1 HTC-13 / HTSP-3 (2014) 13th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology 29 – 31 January 2014 3rd International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation 28 – 29 January 2014 Symposia organised by the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV), Belgium and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK Venue: Site Oud Sint-Jan, Mariastraat 38, B-8000 Bruges (Belgium) 2 1. CONFERENCE COMMITTEES INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Frédéric Lynen, Belgium (Conference chair) Hernan Cortes, USA (Chairman scientific committee) Rudy Senten, Belgium (Secretary) Freddy Van Damme Tom Lynch, United Kingdom (RSC) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Frédéric Lynen, Belgium (Conference Chair, sponsoring) Rudy Senten, Belgium (Secretary, Treasurer) Rob Edam, The Netherlands (Workforce coordinator) Etienne Jooken, Belgium (Site coordinator, Logistics) Deirdre Cabooter, Belgium (Registrations, Chairman Poster Prize) Joeri Vercammen, Belgium (Short Courses, tutorials) Sebastiaan Eeltink, The Netherlands (Coordinator Scientific Program, Book of Abstract) Chris Smits, Belgium (Social program) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Hernan Cortes, USA (Chairman) Hian Kee Lee, Singapore Gert Desmet, Belgium Tuulia Hyötyläinen, Finland Luigi Mondello, Italy Philip Marriott, Australia Janusz Pawliszyn, Canada Valérie Pichon, France Robert Shellie, Australia Yvan Vander Heyden, Belgium Ian Wilson, UK Ralf Zimmermann, Germany 3 2. DELEGATES • • • • • • • RSC: (19) 21 Company delegate: (48) 46 Scholarship: (3) 4 Invited guests: (4) 6 Delegates: (200) 159 Committee members (organizing, scientific, executive): (44) 46 Invited speakers: (20) 22 (total = 306) DELEGATES/DAY date Tuesday 28 January 2014 Wednesday 29 January 2014 Thursday 30 January 2014 Friday 31 January 2014 delegates (161) 122 (330) 302 (313) 293 (304) 286 activity HTSP-3 HTC-13 + HTSP-3 + RSC HTC-13 + RSC HTC-13 + RSC DELEGATES/COUNTRY Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Columbia Botswana Czech Republic Croatia Finland France Germany Greece Israel Italy Japan 5 4 112 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 19 19 3 1 6 6 Luxemburg Norway Oman Poland Russia S. Korea Saudi Arabia Servia Singapore South Africa Spain Switzerland Taiwan The Netherlands UK USA 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 6 7 2 25 52 10 4 3. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME • LECTURES AND COMPANY SEMINARS activity HTSP-3 subtotal HTC-13 RSC total Award session 0 1 1 2 plenary 2 2 0 4 keynote 5 23 1 29 oral 15 39 11 65 tutorial 0 8 2 10 product seminars subtotal 0 7 0 7 22 80 15 117 • POSTERS (Hyphenated) sample preparation Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry GC X GC 26 27 12 Column technology 9 LC-MS 24 LC X LC 7 New Instrumentation, methods, and detection techniques 9 Sub- and supercritical fluid chromatography 6 (Bio-)pharmaceutical 6 Life sciences (including proteomics and metabolomics) total 11 137 5 4. AWARDS • LIFETIME-ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Lifetime Achievement Award in Chromatography, sponsored by LC-GC Europe, was established in 2006 to recognize outstanding achievements in hyphenated techniques in chromatography and for distinguished service to the International chromatographic community. Previous recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award are Professor James Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, (2006) Dr. Robert Smits, Oostduinkerke, Belgium, (2008), Professor Pat Sandra, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (2010) and Professor Milos V. Novotny, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA The 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, presented at the HTC-13 Conference on 29 January 2014 is Professor Milton L. LEE, H. Tracy Hall Professor of Chemistry (1985-present) at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (USA). Professor LEE is specialized in micro separation techniques, monolithic stationary phases and in hand-portable GC-MS. • HTC-AWARD The most innovative paper or poster receives the HTC-Award, sponsored by Elsevier Science. This Award was established in 1996. Previous HTC-Award winners are Janusz Pawliszyn, University of Ontario, Canada (1996), Semjon Semenov, University of Moscow, Russia (1998), Heidi Goenaga-Infante, University of Antwerp, Belgium (2000), Aviv Amirav, Tel Aviv university, Israel (2002), Gert Desmet, Free University of Brussels, Belgium (2004), Luigi Mondello, University of Messina, Italy (2006), Robert Shellie, University of Tasmania, Australia (2008), Oliver Trapp, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2010) and Tuulia Hyötyläinen, VTT Research Institute, Finland (2012) The 2014 Award recipient is Dr. Frank DAVID, Research Institute for Chromatography, Kortrijk and University of Gent (Belgium) • POSTER AWARD The most innovative poster contributions of HTC-13 received the HTC-13 Poster Award. Jelle DE VOS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels (Belgium) received the first Poster Award Poster P_INST_3. A fundamental study of post-column focusing in liquid chromatography Authors: Jelle De Vos, Gert Desmet and Sebastiaan Eeltink 6 Piotr ALVAREZ, Ghent University, Ghent (belgium) received the second Poster Award Poster P_LIFE_5. Combining multiplexed gel capillary electrophoresis with liquid chromatography for offline comprehensive analysis of complex oligonucleotide samples Authors: Piotr Alvarez and Frederic Lynen Thorsten TEUTENBERG, Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V., Duisburg (Germany) received the third Poster Award Poster P_LCMS_12. Evaluation of a concept hyphenating flame ionization detection with nano- and capillary liquid chromatography Authors: Thorsten Teutenberg, Christian Becker, Maik Jochmann, Oliver Gassner and Steffen Wiese • KNOX MEDAL WINNER Peter Schoenmakers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands received the Knox Medal during the opening session of the RSC-session on Thursday 30 January 2014. 7 5. STATE-OF-THE-ART AND KEYNOTE LECTURES PLENARY LECTURES Monoliths and size exclusion chromatography for separation of large biomolecular assemblies Alois Jungbauer, Petra Steppert University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Vienna, Austria. SPME for on-site and lab quantification in complex systems – advantages and limitations Janusz Pawliszyn Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, CA Biological and biomimetic approach for selective sample pretreatment: development and application to trace analysis in real samples and hyphenation with miniaturized analytical devices Valérie Pichon, Audrey Combes, Fabien Brothier ESPCI ParisTech/UPMC, Paris, FR Instrument influences on observed column performance Gert Desmet, Kim Vanderlinden, Yoachim Vanderheyden, Ken Broeckhoven Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, BE From good multi-dimensional data to great multi-dimensional information Hans-Gerd Janssen, Ngoc A Dang , Sonja Kaal-Peters , Arend Kolk, Gabriel Vivo Truyols Unilever Research and Development Vlaardingen, NL One-dimensional and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to a multireflection, ultra-high resolution time-of-flight-mass spectrometer for characterization of complex mixtures Ralf Zimmermann a, Thomas Gröger a, Marie Schäffer a, Benedikt Weggler a, Jürgen Wendt b, Martin Sklorz a, Theo Schwemer a A Joint Mass Spectrometry Centre of University of Rostock, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Rostock/Germany and Helmholtz Zentrum München, DE B LECO Instrumente GmbH, DE RSC: KNOX MEDAL WINNER Selective two-dimensional separations in a hyphenation context Peter Schoenmakers University of Amsterdam, NL LIFE-TIME-ACHIEVEMENT AWARD HTC-13 Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography – A New Paradigm for Hyphenation Milton L. Lee, Anzi Wang, Jesse A. Contreras, Samuel E. Tolley, Matthew C. Asplund, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Aaron R. Hawkins, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering H. Dennis Tolley, Department of Statistics 8 Brigham Young University, Provo, USA KEYNOTE LECTURES GC-MS and mass fingerprinting for understanding and measuring aroma characteristics in food products P. Dirinck, I. Dirinck Odour & Flavour Consultancy bvba and SENSNET vzw, BE Use of liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) in bioanalytical assays applying micro-sampling of biological fluids blood for the determination of drug pharmacokinetics in clinical studies Juan Pablo Rincon, Roland J.W.Meesters Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, CO Multi-stir bar sorptive extraction (mSBSE): A new approach for SBSE using both non-polar and polar coatings Nobuo Ochiai, Kikuo Sasamoto, Teruyo Ieda, Frank David, Pat Sandra Gerstel, Tokyo, JP Use of laboratory chromatographs as online-instruments for wastewater monitoring Monika Wortberg, Winfried Ziemer, Christian Eichberger BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE Systematic optimisation and evaluation of LC×LC separation of phenolics: Fundamental aspects and selected applications A. de Villiers 1, K.M. Kalili 1, C.M. Willemse 1, M.A. Stander 2,3 1 Stellenbosch University, Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, SA 2 Stellenbosch University, Central Analytical Facility, SA 3 Stellenbosch University, Department of Biochemistry, SA Rapid collection of high solute amounts by using an on-line four-dimensional LC-GC-GC-GC preparative instrument Luigi Mondello 1,2, Danilo Sciarrone 1, Sebastiano Pantò 1, Peter Q. Tranchida 1 1 Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco e dei Prodotti per la Salute - University of Messina, Messina, IT 2 Centro Integrato di Ricerca (C.I.R.), University Campus Bio-Medico, Roma, IT You are what you eat: Using GCxGC to unravel the diet of the whale shark Robert Shellie, Laura Tedone ACROSS, UTAS, Hobart, AU Towards a simpler future in comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography Tadeusz Gorecki, Matthew Edwards, Ahmed Mostafa University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, CA New hyphenated techniques for aroma analysis Frank David 1, Maria Rambla-Alegre 1, Nobuo Ochiai 2, Kikuo Sasamoto 2, Kazuhisa Mitsui 3, Eri Masugi 3 , Yuta Yoshimura 3, Hisanori Nagata 3, Pat Sandra 1 1 Research Institute for Chromatography, Kortrijk, Belgium 2 Japan Tobacco Inc., Tobacco Science Research Center, Yokohama, Japan 9 3 GERSTEL K.K., Tokyo Japan Pulsed flow modulation GCxGC-MS with cold EI – the emergence of GCxGCxMS Aviv Amirav, Alexander B. Fialkov, Uri Keshet, Tal Alon School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, IS Design of the selectivity of stationary phases Michael Lämmerhofer University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, DE Detailed characterization of the kinetic performance of first and second generation silica monolithic columns for reversed-phase chromatography separations. Deirdre Cabooter, Alison Vanmessen, Ken Broeckhoven, Kazuki Nakanishi, Sander Deridder, Gert Desmet KU Leuven, Leuven, BE Translational environmental analytical chemistry: laboratory-to-field possibilities Hian Kee Lee National University of Singapore, Singapore, SG Polymeric monolithic materials for miniaturised bioanalysis Emily Hilder, Boon Hon Wei, Chris Desire, Dario Arrua, Esme Candish, Robert Shellie, Andrew Gooley University of Tasmania, Hobart, AU Large Scale Metabolic Phenotyping of Populations and Patients Jeremy K. Nicholson Imperial College, UK Next generation blood sampling in mass spectrometry based point of care diagnostics Fred Regnier, JinHee Kim, Tim Woenker Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA Combination of LC/MS and multivariate data analysis in the search for lipid biomarkers of serious human diseases Michal Holčapek, Eva Cífková, Miroslav Lísa, Blanka Červená University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Pardubice, CZ Planar microfluidic devices and selective detection in multi-dimensional gas chromatography Hernan J. Cortes 1,3, Robert A. Shellie 1, Jim Luong 1,2 1 Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), University of Tasmania, AU 2 Dow Chemical Canada ULC, CA 3 HJ Cortes Consulting LLC, USA Interaction of volatile organic compounds with airborne particulate matter by means of selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Christophe Walgraeve, Herman Van Langenhove, Kristof Demeestere Ghent University, Gent, BE High throughput peptides characterization in crude venoms: online sequencing and disulfide bridges annotation using multidimensional separation methods coupled to mass spectrometry. 10 Loic Quinton 1, Michel Degueldre 1, Julien Echterbille 1, Philippe Massonet 1, Marion Verdenaud 1, Nicolas Gilles 1, De Pauw Edwin 1 1 Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, GIGA-R, Université de Liège, BE 2 CEA/DSV/iBiTec-S/SIMOPRO Toxins, Receptors and Channels team, FR Multiple reaction monitoring, a good old friend rediscovered in hypothesis-driven proteomics Simon Devos, Bart Devreese Ghent University, Gent, BE Last developments in chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry to guarantee a high level of chemical food safety Bruno Le Bizec, Emmanuelle Bichon, Frabrice Monteau, Stephanie Prevost, Ludivine Seree, JeanPhilippe Antignac, Gaud Dervilly-Pinel Laberca, Nantes, FR Characterization of cheese using a foodomics approach Erwin Kaal, Cock Tas, Joep van Rijn, Adriana Carvalho de Souza, Eduard Derks, Brenda Ammerlaan, Marjon Kok, Lizette Maljaars, Marcel van Tilborg DSM Biotechnology Center, Delft, NL Pimp my GC Philip Marriott, Sung-Chin Tong, Blagoj Mitrevski, Sun Kim Lee Monash University, Clayton, AU Quantitative offline and online characterization of petrochemical and petroleum samples by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography coupled to FID/SCD/NCD/TOF-MS Kevin van Geem Ghent University, Ghent, BE Modulation and signal enhancement in liquid chromatography Jelle De Vos, Gert Desmet, Sebastiaan Eeltink Vrije Universiteit Brussels, BE Impact of extra-column band-broadening on the peak capacities of ultra-fast gradient separations in 2D-LC/UV or 2D-LC/MS Monika Dittmann, Stephan Buckenmaier Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, DE Reading the decomposition chemistry of human remains with a new pair of glasses Jean - François Focant, PH. Stefanuto, S. Stadler, K. Perrault, R. Pesesse, S. Forbes University of Liège, Liège, BE 11 6. EXHIBITORS AND SPONSORS The organizers wish to express their dearest appreciation to the following sponsors for their generous support. Without their valuable financial and technical support, this major symposium would not have been possible. AB Sciex Cheryl Goodall, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom Nina Dressel, Darmstadt, Germany Exhibitor Achrom Nina Van Bockstal, Zulte, Belgium Exhibitor Advion Kees Vlak, Harlow, United Kingdom Exhibitor American Elements Lyon, France Sponsor Atas GL Geert Alkema, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Exhibitor Campro Scientific and FMS Chris van Wakeren, Veenendaal, The Netherlands Yunyun Zou, Watertown, MA, USA Exhibitor Chromatography Today St. Albans, United Kingdom Chromedia Frank Van Geel, The Netherlands Elsevier Betty Chang, Bejing, China HTC-Award Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen Brussel, Belgium Conference subsidy Gerstel Gmbh & Co. KG Kaj Petersen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Golden sponsor 12 Ionbench Pieter DeKocker, Joigny, France JSB Marko Koenen, Eindhoven, The Netherlands LC-GC Europe (Advanstar) Alasdair Matheson, Wrexham, Chester, United Kingdom Life Time achievement Award Markes International Ltd. Gavin Davies, Llantrisant, United Kingdom Platinum Sponsor Peak Scientific Ann McLaren, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom Exhibitor Pfizer Roman Szucs, Sandwich, United Kingdom Sponsor Polyintell Sami Bayoudh, Val-de-Reuil, France Exhibitor RIC Pol Verschelde, Kortrijk, Belgium Sponsor Sample Q Joeri Vercammen, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Exhibitor SerCoLab bvba Frans Thijs, Antwerpen, Belgium Exhibitor Shimadzu Europa GmbH Uta Steeger, Duisburg, Germany Golden sponsor Sigma/Aldrich Frank Michel, Taufkirchen, Germany Golden sponsor Waters S.A.S. Diana Perrier, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France Golden sponsor
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