Joining Instructions ICC 2015

3rd International Capstone Course
CASD – Palazzo Salviati (Roma)
March, 16th – April, 30th 2015
Dear participant, we are pleased to welcome you to the Third International Capstone Course
(ICC) at the Centre for High Defence Studies (CASD) in Roma. You were selected among senior officers of partner and allied countries who are interested in participating in a shorter
module of the prestigious annual course held by the Italian Institute for Advanced Defence
Studies (IASD course).
Aim of the Course
The ICC represents the “international” phase of the national IASD course, which offers an excellent opportunity to both senior officers and civilian executives to complete the highest level
of education and training on security and defence issues. ICC participants will increase their
awareness of the current system of alliances through lectures, seminars and working groups.
Participants will also develop networks with senior staff and decision makers participating in
the IASD course and understand the Italian approach to security and crisis management, as
well as our contributions to international security within the UN, NATO and EU frameworks.
The ICC course will be hosted within the IASD course and will consist of three Seminars in
English and one study trip to several locations in Italy (entirely organized in English). Details
will be specified later on. The first Seminar usually deals with Global Challenges. It will be
followed by a Seminar on Military Operations, and the seminar on Humanitarian Law and
Arms Control will conclude the course. Lectures will be suspended on the occasion of the
study trip in Italy (April 13th – 17th) and during the Easter holidays. Participants will also have
the opportunity to visit important national heritage sites as well as industrial sites relevant
for the Defence sector.
ICC Individual paper
During the course, participants will be required to write an individual paper on a subject
freely chosen among those related to the Seminars held during the ICC course (please, read
carefully Annex 2).
At the end of the course, the paper will be submitted to the course Director, who will express
his considerations and whose evaluation will be subsequently submitted to the Italian CHoD,
for future reference.
Course Schedule
On Monday, 16th March at 8.00 you must be at Palazzo SALVIATI’s main entrance (see Annex 1). The ICC Staff (see Contacts below) will welcome and escort you to the main Conference room; at 8.30, you will be briefed on the “house rules”, contents, timetables and other
important information.
Seminars will take place in accordance with the following schedule1:
from Monday to Thursday:
Course Individual Work
1st Conference
Q & A Session
Lunch break
2nd Conference
Q & A Session
Administrative matters
on Friday:
Course Individual Work
Q & A Session
Course Individual Work
Seminars, schedule and contents will be distributed during the briefing and, normally, a
“weekly” briefing will be given every Monday morning to communicate agenda, news and updates.
Social activities
On Monday, 16th March at 19.30 the CASD President would like to meet you for an Ice
breaker event, hosted by CASD. The dinner serves to help meet the Course aim of building international relations at the personal level, by bringing Course members together in an informal and social atmosphere.
The dress code will be civilian clothes (business attire).
Certificate of attendance
On the last day of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance , presented by CASD President during an official ceremony. All participants are expected to attend, i.e. departures should be scheduled after the ceremony.
1 This schedule might change according with the IASD Session’s agenda.
The official language of the ICC is English.
Logistics and Administrative Matters
Selected candidates are kindly requested to go to the following web site:
download, fill in the registration form and return it to [email protected] NLT February
1st , 2015.
Participants with “Fully Funded” status: In accordance with bilateral agreements between Italy and individual Countries, CASD will provide air tickets from/to their countries of
origin to participants with “Fully Funded” status. Please indicate your desired flight on the
ICC Registration Form. Electronic tickets will be distributed by CASD via e-mail.
On request, CASD will provide transportation from the airport to the hotel.
“All other” participants2: The booking and purchase of flights to reach Roma is an individual responsibility. Please indicate your effective flight schedule on the ICC Registration
Form. On request, CASD will provide transportation from the airport to the hotel.
Accommodation and meals
CASD will be responsible for the accommodation of participants with “Fully Funded” status.
They will be hosted at Defence accommodation facilities located in Rome.
Accommodation includes breakfast, daily dinners and lunches on weekends and holidays.
Lunches from Monday to Friday will be hosted at the CASD Mess.
Accommodation, meals and transportation for all participants who are not entitled to “Fully
Funded” status is an individual responsibility. Nevertheless, CASD is going to negotiate a discounted price at some hotels located near Palazzo Salviati (see Annex 3). Note that in Rome,
March and April are “very high season”, therefore we recommend to book accommodation as
soon as possible. For any enquiries feel free to refer to the ICC Section.
Non-hosted lunches are available at the CASD Mess, from Monday to Friday, at a cost of
roughly 6 Euro.
During the study trip, hotel accommodation and meals for participants with fully funded
and partially funded status will be charged to the CASD Administration (see full summary
in Annex 3).
Local transportation
On the days of arrival and departure, a military shuttle service between the airport and the
hotel / Defence accommodation facilities will be available, upon request, for all participants.
NOTE: Please provide complete flight details on your Registration Forms to help arrange the
transportation service.
To know the status granted to your nation, please refer to the Contract Letter or contact the ICC Section.
Depending on the circumstances, the following uniforms/dress may be used:
Complete winter service uniform with jacket and tie
Winter service uniform with pullover
Civilian business attire
Health Insurance
Valid health insurance in Italy is responsibility of the participant and/or the sponsoring nation. Participants will be entitled to free medical assistance at military facilities only for problems that arise after their arrival in Italy subject to bilateral agreements.
A medical consulting room is available at Palazzo SALVIATI. Personnel will provide initial diagnosis, first aid and limited treatment. Prescribed drugs and medicines may be obtained
with payment from local pharmacies. The settlement of bills at civilian hospitals or clinics as
well as dental care will be a participant’s/national responsibility.
Roma enjoys a Mediterranean climate. Its average annual temperature is above 20°C (68° F)
during the day and 10°C (50° F) at night.
In April, it rains about 1/3 of the time and relative humidity is 75%; the average high temperature is 18 °C (64,4° F) and the low is 12 °C (53,6° F).
Annex 1
ICC Section Chief – Course Responsible
Tel. +39 06 4691 3145
Mob. +39 331 6100818
e-mail: [email protected]
ICC Section NCO – Logistic’s coordination
Tel. +39 06 4691 3147
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Maria ROCCA
ICC Section Translator/Interpreter
Tel. +39 06 4691 3222
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs. Antonietta PAGNOZZI
ICC Section - Staff
Tel.+39 06 4691 3082
e-mail: [email protected]
CASD Location
CASD Main entrance
Annex 2
During the course, participants will be required to write an individual paper on a subject
freely chosen among those related to the Seminars on global challenges, military operations and humanitarian law.
Here’s a list of the topics usually handled during the lectures:
Demographic and geopolitical trends
Water scarcity, Hunger & Migrations
Juridical aspects of human trafficking
Bio terroristic threats and infectious diseases
Energy and environment
Environment and Armed Conflicts
Non-State Actors and direct participation in Hostilities
State-building and Occupation Law
Military Operations: lessons learned, legal aspects, current trends
Participants are invited to submit 3 possible titles they wish to discuss in their paper to
the e-mail address of the ICC Section: [email protected] by March 2nd, 2015.
Proposals will then be submitted to the course Director, evaluated and one of the themes will
be selected and assigned before the arrival in Rome. Participants are expected to develop
their papers during the course. Daily a specific time is allocated (8.00 -10.30) for this purpose.
Each participant will be provided with all resources necessary for completing the work within
the deadline (room, PC, printer, Internet connection, stationery, etc.). Each paper is to be approximately 7-10 pages long (a formatted sample document will be also provided).
After being assigned the title of the paper, each participant must pinpoint the specific topic
and formulate one or more research questions, i.e. “What aspects do I wish to highlight with
my work?”.
Then they should accurately define the limits of the topic and develop those aspects on which
they wish to concentrate. Finally they draw their conclusions.
A specific personal and national approach will be particularly welcome.
Papers will be presented to the course Director3 NLT April 24th, 2015 and subsequently
forwarded to the Italian CHoD, complete with the Director’s considerations, for future reference.
Submitting procedure will be arranged between participant and Director (e-mail, hard copy, etc.)
Annex 3
for ICC Participants with Partially Funded Status / with Fee
Hotels within walking distance from CASD that will grant a discounted price to course participants.
Hotel La Rovere
Vicolo Sant'Onofrio, 400165 - Roma
+39 06
[email protected]
Distance from CASD 120 m
Hotel Bramante
Vicolo delle Palline, 24 - 00193 Roma
[email protected]
Distance from CASD 700 m
Hotel Emmaus
Via Delle Fornaci, 23/25 - 00165 Roma
+39 06 63.56.58
[email protected]
Distance from CASD 1 km
Summary of responsibilities for course expenses while in Rome
in Rome
Meals in Rome
Study Tour (travel expenses, meals and accommodation)
Lunch (Mon.-Fri.): hosted at CASD Mess
Fully funded
Dinner: reimbursed
Lunch (Sat.-Sun.): reimbursed
Partially funded
Participant’s Administration
Non-hosted lunch available at CASD Mess
(about 6€)
With Fee
Participant’s Administration
Non-hosted lunch available at CASD Mess
(about 6€)
Participant’s Administration