Open event for the World Mental Health Day Opening of the 6th World Hearing Voices Congress Friday 10 October 2014 18.00-21.00 Ceremony Hall, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Organized by: Intervoice Hellenic Hearing Voices Network Hellenic Observatory for Rights in the Field of Mental Health School of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Programme 18.00-18.15 Opening / Welcome 18.15-18.30 World Hearing Voices Congresses: From Melbourne to Thessaloniki 18.30-20.00 Forum: «National mental health care systems: Problems and alternative practices», with contributions from Australia, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Kenya, the Netherlands, New Zealand, U.K., U.S.A and Greece. Chair: Dirk Corstens. 20.00-20.30 Marius Romme – World Hearing Voices movement: Where are we and where are we heading? 20.30-21.00 Virginia Ioannidou, Marianna Kefallinou & Marina Lykovounioti – Hellenic Hearing Voices Network Free admission With simultaneous interpretation Saturday, 11th October Room/ Venue Time 9.009.30 9.3010.00 Registration Introduction and Welcome 1 10.0012.00 1 ● ● ● ● ● ● Plenary session (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Peter Bullimore (UK), Development of the Greek hearing voices network Marina Lykovounioti (GR), Changing our relationship with the voices - Usefulness of voices Olga Runciman (DK), Voice hearers as Odysseus Irene van de Giessen (NL), The need for an Odyssean construction of hearing voices Dimitris Chatzivasileadis (GR), Undoing a myth - part A Marius Romme (NL), How to solve the schizophrenia problem 12.0012.30 Coffee break * National Networks (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) ● Jacqui Day, Josie Scata, Chris Madson (AU),Hearing voices network of Western Australia – You hear, we Talk Art 2 W 3 Peter Bullimore (UK), Identifying the trauma to understand paranoia (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) For. 4 ● Maria Drandaki (GR), Outcomes of the HVN seminar on hearing voices at the Community Mental Health Center of Rethymno (15’ talk) ● Hellenic Hearing Voices Network (GR), Forum W 12.3013.30 listen 1 5 Lamprini Gregoriou, Yorgos Tsaras, Byron Lazaridis (GR), Drawing our inner voices (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 13.3014.30 ● Mario Cardano, Gino Fornace, Marcello Macario, Roberto Pezzano, Glenda Piona, Raffaella Pocobello, Alessandra Santoni (IT), Challenges and Research Issues from the Italian HV ● Pino Pini, Donatella Miccinesi, Gianluigi Crispino (IT), Development of the Prato hearing voices group within its own local mental health system ● Lillian Charitaki Asimou (GR), Cockroach – psychosis (30’ Puppetry performance) (An English translation of most parts of the performance will be distributed in print) ● Helena Tonikidi, Stella Kolyvopoulou (GR), SοΜA & Voices (15΄ Performance) Light lunch break * 14.3016.00 Workshop Talk Personal Stories (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) ● Annie Roker, Cath Brumby (AU), The return journey to Thessaloniki: An Australian’s story of voice hearing and 1 recovery, utilising a hearing voices support group and an ACT for psychosis group ● Chris Madson (AU) On and on it goes where it stops nobody knows ● Dimitris Chatzivasileadis (GR), Undoing a myth – part B 2 Monique Dalgleish (AU), Creativity and making change in mental health (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 3 Antonis Liodakis (GR), The psychodrama of voices (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 4 Joel Waddingham, Adam Jhugroo (UK), What does it mean to be a mental health nurse within the hearing voices movement? (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 5 Rufus May (UK), Conflict resolution within the Hearing Voices Movement (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 16.0016.30 Coffee break * Talk Research I (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 1 Workshop 16.3018.00 18.0019.00 2 3 5 1 ● Zoe Moulara (GR), "I hear voices" ● Octavia Wilson (NZ), Kiwis, voices, and ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for young New Zealanders experiencing their first episode of psychosis ● Anastassios Koukis (GR), Dreaming and psychosis: Coping with hearing voices in the group-analytic group ● Vassiliki Fenekou (GR), Comparative study of two cases of psychotherapeutic intervention with voice hearers Kate Crawford (UK), Advantages and disadvantages of self-help support groups (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Anna Maria Antonopoulou, Demetra Mantzari (GR), Bridges from the lotus fruit eaters' island (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Marianna Kefallinou, Lykourgos Karatzaferis (GR), 'How do I ever find true home again?' The hero's journey to thriving (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) World Café * The workshop: Exercise of simulating disturbing voices by Marieva Dailaki will take place during breaks. N.B. Unless otherwise stated, workshops, talks etc with no interpretation will be in English, except for Greek speakers’, which will be in Greek. Time 9.009.30 Room/ Venue Sunday, 12th October 1 Declaration Plenary session (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) ● Sandra Escher (NL), The differences between patients and non-patients children and youngsters hearing voices ● Sam Warner (UK), Visions, voices, dissociated parts and child sexual abuse: From living life in crisis to moving 9.3011.30 1 11.3012.00 on to recovery ● Will Hall (US), Suicidal feelings and social justice ● Angela Woods, Ben Alderson-Day, Nev Jones (UK), “I’m not sure how much of this fits your definition, so I’ll try and describe it all.” Findings from an interdisciplinary study of voice-hearing ● Rachel Waddingham (UK), “Can you sit beside me whilst the sky falls in?” Learning from HV groups in prisons ● Rufus May (UK), In a crisis: Finding ways to live with voices of panic, blame and punishment Coffee break * Research II (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Talk 1 S ● Monique Dalgleish (AU), Ripped jeans and recovery: A discussion of the commodification of recovery in mental 2 Workshop 12.0013.30 3 health treatment ● Kelly, A., Rhodes, P., Mikes-Liu, K., McDonald, C., Graham, L. (AU), The use of psychiatric diagnosis on three child and adolescent inpatient units: A qualitative study ● Joachim Schnackenberg (DE), Experience focused counselling with voice hearers in training and practice: Early results from a randomised-controlled trial pilot study ● Rose Tomlins, James Cawley (UK), “I didn’t know other people existed that hear voices”: Evaluating a new hearing voices group for people with learning disabilities Symposium: Peter Bullimore, Simon Mullins, Frank Appah (UK), Facilitating a Maastricht Assessment Center for hearing voices (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Marina Lykovounioti (GR), Ourselves, our thoughts, the world and the voices – the world is paranoid but life is wonderful (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 4 Kellie Comans (AU), Blowing the lid off guilt and shame (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 5 Support Group For Family Members and Friends - HVN Athens (GR), Past worrying, beyond caring, towards embracing (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 13.3014.30 Light lunch break * Sociopolitical dimensions (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Talk 1 person-view ● Robin Timmers (NL), Hearing voices, recovery & emancipation: Lessons learned and future challenges ● Antonis Liodakis (GR), I hear smells: The victory of auditory hallucinations Film 2 Caroline Von Taysen (DE), Kanja Waithira (KE), Who says what's normal? (27΄ Documentary + discussion) 3 Lillian Charitaki Asimou, Vassiliki Fenekou (GR), Unusual beliefs - paranoia and coping strategies Donna Murray (AU), Working creatively with voices to reduce the distress and understanding the experience toward self driven recovery (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 4 Rachel Waddingham (UK), On the edge?: Supporting young people who hear ‘violent voices’ (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 5 Rufus May (UK), Feeding your demons (25' Meditation + discussion) (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Workshop 14.3015.30 ● Anna Emmanouilidou (GR), Odysseying with the Sirens: Ulysses, life and ambivalence in a new world- and 15.3016.00 Coffee break * Research III (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Talk Film 17.30 18.30 1 2 W 16.0017.30 ● Jonathan Gadsby (UK), New research from Birmingham about hearing voices ● Kostoula Maki (GR), Documenting "voices" in comics: The case of Sarafin ● Athena Peglidou (GR), Uses of voices and devices of psychosis in a psychiatric hospital ● David Adams (US), Michel Foucault on madness and metaphor 3 Will Hall (US), Supporting psychiatric medication withdrawal: A harm reduction approach (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) 1 Congress closing (EN ↔ GR interpretation available) Playback Theatre (GR), I hear, I experience, I commmunicate ● Lisa Forestell, Marty Hadge, Caroline White, Chris Carlton (US), The virtues of non-compliance (30' Film + discussion) ● James de Blas (AU), Psychiatric superhero (4' video) * The workshop: Exercise of simulating disturbing voices by Marieva Dailaki will take place during breaks. N.B. Unless otherwise stated, workshops, talks etc with no interpretation will be in English, excep t for Greek speakers’, which will be in Greek.
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