KAO Kentucky A s s o c i at i o n o f o rt h o d o n t i s t s A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 14 H ya t t R e g e n c y louisville · Eustaquio Araujo, D.D.S. (Sponsored by Dentsply GAC) Professor Eustáquio Afonso Araújo received his DDS from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1969. He received his Certificate in Orthodontics and Masters on Dental Sciences from the University of Pittsburgh. His professional life has been devoted to the orthodontic clinic, education and research, both in Brazil and in the United States. At the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUCMinas -Belo Horizonte, Brazil, he was Orthodontic Program Director, Dean of the Dental School, and later President of the University. He has served as Orthodontic Program Director at Saint Louis University and presently is an Assistant to the Director of the Center for Advanced Dental Education. He is a member of the Brazilian Dental Society, Brazilian Association of Orthodontics, American Association of Orthodontics, Angle Society of Orthodontics - Midwest Component, International College of Dentists, World Federation of Orthodontics, American College of Dentists, and he is one of the directors of the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics. Lecture COURSE TITLE: A POTPOURRI OF ORTHODONTIC PEARLS I. DEVIATIONS IN ERUPTION, ANKYLOSIS and IMPACTIONS: In our daily orthodontics practices we often deal with patients with esthetic complaints related most of the time to the anterior teeth: congenitally missing teeth, trauma, dilacerations, ankylosis, gemination, fusion, canine impactions and other deviations. How to orthodontically deal with these esthetic demands? We will review principles and discuss treatment protocols and alternatives for these not so rare situations. II. DANCING WITH CLASS II's: Class II treatment stands out among the great controversies in Orthodontics. This very frequent malocclusion in our daily practice has been the theme of immense debates and dogmatic points of view. The core of these debates frequently relates to the timing of treatment. To this end, one of the most pressing problems in orthodontics has been finding better ways to treat Class II’s. Our intent is to focus on the different orthodontic and orthopedic solutions utilized to achieve excellence. III. CLASS III TREATMENT AND MECHANICS: Orthodontic management of the Class III malocclusion has been a constant challenge to the orthodontic profession and remains a controversial issue among clinicians and researchers. The controversy is real and questions are still to be answered: How much can orthodontics really do? To treat or not to treat? How to approach it non-surgically? The literature provides enough support that appropriate interventions at the adequate time, accompanied by a family growth study may very well minimize or camouflage the Class III to acceptable and stable results without a surgical intervention. DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL is an ADA/CERP recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between DENTSPLY International and Kentucky Association of Orthodontists. DENTSPLY is also an AGD approved PACE provider (208218) for FAGD/MAGD Credit. Acceptance period 05/2014 – 06/2018. 5.5 CE Credits Available Kentucky Association of orthodontists Schedule—Friday, August 22 8:00- 9:00 9:00- 12:00 12:00- 1:00 1:30- 4:30 K A O Registration and Continental Breakfast Lecture Business Meeting and Lunch (Members & Residents) Lecture Doctor: ______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________Email: _____________________________ REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, August 14, 2014 Registration Fee increases by $25 after 8/14 and On-site. Fees (Registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and breaks) ____KAO Members: $295 Each ____Non-Members: $395 Each ____Full-Time Faculty & Residents: $60 Each To better plan for food, please check if you will attend the following: ____Continental Breakfast ____Business Luncheon PAYMENT CHOICES: (1) CREDIT CARD: ___AMEX ___MC ___VISA Credit Card #:_______________________________ Exp. Date:_______ Detach here Name on Credit Card:_____________________________________________ Billing Address:__________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:______ Zip:_______________ (2) CHECK (Make checks payable to the Kentucky Association of Orthodontists or KAO) Check #__________ WAYS TO REGISTER: (A) Register online: KAO website: www.kaortho.org or http://www.saortho.org/about-sao/sao-components.aspx (If the SAO has your email address, you will receive an invitation to register online.) (B) Detach & Mail this form to: Kentucky Association of Orthodontists 32 Lenox Pointe Atlanta, GA 30324 (C) Fax (with CC payment) to 1-404-261-6856 (D) Call SAO office with payment information: 1-800-261-5528 Registration Fees are fully refundable for cancellations received seven days or more prior to the meeting. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received after Friday, August 14, 2014 or for No-Shows. HOUSING Hyatt Regency Louisville 311 South 4th Street Louisville, KY 40202 ** KAO Room rate—$169 + tax** OR: FAX (with CC Payment) to: 1-404-261-6856 OR: Housing Deadline is July 30 Call the SAO office with payment information (800) 261 -5528. Call: 1-(502)581-1234 and request the KAO room block. Housing reservation may be made online using this link. https://resweb.passkey.com/go/kyassnoforthodontists Kentucky Association of Orthodontists 32 Lenox Pointe Atlanta, GA 30324 Kentucky KAO Association of orthodontists Annual Meeting August 22, 2014 Louisville, ky
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