SBES-HSA General Meeting 09/25/2014 Participants

General Meeting
See Attendance Sheet
Agenda Distributed
The meeting occurred in St. Barnabas Elementary School Auditorium
Elaine White (VP) welcomed all and called the meeting to order.
Presidential Remarks (John Noone)
 The parents of SBES wanted an organization for themselves, to create opportunities for our children. The focus
will be on the children of the school.
The Home School Association (HSA) will:
o Be transparent
o There is a democratic process to every decision
o The Executive Board has met 15 times since last May
o The Executive Board/ HSA needs help from the parents
Dignity for all in a Catholic School setting
o Recent examples of parents behaving badly
 This cannot be tolerated
 These issues need to be addressed
 We are role models for our children
Things that the HSA cannot talk about:
o Teachers
o Academic performance of child
HSA discussions will be limited to HSA items only
The Executive Board introductions to participants:
 John Noone
 Elaine White
Vice President
 Aileen Dibra
 Deirdre Shaughnessy Treasurer
 Cathy Maguire
Communication Liaison
The floor was opened for discussion and Q&A from participants
 Feedback from previous meetings, held last Spring by Mr. Viceroy, was positive
 Salad Bar in cafeteria
 Door alarms
o The concerns of parents were heard and addressed
A letter of introduction to class parents—help people get to know each other
o Discussed directory effort currently ongoing
 Form went home with the option of sharing contact info with other parents within child’s class
Parents hope to see an increase in teacher use of the school notes web area
o Mr. Viceroy is encouraging use
More HSA information
o HSA has a website
 Will post minutes from meetings, etc
 Bylaws are currently there
o General meetings will be monthly
o Parent suggestion to offer an incentive to come
o Parent request to have agenda items in advance of meeting
o Guest speakers will be invited to present on pertinent topics
Concerns over morning drop off were discussed again
Fundraising for the school
o Using events as fundraisers
 Suggestions of:
 Tag sales
 Sock Hops
Discussion of HSA Events:
3 prerequisites for events;
1. Cannot be against the law
2. Cannot be against Church law
3. Cannot lose money
Mix & Mingle on 9/25
o Good way to get to know parents
Grade Executive/Class Representative Meeting—Saturday, 10/4 @ 10a
o Purpose: to discuss role of each, in terms of communication with teachers, and class specific events
o Parent request: can a communication go out to classes to let parents know who is in what role?
Halloween Event—10/24
o Chaired by D. Shaughnessy
 Requested ideas and help with the events
o Movie night?
o Option to use the gym for activities
o Only open to SBES families
o Costumes for all
o Halloween music mix
o Request parents/classes to bring something (i.e. bake something for the event)
o D. Shaughnessy to follow up
Meeting Close
 Msgr. Barry stopped in to say a few words and closed with a prayer
o Looking forward to seeing how the HSA and the Parish can collaborate
o Discussed the purpose and values of a Catholic School
o Discussed the Parish priests being involved with the school and the students
o Discussed Fmaily Mass events
 J. Noone indicated that HSA would like to host:
o 1 student event/month
o 1 parent event/quarter
 Closing remark
o A great HSA makes a better school
 We need participation
 We need partnership between HSA and the parents
 Next meetings:
o October 23
o December 4