Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (12): 2075-2078, 2014 ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2014 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.20.12.21845 Design OFAVR Using Genetic Algorithm and PID Controller 1 1 R. Udayakumar, 2G. Saritha and 3T. Saravanan School of Computing Sciences, Bharath University, Chennai, India 2 Department of EEE, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India 3 Department of ETC, Bharath University, Chennai-47, India Abstract: With the rise of electricity demand, the secure and economic operation of power systems requires improved and innovative methods of control. Recently, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a new paradigm for optimization based on biological evolution provides a powerful search technique for power systems. This paper deals with PID controller tuning of AVR of an isolated power system using GA. The simulation results from other intelligent controller techniques like fuzzy and neural are also presented. The superiority of the performance with proposed GA based PID controller is demonstrated with simulation results. Key words:Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Genetic Algorithms (GA) Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller (PID) Integral-Time Average Error (ITAE) Integral Absolute Error (IAE) Integral Squared Error (ISE) INTRODUCTION Due to the increasing size and complexity of electric power systems, they are often operated with a lower stability margin. Therefore, the stability enhancement is one of the most important issues for the reliable operation of electric power system. Excitation control is well known as one of the effective means to enhance overall power system stability [1]. The generator excitation system maintains generator voltage and controls the reactive flow using an AVR. The role of AVR is to hold the terminal voltage magnitude of a synchronous generator at a specified level. Hence the stability of the AVR would seriously affect the security level of the power system. Some modern voltage regulators utilize PID controllers for stabilization. Due to model uncertainties, problems in tuning high order systems and delays the conventional PID controller schemes do not yield high performance [1]. The growth in size and complexity of electric power systems along with increase in power demand has necessitated the use of intelligent systems that combine knowledge, techniques and methodologies from various sources for the real-time control of power systems. The intelligent controllers using fuzzy and neural methods are implemented to improve the dynamic performance of AVR in an isolated power system [2]. Fuzzy controller will make an intelligent decision on the amount of field current that should be applied to the generator by considering two inputs namely voltage and change in voltage with seven linguistic variables, 49 rules and mamdani method produces the output in order to keep voltage at its rated value and provides a satisfactory performance for AVR in an isolated power system [3]. Neural controller for AVR in an isolated power system is implemented by using multilayer feedforward network either with Radial Basis Function (RBF) or with two-layer sigmoid/linear Back Propagation (BPN) gradient descent learning algorithm. Its training data set is taken from fuzzy controller. The dynamic performance proves to be satisfactory than Fuzzy controller [4]. GA represents a heuristic search technique based on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetics. Here the genetic algorithm is used for PID tuning of AVR model [5]. The evaluation function is a function of error and time [6, 7]. The Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Squared Error (ISE) and Integral-Time Average Error (ITAE) are used. ITAE overcomes the Corresponding Author: R. Udayakumar, School of Computing Sciences, Bharath University, India. 2075 Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (12): 2075-2078, 2014 Fig 1.0: Block Diagram of an Automatic Voltage Regulator Table 1: System Parameters for Avr Gain Amplifier Exciter Generator Sensor KA=10 KE=1 KG=0.8 KR=1 Time constant in sec The Algorithm for this Study Is Given Below: =0.1 =0.4 G=1.4 R=0.05 Initialize a population of chromosomes. Evaluate each chromosome in the population. Create new chromosome by Crossover and Mutation operators. Evaluate the new chromosomes for intermediate population. Compare intermediate population with last population and chose the best chromosomes from last and intermediate population for new population. Change the name of new population as last population. If time is finished, stop and return the best chromosome, if not, go to step number 3. A E disadvantages of other methods such as long-duration transients and overshoots. The optimal adjustment of the PID controller gains with ITAE are investigated and the enhancement in the dynamic performance is verified through simulation results. Automatic Voltage Regulator Model (Avr Model): The primary means of generator reactive power control is the generator excitation control using automatic voltage regulator (AVR) [1]. Fig 2.1 shows the schematic diagram for automatic voltage regulator (AVR). An increase in the reactive power load of the generator is accompanied by a drop in the terminal voltage magnitude. The voltage magnitude is sensed through a potential transformer on one phase. This voltage is rectified and compared to a dc set point signal. The amplified error signal controls the exciter field and increases the exciter terminal voltage. Thus, the generator field current is increased, which results in an increase in the generated emf. The reactive power generation is increased to a new equilibrium, raising the terminal voltage to the desired value [1]. The controller parameters for AVR taken for study are shown in Table 1. GA Based Pid Tuning for AVR Model: Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive search procedures for optimization and learning [5]. The concepts of the algorithms are loosely based on natural population genetics. The conventional method to tune the gains of PID controller with numerical analysis is tedious and time consuming. Genetic Algorithm, a random search technique provides a powerful way for larger search space and they converge fair rapidly to near optimal solutions [6]. Initialization: The initial population for this case is randomly generated in binary code. So each chromosome is described by a binary string, then these binary strings are changed to decimal values for the evaluations [6, 7]. The parameters of the PID tuning used here are Kp, Ki and Kd, the Proportional-Integral-derivative gain respectively. Each parameter will be called a gene and the combination of genes in one string such as ‘Kp-Ki-Kd’ form a chromosome. The initial population size of 80 is chosen for study. Evaluating the Fitness Function: When a GA is applied, the optimization problem should be converted to a suitably described function.The corresponding function is called “fitness function”. The fitness function is the performance index of a GA to resolve the viability of each chromosome. The higher the fitness value, the better the system's performance [5, 6]. For AVR, the voltage error is given by, Ve (s) = VR(S) - V S (s ) (1) In general, the PID controller design method using the integrated absolute error (IAE), or the integral of squared-error (ISE), or the integral-time-averaged error 2076 Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (12): 2075-2078, 2014 (ITAE) is often employed in control system design because it can be evaluated analytically in the frequency domain. The three integral performance criteria in the frequency domain have their own advantages and disadvantages. (2) IAE = ∫ ∞ 0 ISE = ∫ ∞ 2 0 e ( t )dt (3) ∫ (4) ITAE = e (t ) dt ∞ 0 t e(t) dt Where e is the voltage error in AVR model The disadvantage of the IAE and ISE criteria is that its minimization can result in a response with relatively small overshoot but a long settling time because the ISE performance criterion weights all errors equally independent of time. Although the ITAE performance criterion can overcome the disadvantage of the ISE criterion, the derivation processes of the analytical formula are complex and time-consuming which can be made easy with GA search technique. Genetic Operations: The population is then transformed in stages to yield a new current population for next iteration. The transformation is usually done three stages by simply applying the following genetic operators: (1)Reproduction (2)Crossover and (3)Mutation [5]. Reproduction is the operator carrying old strings through into a new population, depending on the fitness value. Strings with high fitness values obtain a larger number of copies in the next generation. Crossover is an effective way of exchanging information and recombining segments from high fitness individuals. Crossover is an operator which simply exchanges segments between pair of parent strings. Mutuation is an operator which alternatively changes one or more elements on a string [5,6]. Here the probabilities of Geometric reproduction, Arithmetic cross-over and uniform mutation are 0.08,4 and 8 are chosen respectively. If the goal is not achieved in the current generation after the genetic operations, chromosomes of the current generate will go through to the next generation. The GA operation will repeat the procedure until the requirement is achieved. New Population: After the selection of new chromosomes and generation of the intermediate population, this population should be compared with the last generation and the best chromosome of each population should be selected for the next step (6). The pool population which is used in this GAs has a size of about 220. It contains all the copies of each chromosome that are created during one generation. The size of 220 is chosen for more accuracy. Simulation Results: The simulation results with conventional PID, Fuzzy and Neural intelligent controller techniques for AVR model of an isolated power system is implemented and results are presented. MATLAB 7.0 is used for simulating the system. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) with various evaluation functions is implemented. The enhancement in dynamic response is observed with ITAE based PID tuning using GA. With IAE method of PID tuning using GA the values are: K d = 86.94290,K p = 92.90549, K i = 99.8934 With ISE method of PID tuning using GA the values are: Kd = 88.35187 K p = 88.04131 K i = 99.7125 With ITAE method of PID tuning using GA the values are: Kd = 20.28485 K p = 39.90599 K i = 57.4063 The PID tuning GA-ITAE yields better response with lower search bounds. Fig 2.0: AVR model without any controller Figure 3.0 AVR model with conventional PID controller 2077 Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (12): 2075-2078, 2014 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Fig 4.0:AVR model with Fuzzy logic and Neural network controller 4. 5. 6. Fig 5.0:AVR model with genetic algorithm controller with different objective functions 7. CONCLUSION The results presented in this paper shows that genetic algorithm techniques provides a method for designing more efficient AVR controllers. It has enhanced dynamic performance when compared with other methods. 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