ISTD DIPLOMA BOARD GUIDELINES FOR EMERGING HRD THINKER'S AWARD Introduction In pursuance of the objectives of ISTD Diploma Programme, the Board has decided to organize an Annual Competition among present Diploma participants; its Alumni; ISTD Members and All Corporate and Academic Institutions by inviting Research Paper or Case Study on identified subjects The organisation of the award shall be governed by the following regulations. Title of the Award : EMERGING HRD THINKER'S AWARD Periodicity : Annual Objectives E To encourage innovative and positive thinking in HRD among the HRD fraternity. E To provide a forum for outstanding talent in the Diploma Proqrarrrne for national global recognition. E To encourage and provide opportunities to the talented ISTD Diploma present participants and alumni to share their experiences and experiments. E To develop and promote the concept of documentation of the vision and experiences in the subject area, which will help to cope up with the emerging professional challenges. E To facilitate and encourage capable and talented professionals by developing confidence in writing skills and in dissemination of knowledge and concepts through in-depth studies and research work. Eligibility The award is open to all present participants of ISTD Diploma Programme; its Alumni and members of ISTD urder Category-I All Corporate and Academic Institutions under Category-II Procedure & Rules for submission of Paper The eligible participants shall submit a paper as per the following guidelines before the due date: 1. Each participant should mention the Category opted. 2. Each Diploma Student and ISTD Member should mention the Registration Number and Membership Number respectively. 3. Each participant will submit only one Paper. 4. Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate. Articles should be typed on A-4 bond paper and on one side only, with sufficient margins on all four sides. The text, abstract, notes, references and all other matter should be typed in double-space. Papers should not exceed 2500 words. A soft copy on MSWord shall also be submitted. An abstract of 200 words should accompany the paper. 5. Contributors must provide an undertaking along with the articles stating that "the contents of this Paper are my own and have neither been published nor have been submitted for publication elsewhere and that the copyrights shall vest in ISTD if the paper is selected by ISTD for publication." 6. Notes should be typed on separate sheets, numbered serially and appended at the end of the paper. 7. Where alternative forms exist, such as 'z' in '-ize', '-zation' should be used. Similarly British spellings rather than American be used. (Thus 'programme' not 'program'). 8. Single quotation marks be used, reserving double quotes for quoted words within a quotation. Quotations in excess of 45 words should be set off from the text. 9. Capitalization should be kept to the minimum and applied consistently. 10. Figures (and not words) be used for exact measurements and percentages. Use thousands, millions, billions, not lakhs and crores. 11. Tables and Figures should be indicated by numbers Table 1 and so on not location '(as in the Table below)'. Figures and tables should be presented on separate sheets and gathered at the end of the article, with their locations in the text clearly indicated. Sources and units of measurement should be stated. 12. References should contain the name of the author, title/sub-title of the books, articles, paper, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, number of pages and year in that order. 13. Contestants must provide their affiliations with their organisations complete mailing addresses (both postal and e-mail), and phone and fax numbers. All material shall be submitted to The Diploma Programme, lSTD, Training House, B-23, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi -110016. Evaluation All entries will be scrutinized and validated by a 'Screening Committee' consisting of the Director, Executive Director, ISTD. In the non-availability of any of these, the Chairman, Board will nominate a replacement. Recommendations of the Screening Committee will be submitted to the Jury. Evaluation will be carried out by a Jury consisting of three to members and a Chairman nominated by Chairman, Diploma Board in consulation with Co-Chairman, two members of the Board and the Director. The papers shall be evaluated for originality or innovative ideas, the substance of contents, depth of analysis, style of presentation. Each member of the Jury shall give the rating in a 1 to 100 point scale. The minimum points secured by any awardee shall not be less than an average of 60 per jury member. The decision of the Jury would be final and binding. The award will be subject to the Jury's opinion that the paper is of a minimum standard set for the award. Awards: First Prize : Second Prize : Rs. 15,000/- Cash Prize plus Gold Medal Rs. 10,000/- Cash Prize plus Silver Medal Certificates of Merit for three outstanding contributions: 2000/- each. Time Schedule (Subject to Change) Issue of Notification : By First Week of December Date for Submission : By Second Week of February Scrutiny and Validation at National Headquarters by the Screening Committee and submission of recommendations to the Jury. : By First Week of March Evaluation and final selection by the Jury and submission of the results to NHQ : By End of March Announcement of Winners : By End of March Presentation of Awards : At the Diploma Convocation Ceremony or ISTD Convention or any similar function. December 1, 2014 Dr. Nanditesh Nilay Chairman Diploma Board
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