, ..• OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED (To be completed, filled in, signed and stamped by the principal) PROCUREMENT Dl'.PAR1]VlENT, ISLAMABAD FOREIGN SECTION A • ANNEXURE' A' SODIUM CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE- HIGH VISCOSITY (CMC-HV) Material Tender Enquiry No PROC-F A/C B/W S/CH EM-1284/20 I;; Due Date Evaluation Sr :-\0 Criteria Description FULL SCHEDULE OF REOUIREME~T Unit / SOOlCY! CARBOXY :VIETHYL CELLCLOSE- HIGH VISCOSITY (CY!CHV) Metric Ton Quantity Unit Price (FOB) Total Price (FOB) Unit Price C & F BY SEA Total Price C & F BY SEA Deviated From Tender Spec, If Any 120 Note: 1. Bid bond:-Pursuant to tender clause # 2.2, II A, 13 & 35.3.2, bides) must be accompanied by an upfront bid bond in the form of pay order/ demand draft or bank guarantee issued by scheduled bank of Pakistan or a branch of foreign bank operating in Pakistan. for an amount of USD 5.000/= (US dollars five thousand only) or equivalent Pak Rupees, with technical bid and valid for 150 days from the date of opening of the bids. The bank guarantee must be issued in accordance with the format as per Annexure-C of the tender documents. 2. Terms and conditions:-Bidders site in the master tender document. 3. Summary rejection criteria: are advice to carefully read all the terms and conditions of the Tender Document available at OODCL web - The summary rejection criteria at clause 35 of the tender document may also be exam ined carefully. 4. Any bid not meeting the criteria spelled in the clause #35 shall be summarily rejected without any right of appeal. 5. Del ivery period of the quoted product should not be more than 90 days after open ing of Letter of Cred it (LC) . •... INDENT # WS(MUD)-365/12/2014 DATED 22.08.2014 TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS SHEET OF CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE - HIGH VISCOSITY CMC (HV) is the technical grade, high viscosity, sodium carboxyl methyl cellulose (Na-CMC) used in the drillingfluids ranging from fresh water to salt water (Containing up to 50,000 PPM Salt). CMC-(HV) also aids in rheological control, filtration control, formation of the filter cake, lubrication of bit, suspension of cuttings and weighting materials. It is stable up to 300 of (149°C). Each bidder of CMC-HV should invariably fill-in the table given below with exact value of these properties of their quoted product.Only to write conforming to or OK will not be sufficient. A) TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TlONS SR. NO. 01. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Light colored hygroscopic free flowing powder Appearance 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. SR. NO. 1. Moisture content ASTM D 1439 8% Maximum Degree of Substitution ASTM D 1439 0.75 Minimum pH of 1% Solution in distilled water (25°C) Sieve Limit (%) Retention on 16 mesh ASTM (1.18mm) Bulk Density (g/l) API Spec. 13 A - 10 2. Fluid Loss 7 - 10 1 Maximum 550 Minimum PERFORMANCE Dial Viscometer Reading at 600 rpm EXACT VALUE OF THE OFFERED PRODUCT REQUIRED SPECIFICA TlONS PERFORMANCE TESTING (AS PER API SECTION 10) REQUIRED SPECIFICA TlONS TEST In de-ionized Water 30 Minimum. 40 g/L Salt water 30 Minimum. In Saturated water 30 Minimum. Salt - - 10 ern", Maximum Note: Detailed procedure for performance testing are enclosed at Annexure- AI EXACT VALUE OF THE OFFERED PRODUCT INDENT # WS(MUD)-365/12/2014 C} DATED 22.08.2014 NECESSARYDATA SR. NO. 01 . DESCRIPTION Name of Bidder .~. Complete address, telephone, , 02. Email and fax numbers of bidder 03. Name of local agent Complete address, telephone, 04. Email and fax numbers of local agent. 05. Name of Manufacturer Name of Authorized Signatory 06. of Manufacturer Complete address, telephone, 07. e-mail and fax number of manufacturer. 08. Website of manufacturer 09. Brand Name of Product 10. Country of origin 11. Port of shipment 12. Minimum shelf life of product <\ II "., ~. - •. INDENT # WS(MUD)-365/12/2014 D) DATED 22.08.2014 Names of at least 07 clients / sales achievement (E & P companies only) other than OGDCL whom supplied the quoted product during the last Five(Os) years commencing from in bulk quantity (not less than 50 M.Ton) with contract numbers and quantities year 2009 as a proof of Five(Os) years experience. SR. NO. " NAMES OF CLIENTS WITH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NOS. CONTRACT / PURCHASE ORDER NOS. WITH DATE QUANTITY SUPPLIED Ol. 02. 03. 04. - as. 06. 07. E) NECESSARYATTACHMENTS FOR TECHNICAL BID: SR. NO. Ol. 02. ATTACH ED/ PROVIDED OR NOT. DESCRIPTION Product Data Memorandums manufacturer. Material in original printed by Attached/ Not attached Attached/ Not attached / Attached/ Not attached Safety Data Sheets in original printed by manufacturer. 03. Valid 150-9001-2008 certificate for manufacturing Production of the quoted product / Mud chemicals. 04. Original authority bidder for quoting to Attached/ Not attached 05. capability profile with manufacturing & Company Experience; in original with financial statement of last 03 Attached/ Not attached Lab evaluation report of the quoted product from an internationally reputed third party laboratory in the light of technical specifications sheet at A) & Performance Test at B) Attached/ Not attached. 1 kg sample of offered product Provided/ letter issued by the manufacturer their product. years 06. 07 • . A n// .- . • . Not provi J d ·.- INDENT # WStMUD)-365/12/2014 DATED 22-08-2014 The chemical should be packed as 2Skgs net per bag in export quality new multi-wall paper bags having thick, high density inner polythene liner for rendering the material completely moisture proof. The material should be palletized as 500-1000 KG, wrapped with thick polyethylene sheet and tightly strapped. The. packaging of the required mud chemical should be of international standards and capable to safe transportation during ocean / road journey from port of shipment to well site and to withstand harsh weather conditions at the storage points and at the well sites / locations. " MARKING: Each bag should have clearly legible marking, as given below; (a) Name of the product. (b) Name of the Manufacturer. (c) Date/month/ year of manufacture. (d) Minimumshelf life (e) Supply order number against which supplies are made. (f) Lot No.-.-/ Batch No. _ INSTRUCTIONSTO THE BIDDERS/ TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. The manufacturer supplying of indented 9001-2008 certificate case of any ambiguity, 2. of the quoted product must have minimum 05 years experience of manufacturing & chemical to E & P companies specifically, duly supported by valid authentic ISO as a proof for manufacturing/ production of the quoted product / mud chemical. In the certificate will be verified from issuing authority. Minimum shelf life of the quoted product should not be less than 03 years. 3. Technical Specifications Sheet of the quoted product duly filled-in technical bid. 4. Delivery period of the quoted product should not be more than 90 Days. must be enclosed in the 5. Technical bids will be evaluated, keeping in view the track record of Bidder, Manufacturer & Local Agent and the bid will be declared technically non-responsive if the previous performance of any of the stated entities, all its associated subsidiary undertaking whether by way of common directorship, common management and control , share holding or direct or indirect control through directors prove to be unsatisfactory and accordingly stand disqualified from participating in OGDCL tenders or contracts. 6. The Local Agent and Bidder (In case of Pakistani origion) must be registered with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SEep). 7. An authority letter in original issued by the manufacturer for allowing the bidder to quote their product for this particular tender enquiry, duly signed/stamped, must be attached with the technical bid. 8. All the bidders must have to provide/ submit the 1 Kg sample of the quoted product along with technical bids at the time of bid submission. The valid receipVtracking details supplied through national / international courier services has to be accompanied with the bid. If the sample is not submitted with the bid, it will not be accepted after 10 days in any case & will lead to disqualification of bid. 9. If any of the information provided by the bidders proves wrong or any counterfeited/unlawful document is submitted to mislead department, OGDCL reserves the right to disqualify such bids without further assigning any reason. Such bidders will not be eligible to bid for any future procurement 10. The quantities of indented material can be increased or decreased at the time of finalization of case according to the requirement. 1· INDENT # WS(MUD)-365/12/2014 11. OG'DCL will carry out OGDCL committee SRD DATED 22.08.2014 party pre-shipment (02 Members). inspection at its own cost. The inspection will be witnessed by The committee will also inspect manufacturing facility. The bidder will be responsible for arranging visit of the committee prior to shipment for at least 05(Five) Days, in order to witness the pre-shipment inspection & to authenticate quality control setup of Manufacturer at t~t~fJuring facility. The bidder will have to bear all the cost (Travelling, boarding, lodging, visa etc, Details I d) for visit of OGDCL Committee. The charges should be quoted separately, which would be financially evaluated) 12. All the bidders will mention & quote in their financial bid, the charges to be incurred for OGDCL Committee Rd comprising of 02 Nos. officers for witnessing 3 part inspection as per breakup given against each .. ! SNO. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES CHARGES TO BE QUOTED (USD) Economy Class return air Ticket for 02 Persons Pick & Drop From the destination Airport To/from hotel 04 Star Hotel accommodation(On Single occupancy basis) for 02 officers & 03 meals/day for 05 days Air conditioned Transportation from hotel to their factory/yard/S" party Lab & back. Payment of Daily allowance per person (Usually USD. 150200) Any Other expense 13. Shipment is required to be made in containers for minimizing damages to the costly chemical, 14. The final acceptance of the requisite consignment at respective warehouse/store inspection of shipment & Lab analysis of representative sample for conformance will be made after physical to technical specs of tender documents. The lab analysis will be undertaken at OGDCL own or any other reputable lab of OGDCL choice and acceptance of the results will be binding over the supplier. Material must have to be lifted back by the vendor if found not as per technical specification days of this particular tender enquiry even after its receipt at OGDCL base stores and have to replace with the material conforming to technical specifications within 90 with no cost to OGDCL TECBNi . SEe ('TON LO . G.I\,l.··: Di.A!D1 TUG} [·VISCOSI'IT CMC CGM C-Fl V'(') 10.1 Description I. a. Technicnl-gradn hig.:l-visccsity carboxym.: hyl cell lose (ClvIC-ITV'1') (an a llva li metal sal: of cn rl-oxyme th ylce llulos e) is cellulose th a t is modified ChE'!_lic:tlly t. obtain a water-soluble polymer. The manufac: iuer shn l maintain documentation of analysis of t.he cellulosi raw material used. 'j b.. The product obtained is a free-flowing or graml lated powder and .is rioi. ncrrnallypnrified "e byprod ucts formed in the Teac:t.i.on. T.t is ]inOY.'D ll!; C'>l.C-l[VT c. CMC-HVT shall be deemed to meet this spccificu tion if a composite sample representing no r.icrc thar one day's production conforms to the phys ica 1r equ ire ments of Table 10.1, represents the producturoduced and is controlled 'by the manufacturer. TAJlLB 10.1 CMC-HVT PIIYSIC1-\L REQUrIlE1VillSTS Requirem.ent Viscometer DiRI Reading at. 600 rprn in Deionized Water 3n, minimum in 40 glL Salt'Water SOLUTION ' 10 crrr', maximum ._------ ------ PROPERTIES' 10.2. EquipInE'ut. a. Thermometer: b. Balance: 32-220 ±l'F (0-10r: :to.5'C) precision of ll.Olg c. Mixer (e.g., Multimixer Model 9B with 9n2~X im.- pellers or equiva lent as shown in rig. 2.1): Each spindle will be fitted with a single! sine-wave impeller approximat.ely one inch (25rnln) in diameter mounted flash side up. d. Mixer. Container: npproxirnate dirncnsrions 7 inches (HIO mm) deep, 3-13/16 inch (97 mm) ll) top. 2-3/4·inch (70 rom) ID bottom (e.g., Hamilton BC:lch mixer cup No. Iv1l10-D, 0, equivalent) e. Spatula f. Container: salt solutions glass or plastic with stopper or lid for g. Motor-Driven Direct Indicating Viscometer: as referenced in A.PI.RP 1313-1, 1st edition, June, 1990, Par. 2.4 h. Deionized (or distilled) water 5PO-clll' 1<. r, ,10. 1000-crn' "01" metric: flask Defnamer 'I'irnars: two intervc l, m.ichn ni p·-ecis[nn to 0.1 minute 11. Filter press: ;-. s referuncerl edition, JUDe, 199(;, Par. 3.:~ D, Graduated in A· (TDl: Due 500 ±5 Cl;;3 cylinders IUD ±1 ern", and OIl~ pre iis ion of 0.1 pH !" pH meter: q. API Standard Svalual.ioll 112.5e C bicarb"nate: Procedure ill (CAS 1F14'b- _.- Deionized 'W~t a. Prepare a solulion ofCMC-HV'1'. (6.29 ±0.03 g/L) nfCMC-HVT to :J50 :'::[ water at a uniform rate over a tirne iut seconds while stirring on the ·T1Lxer. Solution Properties Filtrate Volume er: about j. Sodinm ch lorir.e: (CAS W/f;'±7-1A lfUJ Sp ecifi ca+io n 30, minimum •.l cnnt.air r , Soclium --------------.--.-.--- in Satur-ated Salt Water Seale ;',TOTE: CMC-HVT slial] be ac ded. all} shalt to minimi.ze d'lsting. 1,_ .1\1\;e1'stining from the mixer a.nd remove or dislodge container ",.'1115.· Be spatula is iucorpora ,5 :,::0.1 minutes, r scr ape its sides wi any CMC-HVT sure an ·C:'vlC-HV ted into t:h~ soluti r:. Replace the container on the rnixe stir. The container .riay nr-ccl t.o he H mixer and the sides scraped to dislorlg afler another 5 and; 0 minutes. Total r equal 20 :1:1 minutes. d. Age the solution for up to 15 lieu covered container at room teruper aturt t:emperature and storage duratiou. e. After aging, sti r the solution :to.l minutes. . 011 L Pour the solution into the viscorue with the direct indicating viscometer. ' a t the GOO ;:-jlln rotor speed setting OJ 511,,11 be recorded when a constant vah reached. The 600 r pm dial reading shr solution test temperature of 77 ±2"F ( lOJt Procedure - 40 gfL ::~:J.lt 'YVrlt. . a. Prepare a 40 gll, salt so~'jtion by ~ of ""dium ch.loridc t;: a lOOO-:;'n> volm dilutmgwitli deionized water \ 0 the in the flask. Mix .thorOl.:ghly. .:~~.. ., »: ::-:=-==-::-=~==.-=-::::::==. or Prepare a solution ClvIC-RVT. Add ;2.70 ±O.OJ go ±0.03 g/L) of ClvIC-IIVT to aso :1;6 'cm3 of the <0 lt solution at a uniform rate over a time interval out 60 seconds while s tirring on t.hc mixer. J\.c'c1 mer if necessary. '.After stirri.ng 5 ±0.1 minutes, r-er.rovo '. the mixer andscrape its sides with the ,dge any ClvIC-HVT adhering to the , Be sure all CM.C-IIVT clinging to the , orated into the solution, container spatula is ~Replace the container au mixer a ud continue 10 ";J",~container, may ,J?,~ed to be removed fromU;~ '~51d thesic1es scraped to dislodge any ClvIC-.HV J. i- another 5 and 10 minutes'. Total rni ring time sha U, ,"120 ±l minutes. !'Al>"ge the solution for up to 16 hours in a sealed r r '\{.Jtedcontainer at room,tempp;rature, Record storage :'/iperature aud storage duratiou. ,I ;t'Aft.e.r aging, stir the solution on the mixer for 5 minutes, .Pour the solution into the viscometer cup provided .the direct indicating viscometer. The dial r ea ding e 600 rpm rotor speed setting of the viscometer he recorded when a constant value at 600 rpiu is ed. The 600 rpm dial reading shall be taken fit n tion test temperature of 77 ±2'F (26 ±I'Cl. I 5 Procedure Sat:urai;ed Salt 'Vater Test - Prepare an ample vO!;lD1C of a saturated salt soluby thoroughly rnixirig in a suitable corrtedn er t.o 4'; sodium chloride per 100 ± 1 cm3 of deionized wa t er. r solution to stand for approximately 1 hour. t solution or filter it into a stcragu container. ,,,,-pare a solution of ClvIC-HVT,* Add :;:!,50 ±0.01 ±0.03 gILl CMC-HVTl' to 350 ±5 cm3 of saturn teci , ater at a uniform -rate over a time interval of ,~ 60 seconds while stirring on the rnixer , hs '~A.t"ter stirring 5 ±0.1 minutes, remove container and scrape its side~ with the spatul~l tc :\odge any CMC~HVT adhering to the container ls. Be sure any Clv.rC-H\'T clinging to the spatula is orated into the solution. :1ft mixer Replace the container on mixer and continue to The container may need to he removed from the r and the sides scraped to dislodge any CII/,(C-HV']' another 5 and 10 minutes, Total mixing time shall 120 ±1 minutes, , Age the solution for up to 16 hours in a sealed OJ' red container' at room temperat\lTe, Record storage : erature and storage: duration. ..After aging, minutes. stir the' solution on thu mixer for 5 -Irnmadiately pour the solution into the viscometer ,provided with the direct indicating viscometer. The reading at the 600 rp~ rotor speed setting of the , viscornet .r shall he rccordnd when a constant value : (·00 rj1U1 S ruach cd. The (,00 '11Tll Iiul rea cling shall talII3rt AL a solut ion test tenu-errturo of 77 :t2"F ( -: T'C) I O,i~ Pr-. c corit.ai.n or spatula 1:0 .~.~=:~.-~- a. ccl Pr c] ars u r fln o - F'i.l Volurnc trnte ample volume of" saturated salt so) Lion by U oruughly mixing in n suit able eon tainer -1,0 ,Hi g sodum chloride per 100 ±l. CD,3 of d8icm,i7,ecl.wat. :~Jlow Decant Sf) SI h. Prer of tlu :\dcl 1.0 : mixer for ,,,1\3 ution tution t,l (11' stand for approximately I hot filter it into a storuge container. vr e a cl.ay-base suspension by adding 350 : saturat.ed salt solution tJ a mixer contain: 0,1 g of sodium bicarbor ate and stir on t about one minute. c. Slow y add 3:5.0 ±O.l nasc CIa while stirring g of API Etandarcl'Evaluat:i, on the m.xer. d. Afbe stirring 5 ±O.l mi.uute~" remove contain .rorn mix '1' and scrape its sides with the spatula Iislcdgc ( uy clay adhering to container walls. Be s u :,11day c:l ngi.llg- to the spatula is ir corporat.ed into tl suspenaic " e. .Repl: cc the container on the mixer and continue sLir. The ontainer rna V need to b: removed from tl r.iixer au L the sides ·scra.pec\ to dislodge any clr cling'iug t. the con tain er walls after ancthvr Ii.nud J min nt.en. ' 'ot.nl stirring t.ilne a ft.er H:lding· Lh··~1.:1:1:1' ::;1-1l1 l:ql.lf\ 1 20 : t rrrirrures . r. Add ~ 15 ±Q,OI g (9,01 ±O,03 g'Ll of Cr·..rC-HVT 1 1n e SUSpCl sion while stini.ug all the' mixer, udding at i .uiforru 1': t~ over about 60 second" g. After sti rring 5 ±0.1 minutes, remove the contaiuc the n .ixer and scrape its sides with th. spatula 1 cislodge :1: ,)' CMC-HVT adhering to container walls, B sure all m: .terial clinging to the spatula is incorporate i ito the si spensiou, from h. Rcplr ce the container on the mixer and continu t;-, stir. Th: container rnav need to be r eruovcd from th , ,'nixer and ~,hc sides scraped to clislo-Ige any CMC-FDi' cii.nr,inf tc the container 'walls after another 5 and 1 !ltin;ll:c~~. r ot.al sti~g time shall e~ual20 ± 1.minute: i. Age tl e suspension for 2 hours ±5 minutes sealed 0)' covered con ta iner at room tcmpere Record sto 'age tenipern ture. ,i ±il.l After r ging, she the suspension minu- es , lc. Imme sion into a sion, be, su all gaskets of the sus tl ie suspen top of the cell. Place rnlief valvr in ture on the mixer for, Hately pour the CJ\l1:C-I'IVT-trcated suspen filter press ce1l.- Before adding the suspen e each part of the filter cell is dry and tha 'lie not distorted or worn. The tcmperatur iensiori shall be 77 ±2T (25 ±1 "C), Pou: .ion to within about 1/2 inch (13 mrn) of tlu :e11. Complete assembly of the filter pres: the filter cell in' the frame and close thi 'IJlace a container under the drain tube, . l \4 n'r;c ~'32 r' Am".!ric[!n Pat.rleu.D1 Institute ,I I , ..-=~ ====::::~=='===== , ----'--~ I: 1. Set one timer for 7.5 :to.l minutes and the second timer for 30 ±O'.l·minutes.Start both timers and adjust pressure on th~ 'cell to 100 :1:5 psi (690 ±35 leFft). Both of these steps shall be completed in less than 15 seconds. Pressure sh a.Ilbe supplied by compress!!ll air, nitrogen or helium. . rn, At 7.5 :to.1 miuutes on the first timer, remo-.'e the contai.ner and any uillleriug liquid on the drain tube and discar-d. Place a dry 10 cm3 graduated cylinder under the 'drain tube and continue collecting.filtTate1:0' the end of the second' timer set at 30 minutes. Rf'lDOVe the graclllat't!d' cylinder and record thl~ volume (If filtrate collected. !{' ';: "~ ":," , "~~' r j"", ~,~~~~ :"~I~'t~" :.:,.§p ·:{~!fl ';i'~'~ ~~.I !J~j,'~I:.~ {'t_" 10.7 Calcti.lation - i~iltn.\tl'.Vohuue Calculate the filtr at.e volume suspension as: Filb'ate vol., em ~ '~where: V, =:: (If the ClvIC. x V,'" volume filt.rat.E collected and 30 minutes Record ca<1culill:ed valu. .
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