Uptown Business Improvement District Authority October 1, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m. Inner City Christian Federation (ICCF) – 920 Cherry Street SE Members: Jaye Van Lenten, Chair Rosalynn Bliss Lenn Beardsley, Vice Chair Dr. Lynn Happel Betti Allen, Secretary Stephanie Johnson Jason Spaulding Heather Van Dyke-Titus VACANT Staff Members: Kara Wood (Executive Director), Jana Wallace (Treasurer), Neighborhood Ventures (Recording Secretary) Legal Counsel: Jessica Wood Copies To: Eric DeLong, Scott Buhrer, Uptown CID Board Members, Uptown Business & Neighborhood Associations, Uptown Committees AGENDA 1. Call to Order Jaye Van Lenten 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Jaye Van Lenten 3. Review and Approval of September 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes* Jaye Van Lenten 4. FY2015 Budget Expenditures Jessa Timmer 5. Marketing Committee – Update Lenn Beardsley 6. Design Committee – Update Baird Hawkins 7. Economic Restructuring Committee – Update Diane Griffin 8. Organization Committee – Update/Strategic Planning Briefing Jaye Van Lenten 9. Jaye Van Lenten Other Business 10. Public Comment Jaye Van Lenten 11. Adjournment Jaye Van Lenten *MOTION REQUIRED TO APPROVE September Committee Meetings Economic Restructuring – Monday, 10/13 4:00pm Organization – Friday, 10/17 8:30am Marketing - Tuesday, 10/21 8:00am Design – Friday, 10/17 8:30am Board Members please RSVP to Jessa Timmer at 616-301-3929 Email: [email protected] NEXT UPTOWN BID MEETING: November 5, 2014 @ 7:30 a.m. Brewery Vivant – 925 Cherry Street SE CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS UPTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2014 Inner City Christian Federation (ICCF) – 920 Cherry SE Members Present: Jaye Van Lenten (Chair), Lenn Beardsley (Vice Chair), Betti Allen (Secretary), Rosalynn Bliss, Dr. Lynn Happel, Jason Spaulding, Heather Van Dyke-Titus Members Absent: Stephanie Johnson City Staff Present: Kara Wood, Jessica Wood Others Present: Pamela Benjamin, Diane Griffin, Paul Lee, Amy Ruis, Kelly LeCoy, Rachel Lee, Mark Lewis (Recording Secretary), Jessa Timmer Legal Counsel: Jessica Wood Copies To: Eric DeLong, Scott Buhrer 1. Call to Order Jaye Van Lenten called the meeting to order at 9:08am. 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Ms. Van Lenten asked if there were any comments on the items presented in the agenda. There were none. 3. Review and Approval of August 6, 2014 Meeting Minutes Rosalynn Bliss made a motion to approve the meeting minutes recorded for August 6, 2014, as presented. Betti Allen seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Uptown Business Improvement District Authority Meeting Minutes September 3, 2014 Page 2 of 4 4. FY2014 Budget Expenditures and Commitments Year to Date Mark Lewis asked if there were any questions on this. In the BID agenda packet, the BID Workplan is included from the City. It will include the long term liability of the enhanced streetscape maintenance line item in the future. There were no questions. 5. Update on Final Roll 2014 Special Assessment No. 8692 Jessica Wood said that at the last meeting, she had mentioned there were a couple of appeals made to the City about the assessment. The appeals were denied. The next step would be to go to the Tax Tribunal which they may. It can take over a year for a decision. If it happened, it would come to Ms. Wood since she handles all appeals for the City. She will keep the board posted if any go that far. Mr. Lewis commented that he has been in communication with Ms. Warner and Mr. Kirkpatrick about the special assessment and their concerns. 6. Review – FY2014 Annual Report Ms. Timmer presented the Annual Report. They were passed out at the Mixer on August 28th and they will be mailed to property owners and business owners in the district. It includes both the CID and the BID financial information and project updates. The CID and BID board members are also listed as well as contact information for Uptown staff. Ms. Benjamin commented that it was great to see the volunteer hours listed. The volunteer hours include board meetings, committee meetings, event volunteers, and other time put into the district by all of the business owners, property owners, and stakeholders. 7. Organization Committee Update Ms. Van Lenten stated that the Organization Committee had several meetings this past month. The notes from the meetings are attached in the agenda packet. The Committee has been looking at if there needs to be any adjustments in the functionality of the CID and BID boards in respect to the Committees and to Uptown in general. Some topics of conversation have been streamlining the board meeting process, budget reporting, and strategic planning. Mr. Lewis said that the Organization Committee is hoping to have a board retreat in October or November. It would be a strategic planning session looking at Uptown Business Improvement District Authority Meeting Minutes September 3, 2014 Page 3 of 4 prioritizing projects in the years to come. Ms. Wood said that type of meeting is fine, it would just need to be posted because it would need to comply with the Open Meetings Act. Ms. Wood asked about the email survey that was mentioned. Ms. Bliss clarified that it would be a survey of all property owners who pay into the assessment to gauge which projects are seen as priorities for them. Ms. Van Lenten said that the Organization Committee was looking to ask the board members which topics they would like to cover in the strategic planning meeting. Ms. Bliss said that is alright to do via email because they are asking for input on the creation of an agenda. Ms. Wood agreed. Mr. Lewis said that the Organization Committee was looking at October 20th in a location other than where the boards typically meet. He asked what both boards thought of the proposed idea. Ms. Bliss asked if a meeting wizard could be sent out to see when people are available. She also mentioned that during the retreat, it might be best for the boards to discuss the number of committees and meetings in a month as it seems like quite a few. A priority plan for the next year, three years, and five years is a great idea as the workload will change from startup to maintenance for the boards. It was discussed that the November CID/BID meeting could be held somewhere else and changed to a board retreat. Board members agreed that replacing the November 5th meeting with a board retreat was the best option. Ms. Van Lenten called for a motion to change the November 5th meeting time from 8:30am to 7:30am to accommodate the board retreat. Betti Allen made a motion to change the November 5th meeting time from 8:30am to 7:30am. Lenn Beardsley seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 8. Marketing Committee Update Ms. LeCoy reviewed the meeting notes from the Marketing Committee found in the agenda packet. The next large event is Taste of Uptown at the end of September and going into the first part of October. The committee has also started working on Holiday Shop Hop and has worked with Reagan Marketing to rebrand the event. The website is up and the new brochure will be printed shortly. Please contact Ms. Timmer if there are any updates or concerns about the website. Uptown Business Improvement District Authority Meeting Minutes September 3, 2014 Page 4 of 4 9. Design Committee Update Ms. Timmer said that Neighborhood Ventures is working with the City to coordinate the purchasing and shipping of the trash cans. Mr. Lewis said that the purchase order has been sent to the manufacturer. Ms. Timmer stated that the 61st District Court work crew has been out cleaning the districts already. Tazzia Lawn Care has been out for the beautification efforts as well and will be updating the inventory of dead trees and empty tree wells. Mr. Lee said that he has noticed that the lights on Wealthy Street have been collecting water and wondered if there is anything they can do about that. Ms. Van Lenten said that Cherry Street is having an issue with that as well. Mr. Lewis said that since the businesses are paying an assessment for those lights, the City should be contacted. 10. Economic Restructuring Committee Update Mr. Beardsley said they did not meet but are waiting on an updated vacant and underutilized building list as well as information about an Uptown folder from Reagan Marketing. 11. Other Business/Public Comment Ms. Van Lenten said that Eastown Streetfair is September 13th. 12. The Meeting was Adjourned at 9:40am As submitted by Mark C. Lewis (jlt) Revised September 3, 2014 UPTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY 2014 Meeting Schedule Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday January 8 February 5 March 5 April 2 May 7 June 4 July 2 August 6 September 3 October 1 November 5* December 3 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Meetings are held at Inner City Christian Federation, 920 Cherry Street, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan unless noted. *Board strategic planning meeting to held at Brewery Vivant, 925 Cherry Street SE. Please contact Neighborhood Ventures at 616-301-3929 with any questions prior to the meeting. 1st Wednesday unless holiday or other conflict Distribution List: City Manager - Jane Bush City Clerk – Robin Boss Rev. 9/3/2014 INVOICE No. 20140930UPBID Tax I.D. 20-4075827 Uptown Business Improvement District (Special Assessment No. 8692) c/o Economic Development Department City of Grand Rapids 300 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids MI 49503 30 September 2014 job payment terms September 2014 Reimbursable Expenditures Upon Receipt description total $2,145.00 Corridor Management – Neighborhood Ventures Source: FY2015 Uptown BID Category: Corridor Management co py As approved by the Uptown BID Board June 4, 2014 Landscaping Services – Tazzia Lawn Care Source: FY2015 Uptown BID $3,162.50 Category: Landscape/Seasonal Maintenance As approved by the Uptown BID Board June 4, 2014 Fall Mixer – Storr Printing, Triumph Music Academy, Elk Brewing $512.57 Taste of Uptown – Storr Printing, Brewery Vivant $410.92 Intern – Kristin Schnelle $250.00 $4,000.00 Holiday Shop Hop – misc. Source: FY2015 Uptown BID Category: Marketing & Branding As approved by the Uptown BID Board June 4, 2014 Current Balance Due Please make all checks payable to Neighborhood Ventures. Thank you! Neighborhood Ventures 1514 Wealthy St SE STE 214 │ Grand Rapids MI 49506 616-301-3929 │neighborhoodventures.org $10,480.99 Uptown Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, September 16, 2014 @ 8:00am Eastown Community Association, 415 Ethel Ave SE Members Present: Lenn Beardsley (Chair), Pamela Benjamin, Annie Burch, Chris McDonald, Jessica Woolpert, Rachel Zylstra Members Absent: Kim Needham Staff Present: Jessa Dutton 1. Appointment of Chair Lenn was appointed interim Chair for the Marketing Committee. 2. Financial Report There is still an outstanding expense from FY2014 for Branding and Marketing with Reagan Marketing + Design. This project should be wrapping up in the next month or two and then we can close out the FY2014 budget. The Marketing Committee spent $614.57 on the Mixer in August. The FY2015 was passed a few months ago and updates will come as expenditures are made. 3. Branding update The website is up and running. There will need to be a lot of updates and troubleshooting in the next few weeks. The business directory is still in need of updating. The brochure should be printed shortly, Jessa is still waiting on a couple of districts to get back to her with the needed information. 4. Fall Mixer Recap Fall Mixer was well attended, but we would like to continue to see more business and property owners. The Marketing Committee will look at how to engage those who are not involved on a regular basis for the Spring Mixer. The dates for the Mixers for 2015 will be March 26th and September 10th. 5. Taste of Uptown The materials have been printed and will be distributed to the participating restaurants and downtown. There is also a kick-off event at Brewery Vivant on Monday, September 22nd with concierges, media, and restaurants. Uptown will cover the cost of one beer per attendee plus food. 6. Intern Jessa has sent out a job description for interns for the fall season to area colleges. Pamela would like a committee to interview the intern. Jessa will let everyone know what response she receives. 7. Holiday Shop Hop The Committee discussed raising the lead sponsorship level for Shop Hop since the new website is up and there will be an intern focused on social media. The suggested sponsorship level is $2,500. Jessa will draft a letter to Griffin Properties for this sponsorship and send to Lenn. Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 21st at 8:00am @ Eastown Community Association Uptown Design Committee Meeting Notes - Friday, September 19, 2014 @ 8:30am Bazzani, 959 Wealthy Street SE Members Present: Baird Hawkins, Jerry Meyer Members not present: Rosalynn Bliss, Lynn Happel, Stephanie Johnson, Amy Ruis, Heather Van Dyke-Titus Staff Present: Jessa Dutton 1. Update on Enhanced Streetscape Maintenance Project Baird said the purchase order had been cut for the trash cans. Neighborhood Ventures is now working with the City and with the shipping company to coordinate the efforts to get the trash cans into Uptown. As soon as NV knows anything, they will contact Baird to coordinate dropping the cans off at the Kingsley Building. Jerry suggested doing a small campaign when the trash cans go in to rally around keeping Uptown clean. Jessa said she would contact Reagan Marketing about creating a poster for Uptown to pass out the week the cans go in. 2. Seasonal Decorations Jessa got a quote through Jaye Van Lenten from Tazzia about seasonal decorations for the holiday season. It was estimated that it would cost about $4.50 to wrap a light pole for labor. The cost of the ribbon would be separate. The Design Committee agreed it would be nice to offer the districts something so that Uptown looks cohesive during the holidays. Somewhere in the range of $500 to $750 would be good. Jessa will follow up with Tazzia to get a final quote to wrap a certain number of poles per district. 3. Snow Removal Baird has contacted J&D Snowplowing who is contracted with the City of Wyoming. It is $750 per mile to do sidewalk snow plowing and they ask for a minimum of 15-20 miles per contract. Since it is out of the budget range for the Design Committee, the Committee will focus on enforcement of the existing law that states all property owners are responsible to shovel their own sidewalks. 4. New Business Rachel Lee and Lee Hardy have expressed interest in joining the Design Committee but cannot meet on Fridays. Jessa will send out an email to the Committee to see if Thursdays would work as that was another option a few months ago. Next Meeting: Thursday, October 16, 8:30am @ Bazzani Uptown Organization Committee 8:30am – Wednesday September 17, 2014 Members Present: Jaye Van Lenten, Pamela Benjamin Members Not Attending: Baird Hawkins, Heather Van Dyke, business association presidents Support: Jessa Timmer, Mark Lewis Review of the October 1st CIDA and BID board meeting agendas. Discussion of resident member board candidate PIF. Decided to forego this request as the current resident member position for CID is currently filled, and the applicant does not meet other CID or BID bylaw requirements for membership eligibility. Review of FY2015 financial status and authorization (signature) of monthly vendor payments Discussion of Organization Committee purpose intent and membership roster. Focus on utilizing vice chairs to support the work. Review of City of Grand Rapids development incentive policy task force. Discussion of November 5th joint CID/BID strategic planning meeting agenda. Next Meeting 8:30am – Friday October 17 Neighborhood Ventures Sta affSummarry–Septem mber2014 1. MarketingCom M mmittee(Meeeting–September16) a. SeeCo ommitteeNo otes i. Brandingccampaignupdate–Broch hureiscomin ngsoon ii. FallMixerevent–Augu ust28th iii. TasteofUp ptownmeetingandbrand ding iv. HolidaySh hopHopplan nningstarted d b. Intern n–jobpositio onposted 2. DesignComm D mittee(Meetin ng–Septemb ber19) a. POhasbeencutfo ortrashcans..NVcoordinaatingwithth heCityandveendorfor deliveeryandinstalllation. b. Jessaiisworkingw withTazziato ogetaquote forseasonalldecorationss c. Sidew walksnowrem movalisresp ponsibilityoffpropertyow wnerandUptownwillfoccus onenfforcement d. Metw with61stDistrrictCourttoforaprojecttupdateandtoprovidefeeedback Committee((Meeting–September17 3. Organization O 7) a. SeeCo ommitteenottes 4. EconomicResstructuringC Committee(N NoSeptembeermeeting) A on/Other 5. Administratio a. Month hlyfinancialss.FY2015rev viewwithCittyStaff. rd b. RecordedSeptemb ber3 CID& &BIDmeetinggminutes. c. Develo opedmonthllyCID,BID,aandcommitteeeagendapaacketsanddiistributedthem. d. Coord dinationwith hCityofGRin ncludingCID D&BIDboard dagendaitem msand month hly/annualfiinancialrepo orts. e. Review wedmonthly yexpenditurerequests,m madebankdeeposits,proccessedinvoicces andsu ubmittedreim mbursementtrequesttottheCity. f. Intern nalCommuniications(i.e.ConstantCon ntact,email,phone,etc.) g. Coord dinatedwithttheCitytoed ditCIDAguid delinesforprrojectconsid derations h. Review wedprocessforFY2016 specialassesssmentrequeest. Estimated dnumberofhoursallotteedthismontth(through9 9/26):Jessa(120)+Mark(42)=162 2
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