Skill Intervention in IAP districts: Gumla Example

Skill Intervention in IAP
Gumla Example
PanIIT Alumni Reach For India
(The Nation Building arm of
>> Background: PanIIT Alumni Reach For India
>> Gumla (IAP district) Case study
>> Operationalization: IAP funding structure
>> Collaboration Possibilities: Skills a win-win-win for all
Who are we?
PanIIT Alumni Reach for India (PARFI) is a non-profit
social Enterprise that is the Nation Building arm
of PanIIT Alumni India.
Mr.Hari Padmanabhan, Chairman PanIIT is founding patron.
Mr.Ashank Desai, founder, Mastek and Mr.Kris Gopalakrishnan,
President & JMD of Infosys are executive sponsors.
Team of Professionals from various backgrounds for execution.
Social enterprise(sec 25 co) committed to implement and scale
self-sustainable models that enhance incomes of the poor.
Current initiatives include Skill gurukuls and Rural BPOs.
PARFI Skill Gurukuls - Photo-snapshots
PanIIT Alumni Reach For India skill gurukuls for poor youth:
Assured Placement (Pan-India basis) with 100% loan financing
PanIIT-NABARD vocation loan model:
If IITian can get loan for why his IIT education, why not Poorest of the poor?
IAP skill intervention example: Gumla skill gurukul for construction
Employer for Gumla Construction Gurukul: Shapoorji Pollonji (service providers)
Assured Placement (Pan-India Deployment involving migration)
Upfront tie-up with captive Employer
• Assured placement through MoU with
captive Employer BEFORE gurukul is setup
• Pan-India Deployment (involves Youth
getting away from local influence)
MoU with CII for
30 gurukuls for blue collar
workforce to Industry members
Proposal with NSDC for 300
gurukuls across rural India
Gumla construction gurukul: ‘Cashless model’
Co-investment by District Admin(IAP), Industry(Hindalco), PanIIT-NABARD(loans)
District admin Provides Building+training
assets(One-time set-up)
• `20 lakhs was used for building repairs
and training infrastructure like barbending machine, scaffolding set-up,
tools. `20 lakhs for Phase II(Driving trade)
• Cash-less model where ‘District
Development council’ procured and
continue to own assets as per IAP norms
with ‘utilization permission’ to PanIIT
PanIIT Alumni Reach For India
Through its sustainable loan model
funds operational
Expenditure (on-going basis)
Hindalco (Local Industry) provides
one-year fixed cost funding as gurukul
stablizes to be self sustainable from year 2
Summary: Skill intervention targeted to ‘mainstream’ youth (school drop-outs)
through Blue-collar training and assured employment
Replicate the Gumla Gurukul model in other IAP districts for
Win-win-win to Government-people-industry
(One-time-investment Model )
Help in sourcing of Youth from IAP districts through SHG-NGOs/
Government supported SHGs for NABARD loans and candidates
(Out bound Employment of IAP district youth)
PanIIT Alumni Reach For India on-the-ground experience:
Youth from IAP states have shown highest repayment rates
Indicating their willingness for ‘development’ given a chance