New Era Academy School No. 422 2013 School Profile School Information School Profiles present a summary of up to three years of public schoolwide data on each school in Baltimore City. This profile includes information on principal and teacher tenure, official enrollment, student demographics, attendance, suspension, and the School Survey. The Profile also reports results from the Maryland School Assessments (MSAs) for Grades 6 through 8, as well as high school graduation and dropout rates, the proportion of 12th-grade students who completed graduation requirements by different pathways, annual High School Assessment (HSA) pass rates, and performance on SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) exams. For more information, visit the City Schools Office of Achievement and Accountability department website or Phone Management Type 443-984-2415 Transformation Address Principal 2700 Seamon Avenue Baltimore, MD 21225 Sandra Howard Simmons Grades Served Tenure with City Schools 6 - 12 5 years Teachers Figures are based on full-time employed teachers as of 10/15/2013. Percentage of Teacher Tenure in City Schools Total No. of Teachers 22 10+ years employed Welcome 27 6-10 18 3-5 No Data Available 14 0-2 41 0 20 40 60 % of teachers 80 100 Enrollment The official student enrollment is determined as of September 30 of the year specified. FARMs students are those who receive Free/Reduced Price Meals at school, as determined by the US Department of Agriculture. ELL (English Language Learners) students are those whose primary or home language is not English, and who have been assessed to have limited English proficiency. SWD (Students with Disabilities) are those who have current Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Total Student Enrollment 2013 Percentage of Enrollment Population by Demographic 2000 race / ethnicity African American 1750 1500 1250 2 Hispanic 7 Asian/Pacific Islander <1 American Indian <1 Multiracial Native Hawaiian/Other 1000 <1 0 750 500 90 White 398 408 356 0 2011 2012 2013 40 60 80 100 % of students 2013 Percentage of Enrollment Population by Subgroup FARMs 250 20 ELL SWD FARMs ELL SWD 83.1% 3.1% 19.7% Non-FARMs Non-ELL Non-SWD 16.9% 96.9% 80.3% New Era Academy School No. 422 Attendance Suspensions Attendance rates are computed by dividing the total number of days attended by the total number of days enrolled for the entire school year. Chronic absence is the percent of students who were absent more than 20 days, among students who were enrolled for at least 90 days. The number of suspensions in a school year includes all suspension incidents and expulsions. Attendance Rate (%) Number of Student Suspensions 100 85.6 Chronic Absence Rate (%) 87.4 87.3 600 100 500 80 80 60 60 400 300 39.3 28.9 40 40 20 20 100 0 0 0 2011 2012 2013 27.2 200 2011 2012 2013 68 92 87 2011 2012 2013 School Survey The annual School Survey is administered to students in grades 3-12, all school-based staff, and parents of students in PreK-12. Three separate indices were calculated that represent a combination of student, staff, and parent report. These three indices reflect key measures of school climate as defined by the National School Climate Center. Data is unavailable when any of the three stakeholder groups had 5 or fewer respondents and if the response rates for students or staff were less than 30%.The Physical Security Index measures the extent to which students and staff feel safe in a school building, parents feel that their child is safe, and students fighting and bringing weapons to school is NOT a problem. The Respectful Relationships Index measures the extent to which students and staff report that there are respectful relationships among students, and between students and staff, at their school. The School Connectedness Index, which is new for 2013, measures the extent to which students and staff feel they belong at the school, that parents feel welcome, that staff and parents work closely to meet students’ needs, and that the administration is responsive to parent and staff concerns. Respectful Relationships Index 60 40 20 72 80 59 0 60 40 20 No Index Available 64 No Index Available No Index Available 80 100 29 0 2012 64 2013 59 80 75 No Index Available 100 No Index Available 100 School Connectedness Index No Index Available Physical Security Index 2012 2013 60 40 20 0 2012 72 2013 29 -2- ## 75 New Era Academy School No. 422 MSA Results The Maryland School Assessment (MSA) is administered in the spring of each year to all students in Grades 3-8. It assesses student achievement in both math and reading. Numbers in parentheses represent student counts for math and reading, respectively. Groups are color coded and categorized by Basic, Proficient, and Advanced performance. “% Proficient/Advanced” indicates the total percentage of students scoring either Proficient or Advanced on the MSA. BASIC PROFICIENT ADVANCED MATHEMATICS READING Performance Percentage for All Grades Performance Percentage for All Grades 100 100 60 60 40 80 69 51 % of students % of students 80 44 31 33 20 53 60 40 37 30 7 5 49 18 18 20 43 45 8 1 0 0 2011 2012 (90 Students) % proficient or advanced 2013 2011 (136 Students) (130 Students) 67% (91 Students) % proficient or advanced 32% 49% Performance Percentage by Grade 2011 B P B P 2013 (123 Students) (131 Students) 70% 57% 63% Performance Percentage by Grade 2012 A 2012 2013 A B P 2011 A B Grade 3 0 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 0 0 Grade 4 Grade 5 0 0 Grade 5 P 2012 A B P 2013 A B P A Grade 6 30 60 11 33 58 9 54 46 0 300 300 Grade 6 32 54 14 33 54 14 49 43 8 Grade 7 39 61 54 43 4 67 33 0 300 300 Grade 7 27 50 24 35 46 20 33 60 6 69 29 3 82 16 2 200 200 Grade 8 52 28 20 Grade 8 0 * Denotes subgroup with fewer than 10 students who took the test -3- 48 41 11 New Era Academy School No. 422 MSA Comparison (Continued) BASIC PROFICIENT ADVANCED MATHEMATICS READING Performance Percentage by Subgroup 2011 B FARMs ELL SWD P 34 59 * * 80 20 Performance Percentage by Subgroup 2012 A B P 8 52 44 2013 A 4 * * * * 0 94 6 0 B P 2011 A B 69 30 1 300 300 FARMs * * * 0 0 ELL 87 13 0 300 300 SWD Performance Percentage by Demographic 2011 B African American P 33 60 B P 7 50 45 5 B P A African 68 32 1 300 300 American * * * * 0 0 White * * * * * * 0 0 Hispanic Asian / Pacific Isl. 0 0 Asian / Pacific Isl. American Indian 0 0 American Indian Multiracial 0 0 Multiracial 0 Native 0 Hawaiian / Other Hispanic Native Hawaiian / Other * * * * * * 50 50 B * * * * 0 * P * 72 28 2011 * White B A 27 56 17 39 46 14 2013 A A 2013 B A 43 48 9 * * 0 P * * 79 21 0 Performance Percentage by Demographic 2012 A P 2012 P 2012 A P A 30 52 18 37 45 18 * * * * Denotes subgroup with fewer than 10 students who took the test -4- B 2013 B P A 42 50 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * New Era Academy School No. 422 Graduation and Dropout Rates Students are assigned to a class year based on the year in which they entered the 9th grade. For example, the Class of 2011 includes students who entered 9th grade in 2007. 4-Year measures include outcomes through August after the 4th year; 5-Year measures include outcomes through June after the 5th year. 4-Year Graduation Rate (%) 5-Year Graduation Rate (%) 100 100 61 66 60 40 20 0 Class of 65 80 73 81 100 80 % of students 69 % of students % of students 80 4-Year Dropout Rate (%) 60 40 40 15 20 20 0 2011 2012 2013 60 0 2010 2011 2012 Class of Class of 4 7 2011 2012 2013 Paths to Graduation Annual HSA Pass Rates Maryland high school students can fulfill graduation requirements in one of three ways: 1) by passing all High School Assessment (HSA) exams (or achieving a sufficient composite score on all exams), 2) by completing a Bridge Plan for Academic Validation, or 3) by receiving a limited waiver from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The percentages below represent the proportion of graduates who fulfilled their graduation requirements via each method. HSA Exams included English, Biology, and Algebra in 2012 and 2013. In 2011, passing an HSA exam in Government was also a graduation requirement. The Maryland High School Assessments (HSA) are tests that measure school and individual student progress toward Maryland's High School Core Learning Goals. The HSAs are given in October, January, May, and July/August. A special, seniorsonly, administration is given in April. City Schools calculates annual HSA pass rates as the percent of all test takers in a school who passed the HSA within the given school year. This rate includes results from the HSA exams in Algebra, Biology, English, and Government (2011 and 2013 only). Percentage of Annual HSA Pass Rates 100 100 80 80 % of exams passed % of students Percentage Graduating by Pathway 60 40 HSA + BRIDGE WAIVER 46 40 30 24 2012 2013 20 20 0 60 2011 2012 2013 78% 22% 0% 64% 36% 0% 85% 15% 0% 0 -5- 2011 New Era Academy School No. 422 SAT Performance The SAT is designed to assess students’ academic readiness for college. Data are provided by the College Board. Results include all students who took the SAT within the given school year. The composite score is the average combined score on the Critical Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the SAT. Average Composite SAT Score Average Critical Reading Score 800 2400 2200 700 critical reading score composite score 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1001 1005 1007 1000 500 400 338 337 339 2011 2012 2013 336 343 336 2011 2012 2013 300 800 600 600 200 2011 2012 2013 (78 Students) (59 Students) (61 Students) (number of students taking SAT) Average Math Score 800 800 700 700 600 600 math score writing score Average Writing Score 500 400 327 325 332 400 300 300 200 500 200 2011 2012 2013 Advanced Placement (AP) Performance The AP Examinations are administered each year in May and represent the culmination of college-level work in a given discipline in a high school setting. The exams test students' ability to perform at a college level. Data are provided by the College Board. Results include all AP exams taken within the given school year. Students can take more than one AP exam; the data below represents the total of number of exams taken at the school. A score of 3 is considered Qualified by the College Board, and is often accepted for college course credit. (Note: A value of “S” indicates that fewer than 10 exams were taken at the school, and results were suppressed) Number of Passed AP Exams 2011 2012 2013 Number of exams taken 36 S S Number of exams with a score of 3 or above 1 S S -6-
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