Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Action and Discussion Points Agenda The main purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the humanitarian situation in Amran and in All Dhale governorate. - Introduction of of the new FSAC facilitator in Aden. - FSAC updates from partners - The food security situation in Amran and Al-Dhale - Updates on locust emergency in Tehama region - FSAC presence in Aden - AOB - Next Meeting venue and time Attending partners Name 1- Abdulhafeed Job title Dep. Of FSL Organization Phone ACF 737335914 2- Dr AmalAtaf Dep. Nut.HOD ACF 770152729 34567- IPC National cons. Representative ER Cluster coordinator Grants &Dev.Pro. Emergency Coordinator FAO Partner Aid UNDP DRC Care 735375479 736656233 712222347 736555098 715005503 8- Anabel Karreras 9- Dr Bashir Ahmed Gender Advisor Programm Manager 712222189 73913373 10- Ahmd Shah VAM Officer OCHA Islamic help UK WFP Email [email protected]_acf.or g [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emergency.coordinator@carey [email protected] [email protected] 734000365 [email protected] Merna Hassan Jin Nyandga Federica Dispenea Anna Stein Richard Hamilton 1 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a 11121314151617- ParthaSarathy HanaliaFerhan Joseph Aloo Ahmed Alsharaji Walter Bruzzoni Rachel Eichholz Evangeline Meglynn Advisor Project Dev Manager Programme Funding Officer EX Manager Cluster coordinator/Shelter /ECCM/WFI EFSL Coordinator GIS and IM specialist 18192021- MarwaNasher Regina Bakhteare Susan Mcintyre Farouk Al-Salihi CD Assistant Donor & external Rel. Sr.Hum. Advisor Facilitator-South GIZ ACTED Progressio HFY UNHCR OXFAM Reach/ ACTED ACF WFP USAID FSAC 777187450 711105434 738188211 734288007 712225114 736333859 736574355 737789325 738400625 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] g [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Partner Updates FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form – 24 February 2014 Organisation Name: World Food Programme, Yemen Country Office. Contact Persons in Organisation: For Food Security Assistance Operations related issues: Name: Francesca Erdelmann Title: Head of Programme Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: +967 737891243 Name: Iain Mcdonald Title: Emergency Coordinator Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: +967 736777832 2 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a For Food Security Assessment/Monitoring related issues: Name: AhmadshahShahi Title: Head, VAM/M&E Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: +967 734000365 Name: EndalkachewAlamnew Title: VAM Officer Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: +967 737789132 Name: Ahmed Ismail Title: National VAM Officer Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: +967 733232198 Current Activities and Location of Activities: Food Assistance Operations: In February, WFP plans to reach over one million beneficiaries. The first DEV 200432 distribution began on 12 February, targeting 100,000 school girls in 1,054 schools across ten governorates. Under the project, 15,810 mt will be distributed through take home rations benefiting 700,000 people. Internally displaced persons (IDP) distributions in Sana’a and Amran for January are progressing well. Distributions for Abyan returnees will start on 18 February. IDP distributions in Hajjah will start on 17 February, covering February-March needs. In Amran, one-off small rations were distributed to 564 households recently displaced from Asha and Ghafla areas in early February. Yemen Postal Authority finished the second cycle (January 2014) of emergency safety net (ESN) cash 3 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a distributions in Ibb and Taiz. Some 55,611 households received entitlements. Food Security Assessment/Monitoring: The monthly market watch reports are regularly published every month – the most recent report will be for January 2014 which will be disseminated on in the coming few days. The market monitoring covers six major strategic markets/towns – Sana’a, Amran, Hajja, Sa’ada, Aden and Al Hudieda. WFP and UNHCR have conducted Nutrition and Food Security Survey on Refugees in Yemen – currently draft report has been completed. Rapid assessment on the impact of the locust infestation/outbreak in the Tihama region of Yemen which covers western parts of Hajja, Hodieda and Taiz governorates is completed and shared with stakeholders. Planned Assessments: Preparations for conducting the third Comprehensive Food Security Survey (CFSS) is being completed and is going to be carried out jointly with CSO and UNICEF. Stakeholders’ meeting was done on 27 January 2014 which resulted in the establishment of a Technical Steering Committee consisting of members from government, donors, NGOs, UN agencies, FSAC and Nutrition Coordinators. The Committee me on the 18th February and made good progress in finalizing the tools and methodology of the CFSS. Training for enumerators/supervisors will take place in the last week of February and data collection will be conducted between March and April 2014, data processing/analysis will be done between May and July, draft report will be produced by end of July, and final report will be disseminated in August/September 2014. Market data collection and analysis is ongoing for the month of February 2014 and the market watch report will be disseminated by third week of March 2014. 4 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Upcoming Activities: WFP’s Executive Board formally approved PRRO 200636, Safeguarding Lives, Boosting Food Security and Nutrition, and Building Resilience. It will run from July 2014 to June 2016. The current EMOP has been extended for six months to mid-2014, pending an official approval. New food for assets activities will be piloted ahead of the PRRO. Observed Gaps and Needs: Information gaps persisted for Al Jawuf and Sa’ada governorates, and other localized conflict affected areas. Challenges: Many areas are inaccessible for surveys and for market monitoring due to security reasons, mainly Al Jawuf and Sa’ada governorates. FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form DRC Current Activities and Location of Activities: Name: Anna Stein Title: Grants and Programme Development Officer Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 736 555 098 Cash for work activities in Dar Saad and Sheikh Othman districts, Aden with 1,200 individuals Life skills training for 1,200 individuals Last Update January, 2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: 5 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Planned Assessments: Participate in upcoming OCHA-led assessment in Aden Upcoming Activities: Continuation of CFW and life skills training activities until June Observed Gaps and Needs: Need for activities to address livelihoods and food security gaps in Aden City Challenges: FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form Save the Children International (SCI) Current Activities and Location of Activities: 1) Hodeidah-Bajil District Cash for work activities ($50/Month/HH for Six months) to 850 HHs in two cluster areas, the last transfers Name: Samuel Mamo/Mohammed Alshama Title: FSL Advisor/ MEAL manager Email:[email protected]/[email protected] Mobile Number: 736800477 will be paid at the end of March 2014 Ongoing Hygiene Promotion in the targeted areas. (Continued) 2) Dhamar (Utmah , MagribAns districts) and Sana’a (BiladArus) Last Update Februa ry y,2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: 6 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Food for Assets Finalised the establishment and training of Community Resilience Committees (CRCs) in all the three Districts Completed the design of identified initial FFA community assets in the three districts. Monitoring of FFA work sites in progress Vendors training and contracting process is ongoing – Utmah , MagribAns and BiladRus Printing Beneficiaries IDs Round 1 Voucher Distribution Infant and Young Children Feeding – IYCF Nutrition Team Recruitment, Staff training and capacity building Vocational Skills Training Identified the site for the establishment of the Training Centre P in Utmah district to be used for beneficiaries/trainees of both Utmah and Maghrib Ans. In the process of purchasing all the requisite materials and equipment Curriculum for all the skills developed and Bill of Quantities ready. Work plan developed 3) Lahj (Al Milah, Radfan, &Tuban) and Taiz (DimnatKhadir& Al Ma’afer districts) Cash for Work activities 8,000 beneficiaries i.e. 4,000 in each governorate started - Identification of vocational skills training centres Planned Assessments: 1) 2) HodeidahBajilDistic Post Distribution Monitoring; Market Price Monitoring; End line Assessment Dhamar (Utmah , MagribAns districts) and Sana’a (BiladArus) Project baseline Preparation for baseline survey completed and the data collction will be started in the first/second week fo March KAP survey for the Nutrition indicators 7 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a 3) Lahj (Al Milah, Radfan, &Tuban) and Taiz (DimnatKhadir& Al Ma’afer districts) Upcoming Activities: 1) Hodeidah PDM & MPM End line Assessment. 2) Dhamar (Utmah , MagribAns districts) and Sana’a (BiladArus) Monitoring of FFA community assets development Round 1 voucher transfer Community sensitization and training of Volunteers Establishment of MTMSGs Recruitment of Skills Training beneficiaries Skills Trainings 3) Lahj (Al Milah, Radfan, &Tuban) and Taiz (DimnatKhadir& Al Ma’afer districts) Cash and in kind support for asset creation for vulnerable households (12,000) in Taiz and Lahj. Community nutrition education through mother to mother support groups using community volunteers Observed Gaps and Needs: Market price monitoring activities There is need for more area and HHs coverage with relatively long term Livelihood recovery project activities FSL activity is covering only a third of the needy HHs in the targeted cluster of Bajil district Too many needy households and programme not able to reach all deserving households Lack of affordable MFI institutions with available ones charging an interest of 24% Insecurity in some parts of the intervention district of Utmah BiladAlrus district are not familiar with NGO working in their village of which hinders activities to some extent Challenges: 8 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form Oxfam Current Activities and Location of Activities: Hays and Al Sukhna, Hodeidah CfW, 2000 HH (road, land, well rehab, protective wall, water canal) Marketing and management skills, 93 HH Small shop inputs, 70 bnfs Bee keeping input distribution, 188 HH Paravet training, 16 HH Haradh and Abs, Hajjah Paravet training, 16 HH Bee keeping training, 100 HH Livelihoods diversification, 40 HH CfW DfID baseline is finalised Finalising the PCVA Planned Assessments: Upcoming Activities: Name: Rachel Eichholz Title: EFSL Coordinator Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 736333859 CfW Unconditional cash transfers Business skills training Paravet training Last Update February ,2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: 9 Action and Discussion Points Observed Gaps and Needs: Challenges: Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a PCVA HR gaps Fuel shortage in Haradh and Sa’ada 10 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form Progressio Current Activities and Location of Activities: Name: Joseph O. Aloo Title: Programme Funding Officer Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 738188211 HIV and AIDS in Yemen, "Low prevalence, high Vulnerability" Project funded by EC. Implemented in Sanaa, Hodeida and Aden governorates. Yemen at a Crossroads: Promoting good governance and citizens’ participation in a fragile context. Project funded by SIDA and implemented jointly with Oxfam GB and Oxfam Novib. Covers 8 districts in four governorates (Hodeida – Al Munirah and Hays districts; AdenKhorMaksar and Dar Sa’ad districts; Taiz- Al Mawasit and Al Misrakh districts; HadramoutHajr and Al Qatn districts) as well as the Capital Sanaa. Honour, Power and Expectation (HOPE) for Women in Hodeida. Project funded by EC and implemented in partnership with Reach Out Foundation for Human Development (RFHD). Covers four districts in Hodeida governorate. Protection of the Rights of Female Inmates and Juvenile Offenders in Hodeida. Project funded by EC and implemented in partnership with Abo Musa Alashary Social Charitable Association. Covers four districts in Hodeida Governorate. Enhancing Women’s Participation in Governance Project. Project funded by FCO and implemented in partnership with Reach Out Foundation for Human Development (RFHD). Covers six districts in Hodeida governorate. Improved safe drinking water, Hygiene and sanitation for marginalized people in Eastern and Western Albaida districts of Hodeida Governorate. Project funded by UNOCHA and implemented in partnership with National Foundation for Development and Human Rights Last Update February ,2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: 11 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a (NFDHR). Planned Assessments: Upcoming Activities: Observed Gaps and Needs: Challenges: Food security and livelihoods in Zabeed district, Hodeida governorate. 12 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form ACF Current Activities and Location of Activities: Fifth and final cash transfer in both Hajjah (DFID) and Hodeidah (ECHO) IGA feasibility study in Hodeidah for ECHO project. 300 beneficiaries will benefit from this activitiy Planned Assessments: Cash impact study for DFID and ECHO projects in Hodeida and Hajjah to be implemented coming month Upcoming Activities: Observed Gaps and Needs: Challenges: Last Update Name: Abdulhafeed Al-Amery Title: Deputy Head of Food Security and Livelihood Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 737335914 Restocking support to households in JabalRas. Beneficiary identification (325 hh) from within ECHO cash transfer caseloads to be implemented between March and May 2014 Long term livelihood support interventions set to begin in March in Alkhawkha for Income generating activity support targeting 300 beneficiaries Hodeidah livestock epidemiological reports will be required before restocking activities are conducted in JabalRas to get data on prevalent diseases which will then guide vaccination prior to implementation of the restocking exercise February ,2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: 13 Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Action and Discussion Points FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form Current Activities and Location of Activities: Name: Salah Hajj Hassan Title: FAO Representative Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 736600955 - Planned Assessments: - Upcoming Activities: - Observed Gaps and Needs: Challenges: Last Update FAO Providing crop seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural hand tools for 2000 farmers (returnees) in Abyan . Supporting 530 farmers with concentrate and dry fodders in Abyan Supporting 3070 poor families with home gardening seedlings and egg lying chicken in Hajja Supporting fishers with fishing tools (200 beneficiaries). (Abyan) Animal vaccination campaign in some districts of Hajah Animal vaccination campaign in all districts of Abyan. Preparing 18 community members as community animal health workers in Hajja Supporting farmers and MAI in locust control in Hodaihah and Hajja Supporting farmers in Palm Red Weevil control in Hadramout and Hodaida Supporting small scale tomato farmers in tomato borer control in Sanaa, Hodaida, Dhamar Monitoring and evaluation of the implemented activities in Abyan Monitoring and evaluation of the implemented activities in Abyan Monitoring and Evaluation of the implemented activities in Abyan ( Seed and fertilizer distribution and Concentrates and dry fodders distribution) - Emergency provision of livelihoods inputs to IDPs and host communities in Al Jawf - Implementing of food security information system program within MoPIC None January,2014 Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: None 14 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a FSAC Cluster – Partner Updates Form Organisation Name: Contact Person in Organisation: ADRA Current Activities and Location of Activities: Last Update Planned Assessments: Upcoming Activities: Conducting distribution of food vouchers ($75 value) in the following sub-disricts to roughly 6,140 beneficiaries. o Alkhamila-(Khanfer) o Shuqra (Khanfer) o Yaramis (Khanfer) o Hatat (Sarar) o Sarar Center o Modiya o Sheikh Salim (Zinjubar) Preparations for the first distribution of livestock for livelihoods assistance project, which will occur March 9-13 in Alkhamila (Khanfer). Conducting food security and livelihoods assessment in 3 districts of Al-Jawf (Al-Hazm, AlKhalq, Al-Ghayl) N/A January, 2014 Sana’a: Ahmed Al-Othmani, [email protected] Aden: Alex Vercio, [email protected] Continued distribution of food vouchers monthly, in the same target areas through July, 2014 Distribution of livelihoods materials targeting 2,500 beneficiaries in Khanfer, Modiya, and Sarar. Distributions will occur monthly through July 2015 in the following livelihood activities: 15 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Observed Gaps and Needs: o Livestock (sheep and goats) o Fishing materials o Drip irrigation o Traditional Irrigation o Beekeeping Beneficiary selection for project in Al-Jawf Cooperation between partners to share assessment information about the needs of the community and successful methods of developing livelihoods. Challenges: Security issues from needy non-beneficiaries or from those who were removed from the beneficiary list because of ineligibility according to our criteria for inclusion. 16 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a AOB A. Reminder on the 2014 SRP strategic objective, to which all clusters have to contribute. Some of the engagements reminded in the meeting were: (1) ensure the participation of men, women, boys and girls in all workshops, consultation and strategic forums; (2) assessments conducted by cluster partners will include male and female, and will ensure participation of females from the affected populations; (3) sex and age disaggregated data; (4) % of gender blind projects and 75% of 2a + 2b projects in the SRP, etc. B. The GenCap Advisor asked if the cluster members have specific requests regarding her support. She will be available until July 2014, and can provide workshops, reviewing projects before uploading in the OPS, compilation of good practices, participate in a joint assessment or monitoring, etc. Key Action and Discussion Points ACTION POINTS NEXT NATIONAL CLUSTER MEETING: 26 March 2014 in Sana’a at ACTED Office (Time TBD) Who What FSAC Coordinator Partners are requested to submit their monthly updates before Rolling the meeting. Only five partners submitted updates for February which hampers the cluster as an information sharing tool. FSAC Coordinator As only WFP is working in Amaran, other partners are encouraged Rolling to join future assessments. ACTED Given its presence in Al-Dhale, ACTED can assess the cases of displacement in Qataba and Al-Husha. Interested partners shall contact ACTED. Deadline End of March 17 Action and Discussion Points Food Security and Agriculture Cluster National FSAC Meeting 26 February, ACF, Sana’a Humanitarian Forum Yemen The Humanitarian Forum Yemen reported displacement cases in Al-Jawf. The Forum shall share the updates with exact figures with the cluster to be circulated to all partners. ASAP FSAC Coordinator More efforts are needed to combat locust in Tehama as reports show they are moving down south from Hajjah to Al-Hodeidah. And action needs to be careful as pesticides pose risk to bee keeping and some agricultural products. Ongoing OCHA/Gender Advisor Partners are requested to provide sex and age segregated data, and also to give briefs during the meetings on the specific needs of women and children in target communities. Rolling 18
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