN POLICE CENTRE CRIME STOPPERS HOTLINE 9337 6777 9365 3333 9747 7999 9373 5200 9247 6666 1800 333 000 COUNCILS BRIMBANK CITY COUNCIL OLD CALDER HIGHWAY, KEILOR 9249 4000 CITY OF MOONEE VALLEY 9 KELLAWAY AVENUE, MOONEE PONDS 9243 8888 HUME CITY COUNCIL 1079 PASCOE VALE ROAD, BROADMEADOWS 9205 2200 SHIRE OF MELTON 232 HIGH STREET, MELTON 9747 7200 MARIBYRNONG CITY COUNCIL NAPIER STREET, FOOTSCRAY 9688 0200 PUBLIC TRANSPORT METLINK V/LINE PASSENGER INFORMATION COUNTRY TRAVEL 13 1638 13 6196 TAXIS 13 CABS BACCHUS MARSH TAXIS BACCHUS MARSHWESTERN DISTRICT TAXIS CITY AND SUBURBAN TAXIS CROWN CABS FOR WHEELCHAIR & GROUP BOOKINGS MELBOURNE MAXIS FOR WHEELCHAIR & GROUP BOOKINGS MELTON BACCHUS MARSH TAXICABS PTY LTD SILVER TOP TAXI SERVICE WESTERN DISTRICT CABS YELLOW CABS RSPCA 13 22 27 9746 9999 9746 0333 13 22 27 9310 5422 1800 635 629 9746 9999 13 10 08 9746 9999 13 22 27 9224 2222 ACCOMMODATION ANGLESEA HOLIDAY HOUSE. 20 ARTS & CULTURAL SERVICES ESSENDON SYMPHONY. 20 AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORT COBRA MOTORS. GOODYEAR AUTOCARE WATERGARDENS. Full Page Ad Page 5 MOONEE VALLEY BUS LINES PTY. LTD. REISS AUTOMOTIVE. FORKLIFT HIRE MELBOURNE. SOUTH CITY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PTY LTD. 21 21 21 21 22 22 BEAUTY SERVICES & PRODUCTS 22 22 & 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION AM ABLE PTY LTD. CAZAM PTY LTD. KITCHEN & VANITY MANUFACTURERS. CBD CREATIVE BUILDING DESIGNERS. CREATIVE SHOPFITTING P/L. CROWN DOOR AUTOMATION. DJ BOURNE BUILDERS PTY LTD. HAMMER & NAILS HOME IMPROVEMENTS. INNOVATIVE SPACE DESIGN. MST BUILDING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS PTY LTD. RACECOURSE WINDOWS. SPHERE DESIGN. SURELINE CONSTRUCTION. 25 25 & 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 & 29 28 29 30 30 BUSINESS SUPPLIES & SERVICES AMTAS OFFICE CHOICE. EMPOWERBEYOND. HARRY KASIF. MARIE IACOVOU BOOKKEEPING. 30 31 31 31 CLOTHING FAYE COLACO. LARAMY CLOTHING. LARAMY CORPORATE WEAR AND PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS. PREMIUM CLOTHING & SPORTING GOODS. 32 32 33 33 CONTENTS AVON REPRESENTATIVE KERRYN RICHTER. GLOW. LITTLE BEAUTY. MARY KAY COSMETICS ~ BEAUTY COMES TO YOU. MELISSA HOCKING ~ QUALIFIED MAKE UP ARTIST. NUTRIMETICS. RISONE HAIR AND BEAUTY SUPPLIES. THE HAIR COTTAGE. XTREME EYELASH EXTENSIONS. EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONTENTS ADVANCE TUTORING SCHOOL. AIDANS’ PIANO TUITION. AVONDALE DANCE STUDIO. BOOKSTOGO. DR TRAFFIC DRIVING SCHOOL. ELIZABETH VANDELOO PIANO TEACHER. GREEK TUTORING. HILLSIDE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. IN THE BAND ROOM. JAN CRT ENGLISH & MATHS TUITION. KEY VOCALS. LITTLE POPPETS CHILDCARE. MATHS MADE EASY. MATHS METHOD TUTOR. MUSICWORX. SMART EDGE TUITION. VOCAL ART STUDIOS. 33 & 34 33 35 35 35 & 36 35 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 38 39 39 40 ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE SERVICES ADVANCEDINTEGRATION HOME CINEMA SOLUTIONS. BIG PICTURE PEOPLE WATERGARDENS. PORT PHILLIP BOATING CENTRE. SUE MADEX ~ ‘STAMPIN’ UP DEMONSTRATOR. 40 41 41 41 EVENTS & PARTIES AMANDA STEVENSON SINGER. BIG LOVE CIVIL CEREMONIES. CANDY CRAVE BUFFET. DAMIAN CALELLO CALCAL DJ / MUSIC PRODUCER. EVENTS ON PAPER. JENNNIFER IN DREAMS. MONUMENT CELEBRATIONS. PARTY STAR. SWEET SENSATION CANDY BUFFET. OVERNEWTON CASTLE RECEPTIONS. TAYLORS LAKES HOTEL. Full Page Ad Page 3 WISH UPON A STAR CELEBRATIONS AND GIFTS. 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 FINANCIAL SERVICES AFC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS. AUSSIE HOME LOANS & CONVEYANCING. BUTTIGIEG, BONNICI AND ASSOC. PTY. LTD. CITIWIDE HOME LOANS. DINO TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES. ELDERS FINANCIAL PLANNING. Full Page Ad Page 6 GA PARTNERS. HAYES KNIGHT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. HBD PARTNERS VIC PTY LTD. JMH TAXATION SERVICES. PETER’S ACCOUNTING SERVICE. 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 FINANCIAL SERVICES continued MERIDIAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT PTY LTD. PETER STOITSIS PIONEER INSURANCE GROUP REGAL FINANCIAL SERVICES PTY. LTD. REGENT FINANCE. RETIRECARE PERSONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT. 48 49 49 50 & 51 51 51 FLORIST & GIFTS LOTS OF LOVE FLORAL DESIGN. HERE WE GO LOOPY LOU. LEE’S BONSAI’S. 51 52 52 HEALTH & FITNESS 52 54 53 & 54 54 54 & 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 & 59 HIRE CAR SERVICES MELBOURNE CORPORATE CHAUFFEURS. 59 HOSPITALITY, FOOD & CATERING AMP QUALITY MEATS. CAKES BY LAUREN. CITY BBQ CHINESE RESTAURANT. COSTANZO BREWING CONSULTANTS. CONSTAS FAMILY TRUST FERGUSON PLARRE BAKEHOUSE KEILOR PARK. IGA SUPERMARKET & LIQUOR ALTONA EAST. JOMACK MANUFACTURING. PATTY CAKE PATTY CAKE. TAYLORS LAKES GOURMET MEATS. THE DECORATED CAKE. THE HOST INDIAN RESTAURANT. VICOLO CAFE AND RISOTTO BAR. 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 CONTENTS AMM DENTAL CLINIC PTY LTD. BODY BRILLIANT. BOYLES GOLF SHED. ELITE DENTAL. Full Page Ad Page 4 ESSENDON KEILOR GYMNASTICS ACADEMY. EXTRADIMENSION FLOATATION AND MASSAGE CLINIC. GYMNASTICS UNLIMITED CLUB. HYPOXI*STUDIO. THE LAKES HEALTH & FITNESS. MEDBAG. SHODOKAN AIKIDO MELBOURNE. STEINHOFF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES. STEP INTO LIFE AIRPORT WEST. THE NU U HEALING CENTRE. THE WEIGHT WORKS. TIME TO RECHARGE. TOPSHOT TENNIS. VITAL HEALTH AND NATURAL MEDICINE. WATERGARDENS PODIATRY. HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES AFFORDABLE ARTIFICIAL TURF. BILLS PICTURE FRAMING. THE GREEN CENTRE. LOUISE’S HOUSE CLEANING. MELBOURNE RAIN SAVER WATER TANKS. MELBOURNE WINDOW CLEANING. MOFFITTS FARM LAWN MOWING SHEEP. RENOWN SILVERWARE. SUPERCHEM AUSTRALIA. T & L STEEL WORKS. TOM’S HOME & BUSINESS SERVICES. TONY’S FIVE STAR CARPET CLEANING. TRAPS PEST CONTROL PTY LTD. WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. WINDOW CLEANING. CONTENTS INFORMATION & COMPUTER SERVICES 4 KIDS WITH LOVE. FIFTH AVENUE COLLECTION. CORPORATE TODAY. SOFTWARE WIZARDS PTY LTD. TECHNOLOGIES 2000 AUST PTY. LTD. TURNKEY CONNECTIONS PTY. LTD. Full Page Ad Inside Front Cover 62 64 63 & 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 JEWELLERY 68 68 & 69 LANDSCAPING DAVID FOX ~ TIDY EDGE ~ GREENVALE. SHANE CLIFFORD DESIGN ~ ARCHIRECTURAL & BOTANICAL LANDSCAPES 69 69 LEGAL SERVICES DORINA STANCU LAWYER. LETICIA RODRIGUEZ & ASSOCIATES PRIVATE LEGAL PRACTICE. MMMC CONVEYANCING. 69 70 70 MARKETING & MEDIA ACORN MARKETING. ADP SOLUTIONS. ARTLINE SIGNS & DISPLAY PTY LTD. BLAZE ADVERTISING. FALZON PR. ROBDEAN PTY LTD. 70 70 72 72 72 71 & 72 PHOTOGRAPHY AVER & LINE PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTOPHER CLINNICK PHOTOGRAPHY. SCOTT LEGGO IMAGES. 73 73 73 PUBLISHING & PRINTING ANNA PRINT. KIDZ STORIES. KWIK KOPY TULLAMARINE. PRINTHOUSE GRAPHICS. R & D PERSONALISED PRINTING. 73 74 74 75 & 76 76 & 77 REAL ESTATE BARRY PLANT REAL ESTATE. MCKIE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. RAY WHITE REAL ESTATE Full Page Ad Page 7 76 78 78 SECURITY AUSWIDE SECURITY AND LABOUR HIRE SERVICES. 79 YOUTH & CHILD SERVICES CRADLES TO CRAYONS. EARLY LEARNING FAMILY DAYCARE SCHEME PTY LTD. EARLY LEARNING KINDERS. KEILOR DOWNS CHILDCARE CENTRE. 79 79 80 80 TRADE SERVICES SERVICES MELBOURNE ANTENNA SERVICE. 81 BRICKLAYERS DESIGNER BRICKLAYING. 82 CABINET MAKERS ALL THINGS CUSTOM. 82 CARPENTERS GAZZA & JAZZIES HOME HANDY FIXERS PTY LTD. 82 ELECTRICAL AB & MB ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS PTY. LTD. ALERT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE. ELECTRICAL AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS. JACOGAN ELECTRICS PTY LTD. JASMINE TECHNOLOGIES. PATRICK WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING. 83 83 83 84 84 84 FLOORING FORESTIN TIMBER FLOORS. WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. Ad Inside Back Cover 84 85 PAINTING VISTA PAINTING. 85 PLUMBING FREDDY’S PLUMBING. 85 ROOFING JIMS ROOFING SERVICES. 86 TELEPHONES WESTEL CABLING PTY. LTD. 86 CONTENTS ANTENNAS ACCOMMODATION, ARTS & CULTURAL SERVICES ANGLESEA HOLIDAY HOUSE. Anglesea holiday house with pool for rent - sleeps up to 12 people - at Point Roadknight. See website for more details and pictures. - Mark Klose. R 0478 605 651 e [email protected] l www.231greatoceanroad.com.au ESSENDON SYMPHONY. Community orchestra, rehearses Tuesday evenings during school term. School leavers, horn, brass, viola and lapsed players especially welcome. - Ruth MacKinnon. Q 9288 4152 R 0408 617 055 e [email protected] l www.essendonsymphony.com AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORT GOODYEAR AUTOCARE WATERGARDENS. Goodyear Autocare Watergardens - servicing and mechanical repairs to all makes and models. New tyres, batteries and roadworthy certificate inspections. Full Page Ad Page 5 Special Offer: 10% Discount for Overnewton Community. - Koray Yuntar. O 399 Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 8390 7771 k 8390 7772 e [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORT COBRA MOTORS. Mechanical repairs to all makes and models. Authorised repairer for all major fleet companies. R.W.C. car and truck. Airconditioning servicing and repairs. See ad on opposite page. - Vince Morello-Service Manager. O 9-11 Whitehill Avenue, North Sunshine. 3020 Q 9367 2033 k 9366 7355 e [email protected] MOONEE VALLEY BUS LINES PTY. LTD. We transport OACC for their local charters and we are available for charters and tours throughout Australia. - Garry Higginson – Assistant Manager. O 6 Tullamarine Park Road, Tullamarine. 3043 Q 9310 5286 k 9310 5688 e info@ mooneevalleybus.com.au REISS AUTOMOTIVE. Mobile and workshop, automotive technician specialising in new cars, including handbook servicing under warranty. - Michael Reissis. O Hillside. Q 0419 557 670 k 9390 9242 e [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORT FORKLIFT HIRE MELBOURNE. Forklift hire - casual or long term. - Gary Shackleton. O 194 Derrimut Drive, Derrimut, 3030 Q 8353 2868 R 0418 335 830 e [email protected] l www.forklifthiremelbourne.co SOUTH CITY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PTY LTD. Factory handbook service, diagnostic analysis and repairs to all models. Roadworthy certificate inspections, air-conditioning service and repairs. Tyres. Special offer: 10% discount off services. - Joe Calleja - Owner. O 173-175 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne. 3205 Q 9699 3070 k 9699 3078 e [email protected] l www.southcityautomotiverepairs.com.au BEAUTY SERVICES & PRODUCTS AVON REPRESENTATIVE KERRYN RICHTER. For all your make-up, skin care, fragrance, jewellery and quality gift ideas, guaranteed. - Kerryn Richter – Representative. O Niddrie. Q 9337 6359 R 0414 906 750 e [email protected] GLOW. For a brighter smile, BOOK NOW! See ad on opposite page. - Tracey Ellis. Q 1300 27 96 98 R 0437 536 142 LITTLE BEAUTY. Little Beauty is a waxing salon exclusively for women. It has been operating for over 12 years. Proffessional and passionate about beauty. Special Offer: 30% off first treatment - 10% discount thereafter. - Tania Costabir - Owner & Operator O 351 Keilor Road, Niddrie. 3042 Q 9379 6626 R 0488 777 682 e [email protected] l www.littlebeauty.com.au MARY KAY COSMETICS ~ BEAUTY COMES TO YOU. Skin and colour analysis, skin care/body care, wedding and special occasion make-up - career opportunity. Special Offer: 10% Discount on Purchases of Mary Kay products. - Sally Barsoum - Independent Beauty Consultant. Q 9362 1397 R 0409 544 305 e [email protected] BEAUTY SERVICES & PRODUCTS BEAUTY SERVICES & PRODUCTS MELISSA HOCKING ~ QUALIFIED MAKE UP ARTIST. Specialising in make up for all occasions, debs, presentation balls, formals, engagements, weddings etc. Only top quality products used. Mobile Service for your convenience. Special Offer: Discounted rates for Overnewton Families. - Melissa Hocking - Make Up Artist. R 0423 026 425 e [email protected] NUTRIMETICS. Nutrimetics skin care, make-up, perfume, men’s range and other products at discounted prices. Special Offer: Free gift for orders over $150. - Julie. O Keilor. Q 9331 6203 k 9331 6203 R 0409 803 484 RISONE HAIR AND BEAUTY SUPPLIES. Wholesale supplier to the hair and beauty industry. Brands like L’Oreal, RPR, MUK, Schwarzkopf, Indola etc. We stock the very popular L’Oreal steampod at a wholesale price. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm, Saturday 9-1pm. Special Offer: A further 5% discount off wholesale price and FREE delivery for orders over $100. Please mention OACC for the special offers. - Angelo Di Berardino or Pierre Assaad. O 113B Miller Street, Epping. 3076 R 0412 122 941 Angelo R 0435 787 115 Pierre e [email protected] l [email protected] THE HAIR COTTAGE. Qualified experienced Hairdresser specialising in style cutting and colour using top quality products at competetive prices. Waxing service also available. - Sue - Owner. O Keilor Downs. Q 9356 4566 AM ABLE PTY LTD. Steel fabrication and construction - anything from gates to factories. - Andrew McKellar - Director. O Factory 2, 28 Freeman Street, Campbellfield. 3061 R 0411 522 063 k 9357 6113 e [email protected] BEAUTY SERVICES & PRODUCTS XTREME EYELASH EXTENSIONS. Extend your beauty and wake up to thicker, longer and fuller lashes. Specialist in semi-permanent eyelash extensions. Special Offer: New set of lashes for $100 - Normally $140! - Carmel Dagiandis. O 2/29 Wyong St, The Centreway, Keilor East. 3033 R 0423 340 836 e [email protected] l www.xtremelashes.com.au cazamkitchens renovations - new homes - multi level request a free consultation & quote ph 8390 0562 www.cazamkitchens.com.au 7 Waigani Ave, Ravenhall 3023 design - build - enjoy tLJDIFO tCBUISPPN tMBVOESZ tIPNFPö DF tXBSESPCFT tTUPOFUPQT tTQMBTICBDLT tJOIPVTFEFJTHOFS BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION CAZAM KITCHENS. Design, manufacture and install all types of cabinetry to kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, home office. Free consultation and quote. See ad on previous page. Special Offer: Ask about special offer for Overnewton families. - Renee Obeid or Daniel Obeid. O 7 Waigani Avenue, (off Westwood Drive, Deer Park) Ravenhall. Q 8390 0562 k 9363 3417 e [email protected] or [email protected] l www.cazamkitchens.com.au CBD CREATIVE BUILDING DESIGNERS. Building designers/energy raters for residential, commercial and industrial, concept sketch designs, town planning and architectural building permit drawings. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton Community. - Fabio Mazzei - Director. O PO Box 2506, Taylors Lakes. 3038 R 0404 856 726 e [email protected] l www.cbddesigns.com.au CREATIVE SHOPFITTING P/L. Construction: shopfitting, verandahs, medical, retail - over 20 years experience. Special Offer: free quote for the Overnewton Community. - Arthur Pavlidis - Director. O Factory 2/37 Little Boundary Road, Laverton North. R 0419 368 987 e [email protected] CROWN DOOR AUTOMATION. Sales, installation and commissioning of automatic door products to create access solutions for residential and commercial projects. Making inaccessible - accessible. Special Offer: 20% discount off required products/services. Off recommended trade price. - David McCall - Sales Manager. O 39 Hume Street, Huntingdale, 3166 Q 9544 5343 k 9544 5345 R 0437 011 461 e [email protected] www.crowndoor.com.au COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION + PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 32 YEARS OF BUILDING KNOWLEDGE + EXPERIENCE NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL DOMESTIC & RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Specialising in renovations, extensions, pergolas, decks, bathrooms. Factory development and maintenance. Dingo hire, post holes and trenching. Phone 0418 518 064 Fax 9390 8003 Email [email protected] Web djbournebuilders.com.au HAMMER & NAILS HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Building maintenance, pergolas, decking, patios, carports, verandahs and installation of doors. - Arthur Kalaitzis. O Keilor. Q 9390 6773 R 0412 326 726 e [email protected] BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION DJ BOURNE BUILDERS PTY LTD. Specialising in renovations, extensions, pergolas, decks, bathrooms. Factory development and maintenance. Dingo hire, post holes and trenching. See ad above. - Darren Bourne - Registered Builder. R 0418 518 064 e [email protected] l www.djbournebuilders.com.au BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION MST BUILDING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS PTY LTD. Registered commercial builder - commercial fit-out, building maintenance, programmed works, including plumbing, electrical and painting. Specialising in reactive maintenance, commercial refurbishment and developments. See ad below. - Michael Taylor. O Niddrie. Q 9449 8087 k 9449 7686 e [email protected] MST BUILDING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS PO Box 1078 Niddrie.Vic 3042 Tel: 9449 8087 Fax: 9449 7686 Email: [email protected] INNOVATIVE SPACE DESIGN. HIA State and National Award Winners. Sustainable design, construction, project management. Residential, New, Renovation, Landscape design, Commercial, Industrial. Town Planning, Building Permits. See ad opposite. Special Offer: Free initial consultation, save 10% off services. - Mario Dinatale - Principal. Q 9370 9425 k 9372 8137 R 0409 194 946 e [email protected] l www.isd.net.au RACECOURSE WINDOWS. We specialise in awning, double hung, casements and sashless styles of timber windows using treated pine and western red cedar. See ad above. O Tullamarine. Q 9335 3376 k 9335 4578 e [email protected] l www.racecoursewindows.com.au BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION SPHERE DESIGN. Residential building design, town planning applications and drafting services.. S pecial Offer: Save 10% off services. - Domenic Bono - Owner. O Niddrie. R 0438 110 862 e [email protected] SURELINE CONSTRUCTION. Domestic Building Practitioner specialising in new homes, unit developments and home improvements. See ad below. - Zak Kojdovski - Director. O Avondale Heights. Q 9318 3182 R 0412 979 191 e [email protected] BUSINESS SUPPLIES & SERVICES AMTAS OFFICE CHOICE. Office products, office stationery, IT products, office furniture, etc. Special Offer: Special rates for Overnewton families. - Frank Amato. O Unit 11, 37-39 Little Boundary Road, Laverton North. 3026 Q 8329 4444 k 8329 4400 Q 0409 152 500 l www.amtasofficechoice.com.au EMPOWERBEYOND. Capitalise on growing your business - be financially successful and still having time to enjoy the lifestyle you want. See ad below. Special Offer: Free initial consultation for the Overnewton Community. - Androulla Sakkas. R 0407 355 745 e [email protected] l www.empowerbeyond.com.au R R R R R R Maximising Profits Increasing Productivity Budgeting & Forecasting Cash Flow Management Time Management Goal Setting & Strategic Planning CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION Mobile 0407 355 745 Email [email protected] MARIE IACOVOU BOOKKEEPING. Small business bookkeeping service. Cert 1V qualified, great rates - please call for further information. Special Offer: 10% discount for the Overnewton Community. - Marie Iacovou. R 0405 533 363 e [email protected] BUSINESS SUPPLIES & SERVICES HARRY KASIF. Accounting and taxation services. Special Offer: 10% discount for the Overnewton Community. - Harry Kasif. O 7 Balonne Close, Taylors Lakes. 3038. Q 9390 1721 k 9390 1974 Q 0419 582 818 e [email protected] FAYE COLACO. School uniform alterations done for a reasonable price. - Faye Colaco. Q 9390 4313 R 0434 020 111 CLOTHING LARAMY CLOTHING. Formal wear - Australian made. We specialise in communion and confirmation wear for boys and girls. We also specialise in christening wear for both boys and girls. See ad below. Special Offer: 10% off any purchase made at our shop for Overnewton students - please mention this ad. - Terry Papadopoulos. O 152A Gaffney Street, Coburg. 3038 Q 9350 6394 k 9354 9374 R 0418 354 611 e [email protected] l www.laramycollection.com PREMIUM CLOTHING & SPORTING GOODS. We provide corporate clothing, sporting uniforms, casual clothes, sporting goods, first aid supplies and promotional gifts. Embroidery and screen printing services also available. - Rita Mifsud or Andrew Sama. O 905 Ballarat Road, Deer Park. 3023 R 0403 199 113 (Andrew) k 9363 8586 e [email protected] l www.premiumsports.com.au CLOTHING LARAMY CORPORATE WEAR AND PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS. Suppliers of corporate and promotional products, t.shirts, polo’s, jackets, caps,workwear, golf products and accessories, bags, sporting wear, embroidery and screen painting services. See ad on opposite page. Special Offer: Any order received through this directory - all set up cost for logo’s free. - Terry Papadopoulos. O 152A Gaffney Street, Coburg. 3038 Q 9350 6394 k 9354 9374 R 0418 354 611 e [email protected] lwww.laramycorp.com.au AIDANS’ PIANO TUITION. Piano lessons, private piano and theory tuition within a studio environment. All styles, ages and levels of experience taught. Special Offer: First lesson free for Overnewton Community. - Aidan Waszaj O 8 Whitely Parade, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 9390 8531 R 0421 193 439 e [email protected] l www.lakesmusictuition.com.au EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ADVANCE TUTORING SCHOOL. ATS is owned/operated by teachers offering tutoring from Prep - Year 12 for ALL subjects and ALL suburbs. ATS also has creative Educational Apps. The Study Score Calculator (download it now): predicts your study score using real data and the english App is a comprehensive summary of Year 12 English. (Available Sept 2014). See ad on next page. Q 8610 6588 e [email protected] l www.advancetutoringschool.com.au EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Home Tutoring Services Prep to Year 12 All Subjects. All Suburbs ATTENTION YEAR 12 STUDENTS Study Score Calculator app &DOFXODWHDQGSUHGLFW\RXU678'< VFRUHIRUHDFKVXEMHFW &UHDWHGE\WHDFKHUV 8VHVUHDOGDWDVWDWLVWLFV 2QO\SHUVXEMHFW The A+ for English App Comprehensive Summary of English Novels studied at Year 11 & 12 ATTENTION TEACHERS 7KH6WXG\6FRUH$SSZLOODVVLVW\RX ZLWKWKHUDQNLQJRI\RXUVWXGHQWV AVONDALE DANCE STUDIO. Quality dance training in jazz, ballet, tap and contemporary technique and performance. Ages three to young adult. Also offer dance examinations, competitions and end of year concert. - Helen - Director. O Avondale Heights. R 0412 074 512 e [email protected] BOOKSTOGO. For all your book covering and processing needs, call for efficient service at reasonable rates. Protect the value of your books. - Lynelle. O Taylors Lakes. Q 9449 3948 R 0407 344 601 e [email protected] DR TRAFFIC DRIVING SCHOOL. Teaching people to drive cars and forklifts and getting their licence. We specialise in overseas licence change over. See ad on next page. Special Offer: Mention this ad for a free lesson voucher. - Sam or Trudy Tranquillo - Directors. O 125-127 McIntyre Road, Sunshine, 3020 Q 9310 2088 k 9312 0222 R 0408 557 783 e [email protected] l www.drtraffic.com.au ELIZABETH VANDELOO PIANO TEACHER. Try keyboard/piano lessons from experienced qualified music teacher in Airport West. Modern/classical styles and exams in theory also catered for. Special Offer: Discounted Rates for Overnewton Community. - Elizabeth Vandeloo. O 14 Mallinson Court, Airport West. Q 9338 8737 R 0433 715 281 e [email protected] EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 125127 MCINTYRE ROAD, SUNSHINE, 3020 GREEK TUTORING. Do you want your child to learn Greek from the comfort of your own home? For further information call Sophia. - Sophia Kemeridis. R 0409 211 002 HILLSIDE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Babies ten months to children six years old. Childcare and kindergarten program. - Donna Halloran. O 73 John Paul Drive, Hillside. Q 9390 2100 e [email protected] IN THE BAND ROOM. In the band room places kids 8-17yrs in bands. Builds self-confidence, teamwork, teaches rehearsal and performance skills while improving musicianship. See ad below. - Leesa Farrugia. O Moonee Ponds. R 0408 127 421 le [email protected] l www.inthebandroom.com.au EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT JAN CRT ENGLISH & MATHS TUITION. For the best in exams, essays, writing, SACS, VCE preparation by experienced teacher. Primary, secondary, university and business writing. Mediatian classes also available for students and parents. - Jan - Manager. R 0412 489 105 KEY VOCALS. Private vocal lessons provided at competetive prices from home studio.. - Amanda Talevski - Proprietor. O Hillside. R 0458 929 393 [email protected] LITTLE POPPETS CHILDCARE. Early years Education-Kinder and Childcare. Casual, occasional and long day care. Special Offer: Discount available for Overnewton Community. - Andrea Green - Director. O Cnr Trickey Ave & Pecks Rd, Sydenham. 3037 Q 9390 1144 k 9390 3344 e [email protected] l www.littlepoppetschildcare.com.au MATHS METHOD TUTOR. Overnewton College graduate - provides quality maths tutoring and mentoring for years 7 to 12 at reasonable rates. Special Offer: Complimentary maths worksheet for Overnewton students. - Matthew Lam. O Taylors Lakes. R 0434 848 831 - After 7pm e [email protected] MUSICWORX. Private tuition for piano, guitar, voice and music theory. Exam preparation for all levels. AMEB, ANZCA and V.I.T. registered. Special Offer: First lesson free for Overnewton Community. - Sabine Di Stefano - Director. O Taylors Lakes. Q 9390 7260 R 0431 696 400 e [email protected] SMART EDGE TUITION. Think smart and take the stress out of study. One-to-one coaching at your home. Specialising in VCE physics, maths methods and specialist maths. - Stephen Lam. R 0403 075 355. e [email protected] EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT VOCAL ART STUDIOS. Melbourne’s Award Winning Singing, Music and Entertainment School. Refer to ad below. Special Offer: Free Enrolment - Saving of $20 for Overnewton Community (must quote Overnewton when enrolling). O 9016 0032 e [email protected] l www.vocalartstudios.com ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE SERVICES ADVANCEDINTEGRATION HOME CINEMA SOLUTIONS. Expert consulting/installation of HiFi, home theatre and home automation. Direct to public sales of speakers, amplifiers, DVD players, set-top-boxes, LCD/Plasma TVs and projectors. S pecial Offer: 5% discount on list prices for all equipment (pick up only). - Kjell Nilsson - Strathmore. Q 9382 0366 R 0419 348 623 e [email protected] l www.aihomecinema.com.au PORT PHILLIP BOATING CENTRE. New and used boats, service and accessories, upholstery and fishing tackle and outboard motors. Special Offer: 10% off all outboard servicing and accessories. - Phillip Pierias. O Point Cook. Q 9369 0099 k 9369 9080 e [email protected] l www.portphillipboatingcentre.com.au ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE SERVICES BIG PICTURE PEOPLE WATERGARDENS. The experts in Home Cinema! Big Screen Home Cinema is easy at the Big Picture People – and it’s affordable too! Explore a range of exciting home cinema solutions in real-life rooms. Top brands and full installation available. Special Offer: Special deals available for Overnewton parents. - Theo. Q 9449 4833 O Shop 31 Watergardens, 399 Melton Hwy, Taylors Lakes. 3038 e [email protected] l www.bigpicturepeople.com.au AMANDA STEVENSON SINGER. Soloist for weddings and social engagements. Classical or popular. Demo CD available on request. Piano duo also available.. Special Offer: 10% Discount for Overnewton Community. - Amanda Stevenson. Q 8746 9967 R 0412 897 593 e [email protected] EVENTS & PARTIES SUE MADEX ~ ‘STAMPIN’ UP DEMONSTRATOR. Quality cardmaking, scrapbooking, rubber stamping supplies. Stamping/ card making classes (Avondale Heights). See website for class details and current catalogue. Special Offer: First class half price for Overnewton Families. - Sue Madex - Independent ‘Stampin’ Up Demonstrator. O Avondale Heights. Q 9325 4913 R 0417 377 057 e [email protected] l www.madexcreations.com BIG LOVE CIVIL CEREMONIES. Marriage & Civil Celebrant: weddings, namings, renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, funerals and memorials. Melbourne and country areas. Special Offer: Discount for Overnewton Community. - Simone Riviere - Celebrant. R 0407 681 605 e [email protected] l www.biglovecivilceremonies.com.au EVENTS & PARTIES CANDY CRAVE BUFFET. Candy buffet for any occasion, birthdays, christenings, weddings,etc. Any theme available at clients request. Special Offer: 5% discount to Overnewton families/friends and a free signature bear with any party booked. - Melissa or Teresa - Owners. R 0425 757 838 R 0437 956 319 k 9366 9981 re [email protected] DAMIAN CALELLO CALCAL DJ / MUSIC PRODUCER. 16th-21st Parties, Special events, school functions and after parties. Specialising in Top 40, Commercial, House, R & B, Hottest trax from nightclubs. Lighting/Effects included. Special Offer: Discount for Overnewton Community. - Damian Calello. R 0468 740 206 e [email protected] EVENTS ON PAPER. Our invitations are all custom made with your choice of wording, paper colours and embellishments. Available weekdays, weeknights and weekends - by appointment only. - Sandra Aranguiz. O Caroline Springs. R 0414 566 476 e [email protected] www.eventsonpaper.com.au EVENTS & PARTIES JENNNIFER IN DREAMS. Entertainment Function Band for all occasions. Corporate events, private functions, social gatherings. 2 piece or 3 piece. Master of ceremony services available (if required). Church weddings a specialty. Special Offer: Discount for Overnewton Community. - Jennifer Buhagiar – Vocalist. O Hillside. Q 9390 3573 R 0416 172 652 e [email protected] PARTY STAR. Find venues for 18th and 21st birthdays. Visit us online to browse the venues at partystar.com.au. - Mario Moeller - Owner. O 430 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000. Q 9111 0117 e [email protected] l www.partystar.com.au SWEET SENSATION CANDY BUFFET. We specialise in Birthdays, Weddings, Engagements, Confirmations, Baby Showers and Kitchen Teas. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton families - Simone Theodosiou. R 0430 037 630 e [email protected] l Instagram/Facebook EVENTS & PARTIES OVERNEWTON CASTLE RECEPTIONS. Historic Castle reception centre, focusing on personalised service for weddings, birthdays and christenings. Also offer high tea, historical tours, and various family oriented public events, see ad below for details. Special Offer: Book a high tea for 2 or more and receive a complimentary bottle of sparkline wine. -Emma Stott. OOvernewton Road, Keilor. Q9331 6367 k 9331 7170 [email protected] l www.overnewtoncastle.com.au AFC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS. Accounting, bookkeeping, BAS/GST, payroll, MYOB, registered BAS Agent. Special Offer: Free introductory MYOB Account Set Up. - Angelo Calandra (CPA Bec) - Director. O Maribyrnong. Q 9318 8757 R 0427 088 555 e [email protected] AUSSIE HOME LOANS & CONVEYANCING. Mortgage broker and conveyencing services.s. Special Offer: No application fees on home loans for Overnewton Community. - Justin Nunn. O Offices: Southbank, Keilor Lodge and Melton. R 0409 515 829 e [email protected] FINANCIAL SERVICES WISH UPON A STAR CELEBRATIONS AND GIFTS. Tableware, decorations, bomboniere, party favours, bridal accessories and more. For all of lifes’ special occasions. Can’t find it? Contact us. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton Community - enter code “Overnewton” at checkout. - Maria Kani - Proprietor. O Cairnlea. R 0419 337 886 e [email protected] l ww.wishuponastargifts.com.au EVENTS & PARTIES TAYLORS LAKES HOTEL. See ad on page 3 Private Functions, corporate events in three flexible function rooms and deluxe accommodation with dedicated staff and great customer service. Special Offer: Book a function and receive dinner for two in our restaurant and a FREE food or beverage package upgrade. - Daniel Gualteri. O 7 Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes, 3038 Q 9217 9500 k 9390 9609 e [email protected] l www.taylorslakeshotel.com.au BUTTIGIEG, BONNICI AND ASSOC. PTY. LTD. Public accounting practice specialising in taxation, personal and small business advice, GST compliance and BAS reporting. Personal, professional service; very competitive rates. Available after hours. Special Offer: 1st hour consultation Free for Overnewton Community. - Serafina Buttigieg – Public Accountant. O Sunshine. Q 9363 8161 k 9363 8161 R 0417 124 562 e [email protected] FINANCIAL SERVICES CITIWIDE HOME LOANS. More choice, better advice. - Shane Lalor. O 333 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne. 3051 Q 9326 6300 k 9326 6305 R 0419 300 043 e [email protected] l www.citiwide.com.au DINO TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES. Personal, Partnership, Trust, Company, Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF), Tax Returns, Tax Planning, Business Consulting and Registration, Bookkeeping. Special Offer: 15% discount to Overnewton families. - Dimuthu Marasinghe - Pub. Acc’t & Registered Tax Agent. O Deer Park. Q 9363 8134 k 9363 8132 R 0433 088 464 e [email protected] l www.dinotaxnow.com ELDERS FINANCIAL PLANNING. Financial planning for individuals covering superannuation, life insurance, income protection and pre retirement planning. Full Page Ad Page 6 Special Offer: Initial meeting - ninety minutes for the cost of thirty minutes for Overnewton families. - Rodney Johnstone- Financial Adviser. O Avondale Heights. Q 9319 8904 k 9319 8997 R 0417 360 890 e [email protected] GA PARTNERS. Tax Agent Services. See ad below. Special Offer: 15% discount to Overnewton families. - Abid Hussain - Partner. O Offices in Richmond and Keilor Q 9427 1952 k 9427 1609 R 0417 363 470 e [email protected] GA PARTNERS t*ODPNF5BY3FUVSOT t4VQFSBOOVBUJPO t(45#"4 t#PPLLFFQJOH Contact Abid Hussain on 0417 363 470 or [email protected] 15% DISCOUNT FOR OVERNEWTON FAMILIES HBD PARTNERS VIC PTY LTD. Accounting and taxation services including- business, rental properties, self managed superfunds. Special Offer: 10% discount to Overnewton families. - Andrew Buchanan. O Offices in Sunbury and Essendon. Q 9744 5111 k 9740 8491 e [email protected] l www.hbdvic.com.au FINANCIAL SERVICES HAYES KNIGHT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. Providing accounting, tax, business consulting and profit improvement, IT, superannuation, financial planning/wealth creation and finance/debt structuring. Special Offer: Free Business or Personal Financial Health Check and Report. - Paul Clements. O Level 12, 31 Queen Street, Melbourne. 3000 Q 8613 8888 k 8613 8800 R 0412 560 664 e [email protected] l www.hayesknight.com.au JMH TAXATION SERVICES. Tax agent. Basic individual returns from $70 (after business hours). Special Offer: 20% discount to Overnewton families. - John. O Keilor. Q 9331 6203 k 9331 6203 R 0418 121 746 e [email protected] FINANCIAL SERVICES PETER’S ACCOUNTING SERVICE. Home Taxation Service We come to you! Registered Tax Agent/CA. $99 fixed fee for Individual Tax Return. $60 per Rental Property. Individual business returns from $150. Special Offer: 10% discount to Overnewton families. - Peter. Q 9331 2758 R 0407 841 643 e [email protected] PETER STOITSIS For all your accounting and taxation needs. - Peter Stoitsis – Accountant/Registered Tax Agent. O 69 Tasman Cresent, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 390 8339 k 390 8339 R 0421 113 608 e [email protected] PIONEER INSURANCE GROUP Specialists in commercial and business insurances. Please call or refer to website for more details. See ad below. Special Offer: Free audit and review of current business insurances. - Sarat Sharma. O Level 1, 390 St Kilda Rd, Mebourne. 3004 Q 9307 8803 k 9307 8802 R 0411 833 951 e [email protected] l www.pioneerinsurance.com.au AR 391681 of PSC Connect AFSL: 344648 Committed to Excellence Insurance Made Easy Complex Needs ~ Simple Solutions Specialists in commercial and business insurances. We listen & Engage Competitive Premiums & Simple Solutions Proactive & Committed www.pioneerinsurance.com.au FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL SERVICES REGENT FINANCE. Leaders in service and terms for financing of motor vehicles, equipment, truck, office equipment, residential and investment property. We can also assist with your novated leasing and salary sacrificing requirements. - Reg Seit – Director. O Preston. Q 9480 2000 k 9484 4474 R 0418 315 915 e [email protected] FINANCIAL SERVICES REGAL FINANCIAL SERVICES PTY. LTD. Regal Financial Services is a professional finance consultancy and brokering firm committed to sourcing the best financial solution for you. See ad on opposite page. - Terry Bidmade – Director. O 5/37 Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park. 3042 Q 9336 2422 k 9336 2433 R 0407 557 787 e [email protected] l www.regalfinancialservices.com.au LOTS OF LOVE FLORAL DESIGN. Fresh flowers and arrangements delivered to all suburbs, specialising in “something a little different”. Qualified florist with 30 years experience. Call or email for further information.” Special Offer: Free local delivery for Overnewton Families. - Michelle. R 0407 354 661 e [email protected] FLORIST RETIRECARE PERSONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT. Self managed super fund specialists, financial planning advice, estate planning and wealth creation strategists. Special Offer: Initial Consultation free for Overnewton Community. - Luke Eres. O 19-23 Arabin Plaza, Keilor. 3036 Q 9336 7800 k 9336 2100 e [email protected] l www.retirecare.com.au HERE WE GO LOOPY LOU. Handmade fabric greeting cards and stationery. Keepsake cards for the very special people in your life. Special Offer: 10% discount for OACC community/please enter OACC at checkout on website. - Melinda Collins - Owner. R 0419534235 e [email protected] l www.herewegoloopylou.com.au GIFTS LEE’S BONSAI’S. Bonsai plants and accessories. Ideal for your own home or the perfect gift. Great range to choose from. Prices start from $20”. Special Offer: 10% Discount to Overnewton Families. - Lee Stamatopoulos. R 0411 639 304 e [email protected] HEALTH & FITNESS AMM DENTAL CLINIC PTY LTD. General Dentistry includes restorative work, root canal treatment, minor oral surgical procedures, crown and bridge work,teeth whitening and preventative treatment. See ad below. Special Offer: 10% Discount for Overnewton Families. - Kulanthaivelu Mugunthan. O Two Locations: Refer advertisement below. e [email protected] HEALTH & FITNESS BODY BRILLIANT. PERSONAL TRAINING one on one/group/corporate/sport specific training, mums and bubs, MASSAGE, sports recovery, injury management, therapeutic/relaxation, pregnancy, corporate groups. Special Offer: 10% Discount off all Servcies for Overnewton Families. - John Tate - Director. R 0409 466 822 e [email protected] HEALTH & FITNESS BOYLES GOLF SHED. For all your golfing needs. We stock all the big brands, clubs, bags, balls, junior clubs, buggies, repairs and more. See ad on previous page. Special Offer: 5% discount to all Overnewton Parents and Friends (excludes sale items) O 59 Matthews Avenue, Airport West. 3042 Q 9310 5011 e [email protected] l www.boylesgolfshed.com.au ELITE DENTAL. We provide a comprehensive range of dental treatments from general services, childrens dentistry and clean to a wide range of specialised services. Refer advertisement page 4. O 882 Old Calder Highway, Keilor. 3036. Q 9449 1211 l www.elitedental.net.au ESSENDON KEILOR GYMNASTICS ACADEMY. Kinder gym, gymnastics, trampoline classes for pre-schoolers, children, teenagers and adults. Gymnastic birthday parties,primary school kids at the gym and jumping castle rental for parties at home. See ad on next page. Special Offer: Present your OACC directory and receive a free trial class of gymnastics, trampolining or kinder gym. - Christy Hemphill - Director. O 194-196 Roberts Road, Airport West. 3042. Q 9336 4077 e [email protected] l www.ekga.gymnastics.org.au EXTRADIMENSION FLOATATION AND MASSAGE CLINIC. Remedial massage, specialising in sport injuries, neck and back pain and migraine treatment. Half day corporate massage packages available. AAMT qualified. Special Offer: 10% Discount on 1 hour massages to Overnewton Community. - Jill Hoffman. O 13 Dagonet Street, Strathmore. R 0418 172 700 e [email protected] l www.extradimension.com.au HYPOXI*STUDIO. DESIGN YOUR BODY > Problematic areas fo your body can be treated with HYPOXI therapy during an easy fat burning workout. Special Offer: Free trial available to OACC friends and family at Moonee Ponds and Caroline Springs Studios. - Bookings and Enquiries-Hypoxi Main Office. O 1 Woodward Way, Caroline Springs. 3023 Q 8372 5707 l www.hypoximooneeponds.com.au HEALTH & FITNESS GYMNASTICS UNLIMITED CLUB. Gymnastics classes for children from 1 year to 15 years and adults. We also do holiday programs and birthday parties are welcome. Special Offer: First try-out lesson free. - Vladimir Shorinov. O 4/12 Malcolm Court, Kealba. R 0410 651 155 e [email protected] l www.gymnastics-unlimited.com.au THE LAKES HEALTH & FITNESS. Gym and fitness centre. Special Offer: Present your Overnewton student card for a $5 casual visit. - Mark Apap. O 555 Sunshine Ave, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 9390 9099 k 9390 9094 e [email protected] l www.thelakeshealthfitness.com HEALTH & FITNESS MEDBAG. MedBag - Personalised bag designed to store children’s medication with a pocket for Action Plans. MedBag is convenient, safe and informative. Special Offer: 10% Discount - Use code - OACC10 at website checkout. - Sarah Davis - Director & Helen West -Director O Essendon. R Sarah 0423 329 872 R Helen 0412 115 879 e [email protected] l www.medbag.com.au SHODOKAN AIKIDO MELBOURNE. Safe training in Shodokan Aikido for health, fitness and self defence. Special Offer: No annual membership for 1st year for Overnewton Community. - David Woolcock - Chief Instructor. O 54A Wingara Ave, East Keilor,. 3033 Q 9304 0467 R 0402 451 268 e [email protected] l www.shodokanvic.org STEINHOFF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES. Providing counselling to all age groups. Special offer: Bulk bill- require a GP Mental Health Care Plan. - Karin Steinhoff - Psychologist. O Keilor Downs. R 0449 689 110 e [email protected] STEP INTO LIFE AIRPORT WEST. Step into Life Airport West specialises in Group Outdoor Personal Training. See ad below. Special offer: 3 free sessions for Overnewton families. - Aaron Keane. O Airport West. R 0407 522 227 e [email protected] l www.stepintolife.com Special offer: 3 free sessions for Overnewton families THE WEIGHT WORKS. One on one weight loss support using real food with your own personal food coach. Special Offer: Special Offer: 50% off initial consultation. - Maree Jones - Personal Food Coach. O Taylors Lakes. Q 9449 7047 R 0403 308 053 e [email protected] l www.theweightworks.com.au HEALTH & FITNESS THE NU U HEALING CENTRE. Alternative therapies for depression, weight loss, quit smoking and many other health issues. Hypnosis, Reiki and Pranic Healing. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton families. - Kellie. O Taylors Lakes. R 0421 468 822 e [email protected] TIME TO RECHARGE. Learn to defend yourself quickly, easily, in any situation in a fun and exciting way, regardless of athletic ability. Personal training also available. Special Offer: Half price for hourly lessons to Overnewton Community. - Paula Mesiti - Director/Instructor. Q 9307 0184 R 0417 375 665 e [email protected] HEALTH & FITNESS TOPSHOT TENNIS. Tennis coaching for children and adults. Beginners to advanced, Monday to Friday from 4pm and Sunday mornings. Special Offer: Free racquet for new enrolments from the Overnewton Community. - David McAllister. Q 9375 4205 R 0421 214 205 e [email protected] VITAL HEALTH AND NATURAL MEDICINE. Naturopath Specialising in Allergies, Weight Loss, Irritable Bowel. Allergy testing with state of the art computerised Electro-Dermal screenng for adults and children. Special Offer: 50% off Allergy Testing for Overnewton Community. - Domenic Pisanelli - Naturopath/Director. O Q 195A Sunshine Ave, Kealba. 9382 9790 k 9382 9790 e [email protected] WATERGARDENS PODIATRY. A total foot care clinic for all ages. General and sports podiatry with customised orthotics. See ad on opposite page. Special Offer: 10% off initial consultation for Overnewton Community. - Peter Bizos. O Shop 175, Watergardens Town Centre, 399 Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 9390 3283 HIRE CAR SERVICES & HEALTH & FITNESS AMP QUALITY MEATS. Prime quality beef, lamb, mutton and chicken at wholesale prices - with friendly service. - Vlado Nenov. O 59 Cromer Ave, North Sunshine. 3020 Q 9367 9192 R 0409 396 332 HOSPITALITY, FOOD & CATERING MELBOURNE CORPORATE CHAUFFEURS. The service you deserve, well presented clean chauffeur driven vehicles taking the hassle out of travelling. Special Offer: $10 Discount for Overnewton Community. - Bobby Gjorsevski. O Taylors Hill. R 0422 192 988 e [email protected] l www.melbournecorporatechauffeur.com.au HOSPITALITY, FOOD & CATERING CAKES BY LAUREN. Specialising in novelty birthday cakes, weddings, christenings or cakes for any special occasion. Special Offer: Free Delivery for Overnewton Community. - Lauren Smith. O Hillside. R 0400 056 516 e [email protected] l www.cakesbylauren.biz CITY BBQ CHINESE RESTAURANT. Cantonese flavoured food in the heart of Chinatown. Special Offer: 10% discount on dinner meal. - Daniel Li - Manager/Owner. O 176-178 Little Bourke St, Melbourne. 3000 Q 9663 2311 R 0408 372 758 COSTANZO BREWING CONSULTANTS. Offering home brewing teaching, microbrewing consulting, beer analysis service, installation, commissioning and set up of small pub and micro breweries. - Vincent Costanzo - Director. O Pascoe Vale South. R 0408 104 176 e [email protected] l www.costanzobrewing.com CONSTAS FAMILY TRUST FERGUSON PLARRE BAKEHOUSE KEILOR PARK. A Bakehouse specialising in pies and tiddly oggies (pasties). Many varieties of cakes and sweets. Also providing customers with a delicious coffee. - Georgina Constas - Owner. O 35 Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park. Q 9336 7139 R 0438 820 311 e [email protected] IGA SUPERMARKET & LIQUOR ALTONA EAST. Supermarket, deli and liquor. Special Offer: Discounts on bulk liquor & grocery orders for Overnewton Community. - Evangelo Meletis. O 57 The Circle, Altona East. 3025 Q 9391 1619 k 9391 1619 R 0433 666 908 e [email protected] JOMACK MANUFACTURING. Catering equipment, including pie warmers, bain maries, food steamers and hot water urns. We specialise in stainless steel manufacturing and equipment repairs. Special Offer: 10% on all products & services for Overnewton Community. - Darren Hawke. O 27-31 Arthurton Road, Northcote. 3070 Q 9486 2688 k 9482 2250 R 0407 334 657 e [email protected] l www.jomack.com.au PATTY CAKE PATTY CAKE. Custom designed celebration cakes and sweet sensations for all occasions. Special Offer: 10% discount on all orders for the Overnewton Community. - Fleur Brandt - Owner. O Keilor. R 0419 341 397 e [email protected] TAYLORS LAKES GOURMET MEATS. The best quality in meat cuts, from chicken to pork, lamb and home made gourmet sausages. Open 7 days a week until late! Special Offer: Overnewton Community will receive a 10% discount on purchases over $20 - also offering weekly specials. - Danny Honeychurch - Co-owner/Manager. O Shop 140, Watergardens Towncentre. Q 8390 8484 k 8390 7958 R 0412 510 794 e [email protected] HOSPITALITY, FOOD & CATERING HOSPITALITY, FOOD & CATERING THE DECORATED CAKE. Beautiful cakes for all occasions that taste as good as they look! Special Offer: free delivery to Overnewton Community. - Lorraine Coster. O Taylors Lakes. Q 9449 7579 R 0419 771 083 e [email protected] l www.the decoratedcake.com.au THE HOST INDIAN RESTAURANT. Authentic Indian cuisine. Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) We cater for all occasions, private function facilities available. Open 7 days a week 5.30 till 11.00pm. Take away/home delivery available. Special Offer: 5% discount when you mention this advertisement. - Ravila or Anuj. O 3/900 Old Calder Highway, Keilor. 3036 Q 9449 3078 l www.thehost.net.au HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES VICOLO CAFE AND RISOTTO BAR. With over 21 specialty risottos and many more traditional Italian favourites. 100% gluten free and a member of The Coeliac Society. Private functions and catering available. Open Monday to Friday for lunch and dinner and Saturday, dinner only. - Maria Tuminello - Owner/Chef. O 28-30 Young Street, Moonee Ponds. 3039 Q 9372 9500 k 9370 4057 R 0415 196 046 www.vicolo.com.au l AFFORDABLE ARTIFICIAL TURF. Supply and installation of synthetic turf as supplied at Taylors Lakes Middle School and Keilor campus. Special Offer: Discount on square meterage for the Overnewton Community. - Michelle Karic. O Pascoe Vale South. R 0419 332 837 e [email protected] HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES BILLS PICTURE FRAMING. Professional artist specialising in preserving your precious artefacts, framing memorabilia, treasured photos, mirrors, artwork, stitcheries, canvas art and much more. Special Offer: Free 5 x 7 photo frame. - Bill – Business Owner. O Keilor Lodge. Q 9449 1482 R 0418 366 264 THE GREEN CENTRE. Supply of organic soils, mulch and compost. All premium quality of the highest standard – delivery service available. See ad on previous page. - Michael. O Stadium Drive, Keilor Park. 3043 Q 9331 5300 k 9331 5252 www.thegreencentre.net l LOUISE’S HOUSE CLEANING. Professional house cleaning service. - Louise. R 0410 298 144 e [email protected] MELBOURNE RAIN SAVER WATER TANKS. Complete range of rain water tanks and irrigation services, including plastic, steel and concrete tanks, water pumps, first flush systems and all water storage solutions. Special Offer: Free delivery for any orders by Overnewton Community customers. - Novak or John – Proprietors. O 17 Milburn Road, Keilor. 3036 Q 9336 3680 k 9336 3680 R 0421 114 385 9 MELBOURNE WINDOW CLEANING. For all domestic, industrial and commercial window cleaning - call Melbourne Window Cleaning. - Joe Hudec - Proprietor. R 0418 566 881 MOFFITTS FARM LAWN MOWING SHEEP. Friendly sheep that don’t require shearing. Perfect lawn mowers for big blocks, schools or farms. Minimum purchase of two. Special Offer: 10% Discount to the Overnewton Community. - Julie Francis. O Romsey. R 0409 793 989 e [email protected] l www.moffittsfarm.org.au RENOWN SILVERWARE. In existence over 70 years, largest manufacturer of silverware in Aust. Individually crafted pieces, tableware, gifts or trophies, goldplating, pewter, crystal and bronze available. Restoration service. Call us to discuss your requirements. O 27-31 Arthurton Road, Northcote. 3070 Q 9486 2688 k 9482 2250 e [email protected] l www.renownsilverware.com.au SUPERCHEM AUSTRALIA. Cleaning detergents, paper products, disposable nappies, party goods and lots more (delivery and direct to public). Special Offer: 10% discount on all cleaning detergents only to Overnewton Community. - Daniela Mpadogiannis – Director. O 152 Gaffney Street, Coburg. 3058 Q 9354 2955 k 9354 2937 R 0409 231 714 e [email protected] HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES T & L STEEL WORKS. Custom made to order - colourbond, steel fencing, swinging/sliding gates, roller and sectional doors, remote controls, carports and pergolas. Free quotes. Special Offer: 5% off for the Overnewton Community. - Jimmy Duong. O Essendon. R 0412 124 942 TOM’S HOME & BUSINESS SERVICES. Lawns mowed, trees cut, weeding, rubbish removal, gutters cleaned, handyman, painter, cleaning services. Domestic, rental and vacant properties. Special Offer: Free quotes. - Tom Farrugia. O Sunshine. Q 9352 7513 R 0423 351 340 TONY’S FIVE STAR CARPET CLEANING. Carpet shampoo, drycleaning ,polishing and cleaning of tiles and general house and business cleaning. We also offer a property vacate cleaning service to help make sure you get your bond back. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton Community. - Tony Dib. O Sunshine. Q 9311 4467 R 0421 787 252 e [email protected] TRAPS PEST CONTROL PTY LTD. Pest control servicing domestic and commercial - ants, spiders, rats, mice, cockroaches, birds, bees, wasps, flees, termites, silverfish, rabbits and weeds. Special Offer: 10% discount for Overnewton Community. - Jack Loncar. O All Areas. Q 9390 6998 k 9390 4553 R 0412 033 458 e [email protected] l www.trapspestcontrol.com.au WINDOW CLEANING. Window cleaning - Free quote. All residential and commercial windows. Includes flyscreen cleaned and cobwebs removed. 20 years experience. Special Offer: Free quote and 20% discount for regular clients. - Eric Anderssen - Proprietor. R 0425 739 236 l [email protected] HOUSE & GARDEN PRODUCTS & SERVICES WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. Western Distributors are Melbourne’s largest stockist of affordable top quality floor and wall coverings. We specialise in carpet, vinyl tiles, rugs and timber flooring. Refer to full page colour ad on inside back cover. O 230-240 McIntyre Road, North Sunshine. 3020. Q 8312 0011 k 8312 0012 l www.westerndistributors.com.au SOFTWARE WIZARDS PTY LTD. Custom software development experts. Specialising in internet applications and software including websites, databases and E-commerce applications. Special Offer: 12 Months free hosting to Overnewton Community. - Mark Richter. O Niddrie. R 0423 810 650 e [email protected] l www.softwarewizards.com.au INFORMATION & COMPUTER SERVICES CORPORATE TODAY. 20 years experience in computer industry, specialising in online data protection. We guarantee “best service at the lowest price”. Special Offer: Free antivirus software for all Overnewton customers. - Andrew Lam. O Sunshine. Q 9005 1800 R 0430 366 883 e [email protected] INFORMATION & COMPUTER SERVICES TECHNOLOGIES 2000 AUST PTY. LTD. Registered reseller of HP and IBM computer systems / servers, 3rd party software, hardware and consumables, provide IT solutions, consulting, support and integration to LAN /WAN. - Arthur Rahovitsas – IT Manager. O Unit 10, 37 Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park. 3042 Q 9331 6208 k 9336 4664 R 0419 109 040 e [email protected] l www.tech2000.com.au TURNKEY CONNECTIONS PTY. LTD. Suppliers of specialist cabling services including optical fibre and copper cabling/Cat 5e and Cat 6 systems. Accredited Austel Licensed Cablers. See full page ad on front inside cover. - Kris Staropoulos - Director. O Sydenham. Q 9449 1201 k 9449 1202 R 0418 300 657 e [email protected] l www.turnkeyconnections.com JEWELLERY 4 KIDS WITH LOVE. Designer of hair accessories, belts, chunky necklaces and more. View photos on www.facebook.com/4kidswithlove. Special Offer: 5% discount when you mention this advertisement. - Jodie Roberts - owner. R 0412 475 090 e [email protected] l www.facebook.com/4kidswithlove FIFTH AVENUE COLLECTION. Quality high end fashion jewellery with a lifetime guarantee. Shop online or call to arrange a party. See ad on opposite page. Special Offer: Host a party and receive a beautiful hostess gift and a bonus gift. - Corinne Woods - Jeweller. R 0406 500 468 e [email protected] l www.fifthavenuecollection.com/cwoods LANDSCAPING & JEWELLERY DAVID FOX ~ TIDY EDGE ~ GREENVALE. All Landscaping services: Lawns,Gardens, Decking, Retainers, Irrigation, Water Features, Handyman. Special Offer: All goods at cost & 5% reduction on Labour to Overnewton Community. - David Fox - Owner. R 0418 552 554 e [email protected] SHANE CLIFFORD DESIGN ~ ARCHIRECTURAL & BOTANICAL LANDSCAPES Complete landscape design services. On site consultation. Garden design. Master planning. Plant procurement. Project management. Technical support. Development submissions. Special Offer: Initial 2hr Consult $95 (usually $190) 10% Discount on Landscape Masterplan Services to Overnewton Community - Shane Clifford - Landscape Architect - Macedon. Q 5426 4556 R 0427 331 925 e [email protected] l www.shaneclifforddesign.com.au DORINA STANCU LAWYER. For all your conveyancing and property needs, please call for a quote. We also do wills and mortgage documents. - Dorina Stancu. O Keilor. Q 9449 3700 k 9449 3800 R 0417 584 820 e [email protected] LEGAL SERVICES LETICIA RODRIGUEZ & ASSOCIATES PRIVATE LEGAL PRACTICE. Access the law with Leticia Rodriguez & Associates in a wide range of legal matters including; divorce and family law, conveyancing and property law, criminal law, civil litigation,wills ,power of attorney & deceased estates. - Leticia Rodriguez - Principal Lawyer. O 3/19-23 Arabin Street, Keilor. 3036 Q 9331 5044 k 93315048 e [email protected] l www.lrlegalpractice.com.au LEGAL SERVICES MMMC CONVEYANCING. We provide conveyancing services for all your purchases and sales of properties. For an obligation free quote please call our office. Special Offer: $50 discount on legal fees for Overnewton Community on production of this directory. - Margarida Costa - Proprietor. O 11 Evergreen Court, Taylors Hill. Q 9307 6001 k 9307 7736 R 0432 307 782 e [email protected] MARKETING & MEDIA ACORN MARKETING. Design and production of logos, brochures, point of sale material, packaging, signage, newspaper/magazine ads and stationery. - Fleur Bajraszewski. Q 9318 3277 R 0414 814 543 e [email protected] ADP SOLUTIONS. ADP Marketing Solutions: Merchandising, promotional planagrams/relays co packing, re labelling, warehousing, mailouts, displays, customer service representatives. - Samantha Sacco. O 13-15 Melrose Court, Tullamarine. 3043 Q 9338 8889 k 8677 2236 l www.adpmarketing.com.au WEB CLOUD SOFTWARE MOBILES DESIGN SEO & SEM Websites you can update yourself Is your website looking out of date? Are you maximising new web technology to improve impact? Can you update your site yourself? Cloud based business applications Are you wasting a lot of time on paperwork? Cloud applications can save you a lot of work, automating everyday functions and archiving important data. Custom Software Can’t find a software package that does what you need? ‘Out-of-the-box’ solutions just don’t cut it? Why not build your own software to fit your requirements? With more and more people accessing the internet from mobile devices could your business benefit from a mobile application? Graphic Design and Advertising Your website is a powerful communications tool but you still need stationary, brochures and ads. We can help with those too and incorporate the material into your web for greater impact. Call for an obligation free discussion We have been supplying advice, solutions and support for large corporations and small business alike successfully for many years. You may be surprised how affordable your requirements are. dean.net.au 9336 2220 0418 326 714 d Visit our website for details and to view examples of our work. MARKETING & MEDIA Phone Apps and Mobile sites ARTLINE SIGNS & DISPLAY PTY LTD. From traditional painted signage to the latest in digitally printed banners and vehicle graphics, shopfronts, factories, 3D lettering and vinyl lettering. - Leigh Goodison. R 0403 151 643 e [email protected] l www.artlinesignage.com.au MARKETING & MEDIA BLAZE ADVERTISING. Advertising and marketing communications. - Leanne Krstevski - General Manager. O Level 2, 162 Collins Street, Melbourne. 3000 Q 8668 8000 k 8668 8011 R 0416 269 757 e [email protected] l www.blazeadvertising.com.au FALZON PR. Falzon PR specialises in media relations, speech writing, media networking and account management. - Diane Falzon - Publicist. R 0430 596 699 e [email protected] ROBDEAN PTY LTD. Design, Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations. Logo and Corporate ID development, Brochures, Annual Reports, Press, Radio, Television, Corporate videos and Web development. See ad on previous page. Special Offer: 10% off normal fee. Free consultations. - Rob McIntosh. R 0418 326 714 k 9336 2244 e [email protected] l www.robdean.net.au CHRISTOPHER CLINNICK PHOTOGRAPHY. Natural, creative portraits and wedding photography. Photographer of all images used for marketing/advertising by Overnewton College. Special Offer: Half price photographic session and 10% off prints. - Chris Clinnick. O Suite 17, 165 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne. 3205 Q 9329 1944 e [email protected] l www.chrisclinnick.com.au PHOTOPGRAPHY AVER & LINE PHOTOGRAPHY. We deliver beautiful, quality images whilst helping your organisation raise funds. Special Offer: Half price photographic session and 10% off prints. - Kathryn. R 0450 471 233 e [email protected] l www.averandline.com.au SCOTT LEGGO IMAGES. Transform the feeling of your home or add a professional atmosphere to your office with Scott Leggo’s Limited Edition Prints. Special Offer: Free postage and handling for Overnewton Parents. - Scott Leggo - Owner. O Kingston, ACT. R 0418 955 856 e [email protected] l www.scottleggoimages.com ANNA PRINT. Marketing and Printing solutions for business needs. Business and calender cards, posters and booklets, envelopes, letterheads etc. Graphic and Web design and online solutions. “Better quality products at a lower price”. Special Offer: Lowest price Guarantee - Please contact us now for details. - Andrew. O Suite 2, 334 Highbury Road, Mt Waverley. 3149 R 9005 1800 e [email protected] PUBLISHING & PRINTING PUBLISHING & PRINTING KIDZ STORIES. Personalised children’s books featuring your child’s name, age, suburb and friends. 38 titles to choose from ranging from Sesame Street to Barbie and Batman. Also available illustrated large washable hardcover personalised baby book illustrating your baby’s milestones and other special events within their first year. Special Offer: 10% discount off RRP for Overnewton Community. - Mary Tsavdaridis – Owner. Q 9366 3529 k 9366 3529 R 0417 144 443 e [email protected] KWIK KOPY TULLAMARINE. Something for every business. Graphic design, business printing, large format, marketing services, direct mail, web and digital. See ad below. Special Offer: Ask for our current buy one get one free offers. - Glenn & Jenelle Sykes - Owner. O 11 Rosto Court , Tullamarine. 3043 Q 9335 1955 k 9330 2343 R 0401 269 799 e [email protected] l www.kwikkopy.com.au Something for every business. Overnewton Community Ask about our current BUY ONE GET ONE FREE OFFERS. T 9335 1955 [email protected] www.kwikkopy.com.au Printing Graphic Design Posters & Large Format Direct Mail Web & Digital Marketing Online Printing PUBLISHING & PRINTING PUBLISHING & PRINTING PRINTHOUSE GRAPHICS. Print, design, promotions and web. See ad on previous page. - Louise. O 533 Main Street, Mordialloc. 3195 Q 1300 720 776 k 9587 8309 e [email protected] l www.printhouse.com.au R & D PERSONALISED PRINTING. We offer a large range of Printing, Design, Signage, Promotional Products and Corporate Clothing, personalised for the individual Business. See ad opposite. Special Offer: 20% discount off any goods and services for the Overnewton Community. - Rob Napoli - Owner. O 5 Whitehill Avenue, Sunshine North. 3020. Q 9367 2233 k 9367 1133 0417 501 133 e print@personalised printing.com.au l www.personalisedprinting.com.au REALESTATE BARRY PLANT REAL ESTATE. Real estate services for residential sales and property management. Special Offer: Free market appraisals. - Donald McKillop – Director. O 21 Watton Street, Werribee. 3030 Q 9731 8888 k 9731 8800 R 0418 389 906 e [email protected] O Shop 12A Watergardens Town Centre Q 9390 8333 THERE IS STILL ROOM FOR MORE. SEE PAGE 11 AND 12 TO ENSURE YOU DON’T MISS OUT NEXT YEAR! PUBLISHING & PRINTING MCKIE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Over ten years experience managing residential and commercial owners’ corporations in the Northern and Western suburbs. See ad below. Special Offer: No obligation consultation. O Niddrie. Q 9338 4728 e [email protected] l www.mckiegroup.com.au REALESTATE RAY WHITE REAL ESTATE Since opening our doors over 110 years ago, through every market high and low, we’ve sold more residential properties than any other real estate group. This unrivaled experience across all regions of Australia means that we have a better understanding of the property market. Full Page Ad Page 7 O Shop 1, Shoppers Lane, Taylors Lakes. Q 9390 9002 R 0402 903 111 l raywhitetaylorslakes.com.au or www.facebook.com/raywhite.taylorslakes SECURITY AUSWIDE SECURITY AND LABOUR HIRE SERVICES. Securiy: Specialising in party security for 13th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 21st parties. Corporate Security, Mobile Patrols, Cash in Transit. Labour Hire: All labour requirements-skilled and unskilled Special Offer: 10% discount and free wrist bands (worth $50) for party bookings. - Mark Haintz - Manager Q 8360 9902 R 0401 009 697 e [email protected] EARLY LEARNING FAMILY DAYCARE SCHEME PTY LTD. Family day care scheme (child care benefit available - CCB). - Donna Halloran. O Hillside. Q 9449 9974 R 0416 245 768 e [email protected] YOUTH & CHILD SERVICES EARLY LEARNING KINDERS. Long day care and kindergarten using Montessori methodology. - Donald Loccisano - Director. O 550 Melton Hwy Sydenham and 459 Ballarat Rd, Sunshine. Q 9390 3551 or 9311 9311 k 9390 4644 e [email protected] l www.earlylearningkinder.com.au YOUTH & CHILD SERVICES KEILOR DOWNS CHILDCARE CENTRE ~ NOT FOR PROFIT ~ KEILOR DOWNS CHILDCARE CENTRE. Not for profit community based centre, high quality education by qualified staff. Affordable childcare benefits and rebates apply. Open Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, 6 weeks - 5 years O 39 Thornhill Drive, Keilor Downs. 3038 Q 9367 5322 MELBOURNE ANTENNA SERVICE. Digital tv antenna installation, LCD/LED/plasma wall mounting, extra tv points, prewire & rewire, digital set top boxes. See ad below. Special offer: Wall mounting any tv/plasma/LED/LCD for $150. - Michael George - Owner. O Taylors Hill. R 0417 582 116 e [email protected] l www.melbourneantennas.com ANTENNAS TRADE DIRECTORY LISTINGS BRICKLYAYERS & CABINET MAKERS DESIGNER BRICKLAYING. Designer bricklaying provides quality workmanship at an affordable price! Retainng walls, new homes, extensions, letterboxes, garages, patch-ups and more. Special Offer: 10% off to the Overnewton Community. - Justin Perris - Owner. R 0408 283 639 ALL THINGS CUSTOM. Specialising in kitchen, bathroom, laundry custom made cabinetry and furniture for new homes and renovations. Antique repairs/restorations. - Jason Cilia- Director. O Strathmore. R 0403 835 164 e [email protected] CARPENTERS GAZZA & JAZZIES HOME HANDY FIXERS PTY LTD. General maintenance and home restoration and extensions, including the construction of pergolas and decks. See ad on below. Special Offer: 10% Discount for the Overnewton Community. - Garry Sciberras. O Taylors Lakes. R 0408 991 603 e [email protected] AB & MB ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS PTY. LTD. All types of electrical work - commercial and domestic. Special Offer: 10% discount off all work to members of the Overnewton Community. - Brett Hatton – Director. O Taylors Lakes. 3038 R 0416 298 754 k 9449 7861 e [email protected] ALERT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE. All facets of electrical maintenance and installations, including solar power and energy management for commercial and domestic customers. See ad below. Special Offer: 10% Discount for Overnewton Community. - Bryce Donaghy - Operations Manager. O 32 Webb Road, Airport West. 3042 Q 9338 8951 k 9370 2610 e [email protected] l www.alertelectrical.com.au Our 3 main services: (OHFWULFDOLQVWDOODWLRQV PDLQWHQDQFH 6RODUSRZHUVXSSO\LQVWDOODWLRQV (QHUJ\PDQDJHPHQW Our Clients: 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDOEXVLQHVV %RG\&RUSRUDWHV 6KRSSLQJFHQWUHV %XLOGHUV3URSHUW\GHYHORSHUV &RXQFLOV Why Us: 5HOLDEOHFRXUWHRXV HOHFWULFLDQV 4XDOLW\*XDUDQWHHGZLWK RYHU\HDUVFRPELQHG H[SHULHQFH :HDUHDFRPSDQ\ZLWKWKLUG SDUW\2+6FHUWL¿FDWLRQ 9DOXHGDGGHGHQHUJ\ PDQDJHPHQWDGYLFH 6RODUSRZHU ELECTRICAL AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS. Industrial and domestic - safety solutions, ceiling fans, lights and extra power points. Small and large jobs. Special Offer: 10% off for Overnewton Community. - Paul Grziwotz. O Sydenham. R 0416 121 227 e [email protected] ELECTRICAL JACOGAN ELECTRICS PTY LTD. Electrical maintenance, domestic, commercial, industrial - we specialise in factory breakdowns. - Tony - Owner. O Taylors Lakes. R 0412 547 271 e [email protected] ELECTRICAL JASMINE TECHNOLOGIES. We specialise in the installation and servicing of all electrical systems from domestic to commercial work. - Toan Bui. Q 1800cableguy R 0430 605 039 e [email protected] FLOORING PATRICK WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING. All electrical work including safety switches, lights , fans, garages, pergolas, etc. Special Offer: 10% off for Overnewton Community. - Rob Jones. R 0438 844842 - Pat Williams. Q 9741 5283 R 0457 924 770 e [email protected] FORESTIN TIMBER FLOORS. Installation, sanding and polishing of all timber floors. Affordable, quick, efficient, dust free service. Repairs and supply of timber. Special Offer: 10% off sanding price for Overnewton Community. - Lina Turecki - Manager. O Keilor. R 0411 773 041 VISTA PAINTING. Vista painting is a full service painting company. We specialise in interior/ exterior painting for both residential and commercial properties. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Special Offer: 10% off for Overnewton Community. - Frank - Director. O Keilor Park. Q 1300 591 598 k 9336 3995 R 0423 230 453 www.vistapainting.com.au l PAINTING & FLOORING WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. Western Distributors are Melbourne’s largest stockist of affordable top quality floor and wall coverings. We specialise in carpet, vinyl tiles, rugs and timber flooring. Refer to full page colour ad on inside back cover. O 230-240 McIntyre Road, North Sunshine. 3020 Q 8312 0011 k 8312 0012 l www.westerndistributors.com.au FREDDY’S PLUMBING. Plumbing, gasfitting, airconditioning split system installations. Special Offer: 10% off for Overnewton Community. - Freddy - Owner. O Hillside. R 0418 348 602 e [email protected] THERE IS STILL ROOM FOR MORE. SEE PAGE 11 AND 12 TO ENSURE YOU DON’T MISS OUT NEXT YEAR! PLUMBING JIMS ROOFING SERVICES. Roofing restoration and repairs, pressure cleaning, re-bedding/re-pointing, painting (Dulux), guttering and iron roofing. See ad below. - Gary Barrow. O Keilor. R 0412 783 396 k 9449 4649 e [email protected] l www.jims.net t 3PPG3FTUPSBUJPOT3FQBJST t 1SFTTVSF$MFBOJOH1BJOUJOH ROOFING t 3FCFEEJOH3FQPJOUJOH TELEPHONES t (VUUFSJOH*SPO3PPGJOH .PCJMF'BY &NBJMKJNTSPPG!CJHQPOEOFUBV8FCXXXKJNTOFU "EESFTT10#PY,FJMPS G A RY B A R R O W - Fr a n c h i s e M a n a g e r ( We s t e r n M e l b o u r n e ) WESTEL CABLING PTY. LTD. Telephone points. For all additional phone points at a special price. Special Offer: Special price for Overnewton Community. - Anura Rajapakse - Director. O 17 Forest Place, Taylors Lakes. 3038 Q 8361 6145 k 8361 6145 R 0404 183 899 e [email protected] NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES Carpet/Vinyl Rugs Mon - Fri 8am - 5:30pm | Sat 8am - 1pm | Sun Closed Showroom: 230 - 240 McIntyre Rd, North Sunshine VIC 3020 | Timber Call 8312 0011 | westerndistributors.com.au Western Distributors are Melbourne’s largest stockist of affordable top-quality floor and wall coverings, with over an acre of displayed products in one convenient location, meaning we have the product you want right here, right now! Tiles Touch, compare, colour match and measure...visit our massive showroom to sample ALL our products! No waiting or ordering, take your purchase home immediately! WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS At Spotlight you can find Australia’s largest range of fabrics, crafts, party goods and home interior products, always at the lowest prices in town. Rush into a store NOW! 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