Get in the Game–

Get in the Game–
Making Orthodontics Work In Your General Practice
Sponsored by the International Association
for Orthodontics (IAO) and held in conjunction
with the Academy of Gp Orthodontics (AGpO).
Gaylord Palms Resort
Kissimmee, Florida USA
(Orlando Area)
March 26-30, 2014
The orthodontic meeting of choice for
General Dentists, Pediatric Dentists, Orthodontists and their staffs
Please join us at the
Hilton Austin • Austin, Texas USA
March 25 - 29, 2015
The orthodontic meeting of choice for General Dentists,
Pediatric Dentists, Orthodontists and their staffs.
International Association for Orthodontics
Established in 1961
750 North Lincoln Memorial Drive Suite 422
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 USA
Toll Free: 800.447.8770 (USA and Canada Only)
FAX: 414.272.2754
E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome ................................................................................................................2
IAO Officers ..........................................................................................................3
Schedule ..........................................................................................................4 - 5
2014 General Program....................................................................................6 - 10
2014 New To Ortho ......................................................................................11 - 12
2014 Spanish Language Program ................................................................ 13 - 14
General Information ....................................................................................14 - 15
Exhibitors ....................................................................................................16 - 18
Exhibitors Floor Plan ..........................................................................................19
Meeting Room Floor Plan ....................................................................................20
Hotel Floor Plan ..................................................................................................21
Welcome to the 2014 Annual Meeting in Kissimmee, Florida
On behalf of the International Association for Orthodontics (IAO) and the Academy of Gp
Orthodontics (AGpO), I welcome you to the “Land of Enchantment.” We have an excellent
program scheduled. Because this meeting falls around the time of the Elite Eight during
March Madness (U.S. national college basketball tournament), we decided to make the
theme “Get in the game—Making Orthodontics Work In Your General Practice.”
There are several excellent speakers that will teach how to incorporate orthodontics from beginning orthodontics
to complex cases that will enhance you and your assistants’ knowledge and interest. These includes Dr. Terry
Dischinger, an orthodontist and previous NBA player. The AGpO will also be joining us this year, giving attendees
a wide selection of educational opportunities.
I want to thank our speakers and the exhibitors for their support in the development of this annual meeting. Without
their support this meeting could not happen. Please visit the exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks and receptions
to meet all your orthodontics needs.
I want to give a special thanks to our IAO staff. They work tirelessly to plan and make this annual meeting a success.
This year will be an unforgettable experience.
Be sure to view our presentation on the history of the IAO at the Annual Banquet. The IAO Historical Committee
has done an excellent job putting together this presentation. There are many things you may not know about the
IAO. For example, the IAO was very instrumental in getting insurance companies to pay non-specialist dentist for
treating patients in orthodontics. As for me, I found out that I am your 50th President. It seems there were other
Presidents early in the IAO History that served more than one term, therefore I became the 50th. There are many
other interesting facts that would interest you and make you even prouder to be a member of the IAO.
We hope that the format of the meeting will allow families and staff time to enjoy the Disney World experience and
don’t forget to enjoy the “game!”
Yours In Better Orthodontics,
Rick L. Grant DMD, IBO
IAO President
Dr. Rick Grant
Winnemucca, Nevada USA
Dr. Kevin Williams
Spartanburg, South Carolina USA
President Elect
Dr. Ken Lee
Sydney, Australia
First Vice-President
Dr. James Poyak
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Second Vice-President
Dr. James Fletcher
Greenfield, Indiana USA
Dr. Brian Billard
Oglesby, Illinois USA
Dr. Michel Champagne
Brome, Quebec Canada
Dr. Mike Lowry
Lacombe, Alberta Canada
Immediate Past President
Detlef B. Moore
Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Executive Director
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
8:00AM – 5:00 PM
IBO Board Meeting
8:00AM – 5:00 PM
IBO Case and Written Examinations
5:00PM – 7:00 PM
IAO Annual Budget/Finance Committee Meeting
5:00PM – 7:00 PM
IAO Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
7:00PM – 9:00 PM
IAO Education Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 27, 2014
7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Meeting and Exhibitors Registration Desk Open (Osceola Ballroom Foyer)
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast (1) (Tampa Foyer)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. George Freedman: ”The Ortho-Esthetic Continuum” (Tampa)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
IAO Executive Board Meeting (Palm Beach Room)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
AGpO Committee & Board Meetings (Vero Room)
12:00PM – 12:45 PM IAO Board Luncheon
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. George Freedman (con’t): ”The Ortho-Esthetic Continuum” (Tampa)
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
IAO President's Reception in Exhibit Hall (1) (Osceola Ballroom)
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Dr. Edmund Liem & Dr. Adrian Palencar: “The Road to Your IBO Diplomate” (Tampa)
Friday, March 28, 2014
7:15 AM – 5:00 PM
Meeting Registration Desk Open (Osceola Ballroom Foyer)
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast (1) (Osceola Ballroom)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Eduardo Padros-Serrat: “The Connection of Form, Function, Posture & Growth and Plastic Orthodotnics Secrets”
(La Conexion Entre Forma, Function, Postura y Crecimiento & Los Secretos de la Ortodoncia Plastica) (sp) (Sarasota)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Jack Pechersky: “Interceptive Orthodontics” (TE) (Tampa)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Elliot Moskowitz: “Making Early Treatment More Perfect in an Imperfect World”(Naples)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Mike Lowry: “A Staff Member’s Role in Successful Orthodontics” (tpb) (Destin)
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open (Osceola Ballroom)
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Spouse/Guest Tour: Winter Park Fun (3)
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM Break in Exhibit Hall (Osceola Ballroom)
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
1:00 PM – 6:30 PM
IAO General Assembly Luncheon (2) (Emerald Bay Plaza)
Exhibit Hall Open (Osceola Ballroom)
1:30 PM – 5:00 PM
IAO Tier Advancement Case Check-Offs (4) (Sales Presentation Room 1)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Alvin Cardona: “The Importance of Comprehensive Knowledge of Orthodontics for the General Dentist Practicing
Orthodontics and Orthopedics” (Importancia del Conocimiento Ortodontico Comprehensivo para el Dentista General
que Practica Ortopedia y Ortodoncia) (sp) (Sarasota)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. B.H. “Coco” Garcia: “Early Treatment of Class III and Adults” (Naples)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Jack Pechersky (con’t): “Interceptive Orthodontics” (TE) (Tampa)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Mike Lowry (con’t): “A Staff Member’s Role in Successful Orthodontics” (tpb) (Destin)
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Break in Exhibit Hall (Osceola Ballroom)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
7:15 AM – 5:00 PM
Meeting Registration Desk Open (Osceola Ballroom Foyer)
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast (1) (Osceola Ballroom)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Brendan Stack: “TMJ From Start to Finish: Including the Treatment of Complex TMD Problems” (Naples)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Kuniaki Miyajima: “Application of TAD to Tip Edge Treatment and Corticotomy for the Best Results” (TE) (Tampa)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Skip Truitt: “Simple Esthetic Orthodontics for Adults” (Osceola Ballroom A)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. John Hendy: “Lasers in Orthodontics” (Sarasota)
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Edmund Liem: “Collecting Orthodontic Records: A Team Approach” (nto) (Palm Beach Room)
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open (Osceola Ballroom)
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Spouse/Guest Tour: Chocolate Factory Experience (3)
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM Break in Exhibit Hall (Osceola Ballroom)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Set Up Table Clinics / Case Displays (Osceola Ballroom)
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
IAO Past Presidents’ Luncheon (Castillo Fort)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Table Clinics and Case Displays (Osceola Ballroom)
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Sundae Dessert-A-Thon in Exhibit Hall (Osceola Ballroom)
1:30 PM – 5:00 PM
IAO Tier Advancement Case Check-Offs (4) (Sales Presentation Room 1)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Brendan Stack (con’t): “TMJ From Start to Finish: Including the Treatment of Complex TMD Problems” (Naples)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Steve Galella: “Advanced Growth Guidance and Facial Development Appliances” (Osceola Ballroom A)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Cary Fraser & Dr. Kenneth Lee: “Functional Treatment for Patients:
Getting Started and Advancing Your Education” (nto) (Palm Beach Room)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Livier Carreon-Truitt: “Non-Surgical Correction of a Post Pubertal Skeletal Class II Open Bite”
(Correcion no Quirurgica de una Mordida Abierta Clase II Eskeleta Posterior a la Pubertad) (sp) (Sarasota)
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dr. Kuniaki Miyajima (con’t): “Application of TAD to Tip Edge Treatment and Corticotomy for the Best Results” (TE)
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
No Host Reception (1) (Osceola Ballroom Foyer)
8:00 PM – 11:30 PM Annual Banquet (1) (Osceola Ballroom)
Sunday, March 30, 2014
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast (1) (Tampa Foyer)
7:45 AM – 10:30 AM Meeting Registration Desk Open
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Dr. Terry Dischinger: “Thirty Years of Herbst Treatment in my Practice…Now AdvanSync 2…Why?” (Tampa)
Notes: (1) This activity is included in all registrations. Others not registered may purchase separate tickets.
(2) This activity is included in all registrations EXCEPT the Spouse/Guest registration fee.
(3) This activity included in Spouse/Guest registration fee only. Others must purchase separate tickets.
(4) Reservations for Case Check-Offs for IAO Tier Advancement must be made at the IAO Annual Meeting Registration Desk in advance.
(sp) 2014 Spanish to English Translation Courses
(tbp) 2014 Team / Practice Building Course
(nto) 2014 Suitable for new practitioners
(TE) Tip-Edge course
Schedule Subject to Change
Dr. George Freedman
Markham, Ontario CANADA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3.75 CE Lecture Hours and 2.75 CE Lecture Hours
The Ortho-Esthetic Continuum
Not every case can be finished to the patient’s satisfaction with tooth repositioning alone. The latest restorative
techniques and technologies can optimize every case and redesign every smile. At the end of this session, each
attendee will be able to employ leading edge diagnostics to evaluate the existing post-treatment restorative needs,
evaluate and select the most appropriate and minimally invasive restorative techniques, utilize adhesion, composites
and ceramics to complete the patients smile, select suitably esthetic cement-free implants for cases of extreme
spacing, and deliver simple and routine oral maintenance techniques to maintain the health of the redesigned and
restored dentition.
Dr. George Freedman is a founder and past president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a founder
of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Universita di Flirenze, Florence
Italy. Dr. Freedman was recently awarded the Irwin Smigel Prize in Aesthetic Dentistry presented by NYU College
of Dentistry. A Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, he lectures internationally on dental
esthetics, adhesion, desensitization, composites, impression materials and porcelain veneers and has been a featured
keynote speaker at many major national and international dental conferences. Dr. Freedman maintains a private
practice limited to Esthetic Dentistry in Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Edmund Liem
Chilliwack, British Columbia CANADA
Dr. Adrian Palencar
St. Catharines, Ontario CANADA
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
1.5 CE Lecture Hours
The Road to Your IBO Diplomate
The International Board of Orthodontics’ IBO Diplomate is the highest status you can achieve in the IAO/IBO. This
presentation will show the latest updated requirements for the Diplomate case presentations, illustrated with sample
cases. The presentation will also cover the calibrated grading system the examiners use in the examination.
Following the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to identify the appropriate elements that are required
for the Diplomate case presentation, understand the scoring method utilized in the grading of cases, and start
identifying cases that can be used for the Fellowship or Diplomate case presentations.
Dr. Liem and Dr. Palencar are both IAO Master Senior Instructors and IBO Diplomates. They are currently serving
on the IBO board.
Dr. Jack Pechersky
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3.75 CE Lecture Hours and 2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Interceptive Orthodontics
Effective interceptive orthodontic procedures should manage space, enhance skeletal relationships, establish normal
function, attenuate disability and improve esthetics. This presentation will address the etiology of various occlusal
abnormalities and provide effective interceptive treatment approaches. At the conclusion of this program, attendees
will be able to diagnose and treat ectopically erupting permanent canines, permanent molars and bicuspids,
diagnose and treat bilateral complete posterior cross bites in the mixed dentition, gain insight into the effects of
extraneous forces on the developing occlusion (i.e. Anterior open bite) and treat the resulting conditions, and
provide appropriate space management according to the child’s physiologic age.
Dr. Pechersky received his B.S., D.M.D, and M.D.S. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been in the
private practice of pediatric dentistry for 42 years. He is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Pediatric
Dentistry at the University of Pittsburgh and teaches Interceptive Orthodontics to graduate students in Pediatric
Dentistry. Dr. Pechersky is also a fellow and diplomat of the American Orthodontic Society. He has published
numerous scientific articles and has provided many continuing education programs.
Dr. Elliot Moskowitz
New York, New York USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Lecture Hours
Making Early Treatment More Perfect in an Imperfect World
Early Orthodontic Treatment (timely treatment for the growing child) can be both rewarding and challenging to the
clinician. Is there a scientific basis for beginning orthodontic treatment in the primary or mixed dentition? Which
cases lend themselves to successful outcomes, simplify patient and parental management, and contribute to practice
enhancers rather than detractors? What criteria do we use when selecting individual patients for early treatment? Are
there practical guidelines for the clinician to use when recommending treatment in the mixed dentition? This
presentation is intended to shed well needed clarity on an often confusing, complex, and at times, controversial area
of orthodontic practice. At the conclusion of this lecture, attendees will have learned to appreciate the profound
difference in patient and parental management in early orthodontic treatment, recognize cases that would benefit
from early orthodontic treatment and those cases that would not, sequence treatment into the permanent dentition,
value parental and referral communications, and assess the value of clinical investigations in helping us make the
right decisions for young patients.
Dr. Elliott Moskowitz is Clinical Professor in the department of Orthodontics at New York University College of Dentistry.
He earned his predoctoral degree from NYUCD, obtained a general practice residency program certificate from the
Catholic Medical Center in NYC, and received his orthodontic training and Masters of Science degree from the
department of orthodontics. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics as well as a Fellow of the
American College and International College of Dentists. Dr. Moskowitz has been actively involved in both dental and
orthodontic journalism and serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists and
Contributing Editor to the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics in addition to being a reviewer and editorial advisor to
numerous orthodontic publications. He was Editor of the New York State Dental Journal, Past-President of the American
Association of Dental Editors, and is a certified dental editor (CDE). He has published over 100 articles and editorials
in both dental and orthodontic journals as well as chapters in dental and orthodontic textbooks. Dr. Moskowitz is a
member of CTOR (Consortium for Translational Orthodontic Research at NYUCD) and is engaged in CTOR sponsored
clinical research investigations. He has maintained a private practice of orthodontics in Manhattan for the past 41 years.
Dr. B.H. “Coco” Garcia
North Prairie, Wisconsin USA
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Early Treatment of Class III and Adults
This lecture will show you why it is important to treat Class III at a very young age and the best non-surgical
protocol for treating Class III cases. Following the conclusion of this lecture the attendees will have a greater
understanding of the use of cephalometrics, be able to comprehend mechanics - SLB - friction brackets, know
when and why we use certain functionals, understand cephalometrics, diagnosis and mechanics, and recognize the
limitations in the treatment of patients.
Dr. B.H. “Coco” Garcia graduated from the ULA Mexico in 1981. He attained Diplomate status in 1989 and is an IAO
Master Senior Certified Instructor. Dr. Garcia has taught in 18 countries and has authored a book and several
articles on Class III Corrections in adult and growing patients.
Dr. Brendan Stack
Vienna, Virginia USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3.75 CE Lecture Hours and 2.75 CE Lecture Hours
TMJ From Start to Finish: Including the Treatment of Complex TMD Problems
Dr. Stack's forty years of experience and reputation attract referrals from other Doctors and treated patients
worldwide. He knows how to produce results! Through multiple cases of acute and chronic pain patients, Dr. Stack
will show the difference between a synovial joint and the TMJ, beneficial condylar changes due to proper treatment,
end stage TMJ treatment, and seven clinical signs of treatment success. At the conclusion of this lecture, attendees
will know how to insure stability of your orthodontic result, be able to obtain TMJ stability as well as occlusal
stability, know why treating symptoms does not work, recognize facial distortions due to chronic TMJ issues and
be able to apply these principles to Movement Disorder patients.
Dr. Stack received his dental and graduate degrees from Georgetown University and since 1965, has limited his
practice in Northern Virginia, to the clinical treatment of patients with craniofacial pain, headache and TMJ
dysfunction. He is strictly a “results oriented” clinician who cuts through the extraneous issues to diagnose and treat
the precise problems with a minimum of time and a maximum of efficiency. He has lectured extensively in the
United States, Canada and most recently in Europe.
Dr. Kuniaki Miyajima
Nagoya, JAPAN
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3.75 CE Lecture Hours and 2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Application of TAD to Tip-Edge Treatment and Corticotomy for the Best Results
For achieving precise results, diagnosis is of course, the most important issue. In addition, treatment strategy is also
critical to get the best finishing. TAD (Anchor screw) is now a tool used daily as an orthodontic anchorage. However,
orthodontic force that one TAD can hold is some point between 300 gf and 500 gf. That cannot make en masse movement
of the entire arch when it is used with Edgewise brackets, because Edgewise brackets need bodily movement. Whereas
Tip-Edge brackets allow tipping with much lighter forces for translating, so that the entire dental arch can be distalized
at the same time. Corticotomy, on the other hand, has been popular and found to get not only fast but also precise
occlusion. Following the conclusion of this lecture, attendees will be able to know where and how TAD should be placed,
treatment plan Class II cases to successfully obtain Class I occlusion, what attachment is needed for TAD use, how to apply
TAD instead of intermaxillary elastics and the levels of corticotomy and how to introduce corticotomy to their practice.
Dr. Miyajima graduated from Aichi-Gakuin University, School of Dentistry, with postdoctoral studies at Saint Louis
University Medical Center, Master of Science, Orthodontics, and the Aichi-Gakuin University, School of Dentistry,
Certificate of Orthodontics. He is a member of the Japan Tip-Edge Society of Orthodontics, Academy of GP
Orthodontics Japan, American Association of Orthodontists, International Association of Dental Research, The
International Congress of Oral Implantologists, International Association of Dentistry for Children, Japan
Orthodontic Society, Aichi-Gakuin Dental Society, Japan Cleft Palate Society, Society of Japan Oral Science, Japanese
Society of Oral Biology, Japanese Society of Laser Dentistry, Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities, Japanese Society
of Stomatognathic Function, Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Japanese Academy of Occlusion
and Health, and Kinki-Tokai Orthodontic Society.
Dr. Skip Truitt
Gainesville, Texas USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Lecture Hours
Simple Esthetic Orthodontics for Adults
Many adult patients are only concerned with the esthetics of the six upper and lower anterior teeth. Cosmetic Smiles
offers both the patient and the doctor a fast and simple option to full orthodontics. The appliance is totally
transparent, does not interfere with speech, requires no adaptation period, and no one is aware that the transparent
appliances are in the mouth. Most treatments require four to six months. Following the conclusion of this session,
each attendee will be able to offer the adult patient a fast and comfortable solution to maximum anterior esthetics
and know how Cosmetic Smiles can build your practice and increase profits.
Dr. Truitt received his Bachelor of Science degree from Texas Christian University and his Doctor of Dental Surgery
degree from Baylor University. He has maintained a private dental practice in Gainesville, Texas, since 1967. He
also acts as a consultant to other private medical and dental practices in Australia, Thailand, Singapore, South
Africa, Mexico, Ireland, Norway, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. His professional
affiliations include the American & Texas Dental Associations and the Australian Association of Functional
Orthodontics. Dr. Truitt has co-authored four text books and published numerous papers worldwide on the subjects
of Maxillofacial Orthopedics, Orthodontics, and TMD Therapy. He is an IAO Senior Certified Instructor.
Dr. John Hendy
Grants Pass, Oregon USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Lecture Hours
Lasers in Orthodontics
A comprehensive presentation of all lasers used to facilitate maximum orthodontic results and esthetics. Following
the conclusion of this session, each attendee will be able to have a greater understanding of all types of laser
treatments in orthodontics, comprehend the mechanisms of physiology and accelerating orthodontic movement,
know how and when to apply lasers, understand other advanced laser treatments to enhance orthodontic results,
and recognize the benefits and applications of lasers.
John A. Hendy DDS MS, graduated from the University of the Pacific Dental School, and he obtained his Masters in
Advanced laser Dentistry from the University of Vienna. Dr. Hendy has been a Diplomat of American Dental Society
of Anesthesia for 25 years, a member of IAO for more than 20 years, and has had a fellowship with World Clinical Laser
Institute for the past 10 years. Dr. Hendy has taught in many countries all over the world and has published many
articles on his research.
Dr. Steve Galella
Collierville, Tennessee USA
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Advanced Growth Guidance and Facial Development Appliances
This course takes the participant from an “Advanced Clinical Growth Evaluation”, to the “Bio-Mechanics of Growth
Guidance Appliances” and finally how they affect and remodel the maxilla, mandible, and facial tissues with
particular attention to facial asymmetry. Each “Growth Guidance Appliance” will be discussed with particular
attention paid to insertion and clinical use. Following the conclusion of this session each attendee will be able to
perform an “Advanced Clinical Growth Evaluation” and determine which “Growth Guidance Appliance” to use,
apply clinically their understanding of the remodeling process between membranous and cranial bones and the
effect on the facial skeleton, apply their knowledge of “Growth Guidance Appliance” treatment, practice a simplified
system to correct facial asymmetry, and apply their knowledge through clinical decision-making and
troubleshooting cases.
Dr. Galella graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. He has worked with Otolaryngologists
and Reconstructive Surgeons assisting in trauma surgery on over 3,900 patients impacted by facial trauma. Through
the combination of performing surgeries, clinical work, and extensive literature reviews, he developed an innovative
approach to orthodontic treatment and beauty enhancement. Each of his patients, no matter their age, greatly
benefits from the implementation of his extensive knowledge of facial growth, the concepts of divine proportion,
and facial beauty. Often described as one of the intellects of modern facial esthetics, Dr. Galella is a well-known
international speaker. Dr. Galella’s practice, publications, and instruction all speak to facial esthetics as the
foundation for rejuvenation procedures. He has skillfully integrated over 20,000 patients into his esthetic-centered
practice. Dr. Galella is an IAO Past President, an IAO Master Senior Certified Instructor and an IBO Diplomate.
Dr. Terry Dischinger
Lake Oswego, Oregon USA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Lecture Hours
Thirty Years of Herbst Treatment in my Practice…Now AdvanSync 2… Why?
Initially, AdvanSync was designed for Comfort! We were able to achieve comfort for our patients as determined in
our surveys during initial clinical testing. Class II in Class I time, due to concurrent full bracketed treatment and
the fixed functional appliance with the elimination of the need for patient cooperation. Decreased Class II treatment
time of AdvanSync is a tremendous financial factor for a practice. Placement is as simple as placing 1st molar
bands. At the conclusion of this lecture, attendees will have seen the step by step treatment protocol of 30 years for
Class II treatment success, and recent research findings of the Dentofacial aspects of AdvanSync treatment. Lives
are changed!
Dr. Terry Dischinger earned his BS in chemical engineering at Purdue University. After his undergraduate studies,
he attended the University Of Tennessee College Of Dentistry in Nashville, where he received both the Faculty Award
and the Sidney Friedman Award for Excellence in Periodontology. Combining his love of engineering and dentistry,
he continued his education earning his MSD from the University Of Oregon Health Science Center. Terry's previous
career before becoming an orthodontist is filled with honors and distinctions. These include: three-time AllAmerican in basketball; 1960 Olympic Gold medalist in basketball; 1962-1963 NBA Rookie of the Year; three-time
NBA All-Star; Purdue University Hall of Fame; National High School Sports Hall of Fame; Indiana Basketball Hall
of Fame; nine-year career in the National Basketball Association; and serving as an officer in the U.S. Army.
Dr. Mike Lowry
Lacombe, Alberta CANADA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3.75 CE Lecture Hours and 2.75 CE Lecture Hours
A Staff Member’s Role in Successful Orthodontics
Implementing orthodontics successfully into a practice is a team effort. The goal of this presentation is to suggest
ways that a staff member can effectively contribute to that success. Following the conclusion of this lecture, each
attendee will be able to assist in the collecting of records to prepare and follow a case, prepare and assist in the
consultation with the patient and family, assist in cephalometric data collecting, assist in making appointments flow
efficiently and productively, and help understand a staff’s role in effective relationships with the patient and family.
Dr. Lowry graduated from the University of Alberta, he then completed a five year program through the United
States Dental Institute in orthodontics. He is a Diplomate, IAO Master Senior Certified Instructor, graduate of the
Instructors Institute and Past President of the IAO.
Dr. Edmund Liem
Chilliwack, British Columbia CANADA
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Hours
Collecting Orthodontic Records: A Team Approach
Prior to any orthodontic diagnosis and treatment, data (records) need to be collected. The dentist then reviews the
collected data and generates a diagnosis and treatment plan. Dr. Edmund Liem will explain and show an efficient
and effective method of data collection that is comprehensive and meet all the state / provincial guidelines. The
method is a staff delegated model with dentist responsibility. The presentation will cover all facets of data collection:
photography, intra-oral and extra-oral examinations, x-ray imaging and dental impressions. This presentation
should be attended by the whole team: dentist and staff. After this presentation, the attendees should be have an
insight how a staff delegated data collection works and implement this in their own practice. Attendees will
understand that this method will have great benefit for the practice: orthodontic records will be of better quality
and be more comprehensive with less dentist time.
Dr. Edmund Liem has been in general dentistry for 34 years; the last 20 years was devoted in learning and teaching
Orthodontics, TMD and Sleep Disordered Breathing. Dr. Liem graduated from the University of Nijmegen in the
Netherlands and was in private general practice in the city of Nijmegen until 1994 when he moved to Chilliwack,
BC Canada. In 2011 Dr. Edmund Liem, along with Dr. Arshad Pirani and Dr. Roger Cheung, founded the Vancouver
TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, a practice limited to the non-surgical therapies for TMD, Craniofacial Pain and Sleep
Disordered Breathing. This centre belongs to the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre International, founded by Dr. Steven
Olmos and is one of 19 worldwide. Since 2001 Dr. Liem has lectured in Canada and the USA on the topics of Digital
Photography, Electro Diagnostics, Orthodontics, TMD and Sleep Disordered Breathing. He is the founder of the
study club “OrthoDocs. Dr. Liem is an IAO Master Senior Instructor, an IBO Diplomate, American Board of
Craniofacial Pain Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management Diplomate, Canadian Academy of Pain
Management Diplomate, and American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Fellow, Fellow International College of Cranio
Mandibular Orthopedics, and Certified American Association for Functional Orthodontic. He has held board
positions with the IBO, AACP, and NAAFO.
Dr. Cary Fraser
Dr. Kenneth Lee
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Functional Treatment for Patients: Getting Started and Advancing Your Education
A must for all beginner and intermediate practitioners, this lecture will emphasize diagnosis and treatment
modalities. Our treatment modalities are based around correcting skeletal discrepancies, airway, TMD and
myofunctional issues. The aim for all modern practitioners is no longer about “Just straightening teeth”. In today's
practice, muscle tone and position, cranial structures, sleep disturbed breathing and chronic head and neck strains
are also of paramount importance. At the conclusion of this lecture, attendees will have a greater understanding
of the relationship between orthodontic anomalies, TMD and airway resistance issues, comprehend the need to treat
all aspects of our patients’ health, be able to analyze scans for airway and cranial distortions, know how to take a
comprehensive history including clinical exam, understand that a huge number of our patients family and friends
are undiagnosed, walking time bombs, and recognize the potential to treat and improve the quality of our patients
lives from “cradle to grave”.
Dr. Fraser has practiced dentistry for over 28 years, and now restricts his practice to orthodontics. He has lectured
in Australia and overseas. Dr. Fraser graduated dental school from the University of Sydney, holds Fellowship from
the Australia College of Nutritional and Environment Medicine, is a Diplomate of the IAO, an IAO Education
Committee Examiner, and an IAO Master Senior Certified Instructor. He is a Past President of the Australian
Association of Orofacial Orthopedics and a Past President of the IAO.
Dr. Lee is a full time practicing dentist in Sydney, Australia. He has a particular interest in orthodontics, TMJ and
the treatment of head and neck pain. Dr. Lee graduated from dental school at the University of Sydney, is an IAO
Master Senior Certified Instructor, a Fellow of the IAO, a Fellow and Diplomate of the ICOI and a member of the
Australian Association of Orofacial Orthopedics. He is the current IAO First Vice President.
Continental breakfast will be served to all registered meeting participants
Thursday – Tampa Foyer
7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Friday and Saturday — Osceola Ballroom C 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Sunday – Tampa Foyer
7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Sundae “Dessert-A-Thon”
Always a favorite at the IAO Annual Meeting!
Build your own ice cream sundae in Osceola Ballroom C
on Saturday, March 29th between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM
“The tradition continues...”
All lectures will be given in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English.
Dr. Eduardo Padros-Serrat
Barcelona, SPAIN
8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
3.75 CE Lecture Hours
The Connection of Form, Function, Posture and Growth
(La Conexion Entre Forma, Function, Postura y Crecimiento)
During orthodontic treatments consideration must be taken for the relationship between form and function. Without a
doubt, it is an important connection, but Dr. Padros-Serrat believes there are two more factors to be included: body
posture and craniofacial growth. In this lecture he will explain clinical elements to take into consideration for these four
factors. After this lecture the attendee will understand the connection between form, function, posture and growth in
orthodontics and several clinical considerations to help improve treatments with these four factors.
Plastic Orthodontics Secrets
(Los Secretos de la Ortodoncia Plastica)
Transparent orthodontics aligners have caused a revolution in actual orthodontics and today are considered essential
in invisible orthodontics. Because of a diverse number of techniques, some clinicians need to have a better
understanding of mechanics to select a particular one. In this lecture the speaker will talk about the concepts of
orthodontic plastic aligner’s techniques. After the lecture the attendee will understand different orthodontic techniques
with transparent aligners and which tools are best to use in relation with the patient’s malocclusion.
Dr. Eduardo Padros-Serrat has a doctor degree from Barcelona University, A post gradeuate in orthodontics from
Barcelona University. Master in logopedia from UPC-ISEP, Board Certified of the Iberoamerican Association of
Orthodontics, and Journal Editor. He also holds an orthodontic degree from Columbia University. Dr. Padros-Serrat has
authored many orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedics articles and four books. He has lectured in Spain, The United
States, Canada, Brazil, India, Ecuador, Inglaterra and Japan.
Dr. Alvin Cardona
2:00 PM-5:00 PM
2.75 CE Lecture Hours
The Importance of Comprehensive Knowledge of Orthodontics
for the General Dentist Practicing Orthodontics and Orthopedics
(Importancia del Conocimiento Ortodontico Comprehensivo para el Dentista General que Practica Ortopedia y Ortodoncia)
This lecture will discuss orthopedic, habit and asymmetry corrections before dental tooth movement (orthodontics)
and orthodontic treatments with and without extractions on different malocclusions all while maintaining TMJ integrity.
Dr. Cardona will discuss the importance of orthodontics before restorative dentistry, how to distinguish surgical cases,
the role of orthopedics in airways and postural position to improve the patients’ quality of life without pain. At conclusion
of the session, the participant will know the importance of early treatment, habits and asymmetries correction with
orthopedics before orthodontics, how the results and the fixed orthopedics mechanics we use fulfill these objectives,
when extractions are indicated and the mechanics to utilize in treatments of different malocclusions to preserve a healthy
TMJ all while using orthodontics and restorative dentistry with implants, removable and fixed prosthetics.
Dr. Alvin A. Cardona Rivera received his DMD degree from the University of Puerto Rico Dental School in 1979. He
is an IBO and AACP Diplomate and an IAO Master Senior Certified Instructor. He is an IAO Past-President and a
past IBO President.
Dr. Livier Carreon-Truitt
Gainesville, Texas USA
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
2.75 CE Lecture Hours
Non-Surgical Correction of a Post Pubertal Skeletal Class II Open Bite
(Correcion no Quirurgica de una Mordida Abierta Clase II Eskeleta Posterior a la Pubertad)
We will examine the non-surgical treatment of an adult skeletal class II open bite patient. The treatment will involve
development of the maxilla and distraction of the mandible in combination with full fixed appliance therapy.
Following conclusion of this session, each attendee will be able to know when the A.L.F. appliance can be used to
develop the maxilla in an adult patient, know when the anterior tongue thrust must be corrected for the case to be
stable, correct anterior open bite cases that have T.M.D and recognize that airway obstruction must be corrected
as part of the overall treatment.
Dr. Livier Carreon-Truitt graduated from the Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. Her practice has been limited
exclusively to orthodontics since 2002 in Guadalajara, Mexico. She holds a M.S. degree in orthodontics from the
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara. Dr Carreon-Truitt is certified thru (AMIDOFA) Mexican Association of
Interdisciplinary Dolor de Oro Facial which she received her certificate of Facial Pain & TMJ. She also teaches with
her husband, Dr. Skip Truitt for Clinical Foundation of Orthopedics, Orthodontics & TMD in Australia, Thailand,
Singapore, South Africa, Mexico, Ireland, Norway, Germany, and United Kingdom. She has published numerous
articles in the United States, Latin American, & European journals.
IAO Continuing Education Provider Recognition and IAO Course Recording Program
The IAO is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental
Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental
education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor
does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about
a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the ADA CERP at
The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/ Mastership
credit. The current term of acceptance extends from 11/2010 - 12/2014. IAO Members who attend the 2014 IAO Annual
Meeting will, after they submit their participation forms, have their courses recorded with the IAO Continuing Education
Course Recording Program that is used in determining IAO membership tier advancement.
Table Clinics and Case Displays
Table clinics and case displays prepared by IAO members will be presented on Saturday, March 29th, between 12:00
PM and 2:00 PM in the exhibit hall. Successful IBO candidates will also display their best cases. This is always an
excellent learning opportunity for attendees. If you wish to participate as a presenter, you must sign up by March 17th,
please contact the IAO headquarters office for an application or go to to apply online.
The Annual Banquet and General Assembly Luncheon
Make plans to attend two popular annual meeting functions. On Friday, March 28th, the General Assembly
Luncheon will take place. Enjoy lunch and participate in the association’s yearly general membership meeting.
The luncheon is included in the Dentist and Auxiliary/Staff registration fees. For others the charge is US $60. The
Annual Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, March 29th. There will be a no-host reception before the banquet
at 7:00 PM. Dinner begins at 8:00 PM. This banquet is included in the Dentist, Spouse/Guest and Auxiliary/Staff
registration fees. For others the charge is US $85.
At this meeting, the General Assembly will be voting on the 2014 proposed changes to the IAO Bylaws.
The Exhibit Hall – Your Orthodontic Marketplace!
The 2014 IAO Annual Meeting's Exhibit Hall will feature exhibits from national and international vendors that provide
both equipment and services to dentists who practice orthodontics. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet
knowledgeable representatives who will answer their questions. The Exhibit Hall is open to all registered attendees. All
breaks will be at the Exhibit Hall. Don't miss the IAO President's Reception in honor of IAO President Dr. Rick
Grant, held in the Exhibit Hall Thursday evening, March 27th, between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Vendors exhibiting in the exhibit hall are not endorsed in any manner by the association.
The Exhibit Hall hours are as follows:
Thursday, March 27th
Friday, March 28th
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Saturday, March 29th
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
IAO Tier Advancement Case Reviews and Check-Off Sessions
Bring your IAO Tier Advancement Cases to Florida to be reviewed. IAO Education Committee Examiners will be
available to review and check-off IAO Fellow cases. These representatives will also be available at the sessions to answer
individual questions regarding tier advancement. IAO members interested in participating at these sessions need to
make individual appointments in Kissimmee as they register for the annual meeting at the registration desk.
The case check-off sessions will be:
Friday, March 28th & Saturday, March 29th
Times subject to change
1:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Registration Kit
You will receive your meeting badge and all tickets that were preordered in the registration kit. Registered meeting
attendees must wear their badges at all times during the business portion of the meeting. YOU WILL NOT BE
Doctors are cautioned against the use of limited knowledge when incorporating techniques and procedures into their
practices, especially when a session has not provided them with the necessary supervised clinical experience in
the technique or procedure to ensure that they have attained competence.
Video Recordings Available
Dub King Conference Videos will again be at the IAO Annual Meeting recording most of the meeting’s scientific
sessions. You can order your copies from Dub King at their meeting desk. Video recording by individuals of any
session is prohibited and you must purchase your video recordings from Dub King. Their telephone/fax number is
210.979.8779. They may be also reached by E-mail at [email protected]. Dub King’s internet website is Their mailing address is 8133 Callaghan Road, San Antonio, Texas USA 78230.
2015 IAO Annual Meeting
The 2015 Annual Meeting will be held March 25-29, 2015 at the Hilton, in Austin, Texas.
In the “Members Only” Section of the IAO website – Open all the time at:
for the IAO’s listing of IAO affiliated orthodontic continuing education courses.
Absolute Ortho
9810 Allison Ln
St. John, IN 46373
Ph: 888/920-2587
Fax: 219/365-1577
Booth #: 103
Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions
9200 Eton Ave
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Ph: 800/548-7241
Booth#: 107
BioResearch Associates, Inc.
9275 North 49 Street, Ste 150
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Ph: 800/251-2315
Fax: 414/357-7545
Booth#: 108
Doxa Dental
23 Corporate Plaza, #150
Newport Beach, CA 926602
Ph: 855/DOXA-USA
Booth#: 404
10403 International Plaza Dr
St. Ann, MO 63074
Ph: 800/489-4020
Fax: 314/429-7575
Booth#: 406
Clinical Foundation of Orthopedics
& Orthodontics
PO Box 695
Gainesville, TX 76241
Ph: 800/406-2366
Fax: 940/612-3908
Booth #: 202
2963 Yorkton Blvd, Ste B
St. Paul, MN 55117
Ph: 800/328-8021
Fax: 651/644-2360
Booth#: 200
Dental Marketers
13-3120 Rutherford Rd
Woodbridge, ON L4K 0B2 Canada
Ph: 877/265-9069
Fax: 905/265-9999
Booth#: 403
Dexta Corporation
962 Kaiser Rd
Napa, CA 94558
Ph: 800/733-3982
Fax: 707/255-8520
Booth#: 302
Excellence in Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopaedics
7/85 Bourke Rd
Alexandria, NSW 2015 Australia
Booth#: 102
2220 Fletcher Ave, Ste 705A
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Ph: 201/851-0300
Fax: 201/601-0859
Booth#: 207
1165 Chuck Dawley Blvd, Ste 100
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Ph: 800/222-1851
Fax: 843/849-3707
Booth#: 104
Express Smiles
875 W. Poplar #16
Collierville, TN 38017
Ph: 800/346-2692
Booth#: 101
Landmark Healthcare
201 South Park Ave
Calhoun, GA 30701
Ph: 800/334-5618
Fax: 706/629-0299
Booth#: 304
Five Star Orthodontic Lab and Supply
2928 Metro St, Ste 102
Denton, TX 76207
Ph: 800/521-2351
Booth#: 306
Myofunctional Research Co
9267 Charles Smith Ave
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Ph: 866/550-4696
Fax: 909/945-3332
Booth #: 405
Henry Schein Orthodontics
1822 Aston Ave
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Ph: 760/448-8600
Fax: 760/448-8612
Booth#: 407
12811 Capricorn Dr
Stafford, TX 77477
Ph: 888/IOS-8882
Fax: 281/340-4764
Booth#: 401
Nierman Practice Management
221 Old Dixie Hwy, Ste 5
Tequesta, FL 33469
Ph: 800/879-6468
Fax: 561/744-5606
Booth#: 105
1717 W Collins Ave
Orange, CA 92867
Ph: 800/854-1741
Fax: 714/516-7596
Booth#: 205
JKL Software
210 E Water St
PO Box 206
Pendleton, IN 46064
Ph: 765/778-3332
Fax: 765/778-4860
Booth#: 201
John’s Dental Lab
423 S 13th St
Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ph: 800/457-0504
Fax: 812/234-4464
Booth#: 206
Ortho Arch
1107 Tower Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Ph: 800/423-3527
Fax: 847/885-2596
Booth#: 301
Orthodent Ltd
311 Viola Ave
Oshawa, ON L1H 3A7 Canada
Ph: 800/267-8463
Fax: 905/723-2331
Booth#: 106
Orthodental USA
1500 Weston Rd, Ste 204
Weston, FL 33326
Ph: 954/513-1673
Fax: 954/385-1050
Booth#: 300
Specialty Appliances
4905 Hammond Ind Dr, Ste J
Cumming, GA 30041
Ph: 800/522-4636
Fax: 678/513-7345
Booth#: 100
Ortho Technology, Inc
17401 Commerce Park Blvd
Tampa, FL 33647
Ph: 800/999-3161
Fax: 813/991-5896
Booth#: 203
Triple O Lab & Supply Company
PO Box 1419
Gainesville, TX 76240
Ph: 940/612-3900
Fax: 940/612-3908
Booth#: 204
PWG Orthodontic Specialties
795 Carson Ave, Ste 1
Dorval, QC H9S 1L7 Canada
Ph: 855/538-4002
Fax: 514/535-6521
Booth#: 400
Yodle, Inc
50 W 23rd St, Ste 401
New York, NY 10010
Ph: 877/276-5104
Fax: 646/898-3797
Booth#: 303
RMO, Inc
650 W Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80204
Ph: 800/525-6375
Fax: 303/592-8209
Booth#: 402
Rondeau Seminars
1295 Highbury Ave, Unit C8
London, ON N5Y 5L3 Canada
Ph: 800/308-3074
Fax: 519/455-1589
Booth#: 307
SML Space Maintainers Lab
9129 Lurline Ave
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Ph: 800/423-3270
Fax: 818/341-4684
Booth#: 305
Food and Beverage