Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report Date of Report: August 28, 2014 2202013Dec. 3, 2012 Committee Name: Education Committee Co-Chairs: Yvonne Culpepper (Peggy Gerard on leave) and Linda Wallace Committee members with contact info (please attach as an addendum to this report): (see attached) Update on goals assigned to the specific committee to include prioritization, estimated timeline, member(s) responsible: 1) Goal: Develop and implement a plan to ensure that an adequate number of appropriately leveled nursing programs are available in the State to meet future health care needs. Estimated timeline: One year 2) Goal: Develop a state-wide education plan to move nurses seamlessly across all levels of education from LPN to RN, to BS, to MS, to doctorate (see meeting minutes 6-25-14, 8-28-14 at end of this report). Estimated timeline: By December 2014 Members responsible: Linda Everett (IU), Linda Wallace (IUK), Cathy Wichman (Schneck) Medical Center), Deborah Lyons (Community Health Network), Ann Darrah (IU Health LaPorte), Angie Koller (Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana), Ann White (University of Southern Indiana), Linda Siktberg (Ball State University), Patricia Ebright (IU), Debra Drake (Indiana Wesleyan), Trish Keresztes (Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame), Ex-officio members: Elizabeth KiefnerCrawford (ISBN) and Kim Harper (ICN/IAC). Potential partners: Goal 1: Bowen Research Center, Mercer Corporation, ICHE, ISBN Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report Ongoing Actions: Goal 1: Overview of Current Nursing Workforce – goal to provide overview of current workforce from 2011 survey, compare survey questions to State Nursing Centers Minimum Data Set for Supply and make recommendations for addition or deletion of questions. Healthcare Employment Projections – goal to identify projected need for nurses to 2020 by setting and level of preparation, identify available data sources for Indiana nursing workforce projections and compare available data to State Nursing Centers Minimum Data Set for Demand. Identify gaps in data sources and make recommendations for data needed and potential sources. Enrollment and Graduation Trends - goal to review enrollment and graduation data for LPN, AD/AS, BS, MS and doctoral programs in nursing for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-2011. Compare available data to State Nursing Centers Minimum Data Set for Education, identify gaps in data for Indiana and make recommendations for data needed and potential sources. If possible, develop projection on how many nurses must obtain BS and doctoral degrees to reach targets of 80% BS or higher by 2020 and doubling the number of nurses with doctorates by 2020. Goal 2: Current Issues Related to Seamless Progression for RN-BSN Completion – o Create a widely accepted LPN/ASN/BSN/MSN/DNP/PhD graduate competencies document. o Provide information to Indiana’s nurses/potential nurses on educational progression in a user-friendly format. Partners – Council of Indiana Deans and Directors, Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives Accomplishments: Goal 1: Overview of Current Nursing Workforce – Healthcare Employment Projections Enrollment and Graduation Trends – Other –. Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report Goal 2: Current Issues Related to Seamless Progression for RN-BSN Completion – Work on this issue has dovetailed into work by other groups as the Indiana Commission on Higher Education has taken up this issue in relationship to transition from ASN to BSN in public colleges and universities. They created a Panel to address expected competencies of ASN and BSN graduates (can be used to support seamless transition and also by potential employers). The document created by the Nursing Panel has been shared with our subcommittee on competencies and seamless transition and at the subcommittee’s direction will be shared with the Indiana Deans and Directors (April 25 & October 2, 2014) and the Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives (June 13 & on August 18th by email to IONE President Bridget Johnson) for possible approval as a statewide agreement. While the document was created with public schools in mind it is based on nationally accepted documents common to all nursing programs. Our committee has also reviewed work by the RN Residency Program committee. Creation of a Road Map for educational progression and adding information to the ICN website ( that will help nurses find programs that are the most appropriate to their needs. Roadmap has been created and is ready for posting to ICN website. Will ask deans and directors to verify how their nursing programs are offered (on-line, on-campus, hybrid) when they meet on October 2, 2014 so this can be added to the ICN website as well. Partners – Indiana Deans and Directors, IONE, ICN Committee on RN Residency Programs, ICHE Nursing Panel Dates of future meetings: Goal 1: Goal 2: Pending Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report INDIANA CENTER FOR NURSING/INDIANA ACTION COALITION EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAMLESS TRANSITION-COMPETENCIES DATE: June 25, 2014 PLACE/TIME: Phone 8:30-9:15 PRESENT: L. Everett, S. Haggart, D. Drake, K. Harper, L. Wallace (presiding/recording), D. Lyons, C. Wichman, A. White, T Keresz ABSENT: P. Ebright (sent regrets), A. Koller (sent regrets), L. Siktberg, E. Crawford, A. Darrah, D. Poling TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION TAKEN/TASK TO BE COMPLETED WELCOME Trish Keresztes from Saint Marys College. NEWS Linda Everett retiring later this year from IU Health-we are very glad to have her as long as she is here! APPROVAL OF April 17, 2014 minutes reviewed. Motion to approve by D. Drake, MINUTES seconded by K. Harper. Approved as printed. SEAMLESS TRANSITION L. Wallace presented LPN/ASN/BSN Graduate Competencies at Council of LPN/ ASN/BSN Indiana Deans and Directors (April 25). CIDD agreed that we are on the right track GRADUATE and encouraged continued development. COMPETENCIES C. Wichman presented LPN/ASN/BSN Graduate Competencies at the Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives Board of Directors (June 13th). IONE agreed that we are on the right track and encouraged continued development. General agreement that these are ready to be sent to CIDD and IONE for final consideration/approval after L. Wallace adds Diploma L. Wallace presented updated table with MSN/DNP/PhD Competencies. to ASN Competencies and changes the order of and abbreviations MSN/DNP/PHD Question as to whether is it inclusive enough to use the MSN Essentials from the for Indiana Center for Nursing and Indiana Action Coalition. COMPETENCIES American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Is there something from NLNAC or ACEN that we should consider? This is a good question for CIDD. L. Wallace To be presented at CIDD on October 2nd by L. Wallace (CIDD reported that IU Kokomo’s MSN program is ACEN accredited and used the MSN President A. White has placed on agenda) and at IONE Board of Essentials as the curricular framework. Directors by Cathy Wichman on August 8th. ASSISTING NURSES TO D. Drake presented Career Pathways in Nursing document she and M. Ehler have By consensus requested a couple of additions: a key indicating that MOVE TO HIGHER been working on. Compliments from all on the quality of the work. solid line is traditional path and dotted line is non-traditional/ EDUCATIONAL/ accelerated, add Pre and Post Licensure to MSN Box (realizing that LICENSURE LEVELS some RNs’ initial licensure is at the MSN level) and both a dotted line and a solid line between RN Baccalaureate box around right side to DNP and PhD. P. Ebright unable to participate today but sent a list of which programs are Great work so far! A. White will also send to CIDD so deans can offered on-line (ON-L), on-site (ON-S) or hybrid (H) for the ICN Website verify information for their programs before information is placed on ICN website. 2014 INDIANA NURSING Linda Wallace and Angie Koller have submitted an abstract (attached) October 3rd Renaissance North Hotel in Carmel, Indiana. May SUMMIT about the work of our subcommittee. L. Wallace asked if anyone else on the register after July 1st. $20 for students (space for first 50 who Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report committee wanted to present with us if our abstract is accepted. No one indicated interest/availability to present. REQUEST FOR LETTERS A.White shared legislative alert sent out from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing asking for letters to VA Acting Secretary Gibson in support of full practice authority for APRNs in the VA system. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM register), $30 for professionals. Key note speakers are Dr. Angela McBride (Leadership) and Dr. Barbara Brandt (Interprofessional Practice and Education). A.White will send information to K. Harper to send to ICN Membership. D. Lyons suggested sending to IONE membership if alright with IONE Board. Since the meeting K. Harper said that she received same announcement from IONE President B. Johnson to send to ICN Practice Committee so it looks like all of the bases are covered! Announcement will be attached to minutes. NEXT MEETING: L. Wallace will send out a Meeting Wizard to arrange for after the August 8th IONE Board of Directors meeting. INDIANA CENTER FOR NURSING/INDIANA ACTION COALITION EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAMLESS TRANSITION-COMPETENCIES DATE: PRESENT: ABSENT: August 28, 2014 PLACE/TIME: Phone 10:00-10:25 P. Ebright L. Everett, D. Drake, K. Harper, A. Koller, C. Wichman, A. White, L. Wallace (presiding/recording) L. Siktberg, E. Crawford, A. Darrah, D. Lyons, T Keresz TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION TAKEN/TASK TO BE COMPLETED NEWS Sandy Haggart has resigned as CNO of St. Vincent Clay and is stepping off our Committee. Deb Poling resigned from committee. Congratulations to Dr. Angie Koller who just completed her DNP! APPROVAL OF June 25, 2014 minutes reviewed. Motion to approve by L. Everett, MINUTES seconded by D. Drake. Approved as sent with meeting agenda. SEAMLESS TRANSITION L. Wallace will present LPN/ASN/BSN/MSN/DNP/PhD Graduate Competencies at Information only. LPN/ASN/BSN/MSN/DNP Council of Indiana Deans and Directors (October 2). /PHD GRADUATE COMPETENCIES L. Wallace sent LPN/ASN/BSN/MSN/DNP/PhD Graduate Competencies to IONE Information only. President Bridget Johnson for an e-vote by Board of Directors. ASSISTING NURSES TO MOVE TO HIGHER EDUCATIONAL/ LICENSURE LEVELS Are we interested in a more in-depth competency list like that provided by the Texas Board of Nursing? D. Drake presented Career Pathways in Nursing document she and M. Ehler have been working on. Compliments from all on the quality of the work. No interest in creating more in-depth competency list at this point but definitely worth taking a look at the competencies created by Texas Board of Nursing. Consensus that the Career Pathways in Nursing document is ready for the ICN website. K. Harper will ask M. Ehler to place it on the ICN website (schools of nursing page). Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report Discussed document. Group appreciative of P. Ebright’s efforts. 2014 INDIANA NURSING SUMMIT ADJOURNMENT L. Wallace and A.Koller will present a poster related to this committee’s work at the 2014 Indiana Nursing Summit October 3rd. Students may still register at the ICN website. Student price is $20. Please encourage students to attend. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 AM Subcommittee on competencies/ Practice General agreement that we should add a disclaimer, “To our knowledge all information on this document is correct at the time of posting to the ICN website. Please check individual school/program websites for most accurate information.” Also that we should define ON-L, ON-S and Hybrid for those reading the website. The definitions are as follows: ON-L means that all courses in this program are offered on-line. There are oncampus or other location attendance requirements. ON-S means that all courses in this program require real time/specific location interaction. H (hybrid) means that this program requires both ON-L and ON-S Participation. L. Wallace made requested changesplease see attached. Beginning in spring 2015 this list will be sent each spring to deans and directors by Council of Deans and Directors President for an update/verification before giving to ICN to update its website. Each summer ICN also verifies that links to programs work and information appears to be accurate. L. Wallace will circulate list for deans and directors to verify their programs’ information at the October 2nd Indiana Deans and Directors meeting prior to placing on ICN website. Information only. NEXT MEETING: L. Wallace will send out a meeting wizard. Education Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report seamless transition 8/18/14 Co-Chairs Ex-Officio Elizabeth Kiefner Crawford IPLA Director, ISBN Phone: 317-234-1990 Email: [email protected] Ex-Officio Kimberly J. Harper, RN, MS Executive Director, Indiana Center for Nursing Nursing Lead, Indiana Action Coalition – National Future of Nursing Campaign for Action President, National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers 9302 N. Meridian St., Suite 365 Indianapolis, IN 46260 phone 317.574.1325 fax 317.573.0875 [email protected] Linda Q. Everett, PhD, RN, NEABC,FAAN Executive Vice President/CNE Indiana University Health, Fairbanks Hall 340 W. 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-962-1404 telephone 317-962-2276 fax [email protected] Deborah J. Lyons MSN, RN, NE-BC Integration Network Disease Management Executive Director Community Health Network 9894 E. 121st St Fishers, IN 46037 317-621-4806 [email protected] Cathy Wichman, RN Nurse Manager of Emergency Department Schneck Medical Center 411 W. Tipton Seymour, IN 47274 [email protected] 812/523-4773 Sandra Haggart, CNO- resigned 8-18-14 St. Vincent Clay Hospital 1206 E. National Avenue PO Box 489 Brazil, IN 47834 [email protected] 812/442-2651 [email protected],[email protected], Ann Darrah, RN [email protected],[email protected], IU Health LaPorte [email protected], 1007 Lincolnway [email protected],[email protected], LaPorte. IN 46350 Linda Wallace, EdD, RN, CNE, NEA-BC Dean of Nursing Associate Professor/Director, International Studies 2300 South Washington Street Kokomo, IN 46904-9003 Office: Kokomo East Building 220 [email protected] Office 765.455.9519 Fax 765.455.9421 Angie Koller, MSN, DNP, RN Dean and Professor School of Nursing Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana 9301 East 59th Street Indianapolis, IN 46216 Phone 317-921-4413 Fax 317-546-6659 [email protected] Ann White, PhD, RN Dean – College of Nursing and Health Sciences University of Southern Indiana [email protected]______________________________________________ Debra Drake, PhD, RN Goodman Hall, Suite 203 4201 S. Washington St. Marion, IN 46953 [email protected] Deborah Poling, PhD, FNP-BC, CNE-resigned from committee 3-2014 Director of Graduate Programs [email protected] Linda Siktberg, PhD, RN, ANEF Director, School of Nursing Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 Phone: 765-285-8718 [email protected] Patricia Ebright, PhD, CNS, RN, FAAN IU School of Nursing Associate Dean Graduate Programs (317) 274-3115 Indiana Action Coalition: Transforming Healthcare Action Committee Quarterly Report [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], Alternates Karen Clark, EdD, RN Dean of Nursing and Associate Professor IU East School of Nursing 2325 Chester Blvd. Richmond, IN 47374 Phone: 765-973-8242 [email protected] Laurie Peters, PhD, RN Assistant Vice President for Nursing Education Ivy Tech [email protected] Rachel Moody NIR Critical Care Director Franciscan Alliance 219-932-2300 x34585 Pager 219-755-2031 [email protected] 219.326.1234 [email protected] [email protected] Trish Keresztes, PhD, RN, CCRN Associate Professor Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame [email protected]
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