<': REPUBLIC OF.,THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE lIUllFAIl QV jtm1RNMI lltJVtlN\!E lll<~CORO!l MWI', DIVIIlI0N ~:IK P.M' NOV 0 r, ?~t~ 7- BUREAU OF INTEHNAL REVENUE Quc:1;on City RECElYEfb October 3 1,2014 REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. q- ?D14 SUBJECT Further Amending the Provisions of Revenue Regulations No. 7-20 14, Specillcally the Deadlincs Prescribed Under Scction 13 Thereof TO All Internal Revenue Officials and Others Concerned SECTION 1. SCOI'E. - Pursuant to the provISIOns of Section 8, in relation to Sections 244 and 245 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as ainended, these RcgulJlions are hereby promulgated to extend the deadlines prescribed under transitory provisions of Section 13 under Revenue Regulations (RR) No.7 -2014 SEC. 2 AMENDATOHY PROVISIONS. - The transitory provi sions of Section 13 of RR No. 7-2014, more specilically the deadlines prescribed therein, are hereby atilended . and shall be read as follows: " SEC, 13. TRANSITOHY PHOVISIONS. - The following transitory ' provisions shall be strictly observed: . (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) No latcr than December 1, 2014, all locally manufactured packs of cigarettes shall be affixed with the internal revenue stamps prescribed by these Regulations. (d) xxx (e) Effective March 1, 2015 , all locally manufactured cigarettes found in the market shall be affixed with tlie sa'id stamps, No imported cigarettes shall be found in the market without the new stamps effective April I, 2015; provided, however, that even prior to such date, imported cigarettes should bear either the old stamps or the new stamps. (f) xxx" SEC. 3. PENALTIES. - Any violation of these Regulations shall be subject to the corresponding penalties under the pertinent provisions of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, and applicable regulations issued by the BIR. ·r SEC. 4. SEPARAnILITY CLAUSE. - If any provision o f these Regulations is declaI:ed invalid by a c ompetent c,ourt, !he I:el,nai nd e r o f th ese. Re gul a tions or any prOVI Sion not affected by stich declarahon of lIIva!J<hty shall remalll In torce and effect. I SEC. S. REPEALING C LAUSE. - T he prOV IS ions of a ny e xistin g regul ati ons , rulin gs 0 1' o rd e rs; 0 1' porti ons thereof incons is tc nt w ith the provi s io ns of th ese Regul ations are hereby revoked, repea led 01' amended accordingly, S EC , 6. E FFE C TIVITY, - These Regula tion s s hall take e ffec t inunediately, ~~y{) CES:lk\\J~,J~II\1A Secretary of Finance 024149 Recolllmending Approval: _------. ~'~~WfO-HENARES :J / .. KIM S. JIjCommissi9nefof Internal Revenue 028002 D- I R~ M'~~~r:___ J BUREAU OF IWr~H1W /l1W~Nm: RECOrtOtl M(~lr. gWUlfON .2:/t { ' M ' ~mv 0 fi '1J14 U4 RECEIVE6
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