Market Share

Topic this issue:
Market Share
Issue 2
11th March 2014
Welcome to the second issue of our newsletter where we focus on market share.
Our newsletters are designed to provide you with some background detail around
the subject matter, a national overview, interesting statistics and details on how you
can find out more using the HED system. We hope that you find this useful and we
are interested in any feedback on what you would like to see in the newsletters as
well as suggestions for future topics. Please send any feedback and suggestions
through to [email protected].
The NHS Constitution states that
patients have the right to choose
the organisation that provides their
care following referral for a first
consultant led outpatient appoint-
ment. Operating in an increasingly
competitive environment has increased the need for Trusts to understand their market.
The charts below show the increase
over the years in the healthcare
market and the seasonality trends,
by completed episodes for English
NHS patients. The full financial year
2013/14 figures have been predicted
based on April to November 2013
data and using the seasonal trend for
The HED market share suite of reports provides information on the
The Healthcare Market
Trust Market Analysis
Understanding Referral
The Healthcare Market
The UK healthcare market, serving
an expanding and ageing population, has seen continual growth.
From 2008/09 to 2012/13 there
has been an average yearly growth
in the market of 2.3%. In 2012/13
there were 16.5 million spells
across England, resulting in Payment by Results income of £20.4
Inside this Issue:
acute activity market distribution
across NHS and private providers for
English NHS patients. The suite is
comprised of market share reports
for A&E admissions, inpatient spells,
inpatient episodes and outpatient
Information provided in the reports
enable Trusts to gain valuable insight into the market as a whole,
changes in trust market share and
detailed information on GP practice
referral habits, all of which will be
covered in more detail in this issue.
HED Report Development
The chart below shows the market changes that have been seen in April
to November 2013 in comparison to the same period in 2012 for some of
the market’s largest primary diagnosis groups. Using HED, Trusts can
view changes in the total, regional, peer or trust market by diagnosis,
procedure or specialty. As well as understanding changes in demand for
the local population, this also enables trusts to identify the diagnoses
and procedures for which they have the greatest market share and
identify specialties that they are offering where market share has declined or could be improved.
To see more information, go to the Modules menu in HED and select
Financial Opportunity, Market Share, Inpatient Episodes (England) or
Inpatient Episodes (Your Trust) for local market data.
Trust Market Analysis
An analysis of the market will provide the detail and understanding required to then take steps to improve
Trust market share. Using the interactive HED reports, Trusts can select how they wish to view the market.
Total market growth and decline data will show changes in overall demand and this can be directly compared with growth and decline in Trust market share to identify where to focus marketing efforts.
Trusts can identify their key competitors for specific specialties, diagnoses and procedures. Market share
can then be directly compared with that of competitors and viewing a time series shows market share trends
over time.
Follow the steps below, using HED reports, to analyse your market share position and identify a marketing
Look at the services offered and identify those where market share could be improved.
View geographically the spread for services – some will be local, some further afield.
View market share by service to identify the most popular.
Identify high demand services where market share could be improved or has declined, to focus marketing efforts.
Access a market overview based on primary diagnosis group, as below, from the Modules menu, selecting
Financial Opportunity, Market Share, Inpatient Spell with StreetMap.
Some of the factors influencing
Market Share:
Customer satisfaction—based on
previous experience
Loyalty—of referrers and patients
Referral habits and intentions
Top of mind—being well known for
specialist areas or clinical advancement
information such as waiting times
Reputation—perceptions of referrers and patients of a Trust’s reputation based on own experiences
and news/press stories
Recom m en d a tion — m ea s u red
using the NHS friends and family
GPs and the hospitals
Knowledge—an awareness of the
services that are provided by a
Location—typically serving the
local population however through
choice and specialism the Trust
market can be much wider
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Understanding Referral Trends
As GP practices provide the main route of access to acute Trust services,
understanding the referral patterns alongside growth/decline in the
market provides trusts with information on where referrals are coming
from and where patients are going to. Markets can be analysed by location, taking into consideration the market location from the Trust, and
by primary diagnosis, primary procedure and specialty.
Using this information Trusts can easily see where their patients are
being referred from and the percentage of referrals they receive from a
particular GP practice. This information can then be used to create a
targeted marketing plan for individual GP practices where there is the
opportunity to gain a larger share of the market.
Within the various StreetMap reports, for each GP practice, there is a link
to Public Health England information on the number of registered patients at a practice, the age and gender distribution, deprivation information and other useful practice profile details. This additional information
enables Trusts to gain a full understanding of the markets within which
they are operating.
Use the mapping facility to view the
local geographical area, as shown in
the screenshot (left). The pie charts
represent the referring practices and
are sized by the number of spells.
These pie charts show market share
for the selected trust/peers to provide an easy and effective visual way
to identify individual practices for
From here, select a GP practice in
order to view more detail, such as
activity over time and information
about the inpatient spell or outpatient activity.
To view your Trust local market go to
the Modules menu and select Financial Opportunity, Market Share, Inpatient Spell with StreetMap or Outpatient Attendance with StreetMap
View the market share time series for
a practice to see trends over time in
referrals seen by your trust, peers and
others. Select the time series to view
more detail about the activity, including specialty details, primary diagnosis and primary procedure.
To access the report go to Modules
and select Financial Opportunity,
Market Share, Inpatient Spell with
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HED Report Development
The HED Market Share reports suite has recently undergone further
development to provide all the market share detail and HED report functionality in a modified format for ease of use.
market share increase or decrease. The new market share report contains an improved map along with the other reports that enable the
analysis of GP practice markets.
There is a dashboard report which provides a higher level overview of
market share where data can be viewed by spell and tariff. Users can
select what to view in an overview table, including the top ten areas of
Both of these reports are available in the Pre-Release section, accessed
from the Modules menu. They are open for feedback so please try them
out and give us your opinions or suggestions.
The screenshot to the left shows the
new map view in the modified Market Share report which enables certain features to be switched on and
The screenshot below, taken from
the new Market Share Dashboard
report, shows the new options available to provide a high level view of
changes in Trust market share for the
selected period.
In markets where competition is becoming more widespread, awareness and improvement of market share is
increasingly important. In a market that is growing it might be expected that trust market share would also be
growing and if this is not the case then further analysis can be carried out to understand why. Conversely, if
Trust market share is growing in a static or declining market then it is useful to understand why this is the case
and what have been the influences. Market share analysis can contribute to service planning and plays an
essential role in planning the provision of targeted marketing if Trusts want to raise awareness of services
offered and take steps to influence their market share.
The HED reports are designed to provide Trusts with the information required, taken from activity datasets, to
easily identify their market strengths and areas for improvement as well as to understand the national and
local markets.
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We are always interested in
customer feedback. If you
have any comments on or
suggestions for this newsletter or the HED system
then please get in touch.
[email protected]