49TH INDIANA COMPANY F VOL 42 NO 7 | SEPT 2014 ESTABLISHED IN THE RE-ENACTING COMMUNITY IN 1974 Rank & File THE VOICE OF THE 49TH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY F + Burning of Atlanta + Onward to Lebanon FIND INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE; WWW.49THINDIANA.COM 1 Volume 42 Issue 7 Rank & File THE VOICE OF THE 49TH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY F A founding member of the “Army of the Wabash” A founding member of the “Cumberland Guard” V OLUME 42 | I SSUE 7 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F C/O ROBERT VAN 6085 WALNUT COURT BROWNSBURG, IN 46112 U.S.A Rob Van, Captain T: 317.557.2244 E: [email protected] Fred Leickly, Lieutenant T: 317.896.2311 E: [email protected] Ivan G. Vargas, Editor T: 317.997.0864 E: [email protected] The mission of the 49th Indiana, Company F is to preserve Indiana’s Civil War heritage and to educate the public, as living historians, about the vital role the events of the civil war played in directing the course of our nation. The 49th Indiana, Company F is Indiana’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization devoted to portraying life during the American Civil War. Since 1974, we have represented Indiana’s civil war heritage in movies and documentaries, for newspapers and TV, and at schools, museums and reenactments across the US. For more information, please contact Fred Leickly at 317-896-2311 or visit our website at http://www.49thindiana.com. The Rank & File is the membership magazine of the 49th Indiana Company F. 2 DEPARTMENTS THE CAPTAIN’S DESK 4 FROM THE TRENCHES 6 FINANCES 10 CALENDAR 18 NEXT EVENT 20 LINKS 23 WHO WE ARE 24 POSTER 25 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F Find us on the Internet 49thindiana.com The official website of the 49th Indiana Co. F COMPANY DUES M embership dues are due at the beginning of every year. If you write a check, please make it payable to “Robert Van”, NOT “49th Indiana” $15 : Membership with eNewsletter $20 : Family Membership with eNewsletter Send payment (check preferred) to : 49th Indiana C/o Rob Van 6085 Walnut Court Brownsburg, IN 46112 Questions? The Captain can be reached at: [email protected] 317.557.2244 (m) YO U C A N A L S O F I N D U S AT: FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/49THINDIANA PAY YOUR DUES VIA PAYPAL SUBMIT TO [email protected] 3 Volume 42 Issue 7 MESSAGE FROM HEADQUARTERS A LETTER FROM THE CAPTAIN 4 appreciate everyone who made the trip to Hastings and as able to participate. It proved to be an interesting experience for me. I think one moment that stands out for me was, as we were staging for battle one of the days, I went up to the artillery commander and asked him what his plans were, and he looked at me and said “They haven’t told us yet”. (Of course, realizing that I was the ‘they’). I the 11th likely the second largest. As I mentioned in my e-mail, we will have a couple folks marching with us for the first time (Ethan Ashley and Tony Willoughby) so I’d ask you keep an eye out for them. Anyway, I mentioned on some Facebook posts some of the positives and negatives for the weekend, the event folks will have to decide whether they want me to command the event in 2015. I also sent an e-mail out about Lebanon…we will have a father/two sons group marching with us and they will be looking for some uniform help (Brian Harris and sons). Please keep an eye out for them as well. We are on the edge of a pretty large event, Atlanta. Speaking for myself, I may not be down in time for the Friday evening battle, so Ian will need to take control. It looks like, based on the numbers, we all may fall in together as one AOW company. The 49th will have the largest component of troops, and Travel safe, see you in Atlanta! I have asked a couple times some specifics in regards to what group / battalion we will be camped with, so as I get that information I will pass it on either on e-mail or the Facebook page. 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F OFFICIAL INVITATION FROM THE WAR DEPARTMENT Confederate States of America 150 TH B ATTLE OF F RANKLIN Men of the 49th Indiana, On behalf of the Earl Zeckman, commander of the Military Department of the Mississippi, I would like to personally invite you to join us for this once in a lifetime event. The event will be the weekend of November 14-16 and will take place in the brand new Eastern Flank property located adjacent to the Carnton Plantation. This is an invitation only event that will allow us to do battle scenarios that you normally would not see at a larger event. We have currently registered 450 confederate infantry and we are looking for a similar number of Federal troops. The city of Franklin has committed to build 250 yards of Breastworks that will stand 3 -4 feet in height, as well as supply 150-200 split rail fence pieces so you will be allowed to reinforce the works. The number on both sides will allow us to have constant battles with out anyone sitting on the sideline waiting to fight. We are doing the breakthrough on Saturday were the Confederates will actually break through the federal lines and engage hand to hand with the men who portray 125th Ohio Sunday will be the " Eastern Flank" battle with the Confederate army once again charging the earth works with the similar unique experiences planed. We will camp on the Carnton Plantain grounds which will allow short walks to the battle, and a wonderful back drop for our camps. The camp area is going to be very tight, so only dog tents, campaign, and A frames are allowed. The only tents that can have flies attached to them are battalion commanders, and Wall tents are also only allowed for Battalion commanders because of the size of the field. If anyone wants to register please reach out to Earl Zeckman at [email protected], or if you have general questions please email me at [email protected] Please join us for this wonderful event. This event is being planed for Reenactors, by Reenactors so if anyone has any suggestions or input please let me know. Brian Mercke Brian Mercke Confederate General Franklin 5 FROM THE TRENCHES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM CAPT. VAN ... Some information on upcoming events and other things.. Atlanta (09/19/2014 – 09/21/2014). MAX Effort. You can register on site or at www.atlantacampaign.com I am going to register on site. The first battle is Friday @ 6:00 p.m. (Battle of Utoy Creek). I will be there Friday evening, I am not sure of the exact time as of yet. I currently show 13 for us. There is a mix of about 10 (I think) or so other AOW members such that we may fall in as one company…we will need to see the mix of people and determine leadership, etc. (Ian / Nathan, please note we have two non 49th folks falling in with us, I’d ask you keep an eye out for them, Ethan Ashley and Tony Willoughby). Lebanon (09/26/2014 – 09/28/2014). MAX Effort. We may have three new potential recruits with us (Brian Harrison and sons). I’d ask you contact me if you have loaner gear you can bring to this event. Hartford City (10/10/2014 – 10/12/2014). MAX Effort.. Camp Belzer (10/24/2014 – 10/25/2014). OPTIONAL EVENT. There is an organizational meeting being set up for September 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the site. If you want to participate in this and attend for the 49th, please let me know and I will connect you. Tippecanoe Battlefield Military Timeline. (11/08/2014 – 11/09/2014). OPTIONAL EVENT. The desire is to create a timeline of military impressions from the Revolutionary War through today. Specifically, Rev, 1812, Mexican-American, Civil War, Span-Am, World War I and World War II. You may camp over night near the battlefield, but not on it. Accommodations will be made for campfires. Those interested should contact Kathy Atwell. [email protected] Spring Mill Winter Civil War Encampment (02/07/2015 – 02/08/2015). Mill State Park, Mitchell, IN. OPTIONAL EVENT. Spring 150th Appomattox (04/11/2015 – 04/13/2015). There is some discussion about possibly making this a max effort event. The 20th Indiana (member of the AOW) was actually there. Please discuss this with your members. http://appomattoxhistoricalsociety.org/150th.htm The Blue and The Gray Ball (11/08/2014). OPTIONAL EVENT. Lafayette Country Club, Lafayette, IN. 1500 South 9th Street, Lafayette, IN 47905. www.greenbush.fairfieldtownship.us to purchase tickets. A NOTE FROM LUKE BOYLES . . . Hello Civil War reenactors... Rob told me recently that some of you had some questions about the release/premiere of my Civil War film. 1- When is the premiere? -The film premiere will be early 2015, either March or June most likely. 2-May reenactors wear their uniforms or not? -Whatever you prefer, full uniform, or dress up for the event. Again, thank you all for your time and participation and we will sent more info as premiere closes in! FOR SALE!! HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Musket Caps & Gunpowder 1 lb. of Goex Powder : $15 per pound 1 Tin of 100 caps : $10 per tin See the Captain For Purchase. Want to make you voice heard? Have something to share? The newsletter wants your stuff!! We’re always looking for pictures or info of members at work, rest or play. Send art, photos, announcements, letters, opinions, articles or ads to the editor at: [email protected] Volume 42 Issue 7 DISPATCHES FROM THE WAR DEPARTMENT... BY SCOTT LAWALIN H ”Any idea what this means? No? Then let’s build a park.” 8 astings! Although technically not in Hastings, Michigan, it was named for the nearby burg in apparent deference to rebel naming conventions. A more Union name would be “Thornapple” after the sluggish watercourse that runs next to the park where we hold our reenactment. The park, Charlton, is a nice little place located in Yellow Fever Township, Malaria County, Michigan. The chief import of the local economy is visitor’s blood, while the major export is West Nile virus. At the center of the park is a small town, founded in 1843 but mysteriously abandoned sometime in 1844. Investigators found the town completely empty; it was if the residents were all consumed or carried off by some force. The only clue was a carving in a tree that said “mosqui”. Scholars have since been attempting to solve the mystery of the missing residents ever since. The event itself went off pretty well. 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F The weather was perfect as has been the case for this season. The battles were interesting, and I especially liked the Sunday battle, which had a lot of improvisation instead of the usual routine push-em back and forth. ket butt. What I found amusing were the make-up artists, who apparently thought we were filming an episode of Walking Dead. We all had dreadful wounds painted on. Film shoot! In July I had pleasure of participating in a film shoot for young director Luke Broyles. It was a very interesting experience. He certainly kept us busy – we went strong from 7am and until almost five in the afternoon. What struck me was how strenuous the shoot was. I was completely worn-out by the end. It was much more tiring than a normal reenactment. But it was a lot of fun and I’d gladly do it again, even the hand-to-hand combat scenes, which usually ended with Jake Boles beating my brains out with his mus- The next event is our 2014 national, which is Atlanta, an event I have never been to before. This is part one of back-to-back events, with Atlanta this week and Lebanon after. Both should be a blast. Let’s make Georgia howl! The secret to holding off hordes of Confederate zombies? Oreos. Your Most Obedient Servant, Scott Lawalin Corporal 9 Volume 42 Issue 7 COMPANY FINANCIALS Powder Cans In Stock Caps In Stock 23 29 22 27 22 10 22 Debit / Credit Balance Date $2,885.44 Comment Reported at July 2014 Newsletter 5 Cans of Powder Sold @ $15 each = $75 $35.00 $2,920.44 7/17/2015 $30.00 $2,950.44 7/17/2015 2014 Donation from Conner Prairie $2,950.44 Reported at September 2014 Newsletter 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 11 Volume 42 Issue 7 Photo m By HTTP://PHOTOMEMORIESBYRHAYS.ZENFOLIO.COM 12 R.H 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F emories HAYS 13 Volume 42 Issue 7 TREASURES FROM THE PAST BY TOM WILLIAMS A good war-date Union soldier's letter, 3 1/3pp. 8vo., written by Pvt. Herbert George Bond (1846-1928), Co. I, 16th Vermont (Vermont Militiaman during the St. Albans Raid and doorkeeper of the US Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C.), "Camp near Union Mills, Va., April 5, 1863, in part: "…they have had some pretty nice times lately playing ball even the old colonel and major play. One of the captains had his arm out of joint at the elbow stepping backwards…caught his heel in a little hoak…in the ground…he fell down striking his elbow and dislocating it…we have stopped letting refugees or stragglers come into our lines. The order is to halt every one…and if they did not stop, let them have some of our or[e]. The 15[th Vermont] boys set around the fire on picket and all at once bang went a gun, sing went a bullet by them probably it was a bush whacker. Damn them I will [kill] everything reb, Negro or what not…". The original transmittal cover is included. 14 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F A good war-date Union soldier's letter, 3pp. 8vo., written by Pvt. Herbert George Bond (1846-1928), Co. I, 16th Vermont (Vermont Militiaman during the St. Albans Raid and doorkeeper of the US Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C.), "Camp near Union Mills, Va., April 17, 1863, in part: "…we have got to wait a spell now for the bridge has been gone of across the Bull Run…it will take some time to get the bridge built up again. The rebs are around watching our pickets. George was on picket last night at MacLane's Ford and they heard men and saw lights across the stream but they did not dare to cross…they are having battalion drill. Old Colonel Veasey means to put them right through a drill. He has drilled his regiment more than any of the rest of the colonel's…they have been having battalion and skirmish drill…first they fired by company and then at will…I had a tooth pulled today. One man had 4 pulled. He took chloroform. O' how he acted squire. He would kill the doctor…". Signed "Old Herb" with the original transmittal cover. VG. 15 Volume 42 Issue 7 A good Union soldier’s former POW letter written by Albert Denning who enlisted 8/22/1862, into Company H, PA 114th Infantry, 4pp., College Green Barracks, October 5, 1863. In part, “I went into that fight (ie: Gettysburg) confident that I should come out safe and I tell you what, I fought hard but the Johnny’s caught me and 10 of my company and Lieut.Dunkle. I had a pretty hard time of it so the next time I am marked missing you may set me down as killed or badly wounded as that is the only way they will get me again. ... We had some pretty hard times on our march to Richmond. We march from Gettysburg down the Shenandoah Valley to Staunton and then took the cars for Richmond. We were 21 days getting to Richmond as far down the valley as Winchester. The people are all Union at Hagerstown and Williamsport.... But when we got to Martinsburg, we had a regular riot. The people threw pies, cakes, meat etc. into the ranks. The guards used their muskets on us to keep us from it. I knocked a Secesh for trying to keep a girl from giving me a pie and I laid him flat but I got hit myself on the head with the butt of a pistol by a Reb Captain. The people waved the stars and stripes and huzzaed for the Union and dared the Rebels to fire on them. ... We got to Richmond were in a part of the Libby Prison rented by the firm of Palmer and 16 Allison whose goods were confiscated the next day, sent to Belle Isle. We were on the Island 9 weeks on the half of a loaf of bread a day ...” Renamed the College Green Barracks, the campus grounds were used at first as a parole camp, a place where exchanged Union prisoners were brought to get medical attention, fresh clothing, food, and the combat pay due to them. 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F CIVIL WAR RE-ENACTORS WANTED for Crossroads of America Council Boy Scouts of America Battle of Belzer - Civil War Days October 24th, 25th and 26th, 2014 Camp Belzer - Indianapolis, Indiana Civil War Re-Enactors As a thanks for giving your time to work with our Boy Scout youth and leaders we will provide the following to each re-enactor who registers by September 30, 2014 Ration bag for Saturday day (last year = crackers or hardtack, beef jerky, apple, roll) Hot lunch and dinner after the battle Annual Patch Free Camping on Friday and/or Saturday night No event registration fee Powder Bounty for the first four cannons and first four mortars that register (attend and participate) 17 Volume 42 Issue 7 CALENDAR 2014 Events NAME LOCATION DATE(S) 49th Camp of Instruction Brownsburg, IN .April 11, 12, 13 2014 Sassafras Tea Festival Vernon, IN .April 25, 26, 27 2014 Conner Prairie Fishers, IN .May 16, 17, 18 2014 Hesston Steam Museum Hesston, IN .June 20, 21, 22 2014 Charlton Park Hastings, MI .July 18, 19, 20 2014 Atlanta Hampton, GA .September 19, 20, 21 2014 Lincoln Days Lebanon, IN .September 26, 27, 28 2014 Hartford City Hartford City, IN .October 10, 11, 12 2014 Events Not On Official Schedule But Worth Attending Indiana State Library Indianapolis, IN Colonel Nick Medich Drill Week- Huddleston Farmhouse .May 3, 4 2014 Articles For newsletter are Oct 3rd 18 May 8 2014 @ 5:00 - 7:00 pm 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 19 Volume 42 Issue 7 NEXT EVENT INFORMATION Atlanta Campaign Hampton, GA Sept 19 - 21, 2014 DATE AND TIME Sept 19-21, 2014 LOCATION Nash Farm Battlefield 100 Babbs Mill Rd Hampton, GA 30228 PLEASE BRING Standard Gear and Traps THE COMPANY WILL PROVIDE None OTHER EVENT INFORMATION None COMPANY MESS None WEBSITE Click here to go to the website 20 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F NEXT EVENT INFORMATION Lincoln Days & Civil War Reenactment Lebanon, IN Sept. 27 - 28, 2014 DATE AND TIME Sept 27-28, 2014 LOCATION 130 E Ulen Dr, Lebanon, IN PLEASE BRING Standard Gear and Traps THE COMPANY WILL PROVIDE None FAMILY-FRIENDLY AND ADMISSION FREE! Lincoln's Lebanon and Civil War Reenactment is a two day festival featuring a wide range of activities, dedicated to the spirit of the mid 1800s. Events include a visit from one of America's most beloved presidents, live Civil War battles and encampments, pioneer demonstrations, vendors, music, and much more! OTHER EVENT INFORMATION None COMPANY MESS None WEBSITE Click here to go to the website 21 Volume 42 Issue 7 En route from Springfield, Illinois to his first inauguration in Washington D.C., Abraham Lincoln’s train stopped in Lebanon on February 11, 1861, where he addressed the citizens of this small Boone County town from the back of his train car. LINCOLN’S LEBANON & CIVIL WAR RE-ENACTMENT WHAT IF HE HAD STAYED TO VISIT? On September 28th, that’s exactly what he will do, visiting with the citizens of Boone County who wish to September 27 - 28, 2014 Memorial Park Lebanon, Indiana Lincoln’s Lebanon & TWO FUN DAYS OF ACTIVITIES At noon, Saturday, the President speaks at the historical marker in front of Family Video on South Lebanon St., before traveling to Memorial Park where he will remain until 5 PM. A full encampment of both Union & Confederate troops will be present in the park 22 Several food vendors will be on hand, offering a variety of tasty items. Civil War demonstrators will be on hand Barbeque on Saturday night. Bring your own instrument to jam with the soldiers Sunday morning tent church service 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F WEB LINKS OF INTEREST 49th Indiana Company F. Webpage: http://www.49thindiana.com 49th Indiana Company F. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/49thIndiana Are you a Member of the 49th Indiana EGroup? Send and receive group e-mails and updates on the unit automatically. You can subscribe by sending an e-mail to [email protected] Other Interesting Sites : http://www.10thbattalion.org/school.php Site that shows drill maneuvers http://www.rjsamp.com Civil War Bugle Calls http://www.10thbattalion.org/school.php More drill maneuvers http://www.zipcon.net/~silas/links.htm#N_17 http://www.civilwarteaser.blogspot.com Our own Corporal Swank http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewArticle.asp? id=31792 Article on the steamer the 49th was on http://18thindependentbatteryindianalightartillery. Great article on leather care weebly.com http://thebalticforge.weebly.com/ Blacksmith—The Baltic Forge 23 Volume 42 Issue 7 49th Indian a Company F - - - 24 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 25 Volume 42 Issue 7 2014 ATLANTA CAMPAIGN Hampton, Georgia Sept 19 - 21, 2014 49th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Company F 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F C/O ROBERT VAN 6085 WALNUT COURT BROWNSBURG, IN 46112 U.S.A 26 PLACE STAMP HERE
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